Bear claw amulet and bear paw amulet. Bear fang - meaning

Trying to protect themselves from negative influence from the outside, people used a huge variety of talismans. Various magical amulets helped protect themselves and loved ones from the actions of magicians, sorcerers, from troubles, serious illnesses, and simply from evil and envious people. Often they were worn as pendants, they could be put in a wallet, under the threshold and other hidden places. They tried to keep the use of magical powers a secret. The amulet, which is a bear's claw, was considered valuable and effective. Now he has not lost popularity and still proves powerful protective properties.

Amulet "Bear Claw"

The ancient Slavs often used claws and pieces of animal skin, showing a special attitude towards any animal and making it a cult for their people. The attributes were very popular among hunters who believed that such a thing would give them special strength, dexterity and help save lives in a difficult situation. In those days, the ability to hunt and feed a family was one of the most important for a man. Pictures of animals were in demand, which were applied to metal surfaces, glass or stones.

The ancestors believed in the magical abilities of the pendants made and endowed the amulets with the following properties:

  • Attracts good luck in life, helping to be successful in business;
  • Protects from negative thoughts and prevents the influence of dark forces;
  • It will endow the owner with courage and courage, help to survive even in the most difficult battle.

The amulet is especially effective in the fight against black magic.

bear claw

Since ancient times, the claw or fang of a predator was considered a talisman for a man. He personifies heroism, strength and courage, possessing great magical power. The bear is a strong and hardy animal, it is distinguished by intelligence and cunning. The beast was associated with fertility and good health. The ancient Slavs believed that if you remove the skin from it, you can see an ordinary person. It was believed that the mental abilities of the bear have a sufficient similarity with ours. He understands our speech, but he is not able to answer everything that is said. The predator's love for honey was another confirmation of its commonality with people.

Amulet "Bear's Claw"

Unlike other predators, which were often associated with evil spirits, the bear was called a special animal. Under his appearance, evil spirits could not hide. If the hunter met the beast in the forest, then this was considered a good sign.

The amulet bear claw or bear paw was often passed down between generations and was considered quite valuable and honorable. It was customary to wear it as a pendant.

Among the inhabitants of the north, the symbol was used to protect against evil, the Slavs defended themselves from the evil eye, and they believed that it gives courage in battle. In the Caucasus, the claw of the beast or its paw was attached to the house, protecting loved ones from negativity.

The talisman helps to get the powerful energy that the bear possessed. Possessing yourself in any situation, you can feel the magical effect of this amulet.

Protection for boys

In antiquity, special attention was paid to They were made in advance, before the birth of the heirs, and most often he was a doll. If a boy was born in the family, a bear claw must be part of the amulet.

Sometimes it was used without specialized processing, but more often a toy paw was sewn for male babies, inside of which there was a claw. She hung comfortably over the crib and protected the baby.

It was believed that children would be less likely to get sick and not be exposed to the bad effects of evil.

Magic signs

Not only the claw of a predator was used as a magical attribute. The head, the skin of the beast, as well as the paw of the bear are endowed with exceptional magical properties. By placing a bear's head or paw in front of the barn's front door, prevent predators from attacking your pets. This allowed them to keep their livestock and provide their family with food.

In the modern world, such symbols are not so common, but still have great power and efficiency proven for centuries.

Getting the attribute of a bear is quite problematic. If you are really interested in this amulet, you should not think that it is impossible to acquire it. For those who would like to have the power of the master of the forest, there is a way with the symbolism of a bear's paw.

To protect against damage and other human slander, bear amulets from a tooth, claws, bear skin or a bear paw are considered stronger. The owner will be under a very powerful protection of nature. It is impossible to influence these protective forces and cause harm.

The owner must show respect for the bear's claw, treat it with frugality, only then it is possible to count on help from this amulet.

How to make an amulet

Self-decoration of the amulet does not take much time and is easy to do.

You need to find (just find, and not take from someone) a light-colored stone, prepare a black thread and paint. Using resistant paint, a bear's paw or claw is painted on the stone, then the stone is buried in the ground. For seven days in a row, he must accumulate earthly energy for its further transfer to the owner. Then you need to dig it out, thread a black thread into the hole made before and wear it on your belt, wrist or neck.

How to wear the symbol and what does it mean

There are no clear recommendations for wearing the symbol, but most experienced astrologers advise wearing a claw around the neck in the form of a pendant. So its owner will be able to fully experience the mystical effects of the claw. The symbol will not allow negativity to enter your life, will not allow situations that are dangerous for its owner, will keep his health for many years, and will not let people into life from whom anger and hatred come.

In ancient times, only a part of the animal, obtained independently with the help of edged weapons, turned into a trophy.

From the claw:

  • He helped the owner to cope with the difficulties that arose in life, saved him from trouble, made life happier. It was used in rituals to prevent serious natural phenomena such as hurricanes, earthquakes, thunderstorms, etc. Tuvans threatened bad weather with a bear's claw and thus calmed the elements.
  • He provided strong assistance to sick people, restoring their strength and lost health.
  • To make the baby fall asleep sooner, it was necessary to touch his forehead with the claw of a bear;
  • It will help to improve sleep, relieve insomnia and eliminate nightmares.
  • Protects from the adverse effects of strangers, saves from damage and the evil eye. The amulet was hung over the door, thus protecting the home from unscrupulous people with bad intentions. To exorcise evil spirits, the Tuvans went around their dwelling in a circle with a talisman in their hand. This is believed to bring health and happiness to the family.
  • The bear amulet is especially loved by hunters and fishermen, as it helps to return home with good prey.

The talisman was also used with bad wishes, most often it was the disruption of a wedding or other important ceremony. For this, an experienced magician had to guide them along the path of the procession.

In order to achieve the location of your chosen one, you need to run the claw of a bear along his hand.

The bear fang amulet is also distinguished by a large number of functions; it was actively used not only in ancient times, but is also successfully used today.

By hanging it over the boy's cradle, it was possible to strengthen his well-being and protect him from danger. When the boy became an adult, he used a fang as a talisman around his neck.

The main properties of the canine include:

  • Drives away negativity and unclean spirits, preventing them from affecting the owner;
  • Protects against diseases. For pain in the tooth, it should be applied to the cheek, and for pain in the back - to the lower back;
  • If you wear it on your belt from the back, you can protect yourself from an attack from behind. The amulet helped to figure out the lie and reveal the secret plans of their enemies;
  • He protected not only his owner's family, but also livestock from the attack of a wild predator;
  • Get rid of nightmares and fears that arise at night. To do this, place it under the pillow.

With proper manufacture and use of the amulet, you can count on its support and protection.

The amulet, made from the fang of a bear, connects its owner with ancient pagan ideas about this beast as the master of nature, a powerful protective force.

For the inhabitants of our country - a special animal, because it is a symbol of our Russia. The hero of folk tales, often also depicted on the coats of arms of Russian cities, the embodiment of our harsh and kind nature. In a sense, the bear is the patron of people, and its fangs, like other parts of the body, retain energy that is protective for humans.

That is why the fangs of a bear have been used since ancient times for the manufacture of amulets, talismans, amulets, and among so many peoples. Which is not surprising in connection with the widest habitat of this animal and the diversity of its species.

The northern peoples especially honored the bear - in this case, of course, their closest neighbor is the white bear.

Among the Nenets, the fang of a bear served as a guaranteed protection from evil spirits, a demonstration of strength. During the day, they put on a belt with bear fangs sewn on for hunting or other “male” activities, and at night they put this part of the clothes under their heads. Thus, they believed, the spirit of the bear protects them from various misfortunes even in the dark.

They used fangs (as well as claws or a whole paw) of a bear and, so to speak, in everyday life. For example, as a lock for a barn or other storage. It is unlikely that anyone would have dared to break open such a lock: this meant the end of hunting trips, because such a burglar would definitely be bullied by a bear.

In general, many peoples of the North and Siberia attributed to the owner of a bear's fang the ability to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck. And the Ostyaks, one of the Siberian peoples, considered the fang of a bear to be a talisman that saves from diseases, and not only: with its help, deceit and deceit can be exposed.

Khanty and Mansi, along with a knife and steel, were among the most necessary items in the taiga, wearing bear fangs on their belts at the back, believing that they protect the owner from the back.

The Nanai hung a fang to the cradle and called on the bear: “You know no fear, you are the strongest, help me! Come guard my child! Make him bold!" The mother of the baby also spoke with such pendants if he was very worried. In addition, the Nanai themselves also wore bear fangs - men sewn to their belts, women around their necks. Among other things, they used the fangs of a bear as protection against back pain.

The bear's fang also helped with toothache - it had to be applied to the sore cheek.

Bear fangs were also used by the Caucasian peoples. In particular, among the Abkhazians, the bear fang amulet served to protect hunters and domestic animals from attacks by wild animals, as well as to prevent other troubles.

The bear, as a sacred animal, has always been associated with God Veles. It is also believed that not only Veles, but also Svarog and Perun can transform into a bear and appear in the form of this animal.

Despite the fact that this animal was a totem, there was a special ritual among ordinary people, hunters and magicians. This ritual can be called the ritual killing of a bear. Often such ritual hunting was carried out on almost equal terms. The man who was going to defeat the forest dweller took only a knife, a club or a horn with him. If the hunt turned out to be successful, then amulets and charms were made from claws, fangs, bones, which had a special power.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that the bear is a symbol of Russia. This is known to everyone. The bear is power, disobedience, strength, wisdom. Many believe that the bear is a symbol of indestructible paganism. Until now, this majestic beast flaunts on the emblems of cities. Every child knows old Slavic fairy tales with the participation of a bear. All these are echoes of the distant past, the veneration of the bear, the cult of the bear, as a living embodiment of God Veles.

Turning to the subject of bear amulets, let's say that in our time, the amulet does not have to be from the bone of a real bear. This was relevant in the old days, but now it can also be substitutes, for example, from wood, bones of other animals, metals and alloys in the form of various parts of the bear's body - fangs, claws, paws, head, image, and so on.

What can characterize such an amulet? There are two sides of traditional ideas here. The first refers to the bear itself. That is, such a charm endows its owner with bearish strength, endurance, perseverance, courage, protects against all adversities and diseases. A bear's paw (real or made of any material, maybe even only schematically, figuratively) gives a person courage and endurance, protects against predators, protects against witchcraft. The second refers to God Veles. You can read more about Veles in the article "God Veles". The amulet in this case can bring wealth, wisdom, creativity or enhancement of these qualities. In addition, Veles is the owner of Navi, that is, the other world, he can protect a person with the help of powerful spirits from any adversity and misfortune. The army of Veles is the spirits that live next to us - brownies, banniki, courtyards and many others. Thus, the wearer of a bear amulet receives the support of these creatures. For this reason, it is customary to hang a bear's paw in the house or in the yard in order to protect the dwelling and all household members from roaming spirits (noisy spirit, poltergeist).

Numerous archaeological finds fully confirm the fact that the cult of veneration of the bear was very common in ancient Russia. Amulets and amulets from bear claws, bear paws, clay sculptures and items in the form of a bear were found in the burials of the Volga and Ladoga regions. During the excavations of the ancient settlement of Tushemel, Chur was found, which crowned the skull of a bear and which symbolized Veles. Daggers were made from the bones of a bear, which is also proved by numerous archaeological finds. Such daggers were used for the most part not in everyday life or hunting, but for ritual purposes and funeral rites.

Finds related to the claws of a bear and the beliefs of an ancient person in the strength and power of this animal, in its supernatural abilities, even date back to such ancient times as the Neo-Eneolithic. So, in one of the Sakhtysh IIa sites, among other things (jewelry, beads, pendants, buttons, etc.), 40 bear claws, bear fangs with holes, a molar, which adorned the remains of people buried here, were found. Bear fangs were also found in one of the shamanic burials of the Northwestern Altai dating back to the Neolithic. The same and many other amulets and objects made of bones, fangs, claws, bear skins, as well as bear figurines were found in numerous other burial grounds in the territories of the settlement of the Slavs, the peoples of the Caucasus and other ancient peoples of the world.

Bear paws were widely used for magical purposes and rituals. Witch doctors and healers with the help of such a paw combed out the disease from a person. The shamans of Khakassia and Altai believe that the bear's paw is the best beater for a ritual tambourine, which has tremendous power. Such a mallet was used in order to penetrate into the lower world. The ancient Slavs hung a bear's head or skull in a stable to protect horses from evil spirits. It is believed that shamans attached the fangs and claws of animals, including the bear, to their clothes in order to frighten evil spirits, although this is only an assumption. Most likely, the symbolism of the bear, wolf and other totemic animals had another purpose, in addition to this purely practical approach to the issue.

Bear claw.

The bear claw as an amulet and amulet was and is still used very often. The bear's claw symbolizes almost the same as the bear's paw, only it is more comfortable to wear and use. The claw will help to overcome the most difficult obstacles, it can help to cope with diseases, to avert misfortune. There is an interesting custom in Tuva, when, when hail approaches, the owner of the house or yurt comes out and shows the bear's claw to the clouds, while whistling loudly. They say that the hail immediately moves away from such a dwelling. Here, in Tuva, they use the claw of a bear when they want the child to fall asleep. If the child cries and screams, does not want to fall asleep, then the claw of the bear touches his forehead and the baby immediately calms down. If an evil spirit has settled in a house or a yurt and does not give life, then the Tuvan bypasses the dwelling with a bear's claw and all the evil spirits leave, frightened by the spirit of the most sacred Bear. There is a saying here: "That yurt is happy in which there is a bear's claw." The claw of a bear protects from the evil eye and damage.

The Slavs wore bear fangs around the neck of children, hung them over a cradle with a baby in order for the spirit of the bear to protect the child, who cannot yet stand up for himself. At the same time, the following words are said: "You are strong, you are not afraid of anything - come, help me! My child, come, make bold" or: "I call you to guard (protect) my child."

The Nenets have a custom to make a lock for a barn or a room where things are stored, from a claw or a fang, which is used for this in its entirety and simply inserted into the openings instead of a lock. Not a single person who knows this custom will climb into such a barn for theft, because, following the belief, whoever breaks the bear lock will sooner or later be bullied by a bear. For the same reason, they gave unbreakable oaths on the fangs, head, and skin of a bear. The oath on the skin, paw, head, skull, claws, fangs of a bear was considered indestructible. The betrayal of such an oath could lead to great troubles, since the Veles Bear was not only a dangerous and formidable forest animal, but also the patron of all Reveal, earthly life.

In Tuva there is such a thing as Eren, who are the guardian spirits of the house and household. They are made by hand and they resemble original dolls. Erens are figurines sewn from leather or felt, to which pieces of bear hair, claws, bear teeth, and various ribbons are tied. Erens, as guardian spirits, can also be simply dried bear paws.

The uses of other parts of the bear's body are also interesting, for example, bear hair. This wool was fumigated for patients with fever and demonic disease, which affects women in childbirth. The bear, and, consequently, the smoke that comes from its fur, can scare away these diseases. The jaw of a bear was used for a special Slavic ritual associated with childhood illnesses. So, for example, a sick child was dragged through the jaw of a bear. This ritual helped to cleanse from various diseases, because, having passed through the jaw, as if through a special gate, the child was reborn and cleansed, as it were, while all diseases were eaten by the spirit of the bear. We also received information that for courage and determination, the child was given to wear the right eye of a bear.

There is a belief that the one who ate the heart of a bear will get rid of all the diseases that oppress him at once. The ritual of eating a bear's heart existed not only among the Slavs, but also among the Indians of America, who believed that whoever ate a piece of raw bear's heart (grizzly) acquired unprecedented courage, as well as prudence and invincibility in battle, even unequal. Such warriors are said to have the heart of a grizzly. The Indians of America also had the custom of wearing bear claws, as giving strength, courage and protection.

Among the Slavs, the bear, like its very divine personification - Veles, is associated with the lower world. Therefore, the skin and paws of a bear often accompanied funeral rites. Together with the dead people, they also buried a skin with paws, so that in the next world the spirit of a bear would help them in overcoming all the difficulties that would stand on the afterlife, so that he would lead the deceased directly to the kingdom of the dead to the Gods and Ancestors.

In anticipation of the main material, which concerns bear amulets and amulets, it is worth saying about the bear itself in the understanding of the ancient Slavs. The bear, as a sacred animal, has always been associated with the god Veles. It is also believed that not only Veles, but also Svarog and Perun can transform into a bear and appear in the form of this animal.

Despite the fact that this animal was sacred, totemic, there was a special ritual among ordinary people, hunters and magicians. This ritual can be called the ritual killing of a bear. Often such ritual hunting was carried out on almost equal terms. The man who was going to defeat the forest dweller took only a knife, a club or a horn with him. If the hunt turned out to be successful, then amulets and charms were made from claws, fangs, bones, which had a special power.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that the bear is symbol of Russia. This is known to everyone. The bear is power, disobedience, strength, wisdom. Until now, this majestic beast flaunts on the emblems of cities. Every child knows fairy tales with the participation of a bear. All these are echoes of the distant past - the veneration of the bear.

Turning to the subject of bear amulets, let's say that in our time, the amulet does not have to be from the bone of a real bear. It was relevant in the old days, but now it can also be substitutes, for example, from wood, bones of other animals, metals and alloys in the form of various parts of the bear's body - fangs, claws, paws, head, image, and so on. Such amulets can be purchased by posting an ad on, in specialized stores, or created on your own. It is also worth noting that in our time, a charm made from a real bone of a wild animal may seem blasphemous, especially since no one can vouch for how it was obtained ...

What can characterize such an amulet? There are two sides of traditional ideas here. The first refers to the bear itself. That is, such a charm endows its owner with bearish strength, endurance, perseverance, courage, protects against all adversities and diseases. A bear's paw (real or made of any material, maybe even only schematically, figuratively) gives a person courage and endurance, protects against predators, protects against witchcraft. The second refers to the god Veles. You can read more about Veles in the article "". The amulet in this case can bring wealth, wisdom, creativity or enhancement of these qualities. In addition, Veles is the master of the other world, he can protect a person with the help of powerful spirits from any adversity and misfortune. The army of Veles is the spirits that live next to us - brownies, banniki, courtyards and many others. Thus, the wearer of a bear amulet receives the support of these creatures. For this reason, it is customary to hang a bear's paw in the house or in the yard in order to protect the dwelling and all household members from roaming spirits (noisy spirit, poltergeist).

Numerous archaeological finds fully confirm the fact that the cult of veneration of the bear was very common in ancient Russia. Amulets and amulets from bear claws, bear paws, clay sculptures and items in the form of a bear were found in the burials of the Volga and Ladoga regions. During the excavations of the ancient settlement of Tushemel, Chur was found, which crowned the skull of a bear and which symbolized Veles. Daggers were made from the bones of a bear, which is also proved by numerous archaeological finds. Such daggers were used for the most part not in everyday life or hunting, but for ritual purposes and funeral rites.

Finds related to the claws of a bear and the beliefs of an ancient person in the strength and power of this animal, in its supernatural abilities, even date back to such ancient times as the Neo-Eneolithic. So, in one of the Sakhtysh IIa sites, among other things (jewelry, beads, pendants, buttons, etc.), 40 bear claws, bear fangs with holes, a molar, which adorned the remains of people buried here, were found. Bear fangs were also found in one of the shamanic burials of the Northwestern Altai dating back to the Neolithic. The same and many other amulets and objects made of bones, fangs, claws, bear skins, as well as bear figurines were found in numerous other burial grounds in the territories of the settlement of the Slavs, the peoples of the Caucasus and other ancient peoples of the world.

bear paws were widely used for magical purposes and rituals. Witch doctors and healers with the help of such a paw combed out the disease from a person. The shamans of Khakassia and Altai believe that the bear's paw is the best beater for a ritual tambourine, which has great power. Such a mallet was used in order to penetrate into the lower world. The ancient Slavs hung a bear's head or skull in a stable to protect horses from evil spirits. It is believed that shamans attached the fangs and claws of animals, including the bear, to their clothes in order to frighten evil spirits, although this is only an assumption. Most likely, the symbolism of the bear, wolf and other totem animals had another purpose.

bear claw. The bear claw as an amulet and amulet was and is still used very often. The bear's claw symbolizes almost the same as the bear's paw, only it is more comfortable to wear and use. The claw will help to overcome the most difficult obstacles, it can help to cope with diseases, to avert misfortune. There is an interesting custom in Tuva, when, when hail approaches, the owner of the house or yurt comes out and shows the bear's claw to the clouds, while making a loud whistle. They say that the hail immediately moves away from such a dwelling. Here, in Tuva, they use the claw of a bear when they want the child to fall asleep. If the child cries and screams, does not want to fall asleep, then the claw of the bear touches his forehead and the baby immediately calms down. If an evil spirit has settled in a house or a yurt and does not give life, then the Tuvan bypasses the dwelling with a bear's claw and all the evil spirits leave, frightened by the spirit of the sacred Bear. There is a saying here: "That yurt is happy in which there is a bear's claw." The claw of a bear protects from the evil eye and damage.

bear fangs the Slavs put it on children's necks, hung it over a cradle with a baby in order for the spirit of the bear to protect the child, who cannot yet stand up for himself. At the same time, the following words are said: “You are strong, you are not afraid of anything - come, help me! My child, come, make bold "or:" My child is calling to guard (protect) you.

The Nenets have a custom to make a lock for a barn or a room where things are stored, from a claw or a fang, which is used for this in its entirety and simply inserted into the openings instead of a lock. Not a single person who knows this custom will climb into such a barn for theft, because, following the belief, whoever breaks the bear lock will sooner or later be bullied by a bear. For the same reason, they gave unbreakable oaths on the fangs, head, and skin of a bear. The oath on the skin, paw, head, skull, claws, fangs of a bear was considered indestructible. The betrayal of such an oath could lead to great troubles, since the Veles Bear was not only a dangerous and formidable forest animal, but also the patron of all earthly life.

In Tuva there is such a thing as Eren, who are the guardian spirits of the house and household. They are made by hand and they resemble original dolls. Erens are figurines sewn from leather or felt, to which pieces of bear hair, claws, bear teeth, and various ribbons are tied. Erens, as guardian spirits, can also be simply dried bear paws.

The uses of other parts of the bear's body are also interesting, for example, bear hair. This wool was fumigated for patients with fever and demonic disease, which affects women in childbirth. The bear, and therefore the smoke that comes from its fur, can scare away these diseases. bear jaw used for a special Slavic ritual associated with childhood illnesses. So, for example, a sick child was dragged through the jaw of a bear. This ritual helped to cleanse from various diseases, because, having passed through the jaw, as if through a special gate, the child was reborn and cleansed, as it were, while all diseases were eaten by the spirit of the bear. We also received information that for courage and determination, the child was given to wear the right eye of a bear.

There is a belief that the eater bear heart get rid of all the oppressive diseases at once. The ritual of eating a bear's heart existed not only among the Slavs, but also among the Indians of America, who believed that whoever ate a piece of raw bear's heart (grizzly) acquired unprecedented courage, as well as prudence and invincibility in battle, even unequal. Such warriors are said to have the heart of a grizzly. The Indians of America also had the custom of wearing bear claws, as giving strength, courage and protection.

Among the Slavs, the bear, like its very divine personification - Veles, was associated with the lower world. Therefore, the skin and paws of a bear often accompanied funeral rites. Together with the dead people, they also buried a skin with paws, so that in the next world the spirit of a bear would help them in overcoming all the difficulties that would stand on the afterlife, so that he would lead the dead directly to the kingdom of the dead.

Since ancient times, people have sought to protect themselves from various negative influences. It was believed that charms and amulets could save from black magic, diseases, evil people and banal troubles. Protective attributes accompanied a person everywhere: they were worn under clothes or in a wallet, kept under the threshold or above the front door. One of the strongest talismans of shamanic-totem magic was considered a charm of bear claws. The sacred meaning of this artifact has survived to this day.

Bear claw: the meaning and essence of the symbol of male power

The claws and fangs of predators are considered male amulets. Symbols of courage, heroism and fortitude, they carry an unprecedented magical potential. The most popular "companions" of men are bear claws. Toptygin is a strong, hardy and intelligent animal. For many centuries, its power was considered to be of an exclusively creative nature. Among the associations that this wild beast evokes are fertility, unlimited health. The peoples of the North believed that the claws scare away evil spirits, among the Slavs they were used as a talisman against the evil eye, and the Indians wore them as an amulet that gives courage. Caucasians appreciated the amazing properties of this amulet. They nailed a bear's paw or claw to the jamb of the house, protecting the house from negative influences. The claws helped the Ostyaks to expose the deceit and deceit of people, and brought happiness to the Ingush.

Together with the natural amulet, the owner acquires the powerful energy of the owner of the forest. The main condition for wearing such a talisman is the ability to control oneself. Only in this case, the bear's claws will become a faithful assistant.

Sharp amulet against evil spirits

With the help of a bear claw, newborn boys were kept from troubles. Bear claws suspended above the cradle performed a number of functions:

  • they drove away the evil spirits that sought to disturb the baby;
  • protected the boy from childhood illnesses.

When the child got older, the bear claw product was hung around the neck, where it still served its purpose. It gave confidence, helped to grow into a real man!

Another purpose has an amulet. The claw of a bear, on which you can see various symbols, helps a person find harmony and happiness.

Is it possible to pass a powerful amulet from generation to generation?

The wisdom of the ancestors says: in order to get all the power and strength of a wild beast, you must kill it yourself. And best of all with the help of melee weapons. Only under such conditions all the energy of a hardy bear passes into his claws and fangs. The person who defeated the predator became the sole owner of this powerful amulet. The claw of the master of the forest could only be passed on through the male line. And with it all the accumulated energy. It is noteworthy that over time, the power of the talisman does not dry out, but only increases!

Animal amulet: from time immemorial to our days

Today, the claws of a predator protect their owners from trouble on the roads, repel people with bad intentions. It is enough just to place or above the entrance to the house! In addition, amulets strengthen mental health and strengthen the immune system. It is believed that the bear's claw is a talisman that helps in love affairs: it helps people suffering from unrequited feelings. You need to speak it and easily scratch the hand of the object of love experiences. In the shortest possible time, the attitude of the beloved will change significantly, tender affection, favor will appear. The love tandem will last decades, will be successful.

Natural energy: how to activate an artifact?

You can use the bear's claws as an amulet or a talisman only after they have been activated. Due to circumstances in the modern world, getting a bear's claw is not an easy task. However, esotericists assure: an amulet purchased in a specialized store can also bring good luck to the owner. To do this, you need to conduct a ritual of magical purification, supplement it with an activation process. Only after that the amulet will work in full force.

Bear claw can be cleaned in a variety of ways:

  • with the help of the four elements;
  • bathing in salt water.

To cleanse the four elements at the same time at home, you will need elements symbolizing these elements: a handful of earth, a small container of water, herbs or (they will represent the wind), a candle or a torch.

The ideal time for the ceremony is the growing moon. There is a second way to make everything easier - this will require spring water and ordinary table salt. It is salt that literally absorbs negative magical information.

Mixing water with white gold, as salt is also called, is necessary in a clay bowl. In this composition, the bear's claw should spend a day. Magicians recommend pouring used water on the ground. After this procedure, the amulet is ready to accept a conspiracy that can activate miraculous functions! Complicated rituals are not necessary, it is enough to calm down and appeal to the essence of the forest predator with a request to fill the talisman with special energy.

Bear claws - a valuable gift and a cure for depression

Has someone close to you lost faith in themselves and their own strengths? Are you becoming more and more depressed? Bear claws will come to the rescue! They can be given to men of any age, starting from birth. An excellent gift would be an accessory in the form of a pendant for a chain, a bracelet. A good option is an unusual or accessory for a car. Buying bear claws (you see the photo in the article) is worth carefully. A fake or the claws of other animals will not bring such a powerful magical effect!

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