Or complicating vision problems. How to identify symptoms of decreased visual acuity. Bad eyesight is not a sentence

January 21, 2016 13:38

By Fabiosa

In everyday worries, many often do not pay attention to some alarming symptoms. Today, millions of people suffer from various eye diseases, some of which begin almost imperceptibly. The sooner they are detected, the sooner it will be possible to seek help from doctors and the more likely it is to avoid serious consequences. In addition, some vision problems can be indicators of other serious diseases.

Here are 6 symptoms that could indicate early vision problems or other serious illnesses. They cannot be missed!


1. Veil before the eyes

According to ophthalmologists, this is one of the frequent complaints of many patients, which should be given special attention. It happens that a similar side effect is caused by various drugs. In more serious cases, the symptom may indicate the onset of cataracts, glaucoma, the manifestation of corneal diseases, problems with retinal vessels. If you do not consult a doctor in time, the problem will have to be solved surgically.

Especially such a “fog” before the eyes should alert people over the age of 40, because in this case it can be the first symptom of not only the above diseases, but also an even more serious pathology - irreversible damage to the retina, which can eventually lead to blindness. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor so as not to miss the chance to stop the destruction of the retina.

2. Photophobia

Poor tolerance to bright light is not such a harmless symptom. This may indicate the presence of infectious diseases, inflammation or injury, as well as the initial stage of glaucoma.


3. "Blind" spots

This phenomenon is considered normal if it lasts a couple of minutes after sudden active actions (for example, a sharp rise from bed). But it can also be an alarming symptom of retinal malnutrition. If the problem lasts more than 3 minutes, consult a doctor immediately, because this can cause retinal detachment or hemorrhage.

Here are some symptoms that may be indirect signs of other diseases.

4. Bright spots, rainbow circles, zigzags and loss of peripheral vision

Such symptoms most often indicate a migraine, which is also accompanied by severe pain in the forehead or on one side of the head. When the attack is over, the visual symptoms should disappear.

5. Doubling

If a person feels that objects seem to double, and visibility seems to be blurred, and at the same time the gait becomes unstable, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms can accompany the early stages of multiple sclerosis, poisoning, circulatory disorders, and even brain tumors.

6. Sudden blindness

Sudden loss of vision for a couple of hours is a dangerous harbinger of thrombosis of the central retinal artery. In this case, there is no time to think - you need to see a doctor immediately! Otherwise, vision can be lost forever, because in the absence of blood supply, the retina can die in just a couple of hours, and it will be impossible to save it.


Eye problems are not always signs of serious illness. For example, redness and dryness of the eyes are a common symptom of those who like to sit at a computer or other gadgets for a long time. In order not to harm your eyesight, you need to blink more often and use drops that moisturize the cornea.

No. Exercise helps, but not much.

Refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism) are only corrected with the help of exercises. These diseases have many causes, including genetic ones. It is impossible to cure this with complexes alone. Treating short-sightedness.

Exercise is a good way to relieve muscle tension and get rid of headaches, dry eyes, and other symptoms of overwork. Exercise improves blood flow to the retina and helps exercise the eye muscles.

Vladimir Zolotarev, ophthalmologist, head of Essilor Academy Russia

  • Look out the window at objects that are far away.
  • Move your eyes in different directions.
  • blink.

Such simple tasks do not strain, you do not need to specially allocate time for them in the schedule. It is enough to take a break from hard work every two hours. But even this is not possible for everyone.

In case of retinal detachment or recovery after eye surgery, active stimulation of blood circulation can lead to visual impairment. In addition, exercises are not recommended for inflammatory diseases of the eyes, so that along with tear fluid and other secretions, the infection does not get to healthy tissues.

Vladimir Zolotarev

To correct refractive errors, glasses, lenses, medications, and surgery must be used in conjunction with exercises.

Myth 2. Glasses only make things worse.

Not true. Supporters of this myth believe that if you do not give the eyes a load and make life easier with the help of glasses, then the eyes will “relax” and vision problems will increase.

The myth comes from the incomplete correction technique popular in previous years. In the past, ophthalmologists believed that if you wear weak glasses and spend a lot of time without them, this will help train your eyes and improve vision.

Rano Ibragimova, ophthalmologist, Essilor Academy Russia specialist

Because of this approach, many are afraid to change glasses to stronger ones, put children in the first desk, take glasses only for special occasions, and for the rest of the time they prefer to strain their eyes painfully, trying to train them like that.

Practice has shown that this approach not only does not stop the progression of myopia, but can even provoke it due to excessive tension of the eye muscles.

Rano Ibragimova

If it's time to correct your vision, pick up glasses and do not aggravate the condition.

And sunglasses are useful even for those who do not have vision problems. Ultraviolet leads to the development of cataracts and age-related maculopathy, so wear filter glasses on sunny days in both summer and winter. Glasses do not have to be black. The main thing is that they filter UV-A and UV-B radiation.

Myth 3. You need to eat carrots and blueberries.

Life hacker why carrots won't save your eyes. Indeed, without vitamins A and C, vision begins to deteriorate. Therefore, carrots with carotenes (precursors of vitamin A) and vitamin C are useful. But to bring yourself to beriberi, you need to try hard.

Blueberries contain lutein and vitamins, but no one can say with certainty how many of them there are and how much you can absorb. The same story with other foods that are good for the eyes: green leafy vegetables (they also have lutein), legumes, salmon.

In general, diet affects vision in unexpected ways. For example, obesity increases the risk of developing glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy (because excess weight is associated with type 2 diabetes).

Myth 4. Modern screens do not damage vision.

Although now with screens is still better than before, the eyes still suffer. Why exactly - Vladimir Zolotarev explained: “The principle of operation of all gadgets, except for books with electronic ink, is as follows: they emit rays of the visible spectrum, thanks to which we see the image on the screen. This spectrum includes short-wavelength blue-violet rays, which are most dangerous to the eyes. They scatter in the structures of the eye, thereby having a negative impact on the quality of vision and worsening the contrast of the image.

Prolonged exposure to this light causes symptoms of visual fatigue: blurred vision and eye strain, eye redness, pain in the brow ridges, and can subsequently lead to damage to the retina.”

That is, whatever one may say, even the most modern screens harm us. Fans of books (regular and electronic) have fewer problems. But even these people must stop reading to look out the window.

Myth 5. Perforated glasses will help restore vision.

If you put on black glasses with many small holes, the image in front of your eyes will be clearer, that is, your vision will temporarily improve slightly.

With the direct use of these glasses, the clarity of vision increases due to the fact that through the many holes in the dark plates, focused beams of light enter the retina.

Rano Ibragimova

Unfortunately, this is not enough. As Rano Ibragimova notes, there is still little convincing scientific evidence to judge the therapeutic effect of these glasses. It is better to give preference to lenses that block blue-violet light.

Myth 6. As long as I can see normally, I don’t need to see a doctor.

Myopia and farsightedness are not the most terrible visual impairments, especially if they do not progress. Much more dangerous is retinal detachment or glaucoma - diseases that do not make themselves felt for a long time or are manifested by symptoms that do not seem fatal.

For example, signs of impairment may include blurred vision, pain in the eyes, headache and profuse flow of tears, as well as a desire to reduce the usual distance from the eyes to a book or monitor.

Vladimir Zolotarev

These signs are a reason to see a doctor and examine your vision. According to WHO, 80% of all visual impairments are preventable. But for this you need to regularly visit the doctor and evaluate your condition. Regularly means about once a year.

Decreased vision can occur due to age, due to infectious diseases or hereditary factors. With a decrease in visual acuity, wearing corrective lenses (glasses or contact lenses), as well as treatment with various conservative and surgical methods, is indicated. If you suspect that your vision is deteriorating, it is important to see a doctor in time.


How to identify symptoms of decreased visual acuity

    Notice if you are squinting. You may be squinting your eyes to get a better look at something. People with poor eyesight often have various pathologies of the shape of the eyeballs, the structure of the lens or cornea is disturbed. These disturbances block the light beam from reaching the retina properly, resulting in a fuzzy image. When a person squints, he narrows the beam of light, which increases the clarity of vision.

    Pay attention to headaches. Headaches can be caused by eye strain, which in turn is caused by stress and high visual load. Increased eye strain often occurs while driving a car, working at a computer, watching TV for a long time, reading and other activities.

    Look out for double vision (diplopia). Diplopia is two images of the same object. Double vision can occur in one eye or both. Diplopia may be due to an irregular shape of the cornea or diseases such as cataracts and astigmatism.

    Note the appearance of halos. A halo is a bright circle surrounding a light source (most often a car headlight). Usually such halos appear in the dark (for example, at night or in a dark room). Halos can be caused by nearsightedness, farsightedness, cataracts, astigmatism, and presbyopia.

    Pay attention to different highlights. Glare is caused by a light source directed into the eyes, which spoils the perception of the image. Glare usually occurs during the daytime and can be due to nearsightedness, farsightedness, cataracts, astigmatism, or presbyopia.

    Notice blurry and blurry vision. Blurring and loss of visual acuity affects the clarity of vision. Blurred vision can occur in one eye or both. This is the main symptom of myopia.

    Note night blindness (gameralopia). Gameralopia is a disturbance of vision at night or in a dark room. This condition is usually aggravated when a person leaves a bright street light and enters a dark room. Night blindness can be caused by cataracts, myopia, exposure to various medications, vitamin A deficiency, retinal defects, and congenital anomalies.

    Find out if you are farsighted. Farsightedness is the blurry vision of objects at close range. The cause of farsightedness is a shortening of the eyeball or insufficient curvature of the cornea.

    Identify the symptoms of astigmatism. Astigmatism occurs when the light beam does not hit the retina properly. Astigmatism causes objects to become blurry and elongated. The reason is the wrong shape of the cornea.

    Look out for signs of presbyopia (senile vision). Usually this disease develops at an older age (after 35 years). With this disease, it is difficult to focus on an object and see it clearly and clearly. Presbyopia is caused by the loss of flexibility of the lens and its thickening.

See a doctor

    Get tested. Visual impairment can be diagnosed with several tests and a complete eye examination. This study includes several aspects:

    • Ophthalmic tests are designed to determine visual acuity. One of them goes as follows: the patient is placed at a distance of several meters in front of a special tablet in which letters are written in rows. In each line, the letters are different in size. The largest letters are located on the top line, and the smallest - on the last. With the help of such a test, the doctor checks your distance vision (depending on the line that you see and can read correctly)
    • Another part of the survey is determining the color spectrum that you see.
    • Take a cover test to assess your binocular vision. This test measures how well you see with both eyes. Your doctor will ask you to focus on a small object with one eye while covering the other eye. With this test, the doctor will be able to understand whether the eye has to reorient its gaze in order to see the object. If you really have to change focus in order to see the subject, you may have lazy eye syndrome, that is, the eye is very tired.
    • Test to check the condition of the eyeball. To determine the condition of the eyes, the doctor will conduct a special test with light. You will be asked to place your chin on a special stand and look through a small hole in the apparatus through which the light will go. This test is necessary to examine the outer part of the eye (conjunctiva, cornea, iris), as well as the internal structure of the eye (retina and optic nerve).
  1. Get tested for glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure and can lead to complete loss of vision. Glaucoma is tested by injecting a small amount of air into the eye and measuring intraocular pressure.

    For examination, you need to expand the pupils. This is required for many tests. To dilate the pupils, you need to put special drops in your eyes. This is done when screening for diabetes, high blood pressure, macular degeneration, and glaucoma.

    Wait for the test results. A comprehensive eye examination takes about 1-2 hours. The results of most tests are reported immediately after the examination, but the doctor may prescribe additional studies. If you are scheduled for an additional examination, ask your doctor about the time of the examination.

    Find out if you need glasses. Testing is carried out by determining refraction. The doctor will offer several options for lenses, and you will need to choose those in which you see objects most clearly. This test measures the severity of nearsightedness, farsightedness, presbyopia, and astigmatism.


    Wear glasses. Vision problems are primarily associated with the inability of the eye to focus beams of light on the retina. The lenses are able to redirect the beam of light so that it properly hits the retina.

    Wear contact lenses. Contact lenses are small lenses that are placed directly in front of your eyes. They "float" on the surface of the cornea.

    • There are many options available today. For example, for many, daily lenses (that is, disposables) are the best option, while others prefer to wear reusable lenses.
    • Many manufacturers produce contact lenses in different shades, designed for different types of eyes. Please consult with your ophthalmologist to choose the right lenses for you.
  1. Vision can be corrected with the help of surgical methods of treatment. Glasses and contact lenses are a conservative method of vision correction, but today surgical methods have become very popular and widespread. There are several types of surgery, but the most common are laser correction LASIK (LASIK) and PRK.

    Find out if you need drug therapy. In most cases, farsightedness, myopia, presbyopia and astigmatism are not treated with medication. If you have been diagnosed with a more serious condition, your doctor will prescribe medication (eye drops or tablets). If you still decide to resort to surgical methods of treatment, contact an ophthalmologist for more detailed information.

  • If you feel that your vision is deteriorating, do not delay - consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Stick to your doctor's advice.
  • Learn as much as you can about your condition.
  • If surgery is the best option, ask your doctor about the timing and recovery period.
  • If your doctor recommends conservative treatments, learn about the side effects of medications.
  • Check your eyes regularly. It is recommended that you have your eyes checked every 2-3 years if you are under 50. If you are over 50, you should have your eyes checked every year.
  • It is important to learn about your genetic predisposition. The sooner you can detect signs of vision loss, the better.
  • Stick to a healthy diet. Include in your diet foods that contain nutrients that are essential for eye health. For example, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E. In addition, foods such as cabbage and spinach have a positive effect on eye health.
  • Take care of your eyes. Always carry sunglasses with you. Umbrellas will also help protect your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays.


  • Take into account any health problems you have. In some cases, decreased vision is associated with other medical problems.
  • Find out if you have more serious diseases that affect vision: neurological disorders, diabetes, autoimmune diseases (myasthenia gravis, and so on).
  • Do not drive or operate any mechanical devices if you suspect you have vision problems.

What will you need, Portugues: Perceber se Sua Visao Está Desgastada, Deutsch: Feststellen, ob deine Sehkraft nachlässt, Francais: savoir si votre vue baisse Bahasa Indonesia: Mengetahui jika Mata Anda Memburuk

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If a person over 18 years old (that is, an adult) experiences vision problems, he, of course, wants to understand their cause and improve it as much as possible.

There are several reasons for the loss of vision:

  1. Physiological aging of the organ of vision. Age-related farsightedness appears when we can no longer read without glasses. This is considered normal and does not require treatment.
  2. pathological aging. It is mainly the vascular component and the deterioration in the nutrition of eye cells that play a role here. The nutrition of the organ of vision is disturbed. Various diseases and conditions develop in the retina (for example, macular degeneration, angiopathy), in the lens (cataract). Such a well-known disease as glaucoma is also more common today, and vascular causes are usually cited as the main cause.
  3. Overwork of the organ of vision. In this case, the degree of myopia may increase or it occurs, even if it was not there before.
  4. psychosomatic component. For example, after stress, the patient lost his sight, and when examined, the doctor does not see any anatomical reasons. Or this component can be as an additional one for any disease.

So, from the above list it is clear that there are a lot of diseases of the organ of vision, there are many reasons.

But there must be something in common, right? And why does one person lose sight in response to stress, while another does not? Why does one see almost nothing and is happy, while the other has lost his sight a little and already considers himself blind?

Such questions are asked by most ophthalmologists around the world. The answers to them are beginning to be opened by the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

Vision problems. Examples from the practice of an ophthalmologist

Patient N., 64 years old. In front of me is a beautiful, well-groomed woman. She has been suffering from glaucoma for 10 years. During this time, she underwent antiglaucoma surgery in each eye, one eye became blind 5 years ago, now she is dripping drops. After learning about her glaucoma 10 years ago, she has become even more dedicated to her profession - she is a sales representative for good quality health products. She takes great pride in her work helping people improve their health. He spends all this time training seminars, communicates a lot, remembers each client. Helps take care of grandchildren.

On examination, it was revealed that one eye is blind, the other sees 50% (visual acuity 0.5), the visual fields are moderately narrowed. Stages of glaucoma - 4a on the right, 2-3a on the left (there are 4 in total). A very altered optic disc of the seeing eye is noteworthy; it does not correspond to a sufficiently good visual acuity. That is, the changes revealed during the examination are worse than the compensation and vision of the patient. She "sees better than she should with her performance."

He is perfectly oriented in space, considers his vision to be quite sufficient, and makes career plans.

And the second example.

Patient R., 65 years old. Glaucoma 9 years old, anti-glaucoma surgery on one eye, now dripping drops. One eye, in her words, has not seen for 3 years. Also a beautiful, well-groomed woman. He enters with a hostile expression on his face, holding onto a chair, sits down. In a conversation, she constantly mentions those who are to blame for her poor eyesight, describes each. He talks a lot about the fear of going blind, that there is nothing worse than this, he wrings his hands. Retired, she has entrusted herself to her children and grandchildren.

On examination, it was revealed that one eye was practically blind, the residual field of vision, the second one sees 40% (visual acuity 0.4). The optic discs and fields are moderately altered. Changes in the optic nerves are moderate, approximately corresponding to visual acuity. Stages of glaucoma on the right 4a, on the left 2a. Unlike the first patient, the second woman sees only the prospect of disability and suffering, hardly walks, communicates little.

The secret of living with sight instead of living by touch

In both examples, the women have vision problems. But the difference is very clear.

What is the secret of the first woman? Why did she cope better with the diagnosis of glaucoma, why did the vision problems not suppress her and she sees well enough?

Training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan tells us that one or more of the eight vectors are manifested in any person. They influence our behavior and our reactions.

Of great importance is not the presence of a vector in itself, but its level of development and implementation.

5% of people on the globe have a visual vector. The most sensitive area in these people is the eyes.

Therefore, in a situation of overstress, characteristic of this vector, vision suffers, vision problems appear.

What kind of people are endowed with this vector? What kind of "spectator" is he? This is usually a very sensitive, emotional, compassionate person. They say about him: "eyes in a wet place." As a child, he loves to take care of our smaller brothers, cries from cartoons and films. He is very attached to close people, pets, toys, fictional characters. Such people love trips, the beauty of nature and interiors, they can become designers and artists. This vector makes it possible to manifest acting talent. If you ask a visual person: "What is the most important thing in life?" then he will answer: "Love".

Emotional connections with people, that is, love, friendship, sympathy, empathy - this is what they get the most pleasure from. Accordingly, the destruction of these connections is the greatest stress for the representative of the visual vector. Divorce, the death of a loved one or pet, the cooling of relationships with children or between spouses - all these are examples of the destruction of the foundation of life for the viewer. The result is vision problems.

Where is the exit? How to restore vision?

The visual vector is realized in communication with people. It is the creation of new emotional connections that levels the condition and can improve lost vision. In the example with the first woman, this happened. She actively communicates, contacts, feels the need for her ability to empathize and sympathetically help people. And thus, even terrible glaucoma does not lead to blindness, and one can live a full life with it.

Ever since the 1st year of medical school, future doctors have been told that a person sees not with his eyes, but with his brain. The development of the brain, the development of new connections between neurons will give maximum adaptation with an anatomically lost optic nerve, as in this example.

If you have vision problems, then:

  1. Visit an ophthalmologist and, according to the indications of related specialists (neurologist, endocrinologist, therapist, chiropractor).
  2. Go in for sports. Even minimal movement, such as Finnish walking, will help keep the body's vessels healthy.
  3. Train your brain. Read classical literature, preferably aloud and in company. It is better that the literature was with deep meanings, with a description of the experiences of the characters. Feel free to empathize with the characters, discuss their feelings.
  4. Communicate with people, find even a small, but your own business, where people will need you and can apply your abilities.
  5. Sign up for the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. The results of people in improving vision after listening to lectures confirm that the effect of psychoanalysis removes the psychosomatic component in vision problems.

“... Vision has improved. One day I noticed that I could not focus my eyes, and in general all objects were somehow distorted. I got out the old glasses, which are weaker in diopters, it turned out to be the very thing. (From -5.5 to -4 diopters) ... "

“... Almost two years ago I wrote about my result in improving my vision, but there were still some doubts - all of a sudden I thought of it for myself. Vision - it is like that! Today, the result was confirmed in earnest: -6.5 turned into -5 ... " 17 Sep, 2018

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