Why does a man dream about someone else’s wife? Why do you dream about your ex-wife? Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities

Did you dream about your wife? Remember the details - did you see a stranger or your own wife, what did she look like and was she in the mood, in what circumstances did this happen? The more details you can remember, the more accurately you can interpret the vision. Why do you dream about your wife?

Big dream book

What the wife dreamed of is a sign of deception; was beautiful in a dream - happiness or a quarrel is coming; dressed up - expect trouble; in rags - worries lie ahead; sick - you will be happy; affectionate - expect profit; beating your wife is an insult; quarrel with your spouse - one of you will get sick; fight with her - you will make peace.

Middle Ages

You saw the wife of the deceased - expect good things; in position - to the greatest good.

Connected with your wife in a dream - you should expect an illness; dishonored a friend's wife - a sign of future troubles.


A wife in a dream - to disagreement, difficulties in business; affectionate towards her husband - to a quarrel or profit; young, attractive, elegant - to success in business; a slob in worn, sloppy clothes is a sign of failure and trouble; naked - to serious mistakes in business, ruin.

Why do you dream about your ex-wife - a return to your previous business, someone else's - in reality you are doing something other than your own.

Beating your wife is a sign of family peace and love; intercourse with your wife - expect annoying interference and delays.

Cheating on your wife marks the failure of some business.

English dream book

Seeing your wife is an omen of your wife’s illness with a speedy recovery.

To be the wife of a stranger in a dream means never to know loneliness.


I dreamed of an offended wife - promises victory over your enemies; cheerful and dancing - to future joy; happy and beautiful - to deception and deceit; crying - to difficulties; surrounded by household members - expect prosperity, a successful trip; deceased - you will be very upset by the ingratitude of one of the people around you.

Holding your wife in your arms - in reality, your endeavors will be successful or you will learn good news about someone who is far away, or about their return in the near future.

Miller's Dream Book

I dreamed about my wife in a dream - a sign of conflicts in the house and unfinished enterprises; unusually friendly - a harbinger of income from the successful completion of a risky trade agreement.

The wife dreamed of her husband beating her with a whip - to general chaos and turmoil, as well as severe censure by her family for her unsuccessful actions.

Esoteric dream book

According to the dream book, a wife is a sign of success and help; quarrel with her - relations will improve; kissed your wife - expect a scandal; slept with her - to pleasant thoughts and love.

The wife is sick in a dream - in reality everything will work out well; gave birth - will help you in business; died - to her good health in reality.

Erotic dream book

A married man dreams of his wife, and a bachelor dreams of marriage - soon he will meet a woman whom he wants to conquer. The desire can be fulfilled, but you will need to work hard, be sensitive and patient. But both partners will be delighted with the result of their efforts.

Modern dream books

The wife dreams about what this means - the dream warns: be attentive to your wife, be able to consider and apply her talents; pregnant woman - to unheard of luck; sick - you will be deceived; old - a harbinger of unhappy events in life; mute - receive news of someone’s death.

Seeing yourself next to your wife means you will be happy; talk to her - expect unexpected costs; beat your wife - you will be unsuccessful in business.

Seeing a divorce from your wife is fortunate.

Seeing your ex-wife in a dream means changes in life and an imminent pleasant meeting; seeing your spouse's ex-wife is a sign of routine affairs.

Seeing yourself as a wife in a dream means troubles await you due to unfinished business or quarrels with relatives; this role in a dream makes you happy - in reality, all your endeavors will be successful, any risk is justified.

Being a wife in a dream and having a pockmarked face is a harbinger of benefits and receiving a large sum of money.

Seeing your spouse’s ex-wife in a dream is either your unfounded fears or evidence of the incompleteness of their relationship.

The husband in your dream made love to another woman - foretells quarrels and litigation in reality.

Meeting someone else's wife in your house means a loud family quarrel; her friendliness towards your spouse means receiving from her husband a large sum of money of unknown origin; accusations about your relationship with her husband - your husband will accuse you as a negligent wife and mistress.

The young girl saw herself as a wife - to a happy marriage and healthy offspring.

Creating a family in real life is very often associated with taking on great responsibility, an important choice, and the most difficult stage in a person’s life. Marriage is often accompanied by many accompanying events, takes a lot of time, requires serious preparations and energy expenditure.

That is why a dream in which a girl or woman sees herself as someone’s wife is a real shock for her. After such a dream, many unmarried girls console themselves with hopes of getting married soon, married people are afraid of divorce, very young ladies are afraid of the responsibility that has fallen to their share... In fact, this basis is much deeper and more complex in interpretation than it seems at first. Much depends on whose wife the dreamer saw herself in a dream. In addition, different dream books sometimes give completely contradictory interpretations.

A dream in which a married dreamer is the wife of an unfamiliar, stranger man is most often interpreted as a sign that she is not completely satisfied with what is currently happening in her personal life. However, different dream books have completely different opinions on this matter.

The family dream book interprets such a dream as a sign that the dreamer has unfinished business. It is possible that the dreamer’s disorganization and inconsistency will cause quarrels in her family nest. On the other hand, the dream book warns the dreamer about her uncertainty in her chosen one.

English dream book

According to the English Dream Book, such a dream is extremely positive. The dreamer is not in danger of loneliness. If she is single, an attractive young man will soon appear in her life. If she is already married, such a dream promises her strengthening relationships and strong family ties.

Russian dream book

The Russian dream book contradicts the English one, considering such a dream to be exclusively negative.

According to this dream book, being a stranger’s wife in a dream is a harbinger of problems and the emergence of new energy-intensive troubles.

Newest dream book

The newest dream book attributes the dreamer’s occurrence of such a dream to her own dissatisfaction with family life.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream foreshadows causeless fuss, excitement, perhaps pre-holiday.

Being the wife of a famous person, some celebrity in a dream is a pleasant event that makes the dreamer wake up in a good mood.

Often such a dream can be attributed to a subconscious desire to be this person’s wife in reality, a kind of pipe dream from the realm of fantasy. However, some dream books attribute an important hidden meaning to such a dream.

Miller's dream book promises the dreamer the emergence of new abilities, skills, the manifestation of hidden talents and potential after such a dream.

Big dream book

According to the Big Dream Book, a girl or woman who has had such a dream has recently shown excessive arrogance and snobbery. This behavior can cause quarrels and disagreements with loved ones, family and friends.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus’s dream book, such a dream is a harbinger of imminent material enrichment.

Seeing yourself as the Sultan's wife is an extremely unusual and shocking event. Most often, the interpretation of such a dream directly depends on the attitude towards the dreamer.

If she is one of the beloved wives and enjoys her position in a dream, in reality she will experience success in love affairs.

If she experiences bitterness, melancholy or discontent, is a captive and a slave, a series of difficulties and obstacles await her in real life.

According to the summer dream book, the dreamer will meet a frivolous person. She will have to be patient to avoid a quarrel, conflict or other tricky situation. Also, such a dream may be a sign that the dreamer is dissatisfied with her soulmate.

The autumn dream book warns the dreamer about the possibility of betrayal on the part of her significant other.

Miller's dream book, unlike those mentioned above, assigns a positive interpretation to such a dream. According to this dream book, being the Sultan’s wife in a dream is a harbinger of quick enrichment, acquiring a strong position in society, and influential social status.

Men rarely think about “why do they dream about their wife?”

What's wrong with dreaming about the woman you love? It’s completely different when the events in a dream are extraordinary. Sometimes a man even decides that his wife should not find out about such a dream.

Dreaming about a wife or a loved one is normal. It’s not normal to dream about your wife being drunk and violent. It will seem abnormal when nothing foreshadowed this in ordinary reality, if in a dream the wife left for another, is giving birth or has already given birth. It’s absolutely scary when you dream about your wife and that she suddenly died.

After such dreams, men wake up sweating and forget about their previous disdain for dream books. They rush to the computers and type into the search engine “what does a wife dream about?”

But the meanings of dreams are rarely repeated, because the interpretation strongly depends on the plot of the dream. The male subconscious is different from the male consciousness, it is not so straightforward. Therefore, it is more difficult for a man to get to the essence of a dream.

The space of sleep is not Euclidean geometry, where the shortest path from point to point is not a straight line, but an intricate curve. Therefore, one should remember not just the fact “I dreamed about my wife,” but the greatest number of details of the dream.

To clarify why the wife dreams, you need to compare the interpretations given below with what you saw in the dream. Interpretation is like a template. First, the appropriate “template” is selected based on the dream, and then the interpretation is adjusted to the dream. As a result, we get what the subconscious wanted to convey.

The wife is included in the dream book as an element of unpredictability, emotionality, intimacy and inevitability. The meanings of the dream are mostly positive, but sometimes calling for responsibility.

What was the wife like in the dream?

1. I dreamed of a wife in a stunning wedding dress. The interpretation is positive and speaks of a possible new phase in the relationship. Feelings will soon gain a “second wind”.

But this is a general idea; for specifics, you need to remember what details you dreamed about. What events took place during the wedding celebration.

If not only the spouse, but also other women were wearing a wedding dress, the interpretation speaks of prospects in the business sphere. There will be a successful deal or a salary increase.

2. I dreamed about my drunken wife. If your significant other dreams of this in joyful excitement, then this is a sign of very big profits. When the wife is drunk and nervous, freaks out, gets rowdy or throws a tantrum, then serious troubles await.

3. If you saw your spouse sleeping in a dream. Most likely, your subconscious has recorded those subtleties in your wife’s behavior that you failed to recognize. It's about jealousy. The wife is trying to hide the feeling, but the subconscious cannot be deceived.

  • If there is no reason for jealousy, try to convince your wife with the appropriate action. Words can't help here. Give flowers, have a romantic dinner or invite them on a short trip.
  • If the spouse’s fears are not unfounded, then the time has come to set priorities: what is more important are those relationships on the side or peace and harmony at home. If you love your spouse, should you deceive her?

What did she do?

1. The wife gives birth. Definitely a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows that your long and hard work will finally be successfully completed and will be adequately rewarded.

If in a dream your wife gives birth to a girl, this means an accidental profit. She gave birth to a boy - a well-deserved success.

2. I dream that my wife takes off her dress. Your wife being naked in a dream indicates your close relationship. Perhaps you just think about her a lot?

3. If you see in a dream that your wife is cheating. When you see in a dream that your wife is kissing or making love to another person, the subconscious states your internal state. Inside you, your inner demons have awakened from their hibernation - fears, doubts and uncertainty.

4. I dreamed that my wife left for someone else. Alas, this dream indicates that Fortune has no time for you today. Usually in such cases it is advised not to take risks, not to hope for “maybe”, and to carefully calculate every step at work or in your own business.

5. Seeing your wife’s tears in a dream. The subconscious foreshadows serious trials. Gather all the power of the Soul and Spirit into a fist. They say about such situations “either on a shield or with a shield.”

Other dreams

1. If you are a widower and you dream about your deceased spouse. The dream reminds you of things that you constantly forget. Remember what your late spouse constantly reminded you of, fulfill her request as if you heard it in reality. By doing this, you will regain your feeling of confidence.

2. In a dream, my wife died. Such dreams portend good health and good luck in the affairs of the person about whom the dream was made. It can also talk about the fear of losing a loved one.

3. I dreamed that you were making love to your wife. A sign of harmonious family relationships. These are the very periods of life that years later they remember: “we were happy then.” The subconscious is trying to convey this idea to you so that you can maintain such relationships for as long as possible and value them, putting them above such “trifles” as work and career.

4. There was a quarrel. Arguing with your wife in a dream is a sign that makes you think. Are such cases common in real life? If yes, then the subconscious mind worries and makes you think about the situation.

If nothing like this happens in life, the meaning is positive: the dream symbolizes the struggle with unexpected problems, hints at your “combat readiness” in the event of an influx of troubles.

In the last line, it would be useful to remind you that the wife is included in the dream book not only as a symbol of intimacy, but also of unpredictability. So, when interpreting a dream, be prepared for the unexpected. Author: Igor Vaskin

The wife is pregnant - indicates that she has connections on the side.

Your wife hits you - misfortune, trouble.

The wife sees a dragon - foreshadows the birth of a noble offspring.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

A wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

A wife or concubine beats you - misfortune, trouble.

The wife puts on brocade clothes - foreshadows the birth of a noble offspring.

A wife with her hair down means she has a secret affair, a lover.

If you hit your wife, take the powder and a beautiful daughter will be born.

wife's genitals Seeing is a squabble.

your wife Seeing a naked body is a great happiness.

If you beat your wife or concubine, you will lose your strength.

If you go somewhere with your spouse (wife), there will soon be a misfortune.

The empress or the ruler's wife calls you and offers you a drink - there will be illness.

A husband and wife beat each other and fight - foreshadows the imminent establishment of a harmonious relationship.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head decorations - portends separation in

husband and wife enter the market - foreshadows the acquisition of real estate.

Husband and wife feasting together - portends separation.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - foreshadows separation.

Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness.

Hugging your wife is a joyful situation.

You ascend to heaven in search of a wife - sons and daughters will achieve a noble position.

Traveling with your wife is a loss of wealth.

Sitting with your wife is a great joy.

Connecting with your wife means the existence of otherworldly spells, obsessions.

Suing your wife for housing is happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

Dream Interpretation - Groom

We will consider the “groom” symbol in an abstract way.

All specific bindings are inappropriate in this case.

Naturally, a girl dreams of her fiancé on the eve of the wedding, and if it doesn’t come to the wedding and she dreams of her boyfriend: the dream simply means that the young man is thinking, bored and waiting to meet.

So, if you dreamed of a groom (in a dark suit, a snow-white shirt, with a bouquet and other attributes): the dream marks changes in your personal life.

Perhaps you will finally meet your future other half.

In any case, time is favorable for this.

You dreamed of a groom without a bride: you feel that the integrity and harmony of your relationship with the opposite sex has somehow been violated.

You urgently need to start restoring this harmony.
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Why do you dream about your wife? To understand this issue, you will have to take into account a lot of different details and nuances. Dream books and examples of interpretation will help you find the correct interpretation and understand what the appearance of this character in a dream means.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream about your wife? You clearly have unfinished business. The same character warns of family discord. If the spouse was unusually friendly at night, then the risky business will bring significant profits.

Beating your wife in a dream means that some of her actions will cause serious indignation, and this in turn will bring numerous scandals and showdowns into the house.

What does the dream book of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima think?

Why does a husband dream about his wife? It is an eloquent reminder of unfulfilled obligations and neglected problems. Things will go uphill if the wife was affectionate and friendly in the dream.

Did you dream that your wife cheated in a dream in the most brazen way? You clearly pay very little attention to your significant other, which has a negative impact on personal relationships. This same dream plot indicates that you are overly busy. Sometimes it's better to drop things and spend some time with your family than to fight later because of a misunderstanding.

In a dream, did you swear a lot and even beat your spouse? The overly tense atmosphere will subside, so you don’t have to worry about domestic conflicts in the near future.

Dream book opinion for the whole family

If a woman dreamed that she was a caring wife, then in reality she would have to return to work that she had previously abandoned. The same plot prophesies a quarrel with relatives and numerous troubles.

Why do you dream about a very ugly wife? This is an excellent sign that guarantees profit and successful implementation of plans. If in a dream the wife was cheerful and affectionate, then any risky undertaking will turn out to be a success.

Any conflicts and disagreements with your spouse in night dreams indicate the need to make concessions. However, be prepared for the fact that your decision will cause some discontent at home. As a result, your life will turn into chaos, so do not rush to take decisive steps.

Answer dream book from A to Z

Did you dream about someone else's wife with whom you had sex? A huge scandal will soon break out in the house, the cause of which will be your wild life. If you want to save your family, the dream book advises you to stop looking to the side and seriously take up marital responsibilities.

Why dream that someone else’s wife is incredibly friendly with your own husband? Very soon the hubby will bring a lot of money into the house, but he will never reveal the secret of where he got it. If in a dream someone else’s wife accuses you of having an intimate relationship with her husband, then in reality your own husband will reproach you and suspect you of treason.

Why does a young girl dream that she is a caring wife? The dream book predicts her an ideal marriage with a wonderful man. Did you dream that your husband praises someone else’s wife and even advises you to follow her example in the dream? It's time to address your shortcomings so that you don't hear such speeches in reality.

In a dream, one’s own wife, someone else’s, the boss’s

Did you dream about your own wife? Get ready for scandals and quarrels in the house. This is also an omen of serious financial problems. If in a dream the wife was surrounded by relatives and children, then the planned trip will be very successful.

Why do you dream about someone else's wife? In real life you will never be alone. The interpretation of the dream is also true for a woman if she dreamed that she was the wife of a stranger.

If you happen to meet your boss’s wife at night, then expect great joy. Seeing the wife of a director or friend means that you should not give in to temptation. In addition, for a man in a dream, a wife is a symbol of current affairs and the most important projects. Correct interpretation of the plot will help prevent mistakes in business and at work.

Why do you dream about your ex-wife?

Most often, this image indicates in a dream something that you have long tried to forget about. You may have to solve a long-standing problem, renew old connections or affairs.

Did you dream about your ex-wife? You need to get rid of something. Moreover, this can be either a specific person, or a situation, habit, thought, etc.

Sometimes a dream relationship with an ex-wife calls for establishing harmony between thoughts, desires and deeds. In any case, such a sign cannot be ignored.

I dreamed of a wife in a coffin and a wedding dress

Contrary to all expectations, seeing your wife in a coffin is not so bad. Such a plot promises profit and even wealth. Someone else's wife in a coffin represents success and luck.

For young people, this is a sign that they will live to a very old age. Did you dream that your wife died? Feel free to go hunting or fishing. An image in a dream guarantees excellent prey.

The only negative interpretation of sleep is only relevant for elderly spouses. A wife in a coffin promises the imminent death of a close relative. If you dreamed that your wife died, then abandon the business you were planning. It will fail, at least if you start it now.

Why do you dream of a wife in a wedding dress? This image has a more negative meaning. Most often, he predicts a woman’s serious illness and even death. Especially if the dress itself in the dream turns out to be dirty and torn.

What does it mean if your wife dies?

Seeing a still-living spouse dead is good. This vision will ensure her long life and prosperity for you. If the already dead wife appears, then some difficulties are coming.

Did you dream that your wife died? Someone's ingratitude will bring numerous sufferings. If the deceased wife appeared and she was cheerful and happy, then you will definitely be deceived or set up.

Why do you dream about your wife going on a spree, cheating, leaving for someone else?

Did you dream that your wife cheated? A scandal is brewing in the house. If you find out from strangers that your wife has gone on a spree, then you will face a number of obstacles and obstacles in business.

Did your wife leave for someone else in a dream? You are overly concerned about this possibility, but most likely your suspicions are unfounded. Instead of tormenting yourself with suspicions, finally decide to have a serious conversation.

Sometimes dream betrayal has nothing to do with real events or suspicions. It only indicates a conflict of possibilities and desires.

In a dream, a pregnant wife gave birth, with a child

Why does a pregnant wife dream? in a dream this is a sign of a great miracle, prosperity, profit, happiness and generally something very good and significant. After such a dream, you can count on the successful progress of some undertaking and material wealth. Lying next to your pregnant wife means finding new hope.

Did you dream that your wife gave birth successfully? With equal probability, troubles and material stability (boy) or miracles and grandiose events (girl) are coming. Seeing the birth process itself is not very good. It promises some difficulties, but a successful outcome. Did you dream that your pregnant wife decided to have an abortion? Give up hope, now is not your time.

Why do you dream about a drunk wife smoking?

Did you dream about your wife smoking? Her frivolity and carelessness will drive you to despair. If you smoke together, be sure to make peace after a major quarrel. Seeing your smoking wife trying to quit smoking in a dream means that you will have to defend your opinion or belief.

Why do you dream about a terribly drunk wife? There comes a time when you feel completely helpless. If a drunken spouse rushes to fight, then in reality a very calm and even boring period is expected. In the dream, your wife is a real alcoholic and you tried to cure her? The plot prophesies a fateful trial and sincere repentance for past mistakes.

In rare cases, a drunk wife confirms a hidden addiction to alcohol. But in this variation, the dream is only a reflection of reality or suspicion.

An unmarried man dreamed about his wife

Why dream that you have a wife if in real life you are alone? In reality, you will receive stunning news about a person who is absent at the moment. The same plot guarantees success in your endeavors.

If an unmarried man dreams that he got married, then in real life he will actually meet a woman who may become his future wife. However, for this you will have to make every effort and effort.

Wife in a dream - some specific interpretations

As always, to truly interpret a character, it is necessary to take into account as many details as possible. But only those nuances that are remembered most should be taken into account.

  • beautiful wife - profit, luck
  • terrible - failure, loss
  • its own - a reflection of current affairs
  • someone else's - take on someone else's work
  • naked - ruin, a significant miss
  • old - trouble
  • young – fantasies, inadequacy of perception
  • sick - deception
  • silent - news of someone else's death
  • deaf - misunderstanding in the house
  • well dressed - successful promotion, stability
  • in rags - losses, lack of money, scandal
  • ex - return of the old affair
  • hitting her is a collapse of plans, an insult
  • fight - reconciliation
  • getting a divorce is a great success
  • hug - profit/quarrel
  • kissing - quarrel
  • sell - quarrel
  • buy - problems, worries
  • to lose - divorce, scandal, misunderstanding
  • find – trust, success
  • having sex - procrastination, delays
  • changed - failure of the planned event
  • pesters - profit
  • died - loss of position, collapse of plans
  • went to someone else - wrong step, lack of attention

Did you imagine that your wife was seriously offended by you? In reality, ill-wishers and competitors will fail in a well-thought-out scam against you. Seeing your wife having fun and dancing is a great joy. If she cries bitterly in a dream, then you will commit a bad act, which will have a bad impact on future marital relations.

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