How many cards should be in the uno game. Board game "Uno": exciting and interesting

The number of Uno cards may vary. Uno 4 includes 108 cards. If this set contains 112 pieces, then 4 of them are empty. They are provided first of all for replacement in case of loss of the main ones. The main cards are divided into digital and action cards, or otherwise active.

Digital maps

There are 4 colors of cards in Uno with numbers from 0 to 9. With zero, one of each color, that is, a total of four cards from the deck. Before you put a card on the table, you need to consider that all other numbers in each color have 2 cards. You need to memorize your cards, and even better, try to calculate what others may have in their hands.

Meaning of action cards

Active (with pictures)

As well as digital, Uno has 4 colors of active cards. They require certain actions to be taken.

You should study the meaning of special images on them.

Cards "Empty" - for entering new rules - are absent in Uno 4.

The image in Uno "Take 2" obliges the next player to take 2 pieces from the "Prikup" deck.

The card "Reverse move" changes the direction of the moves. That is, if the queue went clockwise, then after laying it out, the move goes to the previous participant, and then the queue goes counterclockwise. And so it continues until someone else puts the same one again.

The “Skip Turn” card allows the person who placed it to make one more move.

Black active cards

They also prescribe an action, but, as you might guess from the name, they are made in one color - black. A distinctive feature is that they can be laid out at any time, regardless of what color is on top of the "Reset". The one who made a move with such a card calls the next required color.

There are only 2 of them: Black color change card and black change card + 4 additional. The second of them, in addition to changing the color, obliges the next player to take 4 pieces from the "Prikup" deck.

Card cost

The cost is very easy to remember, because it is fixed depending on the images.

Each digital has a value corresponding to its number. Then if a deuce is drawn on it, 2 points are awarded for it, and similarly with the rest.

For ordinary action cards, 20 points are awarded. Most awarded for active color change cards - 50 points each.

Special rules (additions to the main rules)

In another way, they are called "home". They are recommended to be introduced for a change after mastering the basic rules. Due to the fact that beginners are not always explained when playing with special rules that they are not basic, misconceptions about the gameplay appear. This contributes to the spread of a large number of misconceptions about how to and how not to play Uno.

Interception of the move

A player can make a move out of turn if both conditions are met with respect to the central card:

  • same color card
  • it shows the same number or picture.

The Color Change + 4 card is an exception and can only be placed on your turn.

At the very beginning of the game, interception of the move is impossible, since in any case only the next player after the dealer can move.

Dealing two identical cards

If a player has two identical cards, after laying out one of them, he can make "Interception of the move" with the other. However, it is forbidden to put them at the same time. This contributes to the development of reaction and enlivens the game well. After all, after the first card is laid out, the next player can have time to make his move.

Seven is zero

When a “0” card is dropped, each player passes his cards to the next in the direction of the game.

When the card "7" falls out, the one who laid it out exchanges cards with any of the players at will.

Uno stacked

When a player has put the “+2 cards” card, the next person is allowed to put the same one if available, then the third one will have to take four pieces from the deck.

With cards "Color change + 4 cards" everything happens according to the same principle. That is, the third player in such a situation will have to pull out as many as 8 pieces from the "Prikup" deck. The color is ordered by the last person who put this card.

Cards "+2" or "Color change + 4" can be put until the players run out of them. If 4 players in a row put cards “+ 2 cards”, this means that the fifth player does not have them, which means he will be forced to take 8 pieces.

In one turn, each player can put only one of the cards "+2" or "Color change + 4".


The player who laid out the digital card "5" has the right to make an exchange with the selected player. The card on each side can be any at the request of the participants in the exchange.

Lazy scoring

Each Uno round completes the scoring. The player who was the first to get rid of everything that he had becomes the winner, gaining the right to open the next round on his own. The player with the maximum amount of points of the remaining cards is the loser and then becomes the distributor, that is, the dealer. A fairly convenient way to calculate, which saves a lot of time:

no need to memorize or write down the results after each round

after any round you can stop playing

UNO to the center

When a player puts the penultimate card with the cry "UNO" into the "Discard", he does not remove his hand, but leaves it above the center and waits for all the other participants to put their hands on top. The one who hesitated and was the last to take 2 pieces. It spices up the gameplay.

Circle color change

After laying out a black card “Color change” or “Color change + 4", the color changes to the one drawn on it next in a circle after the current one. That is, if, when playing clockwise, the last color was red, after laying out one of them, the color changes to blue. And if, when playing counterclockwise, the last color was yellow, then after laying out a black action card, the color changes to green.


When a "Change of Direction" card of the appropriate color is laid out, any previous action is reversed. This means that if the previous player put the "Take 2" card, then after the next player lays out the "Change of Direction" card, 2 pieces from the deck should be taken not by the next player, but by the previous one.

Board game

Number of players
From 2

Party time
From 15 minutes

Game difficulty

Uno (Uno) - an exciting American card game. This board game was patented by Merle Robbins in 1971. Today, the trademark is owned by Mattel.

Target in Uno board game

  • The card game ends when the participants run out of cards, or do not have the necessary one, and the main deck is over. The main goal is to fold the cards and count the points on the cards remaining in the hand.

Card Uno: game rules

Preparing to play Uno

  • The game deck consists of 108 cards, there is also a deck of 112 cards, which contains empty cards.
  • Cards are used in four colors - yellow, red, blue and green, have numbers from 0 to 9, of which 76 pieces, two for each color from 1 to 9, and one set of cards with number 0) are ordinary cards.
  • There are cards denoting actions - these are 8 cards "Take two", 8 cards "Reverse move" 8 cards "Skip move" also two cards per color. Other action cards are 4 Color Order cards, 4 Take Four cards depicted on a dark background.
  • The deck also contains four white cards labeled "Empty", which are used to replace lost cards, or to introduce new rules.

Uno game process

  • From the very beginning, the dealer is determined in the game, this happens by drawing a card from the deck by all participants, whoever draws the largest one will become the dealer. When a participant draws one of the action cards, he must take the card again. If several people have drawn a large card, the choice must also be made again.
  • After determining the choice, the dealer begins to deal cards, each with six of them. The card of the deck, which is located on top, lays down with the picture up and it is from it that the game starts, it gives rise to the game deck. If this card indicates actions, then it changes to another.
  • In the case when the player put a +2 card, he will be able to transfer the move to another player, while putting another +2 card.
  • The game is played clockwise.
  • With each move, the player puts a card into the deck, and it must match the color or picture with the top card of the deck. If the player does not have the right card, he can take a new card from the deck, and when it comes up, she can make a move. But of course, you can not make this move for this you will not receive any penalty. When a participant has a card with a black background, he will be able to make her move even without looking at the card that is on top of the deck.
  • When a participant in the game puts his penultimate card into the deck, he must shout out “Uno”, while he must be in time before the other player puts his card. If he does not have time to utter the cherished phrase, he will immediately take four new cards from the deck.
  • If the player put the last card he has into the deck, one point is written to his account, and then he takes 6 more cards.

Meaning of action cards

  • Cards "Empty" - used to introduce new rules (they are not in new versions of the game);
  • Card "Take 2" - the next participant in the game takes 2 cards from the bank deck;
  • Map "Reverse" - change the direction of the move;
  • Card "Skip" - the player who put the card again makes a move. When he has two identical cards, they can also be used as a turn pass;
  • Card "Wild" - a participant can order a color for another player, and he needs to make a move with a card of this color, or a black card.
  • Card "Wild + four" - again, the player names the color, and the next one, in addition to the above actions, takes more cards from the deck. She can be beaten with a + 2 card.


  • When a player forgets to say the word "Uno" when they have already placed their penultimate card and it is noticed, they point their finger at that player and say "Uno". The player then draws two cards from the deck.
  • A player who has made a recommendation to another which card he needs to move, he is also obliged to take two additional cards.

Board game Uno

Rules of the game

Full detailed UNO rules are included with the UNO deck. They contain the basic rules and the so-called "household" rules, which can be used at will.

Number of players: from 2 to 10.

Game time: from 20 minutes.

A task: be the first to discard your cards. On this, this round ends and the points are calculated on the cards remaining in hand.

Win. You can count points in two ways - as you like.

1. The player who got rid of his cards first is awarded the sum of points remaining in the hands of all other players. And so in every round. The winner is the one who, after several rounds, scores 500 points. This option stimulates precisely to win the round, that is, to be the first to throw off your cards.

2. Players are credited with points calculated on the cards remaining in their hand (the player who got rid of his cards first gets zero points). And so in every round. The loser is the one who, based on the results of several rounds, scores 200 points, the rest are winners :-) This option encourages you to fold the most "expensive" cards as soon as possible.

Variety of cards.

There are 108 cards in a deck.

Digital UNO cards. The face value is from 0 to 9 points. Each number has 4 colors. All digits (except 0) are doubled.

Active UNO cards:“Skip the move”, “Take two”, “On the contrary”. The cost of each card is 20 points. Each picture is 4 colors in double quantity.

Black active UNO cards:"Order a color", "Order a color and take four". The cost of each card is 50 points. 4 cards of each type.

UNO game rules.

Dealing cards

At the beginning of the game, everyone is dealt 7 cards (in the dark). The remaining cards are placed face down - this is the "Prikup" deck. The top card from the "Prykup" deck is turned over, placed next to it and becomes the first card of the "Discard" deck.

The game

The game starts "clockwise". The player after the dealer goes first (the dealer changes each round, usually clockwise). During his turn, the player has the right to place one card on the "Discard" deck according to the following rules:

    Or the card must be the same color.

    Either the card must have the same number, or the same picture (be an active card), or be a black active card.

    In the absence of a suitable card, the player takes one card from the "Prikup" deck (in the dark). If the card satisfies the above conditions - the player can put the card on the "Discard" deck, if it does not satisfy - the player keeps the card for himself, says "Pass" and the move goes to the next player.

The game continues until one of the players discards all cards. After that, the points are calculated for the cards remaining in the hand (the cost of the cards is given in the section Varieties of cards, the winners are determined based on the results of several rounds - the Win item).

Active UNO cards.

"Skip a Move"- The next player skips his turn.

The player can "rescue" from the action of this card only by laying out exactly the same card (same color, same picture), that is, by performing an Intervention.

"Take Two"- the next player takes two cards from the "Prikup" deck (in the dark) and skips his turn.

The player can "rescue" from the action of this card by laying out your “Take two” card (any color can be).

The actions of the “Take Two” cards are not summed up, and the last player, on whom the “chain” of laying out the “Take Two” cards ended, takes only two cards from the “Prikup” deck and skips his turn.

"Vice versa"- the direction of travel is reversed. For example, it was “clockwise”, after laying out the card “On the contrary” it will be “counterclockwise”.

When laying out several cards "On the contrary", their actions are summed up. For example, two "Reverse" cards have no effect - the move continues in the same direction as before, three "Reverse" cards change the direction of the move to the opposite, etc.

"Order a color"– allows the player to change the current color (to any, including the current color). The next player must put down any card of the given color. The player does not need any special conditions to play the “Order a Color” card, unlike the next card “Order a Color and Draw Four”...

"Order a color and take four"- can be laid out by the player only on his turn and only if the player (player-1) does not have the current color (moreover, the current number / active cards / black active card "Order a color" may be present - this is not important, the main thing no current color). Simultaneously with the laying out of this card, you must order a color (it can be any, including the current color). The next player (player-2) takes four cards from the “Prikup” deck (in the dark) and skips a turn.

Player 2 can "rescue" from the action of this card only by laying out the “Take Two” card of the new ordered color (then everything proceeds as usual with the standard action of the “Take Two” card).

Honesty check. If player 2, who is targeted by the "Order color and take four" action, suspects that he is being deceived and player 1, who laid out this card, actually has the current color, he can ask player 1 to show his cards. If the suspicions are justified, player-1 takes his “Order a color and take four” card back into his hand, takes four cards from the “Prikup” deck (into the dark), skips a move (in fact, player-1 has been transferred to the effect of the card “Order a color and take four"). If the suspicions were in vain, player-2 takes four cards due to him from the “Prikup” deck, as well as two more cards for distrust and skips the turn.

Rule of courtesy. The game continues only after the player sorts his new four cards and says "Ready".

The UNO!

The player is obliged to warn that he has one card left and that he may soon finish the game. Laying out the penultimate card (while he has not released it yet), the player must have time to say "UNO!" (which means "one" in Italian). If the player does not do this, "good friends" (or one friend) may notice this and be reminded "UNO!". Friends must have time to do this from the moment the player releases his penultimate card until the next player's turn begins (laying out a card or drawing a card from the deck). For forgetfulness, the player who did not say “UNO!” in time takes two cards from the “Prikup” deck (in the dark).

Note. Players are not allowed to hide the number of cards in their hand (i.e. stack or hide under the table). Friends should always be in the know to help the forgetful player;)


With a large number of errors and inattention, an additional rule can be introduced - for any erroneously laid out card, false cry, etc. the player takes two cards from the "Prikup" deck (in the dark).

House rules.

Intervention UNO game.

The same rules as in the regular UNO game, with the following additions.

A player may go out of turn if he has exactly the same card as the top one in the discard pile. Exactly the same card means the simultaneous fulfillment of two conditions:

    The same color.

    Same number/same picture/black "Order color" card.

Attention! These conditions do not apply to the "Order a color and take four" card - it is laid out only on its turn.

Note. Turn interception does not work at the beginning of the game, when the first card of the "Discard" deck is laid out on the center. At the beginning of the game, only the player, after the dealer, has the right to move.

UNO game. Dealing two identical cards.

If a player has two of the same card (see two prerequisites above), the player may place the first of the identical cards on his turn and immediately Incur with the exact same card himself. That is, two identical cards cannot be laid out at once with one movement of the hand, only in turn: one card, then another card. Accordingly, the next player will have the opportunity to put a card on their turn, preventing the player from performing the Intervention.

Game UNO "seven-zero".

    Each time a "zero" is rolled, all participants pass their cards to neighboring players in the direction of the game.

    Each time a "seven" is rolled, the player who laid down the "seven" exchanges cards with one of the players of their choice.

Stacked UNO game.

The same rules as in the regular UNO game, with the following additions:

    When a player puts down a "Take Two" card, the next player can also put down a "Take Two" card, in which case the third player must take four cards.

    The same rules apply to the Order Color and Draw Four cards: when one player places the Order Color and Take Four card, the next player may also place the Order Color and Take Four card, in which case the third player must draw eight kart. The last of the players who put the next card “Order a color and take four” orders a color. If a player has placed an "Order Color and Take Four" card incorrectly and is "caught", the normal rules apply, but the amount of the penalty increases depending on the number of cards used.

    Players can put down "Take two" or "Order a color and take four" cards until they run out of them. For example, if 4 players in a row put down "Draw Two" cards, the next player (who does not have a "Draw Two" card) must draw eight cards.

    A player may only place one Draw Two or Order Color and Draw Four cards per turn, even if he has several of these cards in his hand.

Game UNO Silent Two "s.

The rule was told by Denis Gryzlov.

Every time someone lays out a deuce, everyone must remain silent until the turn again returns to the same person who laid out this deuce. The one who broke the silence - takes two cards in his hand, immediately after that the silence is considered interrupted.

We have slightly improved this rule, since not everyone can clearly follow when the “two” is laid out, and then it happens that everyone forgets who actually put it and when you can start talking. Therefore, the role of the deuce is played by black cards. Each time a player lays out a black card (plain or +4) and orders a color, everyone must remain silent until someone changes this ordered color, or until someone breaks the silence and draws two penalty cards . Coughing, laughing, shouting "UNO!" and contesting the "+4" card do not count as breaking the silence.

Game UNO "card exchange".

The rule was told by Ivan (Zelenograd).

The player who laid down the "five" can (at will) exchange one card with any player. Moreover, each of the changing chooses which card to give.

UNO game: "lazy" scoring.

The rule was told by Ilyukha.

The winner and the loser are calculated at each round of the game. The winner is the one who first threw off his cards - and he starts the move in the next round. The loser is the one who has the cards for the maximum number of points in his hand - he deals the cards for the next round. The advantages of such a calculation: you do not need a pen-paper to calculate the amount for each player for each round; points on the remaining cards in hand are counted only by those who clearly have a lot of them; you can stop after each round, without waiting for the sum of points for someone to reach a certain mark.

Game UNO in the center!

The rule was told by Alexey (Moscow).

The one who puts the penultimate card and shouts "UNO!" Does not remove his hand from the laid card. Other players must have time to put their hands on top of the hand of the one who shouted "UNO!". The last one takes 2 cards.

Game UNO "Colors in a circle"

The rule was told by Denis (Volgograd).

When laying out black cards (“Order a color” and “Order a color and take four”), the color changes automatically to the color that is drawn on these cards next in a circle after the current one. For example, the game goes clockwise, the current color is red. After laying out a black card, blue becomes the current color. Or, for example, the game goes counter-clockwise, the current color is yellow. After laying out a black card, the current color becomes green.

Game UNO "+10"

The rule was told by Alexandra (Moscow).

Spare empty cards (of which there are 4 in the deck) can be assigned the value "Take 10 cards", respectively, the next player must take 10 cards. The setup in this case is that a person takes 10 cards, and with a high degree of probability they contain “+2”, “+4” or the same “+10”. This person forces another to take a lot of cards, and so on in a circle. Finishing the game in such conditions is almost impossible :))

Game UNO "Reverse"

The Reverse card of the right color brings back the action of active cards and even the black card "Order a color and take four"! For example, player 1 put the “Take two” card, player 2 with the “On the contrary” card returns the action of the “Take two” card to player 1, and he must already take 2 cards (or “be saved” in some way).

UNO game to the last

The rule was told by Andrey (St. Petersburg).

After 1 player discards all cards, the game does not end, but continues until the last player. Accordingly, the 1st player wins, and the last player loses. And when two players remain at the end of the game, you can use beautiful combinations (for example, using the cards "Skip a move", "Take two" to go twice, thrice, ...)

UNO game in 7 rounds

The rule was told by Dmitry (Kazakhstan).

After any player gets rid of his original 7 cards, the game is suspended, he takes 6 new cards from the deck into his hand and continues the game. The next time he runs out of cards, he draws 5 cards into his hand ... And so on until he takes only one card and gets rid of it.

Game UNO "Reset Zero"

The rule was told by kztch.

If, when calculating points, the player has the only “zero” card left in his hand, then its value is not zero points, but 50. This creates additional difficulties for the owners of zero cards at the end of the game;)

Uno is one of the most popular card games. The main task is to discard all cards before other players do it.

The homeland of this game is America. The name "uno" is translated from several languages ​​as "one". There should be no less than two and no more than ten players in total, however, the optimal number for which it is convenient to play is six to eight people.

The game time is about twenty minutes. After one of the players got rid of all the cards, the other players open up and count the points on the remaining cards. Everyone can learn how to play uno, the main thing is to carefully study the rules. The advantage of "uno" is that you can cut out cards with your own hands.

Determining the winner of the "uno" game

There are two ways how exactly to count points. You can use any of them, because everyone is comfortable in different ways.

  1. The one who first got rid of all the cards he has, points are awarded to the so-called "losing" players. The same action is performed in each subsequent round. The win is credited to the player who scored five hundred points in several rounds.. This scenario encourages players to become the winner in the round, that is, to get rid of their cards as the very first.
  2. Players score points based on the remaining cards in their hand. That is, this method works the other way around: the one who got rid of all his cards first gets zero points at the end of the round. This happens in every subsequent round. The one who scores two hundred points loses. The rest can be considered winners. This option gives players an incentive to collect the most "expensive" cards.

The entire deck consists of 108 cards.

Varieties of "uno" cards

  • digital
  • active

Digital cards numbered from 0 to 9 inclusive can be any of four colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Cards with zero, one of each color, cards with other numbers are doubled. As a result, four zero cards come out plus 9 numbers, 4 colors and 2 of each: a total of 76 digital cards.

Active cards are:

  • + two cards
  • change of direction
  • skip a turn

Each of these cards contains a picture of four colors, and is also repeated in double quantity. The result is three pictures, four colors, each with two pieces, a total of 24 cards.

According to the rules of the game in Uno, in addition to the usual active cards, there are also black active ones:

  1. color change
  2. color change plus four cards

Total required to play four cards of each type. In total, there are eight such cards.

Also, according to the rules of the game in Uno, each card has its own value:

  1. digital are valued at face value: from zero to nine points (inclusive)
  2. all active cards (except black ones) give twenty points for each
  3. black active - fifty points each

Rules of the game in Uno

Initially, each player issued seven cards(in such a way that other players do not see), having previously sorted. The dealer must place the last card face up in the center.. It should be only digital, in no case with a picture and not black. If the dealer accidentally draws an unsuitable card, he must put it back into the deck and draw the next until the right one hits.

You need to start the game clockwise. The first move goes to the player who is located after the dealer(as a rule, the dealer changes on each round of the game, usually in a clockwise direction so that no one gets confused).

When it is time to move (any player), this person has the right to put one of his cards on top of the central one, but he can do this only according to certain rules:

  • card of the same color as the central one
  • has the same picture or number (while active)
  • is black active

If a player does not have a card that he could lay out according to these rules, he can draw a new one (without looking) from the deck, and if it fits these conditions, he can safely lay it out. However, it may not fit, in which case the player takes it for himself, saying “pass” out loud. The turn passes to the next player. The game continues until the moment comes, which was agreed upon in advance: as mentioned above, there are two methods to determine the winners or losers.

Immediate Rule Uno

If a player has a card left and he has suspicions that he will soon leave the game, he must tell all other players about it. When he plays his last remaining card, he must say "Uno" (meaning "one" in Italian). If the player forgot to do this or did not do it on purpose, then the other players have the right to say “uno” for him. They must do this at a certain moment: from the time one of the players releases his last card and the other makes his move. The one who, as they say, is “forgetful” and did not say “uno” in time, takes two cards from the deck (without looking).

It should be remembered that no one has the right to hide the number of his cards from other players, or hide them. Everyone should be aware of how many cards someone has in order to make a reminder in time.

Also in this game there is a system of penalties, which is determined by the players themselves: if someone cheated too much, deceived the players, shouted “uno” at the wrong time, then he must blindly take two cards from the deck.

Features of playing Uno

This game has many of its features. For example, you can do it yourself. To do this, it is enough to find cards on the Internet and print them on a color printer in accordance with the type of game that the players preferred, because this article outlines only the basic rules for playing Uno, but there are many other variations. Do-it-yourself Uno is a really good way to get this game as you can develop your carving skills without having to go to the store.

In fact, this game is very interesting and simple, if you carefully study all the rules and features. You need to find out the price of the Uno game directly in the store, because the price may vary. In principle, people of any age can play it, the main thing is that they think quickly and have a good reaction, because in this game it is needed most of all.

Uno, uno, uno, uno momento
Uno, uno, uno sentimento...

Song from the movie "Formula of Love"


Uno is from America. Translated from Spanish as "One, One". The first mentions of this game are found around the 30s of the last century. All rights to the Uno Game trademark are currently owned by Mattel.

There are 4 colors in the Uno set: red, yellow, blue and green.

This creation is the best way to understand what board games are. Firstly, because Uno is distinguished by rules that are easy to understand and remember. Secondly, because new versions of the original are constantly being released, which makes it even more exciting for a certain audience. For example, Uno Cars was created to attract the attention of young fans of the popular cartoon. It is distinguished by images of funny cars, but this does not affect the mechanics of the process itself.

Where to begin

Learn the mechanics, choose the theme you like and enjoy the gameplay. And later you can move on to the creations of the famous developer Bruno Faidutti, since one description of their rules with its complexity can scare away beginners.


The main goal is to quickly discard all the cards in hand. There are two options for summarizing the final results. With any choice of scoring, the first contestant eliminated is considered the winner of the Uno Game.

For a quick finish

After the winner is revealed, it is possible to count points for each participant according to the sum of his remaining uno cards, so the rules allow you to determine the loser. They consider the person who scored the maximum number of points. With such a counting system, the task of everyone is to quickly get rid of all the cards, but first of all from the big ones.

The winner of the round receives a number of points equal to the sum of the points of all the cards left by the other participants. Then the next round begins. And the winner of all rounds is the one who first collects an amount equal to 500. With such a system, the goal of each person is precisely a quick elimination.

Regardless of the type of calculation chosen, the cost remains fixed. For each digital number, the number of points equal to its number is always awarded, for each active - 20, for any black - 50.

Basic Rules

The rules for playing Uno are quite simple. Connoisseurs of the complex creations of Bruno Faidutti only need to get acquainted with them once in order to understand everything. Read the Uno Rules in Russian on each box.

According to the tradition of the Uno board game, at the beginning, seven cards are dealt to everyone (so that the rest of the participants do not see them). After that, the dealer puts one of the deck in the middle of the table face up, from that moment the game of uno begins. The rules of the game allow you to start only if this card is digital. If it is black or with a picture, you should put it back to everyone and pull it out until you get the right one. The first move belongs to the person who sits next to the dealer in a clockwise direction. During their turn, each participant has the right to lay out suitable cards one at a time as long as they meet at least one of the conditions:

  • map of the same color as the central one
  • it shows the same figure or picture as on the central

If a player does not have a matching card or has already laid everything out, he must take one from the main deck. If it meets one or two conditions, you should put it in the center and continue walking in the same way. And if the card does not fit, the participant takes it for himself and says “pass”. After that, the turn passes to the next person.

Uno game can be played by a company of 2 to 10 people. The process goes on until one person gets rid of everything that he has. That is why its name is translated as "one". Don't forget to shout "Uno" the moment you have one card left in your hand! Otherwise, you will be fined.

Having mastered its simple mechanics, you can continue your acquaintance with the world of board games. For example, with the famous "Citadel" or other creations of Bruno Faidutti.

You can also try to play other versions of your favorite original. If you want to support a Russian manufacturer, you might be interested in a Russian Uno variant called "Svintus". And if you are a creative person, you should try playing with a deck of 112 pieces. 4 empty ones are provided in it in order to enable the players to invent an additional rule for them.

Game process

Before starting the gameplay, you should carefully read the instructions attached to the kit in order to understand how to play Uno. After reading it, you will understand that people of any age and any occupation can play Uno. Holding Uno is designed for both two and a large company. If you played together, but it didn’t seem very exciting to you, get a company - the number of people equal to 6-8 is considered optimal for this game.

For a better perception by children, uno kits are produced in many topics of interest to them. For example, there is a version of the game for girls - Uno "Aladdin", which is distinguished by images of the characters of the famous cartoon.

Svintus, which has recently appeared on the Russian market, is positioned as Uno for office workers who are tired of busy everyday life. Among fans of such a pastime, disagreements arose as to which game is the best - Uno or Svintus. This is a matter of taste, since Svintus is played according to the same principle, it differs only in the presence of funny images and a specific humor that not everyone will understand.

Uno is not a game of chance, so if you wish, you can decorate your pastime in public places, such as cafes or anti-cafes, if you wish. If your company likes this card game, then you can try to get acquainted with other works of the famous developer Bruno Faidutti.

Spending time with Uno brings not only pleasure, but also undoubted benefits. Constant practice contributes to the development of mindfulness, as well as the speed of reaction in each player. After all, if a participant in the gameplay makes mistakes, other players can take advantage of this by making a good move or assigning him a fine.


Rules of the Uno game in Russian are attached to each box with a set. Before you start playing, it is worth checking how many cards are in the deck. In the classic version, there should be 108 of them. Sometimes there are 112 pieces in the set, 4 of which do not contain any images and are used to replace lost cards or to introduce new rules.

After checking the contents, mix the contents thoroughly. Then each participant is dealt 7 pieces, and one is placed in the center face up, where the "Flush" deck begins to form. The pile from which the participants take cards is called "Prikup". After laying out the first card to form a "Reset", you can start walking.

Dealing cards

Before you start the game, you need to determine the dealer, who is called the dealer. To do this, each player draws a card from the deck. The dealer becomes the one who got the highest value. The task of the uno dealer is to sort the cards in accordance with all requirements.

There are different opinions on the question of how many cards to give out before the start - usually they give out 6 or 7 pieces to each person. The dealer decides how many will be optimal, taking into account the number of players and their experience. The task of the other players is not to expose what the dealer gives them.

Game progress

Who invented the rules of Uno is not exactly known. Even at the beginning of the last century, there are references to such an occupation. But they were patented by Merle Robbins only in 1971.

You can play Uno even together, but it is much more interesting with a company of 6-8 people. The uno set looks like a regular standard size card set, but with its own symbolism on the images, which you need to study. Children's uno is distinguished by images of funny characters of a certain theme: mostly these are the characters of your favorite cartoons.

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