The great religious center of the middle Volga region is the Kul-Sharif mosque. The mosque that was destroyed by Ivan the Terrible Interesting facts about the Kul-Sharif mosque

The Kul-Sharif Mosque in Kazan is part of the museum-architectural ensemble of the Kazan Kremlin, and within its composition is the historical heritage of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. In the 21st century, the mosque was included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List and is protected by the state as an architectural monument.

Symbol of Tatarstan

Kazan Kul Sharif is an active religious center, where thousands of pilgrims come during Islamic great holidays. It can accommodate up to 1,500 believers inside the building and over 10 thousand more in the square in front of it. The architectural ensemble is not just a prayer building, but a religious building, consisting of the mosque itself, the imam’s room, a room for wedding ceremonies and the famous museum of the Islamic religion.

Museum in the main mosque of Kazan

It was opened in February 2006 on the ground floor of Kul Sharif. The mosque has a very rich history. There are two spacious halls with a total area of ​​50 sq.m., which allows organizers to organize various traveling exhibitions, place valuable exhibits, and conduct educational, scientific and research work. Most of the exhibits are open to the public, regardless of the religion of visitors. But the rules of behavior in a religious institution include appropriate clothing for women, quiet speech and some other requirements, which the guide will familiarize you with before visiting the religious building.

The museum contains editions of the Koran in many languages ​​of the world. This is a unique collection, the only one in the world. You will be able to familiarize yourself with each of them. In the first hall you will find a story about the history of the prophets and the emergence of Islam, an acquaintance with ancient artifacts and a model of the Kaaba.

In the second hall you can learn the history of the creation, destruction and rebirth of the mosque itself. Portraits of famous painters with images of prominent Muslim figures of different centuries are placed here, and the main museum treasure - the Book of Marjani - is stored here.

Architectural features of the historical ensemble

The modern Kul Sharif Mosque in the Kazan Kremlin is the closest possible copy of the first building created by Sayyid Kul Sharif. The mosque was destroyed in the 16th century by Ivan the Terrible, and acquired a new look only in 2005. Construction lasted 9 years according to a joint project of a whole group of authors.

To select a construction plan, the country's leading architects were invited to participate in a competitive selection process. As a result, the project included the best ideas of many of the submitted works, on the basis of which an architectural group was created on the basis of Tatinvestgrazhdanproekt.

The cross-section of the Kul-Sharif building represents the symbol of “the blessing of Allah” in the form of two intersecting squares at an angle of 45 degrees. The walls are 8 arches covered with marble, on which verses from the Koran and ornaments are carved. The windows are glazed with colored stained glass, and the domed space is covered with an eight-tray roof.

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The Kul Sharif Mosque is one of the symbols of Kazan and the operating juma mosque of Tatarstan, located in the western part of the Kazan Kremlin and is part of the historical and architectural complex included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

History of the Kul Sharif Mosque

The mosque on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin has not only religious significance, but was originally built as a center of education and a memorial to the memory of the city’s defenders - on the site of an old mosque destroyed in 1552 during the capture of Kazan by the army of Ivan the Terrible. At that time, the defense of one of the parts of the city of Kazan was led by Imam Kul Sharif, in whose honor the new mosque was named, he died along with his companions.

The decree on the reconstruction of the mosque on a historical site in the Kazan Kremlin was signed in 1995 by the President of Tatarstan M. Sh. Shaimiev. At the same time, a competition for the best project was held.

Construction work began already in 1996 and continued until 2005. The mosque was built mainly through donations: more than 40 thousand individuals and a variety of organizations contributed to the creation of Kul Sharif, information about them is recorded in books stored in the main hall.

The official opening of the mosque took place on June 24, 2005 and was timed to coincide with the millennium of Kazan.

Architecture of Kul Sharif

Architects of the Kazan mosque - “Tatinvestgrazhdanproekt”: I. F. Saifullin, A. G. Sattarov, Sh. Kh. Latypov, M. V. Safronov.

The mosque includes five floors, including the basement and technical floors. floor. In plan it is presented in the form of two squares intersecting at an angle of 45°. This arrangement of the building has a symbolic meaning - it repeats the Muslim sign of “the blessing of Allah.”

The height of each of the four main minarets of Kul Sharif is 58 meters. Dimensions of the dome of Kul Sharif: height - 39 meters, diameter - 17 meters. The capacity of the mosque is 1,700 people.

In addition, there are two symmetrically located small minarets. The walls of the mosque include eight pointed arches, decorated with ornaments and framed by verses carved in marble. The lancet windows of the mosque are decorated with stained glass. The windows on the dome are made in the form of tulips, and this is also symbolic: the flower is an ancient Bulgarian sign of revival and prosperity.

In addition to the mosque itself, the Kul Sharif complex includes a library-museum, a publishing center, an imam’s office, a tour desk, a memorial stone dedicated to the foundation of the mosque, and a fire department. The mosque building includes two parts: the ritual upper part and the museum and excursion lower part.

The architecture of the dome shows similarities with the traditional appearance of the Kazan hat - the royal crown; now this hat is kept in the Armory Chamber. In general, the architectural forms and decor, the presence of pointed arches, emphasize the traditions of Tatar architecture.

The building is faced with white marble, and the dome and spiers of the six minarets are turquoise.

The entrance to the Kul Sharif mosque is located from the prayer square, this is the northern part of the building; it is accentuated by pseudo-minarets. The entrance to the Museum of Islam is from the opposite, southern side.

Kul Sharif Mosque inside

On either side of the main hall there are observation balconies for excursions.

Ural granite and marble, serpentine and marble onyx are used in the decoration; the mosque is also decorated with gilding, stucco, stained glass and Roman mosaics, ceramic panels, hand-carved stone and wood, gold embroidery, and traditional carpets donated by Iran.

Luxurious colored crystal chandelier with a diameter of 5 meters was made in the Czech Republic.

Visit to the Kul Sharif mosque

Entrance to the operating mosque is free for everyone. Women are required to cover their heads with a scarf: you can take scarves and capes for free at the entrance. You are also prohibited from entering the mosque with your knees and shoulders exposed (applies to both women and men).

The opening hours of the Kul Sharif mosque are from 9:00 to 19:30. Break for prayer on Fridays is from 12:00 to 14:00.

Museum of Islam in the Kul Sharif Mosque

The museum is located on the ground floor, its exhibition is housed in two halls. The first is more general, devoted to the history of religion and the prophets; here you can get acquainted with books about the basics of Islam and an exhibition of objects for prayer, see a model of the Kaaba, historical manuscripts and editions of the Koran. The second hall is dedicated to the history of Muslim culture of the Middle Volga region, and also contains an exhibition of silver coins with Arabic script, books by Tatar religious figures and writers.

Entrance to the Museum of Islamic Culture in Kazan is paid: 200 rubles - full, 80 rubles - reduced ticket (schoolchildren, students, pensioners).

Museum opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 19:30 (ticket office until 19:00).

How to get to Kul Sharif

To see the famous Kazan Mosque, you need to get to the Kremlin - by metro to the Kremlevskaya station or by buses to the Baturina stop, buses and trolleybus No. 2 to the Central Stadium stop. One of the most popular views of Kul Sharif opens from Millennium Square.

Kul Sharif Mosque in the panoramas of the Kazan Kremlin - Google Maps

Video about the Kul Sharif mosque

The majestic building keeps its doors open for everyone who wants to come inside and touch the Tatar people. The main Tatarstan Juma mosque is also considered one of the largest in Europe. The area of ​​the attraction is 10,000 m2.

History of the Kul Sharif Mosque

The modern building of the main religious attraction of the Kazan Kremlin is not a historical structure. The famous Kul Sharif mosque in Kazan was destroyed in 1552 by the troops of Tsar Ivan the Terrible during an assault on the city. On the Tatar lands, only the glorious memory of the majestic building remains, and no one knows what it looked like in 1552. After many centuries, from 1996 to 2005, its restoration was carried out. The opening was timed to coincide with the millennium of Kazan.

History of the name. Imam Kul Sharif

The name was given as a memory of the last imam of Kazan, Kul-Sharif. He really lived during the time of the Kazan Khanate, this is evidenced by both historical chronicles and the memory of the people. For the Tatars, he was a great man, he was called "seid", which among Muslims means an honorary title for the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. Therefore, the name of the mosque after him is not surprising.

Construction of the Kul Sharif mosque

The architectural project was developed from scratch, since there was no information about what the building looked like in the 16th century. It is believed that it had eight minarets as a reminder of the eight provinces of Volga Bulgaria and was located on the site of a former cadet school. The Kazan Kul Sharif mosque was built mainly with donations from residents of Tatarstan and Russia. 400 million rubles - this is how much was spent on restoring the national pearl. On June 24, 2005, a religious complex was opened, which became a symbol of Kazan.

Description and architecture of the mosque

The building project was developed by architects Sh. Kh. Latypov, M. V. Safronov, A. G. Sattarov, I. F. Saifullin. They managed to emphasize the former grandeur of the destroyed mosque. It has 5 floors, including the basement and technical: on the ground floor there is a prayer hall for men, an imam's office, on the second there are observation platforms in the form of balconies for tourists and a prayer area for women. On the ground floor there is an Islamic museum, wardrobes, and ablution rooms. The mosque complex also includes a library and a publishing house. The small building with a blue roof near the mosque is the fire department building.

The façade of the building is lined with marble, granite, onyx and serpentine. Thanks to the blue color of the tops of the minarets and the dome, the religious landmark is popularly known as the “blue mosque”.

The height of each of the minarets and, accordingly, the mosque is 57 meters.

You can enter the prayer hall from the north side, and the Islamic Museum from the south.

The building's capacity is 1.5 thousand people, and the area in front of it can accommodate another 10 thousand worshipers. Green squares on the asphalt mark places for worshipers.

With the skillful hands of craftsmen, the landmark became not only a symbol of faith, but also a monument to the thousand-year-old traditions of the people. Inside you can see arches with verses and ornamental braids.

The architects did not forget about the glorious flower that signifies “rebirth” - the tulip. It can be seen in the window openings. Eight symbols of the Muslim faith - crescents - identify the eight minarets of the past.

The interior displays unique types of work and finishing. They were made in accordance with sixteenth-century technologies. Alabaster (ganch), wood and stone were used in construction. Everything was processed by hand. Also surprising are the gilded elements that enrich the main attraction of the Kazan Kremlin from the inside.

The beauty of the interior is enhanced by stucco, stained glass and mosaics.

The carpets on the floor of the mosque are a gift from the Iranian government, and the colored crystal chandelier weighing about two tons was made in the Czech Republic.

Cost and visiting rules

To visit the building, you need to follow some rules:

  • closed clothing, head, whole body must be covered;
  • no shoes, everyone takes off their shoes before entering the building, you can put shoe covers on your feet;
  • during prayer, one must not disturb those praying; women cannot go to the men’s half; they pray on the second floor;
  • You need to show tolerance towards the people around you who are believers. Do not rush them, do not make noise, do not take photographs of people during prayer;
  • You can watch the people praying from one of two observation platforms for excursion groups and individual tourists.

Visiting the mosque itself is free, and for entry to the Museum of Islamic History, located on the ground floor, adults pay 50 rubles, students and pensioners - 40 rubles, schoolchildren - 20 rubles.

There are several fascinating facts about this attraction:

  1. The attraction is not one continuous building, but a large complex. The central dome reaches a height of about 39 meters.
  2. It was and is believed that Kul Sharif is the largest mosque in Europe, but at the moment it is not.
  3. The library contains a book with the names of everyone who donated money to restore the landmark.
  4. The dome resembles a hat.
  5. The museum, housed in two halls, was opened a year after the official opening of the complex, in 2006.
  6. The decoration of the ceiling was done by Tatarstan artists on canvases, which upon completion were raised to the ceiling.
  7. In the Kul Sharif Mosque you can hold a nikah - an Islamic wedding according to Sharia law. Due to the growing popularity of holding nikah within the walls of a building, it is recommended to choose a date at least 3 months before the event.

Address, opening hours, how to get there

The mosque is located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin museum-reserve. You can visit the famous landmark either independently or during.

The main mosque of the city is open to the public from 9 am to 6 pm. Within a few hours you can explore all its attractions.

To get to the attraction, you need to take the metro and go to the Kremlevskaya station or by public transport go to the TSUM or Palace of Sports stop.

A visit to the complex will leave many positive emotions and admiration for many years. Touch the centuries-old cultural heritage of Tatarstan, restored by talented builders, artists and architects of the republic.

If you have ever been to Tatarstan, then you probably know that the main symbol and “calling card” of the republic is the famous Kul-Sharif Mosque.

The main Juma mosque is located in the city Kazan, on the territory of an equally famous complex - Kazan Kremlin.

The main Muslim temple of Kazan and all of Tatarstan is not an ordinary religious building; the great mosque has a history that began more than 400 years ago.

History of the Kul Sharif Mosque

The history of the famous temple dates back to the distant past 16th century, when on the site of the current Republic of Tatarstan was located Khanate of Kazan. In those days, the head of the mosque was imam seid Sharif Kul- famous scientist, diplomat And poet, in whose honor the multi-minaret mosque was named. Thanks to this outstanding man, an ordinary Muslim temple turned into a real center of religion, education and science of the entire Middle Volga region. However, the unique religious building was not destined to exist for long.

IN October 1552 the army of Ivan the Terrible captured Kazan, and the defeated Kazan Khanate was annexed to the lands of the Russian kingdom. The Kazan Kremlin, on whose territory the mosque was located, was taken by storm. And the unique eight-minaret Kul-Sharif mosque was destroyed and burned.

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Photos of the current temple, built on the site of the legendary multi-minaret mosque, literally amaze with its beauty and grandeur. Looking at them and at the majestic image of modern Kul-Sharif, it is difficult to imagine that just recently there were ruins in this place.

The decision to restore the great temple was made only after four centuries- V November 1995. And already after three months on the site of the future temple was a memorial sign was laid. Based on the results of the republican competition, the design of the mosque was entrusted to architects M.V. Safronova, Sh.Kh. Latypova, I.F. Saifullin and A.G. Sattarova. Experts managed to recreate the design of the mosque using barely preserved drawings depicting the former temple.

Surprisingly, the revival of the Kul-Sharif mosque, for which more than 500 million rubles, was carried out mainly due to charity. More 40 thousand citizens took part in a donation for the restoration of the great Kazan temple. Materials for the construction of the Kul-Sharif mosque and its interior decoration were delivered to Kazan from the Urals, the crystal chandelier was made to special order in Czech Republic, and the carpets were donated to the temple by the government Iran.

The cathedral mosque complex was created as a single architectural ensemble, which includes:

  • the building of the temple itself,
  • imam's office,
  • Museum of Islamic History
  • and a room for wedding ceremonies.

The Kul-Sharif mosque itself in Kazan, like the ancient temple, Mecca oriented and has eight minarets, four of which are considered the main ones and reach a height 58 meters.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, the opening of the Muslim temple took place in June 2005. In the same year, Kazan celebrated its thousand year anniversary.

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Interesting facts about the Kul Sharif Mosque

Today, the Kul-Sharif mosque is a symbol of the peaceful coexistence of the Muslim and Orthodox faiths in the Republic of Tatarstan. The great past of the Kazan temple and its last Head, Sharif Kula, seems completely obvious and has long been known. However, if you look at history, you can learn some interesting facts.

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Descendant of the prophet

According to historical data, the last imam of the Sharif Kul mosque, who headed the Muslim clergy during the fall of the Kazan Khanate, was a direct descendant of the great prophet Muhammad.

It is known that Sharif Kul was a very talented and erudite person. The last imam was interested in government affairs and studied Tatar and Russian history and astronomy in depth. In addition, the descendant of the Prophet Muhammad is the author of several literary works.

Sharif Kul, together with his students, fought until the last minute, in the hope of protecting their native lands from the Russian Tsar, and died heroically during the capture of Kazan by the army of Ivan the Terrible.

Holy books

In the main hall of the Kul Sharif Mosque, books are displayed that record every person who donated funds for the restoration of the great temple. Thus, the names of these people will forever be immortalized in history. In the same room you can also see gift editions of the Koran, translated into different languages ​​of the world.

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Great Mosque

Up to 2008 The eight minaret Kul Sharif Mosque in Kazan was the largest Muslim temple in the entire Russian Federation. The square located in front of the mosque can accommodate ten thousand people, and its internal space contains one and a half thousand those praying. Outstripped the Great Kazan Mosque in size by the famous Temple Heart of Chechnya, erected three years later in the city Grozny.

It is interesting that legally the Kul-Sharif Mosque is not a place of worship or a religious organization, but this does not prevent various religious rituals from being performed within its walls.

Every day, night, Friday and holidays are held here. prayers, solitude of believers is allowed during the period Ramadan, celebrations are held marriage.

Anyone can get advice on any religious issues in the great Kazan temple, and every year famous Muslim figures come from all over the world to speak lectures at the Kul Sharif mosque. Kazan, thanks to the work of the amazing temple, as in the distant times of the Kazan Khanate, becomes recognized as a religious center of global importance.

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The construction of the Kul Sharif mosque was carried out by our contemporaries. The opening day falls on 2005. During this period, the thousandth anniversary of the famous city of Kazan took place. Currently, the monastery is active. A large number of Muslims and also foreigners come here every day. Balcony areas are specially organized for tourists. You can stop here to admire the local beauty and “feel the scope.”
The modern architectural creation is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty. The mosque is located on the territory of the Ancient Kazan Kremlin in the Republic of Tatarstan. Different eras and cultures intertwine here in an amazing way. Nearby are the Annunciation Cathedral and the building of the Governor's Palace - these are Soviet buildings.

General information

Previously, barracks and military parade grounds were concentrated here. Construction activities proceeded thoroughly and on a grand scale, and the resulting result met all expectations. Today it is the largest monastery in the Republic and is its symbol.

Kul Sharif is a difficult name. So, they once called a historical figure who was engaged in social activities, teaching, and was fond of poetry. Kul Sharif, with the help of his students, took part in military battles against Ivan the Terrible. Most of the students died, some were not even 15 years old. They fought valiantly to protect their people. A famous person in many paintings is depicted with books in his hands. The ascetic could boast of a fairly good library.

The beautiful structure is shaped like a tulip. An arch system was used during the construction process. The window openings and doors are beautifully framed in a semicircle, and the arches have a pointed top. A large number of crescents act as a symbol of folded hands - a Muslim prayer gesture. One of the arches has four minarets, the height of which reaches 58 meters. The room inside is quite spacious. It can accommodate up to 1,500 people, moreover, the courtyard part can accommodate another 1,000 believers.

The main dome deserves special attention. It acts as a symbol of the “Kazan Cap”, which was used as a crown by the Tartars. Subsequently, this hat ended up in Moscow and served as a trophy. The appearance of the structure is carefully thought out. It combines the traditions of Islam and the customs of the Tatars. The collection of materials for the construction of the shrine was carried out in parts. For example, marble and granite were brought from the Urals, and magnificent carpets were brought by the Iranians as gifts. The central chandelier, made of crystal, was made by Czech craftsmen.
The interior decoration is captivating at first sight. It consists of a large hall intended for prayers, a museum, a library, and a control center. It is thought out to the smallest detail, every touch is in its place. The majestic beauty is specially illuminated in the evening. It effectively highlights all the winning aspects of the project.

How to get there?

Getting to your destination is easy. The final destination is the Kremlin. To do this, just use the Kremlevskaya station. You can also take the bus. You will need to go to the Baturina stop. There are various minibuses, and trolleybus number 2 runs.

History of creation

The building located on Millennium Square immediately attracts attention. It carries not only great religious significance, but is also a center of education and contains memorable materials of a national character. The installation of the structure was carried out on the site of an old church. In 1552 it was destroyed due to the attacks of Ivan the Terrible. Kul Sharif held the defense with all his might. Many innocent souls died during that period. The new building was named in honor of the warrior.

Soon, in 1995, a decree was signed to recreate the mosque. At that time, the president was M. Sh. Shaimiev. During this period, a competition was held to approve the best sketch. The creator won a well-deserved victory. His work was universally admired. More than 40 thousand people took part in construction operations. Their names are listed in books that are kept to this day. On June 24, 2005, the temple was officially opened.

Architecture Features

The location of the future building was incredibly well chosen. It is located in the most luxurious point of the village. This was once the courtyard of the cadet school. Today there are only the Kremlin walls ahead and a short descent down the hill. The mosque rises high with its minarets, as if dominating the hill. The proportions of the shrine harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the white-stone citadel, complementing it in an original way.
The huge square in front of the church on holiday attracts a large crowd of praying people. The construction process was mainly carried out using voluntary donations. In one of the halls there is a chronicle, which describes the people who contributed to the birth of the monastery.

The body of the building itself is directed towards Mecca. It is made using two squares that are installed parallel to each other. This arrangement is a repetition of the symbolism - “the blessing of Allah.” The domed mosque with eight beams is framed on all sides by spectacular minarets in the amount of 55 pieces. According to the architects' idea, the main vault should come to the fore and represent the legend of the Kazan khans - the cap.

The external cladding is made of snow-white Ural slabs. The appearance of the structure vaguely resembles the Bulgar Cathedral of Al-Kabir. Let us remember that he is a symbol of Volga Islam. Window and door openings are framed according to Bulgarian motifs. The structure is designed in the shape of an exquisite tulip and represents rebirth and progress. The window arches are vaguely similar to Tatar yurts and look incredibly original. Multi-colored stained glass windows and Arabic script fit well into this picture, acting as a final note.

The five-story building includes three ground, technical and basement floors. Today, the ground floors are open to tourists. There is a fairly spacious dressing room and a prayer room. There are also a museum, a library and a number of administrative premises.

Interior decoration

The interior decoration is made using ceramics, painting, and wood carvings. Elements of Roman mosaics, the Koran, and crescents can also be periodically traced. All this is harmoniously combined into a single ensemble. Numerous carpets skillfully complement the overall interior, making it especially cozy. In the central part of the space there is a majestic crystal chandelier. It reaches a height of 5 meters. The total weight of the lighting device is more than 2 tons.
When entering the sanctuary, you must follow the established rules - when entering, you must take off your shoes and your head must be covered with a scarf. The entrance to the building is open from the northern part. This is where the main prayer square is located. To visit the museum you need to head to the southern part.

The exposition of the museum part certainly deserves your attention. Here you can become more deeply imbued with the Muslim religion and learn a lot of interesting and fascinating things about the Volga region. The religious Muslim attributes are very noteworthy. For example, many items for prayer rituals are stored here. The ceiling is decorated by great artists of the Tatar land. All images are initially made on canvas and then raised to the ceiling in a special way.

The attraction was created by skillful hands. The personification of the faith of various folk traditions is built thoroughly - arches with verses, elegant ornaments, braids, crescents. The glorious flower is the identification of the eight minarets of the past. The interior combines all types of work and finishing. Its implementation was carried out using 16th century technologies. The materials used (stone, wood, alabaster) were selected with special care. The many gilded details of the space are admirable. They fill it with light and solemnity. Stucco molding and mosaic add additional harmony.

It is interesting that this building is not just a list of structures, but a whole large complex. The height of the central dome reaches 39 meters. A large number of guests come here to get to know the local culture better. The local museum stores a lot of tan and a lot of interesting things. This is a popular place for marriage ceremonies. The wedding comes according to Sharia. Registration for the ceremony must be done in advance, as the number of applicants is large.

During the construction process, the architects faced a rather difficult task. They needed to recreate the traditions of Islamic culture of the Tatar lands based on the use of existing architectural means. It should be noted that the authors completely managed to cover the topic. The arrow-shaped arch designs fully reflect the idea. From a distance, the construction is similar to the frame structures of yurts. They were distinguished by the mobility of nomads.

As is known, among the ancient Bulgars the tulip was a symbol of happiness. It was he who took on the function of the main artistic image. Moreover, the architects were faced with the task of successfully combining the Muslim and Orthodox religions. They are the leading ones in the Republic. The artistic image of the creation amazingly combines statehood, memorialism, and memories of a difficult war period.

The shrine, having appeared in the settlement, somewhat changed the consciousness of the local residents. She brought certain changes to the urban planning of the area. The building provides an opportunity to take a different look at the internal structure of the country, to better understand its material and spiritual content.

The monastery was recreated anew, literally bit by bit. It has become a kind of religious center, attracting believers from all over the world.

Where will you stay for the night?

There are many hotels in Kazan where you can organize an overnight stay. There are rooms in literally every area that you can book in advance. Solutions are available to suit every budget and taste. To save time on the road, we recommend using hotels located in the center. Hotels such as Ostrovsky, Mirage, Giuseppe, Nogai, Volga and many others are in high demand. You can easily find a suitable solution.


This is the tallest building in the Kremlin complex. It is named after a national hero and is incredibly popular. Previously, the attraction looked different. Now it has a different appearance, as it was rebuilt after the king’s attacks. Reconstruction of the holy place began in 1996. This process continued until 2005. The opening was timed to coincide with the city's anniversary. A big celebration was organized.
The ensemble has a deep artistic and spiritual meaning, which helps to combine two religions - Islam and Orthodoxy. The composition is symmetrical and looks majestic. The mosque is located at the very central point of the complex. It skillfully complements the somewhat restrained memorial complex.
A.G. worked on the interiors. Sattarov. The finishing is made using granite and marble. A chandelier made of luxurious colored glass emphasizes the presentability of the decor. The rich design of the space supports the significance and grandeur of the monastery. Unique materials and technologies were used in the design. Even the fire station is in complete harmony with the overall stylistic idea.

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