The meaning of the tarot chariot in love and relationship readings. Tarot Justice - full interpretation of the Justice card

Chariot – VII Major Arcana

In the astrological field, the Chariot is patronized by the planet Mars, as the triumph of the winner. This planet is responsible not only for wars, but also for victories in them. She first gives the test to the elements, and then to the copper pipes. Mars rules passions.

The planet Mars rules the constellation Aries, which reflects the VII Arcanum in the form of a passionate impulse of the hero.

Other names for the Chariot: Lord of the Triumph of Light, Success, Cart, Child of the Almighty Waters.

Description of the Arcana

The Arcana depicts a luxuriously dressed charioteer in his victorious procession, riding on a rich cart drawn by two sphinxes. The driver's body is covered with protective ammunition, revealing him to be an experienced, self-confident warrior aimed at success.

In the hands of the driver is a spear, which also symbolizes the rod of power. The decoration of the cart suggests that the driver is a majestic person. The crown crowning the warrior’s head also speaks of his high status. There is no doubt that the driver is a warrior. He is not just a warrior, he is a triumphant who celebrates victory.

This is not only victory over enemies, it is victory over circumstances, victory in the battle against obstacles, sometimes very complex and contradictory. But he earned the right to walk with his head held high, confidently looking into the distance, without turning around or looking around.

In the Age of Aquarius deck, the charioteer on the VII Arcana further indicates that he belongs to a warrior-commander: in his hands he holds not only a royal scepter, but also a naked double-edged sword, sparkling in the sun. The driver does not have a crown, but his golden equipment and flowing expensive red cloak make it clear that this person is far from simple.

The tetrahedral chariot is topped with a luxurious canopy supported by four columns. They symbolize the four Elements with which the world is governed.

The chariot is pulled by two huge but obedient sphinxes. One of them is black as night, and the other is perfectly white. These sphinxes speak of internal opposition, of belonging to Light and Darkness, but in this case both sphinxes are harnessed to the same cart and moving in the same direction.

The unity of opposites, duality that has become a single whole, a single path of multidirectional forces - this is the essence of the victory of the royal charioteer. Only by achieving inner harmony, only by subordinating and equalizing all forces, can you get the real pleasure of a triumphant.

The city remained in the background behind the driver. This is the place where he won his victory, and which he left, rushing forward to new achievements. He did not stay in the city to rest on his laurels, he is a winner and he needs to move on.

The sacred meaning of the Chariot

Having gone through the difficult path of struggle and resistance to the temptations of the VI Arcanum, a person moves into the victorious VII Arcanum. Here one of the most difficult and often insurmountable tests awaits him - the test of copper pipes: glory, praise to the winner. This is a test of pride and vanity.

The symbol of the city in the background suggests that, having gone through the temptations of the VI Arcanum, unprecedented opportunities opened up for man: he received power and veneration of society, which is represented in the form of a city. It symbolizes not only the inhabitants of the city itself, but also the surrounding circumstances that the city created for people. The city is a person’s connection with everything material, which was the object of his temptations.

The figure of the driver is separated from the city and installed in the foreground. This distinction carries several meanings. Firstly, a person, having overcome temptations, was able to rise to a certain level in society and even gain the right to be considered the chosen one, as evidenced by the crown on his head. Society did not interfere with his election, but even crowned him.

Secondly, isolation indicates that a person is trying to escape from this society. He strives for new achievements, trying to get away from a new round of temptations in society, already associated with his higher level. He foresees the test of copper pipes - glory, and tries to stay in the saddle. After all, very often it is the one who puts you on a pedestal and overthrows you from it.

But the driver does not see another danger - refusal of responsibility for the status that was entrusted to him. He was chosen as the leader, but he chose to leave the tribe.

Flight from the temptation of fame and from responsibility for those who trusted him is symbolized by the black sphinx. This is precisely the reason for his agreement to move with the white sphinx in the same direction. The white sphinx represents all the positive qualities that led the warrior to victory, and they also drive him in his further endeavors.

These sphinxes move in one direction until the driver makes a mistake. The black sphinx pushes him to this mistake - those qualities that, due to pride, prevent a person from correctly assessing the situation.

The Arcanum says that the driver has every opportunity to avoid this mistake by using the control rod in his hands. He can control the situation, although this is only for a short time: the further he moves from the city, the less power of his royal rod.

The chariot on which the driver moves is his experience gained in the process of life. It is he who carries the person and it is from this position that the person controls the chariot. But life goes on, and that means gaining experience continues. Thus, a person must be very careful, because at any moment the chariot can run into a stone - creating circumstances for gaining a new experience.

Mythological correspondence to the Chariot

In mythology, the Chariot corresponds to legends associated with exploits, but this is not a pure victory. For example, the myth of Phaeton says that a brave and daring young man was able to persuade his father Helios to let him take control of the sun chariot. In the hope of its solemnity, Phaeton could not control the frisky horses, and the chariot set fire to the Earth. Gaia demanded from Zeus punishment for the daring young man. Phaeton was struck by lightning and died in Eridanus.

Another illustrative legend may be the myth of Icarus, who flew too high on his wings, but failed to achieve his goal. He strove for the Sun, not appreciating the danger that awaited him at the peak of triumph. This myth perfectly demonstrates the need to curb pride after obtaining the desired result; it can turn into an executioner at any moment.

Perhaps, for a person who is well aware of the legend of Icarus, the Chariot will never foreshadow the need to return to the abandoned city in order to correct his main mistake - the inability to control the fateful chariot due to his own negative qualities.

The meaning of the straight Chariot in the layout

The chariot in the scenario always means a leap forward. Most often, this breakthrough occurs not deliberately, but spontaneously. This movement is caused by a person’s very strong desire to change something in his life. At the same time, a person is alone in his aspiration, and he breaks out of the circle of previous acquaintances, relationships, connections, interests. He begins to move along his path.

Most often, a person is driven by ambition and the desire for freedom, and he is not interested in what he leaves behind. He easily parts with the past, he does not burden himself with previous obligations. The main thing is that this is associated with the presence of strength, self-confidence and joy from one’s own actions. He does not feel nostalgia for the past, but gives himself entirely to curiosity, without fear of risk and despite the fact that his journey may be accompanied by danger.

Most often, this card appears as a warning at a time when a person is threatened with dizziness from success. The card calls for a very careful assessment of forces in order to avoid their overestimation.

The chariot in its direct form symbolizes a successful search for one’s place in life. She speaks of victory in any endeavor and enterprise. The cards located around the Arcana will tell you in which particular area of ​​life a person will experience this breakthrough.

Quite often in the general scenario, the Chariot indicates a trip, and this trip will always be successful.

The dark sphinx on this Arcana for a person means negative circumstances, and the white one means positive ones, but since they move in the same direction, this means that any situation that happens during this period will lead him to the desired goal. And even the situation has a negative connotation. This is the kind of situation about which one can say: “There would be no happiness if it were not for misfortune.”

Arkan says that a person has entered a period of self-affirmation. In order for it to be marked by success, it is imperative to bring balance to thoughts. This will help you not to stray from your intended path if external circumstances and temptations persistently push you away from it. You need a clearly defined goal and an iron determination to act, especially since everything that happens is conducive to this.

The meaning of the inverted Chariot in the reading

If the straight Arcana indicates the purposeful movement of the chariot, driven by two sphinxes, in one direction, then the inverted one can be described by the fable of the pike, the crayfish and the swan. Each sphinx here will pull in its own direction.

As a result of this, there can be no talk of any movement, advancement or achievements. A person is torn by temptations, he rushes in different directions, without bringing anything to the end. He cannot give up old, outdated ideas. He is trying to restore past relationships, take advantage of lost connections, and trust people who have let him down in the past.

This is aggravated by the fact that the ambition of the upright Chariot is also present in its inverted form. But this becomes unsatisfied ambition, followed by suffering, worry and self-doubt.

The map may warn that a planned trip will not take place. When adjacent to negative cards, we can talk about an upcoming conflict.

With such an Arcana, you need to find the strength in yourself to regain control over your mind and feelings. They are symbolized by sphinxes who are trying to drag the cart in different directions. Sometimes you even need to stop them, so that you can then start a calm and purposeful run again. The cards of the Minor Arcana, posted as additional information, will tell you where help can come from.

Direction of self-development

The Chariot in self-development suggests that there is a need to free yourself from the authority of other people’s thoughts, plans, images and opinions. Despite the readiness to act, it is necessary to understand that any circumstances will occur along the path of life. At the same time, negative situations are the essence of promotion elements. They help you gain experience that you can build on in the future.

The Arcanum does not let us forget that every success is closely related to overcoming some difficulty or getting through a difficult situation. In the case of the Chariot, you need to take into account that one-sided thinking can become an obstacle to self-development. It can be caused by an intoxication with the goal and a reluctance to see “what is happening on the side of the road.”

The card says that self-development at the moment requires balancing conflicting emotions. This requires increased self-control. The main theme of the card is achieving a goal through gaining experience.

The inverted Chariot indicates that consciousness is in the state described in the fable of the swan, the crab and the pike. The person has frequent mood swings and is overly restless. Unreasonable suspicion gives way to careless gullibility.

The reason for this condition is poor concentration and loss of self-control. Circumstances at such moments become stronger than a person, and the mind, in search of a way out, begins to rush from one extreme to another. In this case, movement on the path of self-development must begin with the reconciliation of all internal contradictions in order to make them all work towards one goal.

Thus, a person needs to turn the chariot, return to the city he left behind, to the VI Arcanum, to receive new tests and new experience.


In work, as well as in any area of ​​life, the Chariot indicates a breakthrough, which most often occurs on emotions. This is the first step towards independence. It manifests itself either in organizing your own business, or in taking over the management of some team, for example, a promotion associated with the management of some department.

In business, this card indicates that specific and clear goals have been set. A person approaches the tasks assigned to him with determination and confidence in success. He has skill, skill and sufficient knowledge, and always takes the initiative.

The card speaks of possible breakthroughs in business: signing a very profitable and long-awaited contract, winning a tender, concluding a deal that promises good profits. The Chariot indicates that success will depend on non-standard solutions, fresh ideas and even unpopular methods.

Very often this Arcanum falls out to a person who has to do something completely new and unknown. He may not have experience in this, but success will be ensured by his enthusiasm and assertiveness. He will always have the opportunity to gain the missing knowledge.

An inverted Chariot indicates the presence of circumstances interfering with work. Very often, these may be people around who do not agree with either the business policies or the conditions that are created to complete the task. In some cases, you even have to deal with sabotage.

You need to be careful in a team, because the card indicates the presence of people in it who are not passionate about one idea, but each strive to promote their own. Everything is aggravated by the fact that the person for whom the alignment is being made most likely overestimated his capabilities and took on a burden that was unbearable for himself. As a result of this, a period comes when they stop trusting him, preferring to cooperate with someone else. He loses authority, and therefore the opportunity to lead.

The card warns that at the moment it is impossible to sign an important contract or conclude a deal. The reason must be sought in the lack of information, in ignorance of some details.

Personal relationships

The Chariot in layouts for personal relationships, both upright and inverted, will always have a negative connotation. The only exception is when it comes to new relationships. In this case, the card speaks of passionate love, mutual infatuation, and similarity of interests. It describes only the initial period of the relationship, after which one of the partners may begin to sober up in a couple.

If we are talking about an existing relationship, the Chariot warns about the departure of the partner whose position this card falls on. The reason for this departure lies in the fact that the relationship was a burden for the person, it has outlived its usefulness. In this case, the person acts under the pressure of emotions, and leaving is an impulse.

Very often such an impulse is preceded by a stormy showdown. We should not forget that Mars patronizes the Chariot, therefore relationships under the sign of this Arcanum are doomed to displays of passion: either it is stormy love at the beginning, or it is a stormy showdown at the end.

The departed partner will not feel the pain of breaking up the relationship; he leaves with ease, leaving the city forever. His Chariot takes him into a new relationship. The remaining one will feel pain for both of them, since at one time he put his partner on a pedestal.

An inverted Chariot in a reading for a new partner indicates that a relationship with him is almost impossible. This is due to insurmountable contradictions in characters. Very often, such a card falls on partners from different social strata.

If we are talking about a completed union, then here the leading role is also played by the difference in characters, the lack of common interests, even the opposite of worldviews. In this case, people cannot break up due to fear of a new relationship. From year to year they maintain the agony of their relationship, not having the strength to make a final decision.

Sometimes in such unions people hate each other. The presence of an abundance of swords in the layout suggests that hatred can reach a destructive limit. For example, it is in this state that a person can order damage to his partner. The most surprising thing is that with such a card we can talk about “quiet” hatred, when a person overwhelms himself, but does not allow his emotions to spill out. He can even cherish plans for revenge, while continuing to communicate “through gritted teeth.”

Personality characteristics

A person characterized by the VII Arcanum has all the qualities of a successful leader. A person is decisive and has no doubts about his determination. He has remarkable willpower and ambition. His self-confidence comes from deep life experience.

A person is inclined to take initiative in everything, to be the first everywhere, he will not yield leadership to anyone without a fight. This person always relies only on his own strength. He will not accept the position of a follower, because his purpose is to drive the cart, not to drag it.

A person under the sign of the Chariot is passionate in everything. This manifests itself in love, in attitude towards work, and in the implementation of hobbies. At the same time, he easily says goodbye to circumstances, people and things that he no longer needs. They say about such a person that he goes over his head.

The charioteer personality knows how to clearly concentrate consciousness on achieving a goal and has high self-control. A negative trait of his character can be called one-sided thinking.

The inverted Chariot will tell about a person that he is not able to complete what he starts. This Arcanum, for example, can fall on a person who is commonly called an eternal student. Such a person passionately lights up with an idea, but when the strength for impulse runs out, he cools down to this idea and begins to rush into battle for the next one.

Such a person always experiences anxiety and suspicion. He cannot concentrate, and his mood changes with surprising speed. Such people are called excessively fussy, making a lot of unnecessary movements.

Unsatisfied ambition makes such a person quarrelsome, demanding, and passionate about sorting out relationships. This man talks a lot, but does little. Very often such people talk about incredible projects they have planned, but things don’t go further than stories.


When fortune telling your health, you can use several layouts. You need to select one or another layout based on the question asked. If the viewing is superficial, then you can make simpler layouts, but if you need to consider health problems more carefully, then you should turn to a complex layout according to the chakra system. The layouts are made using the Major Arcana, but for a more detailed decoding you can also use the Minor Arcana.

A simple layout for health includes a layout with 2 cards of the Major Arcana. In some cases, you can get an answer with the help of one Major Arcana.

General state

When the VII Arcanum falls in a reading on the general condition of the body, it means that the person is completely healthy, the body is full of strength. The person’s physical and mental condition does not cause concern.

If the card fell out when the layout was made to a person who was in a state of illness, then the Chariot shows that the illness is leaving the person. A quick period of recovery and rehabilitation awaits him. He gained enough strength to fight the disease.

An inverted Arcana shows that the body is completely unbalanced. This is not a disease as such, but a lack of strength. The reason may be that the person led an overly active lifestyle, got too carried away by some activity and overestimated his strength. With this position of the Chariot, we can talk about the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome.

For a sick person, this Arcanum will indicate a worsening of the disease. The immune system is too weakened to fight. In this case, along with the main treatment of the disease, the person should receive drugs that support the immune system.

Ongoing processes

In a two-Arcana layout, the Chariot, which is in the first position, shows the state of the bronchial system, including the trachea. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what position the Arkan is in. Both upright and inverted, it will only point to the organ.

In the second position in the upright position, the Chariot says that the organ determined by the card in the first position is in a healthy state, all processes in it proceed according to age norms.

The inverted Chariot says that the organ is not receiving enough energy, which is why its function is weakened. At the same time, the organ may be healthy, but the lack of strength in it warns of the possibility of illness in the near future.

Chakra diagnostics

When diagnosing by chakra, the Major Arcana are laid out sequentially for each chakra, starting with the bottom. When laying out a card, you need to clearly concentrate on the chakra. After the complete alignment, you need to look at which of the chakras the Chariot fell on. You need to read information both from the Arcanum itself and from its correspondence with neighboring cards.

Muladhara. The Direct Chariot shows the health of the organs of movement - the lower extremities, and in all their systems.

An inverted one can warn of the occurrence of immobilization. This can be caused either by some kind of disease or by the consequences of accidents. To find out the reason, you can put another senior Arcanum nearby, which will prompt the event. For example, if the XVI Arcana (Tower) is nearby, then immobility will be caused by injury, and if XIII (Death), then we can talk about surgical intervention.

Svadhisthana. The chariot in an upright position will indicate the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, naturally, in accordance with age. A reversed card will tell you about hormonal imbalance. A woman may have menstrual irregularities, and men may have problems with the prostate gland associated with a decrease in its function.

Manipura. On this chakra, the Chariot in its direct version will show the normal functionality of the stomach/duodenum ligament. In an inverted position, the Arkan will indicate a violation of the interaction of these two organs with each other. There may be problems with stomach motility and the flow of its contents into the intestines.

Anahata. The straight Arcana will indicate the normal functioning of the bronchial system and trachea. An inverted map shows congestion in the bronchi, chronic bronchitis. If on neighboring chakras there are cards such as the Hermit (IX Arcanum) or the Hanged Man (XII Arcanum), then the presence of bronchial asthma can be assumed.

Vishuddha. At this chakra, the Chariot will show healthy organs of the larynx and nasopharynx. The inverted Chariot can indicate swelling processes in the tonsils, deterioration of breathing due to swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Ajna. The Chariot on Ajna speaks of the normal interaction of all body systems with those parts of the brain that are responsible for them. An inverted Chariot indicates that the connection of some system with its brain center is disrupted. To find out what kind of system it is, you need to look at all the Arcana that fall on the chakras.

Sahasrara. The Direct Chariot indicates that a person is full of strength and is in a state of victory. There is practically no indication of physical health here, but we can talk about mental health. The inverted Chariot indicates that a person is in an illusion that vanity gives him. This can lead to a deterioration in your general condition due to loss of strength.

Layout for the situation

In situational readings, the card indicates that the time has come for an immediate decision. To resolve the situation, you cannot hesitate for a minute; taking initiative and quickly responding will help events develop in the right direction.

In some cases, the Chariot says that in a given situation you cannot trust anyone, but you need to do everything yourself, following your experience, skill and knowledge. Under no circumstances should you be afraid of such independence, since fate will definitely bring the right people and create favorable circumstances.

You should not evaluate current events, because even situations that are negative at first glance will lead to the desired results. This is the work of the black sphinx, who still leads the chariot forward.

Very often, situations related to travel, roads or movement, or the need to change place of residence with such an Arcanum end successfully.

At the everyday level, Arkan indicates any successful endeavors. The card can predict the purchase of a new vehicle. And if the situation of an already planned purchase is considered, then the Chariot says that any circumstances that will accompany this transaction will one way or another end successfully.

The Chariot can also mean the beginning of some new relationship, and this probability increases if a person has some kind of road ahead of him. The lasso foreshadows a holiday romance or an affair on a business trip.

When the Chariot appears, we can talk about luck in various small household matters. In litigation, Arkan foreshadows victory, sometimes even unexpected and triumphant. The Chariot will also indicate that the person will be awarded some kind of award, prize or any distinction.

If the person for whom the alignment is being made is in a state of quarrel with someone, then the Chariot speaks of a possible truce, and without the need to humiliate himself and ask for this truce.

The inverted Chariot indicates that the situation cannot be resolved, no matter what actions a person takes to achieve this. The reason for this deplorable state lies in disagreements, both internal and external. The neighboring Arcana in the layout will show with whom exactly such disagreements exist, and perhaps even tell you how to avoid them.

The card says that any movement will not bring success or has every chance of not taking place. With this card it is impossible to meet a new person, or the meeting will not lead to a permanent relationship. Essentially, this is failure in any endeavor, misunderstanding of a partner, inability to get a promotion. This card appears when a person is told that he has taken on the wrong business.

At the everyday level, the Chariot indicates a situation where there is not enough money for a long-desired thing, although the opportunity to purchase it at this moment is present. This is a card of bad luck, the level of which can be characterized by a situation, for example, when the girl of your dreams begins a relationship with her best friend.

The card does not bode well for a business trip. As a rule, with such a map, planned activities will either not bring success or will be completely disrupted by circumstances beyond the person’s control.

Card of the day

If the Chariot appears on the map of the day, then a person should understand that he is on the eve of “great things”. He should not remain passive; the card requires decisive action, and as a result it promises success.

On this day there will be a chance to fulfill your deepest desires and realize your wildest ideas. But it’s just as easy to miss such a chance on this day as it is to find it. The day will bring unexpected circumstances that were not planned by a person in advance; it is not recommended to ignore them - this is the work of the sphinxes who guide the cart to success. Moreover, you should not be upset if these circumstances do not seem very favorable.

On this day, a person can expect some kind of recognition of his talents and merits, or even a reward.

The Reversed Chariot advises not to start anything new until a clear picture of actions is built. This is the case when a person is told: “If you don’t know how to act, don’t act!”

The card speaks of a breakdown in plans, and this can be influenced by external circumstances at any stage. With such an Arcana, it is best to refuse to implement them yourself.

Card of the Year

As a card for the year, the Chariot foretells a rather eventful period that will be accompanied by success. There is a lot of new and interesting things to learn, a lot of new ideas to implement. But the rhythm of life with such an Arcana will be too accelerated. In fact, the person will not have the opportunity to stop and catch his breath.

At the same time, with such a rhythm, there is a threat of fatigue, leading to loss of strength and energy. If you completely surrender to such a rhythm, then a person at any, and most often, at the most inopportune moment, can lose self-control and composure, which will lead to a reversal of the Arcana.

The inverted Chariot indicates that a person has completely exhausted his strength to deal with life’s circumstances. He will feel helpless.

During this period, it is better not to start any business. It needs to be devoted to realizing the mistakes that led to this state and trying to correct them. This is a good time to return to the abandoned city, get off the chariot and start your journey again.

Arcana Council

The Chariot is the winner's card. Based on its sacred meaning, the card recommends not rushing too quickly along the path of your success, but learning to see and evaluate the events happening on the side of the road. They help to gain the missing experience and hold back the sphinxes flying at full speed.

Driving a cart will be successful only when a person leaves his vanity and painful ambition in the abandoned city. These are good driving forces when it is possible to consciously restrain them.

One should never forget that a crown on the head is a temporary phenomenon if, while enjoying triumph, one forgets about curbing one’s own pride. So that the victorious movement cannot be interrupted by external circumstances and surrounding people, so that one’s own contradictions do not allow one of the sphinxes to prevail over the other, a person must strive to comply with the rule of the golden mean.

The Tarot Chariot, the meaning of which we will analyze today, is also called the card of triumph and victory. Some also call it the Chariot of Hermes or the Chariot of Plato. If Plato can really be taken into account, since according to this ancient philosopher, the human soul appears in the form of a chariot drawn by two riders - black and white, then the Greek god Hermes, according to myths, never had such a vehicle. However, probably, for every Arcana of the Tarot there will always be some story that has no basis in reality. But let's return to our Charioteer.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in layouts

In order to delve deeper into the meaning of the Chariot Tarot card, you need to carefully consider its plot line. So, we see a corresponding vehicle, in which two mythical creatures are harnessed - a black and a white sphinx. The man sitting in the chariot looks very confident, and perhaps even overconfident. Unfortunately, the movement of the Chariot in Waite's deck is poorly conveyed - at first glance it seems as if the carriage is actually standing still, which is sometimes confusing when considering the meaning and interpretation of the 7th Arcana of the Tarot. The charioteer holds a rod in his hands. Behind the triumphal carriage we see a landscape with towers and a river, which is found on other cards in the deck. Thus, we can say that the main meaning of the Arcana will be movement, success, triumph, victory.

Keywords and ideas for the Chariot card

Masters advise beginning tarot readers to begin studying any card by compiling a list of keywords that can reflect its meaning - this makes it easier to find the semantic nuances of the Arcana when fortune telling in various situations.

So, the meaning of the 7th Arcana of the Tarot can be expressed through the following ideas:

  • Constant movement, change of scenery, progress, leap forward
  • Victory, triumph, success
  • Dexterity, strength, ability to manage the situation
  • Activity, optimism, energy
  • Craving for new experiences, desire to change something
  • Successfully overcoming obstacles

Meaning of the card in the upright position

The classic meaning of the Tarot Chariot on a situation is successful progress, development that is taking leaps and bounds, rapid changes, movement towards one’s goal. Solving problems is not postponed until later - a person begins to act right here and now. Also, Arkan is often associated with activity, strength, dexterity - those qualities without which driving a vehicle is impossible. If we ask about future events, then the Chariot speaks of the active development of events, the successful achievement of a goal, the fulfillment of a desire. Sometimes Arkan directly points to a trip, a journey, a change of scenery, or communication with a person who is at a great distance from the person asking.

It should be remembered that the value of 7 Arcana of the Tarot will not always be exclusively positive: often the card is associated with considerable risk, as, indeed, is driving any transport. But those who are ready to take the reins of driving the cart into their own hands must always be confident in themselves and not make mistakes.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

The meaning of The Chariot Tarot, if the card turns out to be upside down, although not critical, is also not very pleasant. What surprises can await a person who drives a vehicle? He may not be able to cope with the road situation due to inexperience or fear, or, on the contrary, he may take too much risk, be reckless, and because of this he will get into an accident. Therefore, the meaning of the inverted Chariot of the Tarot is troubles that most often arise due to the fault of the questioner: either the person overlooked something, was distracted, or chose the wrong direction of movement, or felt omnipotent and therefore suffered. Quarrels, conflicts, unrest, resentment, revenge, and hooligan behavior often come under this card.

However, other difficulties may await us on the road, for example, a car breakdown. And if you ask the cards a question directly about the trip, and in response you receive the opposite 7th Arcana, it is better to postpone the planned trip.

The meaning of the card in matters of relationships and love

Let's take a closer look at what the meaning of the Tarot Chariot can be in love. With a quick glance at the map, beginners are not always able to determine it accurately, because we do not always associate travel with the realm of feelings, except, perhaps, for the honeymoon.

Straight position

So, the most common meaning of the Tarot Chariot in a relationship is a clear change of impressions: most often it is a holiday or road romance, a light affair on the side, love on the Internet, a search for new sensations, since the old ones are already boring. The Charioteer on the card is a person without any special attachments; today he can be with you, and tomorrow he can be very far from you - this is how the interpretation of the card can also be revealed if the Tarot Chariot falls in a personal scenario on a man or woman.

Another possible meaning of the Tarot Chariot in a relationship is the desire and attempts to “keep in check” your own feelings, experiences, in a word - complete control over your emotional world, which in a normal, from a psychological point of view, love partnership is not very correct behavior . Love is needed in order to open up, and not in order to experience it inside oneself. Although for those who have a relationship with a married man or married woman, this can be said to be the norm.

Inverted position

The inverted Chariot Tarot card has the following meaning in relationships: inability to manage one’s emotions, loss of self-control, inability to adequately assess reality, reluctance to agree to a truce, sometimes - chasing “two birds with one stone” at once, which usually ends with what we know.

The meaning of the card when divining health

How can you connect the idea of ​​travel and health? Let's get a look!

Straight position

The meaning of the Tarot Chariot in health is the successful cure of an illness, or the beginning of a healthy lifestyle, when a person suddenly decides to take care of his well-being, goes on a diet, signs up for sports training, and gives up bad habits. As a signifier of disease, these are problems of the gastrointestinal tract, or illnesses and injuries that tie a person to a wheelchair. Sometimes Arkan can report accidents, accidents, injuries resulting from road accidents.

Inverted position

The Reverse Tarot Cart is not so clear cut. It can be affected by a range of illnesses, including sports injuries, homeostasis disorders, postpartum depression, and achievement-related nervous disorders such as winner's syndrome.

Interpretation of cards in layouts for personality analysis and psychological state

What will a person’s character be like if we describe him with the Major Arcana of the Chariot? What will the card tell us about his psychological state?

Straight position

A person prone to frequent mood swings. He loves new experiences and hates boredom. Such a person enthusiastically pursues his goals, acts actively, and strives with all his might to move forward in any area of ​​life. On a psychological level, this is a desire to unwind, to change the situation.

Inverted position

An insecure person who is afraid of change and prefers never to rush things. He is afraid to take control of his life into his own hands. However, the card also has a second interpretation - excessive selfishness, inability to control the events of one’s life, self-destruction. On the psychological plane - either fear of active actions in principle, or uncontrollable passions.

The meaning of the Chariot in finance and work scenarios

We've dealt with love, health and psychology - now let's discuss the meaning of the Tarot Chariot in work and money matters.

Straight position

Active movement of affairs, vigorous activity, high ambitions, readiness to get down to business, work related to travel, movement, business trips, shift work. The card can also report on teamwork, professional achievements, successful overcoming of difficulties, and global changes. In matters of money - an improvement in the financial situation, subject to active actions on the part of the person asking, luxury.

Inverted position

Interpretation of the Chariot when combined with the Major Arcana

The interpretation of the combination of the Chariot card with other Tarot cards should always be based on your personal intuitive conjectures, because in the art of prediction from a magic deck, intuitive reading of cards is considered the best way to improve your skills. The examples below are just possible interpretations, keep that in mind.

  • : Chasing illusions
  • : Masterful ability to manage the situation
  • : Thoughtful Study
  • Empress: Progress towards the desired result
  • : Restoring order
  • : Establishing rapport
  • : End relationship confusion
  • : Prevent conflict, quarrel
  • : Being left alone under the influence of circumstances
  • Wheel of Fortune: Time Management
  • : Seek justice
  • Hanged Man: Risk of Injury
  • Death: Facing something inevitable on life's journey
  • Moderation: Learn to drive
  • Devil: “Slippery” path (drunkenness, drugs, vicious relationships), sometimes an indication of a drunk driver
  • Tower: accident
  • Star: Follow the guiding star
  • Moon: Walking “on thin ice”
  • Sun: Combination Chariot - Sun Tarot - path to glory, vacation trip, resort
  • The trial: A radical turning point in the course of events
  • Peace: Traveling abroad, achieving peace

The meaning of the card when combined with the Minor Arcana

How will the Cart manifest itself if there are court and number cards nearby? Let's look at these combinations.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Lack of self-confidence
  • : Standing at a crossroads
  • : Inconsistency between members of a team or group
  • : Visiting trip
  • : Exposing arguments
  • : Strive to win with all your might, take the right course
  • Seven: The desire to “stay in the saddle”
  • Eight: Combination Chariot – 8 Wands of Tarot - travel by any transport
  • Nine: Getting injured
  • Ten: The road that tires
  • : Overcoming Resistance
  • : Reckless
  • : Combination Chariot - Queen of Wands Tarot - promotion
  • King: Show your qualities

With the suit of Cups

  • : Controlling emotions, winning love
  • : Get consent, set the relationship on the right path
  • : Go to the celebration
  • : Successes that are not pleasing, but disappointing
  • : Provoking conflict
  • Seven: Imaginary success
  • Eight: Move away
  • Nine: Joyful Ride
  • Ten: Traveling with the whole family
  • Page: Try your best to get an offer
  • : Combination Chariot - Knight of Cups Tarot - strive for peace
  • Queen: Conquer a woman
  • The chariot in the tarot represents struggle and triumph. It can have the meaning of prestige and wealth through prolonged effort, indicating unexpected news. If the card is reversed, it is a warning sign that it is important to control physical passions, vanity and cruelty, it means the collapse of plans.

    The lasso often symbolizes travel, a change of direction, speaks of the need to seek help if necessary, and prepares for action or travel. The Chariot recommends taking everything under control. If you want to be resilient, manage your emotions.


    • drive.
    • awareness of the situation.
    • balance.
    • concentrated actions.
    • moving at high speed.
    • self-control.
    • discipline.
    • leadership.
    • energy.
    • forward movement.
    • charisma.
    • the power of individuality.
    • good news.

    The meaning of the straight Chariot

    • By protecting your own interests and soul desires, you strengthen your character and bring yourself victory.
    • An unexpected and exciting new beginning.
    • Great artistic success or triumph at work.
    • Continued effort will bring the beginning of future progress and success.
    • The world after the struggle.
    • Triumph over poor health.
    • Oppositions have been conquered, enemies have been defeated.
    • Wealth and honors will be achieved in time.
    • Honor, recognition
    • Fast, luxurious travel.

    The meaning of the Chariot is conquest and triumph over obstacles in life. This involves complete control over your emotional background. The map confirms that you are moving in the right direction. You are on your way to victory. You are a person with high self-control and defend your rights. When the Chariot card appears in a reading, it indicates great control and willpower.

    The Arcanum suggests that the fortuneteller's willpower comes from a divine source. Strong powerful external forces, which are spiritual and inexplicable in nature, have placed their energy in you, which you use skillfully.

    The Chariot suggests that your knowledge, intuition and mind are united in action.

    The lasso represents the individuality of the fortuneteller and his perseverance in moving towards the goal. In readings in the past position, the card represents the acquisition of generosity, which you will use to have more, perhaps you want to invest in your future.

    In matters of the present and future, the Chariot represents an important personal journey where the fortuneteller seeks benefit; a person is in search; Perhaps the journey will not be for the sake of adventure, but for the sake of acquisition.

    Meaning of an inverted chariot

    • Competing with others brings about recognition of one's own aggression and the ability to restrain oneself.
    • One must use energy wisely and plan carefully, otherwise lack of direction can bring failure.
    • Introspection and meditation are necessary to clear the vision and achieve the goal.
    • Excessive immersion in the physical side of life will lead to loss of spirituality.
    • Extravagance and indulgence can destroy prospects.
    • Unfortunate news escalates plans.
    • Possible loss of partners or friends through arrogance and aggressive attitude.
    • The desire for success should not make others suffer.

    The seventh lasso in a reverse position means that you must reconsider your direction. Victory is not certain in the current chosen path. On the contrary, the Chariot is a warning to make better choices. The card indicates that you enjoy conquest and success, but your current choices have placed you in the wrong direction. Therefore, be careful in your movements. Make sure the movement is in the right direction.

    A reversed card can also indicate a lack of willpower. For stuck energy.

    The lasso also often indicates that you are losing control of the situation. In a literal interpretation, it can mean a car accident or some kind of misfortune that may happen to your car.

    The person referred to by the inverted Chariot may make mistakes. He may have frivolous feelings that will interfere with his strong resolve. Such people end up collecting people and objects around them due to insecurity. These things become their protective shell.

    Sometimes the reverse card indicates a person who has tunnel vision and is so focused on their goals that they cannot see anything around them.


    Together with the Moon, the card means that the secret will soon be revealed. If the Chariot follows the Moon, there will be scandal or illness, and if the Moon is reversed, this result will be less strong.

    If the Chariot precedes the Tower, it indicates that continued effort will bring success; if in front of the Priest, then indicates success in the creative field; if there is Peace in front of the lasso, aspirations will be fulfilled.

    With the High Priestess: Controlling your secrets. In the realm of romance, she controls you by keeping you at a distance.

    Hanged Man: A person who has very little control over his life.

    With Death: Indicates a soldier who dies in battle.

    Towering: May indicate a car accident.

    With a knight of swords: soldier, warrior

    With 2 cups: success in business and signing contracts.

    From the 7 of Cups: Focusing on all the tasks you need to accomplish is important.

    With the Queen of Cups: A very sensitive and caring mother who is often torn between her two children.

    From the 5 of Pentacles: dealing with charity or poverty. Help eradicate poverty.

    with the Seven of Pentacles: tax attorney or auditor.

    Chariot in relationships

    The Chariot is not a great indicator for a new relationship. A person may be very focused on you, but not for the right reasons.

    In love, the Chariot indicates that a person has protection. This is actually a very sensitive card that shows that the partner being read has been very hurt in the past and is closing down when it comes to relationships and love. It needs to be felt with caution, love and care before creating a relationship. If you're already in a relationship, it might not be what you want because your partner is focused on work or constantly traveling.

    In love, an inverted lasso signals a warning. You should not create a relationship with someone just because of their external beauty. A love interest will be extremely developed towards someone who will control their every move, who they can be friends with and who will provide them financially. They see nothing but money in love interests. The card may indicate a person who wants a rich wife or girlfriend, but has little interest in her intelligence.

    Arkan can also point to a rich woman who wants a handsome man to appear in her life. Beware of the other's ulterior motives because they will be with you as long as you have money or looks. If they don't get their way, prepare for a passive aggressive attack. They can cut you off from sex and love. They can be moody and have a brooding behavior.

    I really want to warn you if the reverse chariot appears in love readings. Even in an upright position, it is not entirely beneficial, but on the contrary is a bad sign, signaling intrusion, play and cunning behavior.

    Chariot as a feeling

    You may want to feel protected. Sometimes it's a natural part of life to focus on safety. Generally, people want to know that they are valued and loved. If the Chariot appears in the question of how a person feels about you, it reveals a not very pleasant picture to you. Unfortunately or fortunately, you will not be able to arouse love from this person, because he does not want a relationship, either out of fear, or from excessive self-sufficiency.

    Such people know what they want in life, and they are not interested in you. If we look closely at the card, we can see that the Guardian's chest plate protects his heart. This is the key symbolism for the lasso. To accomplish his mission, he doesn't have any time to feel anything romantic. In fact, it's probably intentional, confident, and realized.

    Mutual commitment is a limitation, but if you've ever been in a committed, loving relationship, you know that this constraint strengthens your connection, deepens it, and frees you from having to worry about maintaining a conscious partnership. If you are just starting a new relationship, Chariot advises you to cherish such boundaries, maintain them and feel comfortable discussing them with your partner.

    What are your limitations in relationships? Identify them early on to create a viable "container" for your mutual feelings for each other.

    If you're in a partnership and things aren't going your way, explore the balance between restrictions and freedom. Remember that repetition is the limit. How many times a week do you spend time alone together? How often do you call each other kind words? How often do you have real love affairs? Do you repeat beautiful and emotional aspects to create lasting love?

    The Chariot advises you to set goals and achieve them. Be your word and don't give up. Go ahead. Even if you have a very big goal, go towards it by breaking it down into growth milestones. Don't let anything get in your way as you focus on achieving each goal. Completion, setting goals and focusing on them are key reminders when the 7th Arcana appears in a prediction.

    If you must come into conflict with yourself, another person or an idea, remember that you cannot have peace without war. Compare these differences to create balance. As a recommendation, the Chariot recommends that you listen to your own inner voice, which is the still prompts of the One Universal Spirit that guides us all.

    Don't deviate from the path that has been laid out before you. Once you understand that there is only one Will guiding you, then you can begin to work in harmony with everything around you, in the matrix of this world that was developed before you entered this body.

    Chariot in the quarry

    The meaning of the chariot in a career is positive and speaks of success. You are focused. You go towards goals and achieve them. May indicate a career in the military, especially when combined with the Emperor.

    Any profession where you combine some differences or work independently is just as good. Control, skill and adaptation are also important here.

    Chariots of professions

    • Driver.
    • Military.
    • Soldier.
    • Airline pilot.
    • Policeman.
    • Scope of security.
    • Health inspector.
    • Chemist.
    • Mathematician.
    • Cook.
    • Nutritionist.
    • Diplomat.
    • Humanitarian sector.


    The Chariot in money matters speaks of profit; as a rule, it is disposable. The risk is justified, you can make a successful transaction or earn money in not entirely correct ways, sometimes it indicates fraud, which should be avoided.

    The card sometimes means changing jobs; you can make a career in a new city. Improving the financial sector.

    Zodiac association

    The Chariot is associated with Cancer. Its energy reminds us to find balance between our to-do lists that bring order to our lives and the joys we share with the people we love. Balance between our restrictions and freedom.

    Strengthen your roots that go to the Earth,

    so that our branches can rise high into the sky.

    Zodiac associations say that our rooting on Earth should include good relationships. It is important to pay attention to plans and repetitive actions that strengthen our connections, master our desired tasks, and manifest our dreams.


    The lasso means excellent health, all organs function perfectly, you are able to achieve your goals in any activity, there is enough health and energy for everything. Sometimes he says that it is important to travel for healing.

    The Reverse Chariot represents postpartum depression; situations are possible that will lead to injury.

    Description and symbolism

    Two horses pulling a chariot are believed to represent emotions that need to be controlled. In some decks, horses are replaced by lions, which represent courage and honor in war, as well as success in competitive actions. Other decks feature a black and white sphinx.

    Card Deities: Ares/Mars, son of Zeus/Jupiter. This symbolizes divine destruction.

    Mars was depicted by many medieval artists standing in a chariot, sometimes drawn by winged horses, and brandishing a whip or sword.

    The four pillars supporting the canopy of the chariot symbolize the cardinal elements: fire, air, earth and water.

    Combination of work, love and career

    • Magician: growth of goods, professional success, new meetings
    • Priestess: the will has slowed down due to external reasons. Aspiration and foresight will ensure good finances. Time to be alone.
    • Empress: financial takeoff, need to communicate more
    • Emperor: crowned ambitions of success, trust in a loved one.
    • Priest: Effectiveness through benevolence. success will be achieved thanks to your best qualities. Stability. Seriousness in love, marriage or life together.
    • Lovers: Your activity is slowing down. Too many projects. Doubts about how to save or spend money. Fear of bribery.
    • Fairness: a very nice contract. Balance of expenses. Relations are regularized.
    • Hermit: feeling of loneliness.
    • Wheel of Fortune: Freedom of action and decision help improve the situation. Good luck, unexpected income. You want to be free to date someone new.
    • Strength: Dynamism and control enable progress to be made. Strong, lasting, calming understanding.
    • Hanged Man: Ambitions must be sacrificed. The ascent stopped. The expected money will not arrive. You are concerned about theft or fraud.
    • Death: the project will not see the light of day. Behavior or way of thinking creates conflicts: division. The financial level has been changed. Strict termination of money input.
    • Moderation: You know how to spend and save. Serene relationship, wonderful friendship.
    • Devil: money is too important to you. Explosive and fusion relationships. Be careful not to get lost in each other.
    • Tower: moral harassment, annoyance, quarrels. Save now to avoid problems later. Don't trust anyone with money. Stopping cash flows.
    • Star: People support you. Little present. Affectionate, positive, sincere and harmonious partnership. The feeling of being on the same path.
    • Moon: You prefer to dream about your love life rather than live it. Don't dream so much, manage your expenses.
    • Sun: brilliant success through control and will. Great friendship.
    • Court: freedom of action and decisions. Pleasant meetings, spontaneous, happy acquaintances. The situation improves thanks to inheritance.
    • World: Success pleases in all areas
    • Fool: Get back to reality, otherwise you will be in debt. Many projects. Victory. Transitional relationships.

    Let's look at the 7th lasso - the Chariot. It is also called the Chariot of Hermes or the Lord of the Triumph of Light. What do we see on it? We see a very purposeful man who has the crown of Isis on his head, and on his shoulders two crescents of the moon - dark and light. Also, the chariot is harnessed by two Sphinxes, black and white, which already indicates to us a double choice and two roads. The man himself sits calmly and confidently, he holds a scepter in his hand, and a castle is visible behind him.

  • The meaning of the lasso in the upright position

    The main meaning of the major arcana is achieving your personal goals, namely through your efforts and perseverance. At the same time, of course, not without the participation of fate itself and its favorable path. At the moment, you have become the winner yourself and are independently driving your chariot of fate.

    Quite a strong and powerful card in meaning. Life is not without surprises. If this card falls out, then life begins to change at the speed of sound, right before your eyes.

    The meaning of this arcana is your new spiritual level, when you fully know yourself and learn not only to understand, but also to listen to yourself. The map shows that you must learn to draw strength from your opposites, make all processes work together, complementing and helping. You should not deny yourself, you must develop and help yourself internally.

    The Chariot card is a person who knows many secrets and has his own magical abilities. He correctly understands his contradictions and uses them to his advantage. This is the son of the queen of heaven, he is a winner in life.

    On the map, the man rules the sphinxes themselves and has the scepter of wisdom in his hand. This is a confident person who knows his entire future and understands all his actions. The eight-pointed star on the crown reflects the connection of the Mind with the eighth sephira. The two sphinxes speak of the two sides of his soul.

    The picture itself shows us how a person has curbed all his emotions, thoughts and desires. He knows what he wants, so he slowly and confidently moves only towards his goal. The four pillars are the four elements that he harnessed and accepted. The canopy of stars gives him a connection with the sky, and for him these secrets are already open.

    The meaning of the card in its literal meaning

    The seventh lasso, the Chariot, itself speaks of wisdom and intelligence. About the man who was able to solve the very riddle of the Sphinx. The charioteer is driven by high and correct goals. He does not pursue something earthly and philistine. He has reached a level where he is interested in the real depths of the mind.

    Before us is the path of material success and soul development. The only catch is pride, which can cripple the charioteer at any moment if he fails to control it. The chariot carries the full return of strength and understanding of thought. But this is only the beginning of a long journey. A person is sometimes accustomed to taking on too much without realizing his limits, and therefore there is a huge risk of falling from his own chariot.

    The Chariot card is very important in the Tarot. This is the number 7, which is a magic number. The map shows hidden forces that help you find the path to yourself. Chariot is a certain path in your life, it is a victory over fears, experiences and past failures. This is your new willpower.

    Esoterically, the Chariot corresponds to rituals of initiation and dedication. These are new astral travels and discoveries for yourself.

    In terms of health, this is a card of good and excellent health. The card is favorable for those who take up sports or decide to quit a bad habit. If you currently have an illness, then the card promises recovery.

    When reversed, the card indicates injuries or viral diseases. Depression is also possible.

    State of consciousness and lesson for self-development

    This is a card about a person who has achieved his goal and holds his fate in his hands. He moves mountains and passes any road. He has a huge scope in his plans, but he achieves everything and moves confidently towards any goal. This man is brave, successful, ambitious. Very persistent, focused and thoughtful.

    His credo is determination, confidence and independence in any matter. His chariot is the path and movement towards the goal. He is unwavering and knows what he wants. He has everything under control and is always moving forward. He simply cannot live without movement. He knows very well that any doubts can ruin his plans, so he is as confident as possible.

    He never gives in to his emotions, he keeps all power and all thoughts under unshakable control. He manages his thoughts and actions wisely. He knows that the foundation is the development of his spiritual state, and he constantly does this slowly and methodically.

    His path is the path of conquest and achievement of all goals. A leap in development is as beloved a goal as any other. Without movement, it simply freezes in place and does not develop. He is open and strives for different ways of self-realization, in any direction.

    If an inverted card falls out, then this is a very bad sign. Traditionally, the card signifies overthrow, defeat, failure and defeat. All plans collapse, all fortune slips right out of your hands. Perhaps all this happened due to an overestimation of your strength, or you became too cocky, and fate decided to play with you. Can you handle your own game?

    The hero himself falls from his chariot, unable to control it. A reversed card indicates uncontrollable passions. A person has no control over his life. Where courage and bravery are needed, he retreats; where he needs to wait, he rushes headlong.

    He often loses by only a couple of meters. This shows us a person who is intolerant, selfish and someone who does not know how to manage his life in the first place.

    In career, work and finances

    This is an independent job that allows you to fully realize your talents and abilities. You are willing to take risks for success, and fate will help you achieve this. You are ready to constantly gain new experience, change your field of employment, for you this is just new knowledge, nothing more.

    You are also promised a change of residence, and in financial matters - quick material wealth.

    The card shows you about rapid progress at work, success and new development. You are ready to overcome all obstacles on the path of new achievements. This is a map of victory in competition, the capture of new territory, the expansion of areas of activity. Thanks to the accumulated experience, you can now get far ahead and for a long time.

    You will find your place in the world and your calling. The Chariot gives a good start in learning. Sometimes the card promises a change of job or starting to work for yourself.

    When the card is turned over. It hints that you are not counting on your strength, and there may be a rather painful fall. You are overly assertive or fussy, and these qualities become the basis of all your failures. Sometimes it can even be unjustified ambition and inability to adequately assess the situation.

    In love and relationships

    Ambiguous card. If you are single, now is not the best time to get into a relationship. Development awaits you in other areas, but definitely not in love. Focus on yourself, your goals and aspirations for now.

    But if you are in a relationship, then the card shows the relationship between the couple. About the fact that someone has complete control in their hands.

    If the surrounding cards are good, the chariot indicates that the issue can be calmly and balancedly resolved, everything will return to normal and new, bright events will appear in life. But if the surrounding cards are not favorable, then there may be quarrels and conflicts.

    The card shows a new acquaintance soon, which will be very important. Perhaps this is love, looking at the accompanying cards, or maybe a new business partner. In other words, this is a new revitalization of relations.

    Also, the charioteer shows sexual strength and energy. It has the power of dominance and control. The second person may feel squeezed and jaded. Whether it will become easier for him is up to the charioteer to decide.

    In an inverted position, this is a difficult period and has many conflict situations. Inability to understand a lover, and the desire to “pull the blanket over yourself.” Sometimes it can be a breakup in a relationship. You need to look at the accompanying cards nearby.

    Characteristics of the lasso in the upright position

    1. Efforts that lead to success.
    2. Strong and strong-willed character.
    3. Pride, control over the situation.
    4. Overcoming the test.
    5. Perseverance and courage.
    6. Success in finance.
    7. Leap forward.
    8. Balancing the internal state, achieving balance and control.
    9. Self-discipline, clear thinking
    10. Victory is through hard work.
    11. Clear and precise goal.
    12. Vehicles.
    13. Golden mean.
    14. Newness in relationships.

    Interpretation in an inverted position

    The card may mean health problems. It can also be quarrels, lawsuits, discussions, polemics, riots, rebellion, extortion.

    In a personal sense, an inverted card means anger, unforgiven grievances, revenge, quarrels, and unwillingness to reconcile.

    Traditionally, the card signifies overthrow, defeat, failure and defeat. All plans collapse, all fortune slips right out of your hands. Perhaps all this happened due to an overestimation of your strength, or you became too cocky, and fate decided to play with you. Can you handle your own game?

    The map shows us a hero who falls from his chariot, losing control. A reversed card indicates uncontrollable passions. A person has no control over his life. Where courage and bravery are needed, he retreats; where he needs to wait, he rushes headlong.

    He often loses by only a couple of meters. This shows us a person who is intolerant, selfish and someone who does not know how to manage his life in the first place.

    This is also a person who is afraid to wait until the end. He simply lacks courage and strength, and then at the most crucial moment he misses the cart and falls off it.

    Characteristics of the lasso in an inverted position

    1. Defeat, fall.
    2. Loss of control.
    3. Quarrel, war.
    4. Uncertain difficulties
    5. Lots of obstacles
    6. Resentment, failure, severity.
    7. Self-destruction, lack of self-control.
    8. Reckless actions.
    9. Accident.
    10. Incorrect use of one's strength and capabilities.

    Position in the layout in place

    In a layout in place, the card indicates complete control of the situation by you. You are in control of your destiny and nothing can stop you. Just be careful and don't overdo it.

    Professions and areas of activity

    All kinds of professions, especially any business. Business for yourself.


    If, when adding the numbers in the layout, you get 7, then the Quintessence will be the Chariot. The advice of the cards is as follows: stop procrastinating, cast aside doubts, do not waste time and act, put your plans into practice.

    In contact with


    Turning on the lasso The Chariot in matters of love and relationships speaks of the partner’s desire for manipulation. Such a beginning does not promise spiritual intimacy. Most likely, the partner has high personal ambitions and is used to achieving his goals through manipulation and indirect influence. Such a person approaches relationships like politics: on the outside he may seem attentive and caring, but he is not sincere on the inside. His intentions are not obvious. If this is a persistent character trait, then it is difficult to expect warmth and tenderness from him in the future. Even if after a while the partner “unfreezes” and is able to show his feelings, it will still not be easy with him.

    Often the Chariot speaks about behavioral tactics when a partner stages a retreat, shows indifference in order to provoke the other to action.

    Under the straight Chariot there is sympathy, but actions are subordinated to the mind.

    Inverted Chariot takes on a more negative connotation, warning of the partner’s unpredictability and the desire to control by any means, perhaps even by force. If under the upright Chariot he is a strategist, then the inverted one shows his inability to play diplomatically.

    Inverted Chariot may indicate pent-up sexual energy, the flip side of which is passive aggression. A person cannot naturally express his feelings: he displays sarcasm, ambiguous hints, and nagging. Unhealthy rivalry, struggle for leadership and jealousy may arise here.

    The inclusion of the direct Chariot foretells joint travel, business trips alone or together, and the dynamic development of the situation. Then the relationship deepens, helping partners find mutual understanding and move in the same direction.

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