Meat in the diet of a child - the rules for the introduction of meat complementary foods. Meat puree for the first feeding. Where to start meat complementary foods What kind of meat to give to an 8 month old baby

Why is it necessary to include meat products in the diet of babies up to a year? Mom's milk gives the baby all the nutrients necessary for the development of the child's body, which are enough to meet the needs of the first months of life. Time goes by, the baby grows and requires more and more vitamins and micro-macroelements, other various nutrients. Breast milk is no longer able to meet these needs. Meat comes to the rescue, which is being introduced as complementary foods.

Meat is a valuable source of protein and vitamins, so it is almost indispensable in the diet of a baby.

Useful properties of meat

A responsible parent, before introducing a new food, is obliged to examine the product itself. Thanks to the consumption of mashed meat, the baby saturates his body with amino acids, iron, which is perfectly absorbed, as well as calcium and a number of vitamins. What role do they play? We list:

  • Amino acids. They are an integral part of protein synthesis, that is, they are necessary for the successful growth and development of cells, a full-fledged metabolism. The number of synthesized amino acids in the body is 20. With a lack of at least one of them, a protein deficiency appears.
  • Iron, easy to digest. As many as 65% of the iron contained in the product is the main composition of hemoproteins. Due to this, it is easily absorbed in the body and saturates the cells with oxygen as quickly as possible.
  • Calcium. Necessary for the development of the skeletal and muscular system, it also helps to strengthen the nerves.
  • Vitamin A. Helps break down fats, promotes the formation of new cells and is a participant in the formation of bones.
  • Vitamin B12. Its main task is the formation of blood. Promotes the formation of red blood cells and nerve endings.
  • Vitamin D. Promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and is also responsible for the formation of bone tissue and is involved in the prevention of rickets.

Different types of meat also contain other nutrients. For example, chicken has a lot of magnesium, sodium, vitamins B, E1, C. Beef is rich in phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B6, which is responsible for the absorption of iron, and vitamin PP, which is required for the formation of enzymes.

Another positive thing about meat is that its structure is elastic, and therefore it is great for developing a chewing skill in a child.

Time to introduce meat supplements

According to the recommendations of pediatricians, children receive the first meat complementary foods after six months. It is important to consider that this animal product should not be introduced before other products. Before meat complementary foods, the baby should already get acquainted with vegetables, fruits and cereals. According to experts, at least 2 months should pass from the start of the first complementary foods to the introduction of baby meat puree. So, we answer at what age you can introduce this type of complementary foods:

  1. a breastfed child receives vegetable or cereal complementary foods at 6 months, and meat at 8 (more in the article:);
  2. a baby on an artificial type of nutrition receives vegetable complementary foods as early as 4 months, then meat is allowed to be introduced closer to six months.

The exception is when the child has anemia, then the rule of 2-month interval may not be so strictly observed. Although in this situation it is not recommended to introduce meat and combined purees before 6 months of age (we recommend reading:).

Why can't baby meat puree be given to a baby before the age of six months? Let's list the reasons:

  1. The digestive system is not yet fully formed and is not able to digest heavy foods. There are no necessary enzymes required for the digestion of this food. An excessive amount of animal protein contributes to the appearance of decay processes in the intestines of babies.
  2. An allergic reaction to a foreign protein may occur if the baby is younger than 6 months of age.
  3. Animal protein in large doses heavily burdens the kidneys of an infant.

The body of a baby up to six months simply cannot cope with meat, so it is better to introduce it in a timely manner

Meat food

How to introduce meat puree for the first complementary foods? You already know, because this is a continuation of the samples of "adult" food by your baby: everything new is introduced gradually, starting with half a teaspoon. You can avoid possible digestive problems if you offer meat before dinner. Below we will tell you where to start and how to make the process of feeding enjoyable and rewarding.

Feeding rules

  1. How much to give first? The initial sample is small - ½ teaspoon and always precedes the main feeding.
  2. The absence of allergic reactions to meat and the positive response of the little one allow you to gradually increase the amount of complementary foods. Each time add another half spoon.
  3. Use freshly made puree. Follow its maximum fine consistency, uniformity and pleasant warmth. The meat should be cooked without adding salt and spices, and then chopped with a blender.
  4. It is quite possible to combine meat puree with other previously known products - for example, use it as part of a vegetable puree or cereal porridge without milk. Ground minced meat can be diluted with milk or a mixture.
  5. From the point of view of pediatricians, it is optimal to introduce an animal product as part of plant-based dishes at lunch, this will allow you to form the right diet.

Like other products, meat puree is introduced into the baby's diet gradually, starting with very small portions.

How much can be given per day?

How much meat can be given to a baby? The amount will depend on age. Below we offer a scheme for calculating the consumption of meat products per day for children:

Ahead of you are experiments that will allow you to treat the baby with a variety of dishes. For example, kids are happy to eat meatballs, meatballs and steamed cutlets. Your little one will try such dishes closer to a year and a half. How about fried and baked chops, spiced steaks? Their use is strictly prohibited. We list the most favorable varieties suitable for the introduction of the first complementary foods: beef, rabbit and turkey. They are low fat, light and hypoallergenic.

Older children are happy to eat steamed meatballs and other dishes.

Meat selection

As your baby grows, provided the introduction of meat supplements is successful, the doctor will advise introducing the crumbs to other types of products. The table below will tell you about the calorie content of each type of meat and their important components: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Thanks to this data, you will be able to choose which meat to start complementary foods with.

Nutritional value of various types of meat:

Beef200 kcal19 g12.5 g0 g
Pork397 kcal16.1 g27.9 g0 g
Veal201 kcal19.4 g1.1 g0 g
rabbit meat179 kcal20.8 g12.7 g0 g
Turkey198 kcal21.3 g12.1 g0.8 g
Chicken199 kcal20.7 g8.5 g0.4 g
Offal (for example, beef liver)125 kcal17.4 g3.1 g0 g

Types of meat

  1. Turkey and rabbit are the best meats for babies. They are low-fat, hypoallergenic, gentle and very healthy.
  2. Chicken is an excellent dietary product, but compared to turkey, it is slightly less digestible. We must not forget that chicken is the most allergic type of meat of all. If you have an allergy to egg white, you should give preference to quail meat, not chicken.
  3. Lean beef. There is a lot of protein and a large number of trace elements. It is these qualities that make beef a priority type of meat as the 1st complementary food. With an existing allergy to cow's milk, a similar reaction to beef may occur. In this case, instead of beef, use rabbit or turkey as the first food.
  4. Quail meat. Ideal for allergic babies, plus it is very gentle and dietary. Suitable for feeding babies after 7 months of age. There are more calories in it than in rabbit meat or chicken, so quail is not suitable for daily use.
  5. Pork. More fatty than other types of meat, pork is quite suitable for the first feeding, if you choose leaner parts of it, such as tenderloin. Fat content in this case will only slightly exceed the same index for beef. Allergists often recommend pork for feeding children with atopic dermatitis and diathesis.
  6. Sheep, duck or goose meat is not suitable for babies under 3 years old due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs is not yet able to digest excessively fatty and tough meat.

Rabbit meat is considered the most dietary and suitable meat for babies.

Frequency and amount of meat consumed per week

Dr. Komarovsky is convinced that meat complementary foods should be given no more than 1-2 days a week (see also:). When the baby is already 10 months old, the weekly frequency can be increased up to 5-7 times:

  • at the age of up to 9 months, you can cook a meat or combined puree for a child 1-2 days a week;
  • at 9-10 months, the baby can already eat finely chopped meat in the amount of several spoons 2-3 times (this is also a weekly norm);
  • closer to 10-11 months, you can start feeding the crumbs with a coarsely chopped product;
  • by the age of one year, steamed meatballs and cutlets will be a good option for dishes, which can be given 5-6 days a week and even every day.

Meat puree: cooking at home

Meat puree for children should be prepared only from a high-quality fresh product. You need to do it like this:

  1. the purchased meat should be thoroughly washed, all films removed and excess fat cut off;
  2. put the meat in a saucepan, pour cold water and, without adding spices and salt, cook until tender;
  3. for tough varieties such as beef or pork, it will take about 2 hours of cooking time, but more tender rabbit, turkey or chicken will be ready in a shorter period, as well as quail meat;
  4. as soon as the product reaches readiness, it should be ground (you can do this with a blender), or passed through a meat grinder twice, after which you need to grind it through a sieve;
  5. mix minced meat with mashed vegetables and add a couple of drops of vegetable or olive oil;
  6. give the peanut meat puree cooled to a warm temperature.

It is advisable to prepare a portion at a time, because a fresh product is always healthier for a child. The remaining portion of the portion can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than one day.

Popular brands of meat nutrition

The best option for babies is mashed meat grown in their own yard (birds or animals). In the absence of a home-made option, many parents prefer jars of baby food to the detriment of the wallet.

Consider several popular baby food manufacturers that offer a wide range of delicious baby purees, including meat options. You can find both pure meat puree and combination with vegetables or cereals. According to moms, the following manufacturers are trustworthy:

Agusha, Russia

Parent feedback:

  • overall rating of parents - 4 with a minus;
  • excessively thick consistency and a large amount of starch;
  • the format of the can is inconvenient to open (there is a danger of cutting yourself).

"Theme", Russia

  • in the product line there are beef, turkey, rabbit meat and options from chicken and offal;
  • volume - 100 g.

Parent feedback:

  • user rating - 4 with a minus;
  • salt is present, which means that it is better not to give mashed potatoes to children before 10 months;
  • the composition contains chicken fat, milk powder, cereals - the total volume of meat becomes smaller;
  • according to the results of research in the “Test Purchase” program, this applicant did not receive leading ratings, but generally meets the standards of baby food;
  • the tin can format is inconvenient because you can cut yourself.

"Grandmother's Basket", Russia

  • the product line includes beef, turkey, rabbit meat, as well as horse meat, venison and chicken;
  • volume - 100 g.

Until the age of 6 months, the baby does not need any other products, except for mother's milk. However, after six months, the baby should receive much more nutrients than mother's milk or an adapted formula contains. Starting to try new food, the child gets acquainted with vegetables, cereals, fruits, butter. When is the time for meat feeding? What type of meat should you start with, how to cook meat for babies and how much to offer to a toddler up to a year and at an older age?


  • First of all, meat and dishes from it are a source of proteins. Without these nutrients, the cells in a growing baby's body won't get enough building material.
  • It is also important that the amino acid composition of meat proteins is complete. It includes all the essential amino acids that are not formed in the human body, but must come from food.
  • Meat is one of the sources of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, zinc, fluorine and many other trace elements. Iron in meat products is represented by the heme form, which is absorbed better than the form of iron found in plant foods.
  • Due to the denser structure of meat dishes, the child will learn to chew after they are introduced into the diet.

Harm and contraindications

Whether the concepts of "Child" and "Vegetarianism" are compatible, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.

Is there an allergy?

Meats such as chicken and beef can cause allergic reactions, so they are not used as the first types of meat that a baby tries. When the child has become familiar with the less allergenic rabbit and turkey, you can carefully begin to give veal and chicken meat. If a child is allergic to cow's milk, the introduction of veal and beef into his diet should be abandoned.

At what age should we introduce complementary foods?

The introduction of meat complementary foods at an earlier age is not carried out, because:

  1. The gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs is still not sufficiently developed and is unable to digest meat products completely.
  2. Perhaps the negative effect of proteins from meat on the kidneys of the baby.
  3. The risk of allergy to protein molecules at an early age is increased.

Calculate your feeding schedule

Indicate the date of birth of the child and the method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April June July August September November 2019 2018 2017 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Generate a calendar

What meat is best for the first complementary foods?

The first type of meat that a child should try is rabbit meat. The main advantages of such meat are the rare occurrence of allergies and easy digestion. Rabbit meat is rich in minerals and vitamins, and since the fat content in it is low, the product is classified as dietary.

In addition to rabbit meat, turkey is also suitable for the first courses of meat feeding. This is also low-allergenic meat, the fibers of which are quickly digested. In turkey, as in rabbit meat, there is very little fat.

It is advised to introduce the baby to other types of meat later and very carefully for the following reasons:

Such types of meat as lamb, goose and duck meat are generally not recommended for children under school age due to their high fat content. Meat broths should not be prepared for children under one year old.

How to cook meat puree?

Take a small amount of meat (10-20 grams is enough for the first samples) and cook minced meat from it with your own hands. Boil until tender for 20-25 minutes, pass through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous consistency, and then dilute with women's milk or an adapted mixture, then beat with a blender.

You can also boil meat for the child, cut into pieces. In this case, it is recommended to bring the product to a boil, drain the water, pour the pieces of meat with clean water and cook for about 45 minutes.

If you are going to give the baby meat to try for the first time, consider the following nuances:

  • The meat should be homogeneous, so it is well boiled and chopped, and also diluted to a mushy state with breast milk or a mixture.
  • Meat puree is served warm.
  • The first serving is a maximum of half a teaspoon of the product.
  • It is advised to give it in the morning to assess the baby's reaction to new food by the end of the day.
  • Then meat is given to the third feeding, supplementing vegetable dishes with such a product.
  • The amount of meat puree at one time is increased gradually, adding half a teaspoon every next day.
  • Ready meat puree should not be stored in the refrigerator. Give the baby only freshly cooked meat.
  • When the baby gets used to the new taste, mix meat with cereals, vegetables, add to soups.
  • From 10 months, meat is given to the child only 5 times a week, and on the remaining days it is replaced with fish.
  • Closer to the year, offer the baby no longer mashed potatoes, but meatballs, stimulating the little one to chew.

Ready-made meat purees from the store

Buying ready-made baby food products that include meat has its own advantages:

  • Such products are tested, so all the components inside ready-made purees are useful for children and meet age-related needs.
  • Ready meals are easy to reheat and give quickly to the child.
  • Depending on the recommended age of consumption of the product (it is marked on the package), the degree of meat grinding varies.
  • Purees may include several ingredients, such as meat and cereals or meat and vegetables.

Norms of use for infants and older children

A serving of meat is primarily determined by the age of the baby:

What to do if the child does not want to eat, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.

How to choose fresh and high-quality meat?

  • When choosing beef for baby food, stop at buying tenderloin, as this is the least fatty part of the carcass. The same part should be chosen when buying pork.
  • When buying rabbit meat for crumbs, the best choice would be the meat of young animals (not older than 3 months). Cook the back of the carcass for the little one, as it is less fibrous.
  • If you want to cook a turkey for your baby, buy a breast without a skin. It is tender, tasty and lean meat that is best digested. Buying a breast is also recommended and, if desired, treat the baby to chicken.
  • The purchased meat should smell good, be uniform and elastic. Do not buy an unpleasant smelling product, as well as odorless meat.
  • Also, do not buy meat with a brown or gray-brown color. Normally, meat should have a certain shade of red, characteristic of a particular variety (for example, pork is pink, and beef is red).
  • When buying meat in a store, carefully read the label, check the expiration dates and the integrity of the package, and also evaluate the appearance of the product. If possible, sniff the meat and make sure it doesn't have any off-flavours.

Chef Vitaly Tikhonov tells how to choose high-quality fresh meat.

Proteins and fats, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins - all these and many other useful substances are part of the meat. Pediatricians do not doubt the need to introduce mashed meat into. But the question immediately arises for parents, at what time is it better to do this and how to properly introduce this.

The benefits of meat for children

Yes, vegetarians say that a person can live without meat, this is true, if we are not talking about a baby. Animal fats are essential for health, and children have a special need for the intake of all useful substances in the body. Meat performs many useful functions:

  • helps to strengthen the nervous system;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • allows the baby to grow healthy and develop harmoniously;
  • participates in the formation of red blood cells;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach;
  • helps to strengthen bones.

Meat dishes should also be consumed in order to increase the body's production of heat and get the necessary energy boost.

Of course, this does not mean that the baby should eat exclusively meat - the child's menu should be varied and balanced.

When to Introduce Meat to Your Baby

A healthy, properly developing baby can receive "adult" food as complementary foods from 4-6 months. First you need to introduce vegetable purees and cereals, then you can diversify the menu with sour-milk products and fruits / juices, and only after that it is allowed to offer the child mashed potatoes as food.

Pediatricians recommend introducing meat puree from 9-10 months - the baby's digestive system by this age is already fully formed and will be able to accept / digest a fairly heavy product. But doctors emphasize that in exceptional cases it is possible to introduce meat even at the age of a child of 6 months. Such exceptional cases include:

  • the baby is not gaining weight;
  • there is a lack of vitamins in the body of the baby.

Note:if there is a need to introduce meat puree as a complementary food earlier, then it is better to use the finished product for this. Such specialized nutrition contains little fat and is easily absorbed by the baby's body.

The work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract of the child and the health of the whole organism depend on how high-quality meat will be for preparing complementary foods for the baby. Meat must be chosen carefully and extremely carefully - it can be fraught with a lot of dangers.

What meat to start complementary foods with

It is better to start meat feeding for babies with and - this is the most lean meat, so it will be easily absorbed by the child. But pay attention to one important point: if the baby has lactase deficiency and is allergic to cow protein, then beef / veal is not suitable for preparing meat complementary foods. After the child adequately perceives meat complementary foods, you can offer him, but if the baby has this type of meat, then find a replacement for him - for example, it can be caesar meat.

Note:pork and lamb are very "heavy" foods, so try to introduce them into your child's diet as late as possible.

Rules for choosing quality meat

It is too difficult in modern conditions to find truly environmentally friendly meat - all animals are grown on artificial feed, antibiotics and hormones, the latter are the most dangerous for a tiny organism. Of course, you can raise the same chicken or rabbit on your own, but this option is good if the child lives in the village with his parents. And what about true city dwellers? It is worth listening to the recommendations of experts regarding the choice of really good meat:

How to cook meat puree

To prepare complementary foods for a baby, you need to take a small piece of meat and cook it for 15 minutes. The first broth must be drained and the meat washed. Next, the prepared meat is poured with fresh water and boiled for 40-60 minutes.

After the meat is cooked, it must be passed through a meat grinder twice, or chopped in a blender with the addition of boiled vegetables. To obtain a homogeneous consistency, cow's or breast milk can be added to complementary foods.

note: before cooking, the meat must be thoroughly washed and rid of streaks and fat, do not add salt and spices to the broth during cooking, and in order to achieve a more suitable consistency of mashed potatoes, it can be rubbed through a sieve.

How much meat to give the baby

In the very first meat complementary foods, you need to give the baby half a teaspoon of puree. Further, during the day, you need to observe the well-being of the child - whether there is an allergy to a new product, whether intestinal colic bothers him. If the child feels great, then in the next feeding he can already be offered a full teaspoon of mashed meat.

The baby needs to be given meat 1-2 times a week, and when the child is 10 months old, the frequency of eating meat complementary foods can be increased up to 5-7 times a week (but not more than once a day).

How to get meat into your diet

In general, there are no differences from the introduction of ordinary complementary foods and meat into the diet. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

Overview of popular brands of baby meat puree

If there is no time to prepare meat puree at home, then specialized baby food can be introduced into the diet.


It has a low cost, but the quality of this meat puree can hardly be called high. The composition of meat puree "Tyoma" includes fat, salt, milk powder and cereals, and this is not the best option.


This is a German brand that produces products approved by many pediatricians. This meat puree contains many useful substances, it is completely balanced. But there is one caveat: onions are included in the meat puree, and this product is allowed to be introduced into the diet of a child only from the age of 8 months.


Complementary foods of this company are sold in a metal jar, and this scares off many parents. Meanwhile, the quality of Agusha's meat complementary foods is high, and the cost of the product is quite acceptable.


The products of this manufacturer are popular among parents, but his biography is not so perfect. The fact is that for the preparation of meat puree, meat is used that has been previously treated with chlorine - you must admit, this is unlikely to add health to the baby, although the products pass all the necessary medical checks.

Grandma's basket

Excellent, reliable and high quality product! When preparing meat puree, the manufacturer uses only useful ingredients - for example, rice flour is used as a thickener, not starch.


In principle, a very high quality product. In the manufacture of meat puree, not only meat is used, but also vegetable oil, water and starch. The last ingredient makes the meat puree very thick, and some children may not like it and they will refuse the new product.

It doesn’t even make sense to talk about the benefits of meat products for a growing baby’s body - everyone knows about this. This product, enriched with protein, is necessary for the child as the main building material. Since the process of formation of the body of the infant is at an accelerated pace, protein substances are especially necessary for the growth of tissues and cells. But not all mothers know how much to introduce meat into baby food and what to choose: store-bought canned food in the baby food department or self-cooked first courses for the baby.

When can I introduce meat to an infant?

It is necessary to start talking about meat complementary foods only when the child has mastered carbohydrate and plant foods well enough. As a rule, the first products in their lives that babies try within six months of age are fruit and vegetable purees. Almost at the same time, mothers introduce milk porridge into the diet of their beloved children.

You should think about how to introduce meat into complementary foods after 1.5-2 months from the moment the baby is first fed with an “adult” product (be it applesauce or buckwheat porridge). In most cases, this happens closer to the eight-month-old baby. By this time, the baby's gastrointestinal tract will be sufficiently developed to cope with the digestion of meat. In some cases (but rather as an exception), the doctor may prescribe mashed meat to the baby even before the age of 7-8 months.

In particular, with anemia and pronounced signs of rickets, this product is recommended to be introduced into complementary foods by six months. Sometimes this also applies to children who are not breastfed.

What meat should come first?

The first meat complementary foods are an exciting and disturbing moment for any mother. Many women worry, fearing that the baby will not like this product, but it is so necessary for its full growth and development. Therefore, the choice of the main ingredient must be approached responsibly.

At routine examinations, pediatricians usually instruct mothers in terms of compiling a menu for babies. They also talk about what kind of meat is better to introduce into complementary foods first. The most hypoallergenic alternative is turkey or rabbit meat. Many people are probably aware of this.

If the baby does not like such meat puree, then in the absence of allergic reactions and other contraindications, beef or veal can be offered to the baby.

Beef and chicken for children: use with caution!

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the presence of lactose intolerance in the anamnesis of a baby in almost 100% of cases leads to an allergy to cow meat. The most important thing is to use only lean meats for cooking, so lamb and pork are recommended for eating crumbs only after a year.

As for chicken, most experts advise parents to refrain from including this product in the diet of an infant. Moreover, it is undesirable to give it to the baby as the first meat supplement. The presence in the chicken of chemical and hormonal substances, aimed at the speedy growth and weight gain of the bird, will enter the baby's body along with the meat dish.

The size of meat servings for an infant

How to introduce meat into complementary foods, and in what quantity should it be given to the baby? This issue also deserves attention. Again referring to the recommendations of pediatricians, it is important to note that the optimal amount of meat for babies at first is half a teaspoon.

If during the first week of meat consumption no side effects are detected, then from the next week its amount can be doubled. On average, by 8 months, a child should receive about 30 g of meat dishes daily. By 12 months, this volume should be doubled.

However, not all children like protein foods. If the baby did not like the meat, you can try to “deceive” him by stirring half a teaspoon of mashed potatoes with vegetables or breast milk. The reaction of the crumbs must be closely monitored in the first couple of weeks. If neither allergic manifestations nor disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are found, you can confidently move forward according to the further scheme.

Methods for cooking meat for crumbs

Recommendations on how to prepare mashed potatoes for babies cannot but arouse interest. There is nothing complicated in this process, and even a mother who does not know the secrets of culinary wisdom will cope with it. At the age of 7 to 23 months, it is advisable to give only boiled meat, ground into ordinary mashed potatoes. Cooking time takes no more than an hour. A small piece of meat should be cooked for at least 40-50 minutes. A slightly cooled piece should be passed through a meat grinder.

A child's menu per year may include steam cutlets. It is extremely important to pay attention to the fact that any meat dish prepared for crumbs cannot be stored in the refrigerator. If the baby has not finished eating, you do not need to leave food “for later”.

Cooking meat for an infant as complementary foods should be done according to a variety of recipes. Even if the baby willingly eats cooked mashed potatoes on both cheeks, do not let it get hung up on one thing. You can improvise, including cereals and vegetables in the dish.

Can I give my baby canned meat?

Undoubtedly, the best and most useful dish for the crumbs will be mashed meat prepared by caring gentle mother's hands. However, with all the desire, she may not always have the opportunity and time to cook. Situations are very different: a trip, an illness, and a second baby. In this case, canned meat for baby food will come to the rescue.

To date, it is not difficult to purchase such a saving jar for many mothers.

The real problem lies in its choice, because there are plenty of manufacturers of canned food for children, but which ones guarantee the quality of the contents in the package?

How to choose the right canned food in the baby food department?

In order not to make a mistake when choosing baby meat puree, you should pay attention to the following details:

  1. The degree of grinding of meat: it must be ground, not contain any particles, lumps.
  2. Ingredients: The ideal solution would be a homogenized puree without any additives. If necessary, mixing with vegetables can be done at home.
  3. Expiry date: The fresher the better.

Storage of canned meat

In addition, after opening canned food and using only half a teaspoon, the jar can be put in the refrigerator and stored for no more than a day. Before feeding, it is advisable to heat the puree not in the microwave, but in a water bath. The reviews of many mothers indicate that canned meat is great for adding to hot dishes. The broth based on them is hearty and tasty.

Any type of complementary foods, including meat, should be introduced to the crumbs with caution. The baby should be absolutely healthy, not experience problems with the stool and the work of the digestive organs. In this case, the first meat puree will only benefit him and will please him to taste.

What to do with the broth, is it good for the baby?

When discussing how to introduce meat into complementary foods, one should not forget about caution. Many doctors agree that the absorption of protein in the body of a child should be preceded by the use of meat broth. Thus, you can easily prepare the baby's gastrointestinal tract for the digestion of a rather heavy and unfamiliar product. You need to start with 1-2 tablespoons, gradually increasing, and after a couple of weeks, the child can already be given 2-3 tablespoons

However, in this case, you can not take your eyes off the crumbs. In some cases, the introduction of broth into the baby's diet was accompanied by the appearance of a diathesis rash on the cheeks. With a similar development of an allergic reaction, meat complementary foods should be postponed for a while. You can replace the broth with ordinary vegetable soups.

The opposite opinion about the broth for the child

However, regarding the use of meat broths by an infant, there is another, no less justified position. In particular, some doctors claim that such a liquid can be given to the crumbs only after meat feeding. All microelements that could be “stuffed” with meat get into the broth. Veal should also be carefully given to the baby, so it is best to boil the broth twice. Boiled meat and purified broth are less risky for the baby. Salting the boiled dish is necessary last.

Before introducing meat into complementary foods, it is necessary to observe the condition and behavior of the child. Despite the fact that the nutritional value of meat broth is small, it contains many substances that serve as stimulants for the processes of food digestion. The baby may wake up with an appetite, so it is better to give the broth, for example, before vegetable puree.

How to teach your baby to chew food?

A child's menu per year, in contrast to the diet of an 8-month-old toddler, should contain much less grated food. The same applies to meat. The child especially needs to receive a load for the gums and erupting milk teeth. Gradually, puree-like food should be replaced by dishes that are denser in consistency.

Meat, of course, belongs to this category of products. It will help the baby prepare the chewing muscles.

In conclusion

Meat dishes for a child are an indispensable source of vitamins A and B, proteins, fats and easily digestible iron. As already mentioned, 7-8 months is the optimal period for a baby to get acquainted with meat dishes. Together with vegetables or porridge, the baby receives a full meal containing the nutritional value necessary for his body.

At the same age, they often begin to give children a liver. If you choose between pork, beef and chicken, you should opt for beef liver. It is considered the most useful and enriched with proteins, iron and vitamins. With a low level of hemoglobin in the blood of infants, the liver is a must-have product for consumption.

If the baby liked the meat, there is no need to rush and please him with meat purees every day. For starters, it will be enough to introduce complementary foods 1-2 times during the week. Having given the child a taste of one type of meat, you can then give another. The main thing is to monitor the allergic reaction to a particular dish. Therefore, it is impossible to give a lot of meat at a time to a baby. A one-year-old peanut can eat up to 80 g of meat at a time.

Meat complementary foods are the main source of protein and other useful substances that are so necessary for the child's body for full development, building their own cells and tissues, enzymes, hormones, and antibody synthesis. But when is the right time to introduce meat into a child's diet? How to prepare meat puree for the first feeding, and which one is better to choose? How much meat should a child up to a year and older eat? You will get answers to these and other questions after reading this article.

Meat puree from how many months to give a child?

Up to 4-6 months, the baby eats only mother's milk, or adapted mixtures. The baby does not need other products. After six months, the nutrients obtained from breast milk or formula become insufficient. The baby is gradually accustomed to cereals, vegetables, fruits. Only after adapting to these products, you can give the child meat.

Two months should pass after the introduction of the first complementary foods, and if the baby eats vegetable dishes with appetite, does not refuse cereals, it's time to introduce meat complementary foods. Meat is an animal product, for the digestion of which the child's digestive tract is subjected to stress, so you should not rush with meat products.

Pediatricians advise introducing meat puree for the first complementary foods on the menu no earlier than 6-8 months. If you started feeding your baby with vegetables and cereals at six months, at 8 months you can give the child a taste of meat for the first time. This rule is the same for both breastfed and formula-fed babies.

If the child is allergic and suffers from iron deficiency, there is a lack of weight or symptoms of rickets, you can introduce meat into his menu after 5 months, only after consulting a pediatrician. It should be homogenized rabbit or turkey meat, monocomponent.

Why you shouldn't give meat to a baby under six months old

  • At such an early age, the child's digestive tract is not yet developed, some enzymes are not yet produced, and those that are produced are not active enough. Meat cannot be digested and rotting processes occur in the intestines due to excess protein.
  • Excess protein also negatively affects the baby's kidneys.
  • Before the age of 6 months, the risk of allergies is much higher.

Meat puree for the first complementary foods which is better

Meat made in industrial conditions is better suited for the first acquaintance of the baby with meat products.

Store-bought mashed meats are better processed, the muscle cell membranes are destroyed by high pressure. Hemogenized meat (subjected to high pressure) is easier for children to digest.

At home, no matter how long we boil the meat or beat it with a blender, the cell membranes remain intact, and the puree will still be fibrous. Digestion and assimilation will be more difficult, so homemade mashed meats are not the best option to start meat feeding. It is better to give such meat to a child after a year, but for now we have found out that the best meat puree for the first complementary foods is store-bought. You can stop your choice at such well-known companies as Frutonya, Grandmother's Basket, Agusha, Tema, Gerber, Khainz. According to the rating and reviews, these are the most purchased brands of baby food.

What types of meat to give the child

For the first acquaintance, a turkey and a rabbit are better suited. They do not cause allergies, and are rich in protein and mineral compounds, and are also considered the easiest to digest.

Other types of meat are introduced a little later, being careful.

Chicken meat - a dietary product rich in protein, but very allergenic. It is not recommended to start meat supplements with chicken in children with allergies, especially if an allergy to chicken egg protein has been identified.

Beef and veal are considered the most difficult to digest, as they are very rich in animal protein, the digestion of which requires a large amount of time and enzymes. Children suffering from milk protein intolerance should not be given.

horsemeat ideal for feeding children, rich in protein, contains a large number of useful elements, does not cause allergies. The disadvantage is the high price and scarcity.

Duck and goose meat children under 3 years of age are not recommended, as it contains refractory fats, which the child's stomach is not able to digest.

by-products include in the child's diet after ten months, when the baby is already accustomed to meat dishes. They are rich in iron, manganese and copper. It is allowed to give tongue, liver, hearts. Recommended for children with anemia.

The liver is rich in iron and vitamin A, very useful for baby food, but the kids themselves do not think so, they often do not like the taste of the liver. To prepare mashed liver for a child, it is boiled in the second water, chopped, you can add any vegetables, boiled carrots are best.

Some experts have come to the conclusion that the child, being in the womb, has already become acquainted with the meat dishes that she used, and it is better if he eats the meat that is a priority in his family, unless, of course, the baby is allergic to it. And it is best if you gradually introduce the child to all types of sources of animal protein, but you should not rush into this. To begin with, the baby must get used to one type of meat, only then introduce him to another.

Feeding with meat broth

In the days of our grandmothers and mothers, it was believed that meat broth is very useful for a child, it was given to children starting from six months and only then they introduced the baby to meat. It was believed that meat broth is very useful for the child's body, easy to digest and assimilate.

Currently, doctors do not advise introducing meat broth to the child's menu too early. Up to 8 months, the digestive tract does not work at full strength, the walls of the stomach and intestines are very permeable, and the liver is not yet active enough to neutralize all the extractive substances that have entered the bloodstream from the broth.

It is necessary that the baby first get used to the meat. It is not recommended to give meat broth to children under one year old, it is better to postpone acquaintance with this dish until 1.5-2 years old, but for now you can cook soup on vegetable broth with the addition of meat, cooked separately.

Possible harm

  • Harmful substances boiled from meat remain in the broth, these are: cholesterol, taurine, creatinine, lactic acid, glucose, urea. All these substances have high chemical and biological activity, saturate the broth with taste.
  • If the meat has been treated with antibiotics or hormones, all harmful substances pass into the broth during cooking.
  • The use of meat broths at such an early age can threaten with an excess of uric acid, its crystals are shed in the kidneys and joints, and uric acid increases allergic reactions.
  • Broths stimulate blood flow to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, they are irritated, which causes the production of gastric juice. This process is called hyperemia. Hyperemia makes the mucous membranes of the digestive tract vulnerable to allergens.


  • Due to the high content of extractive compounds, the broth is very tasty, which contributes to a good appetite.
  • All the beneficial compounds found in meat are released into the broth during cooking.
  • Broths contribute to increased secretion of gastric juice, thanks to which food is digested faster.
  • The substances contained in broths are useful for the development of the nervous system.

Benefits of meat for children

  • It is the main source of protein required by the body for proper growth and development.
  • Meat products contain a large amount of vitamin B, which is indispensable for the human nervous system.
  • Meat contains amino acids that enter the body with food.
  • High content of such trace elements as: iron, zinc, magnesium, cobalt, fluorine, phosphorus. The iron found in meat is absorbed much faster than iron from plant foods.
  • The baby has already cut through the first teeth, and the fibrous structure of the meat contributes to the development of chewing skills.

Can meat harm a child?

  1. An excess of meat products in a child's diet creates a burden on the kidneys and adversely affects the digestive system.
  2. Some types of meat can cause allergies.
  3. Meat for feeding children should be boiled, in no case should children be given fried meat, smoked meats, sausages and other semi-finished meat products that are not intended for feeding a child.

meat allergy

It is better to start the first meat complementary foods with rabbit meat and turkey. After the baby adapts to hypoallergenic meats, it will be possible to introduce him to beef, chicken and lean pork.

With intolerance to cow's milk protein, it is better not to include beef and veal in the child's diet.

Symptoms of a meat allergy in children appear as early as 30 minutes after feeding. These include:

  1. Skin rashes and redness, itching, urticaria
  2. Violation of the stool, flatulence, nausea, belching,
  3. There are also consequences such as shortness of breath, angioedema, conjunctivitis, anaphylactic shock, but they are very rare.

If the child is naughty after the introduction of meat, a rash appears, problems with stool

If you find at least some negative reactions to meat complementary foods, whether it be skin integuments, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or a change in mood, complementary foods should be stopped. Wait a few days or a week for the baby's condition to normalize, and then again offer the baby to try meat, but of a different kind. Perhaps the first time there was an allergic reaction. If the situation repeats itself, perhaps the baby is not yet ready to switch to meat food, you still need to wait, seek the advice of a pediatrician.

Meat puree for the first feeding how to cook

Meat puree recipe

It is not so difficult to prepare meat puree at home, for this you need to take 20-30 grams of lean meat, without fat and films, wash it, finely chop or chop in a meat grinder. Cook for 30-40 minutes, then separate from the broth, add a little breast milk or milk formula, beat with a blender, or chop several times in a meat grinder and rub through a sieve. Meat puree for feeding the baby is ready, you do not need to salt it. Milk can be replaced with vegetable broth.

In this form, children receive the first meat complementary foods, in the form of mashed potatoes, to which they are already accustomed when they get acquainted with vegetables and fruits. At a later age, it will be possible to add salt to meat dishes, add greens, bay leaves, a little butter or cream to them at the end of cooking, as well as cook meatballs, soufflés and steam cutlets when the baby can chew on his own.

After a year, the baby can switch from homogenized puree to medium-chopped meals. Soups are cooked in vegetable broth, the meat is cooked separately and chopped, then combined with the broth, and vegetables can be mashed with a fork.

Where to start meat feeding

  1. The meat should be of a homogeneous mass, for this it is well boiled and thoroughly chopped with a blender.
  2. The first acquaintance of a child with meat begins with 1/2 teaspoon.
  3. For the first time, meat, like any other new product, is given to the child in the morning so that it is possible to observe the reaction of the child.
  4. The portion increases every day. If for the first time the meat was given to the child half a teaspoon, the next day you can double the portion.
  5. Do not store meat puree for the first feeding, prepared at home, in the refrigerator. The child should receive only freshly prepared foods, and if you still store them, then no more than a day.
  6. Meat is given to children for lunch.
  7. When the baby gets used to the new taste, you can add meat to the soup, vegetables and cereals.
  8. Over the age of 8 months, meat should be on the child's menu 5 days a week. When you do not give your baby meat, you can offer fish instead.
  9. After a year, you can cook meatballs so that the child develops chewing skills. But since at this age there are not yet enough teeth to fully chew, knead them with a fork.
  10. If the child refuses meat, mix it with the product that he eats with pleasure. If this does not help, do not insist, wait a week, and offer meat again.
  11. No need to mix several types of meat. First, the baby must get used to each separately.

Failure to follow the rules for introducing meat into complementary foods for babies can cause allergies or cause other health problems.

The daily norm of meat for children up to a year and older

The amount of meat that he should receive per day depends on the age of the child.

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