Possible specific complications of mammoplasty - ways to eliminate the consequences of breast plastic surgery. Negative consequences of breast implants Does everyone take root breast implants

Many women think about what restrictions they may face in everyday life, having received the desired size and shape of the mammary glands. Made from high quality materials and have a lifetime warranty. However, every year the risk of complications associated with the introduction of prostheses increases.

Our experienced aesthetic surgeon Oleg Banizh has been practicing breast surgery for over 10 years. The main goal of our work is to achieve an unsurpassed result and keep it for the longest possible time. Hundreds of happy patients who have undergone the procedure of implantation of breast implants with us have endured the recovery process easily, without encountering side effects.

Sport and intimate life after breast plastic surgery

Since mostly perfectionists who watch their figure turn to them, they are often worried about the question: is it possible to play sports after surgery? During the rehabilitation process, heavy physical activity will be strictly prohibited for you. And this applies not only to the gym and home gymnastics: it is not recommended even to lift weights. Therefore, if you have a small child, think in advance who will be able to carry him in his arms during the first month after the operation.


  • . The first month after the operation, you will be prohibited from any physical activity;
  • . Sports training can be introduced from the second month after implant placement;
  • . Add load gradually: start with yoga, swimming or Pilates, and only then move on to crossfit and supersets;
  • . Going to the gym and training with barbells / dumbbells is better to postpone for six months;
  • . During the first year after plastic surgery, it is recommended to wear compression garments when performing any exercises;
  • . It is better to exclude running for 3-4 months after plastic surgery. Start it after 5-6 months, not forgetting the bandage bra;
  • . The training plan should be drawn up under the supervision of a doctor and a trainer.

It is better to limit intimate life in the first two weeks after the operation. It is also worth moving to it carefully, avoiding excessive activity. After the scars have healed and the implants are fully lowered into the capsule, the sexual life can continue in the usual preoperative rhythm.

Be sure to pick up sports supportive underwear, especially if you expose your chest to “shaking”. Running, jump rope, elliptical trainer - these exercises should only be performed with a bandage top. This rule applies all the time, regardless of the age of your new breast. However, it is relevant and useful even for girls whose breasts have not been touched by a scalpel.


Cosmetic breast care after is no less important than with “natural” mammary glands. The introduction of implants does not have any effect on the condition of the skin, including a beneficial one. She also continues to age, undergo gravitational ptosis and lose her tone, with the only difference being that her form remains harmonious and less subject to destructive changes.

Restrictions on the cosmetics used apply only to the period of primary rehabilitation. You should not use:

  1. Aggressive stimulants containing menthol, coniferous extracts, mint;
  2. Alcohol-containing lotions and tonics;
  3. Fatty base oils (especially during the healing period of stitches);
  4. Creams high in fragrances and chemicals;
  5. Abrasive body scrub.

If a lot of time has passed since the operation, you need to:

  • . Moisturize and nourish the breast skin with serums, fluids and lotions for special purposes;
  • . Use scrubs to improve blood microcirculation, tone the skin and activate lymph outflow;
  • . From time to time, do home or salon wraps for the chest;
  • . Refer to a contrasting circular shower;
  • . Apply creams for stretch marks;
  • . Attend manual and hardware procedures at your own discretion.

Water procedures and temperature conditions

The implanted breast creates many restrictions regarding the water and temperature conditions.

  • . Avoid prolonged sun exposure with an open chest. Under a special ban, visiting the solarium in the first month after the operation;
  • . If you can't resist topless tanning, use creams with a high level of UV protection (but only 3-4 months after the final healing of the stitches);
  • . Exclude visits to the infrared sauna: there are cases of deformation of the implants after its use;
  • . Classical baths and saunas are prohibited in the first months after plastic surgery. Later they can be visited, but as carefully as possible, without abusing the time spent in the steam rooms;
  • . Immediately after mammoplasty, you can not take a bath and swim in the pool. Limit yourself to an ordinary shower;
  • . Trips to the sea should be postponed for 2-3 months after the operation.

While your stitches are fresh, you should try to be careful in everything, because right now the wounds are at risk of infection. In addition, until the prosthesis is finally fixed in the capsule, there is a risk of breast deformity. After the rehabilitation is fully completed, you can return to your normal life. However, it is better to discuss your exotic addictions with our doctor in advance. For example, if you are impatient to visit the "steam room", you must first examine the chest and wait for the approval of a specialist.

Choosing a bra

The primary rehabilitation process involves the constant wearing of a specialized compression bra. But what to do after? How to choose beautiful underwear so that it does not harm the acquired jewelry?

A few quick tips for choosing underwear:

  • . In no case do not allow wearing tight underwear that creates discomfort;
  • . For 3 months after the operation, seamless, pitted underwear is recommended;
  • . Watch the quality of the cut: the product should be comfortable;
  • . Supporting elements (bones) should not break through the tissue and injure the skin. This is very dangerous for any breast, especially implanted ones!
  • . It is better to choose a bra not exactly in size, but a little looser. You are a woman, and you must understand that your breasts tend to increase on certain days and periods of your life;
  • . Pay attention to the composition of the product. Ideally, these should be breathable lightweight materials, preferably natural. Do not skimp on silk and expensive knitwear - this will bring you much more benefit than cheap synthetics;
  • . Carefully inspect the linen before buying. It should not injure the nipples and irritate the skin;
  • . Avoid wearing push-ups every day. Allow yourself to wear such products only on special occasions.

What is important to remember after breast augmentation

No matter how much time has passed since your transformation, you should be attentive to your breasts and contact a specialist at the first alarming symptoms.

  • . We recommend that you undergo a breast MRI within the first 3 years after surgery: tomography will help assess the condition of the implants and the capsule, identify possible diseases or neoplasms. MRI is best done every 2-3 years on a regular basis.
  • . If you notice strange symptoms, such as: deformation of prostheses, sharp pains in the chest, seals, hyperemia, swelling - consult a doctor immediately! It should not be thought that side effects can occur only immediately after plastic surgery. Late capsular contracture, which tends to develop 1-2 years after the operation, is the first confirmation of this.
  • . The sooner you see a doctor with problems, the higher your chance of avoiding surgical treatment, getting by with conservative ones.
  • . If you are concerned about the condition of the stitches, contact the operating doctor.
  • . you should follow all the traditional norms of healthy lactation. Timely purchase bras according to the size of your rapidly growing breasts. During the gestation period, use means to strengthen the skin.

Are you interested in additional questions on lifestyle features after mammoplasty? Ask them to our doctor Oleg Banizh! We will help you understand all the topics that concern you and protect yourself from negative consequences.

Many modern women dream of breast augmentation through mammoplasty. But not all potential patients of a plastic surgeon are interested in the intricacies of the operation, the choice of endoprostheses, and the features of their wearing. What do you need to know about implants? What to prepare for after surgery?

Size selection - an individual decision under the guidance of an experienced surgeon

Beautiful voluminous large breasts are not suitable for all the fair sex. To improve the neckline, you need to consider many factors. Experienced surgeons recommend in this matter to take into account:

  • the degree of elasticity of the skin in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands;
  • natural breast size;
  • total volume of glandular tissue;
  • chest parameters;
  • the distance between the right and left gland;
  • body features (weight and height).

Some women are allowed to increase their breasts by 1-2 sizes, others can significantly increase their breasts. The decision must be made, trusting the recommendations of a plastic surgeon. Otherwise, disharmony, back pain and other problems may occur.

Pain, discomfort - temporary inevitability

Any surgical intervention, including the installation of breast implants, is accompanied by the introduction of anesthetics, tissue cutting, and the formation of a pocket. The above manipulations lead to tissue injury, so the operation dictates the need for a recovery period.
In the healing process, it is impossible to avoid painful and uncomfortable sensations - this is a natural reaction of the body. You can alleviate the condition using various means:

  • medications selected by the doctor individually;
  • light massage;
    special compresses and cold;
  • compression underwear that fixes the breast and reduces its mobility

The first time after the intervention, you will have to limit yourself to physical activity, refuse to visit the beach, pool, solarium. Quality sleep and rest is what contributes to the fastest possible recovery.

The shelf life of implants is not limited

Implants have a lifetime warranty and do not require replacement either after 5 or 10-15 years. But there are a number of factors that can lead to a change in the shape of the breast and, as a result, to a second operation. This is pregnancy, sudden weight gains, the formation of a dense capsule around prostheses - all of these factors can cause shape distortion, breast drooping, asymmetry, etc.

After an increase in the mammary glands, one must not forget about responsibility for one's own health. Monitor the condition of your breasts, record changes if they occur, remember that when visiting a mammologist, you need to warn him about the presence of implants.

Can you lift your breasts without enlarging them?

The most frequent patients of plastic surgeons are women who have lost their attractive breast shape after pregnancy, a sharp weight loss and other factors. You can restore elasticity, attractiveness, eliminate sagging without installing implants. This requires a breast lift. Breast lift surgery is less traumatic, cheaper and safer. But it is shown only to those patients who have a sufficient volume of their own breast tissue.

Truths and myths about implants

Often you can hear a lot of data about artificial breasts that make you once again think about the advisability of installing implants. The most common of them are:

  • a ban on breastfeeding;
  • the likelihood of damage when flying on an airplane, diving, playing sports, etc.;
  • ease of determining the presence of an implant.

After the installation of endoprostheses, breastfeeding is not a contraindication for either the woman or the child. The latter may only have a minor impact on milk production. It is almost impossible to damage modern prostheses in everyday life. They are made from high-quality durable materials and filled with a special gel that does not leak from the shell. The owner of implants can safely engage in any sport, climb mountains or sink to the bottom of the ocean, travel by plane and even skydive.

Artificial breasts are always visible - another common misconception. By choosing implants of an anatomical drop-shaped shape, the correct size, the fair sex will receive a beautiful, neat part of the body. The implant can be felt only in very slender women who have insufficient volume of integumentary tissues. To avoid this, you need to completely trust the surgeon when choosing the size.

Andrey Firsov, an expert in breast plastic surgery at the Beauty Clinic Doctor - Andrey Valentinovich Firsov, at the press conference "Breast Plastic Surgery - Advanced Author's Techniques" - covered this topic in detail in his speech. It is important to understand that if you want to increase your breasts with implants, you should receive up-to-date and reliable information at a consultation with a highly qualified plastic surgeon. Moreover, the consultation will not be about breast plastic surgery in general, but about a specific individual case.

You can learn more about plastic surgery to improve the shape of the breast from the sections

What woman does not dream of perfect breasts? Only the one that has it by nature, and there are only a few such lucky ones. The rest have to accept and admire the chic busts of models in magazines or resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

It seems that everything is simple - I chose a form, lay down on the table, closed my eyes and woke up already a gorgeous woman. But ... before each operation, surgeons give you a paper to sign about possible risks and complications, although they can, of course, hide part of the truth from you, because the operation is not cheap and you can change your mind. But you yourself must carefully and with a cold head evaluate all the pros and cons, because implants also have negative sides.

Complications during the operation

With breast augmentation, every tenth operation proceeds with complications, and this is a large percentage for surgery, out of these ten, every tenth woman has to go under the knife again and correct what she has done, sometimes up to amputation of the breast. Moreover, these repeated operations are stretched for up to six months, that will not add beauty to you . The success of the operation depends on the experience of the surgeon, and he is unlikely to admit to you that you are one of the first with him.

Problems with the implant

Often, with an incorrect axillary incision, the asymmetry of the installation of breast prostheses is obtained. The implant then moves under the influence of the force of the muscles up and towards the armpit. You can fix this by re-operating with another doctor.

Another problem can be a duplicated bulge on the chest if the surgeon does not take into account the sagging and softness of the skin and breast tissue. If the implant is placed under the muscle, it will be ugly - the breast will be bumpy, in such cases a second operation is performed, moving the implant and placing it above the muscle.

Another nuisance after the operation - in addition to the stitches themselves, of course - can be a loss of sensitivity on the nipple and areola. It can take up to six months or more to recover, and sometimes, if the prosthesis compresses a branch of the intercostal nerve, sensitivity may not be restored at all.

Seromas and hematomas

These are accumulations of ichor or blood in the area between prostheses and body tissues. They do not become infected, but create discomfort and protrusions in the area of ​​​​the surgical suture and wound, and can temporarily distort the shape of the chest.

Seromas are formed in response to tissue injury by surgery and the introduction of a foreign body, blood plasma and lymph accumulate in the tissues, blood elements - lymphocytes and leukocytes. A protrusion similar to a hernia appears in the area of ​​operation.

Hematoma- this is the accumulation of blood around the implant from a vessel injured during the operation. Sometimes, with large hematomas, removal of blood is required to stop bleeding.

The most dangerous

Of course, operations are carried out in compliance with all the rules of sterility, but it is impossible to achieve 100% sterility during the operation. Therefore, there is always a risk of infection during operations, including when implants are inserted. If an infection forms around the prosthesis, even antibiotics will not help, it will have to be removed. And the complications of the infection should be treated in a surgical hospital.

A second operation is possible no earlier than six months later, then it will be possible to put a new implant. And for half a year you will have to walk around with one large, another small breast - rarely the infection is bilateral. Many women usually refuse a second prosthesis, so as not to experience discomfort.

Negative effects of breast implants

Infection can develop both immediately after surgery and within two months of surgery, especially in women with diabetes and chronic diseases.


In principle, with the correct placement of the implant, prostheses cannot affect the lactation . With accesses that touch the areola and nipple, this always interferes with feeding. If you plan to breastfeed in the future, discuss this with your surgeon in advance.

Injuries and deformities of the implant

Typically, old implants that have a thin wall, a defect in the manufacture of the prosthesis, as well as those patients who have had injuries during surgery, are subject to rupture. Implants also rupture due to compression and trauma.

When the contents of the implant leak into the breast tissue, inflammation and pain begin, and it becomes unpleasant to touch the breast. Such situations require removal of the implant and fluid from the breast tissue. However, if the implant is gel, even when the shell is damaged, it retains its shape.

Breast examination

When implants are installed, the very possibility of the occurrence of breast cancer , because a foreign body is placed in it. In addition, the presence of implants interferes with the examination and self-examination of the breast for lumps. With implants, it is difficult to conduct ultrasound, X-ray or mammography of the breast, which will delay the diagnosis of the tumor. During examinations, pressure is needed - this increases the risk of ruptures in the implant area.

More and more women are choosing to have their breast implants removed. It turns out that they say correctly: there is only one step from love to hate. What caused the sharp change of mood in the minds of the beautiful half of humanity? Health care has long been talking about the perniciousness of the disproportionate constitution of the body. However, until women experience the hardships of wearing a confident “five”, they are unlikely to dare to remove implants.

Christie's story

A few months ago, 42-year-old Christy walked into a plastic surgeon's office and said goodbye to size 5. After removing the implants under general anesthesia about three hours later, her breasts returned to their original appearance. Now Christy is a happy owner of the second size. She works as an information technology specialist. Four years ago, her lover insisted on breast augmentation. Since then, being in the office for Christie has become an ordeal. She tried to qualitatively improve her life, switched to proper nutrition and hired a personal trainer. She understood that magnificent breasts were too heavy for her, but she steadfastly endured hardships. The last straw that overflowed the cup of patience was watching my reflection in the mirror in the fitness room. “I saw myself in tight training clothes and realized how ridiculous my huge bust looks. Suddenly I felt ashamed, ”recalls our heroine.

04/13/2016 (operation day)

My story began very comically, at the age of 5 I was already sure that I needed big breasts)))) But ironically, it was with me that it didn’t grow big, I would even say that it didn’t grow at all. When I entered the institute, I jokingly promised my classmates that I would come to defend my diploma with big breasts! Now I'm already finishing the 6th year, well, I decided to keep my promise)

In ordinary life, small breasts, of course, caused me inconvenience, bras with a huge push-up, sweaters and dresses without a cutout, a swimsuit and underwear in general have always been difficult to pick up. Although my man never said that he was not satisfied with my breasts, but on the contrary, he liked it - I decided to do plastic surgery anyway, because I wanted to.

Here are the photos taken in the hospital BEFORE the operation:

The surgeon chose for a long time, read the reviews, looked at the work. At first I wanted to make an appointment with a doctor from St. Petersburg, but I myself am from Yekaterinburg, so after weighing all the pros and cons, I still chose a surgeon in my city.

My peculiarity is that I actively go in for sports in the gym with really big weights and I want to continue these activities in the future and possibly work in this area. The doctor took into account all my wishes and together we thought over my recovery plan.

Before the operation, I underwent a complete examination: tests, ultrasound of the breasts, thyroid gland, veins, examination by a gynecologist, mammologist, therapist, cardiogram, fluorography, they measured my lung volume, maybe there was something else, I don’t remember) All this cost me 13 "000 rubles. I passed the examination in 1 day at the hospital where the operation was planned.

The operation itself + 2 days in a single room + underwear - cost me 135,000 rubles.

On the day before the operation, it was possible to eat for the last time no later than 8 pm, and then before 9 pm it was necessary to drive to the hospital for an injection.

Day X came, I arrived at the hospital, handed over my clothes and shoes to the wardrobe, the nurse met me and took me to the hospital, they registered me there, I asked for a separate single room, which was very important for me, I don’t like strangers with me people, especially in such delicate moments as after surgery. After that, the anesthesiologist came first, then my surgeon. The surgeon measured everything, marked it out and informed me that, as we had originally planned, the third size could not be delivered. I have too little distance from the edge of the halo to the crease under the breast, and if the implant is too large, the nipple will look down. Of course, I was upset, but we agreed that if I still want a larger size, then I will come to him again after giving birth and breastfeeding, then it will be real.

The implants were chosen anatomical Natrel (McGan) Style 410, volume 255 ml, access under the breast, placement under the muscle.

The time was about 10 o'clock. A nurse came to me, they gave me compression stockings, a gown and disposable swimming trunks. I got changed, put on a gurney and taken to the operating room. There I lay down on the operating table, put some compressors on my legs, which alternately inflated and deflated, put a device for measuring pressure on one hand and a clothespin for measuring the pulse on my finger, and a catheter was installed in the other hand and a dropper was connected. They covered me with a blanket and put a heat gun under it. After 5 minutes, the anesthesiologist came, put an injection into my catheter, and I fell asleep very quickly.

I woke up already in the intensive care unit, or rather the nurse woke me up. I was very sick, I asked to get up and a basin, but they put a diaper on me and said that if I vomit, then right on it))) But you can’t get up yet. Somehow I was embarrassed, I just said that it was very cold, they put a heat gun under my blanket, and I fell asleep further. Periodically, I woke up, the nausea slowly subsided, a nurse approached me, asked how I felt, put some injections into the catheter. I finally came to my senses at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I was taken to the room and told to lie down)))

What about sensations? Many write that it was as if they put a stone slab on their chest, I didn’t have that. The sensations were similar to the pain that occurs after a very, well, very, very good chest workout, as if you had shrugged 100 kg from your chest)))) Athletes will understand me. If you lie still for a long time, it’s hard to get up, and when you warm up a little, it’s already easier, well, like with muscle pain after training.

As soon as I came to the ward, they immediately began to feed me: tea with cookies, kefir, fruit, dinner, late dinner. The food was very tasty and varied.

The staff was very attentive, always knocking before entering. On the chest it was necessary to put a cold compress alternating for 15 minutes on the top and bottom. I also had drains put in to drain the ichor.

I had a separate ward, in the hospital it is called a suite, maybe that's why there was such an attentive attitude? They even brought me food, and the girls from other wards ate in the common dining room. But I really didn’t want to go anywhere and see no one else, so for me it was a huge plus. The ward had everything you need: a bed that adjusts in height and position, a bedside table, a table with two chairs, a cafe, a TV, a toilet, a shower, trouble, towels, emergency call buttons for a nurse (one near the bed, the second in the toilet), air conditioning . The room was cleaned once a day.

On the very first evening, I could almost completely serve myself: I got up, walked, ate, washed my face, combed my hair (only I could not put my hair in a ponytail). But most of all, of course, I wanted to see the chest, and it was well hidden.

Before going to bed, they gave me another injection and left a sleeping pill and an anesthetic, but they were not useful. The night slept absolutely calmly, did not spin, but slept half-sitting (fortunately, the headboard is adjustable), it was more convenient.

04/14/2016 (first day after surgery)

Today is the first morning after the operation. It was painful the first time after waking up, then the muscles came to their senses a little and it became quite normal, so I asked them not to put painkillers on me, so that I could better feel exactly how I shouldn’t move my hands so as not to injure, but I was given it anyway. The dressing was about 11 o'clock, the drains were removed, they said that everything was very good! Without drains, there really is no pain at all. It hurts only if you press or raise your hands. For the first time I looked at the chest and could not believe that it was mine)))))

04/15/2016 (second day after surgery)

Almost the entire second night after the operation I felt sick, so I slept very badly. The next morning I complained to my doctor - he said that it was from the painkiller that was put before bedtime, it was very strong. I didn’t understand why they put it on me, when I asked not to anesthetize at all .. A little later, I was examined, bandaged and discharged home. By the way, they have already allowed to wash, but only under the shower, do not lie in the bathroom.

This is how the chest looked in the evening on the second day after the operation. There are no bruises on it, these are marks from markings. Why they didn’t wash them off for me right away - I don’t know, but the doctor specifically said not to snort, it will be erased by itself over time.

Restrictions after plastic surgery of the mammary glands

  • Do not sunbathe with an open chest until the scars are fully mature (5-6 months)
  • Do not visit the sauna, bath, swimming pool, gym for 1.5-2 months (exercises for the pectoral muscles are excluded for 6 months)
  • Avoid prolonged lifting of arms above the shoulder for 1.5-2 months
  • Do not lift weights more than 3-5 kg ​​for 1.5-2 months
  • Wear a special bodice for 2 months after the operation all the time (you can only take it off to go to the shower), and then on the recommendation of the surgeon.
  • Protect your chest from all possible blows

Care after surgery at home:

  1. Until the stitches are removed and 10 days after, treat the scars twice a day with vodka and apply curiosin gel on them, and traksivazin gel on the chest itself and make a vodka compress under the clothes.
  2. 10 days after removal of sutures: patch mepiform or silicone gel on the scars.
  3. After 4-6 months after complete healing of scars, laser peeling can be done on them.

04/16/2016 (third day after surgery)

Yesterday was the first night at home. In the evening, my husband bandaged me according to the doctor's instructions, at first he was afraid not only to touch, but even to look at my chest, but then he saw that there was nothing wrong and began to slowly grow bolder)))

The most difficult thing was to choose a position for sleeping: if the pillow was too low, the chest would numb, if you put 2 pillows, the back would numb. I really wanted to turn on my side, but I, of course, overcame myself. It was also scary that in a dream my husband could accidentally press or hit, because he likes to wave his hands when he sleeps, but everything worked out))) He settled down next to me, and I put my hand on him, it was even convenient. take a Nise pill, because my nightly toss and turns made themselves felt - my chest ached.

In the morning we did the dressing again, already much bolder and faster. I don’t feel the bottom of the chest at all, only the seams. There are no severe swelling, no bruising either. Sometimes it seems as if the temperature has risen - but I measure and everything is in order. It just got warmer here while I was in the hospital from +5 to +20, and the batteries are working, apparently because of this it seems to me.

04/23/2016 (10 days after surgery)

After 10 days, I began to clearly feel the pectoral muscles! Nothing hurts, I already sleep a little on my side, 5 days ago I went to work and completely returned to normal life (except for sports). The chest gradually becomes softer and sensitivity returns to it, otherwise there used to be a feeling such as when the leg is numb, you touch it - the fingers feel, but the chest does not feel anything.

The stitches will be removed soon, but for now the chest looks like this (one small bruise appeared on the bottom)

05/29/2016 (one and a half months after operation)

So it's been a month and a half after the operation - time flies quite imperceptibly) The chest now looks like this

There is no pain for a long time, there is practically no discomfort either, only if you purposefully strain the pectoral muscles. I only wear compression garments at night. The seams are no longer a concern.

I returned to the gym 3 weeks ago, I load my legs to the fullest, I don’t train the top yet, from cardio - everything except running.

Sensitivity was almost completely restored, the bottom of the chest departed the longest. The chest is already quite soft to the touch, but I think it will become even softer.

In a couple of weeks we will take control pictures.

Unfortunately, I was not very satisfied with the size, although I understand that from an aesthetic point of view, everything was done correctly)) I plan to do more after the birth, but that's another story.

10/19/2016 (6 months after surgery)

It's been six months since the operation. I didn’t have any complications (although I once hit my chest hard enough in a cross-fit workout).

But I would like to tell you something that will not immediately seem obvious:

  • You will feel the implants, one way or another, but you will. They don’t hurt me, they don’t pull, they don’t bother, but I clearly feel that they are there. And I'm not always comfortable doing something. For example, swimming - well, it's just a very strange feeling when you row with your hands - and you feel how the implant moves. I don't know if I'll ever get used to it.
  • The chest will take its final shape for a long time. Doctors say 2-3 months, but I have 2-3 months and now the shape and softness are different (for others it may not be noticeable, but you yourself will definitely notice)
  • The thinner you are (the lower the percentage of fat in the body) - the more the contour of the implant will be visible. For clarity, look at the girls performing in a fitness bikini. All of them (well, 99.99%) who have large breasts have implants, and the contours are clearly visible.
  • Not very critical, but the chest will not always be the same temperature as your body. In the summer it was always cold for me by some miracle))
  • Lying on your chest and wearing a push-up? It is possible - but, to be honest, it is extremely inconvenient for me.

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