According to the program l g peterson. School guide. "Build your own Mathematics"

In 2016, mathematics textbooks for grades 1-4 by Peterson L.G. were not included in the official list of books recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

You can understand whether this program is suitable for your child if you understand its features. Each parent will decide for himself whether these features are positive or negative.

Fast pace

The pace at which children progress through the program is very fast. Often one topic is given literally one lesson, and then the child moves on to a new type of task. The textbook does not contain step-by-step analyzes of exercises or examples of problem solving.

For example, in the textbook Moro M.I. in the first half of the third grade, schoolchildren study numbers up to 1000. During the same time, children who study according to Peterson’s book take sets, millions and billions.

Weak theoretical part and lack of clear structure

There is no theoretical part as such in the textbook. On individual pages there are small hints in the form of tables or pictures. It doesn't bother the children. There's no need to memorize the rules. You open the book and you can immediately start solving examples.

The lack of a theoretical part is a problem for parents. If a child missed a lesson or did not listen to the teacher attentively, he needs to somehow fill in the gaps in knowledge at home. Since there are no rules in the textbook, it is difficult for parents to figure out what exactly to explain to their child.

I found a way out of the situation: I prepared my own small manual, where I described for each lesson from the textbook what topics we cover, as well as solution algorithms and rules for these topics.

Teaches non-standard solutions

Peterson invites children to independently come up with algorithms, formulas, and ways to solve problems. For example, break down the figures according to some criteria, find a pattern and continue it, figure out how to solve the problem. This textbook encourages the child to come to a solution without the teacher's help.

The problem is that teachers rarely follow the authors’ recommendations and do not wait for the student to figure out the algorithms themselves. This happens due to lack of time. When you don’t have time to go through the main program with your children (column addition and subtraction, for example), there is no way to give schoolchildren time for long reflection. We have to show the proven solution scheme.

The “Geometry” section in the textbook is poorly developed.

In other elementary school textbooks, several chapters are devoted only to geometry. In Peterson's textbook, geometry is given casually, at the end of each chapter in the form of questions. As a result, children cannot always understand these topics and distinguish perimeter from area. The “Geometry” section is left to the teacher.

Lots of abstract concepts

Already from the first or second grades, the concept of “variable” is introduced in textbooks. At the end of each lesson, children are offered the “Blitz Poll” exercise. These are very short puzzles on composing an expression in which letters are used instead of numbers. Instead of the usual “5 apples” it is written “b apples”.

Children in primary school do not yet quite understand what to do with numbers, and when letters are added to them, like the abstract “b apples,” it becomes very difficult for schoolchildren.

Even parents do not always understand such tasks, let alone children.

But for those who understand this topic in elementary school, it will be much easier to master algebra.

Many game tasks to develop logical thinking

Solve a puzzle, go through a maze, color a figure or part of it, connect the dots - all these buildings develop logical thinking and are constantly found in the textbook. Children love them very much, they solve them with pleasure, even during breaks.

In fact, Peterson's program is suitable for children of varying abilities. Now I have a very “average” class, which, despite the fast pace and other difficulties of the program, copes well with counting and problems. It's all about the teacher's approach. Whether or not a student learns the program depends 80% on the teacher.

Peterson, Lyudmila Georgievna

Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson- Russian teacher, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, director of the School 2000 center, professor of the department of primary and preschool education [ specify], laureate of the “President of the Russian Federation” in the field of education, leading specialist of the department of strategic planning of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, head of the project “Theoretical foundations of the didactic system of the activity method.” He is also the author of the concept and textbooks on mathematics for preschoolers, primary and secondary schools, in particular, the mathematics programs “Steps” and “Learning to Learn”, manuals for which were published by the Yuventa publishing house. I compiled lesson scripts for mathematics textbooks for teachers. I wrote textbooks for children from 5 years old.

"Build your own Mathematics"

Build your own Mathematics- a methodological course in mathematics, written by L. G. Peterson and partly by M. A. Kubysheva. Textbooks for this course: from first to sixth grade. M.A. Kubysheva and L.G. Peterson wrote only textbooks from this course for the first, second, third and fourth grades. Also included with the course is a brochure for teachers entitled “Standards - Helpers for Teachers and Students. Guidelines". The authors of the brochure are L. G. Peterson, L. A. Grushevskaya and S. E. Mazurina. The entire course was published by the Yuventa publishing house in the series “Primary School. Mathematics". The methodological course “Build your own mathematics” is basic for building a phenomenological approach in modern education, implemented, in particular, in the form of an experiment by mathematics teachers in schools and other educational institutions in the Voronezh region.

Public opinion

Textbooks by L. G. Peterson “Mathematics, grades 1-4” for elementary school (in 12 parts), recommended by the “School 2000...” program, received a very mixed assessment both among parents of students and teachers. The number of extremely negative reviews is very large. They mainly concern the significant complexity of the material for primary school students, as well as the illogicality of many “intelligence” tasks and so-called “joke tasks”. For example, material for 3rd grade begins with set theory, which is not found in regular programs until 7th grade, etc.



  • List of books by Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson for preschool education on the Yuventa publishing house website

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    Peterson, Andrei Pavlovich (1933 1973) Soviet chess player, master of sports of the USSR since 1961; Peterson, Alexander Valterovich (born 1967) Russian musician and music teacher, member of many musical groups. Mainly known... Wikipedia

    Birth name: Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko Date of birth: November 12, 1935 (73 years old) Place of birth: X ... Wikipedia

    Lyudmila Gurchenko Birth name: Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko Date of birth: November 12, 1935 (73 years old) Place of birth: X ... Wikipedia

    Lyudmila Gurchenko Birth name: Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko Date of birth: November 12, 1935 (73 years old) Place of birth: X ... Wikipedia

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    Lyudmila Gurchenko Birth name: Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko Date of birth: November 12, 1935 (73 years old) Place of birth: X ... Wikipedia

    Lyudmila Gurchenko Birth name: Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko Date of birth: November 12, 1935 (73 years old) Place of birth: X ... Wikipedia


  • Mathematics. Grade 2: Methodological recommendations for the textbook. Federal State Educational Standard, Peterson Lyudmila Georgievna. The methodological manual describes the system of work on the mathematics textbook “Learning to Learn” for grade 2 by L. G. Peterson, provides a program, approximate lesson planning, goals, tasks and ...
  • Mathematics. 4th grade. Methodological recommendations for the textbook for teachers. Federal State Educational Standard, Peterson Lyudmila Georgievna. The methodological manual describes the system of work on the mathematics textbook “Learning to Learn” for grade 4 by L. G. Peterson, provides the program, thematic planning, goals, objectives and results...

Patriotic subtraction

Why one of the most popular mathematics textbooks did not pass the state examination

In the near future, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation will publish a federal list of recommended textbooks, and it will not include Lyudmila Peterson’s manual on mathematics for first through fourth grades. The second most popular mathematics textbook in the country has not passed the state examination. An expert at the Russian Academy of Education (RAO), Lyubov Ulyakhina, pointed out that “the content of the textbook does not contribute to the formation of patriotism.” Ulyakhina, however, says that the textbook is full of other shortcomings. Representatives of Lyudmila Peterson insist that the quality of the examination is extremely low and demand an appeal.

The rules for examining textbooks were tightened by the Ministry of Education and Science this year. From now on, every textbook on any subject must go through three state examinations. First, scientific and pedagogical examinations are carried out in parallel, then public ones. Each one is made by three experts independent of each other, and if there is at least one conclusion “against” with two “for”, the textbook will not be included in the school curriculum. Lyudmila Peterson’s textbook passed a scientific examination and was “cut down” at the pedagogical examination, it was done by RAO expert Lyubov Ulyakhina. During the examination, the specialist had to answer “yes” or “no” to 31 questions. For example, is its content accessible to children, does it develop critical thinking, does it form patriotism, does it promote a tolerant attitude towards representatives of ethnic, religious and cultural groups. In most cases, expert Ulyakhina answered “no.”

From a purely industrial conflict, it became a socio-political one after a fragment from an expert opinion was posted on social networks: “The content of the textbook does not contribute to the formation of patriotism. The heroes of the works of J. Rodari, C. Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, A. A. Milne, A. Lindgren, E. Raspe, gnomes, elves, fakirs with snakes, the three little pigs are hardly called upon to cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride for their country and their people". The liberal public was indignant. Lyudmila Peterson published an open letter as an advertisement in the Vedomosti newspaper accusing expert Ulyakhina of dishonesty. The parties continue to actively conflict. Packs of letters from teachers and experts both in support of the textbook and against it were shown to the correspondent’s site both in the press service of the Russian Academy of Education and in the office of the center for systemic and active training “School-2000” - now this is actually the headquarters of supporters of the textbook, headed by the author’s son - Vladimir Peterson. There is a high probability that the discussion about the quality of the textbook and its patriotic orientation will continue in court.

RAO expert LyubovUlyakhina: “This is not a textbook at all”

The scandal with Lyudmila Peterson’s textbook became very loud after a quote from your expert opinion that the mathematics textbook did not contribute to the formation of patriotism appeared on the Internet. How is this even possible?

I conducted the examination according to the federal state educational standard for all textbooks in all subjects. One of the first questions that I needed to answer was the question about the formation of personal qualities by the textbook. And in one more point the word “patriotism” sounded - and it was obligatory to give an answer. “Does the textbook form patriotism, love and respect for family, fatherland, one’s people, and land?” - that was the full wording. It was impossible to escape this point, but the issue had to be approached honestly.

- And why doesn’t this textbook develop patriotism, love for family and fatherland?

Let's open it. Yes, mathematics is an exact science, what, it would seem, does it have to do with love for the Motherland? But at the same time, the authors of textbooks set the task of shaping the child as a person, and not just teaching him to count. What we see from the very first pages: gnomes and Snow White are representatives of a foreign language culture. Here are the gnomes again - I began to wonder what they were doing here in such numbers, whether they were working on understanding when solving certain mathematical problems. And I came to the conclusion that they have no direct relation to the decision; in general, it is not clear what they are doing. Here, some kind of monkey, Little Red Riding Hood. When the attacks began on me: they say, patriotism in a mathematics textbook is funny, I thought: out of 119 characters drawn here, only nine are related to Russian culture. Sorry, no, patriotism is not funny, it’s our mentality.

One of the complaints about the textbook is the abundance of gnomes

What also attracts attention is how lovingly the characters of Western culture are drawn and how carelessly ours are. Here are the nesting dolls, what do they have under their eyes?

- I think they are wearing glasses. Such grandmothers with glasses, no?

And it seems to me that their faces are bruised. This is not respectful, where does this disdain for our culture come from?

We continue to scroll, there are no heroes of Russian culture. Here are the letters of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet carelessly depicted in blue ink. Where was this written in blue ink in our ancient books? Not to mention the fact that there are four factual errors, and the letters of the Russian alphabet (in the task, students are asked to correlate the letters of the Russian and Old Church Slavonic alphabet with numbers - website) have never had numerical values. The letters are depicted - scribble-doodle. But next to it, in the next task, there are Roman numerals - look how clearly and beautifully they are written. A child will come to the same Tretyakov Gallery and see correctly written letters there, which are not at all what he saw. This can lead to disrespect for the textbook, the teacher, and the school.

Here's a drawing of children fighting - it's just great, it's one of my favorites. They did not share the ball, the boy, as we see, won, long live the force. And who is this lady who comes to the girl’s aid? This is a fairy, and in our culture there is no such word or such a phenomenon. At the same time, look next to how ugly, blurry the image of Santa Claus is. What's wrong with grandpa's face, is he drunk? The tree next to it is completely unpresentable. It went, it just went.

But, excuse me, are Little Red Riding Hood or the heroes of Charles Pierrot, or the same Winnie the Pooh - are they perceived by children as foreigners? After all, there are Russian films, cartoons, adaptations of Alexander Volkov with his Ellie and Wonderland.

Why is this not perceived by children? From the very beginning, from kindergarten, we talk about the folklore of a particular country, we talk about the belonging of certain traditions to certain countries. We don't say abstract "folk tale", we say: Chinese folk tale or French literary tale. It is very important to make it clear from a very young age what the picture of the world is; we, teachers, form this correct view.

- Another serious complaint you have about the textbook is that it doesn’t teach you how to think. Why?

- Let's continue watching it. Here we study the sign and the number that is designated by it. The number is "six", in this case. I proceed from the fact that a teacher should start a lesson by posing a problem; this is a competent approach. And in the textbook we see that the problem has already been solved. The numbers are in a certain order, you don’t have to look for anything, you don’t have to think. Here is a picture and a sentence to count the items in the tea set. But this is wrong: the child sees not six certain objects, but a teapot, a sugar bowl, a milk jug and three cups - this is how he is taught from kindergarten. That is, he sees one set, and not six different items.

Here is a numerical segment - everything is already numbered, there is nothing to think about, count or analyze. He just needs to memorize it. Even problem 5+1 already has a ready answer. Then we see that the child needs to count the number of angles in a hexagon, but its very name already contains the word “six”, and even the angles are numbered so that there is no need to think anything at all.

Sometimes we see that the child is given false meanings of words and false concepts. Here in the problem the word “line” is used, but we see that the objects in the picture are in a row, and not in a line. The word is used in the wrong meaning, and the child forms the wrong picture. Here is a task to change the shape of a geometric figure. The author believes that a triangle can change into a circle - how is this even possible? If you change the shape of a triangle, it can become rectangular, equilateral, isosceles, but the angles will not disappear, it cannot become a circle. So we see a substitution of concepts, and not a task for a first grader.

Questions are formulated incorrectly. In a task on the position of the body in space, the child is asked what has changed (six houses are drawn with slight variations: different roofs, some have smoke coming from the chimney - website). This is an overly abstract question. It should have been asked more correctly and specifically: compare one house with another, and so on. And so the philosophical question arises: what changed, when did it change, and did it change at all? The textbook does not teach the child to think, compare, and analyze data. It feels like it is designed for intuition and enlightenment.

It seemed to me that some of the problems were more reminiscent of questions from IQ tests, rather than actual mathematical problems. Is this acceptable in your opinion?

Such tasks should either be placed in a separate section, or they should be graphically separated from the rest - these are tasks for the development of logic, they should be grouped and should not lie unattended among other tasks.

What do you think of this great question for first-graders: when did alphabetical numbering appear in Russia? Do you know that? No? Alphabetical numbering was first mentioned in the Radziwill Chronicle, when Prince Igor entered into an agreement with the Greeks. Our country was not called Russia at that time. Big mistake. And I saw the textbooks of the previous generation of this author, this error continues from edition to edition.

Another of your expert claims is that the language is complex. In the textbook for first grade there is the word “self-intersection”, for example.

Even in the textbook for first grade there are a lot of complex sentences. Here is a problem, it has 14 words in one sentence. Whereas the ceiling for perception by an adult is 16 words in a sentence. There are a lot of adverbial phrases that are not recommended in textbooks, and in speech in general - not very good. It is better to change participles with verbs or break the sentence into several simple ones.

Here we are again studying the position of an object in space. We see a picture: a bear cub is sitting on the ground, an owl is sitting on a tree next to him. And the picture asks the question - who is taller? This is an incomplete sentence and a rather abstract, poorly worded question. In the end, there’s simply nothing to think about, I looked, decided in two seconds, and that’s it.

In my opinion, this is not a textbook at all. It doesn’t teach, you can only draw and connect the dots through a transparent film, which, by the way, is not included with the textbook. The textbooks are already painted over after the first use; they can no longer be given to other first-graders. Some tasks make you horrified: “checkbox” minus “blue” - what should happen? I honestly don’t know. Here is an aquarium with six fish and a question: how many groups can they be divided into by size? One fish is clearly larger than the others, but a group cannot consist of one fish, that's obvious. A textbook should be a tool for analysis and conclusions. I don't see any of that here.

Executive Director of School 2000... Vladimir Peterson: “We refuse such a textbook, because the three little pigs do not instill patriotism”

So, one of the first complaints about Lyudmila Peterson’s textbook is the lack of patriotism in it, the dominance in the illustrations of heroes of Western culture and literature over Russian culture.

In general, the very idea of ​​assessing the “patriotism” of a textbook by the number of heroes from Russian and foreign fairy tales is, in my opinion, a mockery of the very concept of “patriotism,” although there are much more heroes from Russian children’s classics in our textbooks. But who and when determined the acceptable percentage of using foreign characters is unclear. True, in our case the question was not even posed in this way: the expert suggests that we abandon them altogether - the conclusions clearly state that Carlson, Sherlock Holmes, Cinderella, the Three Little Pigs and others “are unlikely to be called upon to cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride in their country and their people". In general, the fundamental complaint about the quality of expert opinions is precisely that they are replete with various statements, both true and false, but which are not related to the criteria of examination. Indeed, it is difficult not to agree that the three little pigs are “called” for other purposes. But it is not clear to us how we can draw the conclusion that the expert draws from this.

As for other comments, we analyzed each expert’s argument on seventy sheets, sent it to the Russian Academy of Education and at the same time subjected both the expert opinions themselves and our objections to an open assessment with the participation of a wide range of scientists and practitioners, including from leading physics and mathematics gymnasiums and lyceums Russia, working from textbooks for many years. We received tens of thousands of signatures in support of our position and no response from RAO.

And how else can one treat statements that textbooks do not contribute to the intellectual and creative activity of students, when 75% of candidates and members of the Russian national mathematics team studied using them and defended the honor of their country at the international level? Isn’t this the main refutation of the expert’s arguments about the lack of patriotism and opportunities for intellectual and creative development?

- Okay, but let's get back to the pictures with characters from Western culture.

Firstly, the federal state educational standard requires “introducing children to the values ​​of world culture,” and we do not know how to do this without offering its best examples. We can go so far: we will soon discuss whether it is necessary to study Newton’s laws in a physics course if they were discovered by an Englishman. Secondly, we do not understand why the statements of one of the three experts, which contradict not only the facts and common sense, but also the opinions of the other two experts, formed the basis for a general negative conclusion. In an interview, Deputy Minister of Education Natalya Tretyak said that any doubts should be interpreted in favor of the child. But what to do with the negative consequences that these doubts lead to, you also need to think about this.

Whether this or that drawing is appropriate or not for this or that task - let's discuss, but there is no need to remove the entire textbook. By definition, a textbook cannot be ideal for everyone, but if in a sample of a million children it gives a positive result confirmed by practice, perhaps it is not worth making such radical decisions that pose a threat not only to the reputation of the Russian Academy of Education and the Ministry of Education and Science, but also to the quality of mathematics education? I repeat once again, we have heroes of all cultures represented, there are many of them, there is room for everyone in the 1200 pages of the course.

Here is another of the complaints against us, already associated with the great Russian classics, a textbook for the third grade. Why do we have Pushkin drawn here...

- With lilac hair and on a tiger.

It seemed to me that they were gray, but that’s not the point. I suggest first looking at the textbook page and seeing the context. Two tasks are given. First: Yura said that all tigers live in Africa, but Petya said that this is not so. Which one is right? Why? Prove it. And second: Olya said that none of the boys knew Pushkin’s poems. How to prove that this is not so? An illustration of these tasks is indeed “Pushkin” who “came” to the children on a tiger with a pen and paper. These are children, we need an element of play to make it fun and interesting for them. This is simply an artistic decision; no one has ever seen disrespect for Pushkin here. But any practitioner will say that these tasks are part of one of the main content and methodological lines of the mathematics course on the formation of logical thinking and the study of basic logical laws. But this is precisely what the expert did not see. By the way, the lack of logical skills on the part of the expert himself is, in my opinion, the main reason for such a low quality of argumentation.

Lilac-haired Pushkin on a tiger - an element of the game or disrespect for Russian culture?

The whole world is now thinking about the fundamental challenges of the time to the education system, and we are thinking together with everyone. And we achieved a lot. This is our patriotism, if you like, we are preparing champions of mathematical Olympiads according to the textbook. By the way, it’s not just about the champions; children from correctional classes are also taking a step forward, ahead of ordinary children in terms of motivation and development of key mathematical skills. But we are happy to respond to comments. Do you think we need to redraw Pushkin? Thank you, we'll think about it. And if you want to say that, based on this illustration, the textbook as a whole should be excluded due to disrespect for the poet or lack of patriotism - this is ignorance. And if this conclusion is signed by RAO, then it will not cease to be ignorance. We still believe that what happened was a simple misunderstanding. After all, expert Lyubov Ulyakhina is not even a scientific worker at the Russian Academy of Education, does not have an academic degree, has not previously been involved in the examination of textbooks, and is clearly not a mathematician by education. As far as I know, she is a former foreign language teacher. How could it then be possible to give the powers of an expert to a person who was clearly not ready for this?

One of the most serious complaints about the textbook: it does not teach you to think, it only promotes mechanistic memorization, and not analytical work. The expert gave me an example of a page from a textbook where the number “six” is studied, where you just need to memorize it.

This remark only confirms the previously stated points. It is well known that our textbooks, first of all, work not for simple memorization, but for involving children in independent search activities, their understanding of the process of formation of mathematical laws, immersion in the culture and nature of mathematics through personally significant difficulties in activity. Regarding the number “six,” the expert seems to have not bothered to read the teaching aids in the part that talks about studying numbers. This is where the amazing statements in style come from: to solve some problems you don’t need to know mathematics, you just need to be able to put dots, draw arrows and color the balls. Let me emphasize once again that two other RAO experts completely refute these conclusions.

In general, in my opinion, all more or less educated people should understand that if the first page of an expert report contains a whole bunch of logical and mathematical errors, then there is no point in reading the rest. Here is her claim: the author gives children the idea of ​​a polygon as a closed broken line without self-intersections. This is a classic definition; previously there was no addition about self-intersection, but this is a requirement of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which we treat with great respect. Following this definition, the expert says, we cannot find either its area or volume. But, excuse me, additional parameters are needed to measure the area, and the volume of a polygon is always zero, it is a flat figure. What is there to talk about? World-famous mathematicians no longer have any complaints about definitions, but Lyubov Ulyakhina did. The solution is to take the textbook out of the hands of millions of children, since any doubts should be interpreted in their favor?

But the language is really complex. The word “self-intersection” in a textbook for first grade, long sentences with adverbial phrases.

I will say this: in a number of cases we would accept an editorial change if it does not conflict with scientific expertise. But not in the context of banning the textbook, but within the framework of wishes for it. All the tasks have long been tested on a lot of children, they understand everything if the teacher works correctly. And at the same time, in each new edition we still make corrections and clarifications, which come to us as suggestions from all over the country from our teachers.

The expert is the author of manuals on the Russian language, and he himself is engaged in a gross, unacceptable substitution of concepts. In one of the tasks, children are asked to include “-en” in a chain of words to make another word. The expert attacks us that there is no suffix “-en” in the Russian language. Only, firstly, the fact is that the word “suffix” is not mentioned in the problem at all, and secondly, such a suffix still exists, I personally checked it. And in general, the expert did not even understand why such a task was given there. They should at least ask the practitioners working from the textbook.

Peterson's textbook is the second most popular in Russian schools, its authors say. With the help of such argumentation, anything can be excluded from the school curriculum, for example, Tyutchev's poems. Indeed, consider the line: “And they look sadly naked.” What follows from it? Dull, naked - this is the destruction of the moral health of children. In addition, there is no rhyme, and instead of “they look,” it is more correct to say: “they look.” And that’s it, away with Tyutchev from all textbooks.

- Okay, you rate the quality of the examination low, your right. But why is RAO entirely on the expert’s side?

It's amazing, I don't know, I don't have an answer. Considering the time pressure in which examinations were carried out with such an influx of textbooks, where they had to review dozens of textbooks a day, the likelihood of an expert error was initially very high. Then we turned to the president of RAO and asked: let's resolve this misunderstanding at the corporate level. If, in the end, RAO refuses all the positive conclusions issued in previous years and changes its position, provide at least some acceptable justification for such a decision.

- Was Lyudmila Peterson’s textbook the main one in Russian schools?

In the country it is in second place in demand.

- What will happen if he disappears from schools?

The country's leading teachers will be demotivated. It’s not just our textbooks; many others were not included in the federal list at all due to clerical claims, hitherto unknown. Entire scientific schools have been confiscated. It’s a shame for the teachers who have been achieving high results all these years, and mainly not with the Olympiad students, of whom there are only a few, but with all the other kids, with their strengths and weaknesses and characteristics. Many have grown up and bring their own children to the same teachers. A teacher who has worked for many years in one of the leading gymnasiums in the city of Kazan recently came to see me. He says, well, how to understand this. One of my graduates is a teacher at the Higher School of Economics, a second teaches at the Physics and Technology Institute, a third works at a state corporation, and a fourth works at a scientific laboratory in the USA. So what, they all grew up without respect for Russian culture?

The expert, in a conversation with me, said that she did not consider Lyudmila Peterson’s textbook a textbook at all and considered it only as additional material or a course.

It would be great if it were just an opinion. Not everyone likes our textbooks. Many respected people believe that our work is not the best that can be offered to children. But this is wonderful, this is a competition of opinions, textbooks, ideas. This is a chance for all of us to develop based on the fundamental right of choice as a teacher. Now it turns out that the private opinion of an untrained expert has become the official position of RAO and the Ministry of Education and Science. But here are hundreds of thousands of children, tens of thousands of teachers from whom this right was taken away, how can we explain the situation to them?

- What will you do with the textbook next year? Spot improvements or complete rework?

Under no circumstances will we ask children to calculate the volumes of polygons and will not remove tasks for the development of spatial thinking. We did not see a single constructive comment in the text of the examination, except for a few technical corrections, such as what the size of an eggplant should be. We have our own plans for further development, including the creation of electronic textbooks, and we will implement them. If RAO does not consider it possible to change its decision this year, which we still very much hope for, we will seek the truth in court with the participation of the professional community, and as openly as possible. A strange situation arises: we recently received an offer from China to translate our textbooks for Chinese schools. It is known that China is the leader in mathematics education today. People from other countries have been turning to us for a long time, we always told them: sorry, we have too much work in the Tver region, we don’t have time. Leaders are looking for the best examples in the face of new challenges, experts all over the world travel and watch. And we refuse our own, already established textbook, because the Three Little Pigs do not instill a sense of patriotism. Yes, perhaps they are not being brought up, but we should all re-read this fairy tale very carefully.

Continuous mathematics course “Learning to learn” for preschool education, primary and basic general education, known in all regions of Russia and beyond, created under the scientific guidance of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, laureate of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education L.G. Peterson.

The team of authors of the continuous mathematics course “Learning to Learn” includes famous teachers and mathematicians from leading scientific schools in Russia - Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State Pedagogical University: L.G. Peterson, N.H. Agakhanov, G.V. Dorofeev, D.L. Abrarov, E.E. Kochemasova, A.Yu. Petrovich, O.K. Podlipsky, M.V. Rogatova, B.V. Trushin, E.V. Chutkova and others.


The course proposes from the standpoint of continuity DO–NOO–LLC fundamentally newtechniques teaching mathematics, tested under the guidance of N.Ya. Vilenkina, G.V. Dorofeeva, starting since 1975 on the basis of the Scientific Research Institute of OPP of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (director - V.V. Davydov), the 91st school in Moscow and other schools in Russia and neighboring countries. Their essence is that children, under the guidance of a teacher, independently discover new mathematical knowledge (system-activity approach), the basis for these discoveries is prepared in advance, and the formation of skills in the application of new knowledge is carried out continuously and systematically.

The inclusion of students in independent mathematical activities, the continuity of development of content and methodological lines make it possible to form a “mathematical” style of thinking, to support children's interest in learning mathematics And high performance throughout all years of study.

Taking into account the current level of development of mathematical theory, educational content is presented in the form of seven main content and methodological lines: numerical,algebraic, geometric, functional, logical, data analysis And modeling (word problems). Their study is prepared at the preschool level, and then continuously passes through all subject blocks from grades 1 to 9 of primary and secondary schools.

The mathematics course “Learning to Learn” provides the opportunity multi-level training along an individual trajectory in the zone of proximal development of each child (up to in-depth study of mathematics in grades 8–9).

The course has full methodological support: programs, textbooks and teaching aids, methodological complexes, etc. in printed and electronic form.

The course “Learning to Learn” is supported by the over-subject course “World of Activity”, which allows in a non-random waycontinuously and systematicallyto develop the ability to learn (FSES).

For teachers seeking to improve the efficiency of working with this course in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, master modern pedagogical technologies and keep up with the times, a multi-level professional development system(APK and PPRO, on-site courses, distance courses).


The teaching and learning complex in mathematics “Learning to Learn” has been tested for 25 years, consistently provides high results in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation (sample of more than 30,000 students from 56 regions of Russia):

  • an increase of 15–25% in the average USE score in mathematics;
  • more than 60% of participants in mathematical Olympiads at the All-Russian and international levels studied in elementary school using these textbooks;
  • 75% of the members of the Russian national mathematics team (2013) also studied using these textbooks in primary and secondary schools;
  • positive changes in personal development (cognitive processes, motivation, personality orientation, reduction in school anxiety, etc. (data from the Institute of Systemic Activity Pedagogy 1999 – 2016);
  • an increase in the level of professionalism of teachers and school staff was recorded (62% of TOP-500 schools in Russia in 2015–2016 use this teaching materials in mathematics).

The mathematics course has complete methodological support: textbooks - in printed and electronic forms, workbooks, methodological recommendations for teachers and educators, programs and scenarios for lessons (grades 1–9) and classes in preschool educational institutions that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, “Build your own mathematics” standards, independent and test work, electronic comprehensive monitoring of learning results based on subject and meta-subject results of the Federal State Educational Standard, new generation copybooks “Calligraphy of numbers” and much more.
More detailed information about the methodological support of the course can be found in the “Educational Literature” section of the website:


We invite primary and secondary school teachers to use methodological consultations and other materials that help in working on textbooks and teaching aids for this course (grades 1–9). Video lessons are also posted here that will help you master the methodology of working with the mathematics course “Learning to Learn” offline.

Modern requirements for education require the achievement of not only subject, but also meta-subject results. You can get acquainted with the technology of the activity-based teaching method and the over-subject course “The World of Activity” by L.G. Peterson, which allow you to organize systematic work on the formation of UUD. Video lessons are also posted here that will help you master new pedagogical tools offline.

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