I dreamed that I would marry my ex-girlfriend. What did you do in a dream with the girl you saw? Ex-girlfriend in a dream according to the Mayan dream book

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

What was the dream of meeting with the Former Girlfriend

Former girls are a connection with a bygone time, a past that does not let go. Sleep creates a framework, restrictions for the development of personality. A negative perception of the image of an ex-girlfriend is a longing for a past love. The desire to return the relationship pushes to rash acts, causes pain and suffering. You can turn completed relationships in your favor if you learn from them experience and accept the idea that the relationship has ended.

Seeing an ex-girlfriend is a challenge to the consciousness of a sleeping person. If dreams leave pleasant emotions, then the dreamer "stepped over" and took a step towards the future. What the ex-girlfriend is dreaming of will be told by the situation of the dream and the actions of the sleeper.

  • What is the dream of your ex-girlfriend - do not let go of the past.
  • Seeing an ex-girlfriend with a new companion - the other half will put you in front of a difficult choice.
  • Marrying an ex-girlfriend is a change in your personal life.
  • Restarting a relationship with an ex-girlfriend, according to the dream book, is a new feeling.
  • The former is dreaming with a new girlfriend - expect a new relationship that will not keep you waiting.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

What did the former girls dream about

  • The ex-girlfriend of a friend is dreaming - the guy is waiting for a change.
  • Sex with an ex-girlfriend - you cling to the past, it's time to let it go. There may be problems with the current lover, the search for a new relationship.
  • A fight with an ex is dreamed of as a symbolic display of communication.
  • To dream of a wedding with an ex-girlfriend - expect a new love.
  • If the former dreams constantly - meet in reality and find an agreement, reconciliation with each other as acquaintances.

Romantic dream book

What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend

  • Why dream of an inconsolable ex-girlfriend - the breakup was beneficial.
  • The former pregnant woman is dreaming - a new relationship with a girl will be happier than previous relationships.
  • Seeing that you and your ex-girlfriend died together is a renewal of the romance.
  • Kiss an ex-girlfriend and get slapped for it - a new life partner needs more attention.
  • Secret meetings with a former lover are dreamed of when an interesting friend appears in a circle of acquaintances who is in love with the dreamer and is afraid to open up about it.

Miller's dream book

What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend in a dream

  • Seeing the ex-girlfriend of a guy or husband in a dream is a global change in his personal life.
  • She dreams that she broke up with her ex-girlfriend - good luck and success in business.
  • Seeing an ex-boyfriend with a new girlfriend means you are ready to start a new life, a new relationship from scratch.
  • Constantly seeing an ex-girlfriend in dreams - unresolved cases remained in the past.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Ex-girlfriend in a dream why dream

In the case when they saw an ex-girlfriend in a dream, the dream book suggests paying attention to the emotional side of sleep. That is, remember the feelings and sensations that you experienced when you saw your former passion. This will be the key to the puzzle. If you experienced pleasant sensations and positive emotions, you let go of your former love and are ready for a new, full-fledged relationship with a girl.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation Former girls from your dream

  • Quarreling with an ex-girlfriend - you still do not understand the reason for the breakup. Such an outcome of the relationship will leave a negative imprint on the beginning of new romantic relationships. In this case, the dream book speaks of the fear of new close relationships, and it will not go away until you understand the true reason for the breakup.
  • Why dream of kissing an ex-girlfriend is a problem of choice, which will be extremely difficult to make. Try to understand yourself, feelings, desires and goals.

Universal dream book for the whole family

Ex Girl Interpretation

  • Seeing a crying ex in a dream - you do not accept the choice of a partner.
  • The ex-girlfriend of her husband is dreaming - overcoming troubles will disappear. Life will soon get better thanks to the efforts.
  • Seeing a laughing ex-girlfriend in a dream - a break in relations caused an inferiority complex.
  • In a dream, breaking up with an ex-girlfriend is a problem for close friends or relatives. Illness, complication of the current relationship.

Dream interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman (Russian translation)

How to understand a dream in which you saw an ex-girlfriend

  • Why dream of a quarrel with an ex-girlfriend - a betrayal of a person you trust. Take a closer look at the environment, do not trust secrets.
  • Why does an ex-girlfriend dream about if you get married - serious changes in life, both professional and personal. A big turn in life.

Sometimes the relationships left in the past do not want to let us go. And they remind of themselves through dreams. It's not fun, but our dreams are our mirror, and they show us what we're experiencing without even knowing it. It is not easy to interpret dreams, but you still want to know what they are trying to tell us.

We have already written about, and even reported on what will happen if. Today we’ll talk about what events the ex-girlfriend dreams of.

Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming?

You try to forget her, but your ex-girlfriend still lives in your heart. Perhaps you tried to erase your relationship from memory, tried to drown out the pain of separation with new acquaintances. But if an ex-girlfriend comes back to your dreams again and again, this may indicate that you continue to hope for the resumption of your relationship. And, most likely, you didn’t really try to forget her, and the new relationship was just a “surrogate” of the old ones. You should solve the dilemma - either get your ex-girlfriend back, or completely erase her from your life and find yourself a new lover. In any case, all "dots over" i "should be put once and for all.

Maybe it's better to return everything?

Sometimes dreams about an ex-girlfriend indicate that you want everything back. Think, and think well before you take the first step. Perhaps your attachment to a fading relationship will only prolong the agony. Is it worth it?

But in the event that you cannot imagine your future life without your girlfriend, whom you broke up with, put up with it. And don't be afraid to lose your pride, that's not the case. Why be proud and unhappy, it is better to give up a small principle and live a happy life.

She doesn't let go...

Sometimes an ex-girlfriend dreams not because you subconsciously think about her. It’s you that doesn’t get out of her head, maybe she, too, that is, you. She often remembers you, talks about you, although these conversations make her sad. Maybe your ex-girlfriend still loves you. And you? Maybe since you let her into your dreams, and your feelings continue to smolder quietly and wait only for a light sigh to flare up with renewed vigor? Maybe love does not want to leave your life and is trying to return? Think about it.

There are also problems...

Some dream books interpret dreams about an ex-girlfriend as rejection of new relationships, emotional dissatisfaction in communicating with a new lover. Such dreams can also come from a feeling of insecurity in your new lover.

Sometimes such dreams also indicate sexual dissatisfaction. Perhaps this was the reason for the breakdown of your relationship, and it is better to solve the problem quickly in order to give yourself a chance to start a new life.

Why is my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend dreaming?

For a girl, seeing her boyfriend's ex-lover in a dream is just a nightmare. Such a dream is rarely perceived indifferently, especially if it is repeated with enviable regularity. Such dreams mean your anxiety and insecurity both in yourself and in your partner. You're nagging at the thought that your boyfriend, whom you love and who loves (seemingly) you, might go to his ex. But do not get hung up on such dreams. Perhaps your boyfriend is just a little secretive, or perhaps he does not want to be frank with you about his former relationship (and this, by the way, is very correct). And you yourself, on a subconscious level, conjecture non-existent events. Take it easy. Your dreams reflect only your insecurity, and do not predict an imminent breakup. And do not get your beloved with persistent questions and excessive control. With rash actions, it is much easier to dig a hole for a relationship, and an illusory rival will remain nothing more than an illusion that does not have the ability to influence something.

It is no secret that dreams are sent to us by our own subconscious. In them, we relive past events, find ourselves in unforeseen situations, and may even find ourselves in our future. Many dreams can be easily deciphered - just open the dream book on the desired page. But now there are quite a lot of dream books, so the interpretation of the same dream can be twofold.

Take at least a common case: a guy often dreams of his ex-girlfriend. What is it for? The simplest answer is that he often thinks about her, experiences past feelings, she sunk too deep into her soul. The subconscious mind itself imposes on a person his attachment in a dream. But not everything is so clear. So, what does the ex-girlfriend mean in a dream?

Some dream books assure: to see your former love in a dream - to a very soon meeting with her, but already in reality. Often this can serve as a signal that a friend is also thinking about you, she cannot completely get your meetings out of her head. But such a dream should be analyzed even deeper - it is quite possible that the matter is in you.

Nostalgic for an ex-love? Dreaming of rekindling a broken relationship? Then do not be surprised if an ex-girlfriend appeared to you in a dream. It is your own memory that sends her image, again and again forcing you to experience the events of the past and fantasize about new meetings. If you dreamed that you were together again, and the girl herself wanted to return to you, this is a good sign. There is an inner connection between you. Perhaps this portends a real date and reunion.

In a dream where your ex-love is crying, she has some kind of trouble or grief, there is also a possibility of an analogy with real events. Perhaps with a person who was so close to you once, a disaster really happened, and your help will not interfere with him.

But what if your ex-girlfriend in a dream is already dating someone else? In addition to your own jealousy and longing for her, this can also mean a new relationship for you. Be patient - and, it is likely that with a new love, a brighter future awaits you.

If in your dream the former appeared "in an interesting position", this is also for a new novel. And you still do not stop comparing your current soul mate with the one of the past. At the same time, you are tormented by curiosity - but how does her intimate life develop?

Marrying your ex-girlfriend in a dream is a big change in your personal life. Perhaps you will begin to meet with someone whom you have not noticed before. And, who knows, maybe this dream will soon come true - but with a different heroine.

If for guys such dreams basically mean a subconscious message: “I can’t forget my ex-girlfriend!”, Then what could this mean for the representatives of the weaker sex themselves? How to interpret the appearance in a dream of an ex-girlfriend of a boyfriend, husband, just a friend or an old acquaintance?

Often this dream portends jealousy and trouble on the personal front. This is because you even subconsciously constantly compare yourself with a ghost from the past - with the former. Maybe it's time to relax and be yourself?

As for the rest of the women from the past, they can unconsciously pop up in your memory: under the influence of virtual communication, a remotely familiar face that flashed on the street, attempts to renew old connections and establish contacts. And you can really expect a meeting in reality soon.

Did you wake up in a cold sweat? What happened - did you dream about your ex? An unexpected surprise ... But do not be upset, perhaps such a dream warns you of any events that will happen in your life.

What does the ex-girlfriend dream about in a dream: answers to questions

In fact, there can be many explanations for such dreams, and in order to determine it, you need to understand yourself. Perhaps you constantly subconsciously remember your ex and you miss her. If so, the explanation for your dreams is that you did not stop loving her and miss this person very much. Listen to yourself - maybe you want her back? If you do not want this, we advise you to get acquainted with another girl, as well as stop any communication with the former. We also recommend finding a new hobby that will distract you from painful thoughts about her.

But what if you really really miss your ex-partner? Try to return it - call, apologize and give a bouquet. Believe me, in most cases this technique works perfectly and most likely the girl will again fall into your tender arms.

Dream Interpretation: what is the ex-girlfriend dreaming of

Come on, strain your memory and try to remember as many little things and details as possible. Perhaps some other people appeared in the dream, where your meeting took place, and whether you were in a dream at all.

If you felt joy and a surge of energy in a dream, all your further ideas and plans will be successful. If a dream is accompanied by not too pleasant sensations, be careful - perhaps danger or trouble ahead of you warns.

Also, a dream with an ex can mean the beginning of a new love affair. She can be with both the former and the new girl. If you hug, kiss or have sex with her, this is a sign that she is subconsciously reaching out to you and often remembers your relationship.

Dreamed of an ex-girlfriend who cries? Well, this is a signal that says that it is unlikely that you will be able to return it, so you don’t even have to try. Start looking for a new love!

If the former is injured or is in the hospital, this indicates that there are unresolved issues between you. If she has recovered, then most likely you will make up again and meet.

If she is pregnant, but the child is not yours, which means that you have already completely separated and are unlikely to be together. Most often, in such cases, the relationship ends on a positive note. What if the child is yours? Understand yourself, as such a dream is a sign that you still have unresolved problems and feelings.

If your ex-girlfriend died in a dream, you don’t have to worry - your feelings for her have faded, forget about these relationships.

What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend with another?

This is a sign that you had problems with your sex life and most likely you did not satisfy the woman enough in bed. Such a dream is a signal - you have sexual problems that need to be addressed as quickly as possible.

As you can see, such a dream can be explained in different ways, in each case the cause is determined individually. You should not immediately panic after such dreams, it is likely that they do not mean anything at all.

To properly deal with such a plot, you first need to remember what feelings the dream left behind. Warmth and calmness inside suggest that the relationship is really completed and you can forever let go of your partner from the past. Other options for what the ex-girlfriend dreams of are described below.

Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming - interpretation from dream books

The Exoteric Dream Book notes that a frequently repeated dream with the main character being discussed, which leaves behind unpleasant emotions, turns out to be an important sign. A lot of unsaid remains between partners in reality, so you need to talk frankly with a woman. The dream does not promise to return love, but advises you to try to accept each other in a new capacity. For example, try to become friends.

In Miller's dream book, an ex-girlfriend in an "interesting position" is a hint that a man's new relationship will be much more successful and happier. You don’t have to worry that they will lead lovers to a dead end, as it happened more than once before.

In Tsvetkov's work, it is noted that the wedding of an ex-girlfriend in night dreams always turns out to be a very positive symbol. It indicates that in the near future the representative of the stronger sex will finally be able to finally let go of his past. Nothing will prevent him from moving forward to new acquaintances, deeds, and undertakings.

Kiss with an ex-lover

A kiss with an ex-girlfriend in a dream can have different meanings for the sleeper. If at the same time the woman looked very bright, effectively and condescendingly agreed to such a rapprochement, then in real life the man lacks self-confidence. He looks to the future with fear and does not imagine his role in the future. The current situation must be corrected, otherwise the dreamer will not be able to achieve the desired success.

If an ex-girlfriend slaps a man for a kiss in a dream, then he needs to pay special attention to his new lover. The partner lacks love and care, which gradually destroys warm feelings for him. If you start the situation and do not try to fix it, then the next relationship will end in failure.

To see the death of an ex-girlfriend in a dream - meaning

If the sleeper himself kills the ex-girlfriend, this has nothing to do with the attitude towards her. Dream Interpretations explain such a plot by the fact that the current life troubles of a man and conflicts with others are rooted far in the past. His dreamer does not want to let go, so he constantly marks in one place. The plot seen should be taken as a call to start dealing with old problems and finally forget about the past.

And also, why dream of the death of an ex-girlfriend? If you had to see the funeral of your former lover, then in reality you should expect cardinal changes. They will turn out to be positive or negative, they will prompt various details of the plot. For example, the mood and emotions of the sleeper himself.

What is the dream of the ex-girlfriend whom you still love?

Most often, a relationship from the past is dreamed of by a man if he still has strong feelings for an ex-girlfriend. It is unlikely that such a dream has any special meaning. This is just a sign that all the dreamer's thoughts are occupied by his past love. In this state, a man will definitely not be able to start a new relationship.

If the situation in the dream was pleasant, the girl smiled and was disposed towards the young man, then you can try to start communicating with her again in reality. It is better to try your luck and be rejected than to do nothing and dream about the impossible.

Reconciliation in a dream

If in a dream a man reconciles with his ex-girlfriend, perhaps this is his true desire, which is suggested by the subconscious. To understand what to do after such a plot, you need to decide on your real feelings. Probably really worth trying to get your beloved back. This is especially true if in a dream both partners were cheerful and happy.

If a man does not plan to start a relationship with an ex-girlfriend again, but sees a dream of reconciliation, most likely, the latter portends him a temporary affair. Freud's dream book notes that this will not be true love, but only a sexual relationship.

It happens that in a dream, reconciliation with a former lady of the heart ends in intimacy. This is a clear sign that in reality a representative of the stronger sex will have a pleasant surprise or a valuable gift in the very near future.

Frequent dreams about an ex-girlfriend

Sometimes in a man’s dream, a woman very often appears, with whom he has long since parted. In this case, be sure to remember what mood she is in. If a girl is constantly crying and grieving, she probably promises the young man trouble in reality. The man himself will be solely to blame. He will greatly offend a person who, in the end, will cruelly avenge what happened.

If a former lover appears in visions with another man or even a spouse, it means that the new passion of the sleeping person will demand to legitimize their relationship. You can't escape responsibility. You will have to either agree to the girl's conditions or prepare for parting.

It happens that, according to the plot of a dream, a man meets his ex-lover secretly from everyone. This is a clear sign that surrounded by a representative of the stronger sex is his fan, who is embarrassed to express herself.

The meaning of sleep depending on the day of the week

The meaning of the dream you see also depends on the day of the week.

This parameter can be fundamentally important for the interpretation of the plot:

  • Monday's dream, in which a man fought with an ex-girlfriend, means that money surprises await him in the near future. It can be as much as a salary increase, or an unexpected win in the lottery.
  • A Tuesday dream suggests that a lover from the past is remembering her ex-man. By the emotions of the sleeping person from the vision, one can determine whether she speaks well or badly about him in reality.
  • A dream on Wednesday, in which the ex-wife hugs a man, promises him an early meeting with a beautiful girl. A new acquaintance can become his companion for the rest of his life.
  • A dream on Thursday with a laughing ex-woman becomes a harbinger of an improvement in the financial situation.
  • A dream on Friday often turns out to be prophetic. You can "under the bones" to disassemble his plot and expect something like this in reality.
  • A dream on Saturday, in which the former on the street accidentally meets, promises a new love to a man.
  • A dream on Sunday with a very aggressive young lady from the past indicates that the dreamer does not trust his current lover.
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