Dog has red urine how to treat. Terrible symptom - the appearance of blood in the urine of a dog

Have you noticed that your dog has blood in his urine? Run to the vet!

In this article, we will talk about the possible causes and consequences of the appearance of blood in the urine of a dog. Hematuria is the scientific name for the above phenomenon.

Norm and stages

She may be:

  • initial (initial) - when blood is released at the beginning of urination;
  • complete (total) - the release of blood throughout the act of urination;
  • final (terminal) - the release of blood in the last portion of urine.

It is necessary to pay attention at what point it appears and its quantity - this will help in making a diagnosis.

Normal urine is straw-yellow, without impurities, transparent.

With hematuria, urine is not necessarily red-scarlet. It takes on a hue:

  • red
  • pink
  • red-brown (reminiscent of tomato juice)
  • red-orange
  • Orange

Symptoms and diseases

There are a lot of diseases, the symptom of which may be the appearance of blood in the urine.

Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system and bacterial infections

Leptospirosis is a very dangerous infectious disease. Already on the second day after infection in the urine and feces of the dog, mucus and blood clots, as well as with blood blotches. It threatens with very deplorable consequences, treatment should be started immediately.

Pyelonephritis- occurs due to the ingress of microorganisms into the kidneys, due to hypothermia, as well as against the background of other diseases of the urinary system. At the same time, the urine is cloudy with blood impurities, false urges to urinate are observed, edema occurs and the gait changes. If left untreated, it leads to chronic kidney failure and the occurrence of a purulent abscess.

Cystitis- inflammation of the bladder. Urine becomes cloudy, with an admixture of blood and an unusual smell. It hurts the dog to urinate, she whines during the process, the males stop raising their paw and do it “girlishly”

Urethritis- usually develops as a complication after infection. The urethra swells so much that the dog cannot urinate, resulting in stagnation of urine, and this threatens with intoxication. With this disease, the dog cannot urinate for a long time, experiences pain and discomfort, whines, urine is dark due to pus. In advanced stages, blood streaks are observed in urine. Without treatment, it leads to sepsis and various neoplasms. Possible death.

Prostatitis- inflammation of the prostate gland. Usually seen in males over 5 years of age. At the same time, the dog does not eat, defecation is difficult, and blood seals come out at the end of urination. With prostatitis It is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible, until the disease has become chronic.

endometritis(pyometra) - mainly occurs in bitches after childbirth. In this case, the blood appears regardless of the act of urination, that is, periodic discharge of a purulent-bloody color with an unpleasant odor from the genitals. Without treatment, the animal may die.

Vaginitis- more often occurs in young females who have not yet had estrus. The disease can be noticed because the dog constantly licks the loop, pus with blood impurities is released from it.


The most dangerous is poisoning with rat poison. RBCs are destroyed. Blood clots come out with urine, the dog is sick, convulsions can be observed. Immediate veterinary attention is needed. If this is not possible, induce vomiting in the animal, you will also need an enema and the introduction of sorbents, you can use activated charcoal, enterosgel, smecta.


The consequence of an injury may be a change in the color of urine due to bleeding. In this scenario, it is urgent to take an x-ray or ultrasound to rule out organ rupture. For bitches, an unsuccessful mating can be an injury.


Not uncommon in older animals. Usually, with any tumors, blood clots come out at the end of urination. Benign tumors are more common, so with timely treatment, the prognosis is positive.

Urolithiasis disease

Perhaps one of the most common dog problems is that about 15% of individuals suffer, regardless of breed. The danger lies in the fact that KSD entails many other diseases of the urinary organs, as well as constant relapses. That is, there is a high probability that the stones will “return” some time after treatment.

If you notice blood in the urine of a pregnant dog, this indicates that she is sick with one of the diseases mentioned above, not related to pregnancy.

It is normal for a bitch to have discharge during pregnancy, but it should be clear, slimy or watery, and odorless.

It is important to consider that not all drugs are safe for an animal in this position, so you need to discuss all the nuances with a veterinarian.

Processes not associated with the disease

Estrus- a natural process for the female. Normally, it lasts about a month and is divided into 2 stages. At the beginning, bloody discharge appears, and after a while the discharge becomes transparent and mucous - this is the second stage (this time is most favorable for mating). Specifically, in the urine, blood can be observed in very small quantities, so that you can hardly see it with the naked eye, but it is detected during analysis. If its amount increases, this is a symptom of latent endometritis, vaginitis, and so on.

Sometimes blood in the urine can be seen after sterilization. This is mainly due to the divergence of the seams. Also, sterilization sometimes causes urethritis.

Do not forget about the completely harmless reasons for changing the color of urine. Urine may have a red tint if your dog ate, for example, beetroot or another product that has a coloring property. Some medications can also stain urine.


Just by seeing traces of blood in the urine, you cannot begin to treat the animal. Hematuria is not a disease, but a symptom of many diseases.

The excretion of blood in the urine is always a serious pathology that requires the intervention of a veterinarian, you can’t just wait for it to go away on its own. So the disease only goes into a more serious stage and leads to disability or even death.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause, and not to treat.

Your task is to provide the veterinarian with the fullest possible history, in other words, observe the pet, for diagnosis you need to know:

  • When did hematuria appear?
  • at what stage of the act of urination does the blood come out (at the beginning, at the end or in the middle);
  • urine color;
  • what position does the dog acquire during urination;
  • than you, how much is she;
  • how often the animal urinates, whether it controls this process.

At the clinic, you should have a complete urinalysis, blood work, x-ray, and ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder to look for the cause.

How to collect urine for analysis

One of the owner's tasks is to collect the pet's urine for analysis. Here you have to show patience with the animal. In the case of small dogs, everything is simpler - they can do their business in a regular cat's tray. But with large dogs, such a trick will not work. You should take a sterile jar or a special container for collecting urine with you on your morning walk and collect a small amount with each urination.

Collect urine not from the ground! And directly from under the dog.

Don't worry if you didn't succeed. The clinic will be able to take urine for analysis using a urinary catheter, or by cystoscopy - directly by puncturing the bladder (this is completely safe).


To reduce the likelihood of diseases of the genitourinary apparatus of your pet, you should follow a few rules:

  • follow the animal;
  • proper feeding. Do not mix natural type of feeding with ready-made feeds. The food must be balanced. A low-protein diet is recommended;
  • enough water;
  • active lifestyle;
  • periodic visits to the veterinarian and testing.

Take responsibility for your pet's health.

When walking a pet, the owner should carefully study its natural secretions. There is nothing strange in this, this is done not out of idle curiosity, but in order to determine in time if the animal is ill with something. So the presence of mucus in the feces can mean colitis, and blood clots in the dog's urine can mean kidney injury, inflammation of the prostate, or a viral infection. The article will consider ailments, the symptoms of which may be urine with blood, as well as the treatment used for such an unpleasant phenomenon.

In veterinary medicine, the symptom of a dog urinating in a bloody toilet is called hematuria. It is associated with the development in the body of an animal of infectious diseases or dysfunction of the genitourinary system of a furry friend. Experts distinguish three types of hematuria:

  1. Primary (initial) - urine has a clearly visible red color only at the very beginning of the excretion process.
  2. There is blood on the urethra even if the dog is not urinating.
  3. The final type - characteristic changes in the composition of urine are noticeable only at the end of urination.

It is important to understand that the presence of such a symptom in a shaggy friend is a sure sign that the animal is seriously ill. But this is only if the pet has not previously taken medications or products that can change the natural color of urine (for example, beets). It is not necessary to assume that the process of staining the excreted fluid will always be expressed precisely in a bright red color, much more often the urine has a brownish or light pink hue.

An owner who notices signs of strange color changes or foreign matter in the urine should be concerned about why the dog is urinating blood. Only a qualified specialist can establish the exact causes and determine further treatment.

Causes of pathology

If you follow the statistics, then in most cases the reason why a dog can write with blood is the presence of acute foci of inflammation in the animal's body. However, sometimes a similar symptom provokes the age of the animal, the season and even the breed. Let's look into this in more detail:


The sooner a pet has blood in their urine and is shown to a veterinarian, the less likely it is that the disease will progress. This means that it will not be difficult to cure it. The doctor will take an anamnesis that allows you to determine how often the dog went to the toilet, how long ago the first symptoms appeared, whether he suffered from anything similar before. Obligatory diagnostic procedures for hematuria include ultrasound, blood and urine tests of the animal, and radiography of the abdominal cavity.

Methods of treatment

In more complex cases, when hematuria is caused by tumors, surgical intervention is necessary. Operations are complex and dangerous for the pet's health due to the tenderness of the tissues that cancer affects. They can rarely be completely eliminated by conservative methods or chemotherapy.

Symptomatic therapy is carried out using drugs that relieve pain and prevent the development of inflammatory processes. In the complex, treatment with antispasmodics is acceptable. At home, it is better not to treat a furry friend, this can lead to a complication of the disease and even to the death of a pet.

Blood in the urine or hematuria (Haematuria) - is characterized by the release of a certain amount of blood during urination.

Hematuria is one of the symptoms of some infectious diseases, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system in dogs.

It is customary for veterinarians to distinguish between three types of hematuria: initial hematuria, in which the first portion of freshly released urine is stained with blood, the rest of the dog's urine is transparent. Excretion of blood from the urethra in a dog outside the period of urination. End hematuria - with it, the first portions of urine in dogs are without visible changes, and only at the end of urination, colored urine is released in the dog. The appearance of hematuria in a dog is a serious symptom of the presence of a disease in a dog.

At the same time, the owner of the dog should not think that urine with blood will necessarily have a red color, due to the fact that the shade of urine with an admixture of blood can be from light pink to dark burgundy or even brown.

Sometimes the color of urine in a dog changes as a result of taking a number of medications, as well as when feeding foods that cause urine staining.

In some cases, such a life-threatening symptom of the dog by the owner may not be detected by visual observation during the act of urinating the dog, and in some diseases, hematuria can only be detected when examining urine in a veterinary laboratory.

Causes of blood in the urine of a dog

The appearance of blood in the urine in a dog can be due to:

The following symptoms may indicate the presence of hematuria in a dog:

  • Staining of urine with blood.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Vomit.
  • Lethargy.
  • Increased dog anxiety.
  • Pain in the abdominal region.
  • Increased thirst.
  • Paleness of visible mucous membranes.
  • Difficulty urinating, decreased urine volume.

How is the diagnosis of diseases in dogs accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine?

If the dog has the above signs, the owner should contact the veterinary clinic, where specialists will conduct a complete clinical examination and the necessary diagnostic studies to determine the cause of hematuria. At the veterinary clinic, your dog will:

  • General analysis of blood and urine.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.
  • X-ray of the abdomen.

Based on the diagnostic tests carried out, your dog will be diagnosed with one or another diagnosis - the appearance of blood in the urine.

Treatment of hematuria in dogs

Based on the diagnosis, appropriate treatment will be carried out by veterinarians.

In case of hematuria caused by helminthic diseases, the dog is dewormed with appropriate anthelmintic drugs.

In case of hematuria caused by infectious diseases (leptospirosis, parvovirus enteritis), the dog is given the appropriate hyperimmune serum, antibiotics and sulfa drugs. To restore the intestinal microflora after a course of antibiotic therapy, various probiotics (bifilact, etc.) are used.

With venereal sarcoma, surgery is performed or conservative treatment with vincristine is performed.

In case of severe dehydration of the body and violation of the water-salt balance, the use of physiological saline, as well as isotonic solutions - Rheosorbilact, Ringer's solution, Ringer-Locke's solution, etc. is recommended.

To support the functioning of the liver and relieve intoxication of the body, a glucose solution with ascorbic acid is used in a proportion of 200 ml of a 0.5% glucose solution and 10 ml of ascorbic acid.

Painkillers, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory drugs are used as symptomatic remedies for a sick dog.

Urination with blood in a dog can be both an alarming signal and unjustified panic. It happens that the blood in the dog's urine is not blood at all, but simply the products consumed by it of a specific color: beets or carrots. When a dog is on certain medications, it is also possible for her urine to stain a specific color. In any case, to confirm or refute your suspicions, a comprehensive examination of the animal by a veterinarian will be required.

Reasons why a dog urinates blood

There are several reasons for a dog to urinate with blood. These include:

Only a comprehensive examination by a veterinarian, as well as the necessary tests and studies, will help to identify what specifically caused such an ailment.

Symptoms of possible diseases in a dog when urinating with blood

If a dog has blood in his urine, then he definitely has some kind of disease. Depending on the location, there are several diseases that are accompanied by urination with blood. It:

  • prostate disease in male dogs;
  • diseases of the vagina and uterus in female dogs;
  • bladder disease;
  • diseases of the urinary tract;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the ureters;

In diseases of the prostate in a dog-boy and diseases of the vagina or uterus in a dog-girl, blood is clearly visible: it appears not only during urination, but also when the animal is in a state of absolute rest.

In diseases of the bladder and urinary tract, the following symptoms are observed:

  • frequent urination;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • while urinating, the dog whines, because she has pain;
  • as for activity and appetite, they remain the same.

Among the symptoms of diseases of the kidneys and ureters are:

  • the dog loses its appetite;
  • the animal becomes lethargic and passive;
  • urinary frequency may not change.

Of course, having noticed the listed symptoms in your dog, you need to call a veterinarian.

In diseases of the prostate in a dog-boy and diseases of the vagina or uterus in a dog-girl, blood is clearly visible: it appears not only during urination, but also when the animal is in a state of absolute rest.

What to do if your dog is urinating blood

When contacting a veterinarian for help, you should keep in mind that the doctor will require the following information from you:

  1. What color is urine. Pathology can be seen if the urine has a light pink and even coffee tint.
  2. How often did the animal go to the toilet in the last 24 hours?
  3. Does the pet experience pain during urination: he can whine plaintively, squeal and even bark.
  4. If there is spotting in the pet's urine.
  5. Whether blood is present in the urine of the animal constantly or does it appear from time to time.
  6. How long ago did you notice blood in your pet's urine?

It is possible that this information alone and a comprehensive examination of the pet will not be enough to make the correct diagnosis, so the doctor may refer you to an ultrasound of the internal organs. Do not forget that ultrasound can only be done with a filled bladder. Of course, it is difficult to control the process of urination in an animal, especially if the pet suffers from urinary incontinence. Try to give your pet a good drink before the ultrasound - so the bladder will not empty soon, which means it will be easy to do an ultrasound.

How to collect urine for analysis from a dog

Often, if you suspect a disease of the genitourinary system, a pet urine test is necessary. Collecting urine from a dog is very problematic. However If you follow the following rules, you can quickly and easily do this:

  1. Put on gloves.
  2. Remove the filler from the tray and rinse it thoroughly.
  3. Insert a grate into the tray and wait for the dog to want to go out of need.
  4. Once the job is done, take the tray and carefully pour its contents into the collection glass.
It is possible that this information alone and a comprehensive examination of the pet will not be enough to make the correct diagnosis, so the doctor may refer you to an ultrasound of the internal organs. Do not forget that ultrasound can only be done with a filled bladder. Of course, it is difficult to control the process of urination in an animal, especially if the pet suffers from urinary incontinence. Try to give your pet a good drink before the ultrasound - so the bladder will not empty soon, which means it will be easy to do an ultrasound.
It should be remembered that the expiration date of urine for analysis is not long - only 3-4 hours, so you need to collect urine from your pet at least three hours before traveling to the laboratory, except for the time spent on the road.

If you do not use a tray to relieve your dog's needs, but, for example, a diaper or a street, then buy a special urine bag at the pharmacy. This is a very convenient and practical thing that will allow you to collect the required number of analyzes in a matter of seconds.

Treatment of urination with blood in a dog

Based on the clinical examination and urinalysis results, your dog is diagnosed with bloody urination and then treated. Most often, diseases of the urinary system are treated with antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. A course of antibiotics may also be prescribed. In addition to drugs, you will need the above decoctions and vitamins to maintain the strength of a weakened body.

Prevention of urination with blood in a dog

To prevent your dog from urinating with blood, you need to carefully monitor his diet, properly care for him, regularly show him to the veterinarian, make sure that he does not get cold and drink enough water. Only proper care, care and attention of its owner will help to avoid such health problems, and then not only urination with blood, but also any other sore will bypass your pet.

Surely everyone has heard the catchphrase: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Pet owners are responsible for their life and health. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful, immediately respond to any changes in the behavior and state of the body. After all, any little thing can be a signal of a serious illness. One of the symptoms that manifests itself in some infectious diseases, as well as problems with the genitourinary system, is the presence of blood in the dog's urine.

In medical terminology, this phenomenon is called hematuria. A characteristic manifestation of it is a changed color.

Urine with blood indicates the presence of the disease.

The shade varies from light pink to cherry or coffee. When a bright blood stain was seen in the tray or on the bedding of the animal, it is likely that it has separated from the rectum, vagina. Any change is a symptom of diseases that are often fatal. Therefore, let us consider in detail why it appears Does your dog have blood in his urine?

Stages of hematuria

With hematuria, the color of urine does not always have a red tint.

Specialists in veterinary medicine divide hematuria into three main types.

  1. If only the first portion of urine is colored, and the rest are absolutely normal, this initial stage .
  2. At the middle stage discharge appears regardless of the periods when the dog urinates.
  3. With terminal hematuria all portions have the usual color, and at the very end of the process, impurities are noticeable.

Owners should not think that the color of the urine will be bright red. The staining process is often subtle, and a brown color may appear. In some cases, the staining effect can be caused by taking certain medications or eating food that stains.

Difficulties in diagnosing

Often owners do not pay attention to such changes. This can happen due to a person’s carelessness, or through a shade that is too light. In any case, visually identifying the problem in the initial stages is not easy. And certain types of diseases are diagnosed only in laboratory conditions and specialized doctors.

It is possible to determine the disease at the initial stage only in the laboratory.

Causes of blood in the urine of a dog

The most common cause is an infected urinary tract. In this case, other signs will also appear in parallel.

An infectious disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • blood in the urine;
  • painful process of urination, its difficulties;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the dog actively licks the area near the tail.

With an infectious disease, the body temperature of the dog rises.


Often, pets are diagnosed with the presence of uroliths - stones or crystals in the bladder.

Dog uroliths.

When these formations obstruct the urinary tract , the process of going out of need in a pet causes quite painful sensations. In this case, the mucous membrane of the organ is injured. In some cases, the ducts are completely clogged, anuria occurs. This is a disease in which urine is not excreted for a long time.

Danger in uncastrated males

Uncastrated males are at high risk.

Unneutered males are at risk for prostate disease and related conditions.

This organ increases in size, which makes it difficult for the outflow of fluid, lengthens this process, and provokes pain. At the same time, the dog's body temperature rises, appetite disappears and activity decreases. A similar disease occurs in the opposite sex, it is called. In fact, pyometra is an infectious disease in which pus accumulates in the uterus. It comes out with blood through the vagina. If the diagnosis is confirmed by x-ray or ultrasound examination, the animal must be sterilized.


When poisoned, the dog develops severe diarrhea.

An animal can become poisoned not only by consuming the chemical directly, but also after eating a mouse or rat that is already poisoned. At the slightest suspicion of poisoning, the dog should immediately contact the veterinary clinic for gastric lavage and a course of detoxification of the body.

In this case, the temperature rises, the animal refuses to eat, and the oral mucosa becomes pale or yellowish. Sometimes the cause may be injuries, the presence of neoplasms of a venereal nature and some ailments that disrupt the function of blood clotting.

Typical symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Abundant salivation is one of the signs of the disease.

In addition to the main problem, a number of other signs also signal the presence of a problem. These include:

  • very fast breathing;
  • profuse salivation;
  • animal anxiety;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • mucous membranes turn pale;
  • the amount of urine decreases, there are difficulties with its exit.

It is very important to monitor the amount and frequency of discharge in the animal. If they are absent for more than twelve hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If your pet has noticed such changes, you should contact the veterinary clinic. Since the range of diseases is quite wide, it is not worth making a diagnosis on your own, especially self-medication. After all, without a specialized education, you will not be able to help your pet, but only cause even more harm to his health.

In the clinic, the animal will undergo the necessary examinations and examinations to determine the cause of the disease. In such cases, urine, biochemical analysis, X-ray of internal organs, ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys. The diagnosis is established only after receiving the result of all examinations.

Treatment Methods

The necessary course of treatment is prescribed by the veterinarian.

Depending on the diagnosis, the veterinarian prescribes the necessary course of treatment.

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