Pain in the nipples: causes and treatment. Pain in the nipples - the main causes, treatment and prevention

Most often, pain in the nipples worries pregnant and lactating women. This symptom is most likely not associated with any pathologies and is easily eliminated. But pain in women who do not bear a child can be a sign of a large number of diseases.

Causes of pain in the nipples

Feeling pain in the nipples, a woman must first visit a doctor. However, this kind of pain can be very disturbing before and after menstruation, as well as during them, so it is necessary to find out their exact cause.

Pain may be of the following nature:

  • spicy
  • pricking
  • cutting
  • pulling
  • aching

If a woman is taking medications such as antidepressants, hormonal, contraceptive, or fertility drugs, nipple pain may be their fault. It is these drugs that undermine the normal hormonal balance in the female body. Also, with pain in the nipples, seals, discharge and other pathological accompanying factors may be present.

In addition to menstruation, the cause of pain in the nipples is rare sexual intercourse. In the body of a woman with low sexual activity, a large amount of hormones accumulates, which causes pain, severe nipple itching and chest discomfort.

A sore nipple can be sensitive to touch, so take care of it as much as possible (for example, make sure that a man takes good care of your breasts)

Another reason for the appearance of pain in the nipples is the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy. A doctor who has read the results of mammography (chest X-ray) will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis. Mastopathy is called pathological growths of connective tissue in the mammary gland. Its characteristic symptom is the appearance of pain in the nipples before menstruation and its disappearance after their onset. Over time, the pain stops disappearing and begins to intensify.

Pain in the nipples during menstruation

The main causes of pain in the nipples before menstruation are hormonal disorders, in which the female body produces an increased amount of sex hormones. Menstruation can increase the sensitivity of the nipples and significantly reduce the quality of life of a woman during this period.

If pain in the nipples occurs in young nulliparous girls after menstruation, it is necessary to consult a mammologist as soon as possible

Premenstrual syndrome provokes the appearance of pain in the nipples, swelling and enlargement of the breast, as well as pain in the mammary gland. To relieve pain, you can drink a non-steroidal pain reliever, which is prescribed by a gynecologist.

Pain in the nipples in pregnant and lactating women

The increased sensitivity of the nipples in pregnant women is caused by hormonal changes in the body - the tissues of the mammary gland and the nipple begin to grow rapidly, unlike the nerves that do not keep up with them. As a result, the chest and nipples begin to hurt, itching, burning and other discomfort appear, which is aggravated by wearing underwear that squeezes or rubs the skin.

Pain during feeding can be caused by improper attachment of the newborn to the breast, poor hygiene, incorrect posture of the mother during feeding, as well as underwear that is not suitable for a nursing woman.

You can reduce the pain of feeding a baby by preparing the nipples for this procedure - you need to regularly wipe them with a coarse cloth during pregnancy. So the nipples will more easily endure the feeding of the baby

Also causing nipple pain is waterlogging, dryness, or injured nerves. If a woman does not change the lining for leaking milk or underwear, the wet tissue irritates the breast, making the nipple hypersensitive and, as a result, causing pain. Excessive dryness of the nipples is caused by the use of products containing alcohol in breast skin care.

If the pain in a nursing woman is concentrated in one nipple, this may be a symptom of mastitis. If there is a temperature and discharge from the nipple, you should consult a doctor.

Breast pain and hypersensitivity are common symptoms. They do not always indicate a disease. How to understand why the left papilla hurts in women? What to do to relieve pain? We will figure out whether it is worth contacting a doctor if the nipple begins to hurt.

First of all, it is worth noting that severe pain in one nipple is always an alarming symptom. If soreness is caused by natural causes, it is usually localized in two mammary glands at once. Therefore, it is worth observing your condition, and if symptoms of at least one of the breast diseases appear, consult a doctor.

If the pain is not severe and is accompanied by discomfort in both mammary glands - most likely the reason lies in natural cyclic causes.

If the left nipple hurts, then the causes can be both natural and pathological. There are such reasons for soreness of the left nipple:

  • Lactation. Or the process of lactation itself or injuries received during breastfeeding.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Taking various hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives.
  • Diseases of the mammary glands, acute or chronic.

All these reasons can cause both severe pain in the nipple on the left, and soreness in the entire mammary gland. It is important to assess the nature and localization of pain: it can be acute or dull, constant or spastic, it can radiate to the shoulder blade, arm or shoulder.

The most common causes

One of the most common causes is wearing the wrong underwear. If the nipples are red and sore, but there are no other symptoms, it is worth changing the bra to a model made of softer fabric. If the soreness does not go away, you need to look for the cause further.

Consider natural cyclic causes. These are normal processes that occur in the chest at a certain period. They are not a reason to see a doctor.

The natural cyclic causes include mastodynia. So called soreness, which occurs in the last days of the cycle, before menstruation. This symptom is associated with a sharp rise in the level of progesterone in the blood. It can hurt one nipple, and both. Soreness increases with swelling, therefore, before menstruation, it is recommended to consume less salt and observe the correct drinking regimen. Very often, before menstruation, the tip of the nipple hurts. This is a normal situation and is not a cause for concern unless the pain is severe.

Many girls and women experience pain when they touch their nipples. Then you can try not to disturb the chest and choose comfortable underwear. If the reason really lies in the menstrual cycle, the soreness will disappear on the 3-5th day of the cycle, closer to the end of the menstruation. By this time, the level of progesterone will decrease, and other symptoms will disappear - hypersensitivity and swelling.

If you are not sure that the pain is caused by a natural cause, you should make an appointment with a mammologist. It is better to visit this doctor in the second week of the cycle, when the hormonal background is as stable as possible.

Pathologies of the mammary gland

Pain caused by pathological causes can indicate a variety of diseases. They all require mandatory medical supervision. Non-cyclic pathological pain is called mastalgia.

The main causes of pathological pain:

  • Endocrine chronic diseases, most often - hypothyroidism.
  • Tumors of the pituitary or hypothalamus.
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands.
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes in the chest.
  • Neoplasms in the mammary gland.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Stress and overexertion.
  • Long-term use of hormonal drugs.

It is difficult to determine a specific disease on your own. It is better to entrust this matter to a specialist.

If you have chronic hormonal diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys or adrenal glands, you should consult with a specialist who treats the underlying disease. Most likely, he will refer you for a consultation with a mammologist. If there is a temperature and redness in the nipple area, an urgent consultation is required, such symptoms indicate an infectious process.

Examination and diagnostics

When dealing with complaints of pain in the left nipple, the mammologist will conduct an initial examination and prescribe a diagnosis. Standard diagnostic tests include:

  • Mammography is the most popular and informative examination.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs or the thyroid gland (prescribed for concomitant chronic diseases).
  • Hormone tests.
  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Puncture or biopsy - in the presence of secretions or nipples or an identified tumor.

If the disease is caused by some chronic process in other organs, then the mammologist will refer you for a consultation to the appropriate specialist - an endocrinologist, a gynecologist.

Pregnancy and lactation

Pain in the nipples often appears in the first days of breastfeeding. Only one nipple can hurt, as it is more injured. The fact is that the skin on the nipples and around them is very thin and sensitive. The first feeding attempts can lead to the formation of cracks, to the stagnation of milk. If you apply the baby incorrectly, then the pain will not go away until you master the correct feeding.

What to do if the nipple hurts while feeding the baby?

  1. First of all, it is worth mastering the correct posture for feeding. Then the nipple will be less injured and over time the discomfort will pass.
  2. It is important to follow the basic rules of hygiene, but at the same time refuse aggressive shower gels and other products that can cause irritation.
  3. You need to choose a comfortable bra.

One nipple can hurt even if cracks appear on it. Then it will be a little more difficult to deal with the pain. At first, you can use a special nozzle for feeding - this is to prevent infection and further trauma. You can feed only one breast, then the second will have to be expressed to avoid milk stagnation.

Soreness in the nipples can be a sign of pregnancy. Of course, this is not an accurate diagnostic sign, but the nipples often hurt in the first and second trimester. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy there are complex changes in the hormonal background. Under the influence of female sex hormones, the breast begins to grow - new lobules appear, there is more glandular tissue, colostrum begins to stand out. But if one nipple hurts during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. This may be due to both wearing uncomfortable underwear and the development of certain breast diseases. It is difficult to determine the exact cause without special diagnostics.

How to get rid of pain

We have dealt with the main causes for pain in the left nipple. Now you need to determine how you can alleviate the condition and get rid of discomfort.

Here is an algorithm of actions to improve the condition:

  • Specialist visit. A visit to the doctor is mandatory if you are not sure that the pain is caused by natural causes. Below we will consider the main reasons for visiting a doctor. There are diseases in which only the right treatment helps to relieve symptoms.
  • Minimize trauma. Touch your chest less and pick up the softest underwear. It is important that the bra does not squeeze the breast, the seams should not touch the nipple.
  • If the pain is caused by cracks in the nipple, it is necessary to restore the softness and elasticity of the skin. To do this, you need to choose caring and emollients. It is worth giving up soap and shower gels - they only irritate the skin. For care, various oil-based products are best suited.

You should not use various medicines without a doctor's prescription. For example, painkillers can mask symptoms, making it harder for a doctor to determine the root cause of the pain.

Reasons for excitement

There are many reasons for pain. But there are a number of clear signs of serious problems in the body.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor without delay:

  • Discharge from the nipples of any color, not associated with pregnancy or lactation. Bloody discharge is especially dangerous.
  • Changes in the shape, color, or size of the nipple or areola.
  • Swelling around the nipple, the appearance of a rash, redness or sores.

A specialist will help to resolve doubts. Usually pain in the left nipple is caused by natural causes, but in rare cases it can be a symptom of a dangerous disease. Then the main task is to detect the disease in time and cure it at an early stage.

From tight bra chafing and lactation to more serious causes that require immediate medical advice and treatment.

In this article, we look at seven possible causes of nipple pain:

Reason #1: chafing

Rubbing with hard underwear or a T-shirt is the main cause of nipple pain. Especially women involved in sports often complain about the problem. Rubbing is characterized by burning pain; the skin of the chest is irritated, often disturbed by dryness and cracks.

Long workouts mean long friction. With increased sensitivity, doctors recommend wearing a surgical adhesive plaster on the nipples during classes.

Reason #2: Infected nipples

Nipples that are already suffering from chafing, allergic reactions, cracking or bleeding are the most susceptible to infection. Breastfeeding also increases the chance of infection. After courses of antibiotic therapy, women may encounter candidiasis - the fungus Candida albicans.

Be vigilant and take care of your health!

Konstantin Mokanov

Periodically occurs in every woman. Soreness can be associated with both pathologies and temporary non-dangerous phenomena.

Why does the nipple hurt? There can be many reasons for pain.

The most common cause of nipple pain is premenstrual cider. This pain is called cyclic pain and begins about a week before menstruation. At the same time, both nipples and both mammary glands hurt. The pain is accompanied by swelling, heaviness and fullness of the chest, an increase in its size. Painful sensations pass immediately with the onset of menstruation. Cyclic pain is associated with hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body every month.

Pain in the nipples and mammary glands can occur during pregnancy. They are associated with the ongoing changes in the female breast in preparation for breastfeeding.

The cause of pain in the nipples can also be the use of drugs for the treatment of infertility. Antidepressants can also lead to this type of pain.

If the nipples hurt the chest before menstruation, then this may be a sign of mastopathy, which must be distinguished in time from premenstrual syndrome and be sure to consult a doctor.

Often, pain in the nipple is associated with breastfeeding. Many women consider this phenomenon to be the norm and sometimes endure considerable torment. But doctors believe that pain cannot be tolerated, and its causes must be eliminated. Moreover, lactation should bring not torment, but pleasant sensations to both mother and baby. If the mother is in severe pain, the feeding process may simply not be happening correctly.

As a rule, the left nipple or right nipple hurts if the position of the child or mother during feeding is incorrect.

Problems with the nipples can occur when they are excessively dry, an uncomfortable bra or the wrong size, damage and

Such pain is possible if a breastfeeding mother is both breastfeeding and bottle-feeding. Usually in this case, the baby simply sucks the breast incorrectly.

If the nipple hurts during breastfeeding, then the woman may have an inflamed mammary gland. This disease is called mastitis and is characterized, in addition to pain,

In nursing mothers, the mammary glands begin to hurt if she does not change her bra for a long time and the nipples are moistened for a long time.

So that the breast does not hurt during breastfeeding, it must be carefully looked after. Nipples should not be injured and squeezed. Dryness and excessive moisture should be avoided. Try to wash your nipples with soap as little as possible and do not use alcohol-based preparations to treat them.

If cracks or wounds appear, feeding should be stopped immediately until the wounds heal.

Of great importance for the prevention of pain in the nipples is the correct feeding of the child. In order for the nipple to be squeezed less, the child must also capture the areola. At the end of feeding, the breast should not be pulled, otherwise the baby will press the nipple. It is necessary to carefully release it by spreading the child's gums.

It happens that the nipple begins to itch, and then the woman involuntarily combs the delicate skin, which leads to painful sensations. The cause of pain can even be a breast operation done many years ago.

The nipple hurts even if it is slightly damaged while sleeping on the stomach during lactation. Painful sensations can occur if a woman produces milk very quickly.

Lace, bra seams, or tight underwear can damage the sensitive skin of your nipples.

Causes of pain can be damage to the nerve of the nipple, circulatory disorders, candidiasis, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, herpes, pustules.

Pain can occur when the outlet is blocked and a milk bubble forms.

If you experience any pain in the nipples, you should consult a doctor so as not to miss life-threatening diseases.

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