The pure substance is well water. We dispel the myth about the benefits of well water. How to clean a well

I can say with full confidence that the quality of water from a well or well depends on how they are equipped. From personal experience, I often encountered the fact that water from a deep well on limestone turned out to be worse than water from a well on sand a water carrier.

I will give a number of key, basic differences between the chemical composition of water in these hydraulic structures. They are determined by the degree, method of natural filtration and the possibility of interaction with surface water layers.

Below I will answer the most common questions faced by those who face a choice between a well and a well.

Well or well?

When solving this issue, I would not rely primarily on the quality of water, but would recommend proceeding from personal needs.


2 types of wells There are two types of domestic wells - for sand, for limestone. Wells for sand are not much different in terms of debit, water quality from wells, therefore, in the table and further below, I will consider artesian wells - for limestone.
What is their main feature is that their depth can reach 250 meters or more, and the water in them comes from solid limestone-aquifer. It does not interact with perched water in any way, therefore its chemical, qualitative composition is constant, as well as the flow rate, regardless of the time of year, the amount of precipitation.

In the table below, I have described the pros and cons of each of the hydraulic structures.



Housing type

Country house for seasonal stay

Large house for permanent residence

Target use of water

For garden irrigation

To cover all household and horticultural needs

Required volumes

small, occasional

large, permanent

Water quality requirements

Low, it is not planned to use it to ensure the operation of household equipment

High, preferably constant quality with unchanged chemical composition

So, let me summarize this issue. If the requirements for water quality and flow rate are low, and it is not needed for permanent use, then choose a well. Otherwise - only artesian well. As for material costs, a well 20 meters deep will cost you about 80,000-100,000 rubles without removing the soil. Artesian well with a depth of 70 meters with a steel pipe with a diameter of 133 mm - 155,000-160,000 rubles.

Useful advice The difference in price between a well and a well is almost twice, so I advise you to first familiarize yourself with the experience of your neighbors. The lowest groundwater level is in March and August, so I recommend asking about the flow rate and quality of water in wells during these periods. If the aquifer is good, then the well will cope with the tasks no worse than a well, and you will not have to overpay.

Drinking water from a well/well

As a person with experience, I assure you that you cannot drink water from a well or a well without preliminary preparation, no matter how transparent it may be. I often hear residents of SNT or certain areas praise the water from their wells with the words "So pure - just sweet." But there is just nothing to rejoice here, since the reason for the sweetish taste of the water may be the excess content of lead (lead oxide).

Below I provide a table in which I indicate the standards for the content of certain substances in drinking water according to SanPiP, as well as the actual indicators of these same substances in water from a well and an artesian well in the Moscow region (average values).

I cited only a small part of the chemicals - water analysis is based on more than 20 indicators, including organoleptic properties (turbidity, smell). Almost always, most of the parameters are outside the permissible limits, and therefore I recommend that you always conduct a laboratory analysis of water in order, based on its results, to choose a water treatment system for your home. Then water from a well or a well can be drunk without fear.

Deep well and dirty water in it

I have been convinced more than once that a deep artesian well will also not be a guarantee of the purity of the water in it, if amateurs are engaged in drilling and development, and the operating rules are not followed. So, during my practice, I came across the following reasons for the decline in water quality in deep wells:

  • The depressurization of the wellbore is a perch, dirt from the surface, together with water from precipitation, enters the bottom of the well, as a result of which the water quality is sharply reduced. If, after intensive pumping, the water becomes clean for a while, and then its quality decreases again, then this is the problem. The solution is high-quality concreting of the annulus
  • Initially, the lack of tightness of the casing string - then water from the upper horizons also enters the bottom hole

As for improper operation, most often I encountered unauthorized replacement of pumping equipment. The result is often damage to the casing string (made of HDPE), raising sediment from the bottom. Well repair is not a cheap pleasure, and can cost 30,000-60,000 rubles, depending on the nature of the defect, so I recommend immediately entrusting the work to professionals.

Chem. water analysis when choosing filters for wells - is it necessary?

Briefly, I have already answered this question above - yes, definitely. The general list of studied indicators, depending on the specific laboratory, can be 75-85 positions. These are all types of metals, minerals, organic, inorganic impurities, bacteriological presence, acidity level, etc. As far as I know, the cost of the analysis depends on the total number of elements studied. The minimum set (13 parameters) will cost you 2500-4000 rubles in Moscow. I advise you to strictly follow the rules for taking water from a well / well if you plan to do it yourself.

Analysis of water from a well, wells - water intake rules

I give below the general rules that must be followed in order to obtain objective results when conducting a laboratory analysis of water. I strongly recommend not to neglect them, since the water treatment system costs a lot, and the quality of the output water will depend on the correctness of its configuration. So what is important to do right:

  • To collect water, use only containers provided by the laboratory or purchased from a pharmacy (sterile)
  • Pump the well for one and a half to two hours
  • If you collect water through a hose, then its tip must be sterilized - burned
  • Let the water run for a few minutes, and then rinse the same prepared container with it twice.
  • Fill the selected container so that there is no air left in it, then immediately cork tightly
  • Write down the date and time of water intake, indicate the type of hydraulic structure, your locality, district

  • Send the sample for analysis immediately, it is not recommended to store it, but if there is such a need, you can keep it in the refrigerator for no longer than a day

I think that it is easier to immediately order an analysis with water intake by laboratory specialists, but this can be more expensive.

Very different analyzes of water from one well

I often come across the fact that the results of laboratory tests of water from wells, carried out at different times, vary greatly. This is not surprising, because the chemical composition of water in these hydraulic structures is the most unstable. The entry of perched water, the formation of a natural ecosystem, the inclusion of new springs or the departure of old ones leads to a change in the quality of the water in the well. Proper arrangement can partially solve the problem - be sure to keep the well closed.

Useful advice

Based on my experience, I advise you to think carefully before undertaking the construction of a well or drilling a well. I take an average calculation - a filter system for a country house costs about 50,000 rubles. If the quality of the water in the well is low, then you will spend a lot on operation. Maybe it makes sense to immediately drill a well. Again, do not be lazy, study the experience of your neighbors.

Well Water Improvement

I am often asked the question of whether it is possible to artificially improve the quality of water in a well. I answer - if we are talking about a hydraulic structure on the sand, there are still nuances, such as the quality of the galloon filter, the prospect of deepening until reaching the water-resistant layers, and in an artesian well, the water quality is constant. Only in the event that the water from the artesian at first was good, and then deteriorated, can you start from something.

I admit the likelihood of getting into it perch, which means that repairs are needed. If we are talking about a sand well, in which you first had good water, and then deteriorated, then there are more nuances than you think. I often encountered this, and the main reasons were:

  • Violation of the rules of operation - improper installation of vibration pumps, breaking the filters
  • Non-professional arrangement - the top water went directly to the slaughter
  • Elementary seasonal fluctuations in water quality are a natural phenomenon for shallow wells up to 30 meters deep

The cost of a new galloon filter is about 7000-9000 rubles. Deepening of a hydraulic structure - from 1600 rubles per meter.

We select filters from hardness and iron

To clean water from iron and soften it, I recommend using special filter units. These are primarily combined filters based on ion-exchange resins and salt regenerators. Their cost, depending on the throughput (0.7-2.3 cubic meters per hour), will be 400-900 dollars. On average, a softening filter will cost 12,000-20,000 rubles or more. I can give specific recommendations based on the results of a laboratory analysis of water from your well.

Cloudy water in the well

Often people come to me with the problem of sudden cloudiness of the water in the well, and there are a lot of reasons for this. Here is some of them:

  • The inclusion of new springs, washing out clay, sand inside the well
  • Getting into the well of the top water due to depressurization of the joints between the rings
  • Increasing iron levels

I know from experience that if the water in the well takes on a rusty hue or becomes cloudy directly on the surface, this indicates an increase in the level of iron in it, which oxidizes by reacting with oxygen, and, in fact, rusts. You should not be afraid of this phenomenon - after standing, such water becomes clean again, but it cannot be used for domestic purposes. .

I also often encountered cloudy water in wells that needed cleaning.

Clear water from a well becomes cloudy white after boiling.

As far as I know, the problem is water hardness, exceeding such indicators as calcium, magnesium, iron. Under the influence of temperature, these elements precipitate, grow on the walls of vessels or form a film on the surface of the water. I see the correct water treatment as a solution to the problem. Install a reverse osmosis filter, which will cost you an average of 12,000-17,000 rubles, an iron softener, and the problem will be removed.

The well has terrible, muddy water. What to filter?

For water purification, you can use the filters that I recommended above. But first, I advise you to do the following:

  • Find out the reason for this state of water. Has the well been used for a long time? Was the well cleaned? Set up incorrectly? I often find that people are willing to spend huge amounts of money on cleaning systems without trying to fix the problem.

  • Think about whether it makes sense to use this hydraulic structure? To purify very dirty water, you will spend about 50,000 only on filter installations, and replaceable filters in them will have to be changed often. Wouldn't it be more expedient to build a well for 150,000 or a new well and get a constant source of clean water with a high flow rate?

If you want to use this particular well, then I advise you to first clean it, dump the bottom, and if necessary, repair it. Then hand over the water for laboratory analysis, and design a purification system based on its results. Be sure to include mechanical cleaning filters, iron removers, softeners, adsorption coal complexes in it.

Frogs in a well with water. How to get rid?

Often I personally caught frogs, newts and other living creatures (snails, slugs, beetles) from wells. The main reason for their appearance is the lack of sealing of the well. They climb into it from the surface, so I recommend that you completely close the well.

If amphibians have already appeared, then there is only one way to get rid of them - to catch and release them back home. I do not recommend poisoning them, because, firstly, you yourself will spoil the water, and secondly, you still need to collect the corpses. And it's not humane. But, as far as I know, if living creatures appeared in the water, it means that there is no chemical contamination of the well - it’s already good. Keep it closed and the animals will not return to it, because they will not find loopholes.

Summing up, I once again remind you that for any services for the development, arrangement, repair and scheduled maintenance of wells and wells, you should contact only qualified specialists. Then you will avoid 90% of the above troubles. And if you follow my maintenance tips, you won't run into the remaining 10% of problems.

In some settlements, a well is the only source of drinking water. In addition, well water is considered the basis of a healthy lifestyle and protection against many diseases. However, such a statement is not always true. Negative external factors can turn life-giving moisture into a source of harmful bacteria. To find out if it is possible to drink water from a well, it is necessary to make appropriate tests, and only after a positive laboratory conclusion, use it for cooking and quenching thirst.

Crystal clear, filled with useful minerals, cool at any time of the year - for the sake of such water, in fact, they dig wells, even if there is a centralized water supply. As a rule, water enters the well from the upper aquifers. And if in the past it really was distinguished by increased purity and did not raise doubts about its beneficialness, then the rapid development of industry and the general deterioration of the environment somewhat corrected these indicators. Nevertheless, it is well water, unlike tap water, that contains many substances that are useful for our body.

Good to know: if the biochemical composition is fully consistent with the norm, then there is nothing better than starting the day with one or two glasses of well water.

However, along with the benefits, groundwater can carry a number of dangers. All kinds of nitrates, nitrites, pesticides and metals, getting into the upper aquifers, are very likely to end up in the well, and then in our body. At the same time, the quality of water often changes during the season, therefore, even after positive laboratory tests, it cannot be guaranteed that after six months the composition will remain unchanged, and it will be possible to drink it without any harm to health.

Along with the benefits, well water can be fraught with a number of dangers.

A person has the ability to get used to certain foods and liquids, therefore, over time, he ceases to notice an unpleasant taste or smell. However, it is far from always possible to drink groundwater from a well without additional purification, even if its taste does not cause you discomfort.

natural factor

Oddly enough, but it is nature that often causes the insufficient quality of well water. The aquifer may be supersaturated with iron or manganese. If in small doses these elements have a positive effect on the body, then their excess is often the cause of serious diseases.

Important! The sanitary norm for the content of iron in drinking water is 0.3 mg/l, and manganese - 0.1 mg/l.

A large percentage of iron adversely affects human skin, causes an allergic reaction and can lead to changes in the composition of the blood. Manganese has a specific taste, and sometimes a mutagenic effect is the result of its exposure.

Agriculture and industry

For the treatment of agricultural land, chemical fertilizers and pesticides are increasingly being used. Getting together with groundwater into the well, such elements cause great harm to health, since they can affect any human organ.

No less dangerous is an industrial enterprise that does not care too much about the proper disposal of waste. Oil products and other pollutants cause irreparable damage to all living things, as a result of which the upper aquifers in such an area are often completely undrinkable.

Irrigation of the field with chemical fertilizers adversely affects the quality of groundwater

Snow melting

Spring floods often significantly worsen the condition of well water. Of course, much depends on the location of the well and the amount of snow cover. However, experts strongly do not recommend using a natural source during this period without prior purification.

Tip: if the color, taste and smell of water changes, it should be boiled before drinking.

Why is the winter-spring transition so dangerous for the upper aquifers? Melting snow leads to the ingress into the soil of all waste and harmful substances that have accumulated on the surface of the earth in winter. At this time, their concentration is maximum.

How to clean a well

To learn how to purify water from a well for drinking and cooking, you need to analyze it. Only knowing the composition, you can choose the right filter and thereby achieve the required quality. The primary task is to maintain the well in good condition, for which it should be periodically cleaned, consisting of the following steps:

  1. Pumping water.
  2. Wall and floor cleaning.
  3. Drainage arrangement.
  4. Disinfection of the inner surface.
  5. Second withdrawal.
  6. Well filling.

The main attention should be paid to drainage, which acts as an additional filter. Large pebbles or stone chips can be used as drainage, but silicon is preferable. In this case, drinking well water will become not only safe, but also useful.

Silicon has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect

All stages of cleaning the well must be carried out in accordance with the standards of its operation. It is better to entrust this procedure to a specialized company, which, in addition to carrying out cleaning measures, will help you choose the right filter element for your conditions.

Water is useful and necessary for man. Water is the basis of health and life. Finally, these statements began to be made by doctors, and not just by healthy lifestyle enthusiasts.

Until now, it is often said that the water from the nearest spring or well in the country is very tasty and clean, why spend money on buying bottles of water if you can get an unlimited amount of beautiful natural water for free.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to collect natural pure water. At present, in order to drink water from a spring or a well and at the same time not be afraid of receiving a whole bunch of negative health consequences, even a chemical analysis of water is not enough. Today the water may be drinkable, but there is no guarantee that tomorrow a neighboring factory or farm will not dump its waste into the soil or water source. The most unpleasant thing is that neither the taste nor the smell of waters polluted with chemical compounds can be distinguished from normal water, unless, of course, the concentration of such "additives" is not prohibitive. Perhaps, only in the remote taiga or protected areas there are still real springs with clean and safe water for health.
Studies have shown that almost 50% of surface water and 20% of groundwater do not meet the norm of clean drinking water. It is in Russia. In some areas, the percentage of pollution reaches 90%.
In cities, due to dilapidated water supply networks and sewage treatment plants, tap water is full of pathogenic organisms. The result of drinking such water is extremely disappointing - the number of cases reaches 50,000 people a year.
What is the situation with water resources in the capital of our country, in Moscow? It would seem that here the control over the quality of tap water should be the best. What is it really?
Within the city, the channels of the Moskva River and seven other rivers remain open - the Yauza, Skhodnya, Ochakovka, Ichka, Ramenka, Setun and Chechera. The rest are closed and flow in underground sewers. The results of studies of Moscow waters showed the excess of the permissible norms of such chemical elements as:
cadmium, beryllium, zinc, nickel, copper, lead (come with sewage from textile, chemical and metalworking industries), strontium, manganese, polyphosphates, pesticides (agricultural waste).

An outdated sewer system pollutes the waters with feces, city dumps arranged in riverbeds or deep pits supply dangerous bacteria almost directly to the rivers, and dumping snow directly into the riverbed adds a whole periodic table to the water. Just think about the composition of Moscow snow, impregnated not only with the exhaust of endless cars, but also flavored with anti-icing agents. It's a very sad picture.
Looks like we have only one way out. Drink bottled water, though carefully checking from which source this water was taken. Do not be lazy, read about the place where water is produced, where and how it is poured. Honest manufacturers always indicate the number of the well and you can read about their water on the Internet, on a site dedicated to this water. We suggest trying BIOVIT drinking water. Read, think

A well is one of the most affordable ways to supply water to a suburban area. It provides life-giving moisture for the natural needs of households, their domestic needs and watering plants on the site. Therefore, the water in it must be devoid of any kind of impurities. Contaminants must be disposed of immediately. Do you agree?

From the article we have proposed, you will find out what stages the purification of water from a well includes, and also whether it can be done on your own. We will tell you how water pollution is determined. Let us present in detail effective ways to eliminate mineral and organic inclusions.

The opinion that well water is a priori clean is erroneous. The depth of this water source is not so great. In the groundwater that feeds the well, impurities are often present in a dissolved or suspended state.

Various types of bacteria often live in perched water, which multiply, create colonies and decompose over time, form hydrogen sulfide-containing compounds. Such compounds give the water an unpleasant odor and make it toxic, and therefore dangerous to human health.

Well water, due to its surface nature, is more susceptible to external pollution and may contain dissolved organic and chemical impurities.

The causes of water pollution can be conventionally divided into two types:

  1. natural phenomena. These may be changes in the aquifers supplying the source, or seasonal events. For example: getting into the source of organics, sunlight ...
  2. Problems provoked by man. Occur in case of violation of the installation technology of the structure and errors during its operation. For example: the proximity of septic tanks, depressurization of seams, corrosion of metal elements ...

When arranging a hydraulic structure, it is important to monitor the renewal of water. So, with an irregular fence, it will stagnate and become cloudy. If the head of the source is open, then leaves and branches, insects and rodents can freely enter it.

Decaying organic matter pollutes well water, changing its chemical and biological properties, making it unfit for drinking.

If the well is installed on a quicksand, then there is a high probability that the water contains an increased content of colloidal impurities, organic and chemical substances. All these processes must be controlled and eliminated in time.

You can read all about the causes of cloudiness and yellowing of well water in

The main signs of water pollution

Studies of water from a well should be carried out annually, since its composition in an underground source, depending on seasonal changes and other external factors, can change constantly.

This is especially important if the source is used only in the summer. A number of signs will indicate the need for water purification from the well.

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Turbidity of the water and the appearance of sediment

The opacity of the water indicates that too many silty fine particles and suspended dusty grains of sand have accumulated inside the walls of the structure. This happens if the well rings have lost their tightness due to erosion of the seams or when the elements are displaced relative to each other.

A clear sign of a violation of the tightness of the walls of the structure is clouding of the water after heavy rains. The mechanical cleaning of the shaft, supplemented by work on sealing the seams and sealing the joints, helps to eliminate the disadvantage.

Subsequently, for the prevention of pollution, cartridge or mesh filters are installed that will trap and accumulate foreign particles at the bottom of the structure.

The appearance of an oil film above the water surface indicates the presence of oil products. This may occur due to depressurization of the mine. Or for the banal reason of improper observance of cleanliness during the operation of a hydraulic structure.

Natural color change

The shade of water in the well depends on the type of pollution. A change in color to green indicates the "bloom" of water. The reason for this may be the direct sunlight entering the mine.

Under the influence of sunlight, microorganisms and algae begin to multiply actively, forming numerous colonies.

The problem is solved by disinfecting water using chemicals and then installing carbon filters.

Brown and yellow shades indicate that the water has a high iron content. Disinfection in this case is not effective. Only the arrangement of the water treatment system and the installation of additional filters will help solve the problem.

The black color of water acquires due to organic pollution, which, in the process of decomposition and decay, infect it. To eliminate decaying organic matter, simple is no longer enough. To get water that can be consumed, you will have to perform multi-stage purification.

The appearance of a strange smell

The clayey or earthy smell is due to the presence in the liquid of organic natural compounds such as 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin. They are formed during the vital activity of soil bacteria and blue-green algae present in the water.

Mechanical cleaning of the structure helps to eliminate the cause, followed by the arrangement of household reverse osmosis and the installation of filters equipped with activated carbon.

The smell of rotten eggs has water in which sulfuric bacteria are present. They produce hydrogen sulfide.

You can remove these bacteria by disinfecting the water using potassium permanganate or chlorine and then installing a filter unit.

The smell of phenol and other unnatural odors indicate that sewage and other human products most likely entered the well shaft through underground aquifers. You can solve the problem by carrying out a mechanical cleaner and installing a carbon filter.

Unusual taste of water

Salty taste appears due to the high content of salts: NaSO 4 , NaCl, MgSO 4 . You can remove it by performing additional post-treatment of water, passing it through.

A metallic taste indicates the presence of iron in the water. Iron removal methods help to correct the situation. For example, installing a compressor that will saturate the water with oxygen, a circulation pump and an iron remover filter.

The sour taste of water, which has a blue-green tint, indicates a high content of carbon dioxide. This phenomenon occurs due to the reaction of water in contact with the copper and bronze elements of the system.

Increased hardness indicates the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in the composition of the liquid. Rigidity is not a constant value. It fluctuates depending on the season and reaches its peak in the summer.

Hardness can be caused by alkaline earth metal salts, which are often found in limestone and dolomite deposits.

To correct the situation, you can install softening systems. Reagent and non-reagent filters of complex purification are capable of demineralizing and softening water.

Well water quality analysis

These "symptoms" indicate serious water pollution. And until the moment it is cleaned, it is not recommended to operate the structure. To find out the cause of pollution and find the best solution to eliminate it, it is necessary to take water samples and submit them for analysis.

The sequence of actions when taking liquid for research:

  1. A plastic or glass container with a volume of 1.5 liters is thoroughly washed with running water without using detergents. A plastic bottle of mineral or distilled water is perfect for taking a sample.
  2. The container is gradually filled with water so that an excess of oxygen does not form in the bottle from excessive pressure. If an automatic water supply system is established from the well, the water from the tap should first be drained, and then, at low pressure, fill the bottle to the neck.
  3. The filled container is tightly closed and wrapped in a dark plastic bag.
  4. Within three hours from the moment of sampling, the liquid container is delivered to the laboratory.

Keep in mind that after two days from the moment the liquid was taken, the results will no longer be reliable.

In the absence of the opportunity to immediately deliver the taken sample to the laboratory, you can extend the life of the “sample” by placing it in the refrigerator for 2 days

It is not possible to perform a water quality analysis on your own. Obtaining accurate results cannot be achieved without the use of special equipment.

Research of this kind is carried out by:

  • sanitary and epidemiological stations;
  • state laboratories at geodetic centers;
  • licensed private centers;
  • accredited laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor.

The price of the service depends on the type of analysis. It can be abbreviated, focused on the identification of a certain group of substances, or complete, including chemical and microbiological research.

The organoleptic qualities of drinking water from the well, indicating the permissible parameters, will be summarized in a general table

The results obtained are recorded in the protocol, which indicates the permissible percentage of impurities and substances in accordance with the current sanitary standards. The protocol will be accompanied by a conclusion on the suitability of water and the presence of potentially hazardous microorganisms and substances in it.

At the request of the customer, experts can also give recommendations on how best to purify water in a particular well and what filtration systems to use in the future.

Effective cleaning methods

If the results of the study showed that the fears are not groundless and the water contains impurities hazardous to health, the situation should be corrected as soon as possible.

The choice of method depends on the cause of the contamination. If debris has accumulated inside the structure, and mucus has formed on the walls, it is worth using a mechanical method when cleaning the structure.

Mechanical cleaning of the mine

The method involves cleaning the walls and bottom of the hydraulic structure by washing or scraping off the accumulated layers. best done in late summer or early spring before the snow melts. In the off-season, the lowest level of groundwater is observed.

Accumulated sludge and mucus should be cleaned regularly, as they are ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria that release toxic substances in the course of life.

The mechanical cleaning procedure includes several main steps:

  1. Water pumping. Before performing mechanical cleaning, the structure is pre-emptied by pumping out the liquid with a drainage pump. Keep in mind that it will not work to completely drain the well shaft, a small amount of water will still remain at the bottom.
  2. Cleaning the walls and bottom. The cleaning worker, dressed in a protective suit, descends into the well. The assistant remains on the surface and takes the filled buckets. Debris and silt residues are removed manually using a metal brush or a conventional scraper. Crushed stone and sand covering the bottom of the structure and performing the function of a bottom filter are replaced with new ones.
  3. Repair and strengthening of well rings. If necessary, to prevent the displacement of the rings relative to each other, they are reinforced with metal brackets.
  4. Seam sealing. If cracks are found in the joints between the rings, the defects are sealed with cement mortar, to which liquid glass is added.

After waiting a day, they empty the well and wait until it is filled again. After cleaning is completed, a small bag is lowered into the shaft, sewn from synthetic fabric and filled with potassium permanganate. It should be left in the well permanently.

On sale there are also special chlorine-containing preparations such as Aquatabs, Septolit-DHC, Ecobreeze-Oxy. They are available in liquid, powder or tablet form.

Based on these concentrates, in accordance with the instructions, disinfectant solutions are diluted, which are used according to the same technology as when working with bleach. Any of these means improves water quality and extends the life of the structure.

Application of dosing cartridges

In the case of severe water pollution, when simple cleaning methods do not give the desired result, experts recommend using more drastic measures - using dosing cartridges.

Dosing cartridges are ceramic small cylindrical containers, inside of which a mixture based on bleach and calcium hydrochloride is placed.

The case of cartridges with a volume of 250 to 1000 cm 3 is made of ceramics, the porous walls of which freely pass active chlorine into the water. The number of cartridges required for decontamination depends on the volume of water in the mine and the degree of its contamination.

Disinfection using dosing cartridges should be carried out under the guidance of SES workers, while controlling the quality of water in relation to microbiological and sanitary-chemical indicators.

The containers are suspended in the well shaft, immersed in the water column and placed at a height of 20 to 50 cm from the surface of the bottom filter. Control over the concentration of the active substance in water is carried out after 6 hours from the moment of immersion of the cartridge. It should be 0.5 mg/l. If the indicators are lower than necessary, another cartridge is deepened.

In the future, control over the concentration is performed every seven days. Cartridges are replaced at intervals of every 3-4 weeks.

Alternative UV cleaning method

Disinfection of the contents of the well can also be performed by irradiating it with ultraviolet light. This method is less time consuming, but more expensive. Disinfection with ultraviolet light is performed only after preliminary mechanical cleaning.

The unit is a disinfecting chamber, inside which is placed an ultraviolet lamp equipped with a protective coating.

UV rays, the wavelength range of which is 200-295 nm, are capable of destroying pathogenic microorganisms. The higher the dose of radiation, the less time is required to decontaminate the contents of the mine. To destroy most pathogenic bacteria, a radiation dose of 15 mJ / cm² is enough.

The main advantage of water purification by ultraviolet irradiation is that it does not cause a change in the taste of drinking water.

Prevention of water pollution

Cleaning and disinfecting water in a well requires a lot of time and effort. To minimize the occurrence of this kind of trouble in the future, do not forget to carry out preventive disinfection measures.

To prevent water pollution in the well, following a number of simple rules will help:

  1. When taking care of the construction of a clay castle. To do this, dig a trench around the well 1.5-2 meters wide and 50-100 cm deep. It must be covered with clay and compacted tightly. The constructed clay castle will simultaneously perform two functions: to prevent the penetration of moisture and to prevent contamination of the structure through the seams between the rings.
  2. When arranging a bottom filter, use flint gravel, which has the ability to soften water, or zeolite, which acts as a natural sorbent.
  3. Equip the head of the well with a lid or canopy. They will prevent dust and small debris from entering the mine, as well as protect well water from direct sunlight.
  4. To reduce the risk of leaks during the operation of a hydraulic structure, use stations with remote ejectors and submersible pumps.

Proper arrangement of the water source will eliminate the need for frequent disinfection work.

If your summer cottage does not yet have its own source of water and you have not decided on its type, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information in the article comparing, evaluating the pros and cons of both options.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video review of the tableted disinfectant Aquabreeze:

Video presentation of the lamp for ultraviolet disinfection system:

Don't expect thunder from a clear sky. After all, water is what we use every day. That is why it is so important to be sure that it does not contain harmful substances. To protect yourself and your loved ones, do not neglect the rules of operation and regularly check the composition of the water, even if it seems crystal clear.

We are waiting for your stories about self-cleaning and disinfection of well water. Please write in the comment box. Here you can ask questions, share your impressions, useful information and thematic photos.

Who does not have a well in their summer cottage? Probably everyone already has a well. True, wells have become very popular lately. Is it fashion or not? It is impossible to answer exactly. However, lately the population is more concerned about their health and is aware of environmental problems.

When building wells, some factors must be taken into account: for example, it is impossible to dig a well and drill a well next to a road due to exhaust gases (nitrogen, sulfur and carbon dioxide). These gases contain particles of lead, cadmium and other toxic metals. And it all goes straight into the water.

You should also consider the location of the sewer on the site, and where the beds, compost and dung heap will be located if someone keeps animals on the site. Because nitrogen (nitrates) enter the water from manure heaps and composts. Or during a breakdown of the sewerage system (septic tank), sewage flows into wells and even wells.

This happens because the wells "feed" from groundwater- waters of the surface layer of the earth, they lie to a depth of 40 meters from the surface of the earth. Therefore, wells are very vulnerable to various contaminants in the water. It is better not to even drain the soapy water from the dishes on the site, as modern dishwashing detergents are very aggressive.

Wells are very convenient on the site, however, they have other disadvantages. Water wells are a closed environment, so bacteria and viruses like to multiply there and organic processes are constantly taking place: microorganisms and plants decompose. It needs to be cleaned periodically. It would not be superfluous take water samples for analysis*. Because water dissolves all chemical elements in itself and, passing through the layers of soil, absorbs everything that it encounters. These can be harmful impurities, metals, phosphates, as well as an increased content of individual minerals. There are indicators such as MPC (maximum permissible concentration) of water, which cannot be checked at home. The water may contain Escherichia coli or other pathogenic microflora. Therefore, from the point of view of the composition of water, at the moment it does not matter how deep the well is dug. Without water analysis, one cannot be sure that the water is safe and healthy. Knowing what is contained in the water from the well, it is easier to correct its indicators and purify the water from harmful elements.

The main control and testing center for drinking water, which has existed in Moscow for ten years in the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro area, warns us on its website that, unfortunately, almost ALL WATER-BEARING HORIZONS OF MOSCOW AND THE MOSCOW REGION (that is, in other words, layers soils from 1 to 200 meters deep) contain to a large extent RADIONUCLIDES (polonium, radium, uranium, lead, etc.). This can cause very serious harm to human health! At this level, there are wells and wells. Since water is a closed system, and the presence of industrial enterprises, nuclear power plants, roads, landfills, chemical enterprises in the well zone can adversely affect your water and your health.

Therefore, we see the order of bottled water from trusted companies as the most convenient way to consume clean water. How to choose a water supplier

The most useful for the body is natural underground water, which is extracted from a natural source and bottled directly at the place of extraction, excluding the influence of the external environment and contact with a person, using modern purification technologies (ultraviolet radiation, ozonation). Water, the composition of which is constantly monitored, and, if necessary, the optimal amount of microelements, such as iodine, fluorine, is added. An increased amount of any one element can be dangerous. This is detailed in San Pin No. on bottled water in the Appendix.

If you are going to drill a well for artesian water in your area, we recommend that you contact trusted organizations. Our legislation even provides for criminal liability for enterprises that harm the environment by their actions.

Also good find out the aquifer of your site to know which trace elements need to be adjusted using filters, and which ones to clean the water from. The fact is that there are different aquifers, characterized by different water abundance and mineralization, the water in them can be softer or harder, as well as with a reduced or optimal content of fluorine, as well as some other chemical elements. Thus, the aquifer Podolsko-Myachkovsky in such districts of the Moscow region as Volokolamsky, Shakhovskoy, Istra, Ruzsky, Mozhaysky, Odintsovsky, Naro-Fominsky, Podolsky, Domodedovsky, Voskresensky, Kolomensky, Chekhovsky is characterized by a constant high content of fluorine and iron. Fluoride can even cause genetic changes. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly the composition of the water that you and your children drink.

*How to take a water sample for analysis(information taken from the old GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control")

For chemical analysis, water (2-5 l) is collected in clean bottles, after rinsing them with water from the source. Sampling from open reservoirs or wells is carried out at the depth where water is already being taken or is supposed to be taken by the population. In this case, special devices (bottlemeters) are used or a bottle with a load is used, in which, at a given depth, the cork is opened with a rope. For bacteriological analysis, water (250-500 ml) is taken from a depth of 15-20 cm into a sterile container. Before you take water from the taps, you need to drain it for 10-15 minutes.

The bottle with the test water is closed with a cork, numbered and an accompanying form is attached to it, which indicates the name of the water source, its location, the time of sampling and the state of the weather at that moment. If it is impossible to carry out the analysis immediately, then transportation and storage of water is allowed (for chemical analysis - no more than 6 hours, for bacteriological analysis - no more than 2 hours) at a water temperature of 1-5 degrees C. During transportation, bottles should not be overturned and corks should not be soaked.

To help you decide on the choice of water, read the article How to choose the right drinking water. Categories of fresh water. How to choose the right bottled water

Water map of Russia:

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