Malavit in gynecology. Use during pregnancy and lactation. Contraceptive vaginal cream

Vulvitis is an inflammation of the external genitalia of a woman caused by pathogenic bacteria or fungi. Large and small lips, mucous membranes of the vestibule of the vagina, clitoris, hymen, Bartholin's glands are infected.

With localized inflammation of the labia, local treatment with ointments is prescribed. Select drugs depending on the cause of the disease. If the pathology was provoked by a fungal infection, then an ointment with a fungicidal effect is prescribed; in case of bacterial infection, the treatment of the genitals is carried out with antibacterial agents. Hormonal and wound healing ointments relieve the inflammatory process, swelling, accelerate the regeneration of mucous membranes, and normalize the work of the Bartholin glands.

The advantage of using external preparations is the effect directly on the lesion. This method of treatment rarely causes the development of side effects, makes it possible to carry out therapy in girls, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Antifungal ointments

Candidiasis vulvitis is caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida. Women are concerned about itching, burning in the genital area, whitish discharge of a curdled consistency appears. Small rashes and erosions form on the mucous membranes.

How to treat vulvitis with ointments - the gynecologist will explain after the examination and laboratory tests of the vaginal discharge. Women who are sexually active are usually prescribed vaginal suppositories, but this method of treatment is not suitable for virgins.

An alternative option is the use of external ointments with antimycotics.

  • Clotrimazole cream is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment for vulvitis is 1-2 weeks. The drug can be injected deep into the vagina, 5 mg 1 time per day, this therapy gives results within 3 days. The pharmacological action of Clotrimazole is based on the destruction of fungal cells, the drug is active against yeast and mold fungi, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. When administered intravaginally, the cream may cause irritation, swelling, itching and mucous discharge from the vagina.

  • Pimafucin ointment is applied to previously cleaned genitals 4 times a day, the duration of therapy for vulvitis depends on the severity of the disease, external treatment is continued for another 4 days after the disappearance of the clinical symptoms of candidiasis. The active substance of Pumafucin is natamycin, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, fungi of the genus Candida are especially sensitive to it. The ointment rarely causes side effects, it is allowed to use it for pregnant and lactating mothers.

  • Candide is an ointment for vulvitis for women, which has a fungicidal, antibacterial and antiprotozoal effect. The drug is applied to washed, dry skin of the genital organs 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days. The cream can not be used during menstruation, in the first trimester of pregnancy, with individual intolerance.

  • Nystatin ointment is effective against Candida fungi that cause thrush symptoms. The drug is recommended for use in order to prevent prolonged use of antibiotics, chronic mycotic infections. The cream is applied to the external genitalia or administered intravaginally. The duration of treatment for vulvitis is 7-10 days, with chronic forms of the disease - 20-30 days.

Before applying ointments, the skin of the genital organs is washed with intimate hygiene gels or treated with antiseptic solutions (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine) and dried. The medicine is evenly distributed on the affected areas and gently rubbed. If symptoms of irritation, swelling and severe itching appear, stop using this drug.

Hormonal ointments

Treatment of vulvitis in adolescents, during menopause and with an allergic nature of the pathology, is carried out with ointments with corticosteroids. During puberty, hormonal changes occur in the girl's body, against this background, the work of the Bartholin glands may be disrupted, vaginal dryness, microflora disturbance, and vulvitis develops.

  • Hydrocortisone ointment is prescribed for allergic reactions, inflammation of non-bacterial etiology, mechanical injuries of the vulva. The drug relieves swelling, reduces itching and redness, inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. The duration of treatment depends on the form of the disease, on average it is 6-14 days.

  • Ovestin therapeutic cream contains the hormone estriol, lactic acid and chlorhexidine. The drug compensates for estrogen deficiency in women during menopause, eliminates dry mucous membranes, normalizes the functioning of the reproductive organs, and relieves inflammation symptoms.

Treatment of vulvitis in women with ointments with glucocorticosteroids should be prescribed by a doctor after an examination and testing for estrogen levels in the blood. Self-administration of such drugs can lead to the development of uterine bleeding, menstrual irregularities and other complications.

Antibacterial ointments

Infectious vulvitis is treated after determining the causative agent of the disease. There are specific and nonspecific forms of the disease. The first type includes trichomonas, gonococcal infections, chlamydia and mycobacterium tuberculosis. A nonspecific form of pathology develops against the background of infection with Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci.

Antibacterial ointments include:

  • Synthomycin ointment inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, relieves pain, and quickly reduces inflammation. The duration of use for vulvitis is 7-10 days.

  • Cream Triderm has an anti-inflammatory, fungicidal, antibacterial effect, the active substances of the drug are clotrimazole, gentamicin and betamethasone. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, the ointment is used in combination with systemic antibiotics. It is contraindicated to treat the genitals for pregnant women in the first trimester, children under 2 years of age and with individual intolerance.

  • Ointment Levosin has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial action. Such a remedy even treats purulent forms of vulvitis. How to use the ointment correctly, the gynecologist will explain.

  • Erythromycin ointment contains a bacteriostatic macrolide antibiotic - erythromycin. The drug is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and also destroys strains resistant to other classes of antibiotics. The course of therapy is from 3 to 14 days, depending on the form of the disease.

Treatment of vulvitis of bacterial etiology is carried out in a complex manner, local treatment of the genital organs with ointments, oral administration of antibiotics, vitamins, bifidobacteria is required.

Healing ointments

  • Vaginorm C accelerates the healing of the mucous membrane, normalizes the microflora, pH level, increases local immunity, protects the reproductive organs from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. The drug can be used to prevent recurrence of chronic vulvitis.

  • Cream Actovegin is made from the blood of cattle, is used in gynecology to restore the acid-base balance of the vagina, accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, and improve trophism.

  • Ointment Radevit has healing, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties. Softens and moisturizes the skin, enhances its protective properties.

Ointments that accelerate the regeneration of mucous membranes are used for 3-4 weeks, until the soft tissues of the external genital organs are completely restored.

Local treatment of vulvitis in women with ointments as monotherapy is effective only in the initial stages. Advanced forms of bacterial or fungal infection are treated with oral antibiotics, antimycotics, and topical vaginal creams. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

A drug called Malavit is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It contains only natural substances that provide complete chemical safety: oak bark, mummy, a complex of silver and copper, as well as organic acids, gum, birch and pine buds, cedar resin and water from natural sources.

Release form

This drug in its pure form is poured into glass bottles made of dark glass, after which it is placed in a box with detailed instructions. In addition, there are various shampoos, toothpastes, and children's hygiene products that are made on the basis of malavit. You can also find ointments, gels and creams of this composition, they are used to treat blood vessels and joints.

Malavit is used for cystitis, fungus, acute inflammation, gynecological diseases. It helps with the bites of various insects, as well as with physical injuries (fractures, bruises, sprains and other injuries). Malavit is quite effective for thermal effects (frostbite, burns), as well as for diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, periodontal disease), and neurological problems.

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, Malavit can be used in many ways. Douching is used, at a concentration of 1 tablespoon per glass of water. You can do therapeutic baths, at the rate of 15 drops of the drug per glass of water.

In addition, you can insert a swab moistened with a solution (20 ml per glass of water) of Malavit into the vagina for 4 hours. The solution must be used within 24 hours, after which it will lose its medicinal properties. Be sure to shake the medicine bottle thoroughly before each use.

Malavit cream-gel and gel for intimate hygiene

Cream-gel is widely used in the treatment of gynecological diseases - erosion, thrush, chlamydia. And the gel for intimate hygiene relieves inflammation, disinfects and maintains the microflora of the vaginal mucosa, which can be a good prevention of many diseases.

Malavit with thrush

After consulting with your doctor, you can use Malavit in the treatment of thrush. To do this, use a solution in the form of 10 ml of the drug and 200 ml of water. You can douching, or inserting a tampon with a solution into the vagina for 5 hours. The number of necessary procedures can vary from 5 to 10.

Malavit with cervical erosion

If the doctor prescribed Malavit for the treatment of erosion, then the drug is often used in the form of a solution and cream at the same time. First you need to wash the genitals well with a solution, after which you can use the cream. It is either applied to the walls of the vagina, or a swab with a cream is used, which is injected inside at night.

Contraindications to the use of Malavit

Malavit has no special contraindications, except for cases of intolerance to individual components of the drug, but these are rather rare individual reactions. Since the composition contains acids, it is necessary to apply it carefully to avoid contact with the eyes. When breastfeeding and throughout the entire pregnancy, malavit is absolutely safe.

In gynecological practice, this drug is quite common, because the spectrum of its action is very wide, and the natural composition allows it to be used in almost any situation. With the threat of miscarriage, cracked nipples, mastitis, ureaplasmosis and genital herpes, Malavit showed high results of treatment.

The drug is also used during childbirth, for the introduction of contraceptives into the uterus, and for termination of pregnancy. It is quite difficult to find negative reviews about Malavit.

Vaginitis, menopause, unwanted pregnancy - a vaginal cream can deal with all these problems. True, here it is already necessary to choose one or another remedy specifically according to the indications. Indeed, with vaginitis, one drug is suitable, and with menopause, a completely different one. Today we will find out which remedies against genital infections, unwanted pregnancy, and unpleasant symptoms of menopause are popular and effective.

What are the benefits of vaginal creams?

Means in this form of release act directly on the lesion. At the same time, vaginal creams, unlike suppositories and tablets, have a minimum number of side effects. Also, drugs in this form of release are instantly distributed along the walls of the vagina, so there is no need to wait until they begin to act. Another advantage of such preparations is that they can act as an additional lubricant.

Elimination of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa

Vaginal cream "Dalacin" is a topical remedy that is intended to get rid of a problem such as vaginosis caused by an infection or the active element of the drug is clindamycin. It is a substance with antimicrobial activity. The cream is packed in a tube weighing 40 grams.

It is forbidden to use this tool for girls under 18 years old, pregnant women in the 1st trimester, as well as nursing mothers.

The cream is inserted into the vagina using a special applicator. The remedy should be used daily at bedtime for 7 days. The cream is injected in the supine position, while the woman should pull her knees to her chest.

When using the drug "Dalacin" is prohibited:

  1. Apply it twice a day.
  2. Use the cream along with other vaginal products.
  3. Douching and using tampons.

In addition, during treatment with Dalacin cream, it is not recommended to have sex. Also, the drug should not be used during menstruation.

The cost of Dalacin cream ranges from 650 to 800 rubles per tube of 40 g. This is an expensive drug, however, as the manufacturer assures, it is effective.

Reviews of women about the cream "Dalacin"

Those of the fair sex who used this remedy only write positively about it. So, they note that the tool completely helped them cope with bacterial vaginosis - after 1 week the girls felt great. No discharge, no discomfort was noticed. The only drawback of the drug is its price. However, no other negative aspects after using the cream were noted. This gives reason to believe that Dalacin is a good option for

Cream "Clindamycin"

It is an antimicrobial drug that is prescribed for anaerobic and aerobic infections. The agent is effective in the treatment of Clindamycin - a vaginal cream, which is sold in tubes of 20 and 40 g. The active ingredient of the drug is clindamycin, and the auxiliary elements are: macrogol-1500, sodium benzoate, castor oil, propylene glycol, emulsifier No. 1. The drug is used intravaginally , you need to enter 1 full applicator once at bedtime for 7 days.

This cream is contraindicated for girls under 18 years of age, lactating women, pregnant women in the 1st trimester, as well as those women who have adverse reactions to the medication. The cost of this product ranges from 600 to 800 rubles per tube of 40 g. This is a rather expensive drug, but you can buy it in a different package - 20 g each, then it will be cheaper. For such a small tube of cream, you will need to pay from 300 to 400 rubles.

Reviews of women about the drug "Clindamycin"

For the most part, the fair sex respond positively to this remedy. They note that, despite its hefty price, this cream does help get rid of bacterial vaginosis. However, do not self-medicate and purchase this drug without the permission of the doctor. Still, this vaginal cream, reviews of which can be found on various forums, is considered a local antibiotic and only a gynecologist should prescribe it. Moreover, treatment should not be limited to this drug. The specialist prescribes complex therapy for effective and safe disposal of the disease. The only disadvantage of this remedy is that it is difficult to find it in pharmacies in the form of a vaginal cream. Candles and capsules "Clindamycin" are common, but the cream can not always be found.

Reliable vaginal drug for unwanted pregnancy

It has long established itself as an effective and efficient means of medication "Pharmatex". This vaginal cream is indicated for all women of reproductive age. The main purpose of this remedy is to protect against unwanted pregnancy. However, the drug also helps prevent the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonococcal infection, herpes virus, trichomonidiasis.

The cream is used immediately before sexual intercourse. It is necessary to insert the tip of the tube as far as possible into the vagina, and then press on the tube to squeeze the remedy out of it. The protective effect of this drug begins quickly and lasts as long as 10 hours.

Vaginal cream "Farmateks" is prescribed to women in such cases:

During lactation.

After a miscarriage.

At menopause.

With irregular sexual intercourse.

If there are contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives or spirals.

It is forbidden to use this vaginal cream for irritation of the vaginal mucosa and cervix, and also if vaginitis is diagnosed.

Reviews about the drug "Pharmatex"

This drug is quite controversial, as it has both zealous opponents and fans. Some women note that this vaginal cream kills two birds with one stone: it saves from unwanted pregnancy, and also eliminates thrush, chlamydia and herpes of the second type. Other girls write on the forums that this drug did not cope with its main task - contraception. Therefore, they believe that this cream is not effective and should not be trusted.

Those women who have come up with this drug note that it perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane - no need to use additional lubricants. Many girls buy only this remedy, believing that, in comparison with coitus interruptus, it is a good enough way not to get pregnant. This vaginal, as it has already become clear, has both supporters and opponents. Whether or not to use this drug is up to a particular woman after consultation with a gynecologist.

Effective remedy during menopause

To cope with the negative symptoms of menopause, such as mood swings, hot flashes, an increase in the amount of facial hair, Ovestin, a vaginal cream, will help. The estrogen in this remedy is contained in the required amount, which is necessary to maintain the proper level of moisture in the vagina. The composition of the drug, in addition to this important hormone, includes other components: glycerol, octyldodecanol, cetyl and stearyl alcohol, polysorbate, cetyl palmitate, sorbate stearate, lactic acid, sodium hydroxide, chlorhexidine dihydrochloride, water.

Means "Ovestin" is sold in aluminum tubes of 15 g. The kit also includes instructions and an applicator for vaginal administration.

This drug increases the body's resistance to genitourinary infections and inflammations, reduces complaints such as abdominal pain during intercourse, dryness and urinary incontinence. This vaginal moisturizer is not cheap. The average cost of this drug is within 1200 rubles per tube of 15 g.

An unbearable feeling of dryness in the vagina occurs in many women. It is worth noting that patients react to trouble in different ways. Some ladies prefer to stoically endure discomfort, ignore the problem. Eva's other daughters rush to the doctor's office to help pick up an estrogen cream to moisturize tender areas.

More often, dryness in the innermost zones is one of the manifestations of menopause. But sometimes itching and discomfort "there" appears in young girls. If you have such a situation, you should not choose a remedy for caring for a delicate place, focusing on the advice of friends or relatives. Only an experienced gynecologist will help you find an effective cream with hormones that eliminates the unpleasant “whims” of the body.

Causes of dryness in sensitive areas

If you have a feeling of dryness and burning in the vagina, then the situation should not be allowed to take its course. After all, the lack of physiological lubrication is only a symptom. It indicates hormonal "distortions" that exhaust the body.

Let's name the factors that can cause dryness in a woman in a tender zone:

  • Menopause.
  • Pregnancy. Note that not every woman carrying a baby is faced with pain and itching in the vagina. For a pregnant patient, only a doctor can prescribe a moisturizer with hormones. Self-medication is not something that a future mother should “indulge in”.
  • A woman has recently undergone hormonal therapy. Patients with asthma, atopic dermatitis may need hormonal treatment. Due to the fact that the effect of hormones on the body can be too harsh, the patient begins to feel dryness in the vagina. The intervals between menstruation in a woman, as a rule, increase. In order to prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs, you need to tell the gynecologist about your ailments.
  • Incorrectly selected birth control pills.
  • Childbirth. Dryness of the intimate area often annoys young mothers. This is due to changes in hormonal status. During pregnancy, estrogen in the blood "went off scale", and after the birth of the baby, the level of the hormone decreased.
  • Allergy to soap or gel. Girls often have a negative reaction to intimate hygiene products. You should be on your guard if contact with your favorite deliciously smelling gel continues such as dryness and irritation in the vagina. It is possible that you are allergic to a dye or other substance (acid, herbal extract) that is part of the product.
  • Nervous shocks, depression, insomnia.
  • Eating spicy and smoked foods.

Where does estrogen come from?

In young ladies, dryness in the innermost areas is a sign of illness or an “addition” to childbirth. If you have not yet given birth, and itching in the vagina has been haunting you for more than a week, visit a doctor. It is possible that you develop any disease of the ovaries or adrenal glands.

In women of "autumn" age, dryness in the intimate area is a harbinger of menopause. The amount of lubricant produced is reduced. The reason is the decreased level of the female hormone estrogen in the patient's blood. The mentioned hormone, without exaggeration, can be called the "elixir of femininity." After all, he is responsible for the elasticity of tissues, intensive blood flow to the uterus and vagina.

When there is too little estrogen, the walls of the female vagina become thinner, their sensitivity increases. Sexual contacts do not bring pleasure, but pain and annoyance. After all, the lack of natural lubrication is a direct path to damage to the tissues of the vagina.

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In women whose age is approaching fifty years, the sensation of itching, tingling, discomfort in the vagina is considered a "companion" of the extinction of the reproductive function. Dryness in intimate areas is caused by a significant decrease in the hormone estrogen in the blood. With the onset of menopause, the level of the female hormone inevitably falls. You can mitigate the undesirable manifestations of menopause by using intimate area care products that contain estrogen.

There is no shame in discussing ailments with a doctor. There is no need to “disown” the menopause. After all, the changes that it brings are dictated by nature. At the same time, blindly obeying nature is also unreasonable. Modern medicine can offer ladies a lot of remedies that will eliminate irritation and tingling “there”. Creams with lactic acid, estrogens and other emollients will help heal cracks and wounds in the vagina. The fading of reproductive functions is not a reason to forget about intimate life. When dreams of motherhood have already come true, when a woman has gained experience, parted with high expectations, her relationship with her husband or lover can reach a new level of sensuality.

What do ladies of "autumn" age need?

Gynecologists claim that itching and tingling in intimate areas is a problem that can be eliminated. High-quality vaginal cream with estrogen will help to cope with annoying sensations. Which remedy is the most effective for menopause, it is unreasonable to argue. But there are certain requirements for gels designed to care for delicate areas.

When choosing a cream based on hormones, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • A neutral pH cleaner is the most reliable option.
  • In addition to estrogens, the cream should contain other components that “work” to moisturize and relieve irritation in delicate areas. Such substances can be panthenol, aloe extract.
  • The cream should not contain dyes and perfume compositions.
  • Give preference to hypoallergenic products.

Do not rush to buy a regular lubricant that is cheap. Such a remedy will only briefly relieve irritation in tender places. Only a hormone-based drug can eliminate atrophy of the vaginal mucosa.

The main thing is not to lose control over the situation!

A lady may notice a slight burning sensation, dryness in the most tender places long before changes in the menstrual cycle and the appearance of "hot flashes". After the patient ceases to menstruate, the symptom increases. Thinning of the lining of the vagina can lead to infection. It is not uncommon for women to develop thrush against the background of hormonal changes. By age lady can "cling" and cystitis.

Losing the pleasure of sex during such a period is not difficult. But intimate life is important for the psychological and physical health of the lady. Some desperate women decide to completely abandon love pleasures. Of course, you don't need to do this.

The doctor, knowing about the problem, will tell you which hormone cream is better to buy. If you find your remedy, the discomfort will subside.

What cream will eliminate discomfort in tender areas?

Let's name the estrogen-based products that are very popular among ladies:

  • Estriol. This gentle cream based on hormones moisturizes the walls of the vagina, helps to strengthen local immunity.
  • Evalgin. Under the influence of the cream, the cervix and vagina of a woman actively produce natural lubrication. As a result of such positive metamorphoses, the patient can forget about dryness and pain in the innermost place.
  • Dermistryl. The tool increases the tone of the vaginal walls, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the vagina, heals wounds.
  • Ortho-Ginest. The basis of this cream was taken "passive" variety of estrogen - estriol. The cream acts on special receptors, prompting them to produce more vaginal secretions. It also enhances blood circulation in the capillaries, strengthens the vaginal walls.

Some ladies are interested in how to apply cream to problem areas. More often, hormone-based products designed to combat vaginal dryness are sold with a special tip that looks like a miniature flask. This is a dispenser, the use of which will simplify the procedure for introducing a life-saving substance into the vagina. The cream should be used after taking a shower. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor.

On the importance of discipline...

How long to use a moisturizer with the effect of hormonal stimulation, the specialist will decide. For young ladies with diseases of the reproductive system, a cream containing estrogens usually becomes a temporary helper. Mature women may need long-term use of the drug.

When purchasing a cream that eliminates the burning sensation in the intimate area, remember that you should not rely on its healing properties. If menopausal changes have already affected the body, it will not hurt you to correct some habits, critically review the “arsenal” of your favorite dishes.

  • Drinking coffee, strong tea.
  • The habit of drinking carbonated drinks. During menopause, "soda" is not good for you.
  • The use of spicy, pickled foods in large quantities.
  • The use of conventional gels for the care of intimate areas. To prevent irritation, choose gels containing lactic acid, chamomile extracts.
  • Wearing too tight synthetic underwear.

If you follow these tips, the problem of vaginal dryness will not reappear.

Vaginitis - very often women hear this term at a gynecologist's appointment. They designate a whole group of completely different infectious, inflammatory diseases of the vagina. Most women in different periods of life periodically experience burning, itching, irritation, vaginal discharge, symptoms of inflammation. Most often, these are symptoms of certain diseases, each of which requires the necessary treatment.

For example, irritation, vaginal dryness, itching, soreness during intercourse - all of these can be signs of a lack of the hormone estrogen, which is most often observed during menopause. Dryness of the mucosa can also occur for other reasons - recent childbirth, breastfeeding, allergic reactions, etc. Lack of vaginal lubrication not only causes a woman severe discomfort.

Increased dryness of the vagina often causes inflammation, irritation. Therefore, any discomfort in this area of ​​the female body is a reason to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Increased dryness, a decrease in the acidic environment of the vaginal mucosa - all this attracts all kinds of harmful organisms, as it is a favorable environment for them to develop. But for the positive flora that protects the vagina from infections, such an environment becomes fatal. As a result, the risk of gynecological diseases is significantly increased.

Most often, with a lack of estrogen, the drug Ovestin is prescribed. And with bacterial, infectious and other microbial diseases of the vagina, antibacterial drugs are often prescribed. Let's learn more about some of them. In particular, we will find out what medicinal properties the vaginal cream clindamycin, metronidazole, has.


A very effective estrogenic drug. It is he who is an analogue of this hormone. It is prescribed to restore a sufficient level of this hormone in a woman's body. Used in the postmenopausal period to relieve associated negative symptoms, especially genitourinary disorders. In particular, in the event of atrophic phenomena in the mucosa of the urogenital tract (lower sections), the drug normalizes the condition of the mucosa, restores the positive microflora and the level of acidity.

In this regard, the resistance of the organs of the genitourinary system to pathogens, various infections, and inflammations increases. When using Ovestin, the symptoms that are of particular concern to women are significantly reduced: dryness, itching, pain during sexual intercourse. In addition, vaginal estrogen cream Ovestin normalizes the process of urination and eliminates such an unpleasant symptom as urinary incontinence.

However, like many mucosal medications, Ovestin vaginal cream may cause mild irritation as well as other side effects. More detailed information about this drug can be found in the instructions attached to the medicine.


This drug has antiprotozoal and antimicrobial properties. The drug has a detrimental effect on anaerobic microorganisms and protozoa, by restoring the 5-nitro group of intracellular transport proteins. This reduced group affects the DNA of microorganism cells. In the process, the production of their nucleic acids is disrupted. This contributes to the death of bacteria.

Metronidazole vaginal cream is also prescribed to treat a variety of infections. In particular, the drug effectively relieves trichomonas vaginitis, trichomonas urethritis, etc. It is prescribed for prophylactic purposes after gynecological operations. As a means of radiosensitizing drugs, it can be included in the complex therapy of tumor diseases.

It must be said that the drug metronidazole has the ability to penetrate the placental barrier, getting into breast milk in small quantities. Therefore, the drug should not be used during breastfeeding. It is also contraindicated in the first three months of pregnancy. In the remaining two trimesters, the drug is prescribed only when absolutely necessary.


This is an antimicrobial drug. Clindamycin vaginal cream is prescribed for anaerobic and aerobic infections. The drug is effective in the complex therapy of bacterial vaginosis caused by Gardnerella vaginalis, Mobiluncus spp. It is used for infections caused by Bacteroides spp, Mycoplasma hominis, and many other microorganisms. It is effective against the bacteria Peptostreptococcus spp. However, its action does not apply to Trichomonas vaginalis, the drug is not effective for Candida albicans.

In this regard, the drug is often prescribed in the complex therapy of bacterial vaginosis, gardnerella, nonspecific, corynebacterium, hemophilic vaginitis. It is effective in anaerobic vaginitis and other diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to this drug.

Based on published data, it should be noted that the use of clindamycin vaginal cream reduces the risk of preterm birth by almost 50-60%, which occurs in pregnant women with violations of the biological composition of the microflora of the genital tract mucosa.

It must be understood that the drugs described above, as well as any other potent drugs, should be prescribed by a doctor if there are serious medical indications.

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