Rash and redness on the arm of a child. A rash on the body of a baby - an overview of possible causes and diseases. What does it look like

New parents of newborns have a hard time. Their theoretical knowledge about the health of the child is often insufficient. And such a phenomenon as a rash on the body of a newborn may well cause panic.

A small rash on the body of a child becomes a cause for serious unrest. So that such a nuisance does not take you by surprise, it is worth knowing in advance as much as possible about this pathology.

A rash is an accumulation of pathological elements on the skin or mucous membranes. They differ from normal skin in appearance, texture, color. The elements of the rash consist of blisters, papules, blisters, spots.

Doctors say that a rash on a child’s body does not always require special treatment. Since the very appearance of skin rashes has various causes, children's rashes are divided into the following types:

  • acne (hormonal rash of newborns);
  • prickly heat;
  • hives;
  • allergic rash;
  • diaper dermatitis;

Parents may be disturbed by the usual redness of the skin of a baby who has just been born. This is an absolutely normal reaction associated with the imperfection of the baby's thermoregulation. A slight peeling on the body and face of a newborn should also not alert you, it does not require any treatment.

Some features of neonatal acne

Acne in newborns looks a little different than in adults. Most often it manifests itself when the child is only a few days old. The rash looks like small bright pink pimples, inside of which a white substance is visible. Newborn acne has several names - hormonal rash, milia, neonatal pustulosis.

One of the names - hormonal rash - makes it clear what is the cause of these skin manifestations. These are ordinary hormonal changes, the adaptation of the baby's body to new living conditions, the purification of the blood from mother's hormones.

The cause of acne can also be a local accumulation of a yeast fungus. It is also not considered a pathology; any person has such a fungus. Areas where neonatal pustulosis most often erupts: upper back, neck, head, face.

Acne does not require treatment; at the age of three months, the flowering of the skin stops without any intervention. Recommendations to parents: by no means squeeze out pimples, follow all hygiene rules regarding the care of a newborn.

What is sweating

No wonder they say that the temperature in the children's room should not exceed +22 C. If this condition is not met, the child will certainly sweat a lot. As a result, a small pink rash may appear on the baby's skin, in the folds on the chest and neck, under the armpits.

The affected area looks slightly swollen. Skin rashes in children of this kind can occur throughout the first year of life. Most often, it does not cause any discomfort to the child. To make prickly heat pass faster, the affected areas are treated with baby powder.

Recall the reasons for which prickly heat appears:

  • The temperature in the children's room is too high.
  • Failure to comply with the ventilation schedule for the room where the child is located.
  • The desire to unnecessarily wrap the baby in warm clothes.
  • Insufficient hygiene in relation to the child.

Parents need to eliminate these causes, soon the baby's skin will lose swelling and redness.

What does hives look like

This disease has a telling name. Rashes on the body of a baby look exactly like a severe burn caused by nettles. The rash is accompanied by obsessive itching. Subsequently, the rash transforms into blisters of different sizes and shapes, affecting the face, head, body. Urticaria is a severe form of skin allergy that can quickly turn into Quincke's edema.

If you suspect your baby has hives, call your doctor immediately. The disease is the body's reaction to an allergen - food or household, it can go away on its own, but in no case is it worth the risk.

One should be wary of Quincke's edema - a formidable complication of urticaria, in which suffocation occurs. The latter can lead to serious consequences.

Causes of hives:

  • hypothermia;
  • heat exposure;
  • stay under the scorching sun;
  • consequences of severe stress;
  • friction from elastic bands on clothes, from car seat straps;
  • transferred infectious disease;
  • the presence of helminths in the baby's body.

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes drugs that eliminate allergic manifestations.

To relieve severe itching, you will need special ointments, they will also be prescribed by a doctor. If the disease is very difficult, hormonal ointments will provide effective help.

Allergic rash in babies

There are several variants of an allergic rash in children, among them:

  • food allergy;
  • household (contact) allergy;
  • drug allergy.

Food allergies are:

  • many small pink or red pimples;
  • red scaly patches of skin.

These manifestations of food allergies most often appear on the face, but can also appear on the legs, forearms, back, and abdomen. So the child's body reacts to food (mixtures, complementary foods, cereals) or to food from the diet of a nursing mother.

Complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 4-6 months of age, gradually, consistently, carefully observing the child's reaction to the products.

Mothers should exclude honey, sweets, chocolate, whole cow's milk, smoked meats, canned food, citrus fruits from their menu. If the intake of the allergen is not stopped in time, as well as with significant allergic poisoning, the child's rash can turn into a weeping scab.

Household (contact) allergy looks like chafing or red spots with a small rash. Its causes are the mechanical effect on the delicate skin of the baby. Allergens can be: washing powders, rinses, synthetics, hard woolen textiles, dust, pet hair.

Particular attention should be paid to children's cosmetics (shampoos, foams, creams, soaps), which does not guarantee the absence of various side effects.

Drug allergies are multiple rashes of small red spots that form anywhere. Allergens can be hormonal agents, antibiotics, sweet syrups.

The pediatrician must replace (cancel) an inappropriate medicine, prescribe a detailed blood test to detect allergens. Sweet syrups are replaced with neutral suppositories.

Diaper dermatitis

Symptoms of diaper dermatitis are blistering, redness, and peeling that appear only in the diaper area. The causes of diaper dermatitis are prolonged contact of the skin with a wet cloth, creases in the diaper. Diaper dermatitis is not an allergy and does not require the use of antiallergic drugs. Treatment of diaper dermatitis is the organization of proper care, timely change of diapers.

Before changing the diaper, the child must be washed with warm water and baby soap. Replacing washing with wiping with wet wipes is not the best solution. Do not forget about regular air baths, with the help of which the manifestations of diaper dermatitis will quickly disappear.

To heal diaper rash, cracks, weeping sores, you can use special healing ointments. It is imperative to treat diaper dermatitis, since a bacterial infection can join it.

Atopic dermatitis

Pathology is peeling, blisters on the skin, on the cheeks, arms, buttocks, the inside of the legs. Rashes are characterized by itching, can merge, forming crusts. This is an allergic manifestation to cold, wind, or some foods.

Atopic dermatitis is often accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids. A course of treatment is prescribed: antiallergic drugs, ointments, creams, therapeutic baths are prescribed. However, drugs only relieve itching. To get rid of atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to identify allergen foods, exclude them from the diet of the child and the nursing mother.

Rash as a symptom of an infectious disease

Skin rash in children can be caused by some infectious diseases. These include:

  • chicken pox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • roseola (or exanthema).

Chickenpox rashes are small blisters with cloudy contents. They appear not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes, where they cause a particular itch. An infant is a distributor of infection as long as at least one vesicle remains on its body and mucous membranes.

With scarlet fever, the rash appears most often on the neck, chest, back, and under the arms. It causes itching, affects the skin of the child a day after infection. The features of scarlet fever are inflamed tonsils and a nasolabial triangle clean from the rash. The disease is contagious for 10 days.

At the onset of measles, a child has a high fever, runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis, and photophobia. 2-3 days after these symptoms, a red rash appears, localized first on the face, and then spreading throughout the body. The risk of infection persists for 5 days after the onset of the rash.

When rubella first appears cough, sore throat, fever, inflammation of the occipital lymph nodes, may be vomiting and diarrhea. Then a flat red rash appears on the face and body, the risk of infection persists for 5 days.

Roseola (exanthema) begins with a sharp jump in temperature, rising to 39-40 C. The rash is very similar to rubella rashes, appears 3-4 after the onset of the disease, lasts for several days.

If a rash is found in a baby, parents should call a doctor at home, this will prevent infection of other people. When the rash in an infant is not accompanied by other symptoms, you can simply visit the clinic with the baby. An examination of the baby by a doctor is mandatory, this will help to make the correct diagnosis, to exclude various complications of the disease.

If the child's rash does not itch or bother, the first possible cause is prickly heat. It is a consequence of overheating of children's skin. May appear as blisters or red spots.

At the moment of activation of the baby's sebaceous glands, rashes in the form of acne can be observed on his body, but they usually pass without a trace, after moderate skin moisturizing.

It turned out that a red rash in a child on the body or its individual parts can appear for quite a few reasons:

  • postpartum rash;
  • poor hygiene;
  • overheat;
  • infection:
  • allergy;
  • eczema;
  • lichen.

In children under one year old, the immune system is only developing, so frequent rashes are considered almost the norm. However, the infectious nature of the rash should not be ruled out, so a visit to the pediatrician is mandatory.

Frequent allergies in children are caused by the fact that the immature immune system of the child's body does not adequately respond to various substances that enter it.

At risk for allergies are children whose parents suffer from allergic diseases.

This means that it is legitimate to talk about a genetic, hereditary predisposition to the development of an allergic reaction. Also, more often than other children, crumbs who were born prematurely or with low weight get to see a pediatrician with skin rashes.

Red rash: when we see it, we begin to worry, thinking what it could be. And there are indeed reasons for concern. Red rashes can be a symptom of serious sexually transmitted, infectious and autoimmune diseases. There are many possible diagnoses. It can be either an allergy familiar to many, or a rare disease, such as Sweet's syndrome.

We determine what may be the cause of the rash by its location

Localization of the rash is a very important point. All diseases have their own characteristics.

Some manifest themselves by the appearance of a rash all over the body. We talked about them in detail in this article.

Others, for example, mycosis or meningitis, prefer to be localized on the limbs. You can learn about them from this article.

Consider other types of red rash - in what places they appear and what they can talk about.

Among the most common causes of skin rashes in children are the following:

If a child has a fever, chills, sore throat and stomach, cough, vomiting, and so on, then the cause of the rash is an infection. Among the most common infectious diseases, physicians distinguish chicken pox, measles, rubella, etc.

These dangerous pathogens can provoke the appearance of various problems, up to the formation of burns on the child's body and scarring. Therefore, urgent intervention of specialists in the field of medicine and prevention of the disease at an early stage of its development is necessary.

Allergic rashes can be associated with improperly selected baby food in the diet and allergens after contact with the environment. In the first case, the allergens are all kinds of dyes, sweeteners, preservatives, tomatoes, eggs, fish delicacies, and so on.

Environmental allergens include: washing powders, dust, unsanitary conditions, dirt, individual intolerance to certain foods, natural wool, etc.

An allergic rash will be accompanied by swollen areas around the eyes and lips. Jellyfish, nettle leaves, mosquito bites can cause a strong allergic reaction in a child. Rashes on the body can become more and more every day. They may have prominent relief and swollen, red skin. Itching may not leave a child for a minute.

The rash itself (whether on the face, abdomen, or any other part of the body) is a local change in the normal state of the skin. The rash can be of different types - just a red spot (and not only red, by the way, but almost any shade from pale pink to bright brown), a bubble, a tubercle, and even in the form of a hemorrhage or bruise.

Despite the fact that the causes of a rash in a child can lie in more than a hundred different diseases, having a good understanding of their main similarities, they can be divided into four groups.

Types of rash

There are several types of rash in children:

  • A spot is a non-relief formation on the skin that differs in color - reddened or, conversely, white.
  • Papule - nodular rash without cavities, can reach a size of 3 cm.
  • A plaque is a thickening protruding above the skin.
  • Vesicles and blisters are cavitary formations containing a clear liquid.
  • Pustule - a cavity with purulent contents.
  • A hemorrhagic rash appears as spots or dots of red color of various sizes, if the skin at the site of the spot is stretched or pressed against it, the spot will not disappear and will not change color.
  1. Atopic dermatitis.

A genetic disease is the most common skin lesion, has the character of a chronic disease, is accompanied by periods of exacerbation and remission, usually begins in connection with the transition to formula or after the introduction of complementary foods in the first six months of a child's life.

The rash is localized on the cheeks, the frontal zone, it can gradually appear under the knees, on the shoulders, the skin of the buttocks is affected - this is the infantile phase, after 18 months of age the disease passes into the childhood phase and is characterized by red spots that can form solid foci, mainly in the elbows. and popliteal folds, on the sides of the cheeks, on the hands.

Rashes on healthy skin in a baby are often the result of some kind of pathology in the child's body. A rash all over the body can appear in a baby without a high body temperature. This article talks about the situations in which such a situation arises and how to help the baby.


A variety of causative factors can cause the appearance of various rashes on the skin. The severity of clinical symptoms varies. Infants may be more susceptible to the disease than older children. Also, in most cases, rashes on their skin become generalized, that is, they cover almost the entire body.

Doctors identify several clinical variants of rashes that appear on the skin of babies even in the absence of high fever. So, in newborn babies, a rash on the skin can be quite physiological character.

Such rashes appear in a child due to imperfect work of the endocrine system and a periodic increase in hormone levels. This condition is completely temporary and disappears as the child grows.

Immunological causes lead to the fact that various rashes begin to appear on the skin of the baby. These include:

  • irritating chemicals;
  • provoking allergens of various origins;
  • exposure to external factors (high ambient temperature, low humidity, intense exposure to ultraviolet rays, and others);
  • mechanical pressure or friction.

These reasons lead to the activation of immune cells, which are normally located in the layers of the skin and are necessary to protect the child's body from various infections. Activated cells begin to fight allergens, which is manifested in the development of the baby immune inflammation. This condition can occur with both high and low body temperature.

Immune rash in most cases is accompanied by severe itching. This feature is due to the activation of special immune cells that release a huge amount of biologically active substances that irritate the skin. This condition leads to the fact that the child begins to strongly comb the damaged skin.

Various rashes also contribute to the appearance on the baby’s clean skin. multiple bacterial or viral diseases. They, as a rule, are quite easily transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one. Children attending a kindergarten or school, according to statistics, fall ill with such infectious pathologies several times more often.

Infections often occur with an increase in body temperature. However, this does not always occur. In some babies, body temperature may be low or even remain within normal limits.

Many viral and bacterial infections also cause a child to develop and other adverse symptoms, and not just the appearance of pathological rashes on the skin:

  • A sick baby may experience pain in the abdomen, general weakness, headache and fatigue.
  • In young children, various stool disorders often develop, which are manifested by both persistent constipation and diarrhea.
  • In a sick baby, the appetite is significantly reduced. Babies may even refuse breastfeeding or poorly attached to the mother's breast.
  • The behavior of the sick child also changes. Such a baby becomes more withdrawn and nervous. He tries to avoid any active games.
  • The child's sleep is also significantly disturbed. The baby, as a rule, experiences severe daytime sleepiness, and wakes up repeatedly at night.
  • The course of this condition can be significantly hampered by the appearance of skin itching in a child.

What does it look like?

Skin rashes that appear in a child against a background of normal body temperature can manifest themselves in different ways.


An allergic rash is usually red, small. The diameter of such skin rashes in most cases does not exceed 5-6 mm. Such red spots quite often merge with each other, forming elements with uneven or bizarre edges.

Skin with an allergic rash is usually it itches a lot. Pathological rashes can appear in almost all parts of the body. With contact dermatitis, loose elements appear only in places of direct exposure to the allergen.

Usually they look like multiple bright red spots that are very itchy and cause severe discomfort in the child.

Bacterial infections

Some forms of bacterial infections are manifested by the appearance of not only a red rash on the skin, but also the appearance of multiple blisters. Inside such formations is a bloody fluid.

The outer wall of these skin vesicles is quite thin and can be easily injured when touched. This causes all the liquid to flow out.

The peak of infectious diseases in babies usually occurs at age 2-5 years. At this time, the work of the immune system is still not sufficiently formed, which leads to the fact that the child can easily become infected with any infection.

Prickly heat

The appearance of bright red spots behind the ears may indicate that the baby has prickly heat. This condition most often develops in infants and is associated with excessive wrapping of babies. Wearing a wool cap that is too warm can cause your baby to develop symptoms of prickly heat on the neck and face.

Hormone imbalance

The appearance of abscesses on the skin of the back is quite often a manifestation of an imbalance in hormones. The development of this pathological condition, as a rule, leads to an increased level of testosterone.

Pustular rashes usually appear on the back, shoulders, face, and also on the upper half of the body. This condition develops more often in adolescence.

Where to apply?

The appearance of rashes on the skin is a mandatory reason for parents to show the child to the doctor. For the first visit, it is enough to consult with a pediatrician.. This doctor will conduct the necessary clinical examination and establish a presumptive diagnosis.

If the differential diagnosis is quite complicated and requires special knowledge about skin diseases, then the pediatrician will refer the baby for a consultation with a pediatric dermatologist.

To establish the correct diagnosis for all babies, a whole range of various studies is carried out.

A general blood test reveals even hidden signs of various infectious pathologies, and also gives doctors an idea of ​​the severity of functional disorders. Even in the absence of a high body temperature in a child, leukocytes and ESR may be elevated. These laboratory changes quite clearly indicate that certain pathologies develop in the child's body.

In some cases, it is possible to identify the causative agent of the disease only with the help of special bacteriological studies.

These methods include scraping. The biological material for this test is the upper layers of the skin. They are taken for examination by a nurse in the laboratory, and in some cases only by a pediatric dermatologist. The readiness of the material is usually in 3-5 days from the moment of material sampling.

To identify and differentiate various forms of allergic diseases, various allergy tests. They allow you to establish whether the child has an individual hypersensitivity to certain types of allergens. Only an immunologist conducts this test.

Such a study gives doctors a fairly complete picture of which allergens the child has a strong sensitivity to.

How is the treatment carried out?

After establishing the diagnosis, doctors prescribe complex therapy to the sick baby. It may include a wide variety of drug combinations. The main goal of this treatment is to cleanse the skin from rashes and strengthen local immunity.

The selection of medicines is carried out taking into account the main cause of the disease, which caused the appearance of such adverse skin manifestations in the child. To eliminate an allergic rash, drugs containing in their composition antihistamine ingredients. Such remedies not only cope with rashes, but also help reduce itching.

To achieve the result, it usually takes at least 7-10 days of taking these drugs. The first positive effect, as a rule, is already noticeable for 2-3 days from the start of the use of drugs.

Antihistamine drugs can be produced in various forms of release. With a mild course of the pathological condition, it is enough to use special ointments or creams. Such products are perfectly distributed over the skin, quickly absorbed and penetrate well into all skin layers. These medicines include: "Gistan N", "Fenistil gel" and many others. Such drugs should be used in accordance with the instructions on the package.

With systemic spread of skin elements, only local treatment is not enough. In this case, doctors recommend using tablet forms medicines. These drugs include: "Suprastin", "Loratadin", "Zirtek" and many others. They are prescribed 1-2 times a day, mainly in the first half of the day.

If a red rash on the skin of a child appeared as a result of overheating of the child, then parents should definitely reconsider the clothes they use for the baby. Do not overwrap your child. For walks on the street, you should give preference to fairly warm, but at the same time “breathable” clothing.

For babies, especially the first years of life, it is better to choose blouses or panties made from natural materials.

Red rashes that appear in babies on various parts of the body can also be triggered various cosmetic products which are used for daily hygiene procedures.

Moms should pay special attention to body lotions and creams. Quite often, their composition includes various chemical fragrances and dyes, which cause various allergic rashes to appear on the delicate skin of a child.

Babies who are prone to developing skin allergies should choose cosmetics that do not contain any aggressive components.

It is better to limit the use of all products, having a strong odor. Preference should be given to children's cosmetics, which are approved for use in newborn babies and have all the necessary certificates of quality and safety.

Do not think that your baby's skin will be as smooth and velvety as in the photo from the postcard. Skin rashes and other irregularities are common in infants, but should be distinguished when a rash is a sign of illness. If in doubt, be sure to show the child to the doctor.

A rash is a pathological element on the skin (or mucous membranes) that differs from normal skin in color, texture, and appearance. The rash may consist of blisters, spots, papules, blisters that appear on healthy skin, against the background of redness or in place of old elements. All this is important for making the correct diagnosis.

In most newborns, white dots can be seen on the face, which are called "miles". This is completely normal and goes away in a few days.

Causes of the rash

Baby's skin is an extremely sensitive and delicate organ that reacts to literally everything. Causes of skin rashes in infants can be:
food allergies, including what mom eats
drug rash
contact dermatitis
diaper dermatitis
atopic dermatitis
prickly heat
neonatal acne
infectious rash

Consider each type of rash.

food allergy

A food allergy is a pink or red rash that looks like a nettle sting. Most often, it appears on the cheeks and chin in the form of scaly patches, but it can also appear on the legs, abdomen, back, and forearms. With a particularly severe allergic poisoning or regular intake of an allergen, the rash takes the form of a scab and begins to get wet.

If the baby is breastfed, the mother's diet may be the cause of the rash. Try to consistently eliminate the following allergenic foods: red fish, whole milk, veal, citrus fruits, nuts, tomatoes.

Proteins found in artificial formulas can also cause a skin reaction. Too early or incorrectly started complementary foods also have a dangerous allergic potential, so it is recommended to consult a pediatrician before.

drug rash

Occurs as a side effect (not) after taking medications (antibiotics, hormonal drugs, etc.). Provoke a rash and vitamin complexes, tablet shells, fluorine, iron, many herbal preparations. If you associate the appearance of a rash with some kind of medicine, then the first thing to do is stop taking it. If after this the rash does not disappear, you should consult a doctor.

contact dermatitis

It looks like a small rash or chafing of the skin. Most often, it occurs in response to washing powders enriched with fragrances and, especially, rinses. In addition, the materials that children's clothing is made from (especially wool and synthetic fibers) can also trigger rashes.

Diaper dermatitis

With diaper dermatitis, symptoms (redness, vesicles, peeling) appear on the skin exclusively in the diaper area. Its causes are prolonged skin contact with a wet cloth or creases in diapers. This is not an allergy, so there is no need to use antiallergic drugs. The main principle of the treatment of diaper dermatitis is proper care, timely diaper change. Ointments "Bepanten", "Drapolen", "D-panthenol", "Boro-plus" have an excellent healing effect.

If diaper dermatitis is not treated, a bacterial infection can join it. In this case, you must consult a doctor. For treatment, antibacterial ointments (for example, Baneocin), as well as antifungal agents as prescribed by a doctor, can be used.

Prickly heat

It can occur in a child of the first year of life at almost any time of the year, it looks like a small pink rash, slightly convex to the touch. More often located in the neck, chest. The reason is prolonged sweating of the skin, especially in heat. Quite often, prickly heat accompanies overheating and insufficient care. Miliaria is not contagious and usually does not cause negative feelings in the child. With normalization of temperature and care, prickly heat passes. To speed up the process, regular baby powder helps a lot.


It looks like a nettle burn and has many causes. In some children, it may occur under the influence of cold, heat, sun, from strong excitement. Also, a hives-like rash can appear from too tight elastic on clothes or when rubbing the straps (car seats, backpack, etc.).

If the hives persist for a long time, you should consult a doctor. The basis for the treatment of urticaria is the use of antihistamines: Suprastin, Zirtek, Fenistil, etc.). With severe itching, ointments with menthol, anesthesin can help. In severe cases, hormonal ointments are prescribed.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an allergic disease. The reasons for it can be different: this is an incorrect menu for a nursing mother, and complementary foods introduced at the wrong time, and dysbacteriosis, and hereditary predisposition, and improper hygiene procedures, and the use of irritating cosmetics. Atopic dermatitis in an infant may begin with a slight swelling on the forehead and cheeks. The skin on the arms and buttocks also turns red and peels off, then on the legs. After a while, small bubbles pour out, the baby is worried about itching. In addition, the tonsils and adenoids may increase.

The diagnosis is established only by a doctor. The main thing in the treatment of atopic dermatitis is to recognize and eliminate the allergen. Antihistamines are used to relieve symptoms. Ointments, decoctions of herbs, as well as biological products and medicinal fermented milk products will help to cope with dermatitis. Artificial babies are prescribed hypoallergenic soy-based nutrition. When breastfeeding, allergens (honey, condensed milk, nuts, carrots, citrus fruits) should be excluded from the mother's diet.

neonatal acne

This type of rash is also known as neonatal acne. Such a rash affects about 20-30% of children in the first weeks and months of life, looks like small imperceptible pimples on the face, neck and scalp. Neonatal acne is not a contagious disease, it is not dangerous and does not require medication or other specific treatment. Pimples do not have a comedone - a clogged pore. They rarely fester and form pronounced foci of inflammation. Most often they look like changes in the relief of the skin (in some cases they can only be detected by touch). Doctors attribute their occurrence to the improvement of the hormonal background of a newborn child, as well as to the colonization of the skin by certain types of yeast fungi, which are normally part of the microflora. In most cases, the disease resolves on its own within 1 to 3 months.

Infectious rash

It occurs as a symptom of infectious diseases and differs in appearance depending on the disease. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, and it is mainly aimed not at the rash, but at fighting the infection.

- roseola baby (three-day fever). This infectious disease is also called "sudden exanthema." It affects only children under the age of 2 years, the causative agents are herpes viruses 6 and 7 types. At the beginning of the disease, the child has a strong and inexplicable temperature rise, which falls exactly on the third day. With a decrease in temperature, the baby suddenly becomes covered with a pink-red focal rash. It passes without a trace in 4-7 days. When the temperature rises, you can use paracetamol, ibuprofen.

- scarlet fever. A small dotted rash of scarlet color occurs on the neck, back and chest, gradually spreading to the whole body. As a rule, the rash is one of the first symptoms of scarlet fever, but in some cases it appears on the second day after infection. With the spread of infectious rashes, the face acquires a characteristic appearance - the nasolabial triangle remains white and stands out in contrast. The rash disappears quickly with antibiotics.

- chicken pox. Rash on the 1st or 2nd day along with high fever. First, a spot appears that turns into a vesicle, the vesicle bursts and an abscess forms, which heals and a crust forms. The rash affects the entire body at once (250-500 elements). A characteristic sign is the presence of a rash on the scalp. Chickenpox lasts 3-5 days, followed by normalization of temperature, the crusts fall off later.

- measles. With measles, the rash does not appear immediately, but on days 3-5 of high body temperature. The rash is very large, bright, papular, profuse. This disease is characterized by a certain sequence: first, protruding flaming papules appear on the face and behind the ears, then on the body and arms, and lastly on the lower body and legs. As a rule, a measles rash is not the first sign of the disease, and its appearance indicates an improvement that has begun - with the end of the spread of the rash, the temperature drops and the patient is on the mend. In addition, the healing of the rash indicates that there is no danger of infection through contact with an ill child.

- rubella. The rash occurs on the 3-4th day of temperature, characterized by an increase in the occipital lymph nodes. The rash is often mild, localized on the face, trunk, limbs, but less clearly than with measles. Remains 3-4 days.

- enterovirus infection "mouth-foot-palm". The rash appears against the background of a mild disease with damage to the oral mucosa. For such an intestinal infection, lesions of the hands and feet are characteristic.

Rashes on a clean child's body mean the development of various ailments, diseases in an organism that has not yet become stronger. They are often accompanied by itching. A rash on a child’s body can appear without a temperature, and you need to find not only the causes, but also effective, safe for the baby methods of treatment, which can not be done without the help of an experienced pediatrician. Caring parents should contact him.

Rashes in a baby - there are always reasons

Any visible rash is an internal disorder of the child's body. It cannot occur without special reasons.

The causes of a rash in a child without itching and without temperature on the body include:

  • dermatitis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • autoimmune types of diseases;
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system.

Allergic reactions of the body and infectious types of diseases are the main causes of various rashes. But, unlike the second option, with allergies, the temperature almost always remains within the normal range. In this case, the rash is always accompanied by a rather severe itching, which may be evidenced by scratching on children's skin.

In an infant, various rashes without fever can occur if his mother ate a new product before feeding. Also, the body can react to external stimuli. These include:

  • powder;
  • diapers;
  • baby cream;
  • washing powder;
  • synthetic clothing.

Often, when the allergen is eliminated, the symptoms gradually go away on their own, without the use of medications.

Miliaria can occur when a child overheats during the hot summer months. She appears anywhere. Outwardly, it looks like a small red rash on the baby's body. It does not require special treatment. It is important to bathe the baby more often and take air baths.

If, in addition to rashes, the child has no other symptoms, such as high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, then you should not panic, it is wiser to visit a pediatrician.

Allergies can occur to foods such as: vegetables and fruits of orange, red hues, honey, berries, chicken eggs, milk and much more.

Children's rash with allergies takes different types:

  • nodes;
  • spots;
  • bubbles;
  • tubercles;
  • blisters;
  • abscesses.

Rashes can occur as a result of dermatological diseases, such as: diaper dermatitis, eczema. With these diseases, conventional moisturizing ointments may not help, the use of medications is necessary.

Autoimmune diseases cannot be ruled out - this is a pathology of the connective tissue. The following states may occur:

  • scleroderma, in which plaques of various sizes appear on the body;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus usually appears on the face in the form of the wings of an ordinary butterfly;
  • systemic vasculitis associated with damage to the walls of blood vessels usually leads to the appearance of rashes on children's skin.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

lupus erythematosus


Violation of the blood coagulation system, most often, is a congenital disease. It is associated with a large shortage of certain blood factors. This condition can greatly threaten not only the health, but also the life of the baby.

Rash and itching on the body is not an easy situation, even if the child does not itch. At the first symptoms, as well as the poor appearance of the baby, you should immediately seek specialized help.

A rash on the abdomen and back without fever and severe itching is mainly the result of infectious diseases, which include chicken pox, rubella, scarlet fever and measles. With proper treatment, the rash disappears after a few days. They may be accompanied by fever. With these diseases, itchy rashes can also affect other parts of the body, such as the legs or back.

If acne, as well as redness, is observed only in the abdomen, then this may be a consequence of contact dermatitis due to contact of delicate skin with external allergens.



A rash on the legs and abdomen in a child usually causes allergic reactions. But it may well be a fungal disease if it is only about the legs.

The most common causes of rashes on the surface of the back are:

  • measles;
  • prickly heat;
  • rubella;
  • allergy;
  • insect bites.

No itching and anxiety, but there is a reason for frustration

If the child's rash does not itch or bother, the first possible cause is prickly heat. It is a consequence of overheating of children's skin. May appear as blisters or red spots.

The rash does not itch and without temperature all over the child's body in the photo:

At the moment of activation of the baby's sebaceous glands, rashes in the form of acne can be observed on his body, but they usually pass without a trace, after moderate skin moisturizing.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis most often occurs in children on the buttocks, as well as in the joints. Looks like small spots.

Pyoderma is expressed in ulcers with yellow contents. Subsequently, hard crusts form. Its reasons may be:

  • injections;
  • combing;
  • overheating;
  • metabolic disorder in the body.

Sometimes a severe rash all over a child's body can be the result of weak immunity after heavy exertion.

The baby itches and has a temperature - health is very troublesome

If a dry and other rash appears on the baby's body with fever and itching, infectious or inflammatory diseases can be suspected.

Diseases in which rashes with itching and elevated temperature can form:

  • measles;
  • eczema;
  • rubella;
  • chickenpox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • allergic rash;
  • bites of various insects.

Parents should seek immediate medical attention

You need to show the child to a qualified doctor as soon as the child was poured all over the body. There are some situations when you need to immediately call an ambulance:

  • hemorrhages in the form of stars;
  • temperature above 38 degrees;
  • rashes cover almost the entire body;
  • difficulty breathing due to internal edema;
  • there is severe vomiting and loss of consciousness.

First of all, you need to show the baby to the local pediatrician, and already he can additionally send for a consultation with a dermatologist, an allergist.

Methods of elimination and successful treatment

If a large or small red rash on the body without fever and does not itch, it is important not only to find out what it could be, but also to understand how to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Due to the selection of the wrong medication, the internal organs of the child can be made much worse.

In cases with an allergic variant and atopic dermatitis, all possible contacts with irritants should be eliminated. You may also need antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Prickly heat and acne do not require the intervention of medications. The main thing is to monitor the hygiene of the child, to moisturize his skin.

To treat the rash that results from scarlet fever, doctors prescribe antibiotics.

Whatever the reasons for the rash and itching in a child, baths with decoctions of chamomile and string can help to eliminate. The second plant gives a calming effect.

If there is some serious undiagnosed disease in the body, then any home treatment will not give any result at all until the disease is identified and the appropriate treatment is selected.

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