How to make fangs sharper. Teeth-fangs, how to build up and is it worth it

Vampires are very popular heroes among young people these days. Some themselves want to be like charming bloodsuckers.

And the main attribute of Dracula, vampires and others like them, as you know, are fangs, so recently a lot of dentists have earned themselves a good car on such cosmetic surgeries.

However, most fans of films and books about vampires do not want to remain with filed teeth and scare passers-by until the end of their days. Therefore, temporary fangs are much more popular, which can be attached to the teeth and pulled back without any harm to health.

Temporary vampire fangs will always be a trendy Halloween decoration or a means to prank friends, this masquerade attribute can be bought at any store, but it is much nicer and cheaper to make an interesting DIY decoration at home.

In fact, there are quite a few options for making vampire teeth at home, but we will limit ourselves to the five most common and interesting ones.

artificial nails

To grow fangs from artificial nails, you will need to purchase nails and dental wax, which is sold in any pharmacy. store. It is better to choose the color so that the fangs do not differ much from the color of natural enamel.

Then you should make and fix the false lining on the teeth, for which you need to do the following:

The advantages of this method are obvious: the teeth are made quite quickly, all the ingredients are easy to get in any store and they are cheap.

However, this option also has a minus - traces of wax will remain on the enamel for several more days until they are completely washed off.

The use of special plasticine

This method will require slightly more expensive ingredients, but the output will also be fangs that are no different from store-bought horror stories and, in fact, real vampire ones.

For manufacturing, you will need to buy environmentally friendly plasticine that is safe for health, which is sold in any children's store, or you can purchase polymer clay, which in its properties resembles the same plasticine.

The manufacturing method is as follows:

  • white plasticine is mixed with the addition of a small piece of yellow to give it a natural tooth shade;
  • two fangs should be fashioned from the resulting viscous mass, it is usually recommended to make blanks twice as long as real teeth;
  • you can also use dental glue or a false nail fixer for fastening.

Plasticine fangs will be quite fragile. You have to be careful with them so that the vampire, not even an hour, is left without teeth. Products made of polymer clay will be stronger, but they must first be subjected to heat treatment, which will require additional effort and time.

The advantage of this option is that such fangs will look better than analogues from other materials.

White straw for cocktails

To make sharp vampire teeth out of an ordinary plastic straw, you need to match its color to the color of the enamel and take scissors:

  • first, two pieces should be separated from the straw, the dimensions of which should be approximately twice as long as their own teeth;
  • then you will need to cut the edges of the blanks with scissors so that they become triangular, to match the vampire fangs;
  • after processing, the resulting product should have a rounded attachment for attaching to the tooth and a canine cut out on one side.

This option is much better than the previous one in terms of the fact that the linings are removable. You can take them off and put them back on at any time.

Glued blanks will not be so functional.

On the other hand, a vampire straw accessory doesn't look as good as one made from fake nails or plasticine.

plastic fork

The basis is a standard plastic fork. The central cloves are carefully filed, and the handle is cut perpendicularly in the same way.

The result is a part of the vampire jaw, which is glued with dental wax to the front teeth. Please note that the adhesive should be applied to the concave side of the fork and fixed on the jaw so that an even number of natural teeth remain in the gap between the canines.

The advantage of this method is that, especially in the dark, the long teeth of the fork will look like ominous sharp vampire fangs, but you should be extremely careful with plastic utensils, because its sharp edges may well scratch the oral cavity.

From cotton buds

Cotton swabs can serve as a good material for making a vampire jaw. The ingredients in this case are:

  • cotton swab or ear stick;
  • scissors;
  • environmentally friendly adhesive or dental wax.

During the creation of an accessory from cotton wool, two cone-shaped elements are formed, which must be carefully pulled out so that they resemble fangs in shape. Then they are also glued to natural teeth using a pre-prepared composition of wax or nail glue.

This option has both pros and cons. The positive qualities include:

  • the lightness of the material, as a result of which the pads will not put pressure on the teeth, create a feeling of discomfort;
  • softness, excluding cuts.

However, the design of cotton wool has a significant disadvantage - its fragility and fragility, because a soft plush fang can very quickly turn from a formidable vampire weapon into a shapeless bundle of cotton wool.

And finally, the easiest and cheapest way to make fangs at home using paper:

Each of these methods has both pros and cons. However, all of them are actively used by those who like to look like vampires, and are sure to find their fans among those who read this guide.

Five ways to make vampire fangs at home

What party or Halloween can take place without the presence of a vampire. A black cape and a pale look have faded into the background in modern cinema, so you can match the look in regular jeans. But what you really cannot do without is the main attribute of any vampire, his fangs.

The prices for this element of a fancy dress are often unreasonably high, so you should think about making them yourself. There are many different ways to make teeth or jaws like a real vampire, five of the most popular materials for making them are:

  1. Paper;
  2. plastic fork;
  3. artificial nails;
  4. Cotton wool;
  5. Clay or plasticine.

paper fangs

How to make paper teeth for a vampire or werewolf costume at home at no extra cost? All you need is a 10x10cm piece of paper and five minutes of free time. It develops, such an origami, quickly and simply, but you should not choose the white color of the paper, since the natural color of the teeth, against its background, will stand out strongly with yellowness. The disadvantage of this method is not durability, the paper jaw will collapse and become saturated with saliva in a couple of minutes. Therefore, it should be used only for a spectacular appearance, in the midst of a party.

Fangs from a plastic fork

How to quickly grow fangs from a plastic fork at home? For this, the usual white or beige, plastic fork, cut out two middle prongs with scissors. Next, cut off the handle before the bend, but just above the line of teeth. The resulting form is thoroughly washed under the tap. We attach the convex side to the upper jaw with dental wax or nail glue.

You can also cut off two extreme teeth from a plastic fork and attach them with thin strips of adhesive tape.

First, each tooth must be cleaned and wiped dry. Scotch, unlike nail glue, is safer and will not harm the enamel.

  1. plastic fork;
  2. Knife or scissors;
  3. Dental wax, nail glue or tape.

Fangs from artificial nails

How easy is it to make vampire teeth or fangs from artificial nails, with your own hands? To
to build up, such fangs at home will need to be purchased, in a cosmetic store, a set of artificial nails. Preferably, choose beige or milky nails. Depending on the size of your own teeth, you need to choose two nails from the set. Using scissors and a nail file, give them a cone-shaped pointed shape. Next, try on in front of a mirror and adjust the length if necessary. It is better to cut and file a nail over a spread newspaper so as not to litter the room. Nail glue should be used with care, as it can damage the enamel in large quantities. It is best to use dental or base wax for fastening.

As a replacement for nails, you can cut plastic lining from improvised material. A white jar of vitamins or a plastic cup are perfect for growing fangs at home, like a real vampire. To do this, you need to cut out two overlays from plastic and attach them using one of the above methods.

  1. A set of artificial nails (white plastic as a replacement);
  2. Scissors;
  3. Nail file;
  4. Dental wax or nail glue.

Cotton fangs

How to make fangs from cotton swabs or tampons in a couple of minutes with your own hands, at home? Building fangs from cotton wool does not take much time and effort. It is necessary to form two cotton cones, elongated, and carefully fix them on the teeth.

Just like paper, cotton wool is highly susceptible to deformation, so it is not suitable for long-term use, like vampire teeth.

  1. Q-tip or cotton swab;
  2. Scissors;

Fangs made of clay or plasticine

How to make fangs from polymer clay or hardening plasticine with your own hands? If you build up teeth molded from plasticine or clay, then even made at home they will look no worse than those bought in the store. Environmentally friendly plasticine can be purchased at any department of children's goods. Unlike clay, it hardens on its own within twenty minutes and does not require heating in an oven.

White plasticine, should be mixed with a small amount of yellow, for a more natural color. From the resulting mass, you need to fashion two fangs of an elongated flattened shape, approximately twice as long as your own. Attach, preferably with dental wax or nail glue.

  1. Clay or plasticine;
  2. Sculpting kit;
  3. Dental wax or glue.

It is important to remember that with any method of building teeth like a vampire, at home, you should follow simple rules of hygiene. And also do not forget that fangs are teeth number three, if you count from the center.

How to make vampire fangs with your own hands: several ways

A vampire costume cannot look complete without fangs. Of course, such devices can be bought, but it is much more interesting to make them yourself. How to make vampire fangs, and this article will tell.

Fangs from a plastic straw

To make fangs, you will need a white plastic straw. This is a fairly affordable method: simple, fast, and they can be easily removed and reattached.

It is necessary to cut off a small piece from the straw, bend it in half and give it the shape of a fang with scissors. You can immediately attach the workpiece to the tooth and correct it as needed in front of the mirror. Now it remains only to cut the resulting plastic vampire fangs in half and put them on your teeth.

Fangs from artificial nails

Vampire fangs can be made from artificial nails and tooth wax. You need to match your nails to the color of your teeth or a closer shade. There are usually no problems with acquiring nails, and dental wax can be bought at a pharmacy. It can also be replaced with base or dental wax.

With the help of scissors, the nail needs to be shaped like a fang, and a nail file will help to sharpen them. To keep the resulting fangs on the teeth, they need to be glued with dental wax.

Vampire teeth from a plastic fork

You need to take a plastic fork and break off two middle cloves. Use scissors or a kitchen knife to cut off the handle of the fork. Then you need to apply tooth wax on the front of the fork and attach the fangs to the teeth.

Realistic acrylic fangs

Using this method, you can make very realistic vampire teeth, but this will take time and money. For their manufacture, you need to prepare a whole list of materials, namely:

  • alginate (can be purchased where goods for teeth are sold);
  • paper cup;
  • special sealant (for example, plastic resin);
  • clay for modeling;
  • acrylic paint or acrylic polymer for teeth;
  • petrolatum.

From the cup you need to cut a mouthguard (according to the size of your jaw). If there is a real cap available, then this step can be skipped.

After that, you need to mix the alginate and grease it with a cap. How to mix alginate - read the instructions. Usually it is mixed with a special device in equal proportions with water.

The resulting cap with alginate should be pressed against the upper teeth and after three minutes the resulting cast should be taken. If the impression turned out to be of poor quality (with bubbles or damaged areas), it is better to make another one - better.

Now you need to mix the plastic polymer and carefully pour it into the dental impression. The solution must be poured slowly so that bubbles do not form. At first, the plastic polymer will become hot, and then it will begin to dry and cool. After complete drying, the plastic can be removed.

From clay, you need to make vampire fangs on a cast. After that, with a sharp object, give them the desired shape.

Now the finished cast must be soaked in soapy water for 10 minutes so that the alginate does not stick together with clay. Now you need to make another cast of alginate already with fangs. After that, clay fangs can be peeled off and wiped with Vaseline with a cotton swab.

Then we mix the acrylic paint to the desired consistency and pour it into the fangs on the cast. Finished teeth need to be attached to the cast and wait until the acrylic hardens. It is not worth waiting for complete hardening, so that it easily separates from the cast.

Now the acrylic fangs can be separated and put on the teeth. In order to keep them better, you can fix them with tooth wax.

Plasticine fangs

You can make vampire fangs from plasticine. To do this, you need to purchase white hardening plasticine (necessarily environmentally friendly). This is sold in children's stores. To make the color of the fangs more natural, white plasticine can be mixed with a small amount of yellow plasticine. Blind two fangs, give them the desired shape and wait until the plasticine hardens (about 20 minutes).

After that, it remains only to fix the fangs on the teeth. This can be done with dental wax or nail glue.

Cotton fangs

Very quickly and simply, you can make fangs out of cotton. To do this, you need cotton buds or cotton pads. We form elongated cotton cones from cotton wool (this is done with scissors). Carefully fix the resulting fangs on the teeth with dental wax.

Important: cotton fangs are highly deformed during use, so they will last only a few minutes. They are great for photography, for example.

Such fangs are made, as mentioned above, using cotton wool or cotton pads, scissors and dental wax or glue.

We looked at how to make vampire fangs yourself in several completely different ways. The main thing with such an extension of teeth is not to forget about the simple rules of hygiene: wash your hands and materials thoroughly. It is also worth remembering that the canine is the third tooth from the center, and the length of the growing canines should be approximately twice the length of your own teeth.

Vampire fangs at home

Every self-respecting vampire should burn in the sun, but not reflected in the mirror. In addition, he must have pale skin and a long cloak, and also be able to turn into a bat. However, we did not mention something important. Of course, we are talking about the famous vampire fangs.

The vampire look is one of the most classic and still popular Halloween costumes, not to mention the many different themed parties. Today, vampire fangs can be purchased at a variety of stores, but many still prefer to make vampire fangs at home. So what is needed for this?

How to make vampire fangs at home with your own hands

There are not so few materials that will fit into the creation of vampire fangs or their likeness from them. We won't go into how to make paper fangs because this method is mostly pointless as paper fangs don't last long.

Using a plastic fork is the easiest way

Simple Methods

Consider the most popular ways to create your own vampire fangs today:

  1. White plastic straw. It is desirable that the color of the straw be as close as possible to the natural color of your teeth. But in the dark it does not play a special role. This method is quite simple and requires little effort in its application. It is necessary to cut off a piece of straw, several times larger than the length of the tooth crown. After that, it must be bent, giving the shape of a fang on both sides and cut off the excess part. The resulting piece must be cut into two equal parts and can be worn. This method is also good because the fangs, if necessary, can be quickly removed and put back on.
  2. artificial nails. To do this, you need to purchase artificial nails of a suitable color and tooth wax, which can be found in a pharmacy. Then you need to cut a triangle of the desired size from the nails. After that, triangular nails need to be sharpened, for example, with a nail file. The resulting fixtures are attached to the teeth using dental wax. In order for the nail to stick to the tooth, it is necessary to press it against the waxed surface and hold it for several minutes until it is firmly attached to the enamel.
  3. plastic fork. Take a regular plastic fork with four teeth. The two central teeth are sawn off, and the fork handle is cut off strictly perpendicular. The resulting piece will resemble a rectangle with a notch in the middle. Apply dental wax to the concave part of the piece, and then glue it to the upper front teeth. If done correctly, there will be an even number of teeth between the fangs.

Acrylic fangs

Separately, it is worth considering the creation of realistic fangs, which will be difficult to distinguish from real ones. However, this method requires a lot of time and money.. To implement it, you will need to purchase:

  • alginate;
  • a mouthguard for teeth or a paper cup;
  • plastic resin;
  • pottery clay;
  • acrylic paint;
  • petrolatum.

Vampire fangs can also be made from artificial nails.

After you have acquired all the necessary components, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • in the absence of a real dental cap, it should be made from a plastic cup;
  • mix alginate with water according to the instructions and smear the cap with the resulting mixture;
  • attach a mouthguard lubricated with a press mass to the upper teeth and after a few minutes quickly remove it so that an impression of the teeth remains in the mouthpiece;
  • mix the casting material from two different components, then pour it into the resulting cast;
  • wait until the mass cools down and hardens, then remove it from the cap and attach the clay where it is planned to make fangs, trimming the teeth as you like;
  • put the created cast with clay in soapy water for 10 minutes;
  • create another alginate impression, but this time use not your teeth, and the first cast with clay fangs as a model;

Acrylic fangs look the most natural

  • remove the clay deposits and wipe the cast with petroleum jelly, applying it in a thin layer to make it easier to remove the acrylic fangs;
  • mix acrylic paint in a disposable container in a well-ventilated room, bringing the paint to a paste consistency;
  • place the acrylic mass in the canine cavity on the second impression;
  • attach the first impression ( removing fangs from clay) to the second and wait for the acrylic paste to harden;
  • take an impression until the acrylic has completely hardened, then wait for it to harden;
  • remove acrylic fangs from the second cast and put them on your teeth, they must fit;
  • in the event that the results of the work still do not hold, you can use a sticky substance such as tooth wax or chewing gum.

As a result, you will be able to make fangs at home on real teeth and scare your friends with their realism. The methods listed here differ in their complexity and high cost, as well as in the final result.

Be that as it may, it is quite possible to grow fangs at home, although not really.

A vampire costume cannot look complete without fangs. Of course, such devices can be bought, but it is much more interesting to make them yourself. How to make vampire fangs, and this article will tell.

Fangs from a plastic straw

To make fangs, you will need a white plastic straw. This is a fairly affordable method: simple, fast, and they can be easily removed and reattached.

It is necessary to cut off a small piece from the straw, bend it in half and give it the shape of a fang with scissors. You can immediately attach the workpiece to the tooth and correct it as needed in front of the mirror. Now it remains only to cut the resulting plastic vampire fangs in half and put them on your teeth.

Fangs from artificial nails

Vampire fangs can be made from artificial nails and tooth wax. You need to match your nails to the color of your teeth or a closer shade. There are usually no problems with acquiring nails, and dental wax can be bought at a pharmacy. It can also be replaced with base or dental wax.

With the help of scissors, the nail needs to be shaped like a fang, and a nail file will help to sharpen them. To keep the resulting fangs on the teeth, they need to be glued with dental wax.

Vampire teeth from a plastic fork

You need to take a plastic fork and break off two middle cloves. Use scissors or a kitchen knife to cut off the handle of the fork. Then you need to apply tooth wax on the front of the fork and attach the fangs to the teeth.

Realistic acrylic fangs

Using this method, you can make very realistic vampire teeth, but this will take time and money. For their manufacture, you need to prepare a whole list of materials, namely:

  • alginate (can be purchased where goods for teeth are sold);
  • paper cup;
  • special sealant (for example, plastic resin);
  • clay for modeling;
  • acrylic paint or acrylic polymer for teeth;
  • petrolatum.

From the cup you need to cut a mouthguard (according to the size of your jaw). If there is a real cap available, then this step can be skipped.

After that, you need to mix the alginate and grease it with a cap. How to mix alginate - read the instructions. Usually it is mixed with a special device in equal proportions with water.

The resulting cap with alginate should be pressed against the upper teeth and after three minutes the resulting cast should be taken. If the impression turned out to be of poor quality (with bubbles or damaged areas), it is better to make another one - better.

Now you need to mix the plastic polymer and carefully pour it into the dental impression. The solution must be poured slowly so that bubbles do not form. At first, the plastic polymer will become hot, and then it will begin to dry and cool. After complete drying, the plastic can be removed.

From clay, you need to make vampire fangs on a cast. After that, with a sharp object, give them the desired shape.

Now the finished cast must be soaked in soapy water for 10 minutes so that the alginate does not stick together with clay. Now you need to make another cast of alginate already with fangs. After that, clay fangs can be peeled off and wiped with Vaseline with a cotton swab.

Then we mix the acrylic paint to the desired consistency and pour it into the fangs on the cast. Finished teeth need to be attached to the cast and wait until the acrylic hardens. It is not worth waiting for complete hardening, so that it easily separates from the cast.

Now the acrylic fangs can be separated and put on the teeth. In order to keep them better, you can fix them with tooth wax.

Plasticine fangs

You can make vampire fangs from plasticine. To do this, you need to purchase white hardening plasticine (necessarily environmentally friendly). This is sold in children's stores. To make the color of the fangs more natural, white plasticine can be mixed with a small amount of yellow plasticine. Blind two fangs, give them the desired shape and wait until the plasticine hardens (about 20 minutes).

After that, it remains only to fix the fangs on the teeth. This can be done with dental wax or nail glue.

Cotton fangs

Very quickly and simply, you can make fangs out of cotton. To do this, you need cotton buds or cotton pads. We form elongated cotton cones from cotton wool (this is done with scissors). Carefully fix the resulting fangs on the teeth with dental wax.

Important: cotton fangs are highly deformed during use, so they will last only a few minutes. They are great for photography, for example.

Such fangs are made, as mentioned above, using cotton wool or cotton pads, scissors and dental wax or glue.

We looked at how to make vampire fangs yourself in several completely different ways. The main thing with such an extension of teeth is not to forget about the simple rules of hygiene: wash your hands and materials thoroughly. It is also worth remembering that the canine is the third tooth from the center, and the length of the growing canines should be approximately twice the length of your own teeth.

Vampires are all the rage right now, everyone knows that. The vampire theme will be the center of attention at any informal party or cocktail party, if done right and beautifully. Picking up a costume, makeup is not difficult, but how to make vampire fangs at home is another question. Let's try to figure this out together.

There are a lot of ways to make vampire fangs. One of the first is cotton fangs. The disadvantage of this method is that cotton wool is soft, and in the process, your fangs can be wrinkled and become unaesthetic. To prevent severe deformation, soak the ends of a Q-tip in petroleum jelly and roll the balls of cotton into fang-shaped cones. Lubricate with nail glue and attach to your fangs.

Another way is to take thin plastic and weld it. It will become soft, and you can easily build something like plastic cones from it, which can be easily fixed with the same glue. Plastic is much harder than cotton - such fangs will not bend and will not look ridiculous. However, it is worth noting that in neither case should you be zealous in using glue.

It will be harder to remove the fangs, the more glue will be spent on fixing the fangs in the mouth. Another method, more expensive, involving the use of nail glue, involves false nails. You just need to pick up nails that fit snugly against your teeth, and cut them into the shape of a sharp vampire fang. A little glue. The fangs are ready.

A much friendlier way for your pocket and your mouth to make vampire fangs at home is to use an ordinary white plastic fork. Break off the outer teeth of the fork and attach to thin strips of adhesive tape. It is done in two seconds, it peels off simply, but it holds firmly. So, now you know how to make vampire fangs. In general, it is very simple, but these methods, especially using nail glue, are very unsafe.

Before bringing toxic substances into your mouth, find out if you are allergic to them. It is better, in any case, to use professionally made dentures for a vampire - but they are far from being sold everywhere, so you have to look for a way out on your own. Enjoy your party in a new vampire role!

How to make vampire fangs at home? for Halloween

  1. buy artificial nails file and buy dental wax
  2. Instruction

    Catch a vampire, rip out his fangs and use it to your health. This is of course the easiest way. For those who are not looking for easy ways, below are three more.

    Method one: you can make fangs out of soft plastic. Now on sale a huge number of children's kits for creativity. Buy a modeling kit and deprive the child of his white part. Having formed two pretty little fangs, try them on if they suit you? If there is no doubt, and your reflection (with the appearance of fangs, the reflection in the mirror until it disappears, do not worry) you like it wonderfully. Put your teeth in the oven, they will harden and delight you with their presence. Warning: if you are going to gnaw not on a human neck, but on something more solid (an apple, for example, or a cracker), remove the fangs, they will suddenly break, all the work will be in vain then.

    The second way is for those who are simply interested in the fact that they have vampire fangs, but no one is going to demonstrate them in crowded places (you never know the breath is stale, for example). Open photoshop. Think again. If you change your mind, you can close Photoshop. If the desire to see yourself in fangs has not gone away, take a picture of yourself with a webcam with your mouth open (your mouth is open, not your webcam), upload the picture to Photoshop, pull out two fangs for yourself (do not overdo it, you don’t need more than two), get the joy of watching. You can show photos to others.

    Finally, the third method is the most unreliable, but suddenly someone needs it. Carefully remove the tips from the cotton swab, i.e. its cotton component. You can throw away the wand, you don't need it. But on each cotton tip, drop a drop of nail glue, press the cotton to your teeth, hold for a bit. The method is not good because if you close your mouth, then the cotton wool will soften, and the fangs will look completely unnatural. Therefore, you will have to walk with your mouth open all the time. But, on the other hand, fangs were made for show, right? And this means that it is not shameful to walk around with an open mouth.

  3. insert tubes from under coca cola)))

How much does it cost to grow fangs and is it worth it

To lengthen and sharpen teeth is possible only in a dental clinic. But this does not guarantee the health of the teeth and the absence of problems in the future. Before naming the price in monetary units, let's stipulate the intangible price that will have to be paid for this specific pleasure.

What can result in growing fangs:

Caries due to injury to tooth enamel. Violation of the integrity of the enamel leads to the development of caries, and instead of bewitching white fangs, you can get dark spots of caries on the teeth, which obviously will not add charm.

Increased tooth sensitivity to cold/hot, sweet/sour foods. Since the dentist will need to cut down the enamel to shape the canine tooth, artificial canine teeth can become very sensitive. Even a sharp breath of frosty air can be painful.

Discomfort when eating. The function of the fangs is to bite and crush food, after which it is chewed by chewing molars. But artificially elongated fangs are already inadequately coping with their task, and poorly chopped food can cause serious harm to the stomach and intestines.

· Constant risk of chipping. Extended teeth are softer than natural ones, they are easy to break even on a harmless cracker. If too much enamel is cut off, there is a possibility of not only chipping, but also complete destruction of the tooth.

Discomfort in the mouth. Elongated teeth can injure lips, gums, and even make it difficult to close your mouth. Instead of an image of a sexy vampire, you can get an image of a one-year-old child who is teething and therefore has an open mouth with increased salivation.

If the list of possible troubles did not frighten you, then we turn to the cost of the procedure. The price varies from 2-3 thousand rubles to ten thousand per pair and depends on the method of extension. There are two of them:

· Restoration of own canine teeth with the help of filing and extension.

· Specially shaped crown.

In the first case, you can partially return your own shape, in the second you have to wear a crown all the time.

How to grow fangs at home? The answer is no, because teeth are not a decorative bush that can be shaped. If you have decided to change your appearance in such an extraordinary way, do not experiment at home. Contact specialists who will do this with minimal side effects.

Do not forget that with such decoration your own tooth is damaged, so think carefully before crossing the threshold of a dental clinic for such an unusual purpose.

"Apple Teeth"

The easiest way to make fangs from an apple. To do this, cut out two cone-shaped parts from a solid fruit with a thin knife or a fountain pen pen. Next, we put the carved fangs on our own teeth and try not to close our mouth. Otherwise, saliva will do its insidious work. This method will appeal to those who need fangs for a short period of time. For example, to scare a wife or a friend.


A great way to make durable fangs is to use plastic. Fortunately, it is not problematic to buy special material today. Soft plastic kits are available in many stores. Especially in those that specialize in the sale of elements for the so-called "hand-made". If you do not know about the intricacies of using soft plastic, be sure to consult with the seller. When you get home, mold the pieces that look like fangs and put them on your teeth so that the plastic takes the desired shape. After that, you should send the blanks for a couple of minutes in the microwave or a conventional oven. Under the influence of heat, the plastic will harden and you will have excellent fake fangs in your hands.

Tips and glue

Continuing the conversation about how to make vampire fangs at home, one cannot pass by another popular method, which is to use false nails. To implement this method, buy tips and glue. Try on your nails in front of a mirror so that they look normal in combination with the rest of your teeth. The selected tips need to be filed with a nail file so that they take the form of fangs. Next, take a little glue and glue the edge of the sawn-off nail onto the tooth. If you find it difficult to perceive information from the text, see how to make vampire fangs on video.

paper fangs

How to make paper teeth for a vampire or werewolf costume at home at no extra cost? All you need is a 10x10cm piece of paper and five minutes of free time. It develops, such an origami, quickly and simply, but you should not choose the white color of the paper, since the natural color of the teeth, against its background, will stand out strongly with yellowness. The disadvantage of this method is not durability, the paper jaw will collapse and become saturated with saliva in a couple of minutes. Therefore, it should be used only for a spectacular appearance, in the midst of a party.

Necessary materials:

  1. paper;
  2. scissors.

Fangs from a plastic fork

How to quickly grow fangs from a plastic fork at home? To do this, on a regular, white or beige, plastic fork, cut out two middle prongs with scissors. Next, cut off the handle before the bend, but just above the line of teeth. The resulting form is thoroughly washed under the tap. We attach the convex side to the upper jaw with dental wax or nail glue.

You can also cut off two extreme teeth from a plastic fork and attach them with thin strips of adhesive tape.

First, each tooth must be cleaned and wiped dry. Scotch, unlike nail glue, is safer and will not harm the enamel.

Necessary materials:

  1. plastic fork;
  2. Knife or scissors;
  3. Dental wax, nail glue or tape.

Fangs from artificial nails

How easy is it to make vampire teeth or fangs from artificial nails, with your own hands? To
to build up, such fangs at home will need to be purchased, in a cosmetic store, a set of artificial nails.

Preferably, choose beige or milky nails. Depending on the size of your own teeth, you need to choose two nails from the set. Using scissors and a nail file, give them a cone-shaped pointed shape. Next, try on in front of a mirror and adjust the length if necessary. It is better to cut and file a nail over a spread newspaper so as not to litter the room. Nail glue should be used with care, as it can damage the enamel in large quantities. It is best to use dental or base wax for fastening.

As a replacement for nails, you can cut plastic lining from improvised material. A white jar of vitamins or a plastic cup are perfect for growing fangs at home, like a real vampire. To do this, you need to cut out two overlays from plastic and attach them using one of the above methods.

Necessary materials:

  1. A set of artificial nails (white plastic as a replacement);
  2. Scissors;
  3. Nail file;
  4. Dental wax or nail glue.

Cotton fangs

How to make fangs from cotton swabs or tampons in a couple of minutes with your own hands, at home? Building fangs from cotton wool does not take much time and effort. It is necessary to form two cotton cones, elongated, and carefully fix them on the teeth.

Just like paper, cotton wool is highly susceptible to deformation, so it is not suitable for long-term use, like vampire teeth.

Necessary materials:

  1. Q-tip or cotton swab;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Dental wax or glue.

Prepare everything you need. This method will help you create realistic vampire fangs, but it will take a lot of time and money. Here is a list of materials you will need:

Make a mouthguard out of a plastic cup. Cut off the top of the plastic cup with clean scissors. The remaining bottom should be slightly larger than your upper jaw. Cut off one side of the cup to make a hole to fit in your mouth.

  • Skip this step if you have a real mouth guard or are planning to buy one.
  • Mix the alginate press mass and grease the mouthguard with it. Read the instructions for more detailed information, as the exact time and method of preparation may vary depending on the manufacturer. In most cases, you need to mix alginate and water in a 1:1 ratio in a small bowl using a special tool. When finished, lubricate the tray with a mixture of alginate.

    • You need to work fast enough if you are using alginate. Such a mixture will begin to crack and disintegrate within a few hours.
  • Press the upper teeth into the alginate. Gently press the alginate-lubricated mouth guard against your upper teeth. After three minutes, remove the mouthguard by pulling it down sharply. You should have a cast of your teeth. You will use it in the next step of the work. If there are bubbles or damaged areas on the mouthguard that spoil the appearance of the cast of your teeth, repeat the entire operation from the very beginning.

    • Don't put the mouthguard too high on your teeth, otherwise they will peek out from under it.
    • Wait for the alginate to harden before removing it.
    • If you want to know the exact time of alginate readiness, put a small piece of it on your finger and wait for it to harden.
  • Mix two-component plastic resin or other moldable material. Any solid cast material may be used, but the following instructions refer to a two-component plastic resin. Mix 90 ml of one liquid with 90 ml of another in a glass or plastic bowl. Stir with a mixing stick or kitchen whisk.

    • Choose a two-component plastic polymer that dries quickly and mixes quickly. The polymer should not be toxic after drying.
  • Pour plastic resin into the dental impression. Immediately after mixing both liquids, carefully pour the resulting solution into the alginate impression. Pour slowly to prevent bubbles from forming. Wait for complete polymerization before removing.

    • After a few minutes, the plastic polymer will become very hot and turn white. Don't touch it with your hands.
    • After the plastic resin has dried and cooled, wait another 10 minutes and then remove it from the impression. This time is necessary for drying, so that the plastic impression of the teeth is guaranteed to be solid after extraction.
  • Make fangs out of what you got. Take out the plastic cast of your teeth once it is dry. Place the clay on the cast where you want to make the fangs and use a small sharp object to shape the teeth into the desired shape.

    Soak the resulting cast in soapy water. Add soap to a bowl of water and soak the cast along with the clay fangs for ten minutes. This will help prevent the alginate from sticking to the clay.

    Make another impression from alginate. Repeat the procedure to make another impression. But this time, use a plastic resin cast with canine teeth attached instead of your own teeth. Press gently to keep the canines from moving and lift the impression slowly once the alginate is ready. Check for bubbles or debris in the alginate.

    Remove the clay fangs and smear the cast with petroleum jelly. Unstick clay fangs. Using a Q-tip, wipe the impression with petroleum jelly (Vaseline) along the edges, but without clumps. This will make it easier for you to remove the acrylic fangs when they are ready.

    Mix acrylic nail paint. Mix the acrylic powder with the liquid and mix thoroughly with an unused tool in a mixing bowl you don't mind throwing away. Not use what you want to use in the future. Continue stirring for a few minutes until the mixture turns into a paste. When you remove the mixing stick from the bowl, there should be a string of acrylic hanging from the mixing stick. Add more powder if the mixture is too thin, or more liquid if it is too thick.

    Now the image of bloodsuckers is promoted from everywhere: from the covers of magazines, books and even brochures, TV displays and computers. Of course, the specific appearance of the descendants of Count Dracula will not go unnoticed on the scariest holiday of the year - Halloween. To make the image look the most realistic, you need not only to apply the appropriate makeup, but also to acquire fangs. How to make vampire fangs at home in order to save at least on this item of appearance? Vampire addicts have come up with several ways, some of which I especially like, I will give below.

    Option 1 I met a lot of jokes about the fact that you need to catch up with a real vampire and appropriate his fangs. Jokes are jokes, but there is still some truth to this. You can ask friends who have ever performed under this image, their secret of success - that is, the method of making fangs. The information is not so secret that it was not customary to share it in wide circles.

    Option 2 There is another, easiest and safest way - you need to take a pen from a fountain pen and cut in regular apple two cone-shaped parts, and then just put them on your own fangs. For me, this method is not suitable, because I can’t walk with my mouth open, on which a delicious piece of my favorite fruit is fastened. =(

    Option 3 A more time consuming method − soft plastic blades, which can be obtained at any store that sells art supplies. We stick the plastic on the fangs so that it takes the desired shape, and then put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. The plastic will harden and you will have fake vampire teeth in your hands.
    Option 4 An unreliable and inconvenient way, suitable for those who need to wear a short time, for example, to scare a husband or girlfriend. We take a cotton swab. Wet both ends abundantly and tear off the stick. On the cotton balls drip glue and sculpt on the teeth. I warn you right away - cotton wool gets wet, so you won’t be able to lick your teeth erotically, because a shaggy tuft will immediately hang from them, but it looks at least funny.
    Option 5 The most reliable and great (in my opinion) way. Everything is simple and the image will not fall apart after 5 minutes. In the store you will need to purchase a set for gluing nails, we need specifically tips and glue. At home, we try on nails on ... teeth in front of a mirror. To pick up the nails in size, I think, will not be difficult. Then we file the tips so that they take the form of realistic large fangs. Then we drip just a little glue on the edge of the nail and sculpt, looking at our reflection and admiring the result. It turns out very realistic and durable.

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