Sports after mammoplasty: types of physical activity in the postoperative period. Fitness after mammoplasty When can I exercise after mammoplasty

For me, this was a sore subject, because, leading an active lifestyle before the operation, where sports played a particularly important role, sitting idle for a whole month was comparable to torture. The gym beckoned me in my dreams with iron and a treadmill, and boxing gloves lay sadly on the shelf, covered with a thin layer of dust, each time reminding me of the “triple” and the “postman”. But, without looking at the awl at the fifth point and the eternal desire for an ideal body, I did not succumb to temptations and clearly withstood a month-long pause from training.

And even after receiving a "go-ahead" for the long-awaited training from Mr. Mechkovsky, I did not rush into all serious, but very smoothly entered my usual sports regimen.
The resumption of training began with the pool. And if earlier I swam 1200 meters in an hour, then after the operation the distance was reduced by 2.5 times. Feel the difference! I’ll be honest, but I didn’t want to go faster, it seemed to me that I felt every muscle ... Of course, with each subsequent workout, I increased the pace and after 3 months I reached my norm.

Then there was a gym and all the exercises under clear guidance. my coach, with whom we have been together for a long time and he was preparing for my arrival by writing an individual program for me, excluding any load on the pectoral and shoulder muscles. But you should understand that even with the coolest super-duper light program and the most cautious attitude, you need to listen to your body. Only by feeling you can adequately assess and choose the severity and pace of the load.

The resumption of training in the boxing gym was at the very end of the list, but they were among the most long-awaited. I work with coach, who took maximum care of my condition during the training and the rehabilitation process, carefully excluding a number of exercises and at first forbidding me to invest in the blow “to the fullest”.

In this article, I really want to convey that all the haste and neglect of the advice of your surgeon and trainer can lead to disastrous results and a beautiful butt pumped up and 8 pack abs will not look so good when your implants slide down to the navel.

And so, what threatens early intense physical activity or 5 reasons why you should “turn on” your head during rehabilitation:

1. Displacement of the implant, namely, the implant falling out of the pocket, which will lead to breast asymmetry and repeated surgical intervention.
2. The formation of a rough scar. Because an unformed scar under external pressure on the tissue can stretch.
3. Seroma. It is a yellowish, slightly viscous fluid that accumulates between the breast and the implant. A seroma requires antibiotic treatment, and in some cases the implant may need to be removed.
4. Abundant bleeding, which leads to the accumulation of a blood clot in the cavity of the pocket, where large hematomas can subsequently form, which can serve as the beginning of a suppurative process.
5. Divergence of seams. I don't think I need to explain why this is bad. You will be sewn up again ... not a question, only the scars will become more noticeable, and your psychological state, after seeing a hole instead of a seam, will be a little shaken.


The rehabilitation period after mammoplasty is from three to eight months.
At this time it is not allowed:
- performance of heavy physical loads;
- bodybuilding training (although bodybuilders neglect this rule)
-strength exercises (push-ups, lifting with a barbell).

You can return to serious activities only six months after the operation.
After three months, your surgeon may allow athletics and running. It is very important not to overload the shoulder girdle with active exercises until the three-month period.
And remember, the timing of returning to sports is extremely individual for everyone (depending on physiology, as well as the speed of the recovery process after surgery), tell your surgeon about any of your “body movements” in the direction of sports, believe me, he will not advise bad.

Recovery times are affected by:
- the size and shape of the implant;
- the density of the mammary gland;
-surgical technique and method of implant placement.
With large implant sizes, the time to return to sports can increase significantly.

As I wrote earlier, the first couple of days after mammoplasty requires complete rest and bed rest.
You should start physical exercises no earlier than a month later with small loads, gradually increasing, adjusting their duration, but be sure to listen to your body, paying special attention to well-being.
After two months, many physical activities are allowed, in case of normal healing, running and aerobics can be included in the training plan, but only after consultation with the surgeon.
Three months later:
do stretching;
download the press;
raise your arms above your shoulders.

Push-ups, chest presses and chest stretches can be done after six months (and I will repeat this tirelessly ... after consulting with your surgeon).
Mountaineering, rowing, etc. should be excluded for 6-12 months.

It should be borne in mind that all types of exercises must be carried out in compression underwear for up to 6-8 weeks, and then in a sports bra, you will have to show off your babies later. But, by the way, I still work out in compression underwear.
Now, I'm answering the questions:

During training, especially in the early stages after surgery, you may experience pain. This is due to the fact that the muscles have not yet come to the proper tone. You can continue classes.
In this case, you need to give up for some time exercises that cause pain, or reduce their intensity. In case the pain does not subside, it is necessary to consult a surgeon.

After mammoplasty, especially with the method of access under the muscle, there are pains and feelings of tightness in the chest. During the first weeks, this is a completely normal process.
To form an implant, the surgeon needs to separate the large muscle of the chest, under which it is inserted. The implant begins to put pressure on the surrounding organs, since there is still not enough space for it there. There is a gradual adaptation and stretching of the tissues.
Over time, this feeling of discomfort will pass.

Remember the rush in the issue of rehabilitation is completely useless, you don’t want to harm yourself ?!
Now I will tell you about the process of getting rid of unwanted vegetation on my body. I had the second procedure, which was over in 20 minutes. Fast, right?! And that's all, because I'm "late" and "in a hurry"!)))))) This time, the power was increased, somewhere, in some places, I felt discomfort, but no more. There is noticeably less hair .. Therefore, I think that 5 procedures will be enough, although it is up to my doctor and part-time, a wonderful person, to decide Egorova Natalya Sergeevna. In the last article, I talked about how important it is for a competent specialist to work with you (of course, this is important everywhere). It seemed, well, what was he doing with the device, special skills are not needed, but not!) In order for such a procedure as laser hair removal to be effective and without pain, the doctor must determine your skin type, hair thickness, find out about your ailments, etc., and based on the information received, select the necessary power and intensity of the beam for you. Simply, one of the real examples of my friend's unsuccessful trip to the laser hair removal procedure, which ran into an alexandrite laser in one of the Minsk medical centers (by the way, oddly enough, the center is really good).

“Dasha, how did it really hurt you? She tortured me for almost an hour, I thought I was going to die! It was painful and endured for a long time, the effect is so-so ... ".
I will not transfer the entire dialogue, since there are too many obscene expressions)))), but she wanted to stop continuing the procedures. BUT! I managed to persuade her to go to Lesante to my doctor, explaining all the details and advantages of this center.
In general, the arguments are simple! On the alexandrite laser, the bikini zone is done for half an hour, and on the diode one (exactly the same in Lesante) - 10 minutes, and if you do the bikini, armpit and leg zones, then on the alexandrite laser 2 hours, and on ours 40-60 minutes, that is, in 2 times faster, and, accordingly, 2 times less time to endure pain!
What is the result:
“Dasha, you reprimand! You don't love me at all! Why didn't I go there before?! The pain was many times less and the torment was only for 30 minutes! »
In short, it was not in vain that I convinced her))) SMS from her husband:
“Thank you, Dasha! I thought this was the end.”

Tatyana (32 years old, Odintsovo), 05/30/2017

Good afternoon, Maxim. It's my birthday soon, so I want to give myself a gift in the form of a breast augmentation. It is important to note that I want to do breasts in the summer, and during this period I develop an allergy to the pollen of flowering plants. I can’t say that the condition is becoming critical, but I feel very bad. Is it possible to do breast augmentation during this period:? What pills to drink during rehabilitation. Thanks for the answer. Tanya.

Good afternoon, Tatyana. I do not recommend breast augmentation during an allergy flare-up. It is worth waiting until there is no allergy in order to perform surgery. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Irina (26 years old, Korolyov), 05/27/2017

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I plan to increase my breasts, but at the moment I am still breastfeeding my daughter (Breastfeeding). Tell me, after what period can I do an operation to increase? Irina

Good afternoon, Irina. Breast augmentation surgery can be performed only six months after the last day of lactation. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Lilia (25 years old, Moscow), 05/25/2017

Good morning! It so happened that by nature I have very small breasts. I'm worried about surgery. I'm afraid that there will be very visible scars. There will be traces of the operation. Perhaps you can recommend how else you can increase your breasts without implants? Are there recommended injections? Sincerely, Lily.

Hello Lily! At the moment, I consider the only acceptable method of breast augmentation - plastic surgery with implants. After the operation, the traces remain minimal, and postoperative scars are difficult to see. Do not worry, because the result after this operation will definitely surprise you. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Kristina (27 years old, Moscow), 05/24/2017

Good afternoon, Maxim Alexandrovich. My girlfriend did your breasts, now I want to enlarge my breasts, because after pregnancy I am not at all satisfied with her shape. Can you tell me what are the forms? My friend chose the round shape of the implants, but for my taste, the round one looks unnatural. What could you advise in this matter?

Good afternoon! There are enough implants to choose the shape that will suit you. The shape can be: anatomical, spherical, drop-shaped and round. I can recommend a certain form of implant only after I see your breasts and their condition after pregnancy. I suggest making an appointment for a consultation. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Olga (25 years old, Moscow), 03/15/2017

I live in another city. How many days do I need to allocate for breast augmentation surgery? Is it possible to take tests in my city and come only for an operation?

It's possible. First you need to choose the day of the operation. We send you a list of tests and you submit them in advance in your city. On the eve of the operation, you need to come for a consultation, at which the doctor will select implants for you, taking into account your wishes and anatomical features. After the operation, you stay in the hospital for a day, then you are discharged and you come to remove the stitches in 3-4 days. And the doctor will let you go. That is, you will need 4-5 days to travel.

Olga (28 years old, Moscow), 12/18/2016

Hello? Maksim. I want to enlarge my breasts. How can I if I have stretch marks on my chest??

Good afternoon! The presence of stretch marks does not affect the operation. Unfortunately, stretch marks cannot be removed. With the help of cosmetic effects, they can be made less noticeable.

Anastasia (27 years old, Moscow), 11/29/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! My husband and I go to the gym, the weight of the load is not significant, but still ... I want to put implants and I would like to clarify how long it takes to return to sports?

Good afternoon, Anastasia! As a rule, you can return to sports activities one and a half months after the operation. However, it will be necessary to learn the permission of the doctor after he evaluates the failure of the sutures.

Victoria (32 years old, Moscow), 11/28/2016

Hello, I am a male transvestite, and I want to make myself a female breast (enlarge). What is needed for this, to what size can it be increased, and how much will it cost ??? Thanks in advance.

Good afternoon. The cost of the operation is 250,000. The size and shape of the implants can be determined during the consultation. Implants are placed under the pectoral muscle, the incision remains almost invisible.

Kristina (18 years old, Moscow), 09/20/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I have a zero breast size, I want (ideally) a fourth ... I myself am slim, they tell me that there can be a big load on my back. This is true?? I am 18 years old. Sincerely, Christina!

Hello Christina! There is no actual limit in matters of breast augmentation, but an experienced professional considers each individual case. In your case, it is probably undesirable to increase to the fourth size. Since there will really be a big load on the back and the risk of an unnatural appearance of the implants. In addition, you will need several operations, since surgeons do not perform a one-time breast augmentation of 4 sizes. More precisely, I can answer your question at a face-to-face consultation. Come and we will help you!

Irina (23 years old, Moscow), 09/18/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I did a breast augmentation ten years ago (two sizes, now three). Recently, my breasts have sagged a little, and it has become noticeable that I am wearing implants. Can this be fixed somehow? Thanks in advance, Irina.

Hello Irina! We can perform breast lift surgery and implant replacement, which will completely solve your problem. Come to us for a consultation and we will help you!

One of the requirements of the recovery period after mammoplasty is the limitation of physical activity and sports. It is not surprising that many women who lead an active lifestyle have a question about when it is possible to play sports after mammoplasty and what training is fraught with during the rehabilitation period. They want to know: how to do sports after mammoplasty and what are the restrictions?

What is fraught with loads in the early rehabilitation period?

Sports immediately after mammoplasty will cause a number of negative consequences. One of them is the formation of an ugly and highly visible scar, which is due to the external pressure of the tissue on a scar that has not yet healed and has not formed. Other annoyances are as follows:

  • displacement of the implant (correction is possible only through surgical intervention);
  • breast asymmetry due to the implant falling out of the pocket (correction is possible only through surgical intervention);
  • abnormal accumulation of fluid between the implant and the breast (will require antibiotics, sometimes surgery to remove the implant);
  • the opening of bleeding, which will lead to the formation of a hematoma and can cause an inflammatory process;
  • divergence of seams.

When can you play sports?

On average, the recovery period after an operation such as mammoplasty lasts from 3 to 6 months. During this time, it is strictly prohibited:

  • engage in bodybuilding;
  • do strength exercises.

The first serious sports training is available no earlier than six months after mammoplasty. However, after 3 months, jogging and athletics are possible. They can be resolved by a doctor after an examination. As for training in the gym, the timing of their resumption is also determined by the plastic surgeon on an individual basis.

What factors determine the duration of the recovery period?

  • size and shape of the implant;
  • the density of the mammary glands;
  • implant placement.

So, if the volume of the implant is large, then the recovery will require more time. The same can be said about the location of the implant under the muscle: physical activity on the shoulder girdle after this operation is prohibited for 6 weeks.

What exercises can be performed after mammoplasty?

It is worth noting that the increase in loads after surgery should occur gradually, in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. So, during the first 3 weeks, any load on the shoulder girdle (including lifting minor weights) should be excluded. Only short walks are allowed. Recommendations for other recovery times are as follows:

  • Over the next 3 weeks, the patient will be advised to raise her arms up to develop the shoulder girdle;
  • After another 4 weeks, you can start swimming for a short time and lifting dumbbells weighing up to 2 kg;
  • After 3 months, you can pump the press and raise your arms above your shoulders;
  • After 6 months, it is possible to perform push-ups and stretching of the chest muscles (only after consulting a doctor).

It is especially important to play sports after mammoplasty under the muscle. The doctor may recommend exercises with a load on the shoulder girdle, which will eliminate the risk of a rough scar.

For six weeks, it is necessary to perform exercises in compression underwear, after which you can switch to a sports bra.

When can I start playing sports after mammoplasty?

There are two types of mammoplasty: with and without implants. After the operation, each option will have its own level of physical activity.

  1. Implant placement (breast augmentation)
  2. It is very important that the implant grows and fixes after the operation. As a result of physical activity, the muscle can press on it, and a displacement will occur, which can only be corrected with a second operation. To prevent this from happening up to 3-6 months, sports are contraindicated. I allow patients to perform exercises on the legs and buttocks on the 3rd month after the operation, and on the arms and chest - only on the 6th.

    Since mammoplasty is often done by young mothers, that is, individual recommendations for interacting with children. The first week and a half is better not to raise the baby. The permissible load level in the first month is no more than one and a half kilograms. After a month and a half, you can pick up children weighing no more than 3-5 kg. After 3-6 months, you can lift the baby on outstretched arms.

  3. Mammoplasty without implantation (breast lift or reduction)
  4. With the reduction (reduction) of the mammary gland, there is nothing to move inside, so after a week you can go in for sports and lift weight without restrictions.

Does the shape of implants affect training?

Implants are round and anatomical (as close as possible to the shape of the breast). The shape does not affect the level of physical activity, however, if a displacement occurs, the rotation of the round implant will be less noticeable than the anatomical one. However, both of them, in any case, will have to be returned to their place with the help of a second operation.

Discomfort after surgery

Unpleasant sensations after breast augmentation surgery may appear even without physical activity. Usually the chest hurts the first few days. The most difficult time is the third day, when there is a feeling of fullness, it seems that the chest will burst. This is normal and occurs due to the fact that the muscle under which the implant is placed is injured. The plastic surgeon cuts her a little. But on the third or fifth day the pain goes away. If it reappears when playing sports, it is better to stop them.

When lifting the breast muscle remains intact, the surgeon cuts only the gland, so the chest does not hurt at all after the operation.

Postoperative period

After mammoplasty, a number of rules must be observed:

  • the first week be sure to drink antibiotics;
  • sleep only on your back for a week and a half;
  • one and a half weeks to wash in parts, so as not to remove compression underwear;
  • wear compression underwear for one to three months.

In general, a week after breast augmentation or breast lift surgery, the girl can already go to work and lead a full life. And the traces of the operation will be invisible after 3-6 months.

So, in order to play sports after mammoplasty without the risk of complications, you need to choose underwear for fitness and fully follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Every year, the communities of plastic surgeons in each country conduct a statistical analysis of the operations performed in the previous year. At the end of 2017, American plastic surgeons recorded a stable first place in this ranking of breast augmentation surgeries. This trend continues in many countries around the world. Russian doctors also note a steady increase in interest in mammoplasty. Today, due to the high awareness of the population in the plastic surgery market, a situation has developed when future patients come for a consultation with a surgeon already having a general idea of ​​​​the future operation.

At the reception, they want to get answers to all their questions related directly to the operation and the postoperative period. In particular, one of the most asked questions is the possibility of sports after breast correction surgery. Young women actively visit the gym to keep their figure in good shape. By changing the breast and restoring its elasticity and shape, they receive a strong impetus for energetic self-care. One of the important elements of such care is regular exercise. But myths about a long-term ban on going to the gym after mammoplasty are widespread in women's society, so many do not even plan to visit a plastic surgery clinic to decide on a breast augmentation or lift. After the operation, surgeons really do not recommend doing vigorous physical activity for some time.

Why is it impossible to practice immediately after discharge from the clinic?

The operation of mammoplasty is completed with suturing and they must heal in such a way that the result is expected and the state of health is good. Therefore, one of the main reasons for the ban on sports is the possible injury and, as a result, bleeding. Performing exercises can provoke a divergence of the seams and the occurrence of hematomas due to damage to nearby vessels. The overwhelming number of complications in the postoperative period occurs due to violation of the doctor's recommendations. Upon discharge, the surgeon gives the patient clear rules of conduct for the entire rehabilitation period.

What can not be done after discharge?

First of all, any lifting of weights and the creation of even a small load on the pectoral muscles are prohibited. You can not sleep on your stomach, make sudden movements with your hands. If a woman is professionally involved in heavy sports, for example, tennis, mountaineering, women's wrestling, then the restriction on classes can be a period of about a year. Therefore, it makes sense to think about the advisability of mammoplasty in this case. Compression garments must be worn during the rehabilitation period.

When will it be possible to return to work?

The ban on active sports immediately after the operation does not mean that any physical activity should be excluded from life. Mammoplasty is a serious shock for a woman's body and it is necessary to return to normal life gradually. Three weeks after the operation, with the permission of the attending physician, you can gradually begin to do light exercises that do not affect the upper body, a small load will increase blood circulation, and hence the healing process. Gradually increasing the load after about six months, you can return to more intense activities. An earlier independent return to active movements can cause the implant to fall out of the pocket, the appearance of a rough scar in a visible place, and other problems.

The physical recovery of the body occurs after three months, during which time scars heal, swelling subsides. But the final term is influenced by the individual characteristics of the organism, which depend on the physical condition of the patient before the operation, the time of scarring of the sutures, the method of installing the implant and the place of access to the gland. Mammoplasty is quite compatible in the future with fitness and many famous people are proof of this. Compliance with the recommendations of the surgeon and a reasonable approach to physical activity will help to overcome all the difficulties of the postoperative period and return to sports in excellent shape.

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