Congratulations script on March 8. Contest "Caring Wife" Competition "Little Tricks"

Male - 1st host, female - 2nd host

1 presenter: Dear colleagues, we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our lovely women on the upcoming day March 8and give them a good mood and our kind words this evening:.

When everything sparkles around

And let me congratulate you

Happy International Women's Day!

I wish you health, happiness,

To never grow old

May you always flourish

In the name of happiness and kindness.

1 presenter: I propose to raise glasses and drink for our women!

a short pause

1 presenter: Dear women, let me also raise a glass in your honor:

I drink to women.

To languish in them

And tenderness, and courage stock,

So that without resistance to their mercy

The tigers slumbering in us gave up!

My toast: for March! For eternal spring!

I drink for a woman! For a dream woman

a short pause

1 presenter: And now the words of congratulations are transferred to the friendly department:.

Leaving the table

Lead 1: And now I beg your attention! With the help of our mighty team and its best representatives, a concert program has been prepared!

2 presenter: Now a group of soloists, respected and unique in its originality, will perform before you, titled:.

1 presenter: The most unpredictable and charming team called ....

Performance. You can use a reworked song as a concert number

1 presenter: Applause!!! Lovely women!

You constantly inspire poets,

Writers, actors and minds.

Without you, Pushkin would not have written verses,

And we would not have heard Lermontov's stanzas!

2 host: And now, dear women, the most charming and beloved by all of us will perform before you ...

Poem: he dedicates to you, dear and dear women.


1 presenter: Adam's "sin" is bequeathed to all men!

And we adore women to madness!

If the Lord himself vouchsafed, ordained

This destiny is for us, without indicating doses!

Lead 2: How many times have they told the world,

That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,

And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner.

Variations on Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox"

1 presenter: A unique duet is performing - Vasily ... and the most beautiful girl in our department - Natalya ...

The script for a parody of Krylov's fable "Volona and the Fox" The presenter reads the text, it is desirable to choose musical accompaniment

Somewhere a god sent a piece of cheese to a crow;

(Vasily comes out, holding a wad of money in his hands and counts them with a smile on his face)

Crow perched on the spruce,

(Vasya climbs onto a chair and counts the money again)

I was quite ready to have breakfast,

Yes, I thought about it, but I kept the cheese in my mouth.

(With a dreamy face, holding money like a fan, looks somewhere into the distance)

To that misfortune, the Fox fled close by;

(Natasha comes out with a beautiful coquettish gait, seeing Vasya, walks around the chair)

(Vasily stands "not seeing" Natasha)

Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped Lisa:

(Natasha, seeing the fan of money in Vasya's hands, stops and starts coquettishly examining it)

The fox sees the cheese

Cheese captivated the fox,

(an insidious plan appears on Natasha's face, facing the viewer)

(Vasily, noticing Natasha, hides the money behind his back)

The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;

He wags his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow

(coquettishly and seductively, making movements with his hands along his figure, approaches Vasya) "bewitching" music should sound:

(Vasya looks at Natasha with a smile, but also with caution)

And he says so sweetly, breathing a little:

Natasha: "Darling, how good!

Well, what a neck, what eyes!

(walks around the chair, hands gently touching Vasya)

(Vasya is closely watching Natasha so that she does not notice anything :)

To tell, so, right, fairy tales!

What feathers! what a sock!

(Natasha moves Vasya's hands up and down, while Vasya tries to cover up the money :)

(moves his hands along the lower part of Vasya's torso)

(Vasya is happy:)

Sing, little one, don't be ashamed!

(Gently pulls Vasily off the chair and begins to hug himself in the chest and hips with his hands, trying to discreetly count the money in Vasya's hand)

(Vasya resists. But not really:)

What if, sister,

With such beauty

(Natasha says these words looking passionately into Vasya's face and imperceptibly runs her hand over a wad of money)

and you are a master of singing!

(bites Vasya on the lips - an imitation of a LONG kiss, standing with his back to the viewer)

(Vasily stands dumbfounded and stunned)


Veshuniny's head was spinning with praise,

From joy in the goiter breath stole,

(Vasily cannot believe in his happiness, looks at Natasha dumbfounded, with hope and full of strength for love:)

And to Lisitsy's friendly words

The crow croaked in all the crow's throat:

(Vasya runs up to Natasha and bites her lips himself, Natasha plays along and answers the kiss so that Vasya's money falls from his hands and crumbles :)

(Vasya brings his hand to his head (imitation of dizziness) and, exhausted, sinks into a chair with a blissful smile on his face, eyes closed)

Cheese fell out

(Natasha at this time picks up the money, hides it in her purse, kisses the exhausted Vasya on the forehead and leaves with a flirty gait)

with him was a cheat.


A little pause

1 presenter: We congratulate you today

Happy International Women's Day,

We dedicate our poems to you,

And we sing love songs.

Lead 2: And now, dear women, the biggest gift for you!

The unique duet of the "Golden Fund of Men:"

Performance :

1 host: Be happy, cheerful, loved,

Sweet, gentle, and not grumpy,

Make friends with song, humor and laughter,

And keep up with the times!

2 host: May you have long been sung

Shakespeare, Pushkin, Tolstoy,

As before, sonnets are written

And poets do not sleep at night,

Building bridges to your loved ones.

Lead 2: And now dancing, ladies and gentlemen!

dance program

1 presenter: Dear colleagues, now we invite everyone to the table!

We continue to congratulate our lovely women!

Congratulations, dear women, the hope and pride of our team, the most gallant and most charming man, will now express to you:


Lead 1: The next word is given to a man who can bewitch any woman with his smile:


Lead 1: The word is given to a man in front of whom nothing is impossible! The fame of his skillful hands and extraordinary resourcefulness has long gone beyond the department:



2 presenter: And now we, the hosts of our evening, ask for attention! Contests are announced in the program of our evening.!!!

Each of the contest participants will be awarded memorable prizes, and the winners will receive the best prizes of our prize fund!

Leader 1: So. contest rules!

Anyone can participate in the competition.

In the absence of those who wish, participants will be invited to the stage by the hosts of our program.

Each refusal to participate in the competition will cost 5 bucks, which will be received by the VOLUNTARY participant who replaced the one who refused!

1 presenter: Each of us so wants by the day March 8 give your loved one a beautiful gift! Let it be a small gift, but beautifully designed!

2 presenter: Well, if it’s also decorated with your own hands: ?! No woman can resist such a man!

4 men are invited to the stage!

2 presenter: So, the competition "Oh, what a gift !!!"

Now two of you will have the opportunity today to give your beloved girls such a wonderful box of chocolates. BUT:

To do this, you must first pack it and wrap it beautifully with a ribbon! and this must be done with one free hand (the other will be tied to the body), while helping each other.

1 presenter: The winner will be the couple whose gift will be decorated the best!

Gift wrapping time - 1 minute!

So, get ready and get started!

Lead 2: So, let's look at the gift of this couple. Applause to our participants!

And look at the gift of this couple! Applause!

1 presenter: The winner of the competition is announced: .. They also receive their gift in order to give it to their beloved girl. Applause to our winners!!!

Next dance competition!

And 3 couples are invited to the stage (gentleman with a lady)

2 presenter: So, the competition "Dance with a ball!"

Both couples will have to convey the rhythm of the dance by dancing it with a ball, which will have to be sandwiched between the heads of the partners, while any parts of the head and neck can be involved, the hands should not support the ball.

The pair that has the first ball on the floor on the floor is eliminated!

1 presenter: The winner of the dance competition is:.

1 presenter: The next competition will bring great pleasure to both viewers and participants!

2 men are invited to the stage!

2 presenter: A competition called "YEAR A COW!"

With one hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter - tear the newspaper into small pieces, while the hand is stretched forward, you can’t help with your free hand. Who will do the job less.


An apple is tied by a handle and hung up. Participants approach the apple one at a time and try to bite into it, holding their hands behind their backs. And it's hard to do so.


Inflate balloons in the allotted time without the help of hands.

Read the beginning and explanation in the previous article.

Both parts should be submitted only together, in the order that I wrote.

This is the whole essence and humor of these scenes - to show how a man and a woman can see and retell the same events in different ways.

The heroine's husband tells his friend about the events of yesterday, March 8, in a dead voice. I wrote it as a monologue, but since it’s hard to imagine a man talking all this over the phone (unlike a woman), then let this sad story take place over a glass of beer, for example.

Scenes for March 8:

part 2, "The look of a man."

Early in the morning I dragged myself for flowers - I thought they would be cheaper on the 8th in the morning than on the 7th in the evening. Yep, not that case. Choose-choose, well, you can go broke! In the same place, there were also a lot of such smart people, why should prices fall? One flower girl finally took pity. She had fragments of flowers left, she stuck them into some green thing and made a clearing. He says you will have a basket with an oasis. Maybe someone and an oasis, but it turned out for the price, like I bought a whole arboretum for personal use.

He brought it, put it by the bed, wrote to his wife not to get up, he himself went to bake her favorite pancakes. All day later I thought - Shrovetide is only a week later, why am I, a fool, undertook these pancakes? The oil burns, the smoke pours so that I can’t see either the dough or the frying pan! In short, the rescuers arrived, threw a hose through the window, put out everything, tried to save me - barely fought back, the 12th floor after all. It turned out that their grandmother-neighbor called, she thought that we had a fire.

She then ran to the smoke, helped with breakfast, promised that she would not tell her wife anything. Only here's what I should do, I'll never know! The kitchen is full of soot, filled with foam, I had to throw out a new, expensive frying pan. Yesterday I convinced my wife not to go into the kitchen, this morning she also ran away to work happy - she was not up to the kitchen after that night, she almost overslept ... And what will happen in the evening? Don't even come home.

I opened a card for my wife by March 8, put 1000 rubles on it and decided to have fun. I bought an envelope for money on the way - all sorts of ladies' things are drawn and it is written so that I would not deny myself anything.

But because of these pancakes, he got excited, mixed up the cards and put to his wife in this envelope not her ruble, but his VIP one. And went shopping. Himself, with his own hands, lit the green light! She ran away so happy, and I went to save the rest of the kitchen. But I soon had to be rescued when every 20 minutes I began to receive SMS from the bank with the text:

A certain amount has been debited from your card. Thank you for choosing our bank!

I just read the 18th message to the end. And there it was written:

If you have not completed this operation, call the number ...

I called. The card has been blocked. Only there was money left for exactly one more oasis.

I realized that neither I nor my card would survive the evening trip to the restaurant, and I swore off cooking dinner on my own after breakfast. The situation is stalemate.

I hardly realized: I called the restaurant, gave my wife's card number and asked what I could buy from them with delivery for one thousand rubles.

Some kind of vegetable mess was brought in, like with meat and trembling shaking garbage on a saucer called "Refined Festive Dessert". Yes, I ordered another hundred rubles of cleanings so that my wife would believe that I cooked it myself.

I didn’t find meat in vegetables, I didn’t even try the festive trembling on the saucer - my legs were trembling from fatigue and nerves.

Still - the annual norm of adrenaline for 1 day is overfulfilled!

All I wanted to do was get to bed. I mean sleep.

But my wife praised everything so much, admired me so much, looked at me so intriguingly that I suspected something was wrong.

I asked 10 times, maybe she has a headache, maybe she needs to rest?

No, she didn't have any pain. Until 4 in the morning, moreover.

I don't remember what happened next - I just passed out. And she's nothing, she rushed off to work satisfied. I hardly reached the phone, called the boss, asked for a day off after yesterday. Surprisingly, he understood me right away! Himself, he says, he would gladly take a day off, if anyone had it.

Again I address you to an integral part of the 1st: - "The look of a woman." Without this, do not even take on the production!

Wishing you a closer look at life,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

The script for congratulating colleagues in the office “Giving Oscars” is the best option for a buffet table or game congratulations directly at the workplace. Such a scenario can be taken as the basis of any corporate party by adding several concert or congratulatory numbers, game competitions and a dance program. Depending on the composition of the female part of the team, the nominations and eyeliner in the congratulations can be slightly changed.

Congratulations to colleagues on March 8 in the office

Presenter 1: Today our ladies are of wonderful beauty,

We are ready to sing serenades to them until they are hoarse!

Well, we would like to start with a song,

The motive of which is known to everyone for a long time.

Men come out, preferably at least in costume elements: hats and capes.

1. Song-alteration for March 8 to congratulate colleagues.

To the tune of the Musketeers' song "It's time-it's time-we rejoice ..."

Beauties - colleagues, their smiles all around!

1. Again candy in men's hands.

And everyone will become a musketeer for a day!

So, we congratulate the ladies in verse,

Even the skeptic blooms in spring!

It's time, it's time, let's rejoice in March outside the window,

Bye-bye-shaking goblets of wine

Let's dance and sing for you!

2. We need ladies at the firm, c'est la vie!

And SUCH we need, even more so!

We wish you, of course, love,

Wealth, respect and good luck!

It's time, it's time, let's rejoice in March outside the window,

Beauties-colleagues, their smiles all around!

Bye, bye, shaking goblets of wine

Let's dance and sing for you!

3. And may you be lucky in your career and love! Hooray!

And faithful men will be near!

It's time for us to bow before you! (all get on one knee)

Spring and holidays, isn't that the reason?!

(“The Musketeers” leave, the presenters continue the program)

Presenter 2: Yes, colleagues, you are so beautiful,

So charming, gentle!

Take a look - it will immediately become clear:

Around the breath of spring!

Presenter 1: In this difficult job,

Among computers, papers

You bloom brighter than ever

As if a good magician is nearby,

Presenter 2: Who gave you a miracle

To be young, to live lovingly,

And laundry, kitchen and dishes

I took it for sure!

Presenter 1: So be happy, healthy,

Take it all in stride

And we are ready to set you up

Your reliable shoulder!

Presenter 2: We wish you good luck in business,

Love beautiful and big!

You smile, which means

Everything in life will be fine!

Presenter 1: We would like you, our dear colleagues, to smile more often and believe that you are desired and loved not only on a daily basis.

Presenter 2: After all, not only the world flourishes from your faith and smiles, but also men become stronger, bolder and inspired by your smile, they are ready for miracles and deeds!

Presenter 1: Remember one simple, but such a useful advice from psychologists, so that the day is successful, you need to start it by smiling at yourself in the mirror! And, since we want your every day to be successful and joyful, we decided to give you each a mirror so that you can smile at yourself and the world: in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening!

(each employee is given an elegant mirror)

Presenter 2: Look in them more often and remember you are the most charming and attractive in the whole wide world.

Presenter 1: And in order to practice, we offer you to look right here in your mirror and smile.

Table chant for March 8 “Smile”

Presenter 2: I hope you understand that this is not all the gifts for today, this was a preface to it .. Just before proceeding with the main ceremony of festive honoring, we wanted to create an appropriate mood for you.

Host 1: (addressing the audience) What is your association with the phrase “dazzling smile”?

(among the answer options sounds - Hollywood)

Presenter 2: Yes, Hollywood, you have successfully demonstrated it to us, which means you can safely be released on the red carpet and nominated for the Oscar nomination.

Presenter 2: What we will do with pleasure!

Presenter 1: So, we announce the ceremony of awarding the Oscar nominations to employees (name of the company, enterprise) open!

Narrator 2: But, unlike the ceremony established by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, in ours - all nominees will receive awards.

Presenter 1: There will be no competition, because each of you is an individual, and each of you is the best in something!

Further, the ceremony of presenting comic Oscar nominations takes place according to a certain scheme: the nomination and name are announced, then the award is given: the presentation of a statuette or diploma, flowers and gifts (if any).

Here are possible options for the names of the nomination itself and a poetic lead to them. Depending on the number of employees and their personal characteristics, the list can be changed.

Congratulations to colleagues: distribution of Oscars and nominations

1. We award the first title

Adored by all (name) - "Miss Charm"

2. Accuracy for her is not a banality.

Never Late (name) - "Miss Punctuality"

3. Adventure is her mainstream.

Looking for new sensations (name) - "Miss Extreme"

4. Warmth emanates from her

Understanding everyone and everything (name) - “Miss Kindness”

5. In all manifestations, a special intonation,

Always flawless (name) - our "Miss Grace"

6. She can master any project

Knowing everything about everything (name) - “Miss Intelligence”

7. Knows exactly our team

What (name) is awarded "Miss Positive"

8. There are a lot of plans and prospects in my head

This is about, of course, (name) - "Miss Creative"

9. She would be the envy of the Pompadour herself

Always dressed fashionably (name) - "Miss Glamor"

10. Always, like an unread book,

Unpredictable (name) - "Miss Intrigue"

11. Trouble reflects like a bullfighter,

Never Cheerful (name) - "Miss Zador"

(you can choose the congratulations by the link)

Congratulations from colleagues.

(Men-colleagues come out and the following poetic congratulation is spoken line by line one after another)

- Let them give other Oscars in Los Angeles.

- And let other songs be sung at the ceremony,

- Perhaps even better and richer people live there,

- And even in spring, other lilies of the valley bloom ...

– Probably, their stars shine in a different light

“Unfortunately, we don’t know for sure.

- But we know what kind of stars we have

- They shine brightly, and shine, which pleases the eye.

- And most importantly, that our beautiful, alive,

- Native and understandable and warm such!

- May the sky with its mercy favor you,

- Well, spring outside the windows will bestow love!

- Today we congratulate you on the holiday

And again we kneel before your beauty! (everyone gets down on one knee)

In contact with


More scenarios:

  • Scenario of the game program for February 23…
  • New Year at the Dream Factory - New Year's ...

The scenario of the holiday on March 8 - "The most gallant husband"

The holiday takes place in the form of a competition of several stages with unexpected accompaniment.

Props: scarves, skirts and glasses for two "old women"; kitchen utensils, vegetables, fruits, cereals; two sets of plates; assignment notes; a large sheet of drawing paper and felt-tip pens.


At our holiday, the most important are women, so all of them today will be our strict but fair jury, which will determine the most gallant man of today! Men, please don't be shy, join us!

Men come out who participate in the competition for the title of the most gallant. It can be all the men present at the celebration. So that only women remain in the audience.

Two “old women” appear (two men, dressed as grannies, with headscarves and glasses on their heads, themselves in skirts and old women’s jackets, they can hold small shabby books in their hands - if suddenly they didn’t manage to memorize their text).

Leading: And you, grandmothers, who are you?

1st old woman:

My friend and I are simple

Old ladies.

We can't speak at all

Just sing ditties.

2nd old woman:

The demon, the villain, has bewitched us

A kind of Makar.

How do we know his face?

Here is the end of the spell!

Since the “old women” communicate exclusively with ditties until the end of the performance, it is worth taking care of the accompaniment (if it is difficult with button accordions and accordions, you can get by with a recorded melody, which the assistant will turn on at the right moments).


Well well! What kind of witchcraft is not easy, are you already tired, grandmothers? And if, then, you recognize the villain, then you will be disenchanted?

The old ladies nod.


And you look carefully, among our men he is not?

The old women carefully examine the men and shake their heads negatively.


Well, I’m sorry, we can’t help you, let’s at least have some fun in honor of the holiday and start our competition for real men!

All of you, of course, say affectionate words to your loved ones, and each of you knows them so much that he is ready to compete with rivals. Therefore, the first competition we have is this: to call affectionate words for beautiful ladies in turn. The one who delays with the answer for more than three seconds is out of the game.

The last remaining player who is awarded one point wins.

(It is better to determine in advance the person who will record the scores of the participants.)

Leading (again addressing the old ladies)".

Grandmothers, do your grandfathers say affectionate words to you?

Old women respond by singing ditties.

1st old woman:

Oh, let me out, let me out

Everything, as it is, sing to people!

Me, until the children hear,

Gotta say it!

Mine used to caress

So you will be surprised:

Honey, please don't drink!

You are already doubling!

2nd old woman:

Well, my bald skull,

Looks at the artists: "Ah!"

I have the same dimensions.

Except in other places!


That's how it happens! Well, we continue.

The next competition will show us how useful our men are in the kitchen. And in order for a man to be useful in the kitchen, he must understand what is in this very kitchen. Now we will check how our men navigate in the kitchen. To do this, they will have to feel by touch what kind of object they got.

Men are blindfolded in turn, and they must guess by touch and name five (the number of items can be determined by dividing the available props equally by the number of participants) items from among those offered.

All items are laid out in front of the participants on the table and covered with a tablecloth so that they are not seen in advance.

It is necessary, blindfolded, to take out the first object that comes across from under the tablecloth and name it.

Among these items are kitchen utensils and products: garlic crusher, egg cutter, rolling pin, slotted spoon, whisk, cookie cutter, meat grinder knife, can opener, funnel; potatoes, beets, carrots, horseradish, cereals in closed jars (must be opened and identified), etc.

The jury awards points according to the number of correct answers.


Dear grandmothers, do your grandfathers know how to cook? Salted - marinated? Do you have your own potatoes, from the garden?

1st old woman:

We fertilized potatoes

four times,

Well, she doesn't care -

Grown up, infection!

2nd old woman:

I cooked from a book

And she closed...

How do I guess now

What the hell was up?!

1st old woman:

Karasey I'm in a hurry

Roasted a little.

Put on a plate -

They ate all the potatoes!

2nd old woman:

The cat ate lunch

I didn't get upset.

I'll get another one now

Once she got poisoned!


Now that's fun! Well, who doesn't. And it was our turn to find out how our men pick up gifts for their ladies.

The facilitator offers each of the participants (in turn) two fans from the tablets (so that the participants do not see the text written on them). In one - notes with the names of all kinds of gifts, in the other - with ways to use them.

The participant must choose one note from each tray and announce what he will give his lady and how she will use it.

Since the choice is random, any funny nonsense can turn out.

Texts for plates:


let him erase

let him sniff


let him sneeze


let it cook

let him eat


let him suffer


let him ride

let him beat

let him hang

let him put on his head

let it hang around your neck


let him sew

let him collect

let it salt

let him feed

let him stroke

let it saw

let him wear

The jury awards one point for each "reasonable" proposal (for example, "I will give my lady a trough - let her wash"). Or, on the contrary, for each most ridiculous statement, which is determined by the laughter of the audience (for example, “I will give a trough - let him ride”).


A holiday is wonderful: gifts, congratulations ... Dear grannies, have you ever had such happiness?

1st old woman:

How, I remember, it was happiness:

My decision was made by myself

He will drink only on a holiday,

Yes, even on bath days!

Get up in the morning and walk

Move the cap to one side;

He will ask: “Today, mother, is it not a holiday?

So let's have a bathing day!


That is, at least in the bathhouse, you manage to have a cultural rest? And then I thought that you have absolutely no joy in your life. And the bath is still entertainment - people, gossip ... Beauty! What's new to hear?

2nd old woman:

I was told just now

In the bath Manka Dutin,

That the collective farm "Lenin's Way"

It has now become "Putin's Laziness".

1st old woman:

Snow White, have you heard? —

Changed seven husbands.

Can barely dry

Passport ink!


Now I know where to go for news. Otherwise, you don’t know who to believe, everyone lies and embellishes. Here we are now and see how our men are able to convey important news.

Men are invited to choose a note with a task. Each of them gets a fragment of a famous fairy tale or poem, which they must depict with gestures, without uttering a word. You can use improvised materials and attract fans, but only silently.

The jury evaluates the resourcefulness of the players and the intelligibility of the performance.

Tasks-excerpts to be dramatized:

1. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke.

2. Gingerbread man lay-lyed on the window, and jumped: from the window to the table, from the table to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the threshold, from the threshold to the porch, from the porch to the yard, from the yard to the street - and rolled on the way to.

3. Green oak near the seashore;

Golden chain on an oak tree:

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;

Goes to the right - the song starts,

To the left - he tells a fairy tale.

There are miracles: the goblin roams there,

The mermaid sits on the branches.

4. Grandfather planted a turnip. A large turnip has grown. The grandfather pulls, pulls, but he cannot pull it out.

5. Our Tanya is crying loudly,

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

The ball will not sink in the river.

6. The hostess threw the bunny,

A bunny was left in the rain.

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin.

7. Hut-hut, stand back to the forest, front to me!

8. Suddenly the clock began to strike midnight. Cinderella ran down the steps and in her haste lost one of her shoes. The prince rushed after him, but the beautiful stranger disappeared. He found only a glass slipper on the steps of the palace.

9. I sit high, I look far away, I see everything! Don't sit on the stump, don't eat the pie!

10. Okay, okay!

Where were you? - By Grandma.

What did they eat? - Kasha.

What did they drink? - Brazhka.

Drank, ate

Fly home!

They flew, they flew

Sat on the head!

11. I love my horse.

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

One point each is given to those participants whose performances the audience "deciphered" (they managed to name a fairy tale or a poem).

Leading (addresses the old women) -. And you, grandmothers, probably know a lot of fairy tales, tell them to your grandchildren? Kids don't make you sad?

1st old woman:

They brought a bunch of children -

Dirty, useless...

My grandfather does not want to wash

Want to make new ones!

2nd old woman:

Young people are in fashion now.

Daughter pestered: mom, buy

I have gloves without fingers -

Well, like daddy's socks!


Yes, young people are fashionable now, they like to dress up. Today our men are also dressed up in honor of the holiday, shiny buttons ... I wonder who has more of them? Come on, count how many buttons you have! Whoever has the most gets a point!


I feel sorry for you, grandma. And your life is all messed up, and even bewitched ... Well, nothing, at least you will unwind a little at our holiday. And we have one more competition, the last one. Our gentlemen will now draw for you a portrait of the ideal man, so that you can admire him at least in the picture.

Participants take turns taking notes from the host, which indicate: the oval of the face, right eye, left eye, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, mouth, ears, hair, facial hair, neck, collar, tie ...

Each participant draws with a felt-tip pen on a large sheet of whatman paper what is written in the note he has chosen. The resulting portrait is first presented to the jury members. And when the host shows it to the old ladies, they start screaming, waving their arms, stomping their feet - they recognize in the drawn character ... the villain who has bewitched them!

Old ladies(together).

It's him! Ah, villain! Hold on, we'll get to you! Made me dance in my old age like a young man!


Well, grandmothers, it turns out that we helped you too - we disenchanted you and made you happy! Sit down at our table - today is a holiday, it's time to raise a toast!

The winner of the competition - the man who scored the most points - is awarded a special prize and a diploma "To the most gallant man of March."

Colleagues women with humor

"Ah, what a woman!"

This scenario is suitable for men who want to beautifully and humorously congratulate their female colleagues on March 8th. The script of the holiday is simple to execute, but requires a little preliminary preparation. Fascinating contests, creative ideas, funny jokes - all this is in the presented scenario.

Decor: we decorate the room festively. Beautiful tablecloths, bouquets of fresh flowers on the tables, posters on the walls with holiday greetings would be appropriate.

Holiday paraphernalia:

Chips for a quiz (any items can be used as chips: beautiful buttons, paper flowers, circles cut out of colored cardboard).

· Medals "Smartest of the smartest", "Most quick-witted", "Mystery woman", "Best dancer", "Jack of all trades", "Most caring", "Most sensitive", "Best hostess".

· Whatman paper, to which children's photos of the participants are attached.

· White sheets of paper for the manufacture of airplanes.

· Live or paper flowers for the Dance Floor Star contest.

· Large posters featuring various characters for the Who Am I? contest.

20 round caramels and 5 handkerchiefs or napkins for the Princess and the Pea contest

Event progress:

2 presenters (men) appear in the hall and tell the parable “God created a woman”.

Lead 1. Dear women, you are the best with us. And when you walk along the corridor (office), busy with everyday affairs, you just want to exclaim “Oh, what a woman!”

Lead 2. Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our lovely ladies on an amazing spring holiday and give a wonderful mood this evening.

Lead 1. Every woman on March 8 wants something unusual, interesting, and we guarantee that everything will be exactly like this today, but first we offer to fill glasses and drink for our most charming and attractive colleagues, for lovely ladies! (You can proclaim any toast in poetic form dedicated to the women's holiday).

Lead 2. And now the floor is given to a man who can do almost everything (the toast is said by the director, deputy of the department, enterprise).

Presenter1. Dear women, now the most courteous man of our team will congratulate you, able to charm any woman with his smile (in this style, the floor is given to all the men of the team who wish to congratulate their female colleagues on March 8).

After a short feast, the hosts announce the start of the competition program “Oh, what a woman!” and invite all women in the hall to participate in it.

Competition program

Quiz "Checking erudition"

The hosts conduct a quiz consisting of 8 questions. For the correct answer, the participants receive 1 chip. Whoever collects the most chips wins.

Quiz questions:

1. Name the films in the title of which the word woman occurs.

2. Sing a line from a song that mentions a woman's name.

3. List wines named after women.

4. Name the plants that remind of women's names.

5. What woman's name is mentioned in the nursery rhyme about the ball?

6. Name films that have female names in their titles.

8. Which chocolate is named after a woman?

9. Name the only lady among the signs of the zodiac.

The hosts count the chips and determine the winner of the quiz. She is awarded the medal "The smartest of the smartest" (if the team is large, then you can award medals for the first three places).

Musical surprise from men(male colleagues prepare a musical number according to their abilities: you can sing, dance, play the guitar, etc.)

Send an email contest

The hosts propose to find out which of the participants can work both with their hands and with their heads. At the signal of the presenter, you need to make an airplane (file) out of paper and send it by e-mail (throw it into a box standing at a distance of 4 m from the participant. The winner is awarded the “Jack of all trades” medal. In a large team, all participants who have thrown airplane in a box.

Competition "Find out by photo"

Children's photographs of the female half of the team participate in the competition. All participants of the holiday bring their children's photos in advance and carefully attach them to a large drawing paper. Men are invited to carefully consider the photographs and determine who is depicted in them. The winner is the participant who was most difficult to recognize in the photo. She is awarded the "Woman of Mystery" medal.

Competition "Star of the dance floor"

Women are invited to stand in a circle and show their dancing skills. For this competition, you need to make a selection of dance music of different styles in advance. Male colleagues act as the jury. They carefully observe the dancers and give a flower to the one who, in their opinion, dances the best (you can give both real flowers and flowers made of paper). The winner is the participant who collected the most flowers. She is awarded the "Best Dancer" medal.

Competition "Who am I?"

For the competition, large posters with some characters drawn on them are prepared in advance. It can be cartoon characters, fairy tales, famous actors, singers, animals. In the middle of the sheet, a circle is cut out of such a size that the player's face fits into it. You can use 2 men or wooden stands as poster holders. The participant is blindfolded, the poster is turned with the side with the picture towards the audience, then the eyes are untied and the player is invited to insert his face into the cut hole.

Task for the player: with the help of clarifying questions, find out what is drawn on the poster. Spectators are allowed to answer questions only "yes" or "no", "you can say so." To make the task easier, you can immediately name which category the character you need to solve belongs to (for example, this is a bird, pet, plant)

Question wording examples:

Am I a cartoon character?

Am I he or she?

· I am fat?

· I'm tall?

· I am old?

· I'm small?

· I am a girl?

· Do I have a friend Mishka?

· Do I have a pink sundress?

Am I Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear?"

The one who completes the task best and fastest wins. The winner is awarded the medal "The most quick-witted".

Competition "The Princess and the Pea"

There are 5 chairs in the middle of the room. On each of them put several round sweets (from 1 to 5), cover with thin napkins or handkerchiefs. These manipulations must be done so that the guests of the event do not see how many candies are on each of the chairs.

5 women are invited to participate in the competition (it is desirable to take those who do not have medals). Task for the participants: sit on a chair and use your soft spot to determine how many "peas" are hidden under the napkin. Those who coped with the task receive medals "The most sensitive".

Contest "Caring Wife"

Men and women participate in the competition. They are distributed in pairs. A belt, a tie, a shirt, a jacket, a glass, a bottle of water are laid out on a chair near each man. The task of women is to “gather their husband for work”: put all the items on him, fill a glass with water, give the man a drink and kiss him on the cheek. Who will cope with the task faster, he will win. The winner is awarded the medal "Most Caring".

dance break

Competition "Little Tricks"

All women present take part in the competition. They need to answer questions. For each correct answer, the presenters give 1 chip.


1. What is the name of the magpie-crow specialty? (porridge)

2. What is one word for fruit kefir? (yogurt)

3. A dish that can be prepared with chicken and cow (omelet)

4. The bird that got into the soup for its thoughts (turkey)

5. Apricot, long sitting on a dry diet (dried apricots)

6. How to peel an onion so as not to cry? (hold the knife and onion in cold water)

7. What needs to be done to make oversalted soup tasty? (add peeled raw potatoes to it)

8. What should be added to the water so that the egg does not burst during cooking? (salt)

9. How to quickly boil potatoes? (after the water boils, add a piece of butter to the pan)

10. What needs to be done so that the beets retain their color during cooking? (add a little vinegar to the water in which it is boiled)

11. What can be done to make egg whites churn faster? (use chilled eggs with a pinch of salt)

12. How do you know if a cake or pie is ready? (pierce it with a wooden skewer or a match: if the dough sticks, then it is not ready yet).

The participant who received the most chips is awarded the medal "Best Hostess". It is necessary to provide for such an option: several participants scored the same number of points. In this case, you should have a few additional questions in reserve in order to determine 1 winner or make several additional medals.

Miss Elegance Contest

For this competition you will need a thick book. The participants are offered to put it on their heads and walk from one wall to another, while overcoming obstacles (go around a chair, step over an object lying on the floor, sit down, and then stand up). The winner is the participant who has never dropped a book on the floor.

The presenters sum up the results of the competitions, once again congratulate the women on their new titles and hand over small memorable souvenirs to everyone. At this, the competitive program ends, and the festive evening continues with a "sweet table" and dancing.

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