Allergy to a dog: can there be something to do than to treat children and adults. Unpleasant symptoms of dog allergy: how they manifest, how to get rid of, treatment and prevention Is dog allergy treated?

Almost every person will be delighted with the appearance of a four-legged friend in the family. But, unfortunately, this moment is not always joyful for all family members. For some people, having a pet can be dangerous. And the fault is an allergy to dogs, which is manifested by terrible sneezing, tearing, itching and redness of the skin. These manifestations give a person a lot of discomfort and deprive him of communication with a furry friend.

Allergies to dog or cat fur are not uncommon. However, dogs, compared to cats, are less allergenic. An allergic reaction to an animal is an acute reaction of the immune system to foreign substances called allergens. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body.

Not a single person is immune from the appearance of an ailment. Unpleasant symptoms of pathology after contact or being in the same room with a four-legged friend can occur in both adults and children.

In addition, a person may not even guess that he has an allergy, since in most cases the course of the disease, up to a certain point, is hidden.

Experts advise that before you get a pet (if you didn’t have one before), conduct allergy tests. This method will help determine whether you can get a pet or not.

There are many factors that can provoke the development of the disease.

Allergies may be due to:

  • weakened immune system;
  • improper functioning of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, that is, those organs that are responsible for removing allergens, toxic and other harmful substances from the body;
  • heredity;
  • severe stressful situation.

Newborn babies are more susceptible to the onset of the disease. They have not fully developed immune and other systems that are responsible for the detection and elimination of foreign substances. An allergy to dogs is manifested in infants, as well as in adults, however, small children suffer the disease more severely.

Influence the development of pathology and the severity of its course and the conditions in which people live. When the house is dirty and there is a lot of dust, and besides, a dog lives, people will get sick more often, and the development of an allergic reaction is not excluded.

In the photo on the Internet you can see how an allergy to dogs manifests itself. The consequences of the disease can be deplorable. Experts advise, in order to prevent the development of the disease, to monitor the cleanliness of the house, to carry out wet cleaning more often.

Many people believe that the appearance of unpleasant symptoms provokes the animal's coat. In fact, everything is not quite right. The culprit of the disease is not the wool itself, but the protein that is present in all natural secretions of the dog, in particular in saliva, urine, sebaceous secretions, and feces.

The amount of this substance will depend on the breed, size of the pet, the conditions in which it is kept, as well as the state of health. The concept of "allergic reaction to wool" is generalized. It is important to understand that the manifestations of the disease do not occur due to touching the dog's hairs, but to those substances that may be on them. In addition to natural secretions, the animal's fur may contain dust, pollen, fluff. They also provoke the development of pathology.

Allergy is not a safe disease. Inappropriate and untimely treatment is fraught with disastrous consequences. Every person should know how an allergy to dogs manifests itself. This is necessary in order to provide first aid to an allergic person in a timely manner.

Allergy to a dog: what to do, how to reduce the manifestations of the disease and choose hypoallergenic breeds of pets

The main symptoms of the disease are similar to the usual allergic manifestations to other types of allergens. The disease in different people proceeds and manifests itself in different ways. Someone suffers from a terrible cough, someone from swelling of the larynx or itching. Unpleasant symptoms can appear upon contact with an animal, toilet filler and other dog accessories.

“Allergy to a dog what to do?” is a common question on the forums. The first thing to do when allergic manifestations appear is to seek the help of a qualified specialist. He, after the examination, will prescribe the correct treatment.

Often, an allergy to dog hair is characterized by:

If you develop an allergy to a dog what to do, you need to ask your doctor. Do not self-medicate, this can lead to disastrous consequences.

As for the allergic reaction to dogs in children, its manifestation in this case is very fast. A few minutes of contact with a four-legged friend is enough for a child to have an acute allergic reaction. The manifestations of the disease in an adult and a child vary greatly. Children under five years of age are more susceptible to the development of pathology.

An allergy to dogs in a child manifests itself:

In infants, the disease often manifests itself in the form of atopic dermatitis. Often the face suffers, but the spread of the rash throughout the body is also possible. There is a lesion of the larynx, it swells strongly.

Not every person will be able to refuse to communicate with an animal, even if he has developed an allergy. If, after finding out the cause of the disease, it became clear that the allergy appeared due to fluff, dust, ticks brought by the dog from the street on the fur, then no one needs to refuse the animal and give it to anyone.

  • It is necessary to monitor the health of the animal well. Periodically, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian and make the necessary vaccinations. The body of a healthy animal produces less aggressive protein.
  • You need to feed your pet properly.
  • Experts recommend taking care of the coat of the animal. Bathing with the use of special anti-allergic shampoos and sprays, combing - all this contributes to the fact that the protein will accumulate on the skin and coat of the dog in a much lower concentration.
  • It is necessary to change the interior of the apartment. It is preferable to remove shaggy carpeting and heavy curtains.
  • The animal must not be allowed to sleep on the bed or enter the bedroom.
  • Hands must be washed after contact with a pet.
  • It is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house, daily wash the floors and wipe the dust.

If the allergy is accompanied by bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, severe dermatological reactions and edema, communication with the dog must be completely abandoned. In addition, if a child suffers from an illness, it is strongly not recommended to leave the pet in the house.

What to do if you are allergic to dogs, you can check with your doctor. Many people, especially those who breed and sell dogs, claim that there are dog breeds that do not provoke the development of allergies. You shouldn't believe in it.

Dogs that do not defecate and do not breathe do not exist. People who cannot imagine life without pets need to be as careful as possible when choosing a dog. Each dog can provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, but there are breeds that are most dangerous for allergy sufferers.

People prone to allergic manifestations are not recommended to start:

  • Bulldogs, mastiffs of all sizes and types, as well as other breeds of dogs that constantly drool.
  • Short-haired dogs that shed throughout the year. Their short hair gets stuck in furniture, carpets, curtains and literally saturates the air. It is very difficult to get rid of it.
  • Large breeds. Large dogs produce more of the irritant than small dogs.
  • "Chatty" dogs. When barking, the saliva of the pet scatters in all directions.

In many ways, the ability to provoke an illness in the owner is determined by the nature of the animal. If the dog is trained, obeys all commands, does not comb the area in search of something interesting, then on its fur it will bring fewer irritating substances into the house.

To minimize the likelihood of allergies, it is advisable to give preference to small dogs. In addition, do not forget that absolutely all dogs shed. The coat needs to be brushed daily.

If you are allergic to a dog, you should not do the following: touch the pet’s fur or muzzle with your face, even if it is bathed and combed out, and also eat from “one plate”. If a dog licks your ice cream, don't be stingy, give him the rest.

Dogs that do not provoke the occurrence of allergies do not exist in nature. There are those that cause intolerance less often than others. Such dogs can be given to people with asthma and allergies.

  • Maltese;
  • shih tzu;
  • pedel;
  • schnauzer;
  • whippet;
  • wire-haired fox terrier;
  • affenpinscher;
  • terriers: Scotch, Yorkshire, Irish, Australian, Russian black.

How to cure dog allergies: drug therapy and preventive measures

Getting rid of allergies forever is not possible. But proper and timely therapy will ensure stable remission. Allergy treatment is a rather lengthy and laborious process. It is strongly not recommended to ask how to cure an allergy to dogs, on forums or from acquaintances. How to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of pathology, you can tell a qualified specialist. Recently, the drug Allergoval is often prescribed, which is one of the most effective in its field.

Treatment should be comprehensive, including changing the diet, eliminating the factors that provoke the onset of the disease and taking medications. It is also possible to treat pathology at home with the help of alternative medicine.

To cure an allergy to dogs, prescribe a reception:

  • Corticosteroids: Dexamethasone, Advantana, Budesonide. These medicines have pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties and help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
  • Antiallergic medicines: Suprastin, Fenistil, Clemastin, Loratadine. They help slow down the formation of histamine and other mediators of allergies.
  • Adrenomimetics: Adrenaline, Xylometazoline.
  • Bronchodilators: Euphyllin. Helps to expand the lumen of the bronchioles and eliminate shortness of breath.
  • Local anesthetics: Benzocaine. Helps to reduce the sensitivity of nerve receptors.
  • Antispasmodics: Drotaverine, Papaverine. They help in relaxing the smooth muscles of the internal organs, as well as eliminating pain.
  • Enterosorbents: Polysorb.

Help in the treatment of allergies to dogs remedies from medicinal plants. However, they should be used after prior consultation with the attending physician. In addition, the proportions and dosages indicated in the recipes must be strictly observed.

  1. It is necessary to combine in equal proportions a series with violet and bittersweet nightshade. Ingredients after thorough grinding are brewed with boiling water. The composition should be infused for an hour. It is recommended to use 10 ml of strained drug three times a day.
  2. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions the rhizomes of the cinquefoil with the powder of bay leaves, calendula, string. Raw materials need to be steamed with half a liter of boiling water and put in heat for the night. In the morning, the filtered liquid must be mixed with apple cider vinegar - 15 ml and dark honey - the same amount. It is advised to use 30 ml of the drug three times a day.
  3. To make the next remedy, you need to mix freshly squeezed carrot juice with apple and parsley and cabbage juice. You need to take 50 ml of medicine twice a day.

How to cure an allergy to dogs, a specialist knows. Appropriate treatment helps to ensure stable remission. In order to prevent the development of pathology, as well as to prevent relapse, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system, eat right, minimize contact with pets, if you have a pet, do wet cleaning every day, wipe dust and ventilate the room. It is equally important to take care of the dog, bathe and comb out.

When a dog appeared in the house, did your health deteriorate sharply? Tearing eyes, constant coughing and sneezing nullify pleasant communication with a pet? This is a manifestation of an allergy that can and should be fought!

With the advent of a “tailed friend” in the house, life becomes more active and more fun, because our furry pets make us experience a huge range of various emotions. However, the joy can be overshadowed by unpleasant symptoms such as watery eyes and sneezing, which are typical signs that you are allergic to a dog. How to avoid an unpleasant situation and cope with allergies?

This ailment has been known to mankind since ancient times, namely, from the era of Ancient Egypt, when people first began to notice an abnormal reaction of the body to animal hair. As it turned out later, an allergy is nothing more than an excessive and absolutely unnecessary reaction of our body to a previously foreign substance (which, by the way, can be absolutely anything and not necessarily dog ​​hair).

The most interesting fact is that it is simply unrealistic to predict an allergy to a particular object / substance in a person! The fact is that the lymphatic system, which is responsible for controlling “own” and “foreign” elements in the body, begins to form already in newborns. This means that a baby, next to which a dog, cat or any other pet is constantly present, will be able to adapt to the allergen and even gain immunity.

While his parents for some reason will not be able to endure the close presence of the animal, all because of the same allergy. However, the opposite situation can also happen: the newborn will react extremely badly to the dog, but adults will not be tormented by allergies at all.

And, finally, the last answer to the question of interest to many, is it possible to get rid of allergies forever and how to do it? Unfortunately, it cannot be cured or completely eliminated either by medication or by folk methods. The production of "antibodies" aimed at combating a foreign element in our blood is, in this case, a physiological feature of the body. In other words, the developed reaction, “immunity” to this substance will be with you all your life, so it will be possible to temporarily “lull” the alertness of allergies, but not completely and forever. Consider further what are the signs of an allergy to dogs.


According to doctors, the body's allergic reaction is so unique and individual for everyone that it is almost impossible to identify how an allergy to a dog manifests itself.

For example, for some, the presence of a dog in the house causes bouts of terrible coughing up to swelling of the larynx, while others react to the pet with teary eyes. However, some signs of a dog allergy can be identified, such as:

  1. Redness and swelling of the eyes and eyelids;
  2. tearing;
  3. The appearance of a rash and severe itching in places that have come into contact with the allergen;
  4. Hoarse cough, with violent, frequent impulses;
  5. Difficulty breathing and bouts of dizziness;
  6. Hearing loss (extremely rare);
  7. Upset stomach (extremely rare).

However, it is worth remembering that such an allergic reaction can occur not only to the dog itself, but also to your pet's accessories, such as toilet fillers, prepared foods, care cosmetics, etc. To clarify the situation, it is recommended to consult a doctor and take a sensitivity test, which will determine the allergen that causes a negative reaction of the body. Perhaps the pet itself is not at all to blame for the fact that you sneeze and “cry” in his presence.

How an allergy to dogs manifests itself can be clearly seen in the photo below.

What to do?

If the cause of your poor health is still a dog, getting rid of the source of the allergy becomes the most important and necessary.

Of course, for some, the best option would be to part with the animal or transfer it to relatives/colleagues/friends. However, few of us will want to part with a furry friend who is part of the family. So, they will look for ways to get rid of allergies to dogs.

First, it is recommended to reduce the concentration of allergens in the house. Daily wet cleaning is best, since vacuuming will only raise dust, which will settle in half an hour and begin to irritate the body again. You will have to remove objects on which the dog's hair may settle (carpets with a large pile, curtains).

Secondly, do not neglect frequent (as far as the breed allows) bathing your dog with a hypoallergenic shampoo. And after contact with the pet, be sure to wash your hands, protecting the animal's saliva from getting on your face.

Thirdly, you should not let the dog jump on the bed and even more so sleep with the owner. Hair remaining on the sheet in contact with the skin throughout the night can cause a severe allergic reaction in the form of dermatitis, as well as exacerbate your current condition.

Medical treatment

If, after taking tests and consulting with a doctor, it becomes clear that allergic reactions are the cause of poor health, it is preferable not to choose alternative methods of treating dog allergies, but to immediately focus on effective methods. With their help, you can cure the unpleasant symptoms of an allergy to dogs, and significantly improve your well-being for further communication with your beloved pet.

Important! Generally, the most commonly prescribed are general antihistamines such as Claritin and Benadryl. They are available without a doctor's prescription and have no side effects.

Alegra and Cirtec are considered more specific and narrowly targeted drugs, which are available only on prescription due to the fact that both drugs have one side effect in the form of severe drowsiness. That is why, before prescribing them, the doctor conducts additional tests for compatibility with the active substance of the drug.

As for the means for the treatment of allergies in children, it is possible to use the same medicines, only with the installation of an individual dosage. At the same time, in order to eliminate serious allergy symptoms (such as swelling of the throat, asthma, etc.), it may be necessary to limit the time the child plays with the dog or even abandon the pet in view of too serious negative consequences.

Folk remedies

Consider how to cure an allergy to dogs with folk methods. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us, faced with the unpleasant symptoms of an allergic reaction to a dog, believe that we can deal with the problem ourselves. We neglect the advice of specialists and consultations with doctors, choosing folk remedies. Of course, if the allergy is not particularly dangerous and occurs without severe symptoms, there is still an opportunity to improve the condition with herbs.

Soothing decoctions of chamomile, calendula and birch buds are considered the most effective remedies for eliminating the signs and symptoms of dog allergies. Once in the body, a drug of natural origin acts in almost the same way as a chemical drug - it blocks the lymphatic attack of supposedly “foreign” elements, as a result of which allergy symptoms begin to decrease and practically disappear.

Herbal teas based on dandelion, string and alder cones have the same properties. Daily use of infusions and tea will not help get rid of an allergy to dogs, but it can “muffle” the symptoms and return pleasant emotions when communicating with a four-legged friend. However, remember - you can resort to the help of folk remedies only if you are not allergic to the plants themselves and their pollen. Otherwise, the symptoms will only get worse.


Despite the fact that the appearance of a dog in your house seemed to have passed without unpleasant consequences and allergy symptoms, it is still worth taking preventive measures. It is highly recommended to do this if, in addition to adults, contact with a fluffy pet also occurs in small children.

So, the main preventive measures are:

  1. The organization of the so-called "clean zone" - a territory that will always be inaccessible to the dog. It can be your bedroom or even the whole house, if there is a plot and the animal was purchased to protect the territory.
  2. Weekly thorough cleaning with a damp cloth of all surfaces.
  3. Installation of a special air purifier that blocks and absorbs allergens.
  4. Use of specialized cosmetics for dogs with anti-allergic additives.
  5. Regular airing of those rooms where the dog is most often.

Can dog allergies be cured? Unfortunately, no, but it is quite possible to take control, improving well-being. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the allergist and maintain hygiene, not allowing the accumulated allergens to spoil your life. Then communication with a dog will bring joy and make life more pleasant and more fun!

In contact with

Allergy symptoms can be different, sometimes they cause only mild discomfort, but there are severe cases when the process becomes chronic.

So, the main changes in well-being, which you need to pay attention to when an animal appears in the house, appear on the mucous membranes. Nasal congestion, runny nose, persistent sneezing (rhinitis), eye irritation and watery eyes (conjunctivitis) are the main indicators that you or family members have an allergy. In some cases, the body's reaction to wool can be asthmatic in nature and express in shortness of breath, coughing and suffocation. In addition, allergens, the sources of which are animal hair, can act as a catalyst for various diseases, including numerous dermatitis (especially often such a reaction happens to cat hair).

If you notice even one of the symptoms listed above, then you should pay attention to it. Allergies won't go away if you don't fight them. To think that everything will work itself out, the body will get used to it is rather frivolous in relation to one's health. The symptoms of the disease, on the contrary, can only intensify, and over time, a slight nasal congestion will become your constant companion. It should be noted that allergies are not a reason to refuse to keep a pet, but a reason to improve your health. Therefore, it is very important to prescribe a comprehensive treatment for allergy symptoms.

The first thing doctors recommend doing is an allergy test. This procedure will accurately identify all your weaknesses and possible allergic reactions to other sources: food, cosmetics, the sun, and so on. Further, after the examination showed the results, it is necessary to begin the fight against allergies. It is important to remember one fact: it is impossible to cure an allergy, and there is only a chance of a long-term remission. Simply put, when someone says that they are treating allergies, in fact, they are only struggling with its external symptoms: the same runny nose, conjunctivitis, shortness of breath .. As it were, antihistamines and nasal aerosols. It will never be superfluous to undergo immunotherapy, it contributes to hyposensitization, that is, a decrease in sensitivity to the source of the allergy.

In the event of an asthmatic reaction to allergens, it is recommended to use asthma medications. If the allergy is strong enough, you will have to resort to corticosteroids, but this issue should be discussed with your doctor. Many patients refuse regular injections with small amounts of antibodies. It is worth dispelling this myth: injections in this case do not act as a narcotic, but on the contrary, after a weekly course of injections, it will be enough to inject once a month. If any treatment is ineffective, then there is only one way out and it is very sad: you will have to give up the dream of having a pet.

It is especially worth paying attention to allergies in a child. If an adult cannot be cured of this disease, then a child can be saved from this scourge. The child is usually more exposed to allergens. As you know, kids are very fond of spending time, playing and messing around with dogs. Therefore, at the time of treatment, it is important to isolate the animal from the small patient. In order for the child to "outgrow" the disease, you need to carefully follow all the doctor's recommendations and protect him from communicating with any animals: at home, on the street and at a party. Treatment quickly gives results, every year attacks can happen less often or disappear altogether.

Briefly summarizing, it is impossible to cure an allergy, but it is possible to get rid of the symptoms. It is only important to carefully follow the prescriptions of the doctor. As useful tips, here is some more information that will help you more easily endure allergic symptoms.

Very often, love for pets can be accompanied by negative reactions, among which the first place is occupied by an allergy to a dog.

Scientists have proven that this disease occurs in 17% of the population of the entire earth. At the same time, it is characteristic that any breed of dog can provoke an allergic reaction, regardless of whether the owner carefully cares for it or not.

After negative symptoms appear, and diagnostic examinations confirm that it was the dog that provoked it, the doctor prescribes symptomatic and systemic therapy.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

A fairly large number of patients suffer from allergic reactions to pets, but it should be noted that the existing opinion that smooth-haired breeds do not cause allergies is deeply mistaken. First of all, because the strongest allergens are natural secretions and saliva, not wool.

The amount of allergenic protein produced by an animal directly depends on the breed of dog, its size, living conditions, health and gender. The negative reaction of the human body is exacerbated by the presence of allergenic particles and toxins in the surrounding air.

You can identify a negative reaction specifically to the presence of a pet by limiting contact with it for a month. During this period of time, a complete disinfection of the premises and all things that have been in contact with the dog is carried out. In the case when the measures taken led to a decrease or complete removal of allergic symptoms, and further communication with pets caused another exacerbation, we can confidently state that it is dogs that cause allergy symptoms.

If an allergic reaction begins to appear in the spring and summer, professional diagnostics should be resorted to, since the cause of the disease is possible for other reasons that are closely related to the animal. For example, plant pollen, sunlight, chemical elements, etc., can cause an allergic attack, especially if such allergens have settled on the animal's fur during a walk.


The patient can learn about the presence of an allergic reaction completely unexpectedly, because it can occur at any time, and even if the pet has been living in the family for a long time.

An allergic reaction is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • rhinitis;
  • itching and hyperemia of the skin;
  • dermatitis and urticaria;
  • tissue swelling and suffocation;
  • petty rashes.

If such symptoms occur immediately after contact with the dog, emergency measures should be taken. Sometimes signs of allergy to dogs can be "erased" and latent, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. At the same time, allergies to dogs may be confused with some other diseases.

The course of the disease in children

Sometimes, after an animal appears in the house where the child is, parents notice that the baby has a rash, he is naughty and refuses food. These symptoms indicate an allergic reaction.

Oftentimes, dog hair allergy is actually a response by an underdeveloped immune system to allergic proteins present in body fluids, epithelial cells, and dog feces.

The amount of aggressive proteins depends on the size of the animal, its gender, conditions of keeping and feeding. In addition, scientists argue that dark-colored animals are much more likely to cause an allergic reaction in children.

In this case, the baby may develop hyperemia of the skin and burning, especially at the points of contact with the animal. Infants often begin to sneeze, cough, wheezing and difficulty breathing may occur. The mucous membranes become inflamed, lacrimation is noted. In addition, an allergic reaction can provoke asthma in a child, which is quite difficult to neutralize. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema may develop. These conditions can develop instantly and pose a threat to the patient.

To detect allergies in a child directly to a dog, a blood test is recommended. It is extremely rare for children to be prescribed a skin test, since, due to the immaturity of the immune system, it can show a dubious result. If the child is breastfed, breast milk is analyzed for the presence of allergens.

As a rule, the most effective indicator is the termination of contact with the animal. If, after fulfilling this condition, the negative symptoms gradually decrease, it is safe to say whether there is an allergy to the animal.


Diagnosis of allergies involves, first of all, an appeal to an allergist who conducts a visual examination of the patient and collects an allergic history.

For a more accurate diagnosis, a skin test is prescribed, as well as a blood test (allergy test). Such testing can confirm or, conversely, refute an allergy, especially if a person is in doubt.

Sometimes the patient mistakes allergic reactions to plant pollen remaining on the pet's coat after a street walk for a true allergy to a dog. In this case, only an analysis, with an allergy to dogs, allows you to identify these manifestations with the subsequent appointment of therapy.

An allergic predisposition to certain types of allergens can be checked using a skin prick test, when the alleged allergen, dissolved in distilled water, is applied to small scratches in the forearm. Based on the results of this test, a conclusion is made about a specific allergen that causes an immune system response.

hypoallergenic dog breeds

A large number of patients believe that some breeds of dogs, especially short-haired ones, are not capable of provoking an allergic reaction. This opinion is not entirely correct, since negative symptoms are extremely rarely caused directly by the animal's hair. Most often - these are the products of the vital activity of a dog. Many people with allergies ask veterinarians and allergists which dogs do not have negative manifestations from the immune system and is it possible to live with them in the same room?

There is a list of hypoallergenic dogs that people who decide to have a pet rely on.

1. SHORT-HAIRED BREEDS. In nature, there are dogs with an almost complete absence of hair. With proper care for them, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction is minimal.

One of these breeds is the hairless American Terrier, which was artificially bred. In these dogs of wool, only eyebrows and mustaches are present on the body, and their skin is immune to various diseases and injuries.

The Terrier is characterized by extreme mobility and jumping ability. Its color can vary from the main tone to the appearance of contrasting spots. In addition, the skin of these dogs is prone to tanning, so you need to control the time your pet stays in direct sunlight.

2. NON-SHEDING, ROUGH-HAIRED BREEDS. There are breeds of dogs that do not shed. In such dogs, the grown hair does not fall out, so it is trimmed. One such breed is the Cairn Terrier. This animal is small in stature and very friendly.

More aristocratic is the Bedlington Terrier, slightly reminiscent of an affectionate lamb. He is quite smart and balanced. In addition, these dog breeds produce small amounts of the allergenic protein. Schnauzers have similar properties, ranging from small Giant Schnauzers to the most sought-after standard Schnauzers, which are considered service dogs.

3. WITH CURLY COAT. No matter how strange it may sound, but curly hair does not fall out during molting, but it requires more careful care. For allergy sufferers, the content of poodles belonging to this group is recommended. These animals are well trained and perfectly adapt in the family.

Recently, a mixture of a poodle and a Labrador is often chosen - Labradoodles. Initially, the creators of this breed intended the use of such dogs for visually impaired people who suffer from allergies. These animals are extremely smart, flexible and sociable.

In addition, there are Portuguese and Spanish water dogs that have not just curly hair - it folds into a kind of rope and they require special care. However, these dogs are considered hypoallergenic. There are practically no allergies to them.

4. NO UNDERCOAT. The most popular breed of dog with no undercoat. These include lapdogs (Maltese, Bichons and Bolognese). In these animals, wool is close in structure to human hair. These animals are very affectionate and adored by children.

In addition, this group includes Silky Terriers with Yorkshire Terriers.

Allergy treatment

With the development of an allergic attack, symptomatic therapy is prescribed, which reduces the manifestation of acute symptoms. It is important to note that there is no universal cure for allergies.

The treatment of this type of allergy is no different from the rest:

  • to relieve itching and redness, the patient is prescribed antihistamines (Benadryl, Zyrtec, Claritin, Erius, etc.);
  • in order to neutralize edema, decongestants are recommended (Allagra-D, Sudafed, etc.);
  • removal of allergic rhinitis is performed with drugs such as Nasonex, Oxymetazoline, etc .;
  • toxins are removed from the body with the help of enterosorbents (Enterosgel, activated carbon, etc.);

  • in severe cases, oral or injectable steroid drugs for dog allergies (Prednisolone, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone, etc.) are recommended. At the same time, it is important to take into account the severity of the symptoms, since, for example, a Prednisolone tablet acts much more slowly than an injection with a similar agent. Hormone therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor, as only a qualified specialist knows how to cure a dog allergy with drug therapy;
  • to enhance the body's defenses, it is recommended to take immunostimulating drugs (Eleutherococcus tincture, Echinacea, etc.).

It must be remembered that with untimely treatment, the transition of the acute stage to the chronic one is possible. Such manifestations are most dangerous when an allergy to dogs occurs in children. The development of such a situation can be unpredictable.

If it is impossible to neutralize allergic symptoms, including with the help of drug therapy and preventive measures, you will have to part with your pet, finding a new home and a loving owner for it.

Prevention measures

Patients who have daily contact with a pet must know what measures to take to prevent an allergic reaction.

If a family member is known to be hypersensitive to a dog, breeds of hypoallergenic dogs should be selected.

  1. The room where the animal is kept should be regularly treated with disinfectants. It is important to carry out ventilation and wet cleaning in order to remove hair and particles of the epidermis in case of an allergic reaction to the dog's epithelium, which provoke the development of an acute allergic attack.
  2. It is recommended to remove pile items, carpets, bedspreads, etc. from the apartment as much as possible, where allergens can accumulate.
  3. Indoors, it is best to install a quality air cleaner and limit the dog's access to the master bedroom.
  4. It is necessary to take care of the animal as carefully as possible (bathing 2 times within 7 days, because the water removes the accumulated allergens on the animal's coat). In addition, you need to cut the dog's coat in a timely manner. If possible, the treatment of the dog should be done outdoors.
  5. During the greatest allergic danger (molt, mating season, etc.), the animal should be isolated, away from the allergy sufferer. In addition, in case of an allergic reaction to a dog, care for it (feeding, cleaning the room, etc.) should be carried out by another family member who does not suffer from allergies. If this is not possible, all means of protection must be taken (mask, gloves, separate clothing).
  6. You should always carry antihistamines with you for emergency care.

It is important to remember that you should be attentive to the initial symptoms of the disease, since timely treatment, in most cases, allows you to stop the allergy at the initial stage of development. If you experience discomfort in the form of shortness of breath, frequent sneezing, headache and redness of the skin, it is recommended to immediately seek advice from an allergist who will tell you how to get rid of allergies to dogs as soon as possible.

If all the methods taken have proved to be ineffective, the only solution will be the complete cessation of contact with the animal. This is the only way to prevent further complications.

Signs of an allergy to dogs do not differ from symptoms to other irritants. The patient, upon contact with the allergen, may experience difficulty breathing, coughing, his eyes may water, and his nose may be stuffy. In rare cases, skin irritation may also occur. As a rule, this happens when in contact with the saliva or urine of the dog.

Prolonged contact with an allergen without proper treatment can lead to the development of bronchial asthma.

First of all, a person whose contact with a person’s best friend causes allergy attacks should try to avoid contact with dogs. If you have friends or relatives who keep dogs, do not come to visit them at home - make an appointment with you or on neutral territory. On the street, resist the temptation to pat a funny puppy. Circus performances, dog shows - you better not attend such events. If you are forced to spend some time in the house with a dog (for example, you came to visit another city for a few days), ask the owners the day before your arrival and during the entire time that you stay not to let the animal in to you into the room.

If contact with a dog is unavoidable, start taking antihistamines early

It is much harder for those people who have discovered an allergy to a pet that has been living with them for several years - they will wonder how to treat an allergy to dogs. Unfortunately, today there is no drug that will save you from problems once and for all. If you absolutely do not want to part with your pet, you can only ease the symptoms of allergies with folk remedies or medications and try to minimize the harm to your health.

Clean your house as often as possible. If you have an old vacuum cleaner, get a modern powerful technique with a dry air filter. Carpets are best removed, preferring wood flooring or linoleum. Remove souvenirs, soft toys and other items from cabinets and shelves that you do not need, but at the same time collect wool and dust. Constantly ventilate all rooms in the apartment. Give your pet its territory and do not let it into the bedroom, and even more so, do not take it to bed with you. Ask your family to bathe your pet regularly (it's better not to do it yourself) - this will reduce the amount of allergens in the air. If all the measures taken do not bring results, you will have to part with your four-legged friend, entrusting the care of him to relatives or friends.

Read about the treatment of allergies folk remedies

Often the desire to have dog turns out to be impossible - an allergy to wool affects. It has been established that about 15% of the world's population suffers from this disease. At the same time, allergy sufferers often react to the coat of dogs of any breed, regardless of whether they care for it or not.

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An allergic reaction to the fur of a four-legged friend in its manifestations is in no way different from other species. allergies. A person may experience coughing, difficulty breathing, watery eyes, sneezing, and nasal congestion. Often, a rash is added to these symptoms, especially if the patient has been in contact with the saliva of the animal. It is impossible to completely cure an allergy to dogs; you can only get rid of its manifestations.

Usually, treatment of symptoms begins with antihistamines, which block the action of allergens. Currently, their list is quite wide, they can be dispensed with or without a doctor's prescription, have a different form: spray, tablets, ointment or cream.

In addition to antihistamines, the doctor may prescribe a decongestant to reduce swelling of the mucosa and ease breathing. With a very strong allergies resort to taking corticosteroids. Do not forget to consult a specialist about taking any medications.

If you are suffering from allergies on dogs, it is best to avoid contact with them, no matter how much you love these animals. Learn to keep your distance, do not touch and never kiss dog. If you are invited to a house where a dog lives, have the owners restrict his access to you. And if you have to spend the night there, then ask not to let dog to your room.

If contact with a dog is unavoidable, and you know about it in advance, start taking antihistamines in advance. Remember that allergies can manifest even if you have not personally met the dog. Her wool can be brought on clothes by guests or clients at work.

But what to do if you have dog and found out that you are allergic to it? In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the house. 2-3 times a week, carry out wet cleaning of the entire room, do not allow the animal to climb on beds and sofas, and especially on your sleeping place. If possible, purchase filters to clean the air in the apartment and bathe your four-legged friend more often, so there will be much fewer particles of his hair in the air.

Stuffy nose, watery eyes, fatigue and headache are symptoms that are well known to people suffering from allergies. One of the most common forms of this disease is an allergy to animals which is quite difficult to get rid of.

The cause of the disease can be all pets: cats, dogs, hamsters, rats, rabbits, parrots. Forever healed from allergies with a lifetime guarantee that she won't come back to you again is almost impossible. In the fight against this disease, try to avoid contact with potential external "provocateurs". Sources of allergens - wool, dander, saliva, feathers, feces animals. In such a situation, unfortunately, it is better to part with your beloved pet. After this, several thorough general cleanings should be carried out in the house. Improvement, as a rule, does not occur immediately, but after a few weeks.

If this option is unacceptable for you, then, firstly, wash your pet regularly (at least once a week). Let other family members do it. Secondly, get rid of "dust collectors" like carpets, heavy curtains, large soft toys. Dust is clogged in them, as well as particles of the epidermis of the animal, which negate all treatment. Try to isolate your bedroom from the cat or dog living in the house as much as possible. Regularly ventilate the apartment, carry out wet cleaning and wipe the furniture daily.

Take second and third generation antihistamines. For allergic rhinitis, rinse your nose with saline solution 1-2 times a day (1/3 teaspoon of sea salt per 1 cup of boiled water). This procedure will help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane.

Visit an allergist and have a skin test done to help pinpoint which substance is causing your allergy. Perhaps, after this, the doctor may recommend an allergen-specific immunotherapy. With its help, the body is gradually accustomed to the allergen, so that over time it stops responding to it.

Modern air purifiers and air washers will help alleviate the condition of an allergic person. They are able to remove all visible and invisible dust particles, pollen from the room, destroy bacteria, viruses and chemical compounds. Be sure to use such a device in your home.


Quite rarely, turtles and aquarium fish cause allergies. True, dry fish food can cause allergic rhinitis.

Attention, only TODAY!

An allergy to a pet may not appear immediately, but when he has already fallen in love with him and has become a full-fledged member of the family. What to do then and how to get rid of allergies from dogs?

Allergist visit

Initially, you need to visit a doctor and do a series of tests to find out which allergen gives the reaction. The analysis will reveal exactly the cause. After the examination, it will be much easier to choose an effective drug to reduce allergy symptoms.


A visit to the allergist can be postponed, and it is better not to postpone treatment - this is the best way to get rid of allergies to dogs. It is not a fact that the manifestation of an allergy will go away after the first dose or that a suitable drug will be found immediately. If you are not an avid allergy sufferer, then it takes time to select the remedy.

There are different forms of antiallergic drugs: ointments, tablets, creams, injections, sprays. Be sure to follow all the recommendations in the instructions, in case of severe attacks - call a doctor. The following drugs are distinguished:

  • Claritin
  • Suprastin
  • Agistam
  • citrek
  • Dexamethasone
  • Citrine
  • Tavgil

A rash on the skin is best treated with ointments, and tablets and injections will improve the general condition. However, it is better if the allergy treatment is prescribed by a doctor. You will need to take them on an ongoing basis as long as you have a dog.

Life with a dog

  1. Reduce contact with animals. Try to keep the dog from getting in your face and you petting your pet as little as possible. It is desirable that the dog corner is as far away from you as possible.
  2. The main provoking factor is wool. Therefore, you will have to get rid of everything that accumulates it: a huge home carpet, heavy curtains, downy and woolen pillows with blankets, soft toys and furniture. These are the most frequent cases of collecting dust and wool.
  3. Keep your home clean. Even one missed day of wet cleaning can greatly worsen the condition. A lot of wool accumulates in the corners and under furniture, which provokes severe allergy attacks. Upholstered furniture should be vacuumed regularly.

Additionally, you can install special air purification systems and do more airing. Frequent bathing and brushing your dog will also help. If you are just planning to get a dog, then look for a hypoallergenic breed.

Allergies to dogs are common. It occurs with a frequency of 1 case per 100 people. Allergy to dogs is most aggravated in the autumn or spring, when the animal begins to shed and spread the allergen everywhere.

Allergy is an increase in the amount of histamine and lymphocytes in the blood serum. This reaction is similar to the reaction to antibodies in infectious, inflammatory diseases. The atypical behavior of the immune system is explained by various factors that have disrupted its work. Statistics show that children who had contact with an animal during the formation of the immune system were less likely to suffer from intolerance to dog hair and saliva.

Allergy to dogs must be confirmed by laboratory tests. It is not recommended to self-diagnose, choose the direction of treatment. The question of how to cure an allergy to dogs should be decided by an allergist.


Can you be allergic to a dog? Yes, and sometimes it is latent. With a short contact with an animal, an allergic person may not feel a deterioration in well-being. But when the pet begins to live with you all the time, allergies can appear.

What factors contribute to the formation of individual intolerance:

  1. Heredity. If one of the parents was allergic, no matter what type of allergen, then the probability of developing an allergy in a child is more than 40%. In the presence of a bilateral hereditary factor (both parents), the risk rises to 80%.
  2. Irritants, ecology. Perfumes, paint, wallpaper, mold, dust, chemicals impair the functioning of the immune system, lead to malfunctions in its work.
  3. Viral, infectious diseases. They deplete the immune system, weaken it. As a result, it is likely that she will begin to react incorrectly to familiar things, substances.
  4. Smoking, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. The respiratory system does not function well, there are problems with the body's defenses.

Many people think that allergies only happen to dog hair - they are wrong. In fact, signs of an allergic reaction from wool appear much less frequently than from other pet waste products.

Dog allergy symptoms can include:

  • dandruff;
  • saliva;
  • urine;
  • fecal masses;
  • pieces of skin.

Sometimes the psychogenic factor plays an important role. Surprisingly, an allergic reaction can be formed as a result of a bad experience with a dog. For example, she bit (saliva intolerance) or frightened her badly.


Are there specific dog allergies? Unfortunately no. Symptoms of dog intolerance do not differ from the usual manifestation of rhinitis, urticaria.

The only difference is that dog allergies are different for everyone. One sneezes or coughs more, the other breaks out in a rash.

How do dog allergies manifest?

  • tearfulness, redness of the eyes;
  • itchy, swollen eyelids;
  • small red rash or blisters with a red border, transparent contents (urticaria);
  • dry cough;
  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • skin itching;
  • nausea, stool disorder, vomiting;
  • dizzy;
  • decline in performance.

How do you know if you are allergic to dogs? A skin allergy test, as well as a blood serum test, will help to find out. The final conclusion whether you are allergic to the dog's saliva, its fur or skin, will be made by an allergist.

Dangerous signs of anaphylaxis:

  • pale skin;
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  • pulse quickens;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • dizziness.

If this pattern of manifestations or other signs of an allergy to dogs is observed, you should immediately seek medical help and limit contact with the pet.

How long does it take for allergies to show up? 1-2 hours are enough for the reaction to dogs to begin to disturb, the symptoms of which can be pronounced.

In a child, the first rashes can be found on the palms. Therefore, you should carefully examine the body for rashes.

Allergenic and hypoallergenic breeds

Allergy to dog hair may occur with little intensity or not at all if you have a hypoallergenic breed of dog at home. This feature is explained by the nature of the coat, in which molting occurs several times less often than in long-haired dogs.

Dog allergy symptoms are less likely to occur in the following breeds:

  • wire-haired schnauzer;
  • poodle;
  • maltese;
  • shih tzu;
  • dwarf spitz;
  • Jack Russell Terrier;
  • bichon;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • papillon;
  • Chinese Crested.

The coat of the Jack Russell Terrier is smooth and short, and shedding is rare. Regular trimming in salons allows you to completely avoid contact with the pet's hairline.

However, it is difficult to determine how the body will react to dogs of a particular breed. It is always possible to develop an allergic reaction to any kind. This can only be verified in practice.

Dogs of a certain, hypoallergenic type are a good prevention of allergies in children and adults.

How is it treated?

Many who do not want to part with their beloved pet are interested in - is it possible to cure it forever? Treatment of dog allergies is focused on suppressing symptoms and preventing other complications.

Against allergic rhinitis, special drops of antihistamine action are prescribed:

  • Vibrocil;
  • Allergodil;
  • Sanorin-Analergin;
  • Fenistil;
  • Prevalin;
  • Tizin Allergy;
  • Kromoheksal;
  • Lecrolin.

The main cure for dog allergies is an oral antihistamine. He fights immediately with all the signs from the inside, reducing the amount of histamine in the blood.

What antihistamine tablets help:

  • Fenkarol;
  • Tavegil;
  • Clarotadine;
  • Desal;
  • Lomilan;
  • Claritin;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Kestin;
  • Telfast;
  • Loratadine;
  • Zodak.

Fenistil drops are suitable for newborns. And for older children, drugs are Fenistil tablets and Suprastin.

Allergy to a dog how to treat external manifestations - topical drugs without hormones (ointments, creams):

  • Fenistil;
  • Desitin;
  • Panthenol;
  • Bepanthen;
  • Protopic;
  • Skin-cap.

These drugs soothe the skin, relieve inflammation, promote rapid healing and have an antispasmodic effect.

Most non-steroidal ointments are suitable for children, pregnant women, as they have only a local effect, without affecting the entire organ system.

Hormone-based drugs are used only in adult therapy, under the supervision of a physician. It is impossible to independently choose and regulate the duration of treatment without medical advice.

A severe form of skin allergy from dogs is treated with:

  • Elokoma;
  • Flucort;
  • Apuleina;
  • Sinaflan;
  • Afloderma;
  • Lorinden;
  • Cynacorta;
  • Sinaflan;
  • Diperzolone;
  • Locacorten.

Any remedy from this group has a large list of contraindications and side effects. They must be used with caution.

If you are interested in how to get rid of allergies to dogs, then there is only one answer - there is no universal remedy.

It is necessary either to temporarily suppress the symptoms, or to limit contact with the allergen as much as possible.

What to do if you are allergic to dogs, is it possible to leave a pet?

If individual intolerance proceeds easily with typical rhinitis, then regular intake of antiallergic drugs will be sufficient. But if a newborn suffers from allergies, any doctor will tell you - get rid of the dog in the house. A young child may have anaphylactic shock, which is life-threatening.

At the first suspicion of an allergy from dogs, you should seek help from a competent specialist. You must register with an allergist and see him regularly, follow his instructions. It is not always possible to leave a pet nearby, but remember that maintaining health is more important.

And you can find a wonderful owner for your pet or give it to relatives.

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