How to recognize a schizophrenic. Find a schizophrenic in yourself: the first signs. Schizophrenia: general characteristics, symptoms, signs and manifestations of the disease

Any disease is dangerous and can lead to a deplorable outcome. But there are non-fatal, but also life-threatening diseases. These include mental disorders of various types. To be prepared for a meeting with an ailment that can affect any person, you need to know what schizophrenia is and how it manifests itself.

Ancient healers wrote about a serious illness. A sick person has always been perceived by society with apprehension, and this is quite logical, because no one knows what a mentally suffering person will do in the next minute. It is this disease that is the cause of crime, conflict, violence. There were whole legends about the occurrence of the disease. Either the impure forces penetrating the human body were to blame for everything, or the wrong arrangement of the planets, bad weather, food. In Russia, the insane, who did not create danger to others, were considered blessed. It was believed that they are filled with the Divine principle and speak on behalf of higher powers. But doctors did not let up and looked for answers to questions. It was possible to classify, determine the forms, course and types of the disease only in the 20th century. Thanks to this, it is possible to know what schizophrenia looks like, diagnose the disease and undertake adequate therapy aimed at suppressing attacks and symptoms.

It is possible to assume the presence of schizophrenia on certain grounds

There are a number of theories about the occurrence of the disease, and each of them has a basis for existence.

  1. Psychoanalytic. Due to external circumstances, the person's own "I" is suppressed and the development of a split personality occurs. The surrounding world for the patient becomes an object of danger, he seeks to withdraw into himself, into his own limited world, closes. The problem is exacerbated by a lack of understanding of loved ones and others.
  2. Heredity. The theory claims a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. The depressing statistics serve as proof - in schizophrenics, one of the parents is sick in at least 12% of cases. If both are sick, the risk rises to 40 percent. If identical twins were born and one of them is sick, then in 85% of cases the second gets sick, if dizygotic - 25% of the risk.
  3. Serotonin factor. Some researchers argue that excessive activity of serotonin receptors may be the cause of schizophrenia. As a result, the production of serotonin increases, and nerve impulses decline. For this reason, neuroleptic drugs of a certain number contain substances that stimulate the production of the hormone.
  4. human constitution. Each person has his own, individual abilities, psyche. Stress, depression, infectious and other diseases can affect the state of the body in different ways. According to the theory, schizophrenia manifests itself in a person even before certain symptoms. He has a selfish, conflict, quick-tempered, suspicious disposition. And diseases provoke attacks that grow and become regular.
  5. Dysontogenetics. A person suffering from schizophrenia initially had structural abnormalities in the brain. Due to provoking factors, the disease begins to develop. Especially, according to scientists, viral infections, high temperature, poisoning with toxic substances are detrimental to the patient.
  6. dopamine theory. According to the concept, the cause of a mental disorder is a high level of dopamine, which stimulates neurons. They, in turn, are unable to produce impulses normally, and there is a disturbance in the functioning of the brain.

How to recognize schizophrenia

We often confuse an absolutely normal person with unusual character traits with a sick person. The modern course of life, politics, many diverse interests stimulate people to inappropriate actions, thinking, and strange manner of dressing. Therefore, it is important to know how to identify schizophrenia in a person. For this, there is a certain list of factors that indicate an ailment.

First of all, in order to recognize the disease "schizophrenia" in a person, it is necessary to pay attention to his type of thinking and perception of the world. The schizophrenic lives in his own world, hardly orients himself in reality, and can be dangerous. News feeds and reports of committed crimes “talk” about this. Maniacs, rapists, murderers are people suffering from mental disorders.

The schizophrenic lives in his own world and finds it difficult to navigate reality

The first signs of schizophrenia in humans

Mental illness develops gradually. At the initial stage, the symptoms appear almost imperceptibly. If it occurs, then others consider the signs to be a consequence of shock, stress, fatigue, and illness. The patient himself also creates a problem for identifying the disease.

Important: it so happened that in society people with mental disabilities are afraid, they try to bypass them. The quality of life changes radically, a person feels like an outcast. In some cases, such behavior of society is justified, but not always. For this reason, a person with a mental illness tries to hide his condition, which leads to an aggravation of the situation.

Among the first signs, the following points may appear that you need to pay attention to:

  1. Failure to follow normal procedures. For example, the patient refuses to wash his face, head, clean his ears, take a shower, because he does not see the need for it.
  2. He gives monosyllabic answers to questions, speaks slowly, speech is disturbed.
  3. There are no emotions, the facial expression is the same type, the patient does not look into the eyes of the interlocutor.
  4. Complete indifference to previously favorite activities.
  5. Inability to focus on a particular subject or activity.

Then comes the next stage, in which the patient becomes more suspicious, eccentric, emotionally inadequate.

The main signs of schizophrenia: how to recognize

In order to understand that a person suffering from schizophrenia is nearby, you need to pay attention to the smallest details and nuances that directly indicate pathology.

The main factor is nonsense. Most often, the patient feels unsurpassed, highlights his individuality. During an attack, he points to his uniqueness, claims that he came into the world to save mankind, fancies himself a prophet. If in a conversation the thought slips that your interlocutor works in the FSB, CIA or other intelligence, suffers from persecution mania, believes that aliens, evil spirits, etc. are following him. - in front of you is a typical schizophrenic.

How to distinguish schizophrenia from a nervous breakdown

Unlike a mentally ill person, a neurotic is critical of his behavior and understands that something is really wrong with him. He will definitely seek help from relatives and a specialist.

In schizoid seizures, the patient may lose his individuality.

With neurotic seizures, the personality of a person is completely preserved, despite weakness, depressed mood. During schizoid seizures, the patient loses his individuality, becomes completely inactive, indifferent, emotions become impoverished, and reaction inhibition develops.

Important: a neurotic attack is an acute disorder, but always reversible. After trouble, the person is completely restored. Neurosis, as a rule, arises from the inability to endure stress, difficulties.

It is possible to recognize schizophrenia in a person due to a complete defect in his personality. Pathology is constantly growing, adequacy is coming to naught. Over time, the patient will no longer perceive reality, recognize loved ones, the symptoms can become dangerous for others.

How to recognize schizophrenia in yourself

If the disease has overtaken you, then you will not be able to ignore it. Pay attention to the following factors that may be present in your behavior. If at least one of them is confirmed, urgently see a doctor and take adequate treatment.

  1. There is a feeling that your thoughts belong to someone else's being. Or there is a suspicion that a suggestion, telepathy, etc. has been made to you.
  2. Someone is constantly eavesdropping on you, or the spoken words of a neighbor are an overheard version.
  3. Your head is a broadcast channel, a radio link, a TV set, a screen, any thought can be stolen and become an object of public viewing.
  4. Every action you take is the result of external influences.
  5. Every thought you have is the thought of a being that has entered your body.
  6. Someone is always following you.
  7. They want to kill you, they want to offend, cripple you.
  8. See the message from above in every moment.
  9. You believe that you have superpowers: you can predict the future, communicate with aliens, you can foresee danger.
  10. You can perform a miracle, cause a fire, an earthquake, a flood, inspire an outsider with your thoughts.

Important: you can not think that such moments are permanent. They appear and disappear suddenly. If you don’t remember what happened to you during an attack, listen to your loved ones, they won’t deceive you. Especially if there were hallucinations - a disturbed perception of reality, a person, as it were, finds himself in a dream. He can talk to a non-existent interlocutor.

It is possible to assume the presence of schizophrenia in a person by his speech and voice

You can also recognize schizophrenia in yourself by speech. It becomes slurred, illegible, you are overcome by tongue-tied tongue, and it gets worse every day. An indicator of the disease are strange types of habits: an unusual posture during sleep, while sitting.

What is schizophrenia in children

Despite the fact that the main "contingent" of psychiatrists are persons from 15 to 35 years old, there are still cases of mental illness in children. Babies have obvious signs: they do not know how to talk, they withdraw into themselves, they behave inappropriately. A sick child does not eat well, food falls out of his mouth, the baby does not learn hygiene, lags behind his peers in development. As for the older ones who develop the disease, here adults need to be very careful:

  1. The child repeatedly talks about suicide.
  2. He became detached, stopped communicating with his peers.
  3. I stopped taking care of myself, taking a shower, cutting my nails, combing my hair, etc.
  4. Suddenly there are bouts of hysteria, aggression, anger.
  5. The child cries or laughs for no reason.
  6. He behaves inappropriately: he can laugh at a funeral, cry at a fun party.

How to diagnose a disease

The sooner a mental pathology is detected, the easier it is to prevent serious exacerbations. At the first symptoms, you should consult a specialist. The doctor conducts a visual examination, talks with the relatives of the patient, then with him.

Only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis

There are a number of special questions that can help identify schizophrenia and its stages. Mental disorder can also be the result of an infectious disease, AIDS, syphilis, etc. Therefore, the doctor directs the patient to take tests for research. The course of therapy includes medication, psychotherapy, in difficult cases, surgical intervention is used.

The judgment about the incurability of schizophrenia is widespread. However, with proper therapy, it is possible to reduce, eliminate symptoms, achieve sustainable remission and socialization.

What is schizophrenia and how does it manifest itself?

Schizophrenia- a mental disorder associated with the activity of the brain, which is accompanied by violations of the emotional sphere, perception, thinking. The disease manifests itself in a variety of ways. It is distinguished by multifaceted symptoms, a variety of laboratory, personal manifestations.

Typical manifestations of the disease

Schizophrenia is:

Reasoning about mental retardation erroneous in schizophrenia. Intelligence can vary from low to very high.

For example, schizophrenia world chess champion B. Fischer, writer N. Gogol, mathematician D. Nash, a lot others.

People suffering from this disease, perceiving information adequately, are not able to accurately process it in the brain regions. When a focus of excitation occurs in it, hallucinations are born, to feed which the brain takes energy from other areas. This affects the quality of memory, attention, emotional state.

Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia appear in men and women similarly, only in men at an earlier age (20-28 years). Women, as a rule, get sick from 25 to 32 years.

Causes of the disease

The nature of the causes of pathology has not yet been unambiguously established.

More common are:

  • hereditary predisposition (the risk of occurrence increases by 10%);
  • intrauterine infections, complications during childbirth;
  • viruses, toxic substances, bacteria that cause brain abnormalities;
  • oxygen starvation of the brain.

Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in women may occur after childbirth and are considered postpartum psychosis. Childbirth can become a trigger if there is a predisposition .

Classification ICD 10

In the International Classification of Diseases, schizophrenia refers to a group of chronic processes accompanied by the breakdown of mental functions and emotional reactions. There is a preservation of consciousness and intellect. However, cognitive abilities may decline. In the ICD-10 classification, various types are distinguished.

Types of schizophrenia according to the clinical picture

Each type is characterized by specific symptoms.

simple schizophrenia

Changes in speech, facial expressions, decreased activity. Indifference, apathy, lack of interest and purpose.

Delirium, feeling of persecution, fears, irritability, motor disturbances. May lead to personality changes, depression.


Motor changes: excitement, stupor. Unsystematic and meaningless movements.


Increased activity, excitability, rapid speech, mood swings, mannerisms, importunity. There are strange behaviors. It is rare, usually in adolescence.

Residual (residual)

Lethargy, lack of will, detachment from society, lack of attention to hygiene.

Types according to the course of the disease

continuously current

There is an increase and progression of negative symptoms leading to a personality defect. It is characterized by lethargy, lack of will, deterioration of thinking.

Paroxysmal (coat-like schizophrenia)

One of the commonly used species. The name comes from the German word "fur coat", meaning shift. Each attack is accompanied by the appearance of new symptoms. The cause can be stress, toxic substances, infections, genetics. Male schizophrenia of this type is distinguished by more aggressive manifestations. Often turns into dementia. Attacks with delusions and hallucinations are longer (up to a year) than the intervals between them. The patient distances himself from others, becomes suspicious. The condition is characterized by depression and tantrums. The first episodes can occur from 11 years of age.


The slow progress of the disease is fixed. Symptoms are mild. Decreased activity and emotionality for many years with the manifestation of shallow depression.

Sometimes diagnosed mixed a type of illness, the course of which becomes either sluggish or paroxysmal.

General signs and symptoms

Pronounced clinical manifestations, as a rule, appear in adolescence. The previous disease state lasts from 2 years.

First signs

They appear gradually, progress, are supplemented:

  • monosyllabic answers, slowness of speech;
  • impoverishment of emotions, avoidance by the eyes of the interlocutor;
  • weakening of attention and concentration;
  • apathy, lack of interest in anything, suspicion;
  • delusional ideas, initial manifestations of hallucinations (which later transform into psychosis).

Signs and symptoms vary.

Signs - 4 directions of the brain (Bleyler's tetrad)

  1. association defect. Inability to logical thinking, dialogue. Scarcity of speech. Monosyllabic answers without building a logical chain.
  2. The presence of autism. Immersion in your own created world with the monotony of actions and interests. Template thinking, lack of a sense of humor.
  3. affective inadequacy to ongoing events. Laughter or tears "inopportunely." For example, laughter in a stressful situation.
  4. Ambivalence. Contradictory feelings (a person loves and hates at the same time, for example, birdsong). Moreover, contradictions can be emotional, intellectual, strong-willed.

With a combination of signs, there is a loss of interest in the environment, a closure in oneself. Sometimes new hobbies arise, for example, religion, philosophy, fanaticism appears.

Symptoms are concrete expressions. They are positive and negative .

Symptoms are positive

  • Hallucinations (usually auditory: voices, threats, orders, comments). As well as tactile, olfactory, gustatory, visual deceptions.
  • Rave. Feeling the impact of hypnosis, witchcraft (intelligence, aliens).
  • Delusions of persecution, jealousy, own defectiveness, self-accusation, greatness, incurability.
  • Violation of motor coordination (stupor, agitation).
  • Disorders of speech (sometimes to incoherence, deprivation of meaning), thinking, obsessions.

Symptoms are negative

  • Emotional imbalance (depletion of emotions).
  • Social disorganization, apathy, thirst for solitude. Dissatisfaction with life.
  • Volitional disorders. Lethargy, repetition of actions after others without the efforts of one's own will (including the commission of unlawful acts).
  • Narrowing the range of interests, lack of sexual desire, neglect of hygiene, refusal to eat.
  • The manifestation of anger, selfishness, cruelty.

Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in children and adolescents

If problems arise in a child, his exclusion from the life of the team, solitude, loss of interest are immediately noticeable.

Signs of schizophrenia in a child

  • personality disorders;
  • change in ideals, behavior, interests;
  • non-contact, gloominess, low self-esteem;
  • whimsical ideas;
  • excessive shyness, loss of interest in any activity;
  • violations in the areas: emotional, motor, figurative.

Teenage symptoms

  • speech disorders: slowing down or speeding up, reticence, abruptness, stuttering;
  • emotional emptiness, inactivity;
  • violations of thinking, inconsistency of judgments, decrease in intelligence;
  • communication difficulties, learning difficulties;
  • manifestations of rudeness, pride, discontent.

Sick children tend to realize themselves in unrealizable fantasies. Childhood schizophrenia diagnosed 5 times less often than teenage. Treated quite successfully.


Diagnostic procedures include taking an anamnesis, interviewing patients, their relatives, and observing for six months. There are diagnostic criteria of the first, second rank. To confirm the diagnosis, at least one criterion from the first rank and two criteria from the second rank are required, which are observed for at least a month.

Criteria for diagnosis of the first rank

  • hallucinations, often auditory;
  • the presence of crazy ideas;
  • perception of a delusional character;
  • the sound of your own thoughts.

Criteria for diagnosis of the second rank

  • intermittent thoughts;
  • movement disorders;
  • non-auditory hallucinations;
  • behavior pathology.

Methodology for using tests

For psycho-emotional assessment, special scales (Carpenter, PANSS) and tests (Lucher (testing with different colors), MMMI, Leary, etc.) are used.

Test for schizophrenia "Chaplin mask"

The originality of the test is in stating the state of a healthy psyche, for which self-deception and distortion of reality are normal factors.

Provided to attention Charlie Chaplin rotating mask a. A healthy person sees a strange face, as it is convex on both sides. For a schizophrenic patient, the mask is always concave , which is associated with a special processing of information by the brain.

Test for schizophrenia "Cow"

It is proposed to answer what is shown in the picture. For a healthy person, the image is something incomprehensible and blurry. And patients identify a cow because of their detachment from reality.

In the complexity of the diagnostic process help picture tests for schizophrenia as additional research. Test data alone is not enough to clarify the diagnosis. They are only accompanying the main diagnostic measures.

Fundamentals of treatment

The main goal of treatment– achievement of the process of remission (weakening, disappearance of symptoms), prevention of negative forms, psychosis, complications. Treatment depends on age, personality, nature and duration of the disease. In the phase of exacerbation (psychosis, attack), hospitalization is recommended.

Specialized care is provided in psychoneurology by psychiatric specialists. Brain-improving drugs are used. It is recommended to cleanse the body, special diets, laser therapy, electrotherapy, neuroleptic drugs.

Basic Treatments

Therapy is carried out in the following areas: medication, electroshock, psychotherapy, social adaptation, non-standard methods .

Medical therapy

It is based on psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, neuroleptics.
Their goal is to reduce negative symptoms. Drugs are used only on the recommendation of a doctor and in the absence of contraindications.

Effective pills for schizophrenia: Azaleptin, Zyprexa, Solian, Amitriptyline, Carbamazepine, Cyclodol, Fluanxol, Eglonil.

Antidepressants: Cipralex, Ixel, Venlafxin. Antipsychotics:, Aminazine, Tizercin, Clozapine, others.

Agonists: Ziprasidone, Aripiprazole.


Most commonly practiced procedures :

  • the implementation of the impact on the hemispheres of the brain through certain areas of the skin;
  • exposure to light pulses on the retina in order to get rid of phobias, anxiety, neuroses;
  • blood purification with laser radiation.

Various methods of increasing immunity are also used using such means: Echinacea, Timolin, Vilazone, Erbisol, Timogen, Splenin.


It aims to improve cognitive and functional skills. Creating a positive atmosphere is of great importance. Psychological support of relatives and friends is used.

The treatment prognosis is more favorable for the female sex and for the disease that began at a later age with little negative symptoms. A good social and professional adaptation before the onset of the disease gives a positive effect. Recently, non-standard methods of treatment have been actively used.

Treatment with creativity

Research confirms the connection of the disease with creativity. The brain of patients with schizophrenia is capable of reproducing non-standard associations. No wonder many creative people suffered from this disease. Creativity helps to restore balance, open up in a new way, switch attention.

Treatment with creativity(poetry, drawing) allows you to minimize depressive and stressful moments, concentrate attention, improve mood. In addition, it promotes adaptation in society by creating a sense of need.

Treatment at home

supportive or homemade treatment for several months (up to two years) is aimed at preventing relapse. It is carried out when the acute period passes.
Close people participate in the rehabilitation phase. Occupational therapy, special trainings are practiced, and the recommended medications are continued.

Important for remission trusting relationship. Relatives are taught the rules of communication with patients of this kind. We must try not to argue with them, not to ask unnecessary questions, to calm them down, to protect them from emotional experiences. Eliminate all factors that irritate them, do not raise your voice. It is necessary to show patience, friendliness, tolerance.


It must be remembered that these signs of mental abnormalities can occur in an incomplete form and with other mental pathologies. Or vice versa, in some forms of schizophrenia, there are no perceptual deceptions and delusional symptoms, and only apato-abulic syndrome is expressed - weakness of will and impoverishment of emotions. Therefore, only a psychiatrist at an internal appointment can make a correct diagnosis. And in the case of schizophrenia, you need long-term observation in a psychiatric hospital.

How does schizophrenia manifest itself?

At the beginning, middle and towards the end of its development, schizophrenia manifests itself in different ways. Depending on the form, the disease can begin in different ways. Paranoid and catatonic schizophrenia may manifest as an acute psychotic disorder at a fairly young age. The simple form has a gradual course and often a complete absence of delusional symptoms and hallucinations.

A person gradually withdraws into himself, losing social contacts.

In the presence of delusional ideas, by the middle of the illness, the delirium is systematized - the picture links the images with some kind of logic that is understandable to the patient. By the end of the disease, when there is practically no criticism of the state and there are signs of personality degradation, the delirium becomes broken, i.e. unsystematic. The complexity of the delusional content is simplified, hallucinations lose their brightness and focus. Lack of interest in the outer world leads to impoverishment of the inner world.

The progression of any kind of schizophrenia sooner or later leads to the destruction of the personality, aimless existence and loss of interest, both in the world around and in oneself. The earlier drug treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of maintaining individuality and striving for social activity. PreobrazhenieCenter "Clinic Transfiguration" offers outpatient and inpatient treatment in Moscow. If necessary, you can call a psychiatrist at home. Patients can attend social and psychological rehabilitation groups and learn to understand themselves and the external space.

How to identify schizophrenia in humans and animals

Schizophrenia and other endogenous mental illnesses are completely absent in animals. If neurosis occurs in pets after experiencing severe stress or prolonged discomfort, then wild animals do not even have neurotic disorders. What does it say? The fact that animals are not prone to unproductive mental and physical activity.

All behavior of the animal is constructive and is directed either to gain experience or to ensure its vital activity. Moreover, the presence of reason and complex emotions has been proven in higher animals. They do not have the wrong upbringing, unresolvable conflicts or eternal sadness about the lost. All questions are resolved and brought to their logical end. Lonely maladaptive animals either die or get used to a solitary existence. Sorrows are forgotten, wounds heal, bones grow together - and the beast is again activated to life.

Schizophrenia definition

Schizophrenia is a serious pathology of the behavioral-cognitive sphere associated with profound disturbances in relationships with oneself and the world. The change of generations transfers a certain style of behavior from generation to generation, fixing it at the gene level. In schizophrenia, thinking, attention, the area of ​​emotions and intentions are irreversibly changed. But it is possible to smooth out the changes and learn how to manage your mental health with long-term and deep psychotherapy.

Does schizophrenia occur in animals?

No. And this gives us an understanding that there are no structural changes in the brain in this disease, but there is a distorted perception of oneself and the environment. This speaks for the possibility of a cure for schizophrenia. But the life of one person is not always enough to cure a birth disease. But with each new effort, the condition will stabilize, and the disease will recede.

How to define schizophrenia

Schizophrenia affects almost all areas of human mental activity.

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How to define a schizophrenic? The manifestation of schizophrenia can be recognized by the following parameters:

  • An apathetic attitude towards oneself and the outside world is manifested in slovenliness and a strange style of clothing, lack of self-care. Patients are often unshaven with dirty hair. Loss of interest in work, disappearance of former interests, no strength and desire to acquire new experience and study.
  • A schizophrenic patient stops communicating with people. Becomes more cold with friends and relatives, he does not trust people. In his delusional reasoning, he ceases to need an interlocutor.
  • Thinking becomes torn and speech incoherent; phrases, although they have a formal correct construction of words, the very essence of the story is missing; neologisms are invented - new words that are completely devoid of meaning.
  • Emotions are either contradictory and inadequate to the situation, or flattened. In patients with schizophrenia at the time of exacerbation, states of fading in unusual positions are possible. Mental and motor restlessness. Often moments of aggression are replaced by periods of good nature and submission. Anxiety due to the inability to control conditions leads to sleep disturbance and general anxiety. Depression in schizophrenia has no cause and is usually outwardly subtle.
  • Changes in behavior are manifested by unusual hobbies, eccentricity and pretentiousness, asociality with early alcoholism, running away from school, stealing. Patients experiencing hallucinations listen to something, hide, become suspicious.

People with schizophrenia are rarely able to adequately assess their condition. But there are, on the contrary, those who are not sure whether they have a mental illness or not. In this case, psychiatrists have developed special tests. So check yourself for the following symptoms.

Delusions and hallucinations

If you see what others do not see, or hear what others do not hear, this is the first sign that something is not right with the psyche. An even more disturbing symptom is when the “voices in your head” order you to do something, sometimes to do absurd or dangerous things for others. Sometimes it seems to a person that he hears the thoughts of other people, even if they are not nearby. He may also be convinced that those around him can read his thoughts and even erase his memory by putting their own ideas into his head.

You often talk to yourself, to animals, and to inanimate objects

All of us have done this at times. But if it seems to you that you are conducting a full-fledged dialogue with someone or something, who or what cannot answer you by definition, this is an alarming sign.

Persecution mania

Schizophrenics often feel that they are being followed by someone - it can be neighbors, work colleagues, sometimes complete strangers, or even mythical intelligence officers and aliens. Alternatively, it can be demons, demons, mysterious "men in black" ... Some complain that they are irradiated with something right in their own apartment. If you have such thoughts and at the same time you are not some kind of celebrity and your occupation cannot be of interest to the "organs", then most likely you are sick.

You have lost the desire to communicate with others

In schizophrenics, this can happen for the reason that they see enemies and conspirators who wish them harm, even in relatives and friends. As a result, the patient moves away from other people, reduces contact to a minimum. Sometimes he doesn't even want to leave the house.

Do you often have violent outbursts?

Even the smallest thing can piss you off. If you are constantly irritated by people and circumstances, this does not necessarily indicate schizophrenia. But if there are other signs, then this may be another symptom.

You have intrusive thoughts and phobias

For example, you are constantly thinking about something that is not really important at all. Or you experience unreasonable fear for far-fetched reasons. True, this may be a sign of other neurotic disorders.

Are you convinced that you are chosen?

Many schizophrenics are sure that they are special people, that they were chosen by some higher powers or aliens in order for them to fulfill an important mission for humanity. If you have thoughts about your chosenness, that you are a messenger of God, Satan or aliens, then there is practically no reason to doubt your mental illness.

You are no longer interested in what you used to be interested in

For example, you have lost interest in your favorite job, in a hobby that you have been doing for many years. On the contrary, schizophrenics often have new hobbies. Many of them suddenly become interested in mysticism, religion, science, philosophy, and literally get hung up on this. True, a change of interests can occur in a completely normal person, but if it happened too quickly, then there is reason to be wary.

Your tastes have changed

What brought you joy no longer brings. The schizophrenic ceases to like those dishes that he liked before, he begins to dress differently, sometimes strangely for others, his preferences in literature, painting, music may change ...

Taking aimless actions

A schizophrenic can sit or lie down for hours, staring at one point, or wander around without any purpose, or perform meaningless actions, for example, twist something on his finger, click on the TV remote ... If you catch yourself that this goes on for too long, this anxiety symptom.

You don't share emotions with other people

For example, you cannot understand what everyone is laughing at. And you are not sad in such situations when others become sad. But you can laugh or cry for no apparent reason.

Your handwriting has changed or is less legible

Of course, this can be caused by other reasons as well. But if there are other symptoms, most likely this is one of them.


The patient may behave bizarrely. He begins to be tormented by a sense of persecution and the fact that invisible and mystical forces are spying on him. At the same time, he does not hide from others the fact that he sees people who are actually not around. Hallucinations gradually increase, the person begins to rush about and in a constant sense of fear.

But visible hallucinations are not everything. A person begins to hear voices, thoughts of other people who are not nearby. He is also able to carry on a conversation with them, which causes complete misunderstanding among healthy people around him. At the slightest hint that no one is around, he looks carefully and begins to prove that someone is talking to him. It happens that the patient accuses quite healthy people of their mental abnormality. If you notice this in the behavior of people you know, do not hesitate, this is a clear mental deviation and a person can harm not only himself, but also those around him. Need immediate hospitalization and a course of intensive care.

If a person starts strange postures or behaves inappropriately without good reason, then this can also be a symptom. During the period of antics, the patient can hear voices or even see. Usually he begins to share with others what he sees and does not understand, how healthy people can not notice this.

Not always with such vivid episodes in behavior. Sometimes a person becomes withdrawn, taciturn and begins to avoid communication with other people. Speech becomes inhibited and incomprehensible, this happens in the atrophy of the parts responsible for speech. Also, the patient begins to be afraid of everyone and look with distrust.

In some cases, the person becomes strange at first, and over time, the course of the disease becomes more distinct. Strangeness and isolation is replaced by inadequate and overly active behavior. Without treatment, the patient begins to hear and see hallucinations. Schizophrenia can become very acute and cause the death of the patient as a result of an accident or deliberate suicide. Be vigilant - call an ambulance.

Related article


  • how to recognize schizophrenia
  • How to recognize a schizophrenic?

Strange behavior, hostility, unreasonable aggression and anger, suspicion of everything that happens can be not just a sign of a temporary mental disorder, but a disease in which an irreversible change in personality occurs, i.e. schizophrenia.


The development of schizophrenia may be preceded by frequent and severe headaches, the attacks of which come and go with a break of years. Over time, an indifferent attitude to everything that happens and to oneself arises. Because of this, slovenliness in clothes or a strange, eccentric style appears. Loss of interest in work and past hobbies.

A patient with schizophrenia stops communicating with others, even with close friends and relatives. In everyone, he sees conspirators and enemies who wish him harm and even death. Often he makes ridiculous assumptions about this, which is a clear sign of paranoid schizophrenia.

An attack is often replaced by excessive talkativeness, which is like a set of unrelated words or sentences. And attacks of aggression or hostility are replaced by a complete disposition towards their surroundings. He often talks about scientific and philosophical topics, or, unexpectedly for everyone, begins to really get involved in them.

With the progression of schizophrenia, hallucinations and delusions may begin. The patient begins to hear voices, to which he often responds, producing a clear impression of an insane person. Often this is what allows you to identify a schizophrenic.

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