Where they give strollers for children with disabilities. How to get a wheelchair from the state? If you are not satisfied with a free stroller: what to do

Disabled people in the Russian Federation have a number of benefits that are determined by law. In particular, they have the right to receive the necessary equipment to help them in everyday life.

You will need
– individual rehabilitation and habilitation plan (IPRA)

In accordance with the law, a person with a disability can receive a wheelchair in accordance with the recommendations in his individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA).

To get an IPR you need:
- apply to your doctor for a referral to the medical commission (ITU)

- undergo a medical examination and obtain the opinions of many doctors.

This may take a considerable amount of time as you will be examined by various specialists. They will take into account your possibilities and needs in means of rehabilitation. Based on the results of the research, an individual rehabilitation and habilitation plan (IPRA) will be drawn up. Make sure that a wheelchair is entered there, it’s not at all a fact that you will make the entry you need.

For example, many young people with disabilities prefer to use active wheelchairs in everyday life, which are made of lighter materials (often aluminum and titanium), have quick-release wheel axles, which allows a person with a disability to even load it into the car himself, and in general they themselves by itself is much more maneuverable and compact.
With the appropriate skills and physical abilities, many people with disabilities independently climb and descend stairs, overcome curbs and rough terrain.
So, far from all people with disabilities manage to achieve such an entry in the IPRA, but they will enter, for example, a room stroller, and after that, with a similar wording in the social protection authorities and the social insurance fund, he will not be able to claim the stroller that he really needs for active life.
This problem is largely related to the cost of wheelchairs and the reluctance of state authorities to purchase them, an active type wheelchair is several times more expensive than an ordinary room wheelchair. It will be even more difficult for a person with a disability to get an electric wheelchair, since its price is even higher.

If you have a corresponding entry in the individual rehabilitation and habilitation program, then you will be provided with the wheelchair that was purchased by our region in accordance with the results of an open tender for the supply of rehabilitation equipment.
In 2016, the Ministry of Labor of Russia issued orders to determine the suppliers of wheelchairs for the disabled in the Russian Federation. They became:

– LLC “BTSARI “Overcoming” http://www.preodolenie.ru/
— ANO "KATARZHINA" http://www.katarzyna.ru/
— Otto bock mobility http://www.ottobock.ru/

Everything seems to sound right, but in reality it means that a person with a disability cannot choose either a comfortable model or a suitable size for himself.
A wheelchair is such an individual tool that without individual selection and adjustment to the specific needs of a person, it often becomes not a helper for a person with a disability, but an obstacle.
In accordance with the law, a person with a disability has the right not to receive the wheelchair he is entitled to, but to purchase it on his own and then receive compensation for its cost.
You can buy the right wheelchair, which is certified in the right way, correctly complete all the documents for the purchase, then go to the FSS with applications and receive compensation for the cost of the purchased wheelchair equal to the market value of wheelchairs purchased and provided by the state. If your vehicle costs more, you will only get a partial refund.

Strollers are issued for a certain period. This period depends on the type of stroller and is 4-6 years. In the event that a wheelchair becomes unusable before the due date, a person with a disability can present it to social authorities, after an appropriate inspection, an act of write-off is drawn up and exchanged for another wheelchair.

Technical means of rehabilitation provided at the expense of the federal budget and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation are transferred to disabled people for free use.

How to choose a wheelchair?

It just seems that all wheelchairs look alike, like twin brothers. In fact, they differ significantly from each other. And each of the strollers is selected based on the needs of a particular person. Experts even identify a number of requirements that must be considered when choosing such a vehicle.

1) When choosing a wheelchair, first of all, rely on such a parameter as the weight of the person who will ride in it. If this figure exceeds 100 kg, then you will need a stroller with a reinforced frame. Lightweight will not be able to withstand such a load, and there will be difficulties with movement.

2) Another parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a wheelchair is the volume of the patient's pelvis and the width of the vehicle itself. A standard stroller has a seat size of 43 to 46 cm. If a person sitting in such a chair is thin and frail, then he needs to select the seat individually, otherwise he will not have sufficient back fixation. And this, in turn, will lead to additional problems with the spine.

3) As for overweight patients, it is also necessary for them to select a seat individually. After all, if a person is “squeezed” into a wheelchair, this will lead to problems with blood circulation in the legs: arthrosis of the joints, thrombosis and varicose veins.

4) The width of the seat can be easily calculated from the size of a person's clothing.
Measure with a centimeter tape through the widest parts of the thighs or ilium. 5 cm is added to the value obtained. Thick clothing should also be taken into account.
If the seat is too narrow, a person may develop bedsores. A seat that is too wide is dangerous due to incorrect body position.

Determining whether you have chosen the right stroller is simple: the palm should pass between the stroller and the thigh, while not squeezing.

5) An equally important parameter when choosing a wheelchair is its full width. The stroller must pass freely through all doorways and stairways available in the room. Otherwise, she prohibits the person in the room.

6) If there are no ramps in the house where a wheelchair user lives, or the elevator often breaks down, then weight is a very important indicator when choosing a means of transportation. It is desirable that it be sufficiently light, maneuverable and easy to manage.

7) Footrests, armrests, headrest and other related parts are what you should pay special attention to. Indeed, in some cases, these things can be simply vital. So, for example, a stand is an element that is especially useful in case of swelling of the legs. It must be movable so that you can change the position and direction of the body of a person in it.

8) In addition, the type of stroller also affects the choice of stroller. So, for example, for people who do not want to give up an active lifestyle, there are electric strollers. The built-in motor gives this vehicle additional speed and maneuverability. There are even strollers adapted for sports and fitness.

Approach the issue of choosing a stroller quite seriously. Indeed, only in this case will you provide a person who is forced to move with the help of such a means, a full and rich life, which will not be limited by four walls.

In fact, choosing a stroller is very important.
Much depends on where it will be used. A stroller for active sports is not at all the same as a room stroller.
The nature of the disease should also be taken into account - a severe form of cerebral palsy or tetraparesis is not always combined with an active wheelchair, and at the same time, an electric wheelchair can “learn” a person to move, he will “get lazy” and remain in a wheelchair for life, although he could walk.

Armrests: fixed or removable.

Removable or reclining armrests are convenient for quick transfers. In addition, in some modern strollers, the height of the armrest is also adjustable. Strollers with fixed armrests are quite simple and reliable, their design is durable and stable. There is no risk that the moving mechanism will break, so it is safe to move around in them. However, fixed armrests make the process of transplanting somewhat difficult.

Tires: solid or pneumatic.

Solid tires are reliable and durable, but are designed to move the stroller exclusively on a flat, hard surface, since any unevenness will be given throughout the human body. Usually strollers with such tires are used indoors.
Wheelchairs on pneumatic tires are made just for moving on the street: due to depreciation, they “smooth out” small bumps on the road, making them invisible. But this model has its drawback: it requires periodic pumping and tire replacement. Modern models of wheelchairs on pneumatic tires are designed with new components that make them even more comfortable.

Electric wheelchairs

Such a stroller "starts" with the help of batteries. An electric wheelchair has a completely different chassis than a mechanical wheelchair (on which a person turns the wheels himself), and electric wheelchairs can be used both outdoors and indoors.

The control panel is located on the armrest and is as convenient as possible to use. Many electric wheelchairs allow you to rearrange the control panel: from the right side to the left side, set it in the middle or make it a foot control. These are very fast and comfortable strollers, you almost do not need to spend energy on driving them. But they have a small minus - the cost. Not everyone can afford to buy an electric wheelchair.

Wheelchairs active

Wheelchair for those who are accustomed to an active lifestyle. They allow you to move quickly and easily, maneuver and even engage in certain sports. Such strollers are made of very durable materials, designed for extreme sports loads. The lightweight design of large and small wheels allows them to be used for a long time in heavy loads. These are lightweight strollers, they are quickly disassembled and are popular with young people.

Problem 1. Getting the right entry in the Individual Rehabilitation Program

In accordance with the law, a person with a disability can receive a wheelchair in accordance with the recommendations in his individual rehabilitation program, which in itself is already very difficult, since in order to receiveYPRESyou need to undergo a medical examination and obtain the opinions of many doctors. But even after that, it’s not at all a fact that you will make the entry you need in the Individual Rehabilitation Program. For example, many young people with disabilities prefer to use active wheelchairs in everyday life, which are made of lighter materials (often aluminum and titanium), have quick-release wheel axles, which allows a person with a disability to even load it into the car himself, and in general they themselves by itself is much more maneuverable and compact. With the appropriate skills and physical abilities, many people with disabilities independently climb and descend stairs, overcome curbs and rough terrain. So, far from all people with disabilities manage to achieve such an entry in the IPR, but they will enter, for example, a room stroller, and after that, with a similar wording in the social protection authorities and the social insurance fund, he will not be able to claim the stroller that he really needs for active life. This problem is largely related to the cost of wheelchairs and the reluctance of public authorities to purchase them. The same, an active type stroller is several times more expensive than an ordinary room stroller, and not all regions buy them because of this. I know cases when in one of the regions children with disabilitiesrecorded in the IPR about the need for active wheelchairs, but it turned out that they were not purchased in the region, and, accordingly, there was nothing to issue. After this case, no such records were made by the medical and social expertise. It will be even more difficult for a person with a disability to get an electric wheelchair, since its price is even higher.

Problem 2: Get the right stroller.

If you have a corresponding entry inindividual rehabilitation program, then you will be provided with the wheelchair that was purchased by your region in accordance with the results of an open tender for the supply of rehabilitation equipment. Everything seems to sound right, but in reality it means that only one type of stroller is purchased, usually the cheapest, so the main criterion for determining the winners is the offered price, and the same size. That is, a person with a disability cannot choose a comfortable model or a suitable size for himself. A wheelchair is such an individual tool that without individual selection and adjustment to the specific needs of a person, it often becomes not a helper for a person with a disability, but an obstacle. In accordance with the law, a person with a disability has the right not to receive the wheelchair he is entitled to, but to purchase it on his own and then receive compensation for its cost. But this procedure is very difficult and I know only a few people who managed to achieve this. You need to buy the right stroller, which is certified in the right way, correctly draw up all the documents for the purchase, then go through a large number of officials with applications, etc. And if, until recently, a person with a disability could claim full compensation for the cost of the acquired wheelchair, now only the cost of the wheelchair that he is entitled to from the state, that is, he will be paid the amount for one wheelchair that was purchased at a tender.

Strollers are issued for a certain period. If nothing has changed, then this period depends on the type of stroller and is 4-6 years. Different regions may have a different procedure, but according to what I encountered, if a wheelchair becomes unusable before the due date, a person with a disability can present it to social authorities, after an appropriate examination, an act of write-off is drawn up and exchanged for another wheelchair. It is strange why the social protection of the city of Kazan did not do this, perhaps due to the timing of the tender, they did not have wheelchairs at that time to issue to needy citizens. Although as soon as it was needed, the stroller was immediately found.

Instead of a summary:

In general, the procedure for obtaining wheelchairs is very difficult and confusing, so that a very large part of people with disabilities prefer not to receive them from the state, but to buy them on their own with their own money, especially since now the state provides the cheapest, often unreliable, without the possibility of individual choice and adjustment of the wheelchair . In general, it is not at all clear why the state took on such a function, when it would be much easier and cheaper (not to maintain a significant additional staff, not to hold competitions, not to store and issue wheelchairs) simply to provide people with disabilities who need wheelchairs, certificates, with the help of which they could purchase the equipment they need directly from manufacturers and stores (if necessary, paying extra with their own funds). There they will immediately select the required size, equipment, provide service during the entire operation, and they themselves will fight for each client. But as long as all these functions are in the hands of Russian officials, the only thing left is to write in the President's blog.

Lawyer comments:

As regards the provision of citizens of the RTW, the situation in different regions is different and may relate to specific FTR. it all depends on the efficiency of officials and the availability of manufacturers. in general, purely organizational issues. such interruptions in the provision of TSR occur even in Moscow.

The queue is the most common - whoever applied for the provision of TSR earlier will receive it in advance. Of course, there is a dependence on whether a particular, say, type, stroller is available.

If the TSR is registered in the individual rehabilitation program (IPR) of a disabled person and it is included in the federal list, in accordance with Art. 11.1 of the federal law "on the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation" should be provided free of charge!

The technical means of rehabilitation provided for by individual programs for the rehabilitation of disabled people, provided to them at the expense of the federal budget and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, are transferred to disabled people for free use.

Additional funds for financing the expenses for the technical means of rehabilitation of the disabled provided for by this article may be obtained from other sources not prohibited by law.

In accordance with the federal law "on the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2008 N 240 "On the procedure for providing disabled persons with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except for dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products "

If the technical means (product) provided for by the rehabilitation program (conclusion) cannot be provided to the disabled person (veteran) or if he independently acquired the specified technical means at his own expense, the disabled (veteran) is paid compensation in the amount of the cost of the technical means (product), which must be provided to a disabled person (veteran) in accordance with the rehabilitation program (conclusion).

The decision to pay compensation is made by the authorized body on the basis of an application submitted by a disabled person (veteran) or a person representing his interests for reimbursement of expenses for the acquisition of a technical device (product), as well as a rehabilitation program (conclusion) and documents confirming these expenses.

Thus, a disabled person, if he does not want to stand in line, can independently purchase TMR for himself, demand compensation in the amount of the cost of TMR, and not wait for his turn to come.

You can choose and buy a wheelchair that suits you in the section

You have a unique opportunity to receive compensation from social protection.Please exercise your rights.

All categories of disabled people have the right to free provision with any technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products. If you purchase these products yourself, you may receive monetary compensation.

According to the current legislation, certain categories of rehabilitation means and prosthetic and orthopedic products are allocated and specific amounts of compensation for each category are established. If the cost of the product you purchase is less than the amount established by law, you will receive 100% reimbursement of costs. If the value of the product is more than the amount established by law, then the amount of your compensation will be equal to the amount established by law for this category.

ATTENTION! The amount of compensation payments for technical means of rehabilitation acquired by the disabled on their own after 02/01/2011 in the regions of Russia must be specified at the place of registration. Compensation amounts may differ from the above!

Answered these and other questions Vladislav Matkarimov, Deputy Head of the Department of Social Programs of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Tatyana Bogdanova, AiF: News came from the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation - a list of technical rehabilitation equipment for disabled children, which can be purchased at the expense of mother capital, has been approved. Will it not turn out that people will buy strollers, which they are already entitled to for free?

Vladislav Matkarimov: The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation took part in the development of this document, and the main task was to prevent repetition. It included 48 products that are not included in the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to disabled people free of charge. At the expense of the mother's capital, it will be possible to purchase a stair lift, a simulator for the development of motor functions, functional chairs and beds, devices for writing in Braille, etc.

- And what funds are provided for free?

They are listed in the federal list approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2347-r. It is very extensive - from prosthetic and orthopedic products and wheelchairs to absorbent underwear, diapers (see infographic). Which prosthesis, wheelchair or other means of rehabilitation is necessary for a disabled person is decided on a medical and social examination. Each case is individual.

The right to choose

Diapers and other means of rehabilitation are needed all the time, you can not wait a day. Can I buy them myself and then receive compensation?

Of course. Legislation gives a person the right to choose - to be provided for at the expense of the federal budget or to purchase the means of rehabilitation himself and then receive compensation. Documents are submitted to the territorial office of the FSS of the Russian Federation. But for this, an important point should be taken into account - not to buy the first remedy that comes across, but exactly the one that is recorded in your rehabilitation program. For example, diapers have characteristics such as absorbency and waist size, and if you do not buy “your own”, compensation may be denied. And be sure to take in the store not only the cash register, but also the sales receipt. If you comply with these simple conditions, there will be no problems with compensation. Under current law, you must be paid compensation within 2 months, the amount of which is determined in accordance with state contracts concluded by the territorial departments of the fund for similar products and executed on the date of application.

- How is the quality of wheelchairs and other means checked today?

All technical means of rehabilitation, which are purchased by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, are necessarily certified and manufactured in accordance with GOSTs. In addition, in 2015, the FSS of the Russian Federation entered into agreements with the leading all-Russian organizations of the disabled. Now people with disabilities are directly involved in the commission for the acceptance of newly released consignments of wheelchairs or other means of rehabilitation. If the quality is not satisfactory, the problem is solved by replacing the products or terminating the contract with the offending supplier.

How to replace?

- And if suddenly the stroller or the prosthesis breaks during use, what should I do?

Rehabilitation facilities are supplied under government contracts, which stipulate warranty obligations. If something happens to them during the warranty period, you can contact the manufacturer directly or the territorial FSS of the Russian Federation. There are two possible solutions to the problem - repair or early replacement. In any case, you do not have to pay for repairs yourself. Contact the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, they will definitely help you.

A stroller for a person deprived of the opportunity to move independently is an absolutely necessary thing. The topic of today's conversation is how to get a wheelchair for a disabled person for free. We will discuss all the documentary aspects of the task and share practical tips.

What documents need to be issued to get a stroller for free

The state guarantees the disabled person special rights, and among them is the free provision of rehabilitation means, which are vital for him. What kind of means of rehabilitation is determined by the commission in the ITU Bureau (Medical and Social Expertise). This commission considers all recommendations from narrow specialists and fills out the IPR (). This program includes the need of a disabled person for rehabilitation means, such as canes, crutches, wheelchairs and the need for prosthetic products: shoes, prostheses, covers. The rehabilitation card indicates the name of the remedy in accordance with the federal list, the terms for its provision and the organization responsible for providing the disabled person with this product free of charge.

Thus, if the ITU commission confirms that you need a wheelchair, this should be reflected in the IPR card and it also indicates who is obliged to provide it to you.

Note! The ITU Commission will indicate the type of stroller in accordance with the federal list, but will not indicate a specific model. So in fact the organization responsible for providing it will decide for itself which model it will provide you with.

A package of documents for applying to the social insurance fund

Practically in all regions of our country, with rare exceptions, the issue of providing disabled people with rehabilitation means is dealt with by the social insurance fund. In those very exceptional cases, the social security authorities.

What documents are needed to apply to the fund:

  • application for the provision of a means of rehabilitation (filled in on the spot);
  • individual rehabilitation program;
  • passport (birth certificate for minors and passport of one of the parents).

At your own request, you can provide or not provide SNILS and a certificate of disability, a document confirming the status of a war veteran or Chernobyl veteran. These papers are not required, if necessary, the fund's employees must themselves request the necessary information through the channel of interdepartmental document flow.

If a trusted person applies on behalf of a disabled person, it is necessary to present a power of attorney or, for incompetent citizens, a document confirming guardianship.

Sequence of getting a stroller

So, you went to the branch of the social insurance fund or to the social protection authority and wrote an application for the provision of a wheelchair. What's next? Within 15 days, the employees of this organization are required to issue you a notice of registration and issue a referral to the organization that directly issues wheelchairs.

In most cases, state contracts for the provision of disabled people with rehabilitation means are concluded with the condition that the product be delivered to their homes. Ask a fund manager about this. After that, wait for a call from the supplier or call him yourself in order to find out the delivery date.

Keep in mind that strollers are purchased from the federal budget on the basis of tenders, that is, in fact, the cheapest models are bought. If what they bring to you does not suit you, do not take it and do not sign the supplier's documents. If you sign for receipt, it will be very difficult to change something further. Most likely, you will have to wait for the scheduled replacement period, and this is a long time: for strollers it is 4 years, for indoor strollers - 6 years.

Another interesting point: according to the law, the received means of rehabilitation cannot be transferred to someone, donated or sold. But in fact, no one controls this, so see for yourself if you need it.

If you are not satisfied with a free stroller: what to do?

The probability that the opportunity given to you to get a stroller for free will not suit you is very high. What to do? Settling for an uncomfortable and unattractive model? Not at all. There are two options for the development of further events:

Option 1 - battle. It is difficult and long, but you can achieve results by bombarding the fund and other institutions with complaints. Argument your requirements with documented recommendations of narrow specialists. Write to any address you can find: the governor's and president's offices, the prosecutor's office, the media. Exhausted by the need for constant replies, the responsible organizations in most cases give up and enter into an individual contract for the supply of the product that you insist on. But keep in mind: this path is not fast, nervous and not the fact that you will not get a tough nut to crack.

Option 2 - buy. A less nervous but costly way to solve your problems. You can simply buy a stroller that suits you and submit documents to the same fund for monetary compensation. But there is a catch here too: you will only get back the amount that the fund spends on buying a stroller under a government contract. We already wrote. So before you make such a demarche, see how much you can get in the end and how much you will lose. To receive compensation, you must submit to the branch of the fund the original checks, cash and commodity and the same package of documents as for filling out an application for collateral.

That's the whole procedure. Now you know how a disabled person can get a stroller for free. If you still have any questions - write in the comments, we will definitely answer!

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