Small labia growth. Why are papillomas in the labia area dangerous? Types of HPV manifestations

  • Reasons for education
  • Clinic of the disease
  • Diagnosis and treatment

Some skin diseases located in piquant places are not treated recklessly by people. One of these diseases includes perianal warts - growths similar to warts and mainly located in the genital area. Such a neoplasm requires mandatory treatment!

Reasons for education

Men are more likely to pay attention to genital warts. Growths are localized on the head, extreme raft, near the urethra, and sometimes on its inner walls. In the anus, skin growths usually occur in representatives of non-traditional orientation.

The appearance of genital warts varies: when diagnosing the disease, you can see four types of manifestations of the virus on the genitals. These are pointed, flat, papular and keratinizing forms. In most cases, genital warts do not occur singly: they are several formations that gradually combine into tumor-like growths, similar to cauliflower inflorescences on a narrow stalk. Blood vessels pass through the leg to the formation, through which the genital neoplasms feed and, accordingly, grow.

The female genital organs look like a whitish outgrowth with an uneven surface rising above the surface of the skin. Anal warts, located in the rectum, have a pinkish tint. Perianal condylomas are in the folds of the skin, undergoing constant maceration, their surface becomes bright red, unbearable itching and soreness appear.

Neoplasms of the genital organs can interfere with a full sexual life, cause pain, bleed. They also cause psychological problems - the sick do not immediately decide to see a doctor, refuse sexual intercourse, depression appears. Condylomas on the labia and in general on the female genital organ can interfere with the normal course of childbirth and lead to the infection of the baby with the virus.

Particularly rapidly grow and become infected skin growths on the genitals in patients with diabetes mellitus, with immunodeficiency states. Neoplasms on the genitals can move into the region of the inguinal folds, in rare cases, to the stomach.

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Questions and answers for: condyloma on the labia

2014-01-12 19:30:17

Catherine asks:

Hello! I have genital warts on the labia. The doctor prescribed me antibiotics, imunofan, douching, spray, suppositories. After 2 days of taking the medicines, my condyloma darkened and became dark in color. What does it mean?

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

Hello Ekaterina! Most likely, a change in the color of genital warts does not mean anything at all. The therapy prescribed for you is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process that occurs in the organs of the reproductive system, and at increasing the body's ability to resist the effects of infectious agents that cause the appearance of genital warts. Even if the treatment is most effective, warts will have to be removed surgically. Take care of your health!

2016-03-04 20:33:11

Inga asks:

Hello! Today I was diagnosed with genital warts under the labia minora, they are very small and there are two of them. Until this day, I had never heard of them. For me yesterday was the first time oral sex with my partner, as he had with me. Could I infect my partner? .And please tell me in what terms this virus manifests itself. The man is an athlete, does not smoke or drink. Thank you very much.


Hello Inga! Sexual contact, including oral, with a carrier of papillomavirus can lead to infection of a healthy partner. The timing of the manifestation of HPV infection has not been determined, in some people it never manifests itself (asymptomatic carriage), in others, the symptoms of infection appear at different times (mainly against the background of a decrease in immunity activity. Read more about human papillomavirus infection in the article on our medical portal. Take care health!

2015-03-29 07:45:18

Hope asks:

Good afternoon! I am 35 years old for the last 5 years burning of large and small labia. Periodically, an abscess appears on the labia majora! Bakes strongly symptoms of cystitis are present! I passed on chlamydia, I treated positively for a long time with more than one doctor, I was at the Department of Infectious Diseases and they said that they were already in a chronic form to treat enough! Condylomata appeared. They did not reveal a papilloma virus infection. The oncogenic infection was not detected. The condylomas were removed, it still bakes! Two months ago, I had an operation, they moved the urethra! and it still bakes! ureplasma is negative. The discharge is colorless and odorless! I'm already tormented, can you advise something.

Responsible Hovhannisyan Karine Eduardovna:

Hello Hope! Our question is difficult to answer without examination. My assumptions: The pustule on the lip is a herpetic rash. You have not written anything by what methods you are examined. Chronic chlamydia will not give such a burning sensation. If you have not taken an analysis for Trichomonas by culture, be sure to pass (on the last day of the menstrual cycle) from the vagina and urine. Especially since you have condylomas. If trichomonas is not detected in you, let your sexual partner give up, but only sperm and after provocation. And yet, bacterial seeding on other types of microbes, incl. and candida infection.

2013-08-15 20:35:19

Lana asks:

Hello, I am 27 years old. After examination, genital warts were found on the posterior commissure of the labia, and flat condylomas of a cellular structure with fields of leukoplakia were found on the left and right labia. The result of the biopsy is a simple leukoplakia of the vulva, condylomas of the vulva. Positive analysis for herpes. HPV -16,18,31,33-negative. They did not do a general HPV. Cytology-AK was not found. I read that vulvar leukoplakia is not curable. Whether prompt there is a hope for a normal life, whether it is possible to cure it?

Responsible Stitch Marina Petrovna:

It is unfortunate that leukoplakia was found at this age, it is more common in older women in the premenopausal and menopausal period. Although it is incurable, its progression can be kept for a long period with special treatment. In addition, it is possible that you had it removed during a biopsy, an examination is necessary.

2012-06-20 17:53:24

Christine asks:

Hello. I am 20 years old. I found a small condyloma on the outer labia. I am in the US and. I have the opportunity to contact the doctor in the near future. I would really like to get rid of her as soon as possible, because she drives me into depression)) could you help me with a pallet of the drug. Since it is problematic for me to find the right analogue for our drugs. thanks a lot

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello, without a doctor's prescription, you will not be able to purchase a drug for the removal of condyloma in the USA. Therefore, either calm down and wait for the return, or find an opportunity to visit a doctor.

2011-04-09 20:21:59

Oksana asks:

Hello. I am 44 years old. Two weeks ago, I discovered a small formation on the labia majora, like a match head, flesh-colored, soft. There is an itch. Was on reception at the gynecologist. The gynecologist after examination diagnosed genital warts. Has appointed or nominated to spend on drink an antibiotic, hepaprotectors. And a month later, come back for an appointment. There was no mention of removal. I wanted to clarify whether it is necessary to remove such formations? Is there onco-alertness in condylomas? And what other ways are there to treat such formations? A week has passed after visiting the doctor, but it seems to me that they have increased a little and those places itch :(. And tell me please, where in Kyiv can I get a diagnosis and treatment of such formations? Thank you and with respect

Responsible Sergienko Alena Nikolaevna:

Hello. I can offer my help, my tel.

2010-03-16 21:04:03

Lily asks:

Hello!! =)
I have had HPV for about 3 years (I have been treated for the same amount). The last time I had a general HPV test in November was negative. but at that time I noticed condyloma next to the vagina. the analysis was negative and the urologist did not say anything about her, did not attach any importance. in January, she again went to the urologist, warts were found inside the vagina (small but many, as the doctor said, she removed it there and the one that was nearby was also removed) prescribed candles terzhinal (or terzhinan) then St. tenferon. Literally after 5 days I noticed a condyloma on the outer labia ... it seems like I removed everything ... and in the process of treatment, so to speak, I got out ... =(
questions: do they really go out on the skin so quickly?
how long do they generally form on the skin? (how long do they come out)
maybe this is if the doctor suddenly RANDOMLY misses one condyloma they will grow again?
!!!if now in modern medicine the means completely rid of this virus???!!

also in January, a young man was tested negative. Are there any means, so to speak, for prevention so that he does not get infected from me?
and if he gets infected, then he, too, can get condylomas in a couple of days? or not?

Can this condylomka (which came out on the outside of the labia) be contagious for a partner?

thank you very much in advance. I will be very grateful for your answers. =)

2010-02-01 00:00:28

Tatyana asks:

Hello. I would like an answer to my question. On the large labia (inside) found a seal. The doctor said it was condyloma. Unless condylomas happen inside?

2015-10-31 10:44:42

Arina asks:

Hello! I really hope you can tell me!
I am 24 years old. I just started having sex with my husband without a condom, I caught a cold and got sick with cystitis, there was a strong watery discharge and my genitals were sprinkled, it looks like herpes. After treatment, I passed the tests:
IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus - 8.0 (normal 0-40); IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus - 18.2 (normal: negative result - less than 0.8; indeterminate result - 0.8-1.0; positive result - more than 1).
Ureaplasma-detected; C. trachomatis - not updated; M.genetalium - not updated; CMV - not detected; HPV 16 and 18t - not detected.
1. My husband gets herpes on his lip pertodically! I have never had it. Does this mean that he gave me herpes? We are each other's first sexual partners! Can we exercise after treatment without a condom, and when? And if infections are detected Can I have oral sex after treatment?
2. At the age of 19, I had condylomas removed, as I understand it, what does he or I have this virus, but why was HPV 16 and 18 not detected then or now ??
3. We are planning children, when will it be possible to stay and what needs to be done before that? Whether it is necessary to hand over what that analyzes to the husband? Should I donate sperm to him?
4. I would like to be sure of the correctness of the treatment. Here is what my doctor prescribed for me and my husband from the detected infections (ureoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus):
1 course: Azithromycin 3 days
2 course: Valtrex 5 days
Candles Genferon 10 days
3rd course: Protiflazid 10 days
Thanks in advance!!!

Genital warts are nothing more than bodily outgrowths or warts, which, as a rule, form in the area of ​​​​the external genitalia and anus. Condylomatosis is an inflammatory disease that very often develops in women.

The culprit is the notorious human papillomavirus. When genital warts appear, their intensive growth and spread cannot be delayed, you should consult a specialist, because this disease may become the initiator of cervical cancer in the future.


Why do genital warts appear, and what is it? The causative agent - DNA-containing, or warts - HPV, belongs to the genus of papillomaviruses. ‘

According to various sources, from 15 to 30% of women are asymptomatic carriers, and in one organism there may be not one, but several viral strains at once. The virus can stay in the body for a long time without manifesting itself clinically, and only as a result of exposure to predisposing factors, it becomes activated.

In total, there are 2 types of genital warts that can appear in a woman:

  1. Flat . Most often they are located on the cervix, are practically invisible to the eye and are detected only by special techniques. Therein lies their danger. If not removed in time, such condylomas can cause cervical cancer.
  2. Pointed. They are found in women on the mucosa of the large and small labia, around the clitoris, the entrance to the urethra and around the anus. Genital warts in women can also be localized on the walls of the vagina or urethra, as well as on the skin of the thighs, buttocks and inguinal regions. The same form have and condylomas of the rectum.

Papillomavirus infection in the case of the development of genital warts is transmitted sexually (hetero- and homosexual contacts, oral and anal intercourse). You can become infected with warts and when using shared towels, linen and other things, that is, in a domestic way. Although this mode of transmission is considered doubtful by some researchers.

Predisposing factors to the formation of growths on the skin and mucous membranes are the following conditions:

  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • trauma to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • nervous strain, accompanied by stress;
  • bad habits;
  • regular lack of sleep/malnutrition;
  • hormonal changes;
  • freezing or overheating of the body;
  • pregnancy, as a condition in which the immune system is suppressed.

People with strong immunity can be carriers of this virus all their lives, but never get sick. However, if growths on the skin and mucous membranes nevertheless appear, the woman should understand that they will not disappear on their own, which means that they should seek medical help as soon as possible. Treatment of genital warts should primarily be directed not to the removal of the growths themselves, but to the cause of their appearance, that is, to the human papillomavirus.


If a woman has genital warts, the very first symptoms are the appearance of small, up to several millimeters, formations in typical places in the anogenital region (see photo).

Such neoplasms accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • burning, itching;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the affected area;
  • in the area of ​​condyloma there is a constant feeling of moisture;
  • the appearance of a persistent fetid odor;
  • sometimes painful symptoms and spotting may appear if the integrity of the condylomas is violated.

Condylomas are most often located in the labia, urethra, vagina, cervix, anus and perineum. Very rarely they appear in the throat and oral cavity, on the wall of the urethra.

The incubation period, that is, the period of time from the moment of infection to the onset of the first manifestations, is different, from several months to several years, and depends on the state of the body's immune system. As soon as the woman's defenses are weakened, HPV activates, "drills" the surface layer of the epithelium - the epidermis and comes out in the form of condyloma.

Genital warts reaches its full size in just a few hours - from 2 to 6 mm. With excessive development of neoplasm tissues, sometimes there is a lack of nutrition and then the condyloma disappears on its own. As a rule, several genital warts appear at once, in some cases their number is several dozen. Rarely, condylomas appear within a few days.

In addition to physical discomfort, genital warts cause a woman a lot of psychological problems, forming an inferiority complex in her. Especially when they cause rejection and disgust in a partner. Growing, neoplasms interfere with sexual intercourse, they can be injured and bleed. All this makes a woman give up sexual life and creates an unfavorable situation in the family.

Condylomas in women: photo

To understand what flat or genital warts look like in women, we offer detailed photos for viewing.

As you can see, neoplasms have different sizes and shapes. Genital warts look like papillae on a thinner stalk, merging with each other, they become like a rooster's comb or cauliflower. Flat warts are in the form of beds, they are more difficult to detect without the use of special diagnostics if they are located on the cervix.


Diagnosis of the disease in a woman is quite simple. After a thorough history and complaints, the doctor examines the anogenital region, the vaginal mucosa and cervix. If the diagnosis leaves no doubt, then a colposcopy is performed to detect flat condyloma, and even cervical cancer.

To clarify the diagnosis, testing for the presence of the human papillomavirus is carried out. This method is called PCR. Its results give the doctor the opportunity to understand the ways the disease enters the patient's body and obtain quantitative characteristics, determine the type of microorganism that caused the disease. There are 8 main types of HPV that can cause warts.

During pregnancy

In pregnant women infected with the papillomavirus, neoplasms often reach large sizes, grow, and become loose. This is explained by a change in the hormonal background, increased blood circulation in the tissues, and a change in the environment of the vagina.

Papillomavirus infection poses a danger to the fetus, since infection of the child during childbirth can occur. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, doctors recommend doing an HPV test.

Treatment of genital warts in women

Despite the painlessness of warts, in general, they are very unpleasant in appearance and interfere with a full-fledged intimate life. Therefore, when growths appear in the perineal region, it is better to undergo treatment, because it is possible to get rid of them through hardware exposure.

The list of the most effective and widely used treatments for warts includes:

  1. Thermocoagulation. It involves burning condylomas, which die and collapse due to high temperature. During the procedure, the patient feels pain, so it is always performed under local anesthesia. From the growth, a scab first forms, and then healthy tissue grows under it. This operation requires a coagulator and special equipment. This method is quite efficient.
  2. Cryodestruction. The essence of this method is the destruction of tissues damaged by warts with liquid nitrogen.
  3. Laser destruction. The method consists in the destruction of the neoplasm by exposing it to a surgical laser.
  4. Radiosurgical method. Condylomas are destroyed by a narrowly directed high-frequency radio wave. This method is very effective and safe. On the affected area after this procedure, there is a clean skin without any scars, and the complete healing of tissues practically occurs within 24 hours.
  5. Chemolysis. Often, during the chemical burning of genital warts, agents are used, the active substance of which is nitric acid.

Modern medicine has not yet developed a method that will completely destroy HPV. Treatment is based on alleviating the patient's condition (by removing genital warts) and increasing the time interval between relapses. The virus persists around the site of neoplasms on apparently healthy skin, so relapses are usually associated with the activation of the virus and its reproduction.

Conservative treatment

The use of drugs for the treatment of genital warts is possible with their small size. The treatment is carried out by the patient on her own at home, but an examination and consultation of a gynecologist before it starts is mandatory.

  1. Imiquimod (Aldara cream 4000 RUB, Keravort 2000 RUB) is a prescription drug for external use in the treatment of external genital warts in the perianal and genital area (for people over 12 years old). The course of treatment is long, side effects at the site of application: erosion, swelling, itching, burning, redness, scab formation, fluid release. Imiquimod should be used every other day (3 times/week), removing with soap and water 10 hours after application.
  2. Podophyllotoxin, Condiline Nycomed- they are applied twice a day with a special applicator attached to the preparation. Between applications, it is important to maintain a 12-hour interval. After a 3-day treatment, they take a break for four days and continue treatment until the warts are completely eliminated. Due to the toxicity of the drug, the treated area should be minimal (max. 10 cm2).

Conservative therapy of condylomatosis involves the use of pharmaceutical agents that cause necrotic changes in tissues. The choice of method of treatment in each case is determined only by a specialist.

Condyloma is a benign neoplasm of the papillary or warty type. It can occur as a result of exposure to the human papillomavirus. According to HPV statistics, it occurs in 80% of women, but its clinical manifestations in the form of condylomas occur in only 3%. Various factors can provoke their growth: weakened immunity, pregnancy, improper hygiene. Treatment of genital warts in women is a set of measures for their safe removal and support of the body. Therapy is prescribed taking into account the cause of the neoplasm.

What are warts?

Condylomas (translated from Greek - tumor, outgrowth) are outgrowths that represent an overgrown epithelial papillary layer of the surface of the skin, mucous membranes. Neoplasms look different depending on the type. It provokes the appearance of outgrowths of the papillomatous virus, which occurs in 80% of women. More than 100 varieties of HPV have been identified, some of them are relatively safe, while others provoke cancer.

As a rule, the size of genital warts does not exceed 2 centimeters, although in rare cases there are outgrowths of a larger size. Neoplasms often appear in intimate places (on the small lips, on the walls of the vagina, in the anus). Often, condylomatosis affects the urethra (urethra), causing unpleasant painful symptoms. The need and type of treatment for this disease in women depends on the stage of development of genital warts, on the presence or absence of oncogenic danger.

What do warts look like (PHOTO)

IMPORTANT: If you suspect condylomatosis in women, the photo of which you see above, immediately seek help from a qualified specialist (in order to avoid cervical cancer).

Types of genital warts

The papillomavirus manifests itself in three forms - latent, clinical and subclinical. They differ in symptoms, external manifestations of condylomatosis. All warts are genital warts and are divided into four types - typical genital, hyperkeratotic, papular, flat.

Forms in which different types of neoplasms occur:

  • Latent. In this case, structural changes in the epithelium do not occur, the virus does not manifest itself in any way, there are no symptoms. The first signs of infection appear when the disease becomes conical. It can be discovered randomly during routine tests.
  • Clinical. It is characterized by the appearance of typical genital, hyperkeratotic, papular warts. The pointed variety of condylomatosis is an outgrowth with a short stalk. They are easy to distinguish from other varieties in the photo (they resemble a head of cauliflower in shape). Outgrowths can be single or multiple. Hyperkeratotic neoplasm is characterized by horny layering, localized on the labia. Papular condylomas look like warts with a smooth surface of a round shape, the leg is absent, the outgrowth protrudes slightly.
  • subclinical. With it, condylomas of a flat type appear. Neoplasms look like spots that do not protrude above the surface of the epithelium, which are difficult to notice.

Separately, a variety of wide condyloma Bushke-Levenshtein is distinguished. This is a large neoplasm that appears as a result of the fusion of condylomatous outgrowths. Such a condyloma is growing rapidly, destroying the tissues under its base, and is characterized by the release of sticky mucus. A neoplasm rarely transforms into a malignant tumor.


Genital warts appear in the clinical form of the virus and are localized mainly on the small and large labia, at the entrance to the vagina, on the skin around the anus, less often in the cervix, and still occur on the mucous membranes in the mouth. The color of exophytic formations is flesh, red, crimson, light pink. Genital warts in women are often accompanied by unpleasant and painful symptoms.


Endophytic (flat) warts are almost invisible, usually localized in the cervix, but can also be in the vagina. This type represents a high oncogenic danger. If endophytic formations are detected, a woman needs to be tested, since a flat variety of genital warts is the main cause of cervical cancer.

Causes of genital warts in women

Condylomas in women appear due to the papillomavirus, which may not manifest itself for a long time. For various reasons, it is activated, changes the cellular structure, which is subsequently converted into outgrowths. Cell changes are invisible to the naked eye at the initial stage, so condylomatosis is diagnosed already in clinical form or during routine tests. Most women who are sexually active have a virus disease; in childhood, the infection can penetrate through abrasions and scratches. What causes condylomas with HPV:

  1. Weakened immunity due to taking medications (antibiotics, antibacterial agents), beriberi, HIV infection, unbalanced diets, cancer, stress, pregnancy;
  2. Hormonal changes, lack of vitamins, physical exhaustion in the postpartum period;
  3. Neglect of contraceptives during sexual intercourse with unverified partners;
  4. Unprotected sexual intercourse with a person infected with the virus;
  5. Lack of personal hygiene of proper quality;
  6. Infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact;
  7. Hormonal disorders;
  8. Smoking (constant use of tobacco reduces immune functions, contributes to changes in the epithelial layer of the cervix).

The virus can enter a woman's body in many ways. The most common is unprotected oral-genital, anogenital, sexual contact. The risk of infection in this case reaches 80%. Also, infection can occur when the fetus passes through the birth canal during childbirth, if there are pointed outgrowths on the mucous membranes of the mother. Some doctors argue that it is possible to become infected through the household way - through the use of common things (linen, towels), but most modern scientists question this option.

Diagnostic methods

During diagnosis in women, condylomas must be differentiated from cancers. During the appointment, the doctor collects anamnesis from the patient, then examines the genitals, cervix. If the preliminary diagnosis is condylomatosis, further examinations are necessary. To understand whether warts are dangerous, a woman must pass a series of tests:

  • PCR. A smear for examination is taken from the walls of the cervix and from the mucous membrane of the vagina. The analysis is reliable, but if the conditions are violated, it can give a false result. Often other tests are performed with PCR.
  • Digene test. Performed to test for virus concentrations that are clinically significant. It allows you to identify the degree of oncogenicity. The study is carried out together with a cytological analysis.
  • Cytological analysis. The test helps to identify structural changes in cells that appear during the development of the disease.
  • Colposcopy. Identifies the lesion, determines the general condition of the tissues, helps to find malignant tumors, takes a smear for diagnosis.
  • Blood analysis for HIV, syphilis.
  • Biopsy. A piece of tissue is taken to examine areas where there is a suspicion of oncology.
  • Urocytoscopy. It is carried out with suspicion of condylomas of the urethra.
  • Endoscopy. It is carried out with suspicion of warts in the anus.

Symptoms of condylomatosis

The first time after the virus enters the body of a woman, the disease is asymptomatic. This period can take from a couple of months to several years - it all depends on the state of the immune system. Due to hormonal disorders, weakening of the immune system, the virus becomes clinical and condylomas appear in the female genital area. Symptoms of condylomatosis:

  • that occur during the growth of the epithelium (5-6 hours);
  • the formation of noticeable genital warts of small size, with a thin stalk, which have a bumpy structure to the touch (after the formation of formations, discomfort in the form of itching and burning disappears);
  • flesh, light pink, crimson, red outgrowths;
  • irritation, bleeding;
  • painful urination if there are multiple warts in the urethra;
  • pain during bowel movements, bloody discharge, itching with formations in the rectum;
  • increased secretion of whites;
  • putrid smell of vaginal discharge if warts are damaged (possible discharge with blood impurities, blood after sexual contact).

When formed on the epithelial layer of the perineum, condylomas in women do not cause any discomfort, except for an unpleasant appearance. The appearance of flat neoplasms is asymptomatic, which makes it difficult to make a diagnosis and prevents the appointment of immediate treatment for the subclinical form of condylomatosis, which in many cases leads to the development of oncological processes.

Treatment methods for warts in women

At the initial stage of condylomas, after their formation, as a rule, they do not cause discomfort, except for aesthetic ones, so the woman determines the need for treatment herself. If the doctor suspects that they have become malignant, the outgrowths show intensive growth, or there are painful symptoms, venereal warts must be removed. The procedure is carried out in five main ways: laser beam removal, radiosurgical treatment, thermocoagulation, chemo- and cryodestruction.

Removal of genital warts with a laser beam

The laser method of treating warts in women shows high efficiency. During the procedure, a laser beam acts on the condylomas, which literally evaporates them, leaving a scab in their place. A few days after the operation, he departs by itself. The advantages of laser treatment are accessibility, simplicity, point impact that does not damage nearby tissues.

Radiosurgical removal of genital warts

The radiosurgery method is well suited for the treatment of condylomatosis. During the procedure, a special device with a beam of high-frequency radio waves acts on the location of the genital warts in a woman. This allows you to remove formations without damaging nearby tissues. The method is highly accurate, almost painless, takes no more than half an hour.


During thermocoagulation treatment, warts are exposed to high temperatures. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, as it is painful. With this method of treatment, the formations are burned, after cauterization, only a scab remains, which falls off after a few days. The main advantages of this procedure are low cost and high efficiency.

Method of chemical destruction

A chemo-destructive method of treatment is the removal of condyloma in a woman with the help of chemicals that destroy the outgrowth tissue. Nitric acid is used as the active ingredient. The procedure is carried out several times until the complete treatment of genital warts. The method is cheap and effective, but can take a long time.


Cryodestruction helps to cure condylomatous formations in women by exposure to low temperature liquid nitrogen. The outgrowths are cauterized with a drug, after which their tissue is destroyed. This method of treatment is cheap, but it requires high professionalism of the attending physician, otherwise, with inaccurate processing, burns may occur.

Possible Complications

After removal of condyloma, complications may occur in the form of bleeding, narrowing of the cervical canal (during laser treatment). Chemical cauterization can leave scars, the risk of recurrence of the disease is high. If the removal procedure was carried out by an inexperienced doctor, the following complications are possible: infection in the tissues, damage to healthy skin areas, suppuration.

Treatment of genital warts with folk remedies at home

To date, the treatment of genital warts is carried out by surgical and conservative methods. Conservative treatment includes the use of special medicines (tonic, for immunity) suppositories, ointments. However, there are dozens of folk remedies that help get rid of the manifestations of a viral disease. How to treat warts in women at home:

  1. Treatment with garlic juice. Every day, the formation is smeared with a drop of garlic juice. Another option is to apply a piece of garlic to the condyloma, trying not to affect nearby tissues, glue a patch on top and leave it overnight.
  2. Treatment with tincture of celandine or fresh juice of the plant. Three times a day, the remedy is applied to warts. For one procedure, a woman needs to repeat the application two to three times.
  3. Egg treatment. The protein is separated from the yolk, the areas of the skin affected by warts are lubricated with the protein mass. Can be used two to three times a day.

Features of the treatment of condyloma during pregnancy

Pregnant women often develop warts. This is due to hormonal changes, beriberi, possible stress, weakened immunity. If the outgrowths of a woman do not show intensive growth, treatment is prescribed in rare cases. After childbirth, when the body recovers, such warts may disappear on their own. Removal is carried out by laser or cryodestruction, drugs against viruses are contraindicated for women in position.

The occurrence of warts on the labia in women is caused by an infectious disease, the causative agent of which is the human papillomavirus, transmitted during sexual contact. It is very important to treat this pathology in a timely manner, since in many cases warts indicate a precancerous condition. The most popular method of getting rid of these neoplasms is cryodestruction.

According to statistics, papillomavirus is present in the body of every fifth woman on the planet, which may not manifest itself for a long time and cause no signs of pathology. But when the immune system is weakened, the disease begins to progress, characteristic symptoms appear. Genital warts on the labia usually indicate the penetration of the human papillomavirus into the female body.

There are papillomaviruses with increased oncogenic activity, and the result of their destructive activity may be the development of such pathologies as erosion or cervical cancer, dysplasia. Therefore, with the formation of genital warts in intimate places, immediate medical attention is required.

In addition to genital warts, flat or subcutaneous condylomas may appear on the female inner lips, developing inside the epithelial layers. Such growths are a much greater danger, since they cause significant changes in the tissues, and they also more often develop into malignant neoplasms if not treated in time.

Condylomas on the labia minora can be seen in detail in the photo.

Causes of pathology

There are several provoking factors due to which condylomas of the labia appear in women:

  1. Early or promiscuous sex life;
  2. Weakening of immunity caused by systemic diseases;
  3. Insufficient hygiene of the genital organs;
  4. Unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the virus;
  5. Inflammatory processes occurring in the genitourinary system;
  6. Low stress resistance;
  7. Injury to the external genital organs;
  8. Surgical interventions;
  9. Pregnancy;
  10. Venereal diseases;
  11. Wrong lifestyle;
  12. Long-term use of hormonal medications.

All these conditions are only risk factors, and the main reason for the development of the disease is close contact with an infected person.


The incubation period for the disease under consideration in each woman can last from two to three months to several years. It all depends on the state of the immune system. Even with a slight weakening of the immune system, the virus becomes active, causing the formation of warts in the genital area.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the appearance of small growths on the female small and large lips. At the very beginning of the disease, their dimensions reach only a few millimeters, and as they grow, the warts join together and become similar to cauliflower. With the location of genital warts on the female genitalia, it seems that the labia have torn edges.

A feature of these neoplasms is that they grow very quickly, literally within a few hours. At the same time, most infected women experience discomfort, itching and a slight burning sensation, which disappear after the final formation of genital warts. These growths cause a lot of inconvenience during intercourse, interfere with normal delivery, and are also injured and bleed when wearing tight underwear. The result of this is often an increase in their growth, and there is also a threat of penetration into the body of a secondary infection.

If a woman has diabetes or immunodeficiency, genital warts grow much more actively and are more likely to become infected.

Wide warts in women

In addition to pointed growths, wide warts can form on the female labia minora and labia majora, the appearance of which is caused by a pathogen called treponema pallidum. Wide condylomas usually indicate a secondary period of syphilis, and their presence suggests that a person has been infected with pale treponema for a long time.

There are differences between wide and pointed formations:

  • The pointed wart has a narrow base or stalk, as opposed to a wide one;
  • A wide condyloma has a smooth surface, and a pointed lobed;
  • The color of condyloma, provoked by the human papillomavirus, has a flesh or pale pink color, and the growths with syphilis are bright red.

Wide warts can occur not only on the labia, but also on the walls of the vagina, in the cervical region. In order to find out how much the disease has spread, you need to contact a gynecologist who will conduct a visual examination, as well as prescribe additional diagnostic procedures, for example, an examination with an ultrasound scanner, laboratory tests.

Both sexual partners should consult a doctor and undergo treatment at the same time, since the main route of transmission of the disease is sexual intercourse. It is not excluded also infection by the contact-household way.


If you find suspicious formations in yourself, an appeal to a gynecologist is mandatory. Examination by a doctor includes the following procedures:

  • Examination in the gynecological chair;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Examination of a smear taken from the cervical canal;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • Histology;
  • Test for the presence of antibodies to HPV in the blood.

Another reliable diagnostic method is exposure to acetic acid. The mucous membrane of the labia of a woman is treated with an acetic solution. The result of this is spasm of the vessel that feeds the skin growth. After a short period of time, condylomas brighten and stand out against the general background, making it possible to find out their exact number and size. Even subcutaneous formations located in the deep layers are determined.

Patients with genital warts should be examined comprehensively to exclude the presence of syphilis, HIV, and other sexually transmitted infections.

Treatment and removal of genital warts

In medicine, several effective methods are used to eliminate the symptoms of the pathology in question:

  • Drug treatment involving the use of antiviral drugs and immunomodulators (Immunal, Groprinosin, Cycloferon). Such measures contribute to the fact that the body begins to actively fight the viral infection.
  • Treatment with local preparations that help get rid of warts on the genitals, and also protect the mucous membrane of the labia minora from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria (Epigen spray, infusion of echinacea, ginseng, etc.)
  • Removal of genital warts using various methods, among which physicians especially distinguish cryodestruction or the use of liquid nitrogen.

It is preferable to carry out complex treatment, take antiviral medications, use local treatment agents at the same time. The use of any medicinal product is permissible only as prescribed by the doctor.

When the disease is neglected, it is better to remove neoplasms in the way that the attending physician chooses. In addition to cryodestruction, radiosurgery, removal with laser beams, cauterization with electric current, chemical coagulation using solutions of Bonafton, Solcoderm, Kondilin are used.

After removing the warts, the resulting wounds should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile decoction, calendula infusion, miramistin, furatsilin. To eliminate pain, you can take a tablet of Ketorol, Ibuprofen. During the entire recovery period, it is important to observe thorough intimate hygiene.

Among folk methods of treatment, such remedies as grated garlic, celandine juice, juniper alcohol tincture, horseradish gruel with salt are especially popular. Many prefer to be treated with ordinary iodine, regularly lubricating the affected areas on the genitals with it. Inside, you can take an infusion of burdock, a decoction of the root of elecampane, tea from lemon balm.

During the entire course of treatment, it is necessary to completely exclude sexual intercourse in order to prevent the attachment of infection and the development of inflammation, as well as the spread of condylomas to other parts of the epidermis and mucous membrane.

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