Black discharge during menstruation. Dark black menses. Menstruation is black and an interesting position

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The natural work of a woman's body is ensured by a regular menstrual cycle. But sometimes black periods instead of normal discharge indicate serious disorders in the genitourinary system. Therefore, every female representative should pay attention to such symptoms.

Normal course of critical days

Allocations are considered normal if the blood during menstruation does not have a dark color, there are no clots and smell. It is necessary to pay attention to the duration of menstruation and the general condition of the woman. Blood from the vagina should not cause fear and unrest if menstruation occurs regularly, without significant disturbances during menstruation and lasts a certain time (3-10 days), and the entire cycle is 21-38 days.

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The color of menstruation should be red, although each woman has her own shade.

A sign of normal menstruation is the presence of mild pain in the lower abdomen. Not considered a violation and pulling pain in the lumbar region.

The menstrual cycle is established in girls who have reached the age of 12, although the main factor here is individual puberty. In the initial period of menstruation, the young body must get used to bleeding and establish a hormonal background. Therefore, if black periods are observed within 2 years from the moment the discharge begins, you should not sound the alarm ahead of time, this may be a variant of the norm.

Premenopausal women sometimes experience black periods.

This phenomenon is also considered the norm, because in the body there is a fading of the reproductive function and the hormonal background changes.

Many women use oral contraceptives, and they tend to make changes in the hormonal background. Therefore, during the period of adaptation of the body, black periods can be a reaction. However, if after several cycles of taking such drugs there is no recoloring of the discharge, you should seek medical advice. The doctor will determine the cause of this phenomenon. It happens that drugs cause atrophy of the endometrium, so after the examination you will have to stop taking such drugs.

Symptoms of pathology

If menstruation changes its normal shade to dark tones, this often indicates pathological disorders in the body.

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But why are periods with deviations? The main reasons for such phenomena are:

  • the quality of a woman's sexual life;
  • surgical interventions;
  • age;
  • pregnancy, postpartum period, lactation period;
  • change in the hormonal background of a woman, weakening of the immune system;
  • female or sexually transmitted diseases;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • psycho-emotional state, stress and other external factors.

It happens that during pregnancy this often happens on the first day, spotting does not stop. They are characterized by scarcity and are considered the norm. However, if a woman is sexually active on a regular basis and has scanty black discharge instead of normal menstruation, a pregnancy test is recommended. Sometimes a positive test reaction and unusual discharge warn of an ectopic pregnancy. This condition is very dangerous for a woman's health, so there is no other alternative than abortion.

If the expectant mother notices a discharge that has a light brown tint, it is urgent to seek the advice of a gynecologist. These signs, unfortunately, indicate a miscarriage or indicate a halt in the development of the fetus.

Hormonal changes occur during pregnancy and for a certain period after childbirth. In such cases, the blood during menstruation has a dark color.

A woman needs to consult a gynecologist if black menstruation comes with the presence of other symptoms:

  • accompanied by burning, unpleasant itching or odor;
  • the woman gets tired quickly, there is dizziness;
  • hair begins to fall out, the color of the skin and nails changes;
  • the menstrual cycle is disturbed and becomes irregular;
  • the number of allocations changes.

Sometimes the causes of this phenomenon lie in diseases that are sexually transmitted. Some are very dangerous and difficult to treat. At the same time, after therapy, serious disturbances in the functioning of the body are noticeable. Therefore, with anxiety, characterized by itching in the vagina, pain in the abdomen, discomfort during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to immediately undergo diagnosis and treatment. Most often, black discharge occurs with gonorrhea, syphilis, or chlamydia.

Etiology of the syndrome

It happens that during normal menstruation, a woman notices the presence of small black clots. This phenomenon is considered normal due to the functional or anatomical features of the body. For example, if the patient's cervix is ​​very narrow or when the woman is in a state of sleep. A relaxed body, when there is no movement, is not able to quickly remove blood from the vagina, as a result, it lingers and coagulates. During awakening and during physical exertion, the clot is pushed out. Sometimes dark clots appear before the start or on the first day of a new menstruation cycle due to old blood that has not had time to completely come out.

During pregnancy, this phenomenon can be very dangerous. Sometimes it warns of a miscarriage. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should be attentive to the state of your health so as not to miss the moment with the diagnosis of a serious illness. The main causes of black menstruation are:

  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system that spread to the uterus, ovaries, cervix or fallopian tubes;
  • endometrial polyps (the appearance of benign formations in the uterus);
  • the presence in the body of the human papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer;
  • hyperplasia (precancerous condition);
  • endometriosis (enlargement and growth of the endometrium, located on the inner surface of the uterus);
  • adenomyosis (germination of the endometrium in the muscular layer of the uterus);
  • atrophic vaginitis (the disease develops during menopause, characterized by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa);
  • erosion of the cervix (benign pathology in the cervix).

The human body experiences stress after any surgical intervention. This is especially reflected in the health of a woman after an abortion. Black blood is a reaction to surgery to remove fibroids or polyps. Such discharges also occur after laparoscopy of the ovaries, partial removal or curettage of the uterus. These procedures sometimes disrupt the endometrium of the uterus, resulting in dark blood.

Possible diseases

Sometimes a woman has a scanty discharge of a dark color. Such a reaction appears due to an inaccurate procedure for establishing a spiral in the uterus or during an abortion. Often, damage to the mucosa provokes the development of a viral or bacterial infection, which is accompanied by a violation of menstruation and contributes to a change in the shade of the blood.

It happens that due to a violation of the integrity of the epithelium, synechia appears - a kind of partition in the uterus that traps blood, which leads to the appearance of clots. Such partitions affect the fertilized egg, preventing it from attaching to the wall of the uterus. As a result, pregnancy does not occur. This phenomenon is quite often observed after abortion.

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Stressful situations, starvation or, conversely, overeating, as well as a new environment, sometimes provoke black discharge. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the psychological state. But more often, professional treatment is still required.

Medical treatment

Before carrying out the necessary therapy, the patient is prescribed an examination to identify the causes of this phenomenon. Due to the fact that dark blood is considered one of the factors in the presence of an oncological disease in the body, a gynecologist recommends a diagnosis for this condition. After exclusion of oncology, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out. For these purposes, laparoscopy is prescribed, as well as hysteroscopy.

If the patient does not have pathological disorders, ascorutin and calcium gluconate are prescribed to normalize menstruation. Drugs help restore the cycle and reduce the volume of secretions.

Black periods associated with other causes are treated as follows:

  1. In case of an insufficient amount of hormones, the use of progestogen preparations is necessary.
  2. To get rid of fibroids, monophasic (estrogen-progestin drugs) and hemostatic drugs are recommended. Embolization (a method of cutting off the blood supply to the tumor) may be required, and in severe cases, surgery is necessary.
  3. Women in the premenopausal period are prescribed drugs containing progesterone (Dufaston, Utrozhestan, Clomiphene, etc.).
  4. For the treatment of endometriosis, special hormonal drugs (Zoladex or Danazol) are suitable. But it happens that to get rid of such a disease it is impossible to do without surgery.
  5. The most effective method of getting rid of polyposis is curettage of polyps.
  6. In most cases, the use of preparations containing iron is recommended.

In addition to drug treatment, every woman should take care of external and psychological factors. So, when choosing underwear, preference should be given to natural fabrics (cotton). They will ensure normal air circulation, preventing the accumulation of bacterial flora. Linen must be the correct size.

If an operation related to the reproductive system was performed, rehabilitation is a prerequisite for recovery.

Every woman should be very attentive to her health. To do this, twice a year for preventive purposes, you should visit a gynecologist. Regular visits to the doctor will allow you to receive timely medical care if it is needed.

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Another important point is the avoidance of casual and unprotected sexual intercourse. This will help prevent the occurrence of unexpected and unpleasant sexually transmitted diseases.

So, black discharge can be normal during menarche (first menstruation), during menopause and in a number of other cases. However, such symptoms often warn of dangerous diseases. Moreover, in some situations, drug treatment is considered ineffective, and there is no other method of treatment other than surgery. Timely diagnosis and medical care will avoid serious complications and ensure a normal life for every woman.

During a woman's menstrual cycle, black periods may occur. As you know, menstrual flow, which is red in color and does not have a sharp and unpleasant odor, is considered normal. Any changes in the healthy color of menstruation cause women to panic, but you should know that this is not always a cause for concern.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

Menstruation in black should cause concern in a woman if they are accompanied by a strong and unpleasant odor. Such a smell is the first symptom of a violation in the work of the female reproductive system. or whiter indicates that inflammatory processes occur in the woman's body. All these symptoms indicate that a woman may have the following pathologies:

  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the female genital organs;
  • cancerous diseases;
  • polyps, endometriosis, adenomyosis.

In the case when black blood is observed in a small amount in a woman on the first day of menstruation, there is a possibility that the woman became pregnant, and there is a small risk of losing the child. To determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not, a pregnancy test will help.

May indicate an ectopic pregnancy. It is very dangerous to health, and if it is not interrupted, there is a danger of rupture of the fallopian tube, and in extreme cases, the entire uterus may need to be removed.

If inflammatory processes occur in the appendages or ovaries of a woman, then they can serve as a black discharge at the beginning of the next cycle of menstruation.

Oncological diseases can also provoke a change in the color of the discharge. But not only malignant tumors lead to the fact that a woman has menstrual discharge of a dark color. Benign growths, such as polyps, can serve as a serious barrier to the exit of blood, as a result of which blood accumulates in the body of a woman and may begin to come out in dark-colored clots.

If a woman is going through menopause, then her cervical canal narrows slightly, which negatively affects the entire cycle.

The above reasons are always accompanied by a number of uncomfortable manifestations:

  • burning and itching in the female genital area;
  • severe dizziness;
  • physical fatigue and changes in the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • changes in menstrual bleeding: they can become both plentiful and very scarce;
  • , the presence of bleeding between cycles.

If a woman observes similar symptoms in herself, accompanied by black menstruation, then she urgently needs to see a doctor. He will be able to conduct an examination, write out a referral for the delivery of all necessary tests. When the disease is diagnosed, the specialist will prescribe the necessary course of treatment. It is important to remember: do not self-medicate, which can lead to infertility.

The influence of other factors on the color of the discharge

Menstruation dark color can be observed in the following cases:

  • hormonal imbalance in the female body;
  • menopause in women;
  • sudden weight gain or loss in a woman as a result of hormonal changes;
  • the presence of surgical interventions;
  • stressful life situations, great emotional upheavals.

A woman's cycle is regulated by her hormones. If a woman takes hormonal contraceptives, then black periods for her may be the norm, especially on the first day. Such changes in the menstrual cycle are observed the first few months after taking birth control pills. This is due to the fact that the body adapts to new doses of hormones.

The period of pregnancy and childbirth have a strong influence on the hormonal background of the female body. Black menstrual flow may be the result of such changes. Childbirth has a strong impact on the female body. The uterus after them greatly increases and sometimes does not have time to shrink to its original size. Because of this, the blood during menstruation stagnates and collects in clots.

During the period of breastfeeding, women are sometimes disturbed by black scanty discharge. If after childbirth there are black periods that are not accompanied by a number of uncomfortable symptoms, then they can be considered the norm. If a sharp and unpleasant odor is noticeable, or pains of a different nature in the lower abdomen, then this should be a signal of the presence of health problems.

Constant physical activity, stressful situations and experiences that lead to depression can have a strong impact on the course of basic processes in the human body. But the emotional state of a woman can affect not only the color of menstruation, but also their duration and delays.

Black discharge before and after menstruation

Experts say that dark-colored discharge a few days before menstruation or on the first day of menstruation is normal.

After all, menstruation is a process aimed at removing an unfertilized egg from the body. It is excreted along with the endometrial layer. This process occurs slowly and gradually, so a few days before the onset of menstrual bleeding, "smears" of a dark shade can be observed.

Allocations after menstruation are considered normal if they last no more than 3 days. After all, this is a natural process of cleansing the body.

If such secretions are delayed, then this may be a signal of the presence of diseases such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis.

How to maintain the health of the female reproductive system?

Many diseases are easier to prevent than to treat. Maintaining the health of the female reproductive system will help regular proper nutrition and a moderately active lifestyle. Consistent physical exercise, which can replace morning exercises, will strengthen muscles and overall health. Under the ban it is necessary to define any alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. They negatively affect the human nervous system, as well as constant stress and emotional tension, and can provoke irregular periods of a dark color. Preventive examinations by a doctor will be useful. You need to go through them at least once every six months. The doctor will be able to determine the development of diseases at an early stage, which will greatly facilitate their treatment.

Remember that during menstruation it is strictly forbidden:

  • visiting a bath or sauna, taking a hot bath;
  • strong physical activity;
  • unprotected intercourse;
  • limit your body in water and food.

If you neglect these simple rules, then black menstruation may occur in the future. Black menstrual blood can be normal, but it can also signal serious problems in the female genital organs. Every woman is obliged to clearly monitor the duration and regularity of the menstrual cycle, be attentive to any manifestations of symptoms that may signal the presence of serious pathologies.

By the way menstruation proceeds, one can first judge the state of a woman's health and the features of her physiology. Black discharge that occurs during menstruation, before them or in the middle of the cycle is perceived as a pathological sign, although this is not always the case. The shade of menstrual flow in women at different periods can vary from light red to dark brown or brown in a satisfactory state of health or changes not associated with diseases. Black periods are nothing more than blood clots that accumulate in the uterine cavity under the influence of various factors.

Reasons for the appearance

Menstrual bleeding actually contains some blood. For one regulation, about 40-100 ml is released, sometimes less. It flows out, mixing with the mucous secretion of the endometrium, cervical canal and vagina, bringing out an unfertilized egg and an unnecessary functional membrane, cleansing the uterus. A uniform bright red shade of selection is not always preserved. Often, women notice very dark, almost black clots. They may appear on the first day of menstruation, closer to its end, or acyclically. Sometimes black periods repeat several cycles in a row. This picture is due to the property of blood to quickly clot. Coming out of the vessels into the uterine cavity, it quickly darkens due to oxidizing iron. If clots of mucus and endometrium, saturated with blood, are not rejected immediately, but linger for a long time, then strange-looking dark masses are subsequently brought out. The main physiological reasons why menstruation can be black:

  • Hormonal imbalances. During puberty and premenopause in women, the endocrine glands rebuild their work. The menstrual cycle "floats", may be delayed for several days or weeks, critical days have different durations. Such desynchronization contributes to the accumulation and thickening of blood clots in the folds of the uterine cavity. A similar condition is also characteristic when taking hormonal contraceptives, when the ovaries begin to adapt to the rhythm dictated by the drug.
  • Pregnancy. The process of conception and development of the fetus is often accompanied by pseudomenstruation - a small amount of mucus with blood that has a blackish tint is released from the genital tract.
  • External provoking factors. Situations such as a sudden change in lifestyle, moving, severe physical or nervous stress, exhaustion inevitably affect the course of the cycle. In case of long delays, and sometimes during its normal duration, menstruation begins with the release of black clots.

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Pathological and conditionally pathological factors include everything associated with diseases or external interventions:

  • Surgical operations, minimally invasive diagnostic methods, the use of intrauterine devices. As a result of mechanical injuries of the epithelium of the genital organs, clots accumulate in the uterine cavity, coming out during its contractions.
  • Endocrine systemic diseases.
  • Inflammation and destructive processes taking place in the reproductive system.

Infections and inflammatory processes

Blackish clots in menstrual flow are possible with the development of pathological processes in the uterine cavity and appendages. The presence of endometriosis, endometritis, fibroids, polyps, cysts, endometrial dysplasia lead to disruption of the timely separation and removal of the functional mucous layer to the outside.

Inflammatory diseases: endometrium, salpingitis, salpingoophoritis, parametritis and other pathologies are the result of hypothermia, complications of existing diseases of the pelvic organs. The risk of formation of neoplasms and inflammation is always higher during the period of age-related hormonal changes, when the endocrine glands synthesize an insufficient amount of estrogens. Their deficiency leads to a decrease in local immunity, impaired peripheral blood supply, and a tendency to edema. Uncompensated diabetes mellitus leads to severe systemic disorders in the body, including inflammatory processes in the reproductive system.

One of the provoking black monthly factors are medical and surgical, diagnostic curettage. In all cases, rough pharmacological or surgical intervention affects the balance of hormones, violates the fragile integrity of the mucous membranes. The consequences are often strictures, adhesions, aggravating the pathology.

In addition to hormonal disorders, sexually transmitted diseases remain an important cause of inflammatory processes in the genital organs. Among them:

  • secondary and tertiary syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • ureaplasmosis.

The presence of diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature can be signaled by other symptoms in addition to dark clots that stand out:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back;
  • pain, itching, burning in the vaginal area;
  • redness, swelling, strange rashes in the perineum;
  • subfebrile or high temperature;
  • unpleasant putrid;
  • copious leucorrhoea outside of critical days.

But additional symptoms that indicate pathological processes and the development of STDs are not always present.

Black discharge before period

Most often, clots that have accumulated near the cervical canal come out at the beginning of menstruation. On the first day, the uterus begins to contract intensively, pushing them out. If this happened for the first time, and this was preceded by a cycle longer than usual, severe stress, hypothermia, exhausting stress, menstruation can be very plentiful, and clots do not come out for long - within a few hours or minutes, and their onset is preceded by a slight feeling of fullness and discomfort in the uterus . Sometimes there are no painful sensations, just a few dark strokes appear. In the case of a single appearance of such clots, physiology is usually to blame, but a regular picture may indicate a violation of the integrity of the uterine cavity, leading to internal accumulations of blood.

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Frequent black discharge before menstruation, usually a few days before they begin, signals a possible endometriosis, hyperplasia, or an infectious disease. Probably also a hormonal imbalance. A typical picture is the onset of scanty spotting black discharge a week before menstruation. It does not necessarily have other symptoms.

After or at ovulation

During menstruation, the internal microflora changes, the number of conditional pathogens increases, the reproductive system becomes especially vulnerable to pathogens. Black discharge after menstruation (in the last days or a few days after the end of the regulation) is often observed in infectious and inflammatory diseases. This is confirmed by the presence of itching, burning inside, soreness during urination, pulling pains.

In some cases, dark discharge a week after menstruation is the result of severe stress, hypothermia or heavy physical exertion.

In some women, individual physiological characteristics allow, according to some signs, to determine the time of ovulation with an accuracy of several hours. Their well-being is disturbed: they feel dizzy, the temperature may rise, after a few days, already in the second half or at the end of the cycle, there are black discharges, usually very scarce, in the amount of several strokes.

Instead of menstruation - black discharge

In addition to dark secretions in the middle or end of the cycle, which cause many changes in the body of a woman, there are situations when the type of menstruation completely changes in this way.

Black discharge instead of menstruation is likely after the surgical intervention. Many massive blood clots could have been preserved inside the uterine cavity, which had time to clear and become dark. At the onset of the next regulation, dissolved by mucus, they color it black. Their intensity is higher than usual.

Taking oral hormonal contraceptives almost always causes black scanty discharge instead of menstruation, signaling the "tuning" of the ovaries. The functional endometrium in these cases is formed much thinner and little mucus comes out. With postcoital contraception, such acyclic menstruation can occur over several cycles.

Abundant dark discharge with a strong unusual odor, an admixture of pus, accompanied by pain and other adverse symptoms, repeated repeatedly, may be a sign of oncological formation or severe inflammation.

It is customary to judge a normal menstruation by its regularity, the volume and color of the discharge, and the absence of unpleasant symptoms. A change in the shade of blood can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of an inflammatory or infectious process. In general, black periods indicate that the blood leaves the uterus with a delay.

Causes of black periods

The main reason for black menstruation is a hormonal imbalance. Staining can also occur in the following cases:

  • irregular sex life;
  • recent surgery on the genitourinary system or childbirth;
  • age;
  • lactation or pregnancy;
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic failure;
  • climate change, stress, insomnia.

Scanty dark discharge may appear after an abortion, the introduction of an intrauterine device and other manipulations in the uterus and ovaries. They also retain blood and stain it in a dark shade of synechia - partitions in the uterine cavity.

Central Genesis

The absence of menstruation, the release of dark blood clots is a symptom of amenorrhea of ​​central origin. The causes of this syndrome are dysfunction of the subcortical structures and the cerebral cortex. Allocate congenital, organic and functional pathology.

Functional amenorrhea, as the most common, occurs against the background of factors such as:

  • severe stress;
  • mental trauma;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • neuroinfection;
  • changes in hormonal levels during unsuccessful pregnancy, abortion, childbirth;
  • physical or emotional overload;
  • development of manic-depressive psychosis;
  • pituitary tumors.

Violation of the central nervous system leads to malfunctions of the genitourinary and reproductive systems of a woman. Long-term depression, stress, chronic mental disorders, a single emotional overexcitation can provoke a menstrual cycle disorder, as well as lead to the appearance of dark blood and clots.

Ovarian Genesis

Ovarian dysfunction (impaired hormone-forming function) is one of the main causes of infertility, missed pregnancy, miscarriage, and changes in the menstrual cycle. High risk factors for the development of the disease in women over 40 with a history of diabetes, obesity, tumors of the ovaries and uterus, frequent abortions, wearing an intrauterine device.


  • hormonal imbalance;
  • increase in the duration of menstruation;
  • erratic irregular menstruation;
  • an increase in blood loss up to 100 milliliters or more;
  • intense staining of secretions.

Some experts refer (PMS) to one of the manifestations of ovarian dysfunction. The disease can cause fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis, infertility and oncological tumors of the mammary glands.

mother form

Often, a change in the menstrual cycle is not caused by a violation of the ovaries, but by pathologies of the uterus, such as damage to the basal layer, congenital malformations. The main reason is frequent abortions, which result in a gradual depletion of the basal layer of the endometrium and the occurrence of intrauterine adhesions.

The adhesive process can occur not only during abortions, but also as a result of myomectomy, diagnostic curettage, acute and.

Another reason for black menstruation is genital tuberculosis. With the development of the disease, intrauterine adhesions are formed, partially or completely covering the uterine cavity.

With diseases of the endocrine glands

The hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine, produced by the thyroid gland, ensure the cyclic functioning of the ovaries and the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen. The slightest disturbance in the functioning of the thyroid gland causes changes in the menstrual cycle - a delay, a decrease or increase in blood volume, ovarian dysfunction.

So, menstrual blood becomes dark and even almost black against the background of hormonal imbalance caused by hypo- or hyperthyroidism:

  1. Hyperthyroidism (excessive activity of the thyroid gland) provokes amenorrhea and infertility. In addition to black discharge, there is a PMS symptom complex, soreness during critical days, difficulty in conceiving, and a general deterioration in the condition.
  2. Hypothyroidism, or insufficient production of hormones, causes scanty menstruation, shortening, delayed and irregular periods, spotting in the middle of the cycle.

Menstrual function is fully restored after adequate treatment of thyroid diseases.

Taking medications

Taking certain medications causes increased menstruation, black clots, and cycle failure. Contraceptives (OK) increase the concentration of hormones. A change in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone levels, especially in the first months of taking the drugs, leads to staining of the discharge in a brown and maroon hue. Sometimes, on the contrary, the amount of mucus increases, which gives the secretion a light red and pink color.

For the purpose of contraception or during treatment with hormonal drugs, the woman's body is dramatically rebuilt.

In the first 1-3 months after the start of taking such drugs, the reproductive system adapts to the "new" level of hormones. With regular intake and no gaps from the 4th month, the color of the discharge becomes normal.

Symptoms and consequences of hypomenorrhea

Scanty discharge for a short time, dark blood during menstruation are some of the symptoms of hypomenorrhea. PMS often develops, pain in the lower abdomen, indigestion, discomfort in the chest and lower back, headache, and drowsiness appear.

Also, hypomenorrhea can be accompanied by black menstruation, severe swelling, emotional instability, black clots, especially on the first and second days of menstruation.

If during menstruation the blood goes in a small volume, menstruation ends in 2-3 days, they speak of the development of hypomenorrhea. This is facilitated by obesity or excessive thinness, taking oral contraceptives, chronic diseases, intoxication, thyroid problems, and stress. Often, instead of menstruation, dark-colored discharge is observed - meager, smearing.

Complications are frigidity, infertility, miscarriage, risk of ectopic pregnancy, secondary amenorrhea (complete absence of menstruation).

To avoid delaying menstruation and serious complications, it is necessary to conduct an examination with a doctor and pass the prescribed tests. They will help prevent the development of dangerous diseases, as well as normalize the cycle and improve the reproductive female system.

Normally, menstruation should have a dark red color and a slightly sour smell. The daily rate of discharge is, as a rule, several tens of milliliters.

Dark and scanty periods - this means that the discharge of blood has a brownish tint, they are very rare (less than 50 ml per day), often take the form of spotting, which is not normal for normal menstruation. Sometimes these are accompanied by an unpleasant odor. They acquire a dark color due to the fact that, starting to flow from the uterine cavity, the blood coagulates and, as a result, darkens.

Scanty periods are often combined with:

  • pains of a cramping nature in;
  • headache;
  • pain in the lumbar;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • vomiting.

It happens that meager periods are passed from mother to daughter along the family line. In this case, we cannot talk about any pathologies, this is a completely normal phenomenon that will not affect either the health of the woman or the pregnancy.

Causes of dark, scanty periods

Why are periods black and scanty? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • violations of the production of the endometrium (due to acute or chronic inflammation, abortion, tuberculosis of the genital organs, etc.);
  • pathologies in the functioning of the ovaries and pituitary gland;
  • disorders in the work of the endocrine system, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland (as a result - hormonal failure);
  • anemia;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • suffered injuries or;
  • metabolic disorders (weight loss or weight gain);
  • pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • psycho-emotional experiences, stress, nervous diseases;
  • interruption of sexual life for a long time;
  • improper selection of contraceptives.

Very meager periods are a common occurrence in infantilism, which is characterized by improper maturation of the genital organs, a stop in their development at adolescence level, or with congenital malformations of the genitals. Infantilism must be treated, otherwise a woman will never be able to give birth to children.

Sexually transmitted diseases can be the reason why menstruation becomes scarce. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms often associated with sexually transmitted diseases:

  • pain with;
  • itching or burning sensation in the perineum or vagina;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • strange smell.

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During pregnancy, scanty dark-colored discharge with a simultaneous increase in temperature, malaise, pain in the lower abdomen require an urgent appeal to a gynecologist, because they often portend an imminent miscarriage.

Scanty discharge can also begin in a practically healthy woman due to banal hypothermia or nervous experience.

Whatever caused meager periods, it is impossible to determine their cause, and even more so to try to treat them on your own. If the phenomenon is left unattended, then infertility may develop. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

How does this relate to age?

Most often, age can cause mild periods without violating the norm of health. The main age categories when this phenomenon occurs are associated with the periods of formation and attenuation of the reproductive function in a woman. It:

  • teenage years;
  • climax.

Approximately from the age of 12, the girl's body develops much faster, but the reproductive organs are only at the stage of formation during this period. Ovulation may not occur at all in the first months, and the menstrual cycle may present various “surprises”, such as instability, the duration of more or less normal 4-5 days, the presence of scanty dark-colored secretions, which is due to the endometrium, which in its development differs in adults and adolescents, and the formation of hormonal levels. If the girl does not feel other signs of discomfort, the presence of brown discharge should not be considered a pathology.

At the age of about 50, a woman begins a period, the hormonal background changes, and the reproductive function fades. In this regard, the menstrual cycle is modified: it becomes irregular, menstruation is not abundant or active, there are normal or dark (even black) colors. It is always better to seek the advice of a gynecologist. Sometimes it can be hidden under the guise of the onset of menopause and a serious pathology. By the way, in recent years there has been a tendency towards an earlier onset of menopause, the first signs of which may appear after crossing the 40-year milestone.

In connection with the formation of the menstrual cycle, scanty ones are also possible after childbirth, especially when breastfeeding a baby, because prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation, suppresses the production of other hormones important for the normal course of the cycle, and the endometrium develops during the first three months slowly. After stopping breastfeeding, it may take up to six months to fully restore the cycle. If the cycle has not recovered in a year or unusual symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a doctor.

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Preventive measures

The appearance of scanty secretions is easier to prevent than to subsequently cure. Preventive measures include:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • frequent change of pads and washing, avoiding non-natural means;
  • protection during intercourse with a condom;
  • rejection of low-quality or excessively narrow linen;
  • visiting a gynecologist at least once every 6 months;
  • preference for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Compliance with these simple measures allows you to maintain the normal functioning of the female body, to a certain extent prevent the occurrence of disorders, pathologies, inflammation in the reproductive and other systems and organs. If meager periods appear, it is absolutely impossible to independently identify their cause, and even more so, it is absolutely impossible to start therapy, this also applies to treatment with folk methods. It should not be forgotten that ignoring the essential signs and symptoms of serious diseases can cause the most severe consequences for the functions of reproduction and childbearing. Therefore, you should be attentive to your health and visit a gynecologist on time.

Having no deviations, normal periods have a number of signs:

  • they must occur regularly every month;
  • blood has a certain color;
  • the discharge should not have a sharp and strange smell;
  • menstruation (both cycle and menstruation) should not be too long;
  • there should not be strong, interfering with the usual way of life, pain.

If any of the above processes occur, you should contact your gynecologist immediately. Scanty dark menstruation, menstrual irregularities are possible signs of many female diseases. In the presence of such violations, you should not ignore a visit to the doctor.

Doctors recommend taking preventive measures, taking care of health, carefully monitoring the cycle and nature of menstruation. Indeed, even if menstruation began on time, but is characterized by scarcity, discoloration and a short duration (less than 3 days), this can be caused by the onset of the disease, from the usual beriberi to endometriosis and cervical erosion. And if the situation is ignored, more dangerous consequences are possible, for example, the development of cancer.


Preservation of a woman's health depends to a large extent on her powers of observation. The appearance of dark scanty periods, which in certain cases can be both the norm and symptoms of the development of various diseases, should not be ignored.

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