Immunomodulators (immunostimulators). Natural immunomodulators

Stimulation of the immune system, the help of "foreign" immune cells is necessary when the body itself cannot cope with the disease. When your own defenses are unable to control the infection. To stimulate the immune system, pharmacists offer immunomodulators and immunostimulants. What are their differences from each other? What is the harm and benefit? And how to use these potent drugs?

Immunomodulators - means to change immunity

In medical terminology, the term "immunomodulator" is a general term for a group of drugs that somehow affect the immune system. The word "modulate" literally means "change". That is, immunomodulators change human immunity. And they can do it for good or bad.

A reasonable question arises: if modulators can change immunity for the worse, then why is this needed? This is necessary in some pathological conditions, when one's own immunity works against survival:

  • with autoimmune diseases (severe allergic reactions);
  • after an organ transplant operation (when one's own immunity "does not accept" a foreign organ, and its rejection is possible);

In these cases, artificially lowering immunity allows you to save a person's life. Drugs that lower the immune system are called immunosuppressants. They are necessary in strictly defined situations. And it would never occur to anyone to use immunosuppressants “just like that”, “just in case”. Unlike their close "relatives" - drugs with an immunostimulating effect.

Immunostimulants - for enhanced immune function

In contrast to immunosuppressants, there are other drugs. They are called immunostimulants. The action of general stimulants is understandable - they spur reactions, accelerate blood flow, make heartbeat and breathing more frequent. Immune stimulants - enhance immune responses, cause the body to produce more immune bodies, fight infection more actively.

Immunostimulants can manifest themselves in different ways. Some of them make human cells immune to infection. Others act directly on the virus, paralyzing its activity and destroying its particles. Still others supply foreign immune bodies to the body. That is, they are "crutches" for their own immunity. They replace its lack of activity with their presence, allowing their own body to remain weak.

Regardless of the mechanism of action, all synthetic immune modulators are foreign bodies. Therefore, their use is not always advisable, may have side effects, undesirable consequences.

In addition, the accumulated knowledge about the work of immunity and the action of the immune system warns against imprudent introduction into its work. Often attempts to correct immune reactions are fraught with complex violations in its further work. Therefore, stimulation of the immune system can have serious consequences.

The action of immune stimulants often turns out to be a "gross" invasion of the human immune system. It has a special "rudeness" in relation to the immunity of children, which is only being formed.

Differences between modulators and stimulants of immunity

Modulators - a general group of drugs, which includes both stimulants and modulators of immune responses. Stimulants are one of the types of modulators, the action of which is aimed at enhancing immune responses, general stimulating the body.

Immunostimulating agents are designed to regulate the body's defenses. Due to a number of diseases, the human immune system does not work properly and does not perform all its functions.

To help the self-healing of the body's immune system, these drugs were invented. Many of the immunomodulating agents have an antiviral effect, and most often they are prescribed when a person has ARVI several times a year.

It should be noted that practicing physicians treat immunomodulators differently. Some see them as a good idea, while others consider their use useless. There are also different opinions among patients. To evaluate these tools, let's look at the most popular immunomodulatory drugs today.

Effective immunomodulating agents


The drug is used in complex treatment regimens for patients. The main indications for its use are: viral hepatitis, herpes, various secondary immunodeficiencies, pyoinflammatory processes, tuberculosis, psoriasis and others.

The drug has a powerful effect, therefore it is indicated for both treatment and prevention. Likopid has cytotoxic activity, exhibits bactericidal properties, promotes the resorption of small neoplasms.

  1. The drug is produced in tablets. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.
  2. In pediatric practice, licopid is recommended for use from the age of three. In some cases, under the supervision of a doctor, the drug can also be used for a child, starting from the age of one.
  3. In pediatrics, only one dose is allowed - 1 mg per day. For adults, the dose of the drug can vary, reaching up to 20 mg per day.

Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for use.

The price of licopid (tablets 1 mg No. 10) is within 230 rubles. For a dosage of 10 mg No. 10, you will have to fork out more, the cost for such a licopid will be about 1,700 rubles.


Echinacea is a part of immunal. The plant has antiviral, antibacterial, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Immunal is prescribed for influenza, SARS, herpes, gynecological problems, secondary immunodeficiencies. In minimal doses, it is used to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.

Contraindications to the use of immunal are:

  • tubinfection,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • leukemia,
  • allergic reactions,
  • various systemic pathologies.

During gestation and lactation, the drug is acceptable in extreme cases.

Immunal is produced in tablets, drops, powder, solution. The necessary form for treatment or prevention is selected by the doctor.

The price of Immunal (Slovenia) in tablets (No. 20) is 300-350 rubles.

For the smallest patients, drops are offered (from 12 months). Tablets are recommended not earlier than from 4 years. Some pediatricians believe that it is preferable to use immunostimulating drugs in tablets only after 12 years. Dosing of the drug is carried out according to the instructions.


The drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Kagocel in its action resembles interferon. It is used to treat SARS and herpes. Recommended for use from the age of three. Plus Kagocel - the minimum possible side effects (individual intolerance and allergic reactions).

Depending on age and disease, the dose of the drug varies.

Kagocel (Russia) is available in tablets. The price per package (No. 10) represents an average of 260 rubles. The course of treatment usually requires 10-18 tablets. Treatment of herpes will cost more, about 780 rubles.


This drug works in a complex way. The active substance is interferon human recombinant alpha-2. The tool has the following properties: immunomodulatory, protective, antiviral, antiproliferative.

The range of application of viferon is quite diverse. These are SARS, viral lesions of mucous and skin surfaces, stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis (in complex therapy), herpes, viral hepatitis, HIV, bronchial asthma, and others.

Viferon has also found wide application in pediatrics. It is used even in newborns and premature babies.

Depending on the form of the drug, the dose of viferon has its own characteristics. For example, suppositories are used 1-2 times a day, and a gel up to 5 times a day.

The price for viferon is as follows:

  • gel 36000ME / ml 10ml costs about 180 rubles;
  • suppositories 1000000ME (No. 10) - 520 rubles;
  • ointment 40000ME/g 12g - 180 rubles.

In principle, viferon can be attributed to inexpensive drugs, which makes it popular with patients.


This drug, like many drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory properties, is an inducer of interferon synthesis. It is used for liver diseases, SARS, tubinfection and other diseases. It is noticed that amixin is useful in urological, gynecological and neuroinfections.

The dosage of the drug is determined only by the doctor, because. Amixin, depending on the day of therapy, is prescribed differently.

Amixin has few side effects: allergic reactions, chills, diarrhea.

In pediatrics, the drug is used only from the age of seven. Pregnant women and persons with individual intolerance to the composition of amixin are not prescribed the drug.

On sale there are tablets on 60 or 125 mg. The price of tablets (60 mg, No. 10) is 550 rubles.


The drug is an inducer of endogenous interferon. It exhibits antiviral, immunomodulatory, antitumor, anti-inflammatory effects. Cycloferon reduces the content of carcinogens in the blood, and also helps to slow down metastatic processes in malignant neoplasms.

The effectiveness of cycloferon has been proven in hepatitis, HIV, SARS, herpes, enteroviruses, chlamydia, tick-borne encephalitis and other infections. In systemic diseases, cycloferon exhibits a moderate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The method of application depends on the severity of the infectious process (should be guided by the instructions for use).

Contraindications - individual intolerance, allergies, pregnancy, lactation and cirrhosis of the liver. In pediatrics, the drug is used from 4 years.

Cycloferon is available in tablets, liniment and injection. The price, respectively, is 190 rubles (10 tablets), liniment - 105 rubles, ampoules (5 pieces) - 330 rubles.


The drug belongs to the means that correct and stimulate the immune system.

Thymogen is based on glutamine tryptophan. Immunodeficiency states - indications for the appointment of this remedy. No specific contraindications or side effects were found.

Timogen has three dosage forms: aerosol, injection, cream for external use.

The price of the drug depends on the dosage form. Solution for injection 0.01% 1ml No. 5 costs about 330 rubles. The price of a cream for external use 0.05% 30g ranges from 270 to 330 rubles. Aerosol 0.025% 10 ml costs about 310 rubles.


This drug has established itself as a powerful immunomodulator. The range of its application is huge. These are oncological processes, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac pathologies, tubinfection, gynecological and urological infections.

Derinat activates all links of immunity, and also stimulates regenerative processes. Thanks to Derinat, tissue regeneration takes place faster, therefore, the agent in question is prescribed for the treatment of burns and ulcerative processes on the skin.

Against the background of taking Derinat, dystrophic problems with eye diseases are eliminated faster.

A big plus of this tool is the possibility of its use from the first days of a child's life, when many drugs are contraindicated.

Derinat is available in a solution for injection or solution for topical and external use.

The course of treatment depends on the disease, and can range from 5 to 45 days. In any case, treatment with Derinat alone is not carried out.

A solution of 0.25% 10 ml for topical use costs about 300 rubles, a solution for injections of 1.5% 5 ml No. 5 - 2000 rubles.


The effectiveness of anaferon was noticed in ARVI, bronchopulmonary pathologies, herpes infections, as well as other diseases caused by viral agents. Anaferon is a safe homeopathic remedy with high antiviral protection. Bacteria, like viruses, also lose their strength due to the "work" of anaferon. Diseases with chronic immunodeficiency are a direct prescription for this drug.

Like another immunomodulator, anaferon should not be used during gestation, but if necessary, it can be used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that after the 12th week of pregnancy, the fetus is already more protected. The embryonic period passed, the placenta became thicker, and the future baby began to gain more active body weight.

In pediatrics, Anaferon is used once a day. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts a week. The pharmacy chain sells children's anaferon (in drops and tablets). The form of the drug for therapy is selected by the doctor.

The price for children's and adult anaferon in lozenges (20 pieces) is about 200 rubles, in drops (25 ml) a little more expensive - 250-300 rubles.

Cheap analogues of Anaferon - list.


The drug is popular in otolaryngology and dentistry. It is based on two active components - lysozyme and vitamin B6. The first fights infection, the second protects the mucous membrane. Despite the fact that Lysobact belongs to antiseptics, its effectiveness in the fight against viruses has been confirmed more than once. The immunomodulatory effect of Lysobact is mild, so it can be safely used during gestation and lactation.

Lyzobact is prescribed for infections and inflammation of the pharyngeal space, stomatitis, gingivitis, aphthous ulcers, and herpes.

Side effects while taking Lysobact are extremely rare. Only mild allergic reactions are possible.

The course of treatment lasts about 8 days. Tablets dissolve slowly under the tongue (sublingually). It is advisable to keep the dissolved mass under the tongue as long as possible, and refrain from eating food and water for several hours.

Tablets are used from 3 to 8 pieces per day. Children from 3 to 7 years old are shown three times a day, 1 tablet. For adults, the following dosage is recommended - 2 tablets 4 times a day.

The price of Lysobact (Bosnia and Herzegovina) No. 10 is 250-320 rubles.



Analyzing our article, it is easy to see that many drugs have much in common. This is especially true for indications for use. To date, there is still a lot of controversy regarding the use of immunomodulators. There are opinions that the body itself is able to recover, and immunomodulators act only as a placebo.

To stay in good health and good spirits, you need to take care of your immune status. After past illnesses and under the influence of negative factors, protection may decrease, which a person may not be aware of. Effective help to a weakened body can be provided by drugs to increase immunity. There are so many dosage forms that it is important to familiarize yourself with at least their most popular names.

To enhance the treatment of colds, physicians usually supplement the group of essential drugs with antiviral immunostimulating agents. Sometimes it is enough for adults to give up bad habits, improve sleep and eat right to strengthen immune protection. Medicines for children who are more prone to colds are designed to protect the growing body from infection by viruses and bacteria.

How to boost immunity for adults

The reasons for the weakening of the protective forces in adults and children are different. Therefore, it is better to entrust the choice of an effective drug to increase immunity to a specialist.

There are various levels of classifications of immunomodulatory dosage forms for enhancing immunity in adults. The most understandable gradation is according to the type of raw material used to manufacture the drug:

  • natural modulators of plant origin;
  • bacterial-based immunomodulators;
  • a subgroup of biogenic stimulants;
  • inductors to produce their own interferons;
  • preparations of animal origin (from the thymus gland);
  • adaptogenic immunostimulants;
  • synthetic forms.

Features of the immune protection of children

To choose a drug to increase children's immunity, it is important to take into account the developmental features of the child's body. Until the age of six months, babies are protected by maternal immunity received at birth. The protective system of children weakens after six months due to the transition to the production of their own immunoglobulins. For children under three years of age, a pediatrician can prescribe a medicine from the interferon line to increase the immune status. After the age of three, the choice of herbal medicines or dosage forms with nucleic acids is relevant.

Effective means to increase immunity

The immune system is a complex system of organs and glands that closely interact with each other. The boundary between normal and reduced levels of immune protection is difficult to determine on your own. Therefore, it is important to consult with an immunologist to select a specific drug that can restore the immune status.

Plant immunomodulators

The most popular herb that effectively boosts the immune system is Echinacea. The medicine is produced in the form of drops, tablets and tinctures. Among echinacea preparations that can stimulate cellular immunity, Immunal is considered the most famous:

  • the basis of the medicinal substance is the juice of the plant, enriched with minerals;
  • Immunal tablets can be taken by adults and children according to an individual scheme;
  • the drug in drops is diluted with water, alcohol extract is allowed for children from the age of 12.

The group of drugs used to increase resistance to infections includes a number of other drugs. Medicines with adaptogenic action are no less effective than substances with echinacea.

In modern medical practice, immunomodulatory drugs are increasingly being prescribed in the fight against various viral and infectious diseases. Is it safe to use immunomodulators, the reviews of doctors about which are ambiguous?

Immunomodulators are drugs that can affect the immune system of the human body. They can either stimulate the body's immune defenses (immunomodulators, immunostimulants) or suppress it (immunosuppressors).

When used correctly under the supervision of your doctor, these medicines can speed up the healing process, as well as minimize the risk of complications. Many people think that immunomodulators and immunostimulants are the same drugs. In fact, the effect of these substances is similar, but there is a significant difference:

  • Immunomodulators are drugs that gently affect the body, forcing it to more actively produce protective cells, provide protection against viral and bacterial microflora.
  • Immunostimulants are powerful drugs that are used when the body's own immune system is unable to provide the body with adequate protection.


All immunomodulatory drugs are divided into several types:

  • microbial;
  • nucleic acid;
  • chemically pure;
  • thymic;
  • bone marrow;
  • cytokines.


There are several generations. The first generation includes the BCG vaccine, which enhances innate and acquired immunity. This group also includes Pyrogenal, Prodigiosan. They are based on bacterial polysaccharides, which are rarely used in modern medicine due to the large number of side effects. Second generation microbial immunomodulators include IRS-19, Bronchomunal, Ribomunil. The composition of the drugs includes rybosomes and lysates of bacteria that cause respiratory viral diseases. They enhance immune protection, and also produce a vaccinating (specific) effect. The most modern drug of this group can be distinguished Likopid, which initializes humoral and cellular immunity.

Nucleic acid

It is used to improve leukopoiesis, as well as to stimulate innate and acquired immunity. In modern medicine, synthetic drugs Isoprinosine, Pranabex, Groprinosine are used, which in their action are interferon inducers. These drugs produce immunostimulating, antioxidant, antitoxic, membrane-protective effects. Levamisole, better known as Decaris, is one of the first drugs of this type. They also include Dibazol, Diucifon.


Synthesized from bovine thymus secretions. The main active substance of such drugs is a complex of thymic peptides. These include Timalin, Timoptin, Timimulin, Vilozen, Mielopid. Under the influence of these drugs, the production of T-cells responsible for the adequacy of immune defense increases.

The latest generation drugs are an analogue of the thymus hormone of synthetic origin.

Bone marrow

They have a pronounced feature - they can not only stimulate the synthesis and work of T-helpers, but also have a pronounced antitumor effect. Medicines of this group affect all parts of the human immune system. The most popular drugs are Seramil and Bivalen.


These are immunoregulatory molecules of endogenous origin that provide an adequate response when a viral threat appears. On their basis, many drugs of natural and recombinant type are synthesized.

Separately, it is worth highlighting a group of immunomodulatory substances - interferon inducers. These drugs increase the level of the interferon protein, which regulates the function of the immune system. The most common drugs are Interferon, Viferon, Nazoferon.

By their origin, immunomodulators can be endogenous, exogenous, synthetic.

Clinical Application

The effectiveness of drugs has been proven by many years of experience in their use, but you should not see them as a panacea. Doctors distinguish 3 groups of diseases in which immunomodulatory drugs should be used:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • allergy;
  • autoimmune inflammatory processes.

Indications for the use of immunomodulatory drugs are immunodeficiency states, which are manifested by an increased frequency of infectious diseases. These drugs are also used as part of the complex treatment of secondary infectious, as well as chronic diseases, in order to prevent relapse. The appointment of immunomodulatory drugs is justified in the treatment of:

  • flu;
  • SARS;
  • herpes;
  • neoplasms.

For patients suffering from allergic diseases, immunomodulators are prescribed in cases where there is a risk of developing a secondary infection. For example, atopic dermatitis complicated by pyoderma, or bronchial asthma complicated by obstructive bronchitis.

Autoimmune diseases are characterized by a failure of the body's immune response, which is manifested by the defeat of the body's own cells. In the treatment of such diseases, it is advisable to use immunosuppressants or immunosuppressants that suppress the autoimmune inflammatory process, directly affecting the aggressiveness of the immune system.

Immunomodulators are also used for monotherapy in immunorehabilitation. Such courses of treatment are indicated for patients:

  • Often ill during seasonal epidemics.
  • Living in ecologically unfavorable areas.
  • Fully recovered from an infectious disease with a severe course.
  • Cancer patients, in order to preserve the quality of life.

Contraindications to immunotherapy can be:

  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • toxic goiter;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • Addison's disease.

It is necessary to use drugs that affect the human immune system only under the close supervision of a doctor. The use of the wrong medicine can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases with unknown consequences in the future.

Application features

As mentioned above, before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor. He will determine the immune status, as well as prescribe the necessary drug, accurately selecting its dose and duration of treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Natural immunomodulators

In folk medicine, plants with immunomodulatory effects have long been used. These are the well-known extracts of echinacea, lemongrass, ginseng, rosea rhodiola, cranberry, rosehip.

Contribute to the good functioning of the immune system lemons, figs, sea kale. All these plants and their fruits have a gentle effect on the body, gently stimulating the work of the defense system. On the basis of some of them, industrial immunomodulatory drugs are made. For example, the popular drug Immunal is made from Echinacea purpurea extract.

Herbal preparations are indicated for use in children, pregnant and lactating women. Rosehip tea or cranberry juice can be safely served for dessert, while supporting the immune system.

Proven immunomodulators

Among the wide range of immunomodulatory drugs, it is rather difficult to single out a few, because most of them are highly effective drugs.

Viferon- a combined drug that, in addition to immunomodulatory and antiviral effects, also has an antiproliferative (antitumor) effect. The drug is effective in the treatment of acute respiratory viral diseases, urogenital infections, HIV, hepatitis. The peculiarity of the drug is that it is approved for use by pregnant and lactating women, but it is better if it is taken after the 12th week of pregnancy.

IRS-19- an effective immunomodulatory agent that is administered intranasally. With regular use, it increases not only specific, but also non-specific immunity. The peculiarity of the drug lies in its convenient use and the ability to use it for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. For infants - 1 dose in each nasal passage 1 time per day, for older patients increase the frequency of use up to 3-4 times a day.

The latest generation drugs

Likopid- This is a powerful drug of the latest generation, which has an immunomodulatory and stimulating effect. It is used in the treatment of severe purulent-septic, viral and infectious diseases. The drug is approved for use in patients older than 1 year. Assign 1 mg every 24 hours. The course of treatment lasts 7-10 days. For younger patients, it is better to choose a drug with a more gentle mechanism of action.

Kagocel- a modern drug, a group of interferon inducers. Used in the treatment of respiratory viral diseases, influenza, herpes infection. During pregnancy and lactation, women are not recommended to take this medicine due to its lack of knowledge.

Arbidol- a remedy with a moderate immunomodulatory effect, which effectively helps fight respiratory tract infections. The drug is taken according to the scheme: 4-5 doses at regular intervals for 7 days. A single dose depends on the age of the patient, from 50 to 150 mg.

Thymogen- an immunomodulator of natural origin, which can both stimulate and suppress the body's immune response. With regular use, the drug activates the body's nonspecific defenses, activates metabolic processes in cells. It is used as an injection, but younger children can use a metered spray.

After using one of the above drugs, an allergic reaction, headache, dyspeptic disorders, drowsiness and general weakness may develop. If one of these symptoms appears, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.

What do the doctors say?

Studying the reviews of doctors and patients using immunomodulatory drugs, we can conclude that each of these drugs has a therapeutic effect and activates the body's defenses. But taking medications that affect the immune system should be done only after consulting an immunologist and under his strict control, regularly studying the dynamics of treatment.

Patients who neglect to see doctors and practice self-medication quickly become disillusioned with the effectiveness of immunomodulators, because the medicine itself is chosen at random and there is no application system. Do not interfere with the functioning of the immune system on your own, so as not to cause irreparable harm to your health.

After birth, the child has a natural maternal immunity for some time, protecting the baby from diseases. But over time, immunity weakens, and the child's body learns to fight ailments on its own.

A group of immunostimulants appeared on the pharmaceutical market not so long ago and has already won its segment of customers. These drugs act to strengthening, increasing and stimulating children's immunity. These are synthetic and natural drugs, which at the initial stage of their appearance were recommended as antiviral agents.

But when observing small patients who took drugs to increase immunity, it became clear that they can be used not only for the treatment of diseases of viral etiology, but also for immunodeficiency of a different origin.

Due to the action of these funds, all organ systems begin to work more productively.

Do not take immunostimulants on your own- this is very important to learn for parents who, at the first appearance of a runny nose in a child, buy a long list of all kinds of drugs in a pharmacy. There is a clear list of indications for admission, which must be strictly observed.

Carefully! Uncontrolled intake of immunostimulants can lead to a decrease in one's own immunity in the child's body, and the appointment of immunostimulants for children under 3 years of age is generally not recommended.

It is also worth paying attention that the immunostimulant is not a magic pill that saves the child from the disease. Like all drugs, they have contraindications and side effects, so only an immunologist should prescribe this or that drug taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby's body. Otherwise, health can not be strengthened, but undermined.

Taking immunostimulants also does not exempt parents from other ways to strengthen immunity - fortification of the body, hardening, sports. Tablets alone will not be effective enough to affect the immune system - a set of measures is needed that will complement each other. Only in this case it will be possible to speak about the formation of strong protective forces in the child's body.

Indications for use

Usually, before prescribing immunostimulants, the doctor prescribes a series of tests that can be used to determine degree of immunosuppression. A carefully collected history allows you to determine the weakest system of the child's body, which is most often affected. Based on these data and indications for the use of drugs, appropriate funds are prescribed.

The indications include the following:

  • the presence of chronic recurrent diseases;
  • taking drugs that weaken the immune system;
  • sluggish infectious processes;
  • severe viral and bacterial infections;
  • the presence of diseases in which secondary immunity is stimulated;
  • malignant tumors;
  • congenital immunodeficiencies;
  • metabolic disease;
  • the need for recovery after chemotherapy, radiation therapy;
  • immunodeficiencies caused by the action of adverse external factors.

Any drugs, even those for raising immunity, should not be taken without the appointment of a specialist

Only when these indications are identified, the doctor will select an immunostimulating drug for the child.

Types of immunostimulants

To date, there are several approaches to the classification of drugs based on various features, but it is most convenient to divide immunostimulants for children into two categories:

  • vegetable (natural);
  • synthesized by the pharmaceutical industry.

Laboratory synthesized immunostimulants

Laboratory remedies for boosting immunity have gone through three generations - each time they become more effective and bring fewer side effects. Such drugs differ in form, direction of action and strength. They are usually applied in combination with other medicines, complementing each other.

The list of immunostimulant drugs for children is wide, all drugs have their own characteristics and indications. Some of them:

  • Amiksin- helps to get rid of the baby from frequent;
  • Anaferon, Viferon- from a respiratory tract infection;
  • Decaris- activates the immune system in the fight against the herpes virus;
  • Bronchomunal- raises local immunity of the respiratory organs (the baby will get sick less);
  • Derinat- to protect against acute respiratory infections;
  • Roncoleukin- a universal remedy that strengthens the immune system in lesions of various etiologies.

Herbal immunostimulants

Nature has provided a person with a number of immunostimulants that act no less effectively than synthetically generated agents. Immunostimulant plants have long been used in folk medicine, and today it is possible to evaluate the experience of using this or that remedy.

As practice shows, effective natural analogues are cranberry, honey, garlic, onion and ginger. Extracts of these funds are included in many preparations, but experts in traditional medicine advise giving them to children according to special recipes.

No less powerful immunostimulants are echinacea, nettle, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, licorice, white iris. These drugs have a mild effect on the body, almost do not cause allergic reactions, they can be used for quite a long time, since they have a cumulative effect and do not act immediately.

Important! Natural immunostimulants are not as effective as synthetic drugs, therefore, if necessary, quickly raise immunity or if there is a serious illness, they cannot be used, so as not to provoke a worsening of the situation.

Medical opinion

The opinion of doctors about immunostimulants varies. Some doctors believe that the appointment of immunostimulants is a good and almost the only way to increase immunity in children, and doctors often prescribe such drugs when they first treat the symptoms of a cold.

Another, rather skeptical opinion regarding immunostimulants is held by the well-known pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

In his interviews he shows ridicules the "deification" of immunostimulants, as magical means that restore health to children.

For this reason, the doctor even came up with sonorous names - Immunoucrepin, Coughprecratin and Snot-disappearance.

« Unfortunately, this irony is a reflection of our reality,” says the doctor. - “Now it is easier for parents to give a pill of some kind of drug than to harden a child, to form strong immunity from the cradle. And already when the beneficial time is gone, maternal immunity has ceased to operate, and its own has not yet formed, an endless series of colds, allergies and other ailments begins.»

According to the doctor, there is not a single drug that could one hundred percent raise the baby's weakened immunity. But if you still have to choose immunostimulants for children, Komarovsky recommends doing this only after careful examination and immunograms.

Harm and side effects

The appointment of immunostimulants is one of the extreme measures when the child's own strengths cannot cope with the disease. Intervention in natural processes can do more harm than good, and the side effects of drugs will be no less negative than the root cause of the disease.

There is always a serious risk of complications, among which are the following:

  • the appearance of allergic reactions that were not previously observed;
  • joint damage;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • a decrease in immunity to certain types of pathogens (for example, when taking immunostimulants in children, thrush may occur).

Usually, with the correct selection of immunostimulants and compliance with the dose of drugs, such complications do not occur. Therefore, in no case should you change the dose of the prescribed remedy and increase the frequency of its administration.

Immunostimulants for children are not essential drugs, as long as the child's body can cope with the disease on its own. Each transferred is another step towards the formation of persistent defenses of the body, and only in extreme cases does it need to be helped to fight diseases.

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