Can herpes show up on antibiotics? The most effective antibiotics for the treatment of herpes. Treatment of herpes with antibiotics

Herpes infection is treated primarily with antiviral drugs. There is a whole pharmaceutical range of drugs that are effective specifically for herpesviruses of a simple type, as well as the Zoster and Epstein-Bar virus. These are drugs that suppress the activity of the virus at the DNA level and little-studied drugs that do not inhibit DNA polymerase.

The first group includes:

  • Acyclic Nucleoside Analogs. Such drugs are prescribed most often, they include Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valaciclovir, Penciclovir, Ganciclovir and their various analogues. Also in this series are Ribavirin, Bofanton, Flacoside and Alpizarin.
  • Acyclic nucleotide analogs. In this series, only two main drugs are known - Adefovir and Cidofovir.
  • Pyrophosphate analogues. This series of medicines includes Phosphonoacetylic acid, Foscavir and Foscarnet preparations.

The second group includes poorly studied but already effective maribavir, indolocarbazole and beta-l-5-uracil iododioxolane. As you can see, there are no antibiotics in the list of medicines used for herpes. Why and can they treat the infection?

The use of antibiotics for herpes

The use of antibiotics for herpes simplex on the face and lips (type 1) or on the body and genitals (type 2) is simply pointless. They are completely ineffective against viruses, so they will not lead to any result.

However in some cases, antibiotic therapy is connected to antiviral therapy as an additional. This happens if a secondary infection of a bacterial or fungal nature has been added to the main infection.

In what cases is the use of antibiotics for herpes justified?

Different antibiotics are prescribed if a patient (both an adult and a child) develops one or more diseases from the following list against the background of a herpes infection:

  • lacunar angina;
  • necrotic angina;
  • pneumonia;
  • purulent infection on wounds on the skin;
  • bacterial disease of the reproductive system (eg chlamydia);
  • purulent intoxication;
  • pleurisy and other diseases of the internal organs.

The indication for taking antibiotics is a pronounced change in the composition of the blood (as in inflammatory processes) and prolonged febrile fever (temperature over 38.5 ° C for more than 2-3 days).

Important! A specific drug is prescribed in accordance with the indicators of the analysis of the microflora - different antibiotics are effective against different bacteria and fungi. The intake of such drugs should be limited in time - too long a course will cause complications.

What antibiotics can be prescribed in complex therapy?

The purpose of a particular drug depends on the sensitivity of the bacteria living in the affected area to them. According to studies, the following infections most often join patients with herpes:

  • staphylococcal;
  • streptococcal (pyogenic);
  • candidiasis (Candida fungus);
  • as well as Haemophilus influenzae.

In the treatment of secondary infections in herpes caused by these bacteria, it is recommended to use drugs:

Therapeutic doses of antibiotics are usually taken for 5-10 days, depending on the severity of the infection associated with herpes. At the same time, it is necessary not to forget to drink antiviral drugs in order to ease the symptoms of the herpes virus itself.

Important! Aminopenicillins for herpes are prohibited. This group of antibiotics - amoxicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin with clavunate - can cause exanthema (rash) on the skin that cannot be easily removed with histamine receptor blockers.

Antibacterial ointments during the regression of herpes

At the stage of regression of a skin herpetic infection, when the vesicles of the rash burst and begin to overgrow with a crust, antibiotic ointments can be used to:

Most often, the following ointments are prescribed for this purpose:

  • tetracycline 1 or 3%;
  • erythromycin;
  • tebrofen 0.5, 2 or 5%;
  • Levomekol;
  • Pimafucin;
  • zinc;
  • streptocide;
  • blue or green.

Also use vegetable oils with antibiotic action- tea tree, fir, sea buckthorn - and propolis tincture.

Any use of antibiotics for herpes should be combined with treatment with antiviral drugs - ointments (for example, Oksolinova, Viru-Merz Serol, Acyclovir, Panavir), tablets and injections (almost all antiherpetic drugs are available in these forms) and their other types (sprays, creams, gels, etc.).

In the absence of antiviral treatment for herpes, therapy will not bring any positive results, since it is a virus, and it cannot be eliminated (suppressed) by antibacterial agents alone.

Viral skin rashes are treated primarily with antiviral drugs. Antibiotics for herpes are used only as adjuvant therapy. They become necessary when a secondary infection joins the main infection.

Herpes is a viral disease that spreads both through household contact and through sexual contact. The main symptoms of this pathology are skin rashes that appear on the face, lips, oral mucosa, in the sinuses (type 1 herpes), and also on the genitals (). Especially dangerous, or, which is characterized by an extensive affected area, itching and high fever.

But there are situations when the treatment of herpes with antibiotics becomes a necessity. This happens when a secondary infection joins a viral infection. It can be a disease of a bacterial or fungal nature.

The appointment of antibiotics becomes relevant when the following pathologies are detected:

  • pneumonia;
  • angina (lacunar or necrotic);
  • diseases of the reproductive system of a bacterial nature (donovanosis, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea);
  • infection of lesions on the skin;
  • purulent intoxication:
  • diseases of the lungs, heart and other internal organs.

The choice of medical remedies for herpes depends primarily on the type of bacteria that have settled in the affected area. As practice shows, staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae and fungi of the genus Candida join this pathology more often than others.

Vilprafen is a safe antibacterial agent for children and pregnant women.

When infected with these types of bacteria, doctors usually prescribe drugs from the following groups of antibiotics:

  • cephalosporins;
  • macrolides;
  • antibacterial ointments, sprays and gels;
  • antifungal agents.

Cephalosporins and macrolides

From herpes, drugs of the cephalosporin group of the 2nd and 3rd generation help well. They can be administered both intravenously and intramuscularly. Such medicines effectively block inflammation at the local level. At the same time, they are quite safe and do not have a long list of contraindications and side effects.

When dangerous symptoms appear, they are well suited:

  1. Suprax (Cefixime) is an effective 3rd generation drug. It will help cure stomatitis, skin inflammation. It is prescribed together with antiviral agents.
  2. Cefotaxime is a 3rd generation universal antibiotic. Destroys a wide range of bacteria, including staphylococci and streptococci. It is prescribed when joining a viral infection of bronchitis, pleurisy, tonsillitis, gynecological diseases.
  3. Cefazolin.
  4. Cefodox.

In the presence of herpetic symptoms caused by and, doctors resort to the help of macrolides. These are broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. The most commonly used are Erythromycin and Azithromycin. The dosage of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the patient: his age, weight, health status.

Midecamycin, a systemic macrolide antibiotic, is used in the treatment of skin infections. This drug is used to treat papules, ulcers on the body and genitals, with dermatitis and vasculitis. Produced in the form of a suspension. The remedy can be given to children if they develop a bacterial infection. Midecamycin is contraindicated in patients suffering from liver and kidney disease.

Antibiotics for herpes are used only as adjuvant therapy. They become necessary when a secondary infection joins the main infection.

In case of blood infection with pathogenic microorganisms of purulent origin, doctors prescribe Kitasamycin. This macrolide is quite safe, but is not used for allergies. Available in the form of tablets or syrup.

Ointments, sprays and gels

Treatment with such means becomes relevant at the last stage of herpes, when the crusts on the vesicles begin to dry and crumble. In this situation, antibacterial ointments protect the affected skin surface from infection by pathogenic microorganisms that can cause secondary dermatological diseases. In addition, the use of antibiotics in the stage of regression of a viral infection will accelerate tissue healing and prevent the appearance of non-healing wounds at the site of the lesion.

Most often, doctors prescribe such ointments:

  • Levomekol;
  • Levosin;
  • Fastin;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Tetracycline ointment;
  • Tebrofin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Gentamycin;
  • Zinc.

These drugs are not used if the patient has signs of an allergic reaction: skin rashes, itching and scabies, swelling of the upper or lower lip.

In addition to ointments, antibacterial drugs are used for local use in other forms:

  • Hexiderm spray;
  • Dalacin gel 1%;
  • Streptocid;
  • blue or;
  • vegetable oils with antibiotic action (fir, sea buckthorn, tea tree);

Baymitsin aerosol has a pronounced therapeutic effect in the treatment of skin diseases. This is a low-toxic substance that carefully cares for the damaged dermis. The aerosol is well suited for patients suffering from shingles.

The main indication for the use of antibiotics for herpes is a secondary bacterial infection. Only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics.

Antibiotics for herpes in children and pregnant women

In childhood diseases with the use of antibacterial drugs, you need to be especially careful. The use of antibiotics may be justified when a purulent infection is aggravated by the appearance of ulcers, changes in blood composition, and pain. In this case, the doctor may prescribe the following ointments:

  • Methyluracil 10%;
  • Tebrofenovaya 5%;
  • Zinc;
  • Levosin.

Herpes is especially dangerous for children born to HIV-infected mothers. Complications can be very serious: encephalitis, meningitis, Kaposi's sarcoma. In this case, drugs of the cephalosporin group of the 4th generation will help.

Often accompanied by a rash all over the body and high fever. The use of powerful universal antibiotics, such as Sumamed and Vilprafen, will be appropriate here.

In this state, the body's defenses usually weaken. And with reduced immunity, wounds on the skin do not heal for a long time, fester and are affected by bacteria. Ulcers can appear in the corners of the mouth, on the lips, in the folds of the skin.

With a viral disease during pregnancy, relatively harmless antibacterial ointments will help well. Among them, Wilprafen can be distinguished, which does not cause dysbacteriosis and takes care of the health of the mother and unborn child. The course of treatment is usually 10-15 days.

The use of antibiotics for herpes is necessarily accompanied by therapy with antiviral drugs. These can be ointments (Acyclovir, Panavir, etc.), tablets, injections, creams, gels or sprays.

More on this topic:

May prescribe antibiotics, which are supposed to fight a fungal infection that has joined in the course of the underlying disease. There are times when you simply cannot do without such drugs: it is necessary to avoid complications, because they can bring a person to death.

What you need to know about the virus

Herpes carriers on the planet are more than 90% of the population. The remaining 10% are simply immune to this infection for unknown reasons. Infection occurs at lightning speed: with poorly washed common dishes, by airborne droplets, through dirty hands, hygiene items, birth canal, placenta, blood, sexual intercourse.

  1. The first type (herpes simplex Herpes simplex) is most often the cause of the appearance of characteristic, eyes, face.
  2. The second type manifests itself on the genitals - genital herpes.
  3. The third type is: children tolerate it much more easily than adults, it is especially dangerous for pregnant women and for a developing fetus, the body develops immunity to this type for life.
  4. The fourth type - a virus - is the cause of infectious mononucleosis.
  5. The fifth type is .

Herpes can be asymptomatic, but often its manifestations are very noticeable:

  • itching, tingling;
  • runny nose;
  • rashes.

In most cases, herpes infection is suppressed by Gefin, Kogocel, Arbidol,.


The decision to prescribe the treatment of the disease with antibacterial drugs is made by the attending physician when, due to a weakened immune system, the following are added to herpes:

  • staphylococci - purulent inflammation;
  • streptococci - erysipelas;
  • Candida is a fungal disease.

All these fungal diseases cause:

  • pneumonia;
  • meningitis;
  • necrotic or lacunar tonsillitis;
  • various purulent inflammations of the skin;
  • inflammation of internal organs;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system.

The addition of fungal infections and the onset of complications are indicated by a high temperature, which is very difficult to bring down within five days and blood.

Antibiotics are prescribed as a last resort, because their intake negatively affects the functioning of the whole organism. Some of them have many side effects.


Depending on the nature of the complication and the type of bacterial infection that has joined, antibiotics are divided into three groups.

Group of cephalosporins

They are used for inflammation of the skin intramuscularly or intravenously, less often orally. They block the spread of infection. The most popular drugs with proven effectiveness:

  1. Aksef (cefuroxime). Broad spectrum antibiotic. It is introduced into the body both parenterally (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract - intravenously or intramuscularly) and orally. With the first method, the antibiotic begins to act after 45 minutes and is excreted from the body in an hour, with the second - after three hours, half-life - after two hours. Used for pneumonia, peritonitis, erysipelas and purulent inflammation of the skin in severe forms. Aksef is usually taken for 7 days, for pneumonia - for three days parenterally, then orally for another eight days. The dosage and duration of administration is prescribed by the doctor. The drug is well tolerated in most cases.
  2. Zinnat. Has a wide spectrum of action. It is used orally for pneumonia, inflammation of the skin, meningitis. Treatment and doses are prescribed by a doctor. Possible unpleasant effects: headache, thrush, dibacteriosis. The course lasts one week on average.
  3. Suprax. Used internally as directed by a doctor. Active against streptococcal infection, powerless against staphylococcus. Effective for pneumonia, sepsis, furunculosis. Available in the form of tablets, capsules and granules for suspension. The course of treatment lasts seven to ten days, depending on the complexity of the infection. Side effects: disorders in the kidneys, headache, nausea, vomiting, itching in the genital area.
  4. Cefazolin. Broad spectrum antibiotic. Active against streptococcus, staphylococcus, Haemophilus influenzae. It can only be used parenterally, as it is destroyed in the stomach before its action begins. Effective for pneumonia, pneumonia, purulent skin infections, erysipelas. The course of treatment can last up to two weeks. Possible unpleasant effects: nausea, dysbacteriosis, loss of appetite, itching.
  5. Cefotaxime. Only parenterally. Has no analogues. Against pneumonia, meningitis. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice.

Macrolide group

Macrolide antibiotics:

  1. Azithromycin. Broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. Active against streptococcus, staphylococcus, Haemophilus influenzae. Available in tablets and special capsules. The course of treatment is only three days. Effective for pneumonia, furunculosis, erysipelas. Side effects: tinnitus, tachycardia, hypertension, kidney failure, thrush, itching, vaginitis. Has no analogues.
  2. Erythromycin. An antibiotic that inhibits streptococci, meningococci, staphylococci. Close to the penicillin series. It is tolerated by patients very well and is indicated for patients allergic to penicillin. Available in tablets. The course of treatment is about seven days. Possible unpleasant effects are rare: jaundice, disturbances in the digestive system. Has a lot of positive reviews. It also exists in the form of an ointment for the treatment of local areas of inflamed skin.
  3. Kitazamicin. A broad-spectrum antibiotic against staphylococci, streptococci, meningococci, streptococci that are resistant to the penicillin series. Release form - tablets, syrup and capsules. It is used in the treatment of pneumonia and erysipelas. May be assigned to . Rarely, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are present.


Lincosamide group:

  1. Clindamycin(Dalacin, Zerkalin, Klimitsin, Klindatop, Klindes, Klindovit). Actively acts on streptococci, staphylococci. Available in the form of cream, suppositories, tablets, capsules. It can be used both inside and intramuscularly against pneumonia, various skin inflammations, and inflammation of the genital organs. Sometimes there is pain in the abdomen, jaundice, allergic reactions. The course of treatment is designed for 5-7 days.
  2. Lincomycin. Effective for erysipelas and purulent skin inflammations. Inhibits the action of streptococci, staphylococci. It can be used intramuscularly, intravenously and orally. Available in the form of powder, ointment, tablets. There are practically no side effects if the patient does not have hypersensitivity to the drug. Sometimes there is hypotension, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

All these antibiotics are indicated for both adults and children, only the dosage of the drugs is different.

Other antibacterial drugs

  1. Ointments:, Tetracycline, Levosin, Fastin, Gentamicin ointment. All of them are good in complex therapy against herpes. Apply to . They prevent the attachment and development of a bacterial infection, promote the formation of a crust and the rapid healing of sores. Tetracycline ointment is good for herpes of the mucous membrane of the eyes. The downside of antibacterial ointments is that they can cause allergic reactions, otherwise these drugs are very effective.
  2. Sprays (Geksiderm, Baymitsin), gels (Dalacin), powders (Baneocin). They have the same effect as ointments.

Both those and others are most often used for herpes virus type 1,2,3.

Rules for taking antibiotics

Antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) are serious medicines that in one way or another have side effects and, if overdosed, can cause complications.

Therefore, there are a number of rules:

  1. Only a doctor prescribes which antibiotics to take, as well as the dose and course of treatment.
  2. Antibiotics are purchased by prescription from a pharmacy.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate with antibacterial drugs.
  4. Antibiotics are taken before, after or during meals according to the instructions and prescription of the doctor.
  5. Taking antibacterial drugs and probiotics to prevent dysbacteriosis significantly weakens the effect of the former.
  6. Antibiotics are prescribed for children in the most extreme cases, when the doctor is convinced that this is the only way to avoid complications.
  7. While taking antibiotics, the use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited: it should be remembered that antibacterial drugs are poorly soluble or insoluble in alcohol, so they will not have any effect on the infection and will be excreted from the body.
  8. Antibiotics are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, but there are special cases: when the risk of infection complications exceeds the risk to the fetus, mother or baby.

Antibiotics are effective in the fight against herpes infection only in complex therapy to destroy the attached bacterial infection, they do not cure herpes!

These are drugs that suppress the activity of the virus at the DNA level and little-studied drugs that do not inhibit DNA polymerase.

The first group includes:

  • Acyclic analogues of nucleosides. Such drugs are prescribed most often, they include Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valaciclovir, Penciclovir, Ganciclovir and their various analogues. Also in this series are Ribavirin, Bofanton, Flacoside and Alpizarin.
  • Acyclic analogs of nucleotides. In this series, only two main drugs are known - Adefovir and Cidofovir.
  • pyrophosphate analogues. This series of medicines includes Phosphonoacetylic acid, Foscavir and Foscarnet preparations.

The second group includes poorly studied but already effective maribavir, indolocarbazole and beta-l-5-uracil iododioxolane. As you can see, there are no antibiotics in the list of medicines used for herpes. Why and can they treat the infection?

The use of antibiotics for herpes simplex on the face and lips (type 1) or on the body and genitals (type 2) is simply pointless. They are completely ineffective against viruses, so they will not lead to any result.

However, in some cases, antibiotic therapy is connected to antiviral therapy as an additional one. This happens if a secondary infection of a bacterial or fungal nature has been added to the main infection.

In what cases is the use of antibiotics for herpes justified?

Different antibiotics are prescribed if a patient (both an adult and a child) develops one or more diseases from the following list against the background of a herpes infection:

  • lacunar angina;
  • necrotic angina;
  • pneumonia;
  • purulent infection on wounds on the skin;
  • bacterial disease of the reproductive system (eg chlamydia);
  • purulent intoxication;
  • pleurisy and other diseases of the internal organs.

An indication for taking antibiotic drugs is a pronounced change in the composition of the blood (as in inflammatory processes) and prolonged febrile fever (temperature over 38.5 ° C for more than 2-3 days).

What antibiotics can be prescribed in complex therapy?

The purpose of a particular drug depends on the sensitivity of the bacteria living in the affected area to them. According to studies, the following infections most often join patients with herpes:

  • staphylococcal;
  • streptococcal (pyogenic);
  • candidiasis (Candida fungus);
  • as well as Haemophilus influenzae.

In the treatment of secondary infections in herpes caused by these bacteria, it is recommended to use drugs:

  • cephalosporin group 2 and 3 generations;
  • macrolides;
  • linkosamides;
  • antifungal drugs (primarily fluconazole or metronidazole).

Therapeutic doses of antibiotics are usually taken for 5-10 days, depending on the severity of the infection associated with herpes. At the same time, it is necessary not to forget to drink antiviral drugs in order to ease the symptoms of the herpes virus itself.

Antibacterial ointments during the regression of herpes

At the stage of regression of a skin herpetic infection, when the vesicles of the rash burst and begin to overgrow with a crust, antibiotic ointments can be used to:

  1. protecting the wounded surface from infection with pathological bacteria, which leads to suppuration and the development of secondary dermatological diseases - furunculosis and streptoderma;
  2. acceleration of tissue healing due to regenerative properties;
  3. prevent the development of non-healing herpetic ulcers on the face and body.

Most often, the following ointments are prescribed for this purpose:

  • tetracycline 1 or 3%;
  • erythromycin;
  • tebrofen 0.5, 2 or 5%;
  • Levomekol;
  • Pimafucin;
  • zinc;
  • streptocide;
  • blue or green.

Also used vegetable oils with antibiotic action - tea tree, fir, sea buckthorn - and propolis tincture.

Any use of antibiotics for herpes should be combined with treatment with antiviral drugs - ointments (for example, Oksolinova, Viru-Merz Serol, Acyclovir, Panavir), tablets and injections (almost all antiherpetic drugs are available in these forms) and their other types (sprays, creams, gels, etc.).

In the absence of antiviral treatment for herpes, therapy will not bring any positive results, since it is a virus, and it cannot be eliminated (suppressed) by antibacterial agents alone.

Treatment of herpes with antibiotics for adults and children

Herpes occurs in almost ninety percent of the population. The disease is caused by the herpes virus, which can be transmitted in completely different ways. And treatment involves taking anti-herpetic drugs. But in some cases, antibiotics are prescribed. When should antibiotics be taken for herpes?

Standard treatment for herpes

Since herpes is a viral infection, the patient is prescribed antiviral agents. They are usually divided into two groups:

  • nucleosides. Such funds are prescribed most often. These include Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Ribavirin;
  • agents that have activity against herpes simplex. These include Maribavir, Indolocarbazole.

Often use Acyclovir or Valaciclovir.

Acyclovir is available as tablets and ointment. The ointment is used as a local preparation for minor skin lesions. It is effective at the initial stage of development. It is necessary to smear the affected area for five days up to three to four times. Acyclovir tablets are recommended to be taken orally when the virus is highly active. The duration of the treatment course is five to seven days, until the symptoms of herpes infection disappear completely.

Valacyclovir is a drug that is similar to Acyclovir. But it is considered to be more effective. The drug is released in the form of tablets. And the duration of the treatment course is three to five days.

The use of antibiotics for herpes

Many patients with the manifestation of a herpes infection acquire antibacterial agents in pharmacies. But how effective are they in treatment?

Herpes is a virus that embeds itself in DNA. In the human body, it lives constantly, and when favorable conditions arise, it begins to actively grow and multiply.

Antiviral agents are able to penetrate the cellular structure of the virus, which allows it to be reactivated. But taking antibiotics for herpes simplex is simply pointless. Antibacterial drugs do not have the ability to penetrate viruses and destroy them.

But in some situations, herpes is treated with antibiotics. This happens if a secondary infection has joined the viral infection. These include:

  1. lacunar angina;
  2. necrotic angina;
  3. pneumonia;
  4. purulent lesion of the skin;
  5. diseases of the genital area of ​​the bacterial type;
  6. purulent intoxication;
  7. pleurisy and diseases of the internal organs.

It is also customary to refer to the indication a change in the composition of the blood during a herpes infection and a prolonged febrile state, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature above 38.5 degrees.

The appointment of antibacterial agents for herpes

If herpes is being treated with antibiotics, then it is necessary to find out which pathogen caused the disease and whether it has susceptibility to such agents. Often, streptococci, staphylococci, candida and Haemophilus influenzae join a herpes infection.

After the analysis, the doctor chooses an effective drug. A bacterial infection in herpes is treated with:

  • cephalosporins of the second and third generation;
  • macrolides;
  • penicillins;
  • linkosamides.

Often, patients are prescribed Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Azithromycin. The duration of the treatment course is from five to seven days. So that antibiotics for herpes do not cause irritation of the digestive system, it is necessary to take drugs that include probiotics. These include Linex, Normobact, Bifiform.

The use of antibacterial ointments for herpes

If the doctor has determined that the disease was caused by bacteria, then antibacterial ointments can be used at the stage of regression. They are applied at the moment when the bubbles have already begun to burst. Antibacterial ointments will help:

  • protect the affected surface from infection with various bacteria and the development of furunculosis;
  • accelerate the healing process of tissues;
  • prevent the formation of sores on the facial and body areas.

In the initial stages of the development of herpes, you can use oils that have antibiotic properties, in the form of tea tree, fir and sea buckthorn.

Treatment of herpes in children

Herpes infection for children is considered a dangerous disease. Although the disease proceeds and is not so difficult, there is a risk of getting a complication in the form of:

  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • eye diseases;
  • gingivitis and stomatitis;
  • liver injury.

Treatment of herpes in children is to take antiviral drugs. If the temperature indicators are kept for more than five days, the wound begins to fester, or there is a suspicion of the development of pneumonia or necrotic sore throat, then the doctor may prescribe an antibacterial drug. The duration of the treatment course is seven to eight days.

After recovery, parents need to think about strengthening immune function. It will no longer be possible to completely eliminate the virus, but everything can be done so that it does not begin its vigorous activity. For this you need:

  1. carry out hardening procedures;
  2. drink vitamin complexes;
  3. eat properly;
  4. observe hygiene rules;
  5. do sport;
  6. to live an active lifestyle.

It is impossible to cauterize the affected areas with alcohol tinctures, iodine, potassium permanganate. They have no activity against the virus. And besides, they can leave a burn on the skin.

To prevent a bacterial infection from joining herpes, you need to start the treatment process when the first signs appear. Touching the affected area with your hands is also prohibited, as there is a chance of infecting other organs.

Antibiotics for herpes

tea tree for herpes

Herbs for herpes

Ear wax for herpes

alcohol for herpes

peroxide for herpes

The article discusses antibiotics for herpes. You will find out whether antibacterial drugs are effective in the disease, and in what cases they are prescribed. You'll also learn why antimicrobials can cause herpes and how to take antibiotics for herpes in children and pregnant women.

The effectiveness of antibiotics against herpes

Herpes is a common viral infection that is embedded in the DNA of body cells and is dormant most of the time. Often, when symptoms of herpes are detected, patients resort to self-treatment with antibiotics, which is a serious mistake.

Antibiotics are not able to penetrate the cellular structure of the virus, suppress its development and relieve inflammation. Antibacterial drugs are effective in treating a bacterial infection. In some cases, uncontrolled use of antibiotics can aggravate the disease or even provoke the development of herpes on the body.

When are antibiotics prescribed for herpes?

Doctors prescribe antibiotics for herpes on the lips, face, nose, or throat when the virus has triggered the development of bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and mouth. These include the following diseases:

Antibacterial drugs are also prescribed for herpes on the mucous membrane of the eye, if the virus provoked the development of bacterial conjunctivitis or keratitis.

With the development of herpes on the body (shingles), antibiotics are prescribed in case of a secondary bacterial infection of the skin or mucous membranes of external organs.

With genital herpes, antibiotics can be used if the inflammation is accompanied by the following diseases in intimate places:

What antibiotics can be prescribed

Antibiotics are prescribed after testing. The type of antibacterial drug depends on the type of bacteria that provoked the development of the disease.

For bacterial infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, eyes and mouth, the following antibacterial agents are prescribed:

  • penicillins - Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Flemoxin Solutab;
  • macrolides - Spiramycin, Sumamed, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin;
  • cephalosporins - Ceftriaxone, Cefpirome, Cefuroxime, Cephalexin;
  • carbapenems - Imipenem, Meropenem;
  • fluoroquinolones - Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin;
  • aminoglycosides - Kanamycin;
  • lincosamides - Lincomycin;
  • tetracyclines - Doxycycline, Tetracycline;
  • combined antibacterial drugs - Ampioks.

For infections of the genital tract, antibiotics of the penicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline series and preparations of the macrolide group are also prescribed.

Antibacterial ointments

Antibacterial ointments are prescribed as an additional treatment for bacterial infections caused by herpes or accompanying the virus.

Ointments are prescribed if there is a high risk of violation of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract after taking antibiotics and if the patient is hypersensitive to certain types of antimicrobial agents.

With the development of bacterial inflammation on the skin or mucous membranes, the following antibacterial ointments may be prescribed:

  • Tetracycline is a drug that suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic microflora on the surface of the mucous membranes (eyes, genitals) by disrupting the protein structure of bacteria.
  • Levomekol is a combined drug that has a local antimicrobial and dehydrating effect, draws out purulent masses from inflamed tissues.
  • Erythromycin is an antimicrobial drug from the group of macrolides that inhibits the synthesis of proteins of pathogenic bacteria. Assign to patients with hypersensitivity to penicillin.
  • Metrogyl Denta is an antibacterial drug with anti-inflammatory action, used for bacterial infections in the oral cavity, including stomatitis.

Do not use antimicrobial ointments in the absence of a bacterial infection on the skin and mucous membranes. Before using drugs, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Antibiotics for herpes in children and pregnant women

Herpes in childhood and during pregnancy is especially dangerous. Inflammation can lead to various complications of internal organs and the development of bacterial infections.

In the absence of a bacterial infection, doctors prescribe topical antiviral drugs. To exclude secondary infections, blood and urine tests are taken.

If pathogenic bacteria are detected, children and pregnant women are hospitalized. Based on the results of further examination in the hospital, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment. Self-administration of antibacterial medicines is prohibited.

You can learn more about how to take antibiotics in this video:

Herpes appeared after taking antibiotics - what to do

Long-term use of antibiotics suppresses the immune system, blocking the reproduction of both pathogenic and beneficial microflora in the body. Against the background of a weakened immune system, the herpes virus is often activated. For herpetic eruptions after taking antibiotics, you can use:

  • local antiviral drugs - Acyclovir, Bonafton, Viru-Merz serol, Zovirax, Valtrex, Famvir, Hyporamine;
  • immunostimulating drugs - Likopid, Interferon;
  • drugs that restore the intestinal microflora - Acipol, Hilak forte, Lactobacterin, Bifiform.

You can also use multivitamin complexes to increase immunity, folk remedies - herbal tinctures, compresses, natural propolis-based ointments.


  1. Antibiotics are ineffective against the herpes virus.
  2. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed only if herpes has caused the development of a bacterial infection.
  3. Under no circumstances should antibiotics be used to prevent the development of a bacterial infection.
  4. Check with your doctor before using antibiotics.
  5. Self-treatment of herpes in children and during pregnancy is contraindicated. At the first symptoms of the virus, consult a doctor.

All information is provided for informational purposes only. And it is not a guide for self-treatment. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor.

When to Use Antibiotics for Herpes

Antibiotics for herpes are rarely used due to the viral etiology of the disease. Doctors include drugs with antibacterial activity in the therapeutic regimens of patients to suppress a secondary bacterial infection. At the initial stage of viral pathology, the use of macrolides or cephalosporins will not have any therapeutic effect, but will provoke serious complications. Only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics for herpes on the body or face. It takes into account the results of laboratory tests, the age of the patient and the presence of chronic diseases in history.

Indications for use

In the treatment of herpes type 1 or 2, antiviral drugs are used in combination with immunomodulators. They help to strengthen the human defenses, mobilize the body to fight pathogens. If adults or children have high resistance to infectious agents, then the immune system copes with herpes viruses on its own and does not need the use of pharmacological drugs.

“Warning: Self-medication with antibiotics will cause a sharp decrease in immunity and an even greater activation of herpes viruses. This will significantly delay recovery and lead to a decrease in the functional activity of all vital systems.”

After a person is infected by household or sexual contact, herpes viruses remain forever in the human body, manifesting themselves in relapses after a sharp decrease in defenses. In some cases, the immune system cannot cope, and pathogenic bacteria penetrate the inflammatory foci:

Antibiotics for herpes are used to destroy them and prevent spread to healthy tissues and organs. As a rule, such a need arises when diagnosing the following pathological conditions:

  • lacunar or necrotic tonsillitis;
  • ulcers formed on the skin with purulent contents;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • acute inflammatory process in one or more internal organs (kidneys, bladder, liver, urethra);
  • concomitant underlying pathology of venereal infection.

Antibacterial agents are included in therapeutic regimens for herpes viruses, which have caused frequent and sharp rises in body temperature above subfebrile values. An indication for the use of antibiotics and antimicrobials is a pathological change in the composition of the blood. Often, when immunity is weakened, yeast-like fungi penetrate the upper respiratory tract or skin rashes. For their destruction, the use of a combination of antimycotic agents (Itraconazole, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole) and antibiotics is practiced.

The main groups of antibacterial agents

Treatment of herpes with antibiotics is carried out taking into account the results of laboratory tests, during which the species of the pathogenic microorganism is established. Of no small importance is the determination of the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to the main groups of antibacterial drugs. Some studies last several days, and the patient may need urgent antibiotic therapy. In such cases, doctors prescribe broad-spectrum drugs that exhibit bactericidal activity against most infectious agents of herpes sores. Preparations must meet the following requirements:

  • be resistant to enzymes produced by bacterial cells;
  • maintain the maximum therapeutic concentration for a long time;
  • easily absorbed into the systemic circulation and target organs.

To minimize the consequences of antibiotic therapy, the doctor selects drugs with low toxicity that do not adversely affect the functioning of the liver and organs of the urinary system.

“Advice: After taking drugs with antibacterial activity, patients are recommended to take eubiotics - Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Acipol, Linex, Hilak Forte. This will help to quickly restore the optimal balance of intestinal microflora.”


Antibiotics commonly prescribed for genital herpes include a group of cephalosporins. In severe pathology, the use of drugs in the form of injection solutions for intramuscular administration is practiced. This method of using drugs helps to quickly stop all inflammatory processes and reduce the severity of clinical manifestations. Depending on the age and general health of the patient, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • the first generation of cephalosporins - Cefazolin, Cefalexin, Cefadroxil;
  • the second generation of cephalosporins - Cefuroxime, Cefaclor, Cefamandol;
  • the third generation of cephalosporins - Cefotaxime, Cefoperazone, Ceftriaxone, Ceftibuten, Ceftazidime;
  • the fourth generation of cephalosporins - Cefpir, Cefepim;
  • the fifth generation of cephalosporins - Cefpir, Cefepim.

These antibiotics are always the drugs of first choice when diagnosing genital herpes at the stage of acute relapse. Most often, doctors prefer drugs of the second and third generation, which for a long time retain the maximum therapeutic concentration in the bloodstream. If laboratory tests have revealed the presence of gram-negative pathogenic bacteria in a patient, then Cefpodoxime or Cefixime must be included in the treatment regimen. The disadvantages of cephalosporins include the need for frequent oral administration of tablets or capsules throughout the day.


Course use of cephalosporins sometimes provokes symptoms of dyspeptic disorders in adults and children - nausea, vomiting, excessive gas formation. In such cases, as well as with the appearance of allergic rashes, antibacterial agents are replaced with lincosamides. This group of antibiotics is characterized by low toxicity with a fairly high therapeutic activity. Especially appropriate is the appointment of lincosamides in the diagnosis of infections caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci. The most effective antibacterial drugs are:

Lincosamides exhibit the same bactericidal activity regardless of the route of administration - parenteral or oral. This group of antibacterial drugs also does not have a selective effect, destroying microorganisms with both fast and slow cell division. In the treatment of herpes occurring against the background of general intoxication of the body with the waste products of staphylococci or E. coli, a combination of lincosamides with antimicrobial agents is used. As a rule, doctors include Metronidazole or its imported analogue Trichopol in therapeutic regimens. The combination of drugs allows you to maximally prolong the bactericidal effect and significantly speed up recovery.


Macrolide antibiotics are also used against herpes. Their use is most relevant if a bacterial infection is complicated by the penetration of mycoplasmas and chlamydia into the body. In this case, the appointment of cephalosporins and lincosamides will not bring the desired result, since their active substances do not penetrate into bacterial cells. With complicated herpes, the use of drugs from the macrolide group is practiced:

The association of herpetic eruptions with infection by intracellular microorganisms does not require long-term treatment. Usually, three days of macrolide application is sufficient for the complete destruction of all types of pathogens.

Semi-synthetic penicillins

The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for bacterial infections are semi-synthetic penicillins, such as Amoxicillin. But not with herpes 1 and 2 types. In this disease, the body often reacts to this group of drugs with severe skin rashes that are difficult to treat. Semi-synthetic penicillins can be prescribed in exceptional cases, when the use of other antibacterial agents has not brought the desired result. The therapeutic regimen also includes antihistamines (Loratadin, Suprastin, Tavegil) to prevent the development of allergic reactions and relieve swelling. Protected synthetic penicillins have the highest bactericidal activity:

The composition of the preparations includes clavulanic acid, which does not have a therapeutic effect. Its main function is to prevent the resistance of pathogenic bacteria to semi-synthetic penicillins.

The danger of antibiotic therapy

The use of the most modern antibiotics for any type of herpes is meaningless. Viruses are intracellular inhabitants that penetrate the systemic circulation during relapses of the disease. Antibiotics do not show antiviral activity either at the stage of remission or during exacerbation of the pathology. Doctors prescribe this group of drugs to patients in exceptional cases, when they really cannot be dispensed with. It's all about the lack of selective action of antibiotics and the presence of serious side effects. What does the inappropriate use of antibacterial agents for herpes on the lips or body lead to:

  • the development of resistance to cephalosporins or macrolides by pathogenic microorganisms, which will further negatively affect their therapeutic activity;
  • decrease in the functional activity of the immune system in the neutralization and destruction of allergic and infectious agents;
  • cumulation (accumulation) of active and auxiliary ingredients of drugs in the cells and tissues of the body.

The use of antibiotics causes a serious blow to the intestinal microflora. The number of lacto- and bifidobacteria decreases, and in their place opportunistic E. coli, staphylococci, and yeast-like fungi begin to grow and actively multiply. All this causes an even greater decrease in immunity and the activation of herpes viruses.

When treating herpes, you should not exceed the dosage of antibiotics recommended by your doctor in the hope of speeding up recovery. The effect will be the opposite - provoked complications will lead to an increase in the duration of the therapeutic course.

Antibiotics for the treatment of herpes - an overview of modern medicines

The herpes virus is in the body of almost every person, but only under favorable conditions does it show symptoms and cause an acute course. Antiherpetic drugs are usually used for treatment, but sometimes they are ineffective, and the patient is prescribed antibiotics. In what cases and what antibiotics can be used for herpes?

Causes of herpes

Herpes is classified by type and location of lesions. At the site of the rash, herpes on the lips, genital and herpes zoster are distinguished. There are eight types of herpesvirus in total, the most common are:

  1. Herpes simplex virus - affects the lips and face.
  2. Herpes simplex virus - affects the genitals of a person.
  3. The herpes virus of the third type is manifested by herpes zoster, chicken pox.
  4. Type 4 Epstein-Barr SH causes mononucleosis.
  5. The fifth type of herpes virus (cytomegalovirus) is manifested by false rubella.

The remaining three types are less common and can provoke the development of malignant tumors and sarcomas, as well as cause problems with the human lymphatic system.

The main reasons for the appearance of herpesvirus are a weakening of the immune system, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle with systematic sleep disturbance and overwork. In addition, herpes occurs due to:

  • violations of hygiene standards - infection occurs by contact-household method;
  • a sharp change in climatic conditions;
  • eating too fatty, spicy, sweet or salty foods;
  • avitaminosis - deficiency of vitamins of natural origin;
  • an excess of the amino acid arginine, present in pumpkin and sesame seeds, peanuts, seafood, chicken fillet, lean pork.

On a note! The lack of arginine leads to a decrease in efficiency, fatigue, and stress. The daily intake of this amino acid in adults should be 6 g, in children - 4. In athletes, this rate increases to 9 g.

Genital rashes appear most often due to non-compliance with personal hygiene when visiting a public toilet, swimming pool, sauna. Another reason is casual sex and unprotected contact with an infected partner.

In infants, infection occurs from the parents, intrauterine infection from the mother. A planned pregnancy will reduce the risk of infection, as parents undergo a complete medical examination beforehand.

Herpesvirus symptoms

Herpes begins with unpleasant sensations at the site of the future rash: burning, tight skin, itching. Then tiny bubbles filled with liquid appear. Bubbles grow, merge into a common blister, which after a certain period of time opens and turns into a painful crust. The resulting scab usually consists of microcracks that cause pain. If left untreated, a herpes infection goes inside the body after 10 to 14 days.

In the future, the rash can spread to neighboring areas of the face, possibly affecting the area near the eyes. The virus is able to penetrate the mucous membrane and infect the eyes, nasopharynx and genitals.

Eye lesions

Specialists call lesions of the mucous membrane of the eyes keratoconjunctivitis, which can cause complications on the sclera in the form of scars and clouding of the cornea. The percentage of vision after the disease is significantly reduced, in a complex course, blindness develops.

The defeat of the nasopharynx

Bubbles form on the mucous tissues of the oral cavity, which then turn into painful erosions. Although this phenomenon rarely happens, erosion can heal on its own in 10 to 14 days. This does not mean that the infection is gone. It moves deep into the oropharynx to the upper respiratory tract and into the esophagus, which is fraught with the occurrence of ulcerative esophagitis.

In young children, herpesvirus lesions are often diagnosed with stomatitis, since there are similar symptoms. It proceeds with an increase in lymph nodes and feverish conditions.

Genital lesion

It proceeds in different ways: in some patients, small formations are observed, which almost immediately combine into blisters with further transformation into erosion on the organs of the reproductive system. In some patients, genital herpes can be asymptomatic for a long time, without deviations from the general condition.

In an acute course and in the absence of treatment, herpes begins to spread to adjacent areas of the body: the anal area, buttocks, inner thighs. In women, ulcers spread to the vagina and cervix. Complications of genital herpes are inguinal lymphopathy and hyperthermia.


With herpes zoster, nerve endings are involved in the process, which causes severe pain. A significant area of ​​the lesion does not allow a person to lead a normal life. The disease is accompanied by fever and symptoms of general intoxication. Patients with herpes zoster are necessarily hospitalized.

Treatment tactics

Herpes is suppressed by antiviral drugs, it is impossible to get rid of it with antibiotics. The virus enters the human DNA and multiplies. Antibacterial agents are not able to penetrate into the cell, unlike antiviral drugs, which destroy the DNA of the herpes virus at the intracellular level.

Uncontrolled use of antibiotics during the treatment of herpes of the first and second types can lead to a completely opposite result. Antibiotics destroy both pathogens and beneficial flora, thereby reducing human immunity. A weakened immune system is the root cause of the activation of the virus. As a result, herpes after antibiotics does not disappear, but appears.


The standard treatment is the use of drugs of the nucleoside group - Acyclovir, Ribavirin, Valaciclovir. Acyclovir is sold in the pharmacy network in tablet form and as an ointment.

Acyclovir ointment is used at the initial stage of the disease for five days. If the activity of the herpes virus does not decrease, an oral course of Acyclovir is prescribed, which lasts up to 7 days.

Ribavirin and Valaciclovir have similar effects to Acyclovir, but are considered more effective. The course of these drugs is 3-5 days until the complete suppression of the herpes virus.


Antibiotics are added to antiviral drugs only in cases of complications, when other diseases of bacterial or fungal origin are exacerbated against the background of herpesvirus:

  • purulent dermatitis;
  • bacterial diseases of the urinary organs;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumonia:
  • necrotic angina;
  • lacunar angina.

The appointment of antibiotics occurs only after laboratory tests by the attending physician. Indications are changes in the composition of the blood, feverish conditions with a body temperature above 38.5 ° C for two or more days.

Internal use of antibiotics

As medical practice shows, secondary infections are usually caused by staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Candida fungus. For their treatment, antibacterial agents of the following groups are used:

  1. Macrolides.
  2. Linkosamides.
  3. Cephalosporins (second and third generation).
  4. Antifungal agents.

On a note! Preparations of a number of aminopenicillins (Ampicillin, Amoxicillin) are not used in the treatment of herpes, as they can provoke the appearance of a rash (exanthema), which is difficult to treat.

Preparations from the group of macrolides (Erythromycin, Azithromycin) have the least toxicity. The antibacterial properties are further supported by the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of these drugs. They are used for the development of infections on human soft tissues and skin.

From the group of cephalosporins, the most effective drugs are Cefazolin, Zinnat, Ceftriaxone, they act on staphylococci and streptococci.

From the group of lincosamides, Clindamycin or Lincomycin is prescribed for the treatment of secondary infections in herpes. These drugs inhibit the activity of staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci.

Antifungal drugs include Metronidazole, Trichopolum, Flucanazole.

Since antibacterial and antifungal agents, together with pathogenic flora, destroy beneficial microorganisms, biological preparations with probiotics are simultaneously prescribed: Linex, Bifiform and other agents of a similar action.

Antibacterial ointments

At the stage when the vesicles of herpes formations begin to burst, antibacterial ointments Pimafucin, Levomekol, as well as zinc, erythromycin or tetracycline ointment can be used. Antibacterial ointments prevent:

  • infection of herpes formations with bacteria;
  • the spread of herpes to neighboring areas of the body;
  • development of furunculosis.

On a note! For the treatment of herpes, it is strictly forbidden to use hormonal agents, and improvised means such as iodine and alcohol tincture can burn sensitive tissues at the sites of herpes.

Treatment of herpesvirus begins with the appearance of the first symptoms. This approach reduces the likelihood of secondary infections. The course of drugs is prescribed only in consultation with a specialist and is carried out under his supervision.

Antibiotics for herpes

The herpes virus is one of the most widespread on the planet. Once in the body, it remains for life, periodically appearing outwardly. It can be localized on the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips, on the eyes, genitals, back and in brain cells. Is it possible to cure herpes with antiviral medications, what antibiotics are prescribed for herpes, you will learn by reading this article.

When should antibiotics be taken for herpes?

With herpes of the first or second type (external symptoms appear on the oral and genital mucosa), the use of antibiotics does not affect the course of the disease. But if a secondary infection, caused by fungi or bacteria, has joined the herpes infection, then antibiotics are also prescribed in addition to antiviral drugs.

Herpes is not treated with an antibiotic, so if the doctor prescribed it at the first manifestation of the disease, this does not mean that it should be taken every time a relapse occurs. An antibiotic should be prescribed by a doctor after determining the etiology of the disease.

Antibiotics are prescribed when diagnosing, in addition to herpes, the following diseases:

  • lacunar angina;
  • necrotic angina;
  • bacterial pneumonia;
  • chlamydia;
  • inflammatory process after injuries of the epidermis;
  • purulent intoxication;
  • pleurisy and other diseases of the organs.

Antibiotics are prescribed if the content of leukocytes in the blood is increased (which indicates an inflammatory process), the body temperature has risen to febrile and lasts more than two days. Medicines are prescribed after an analysis of the microflora, because antibiotics affect specific bacteria and fungi.

The herpes virus recurs with a decrease in the protective function of the body, which is possible due to various factors (from hypothermia to hypovitaminosis).

In turn, the virus further weakens the immune system, and "opens the door" for infections. Most often joined:

What antibiotics are used in complex treatment?

In complex therapy for herpes, different types of antibiotics are used. For example:

Macrolides. They are considered the most harmless drugs, which allows them to be prescribed even to children.

In addition to antibacterial properties, they have immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Linkosamides. Actively fight against streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci.
  • Antimycotic drugs (Fluconazole, Metronidazole) destroy fungi.
  • Antibiotics of the cephalosporin group of the second and third generation. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and high activity against streptococci and staphylococci.
  • Antibacterial agents are prescribed in a course of 5-10 days. The duration of admission depends on the course of the infection that occurs with herpes.

    Aminopenicillins (Amoxicillin, Ampicillin) are not prescribed for the herpes virus, because they can cause an allergic skin rash that is difficult to cure with antihistamines.

    The use of ointments with antibiotics for herpes

    After the papule filled with liquid bursts and the wound becomes covered with a crust, it is advisable to use antibiotic ointments. They will protect the wound from bacterial microflora, which will prevent suppuration or the development of dermatological diseases (furunculosis, streptoderma). Ointments accelerate the regeneration process, which will reduce the risk of non-healing herpetic wounds.

    With herpes, ointments are effective:

    Oils based on tea tree, fir, sea buckthorn, and propolis-based tincture also have antimicrobial and regenerating effects.

    Antibiotic ointments are used if the ulcer does not heal for a long time, gets wet, starts to fester. The area around the papule is treated with the agent, it is not applied to the mucous membrane.

    With genital herpes, antibacterial drugs will be prescribed by an infectious disease doctor if a concomitant infection of a fungal or bacterial origin is detected. The main treatment for herpes is antiviral drugs, and antibiotics are needed to destroy bacteria that have entered through the wound or entered the body due to reduced immunity.

    Taking antibiotics without a doctor's prescription can adversely affect your health. Antibiotics affect not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial microflora. Taking them can cause candidiasis or dysbacteriosis, in addition, this is an additional burden on the liver and kidneys, which need to remove them from the body. Another argument against the uncontrolled use of antibiotics is the ability of the pathogen to adapt to the drug.

    The use of an antiviral drug at the stage of itching and redness will prevent the appearance of a bubble with a liquid filled with a virus. If the papule has already formed, then recovery can be accelerated only with the help of remedies that heal ulcers. And although it is impossible to completely kill the virus, with the help of medicines it is possible to reduce the frequency of relapses.

    Are antibiotics used for herpes?

    Herpes infection is treated mainly with antiviral drugs. But sometimes doctors prescribe, among other things, the treatment of herpes with antibiotics, but only in combination with previous remedies.

    Important! Herpes viruses are different from each other. Treatment of this disease with antibiotics is possible only in a complex and in rare cases, for example, with a genital form.

    Antibiotics are mainly poorly studied drugs that do not inhibit, that is, they only suppress the development of the virus within the genetic-DNA level.

    Is there any benefit

    Many people choose to treat this infection themselves. However, antibiotics during the treatment itself do not benefit, because they are not able to get rid of infectious pathology. This is due to the fact that at the moment the pharmacological industry does not produce such drugs that completely destroy viruses.

    At the same time, in some cases, when there is a risk of minor infections and injuries, doctors can prescribe treatment with a complex method, using antiviral agents and antibiotics. This is possible in the following cases:

    • cracking of wounds;
    • the appearance of sores in the corners of the mouth and other parts of the body.

    Tetracycline ointment

    The only antibiotic prescribed by doctors for the treatment of herpes in adults is Tetracycline.


    1. During local treatment of herpes on the lips or nose (if necessary).
    2. With genital herpes, but only after all the necessary tests have been passed and if a concomitant appearance of bacteria is detected. Unfortunately, after the therapy process has passed, the pathogen continues to be inside the body. It simply slumbers, waiting for favorable conditions for its development. In the event of favorable conditions, a relapse of the disease occurs even when during treatment, as an additional therapy, antibiotics were prescribed.

    Important! After the end of treatment, immunotherapy is required. Antibiotics have a suppressive effect on the immune system, there is a violation of the normal microflora, there are side effects.


    • Treatment of a herpes infection inside the mouth or on the surface of the mucous membrane of another organ. In this case, it is advised to take drugs with a general effect, which are produced in tablets, suppositories, injections into a vein.
    • Do not apply to open wounds if the disease is severe. You can only smear around the edges. After the medicine is inside the wound, suppuration appears, which prolongs the healing process. Even if the redness disappears, the ointment is used for another day to consolidate the effect. Use is stopped when the pain from inflammation completely disappears.


    After use, during the first day, there is a removal of the feeling of pain, inflammation of the skin decreases. Correct regular use can eliminate the infection in three or four days.


    Important! Herpes is almost always treated with antiviral drugs, a little more about them.


    A topical medication that inhibits the activity of the herpes virus. It is used when the infection has affected the skin. Available in two forms:

    1. Tablets - in the event of a discharge on the face, use one tablet, with the appearance of herpes on the lips up to five times a day. Wait at least four hours between doses.
    2. Ointments - applied about five times a day to the site of the lesion with an interval of four hours.

    Duration of treatment: 5 days

    If the disease is severe, then this time can be extended, but only individually, a specialist consultation is necessary.

    For preventive purposes, so that the disease does not return, the medicine is prescribed according to the following scheme: one tablet four or two times a day.


    It is produced in the form of an ointment, which has a combined effect against herpes. The composition includes the following active substances:

    • interferon;
    • acyclovir.

    Herpferon is used to treat the acute form of herpes on the body. The drug is applied to the affected areas of the skin five or six times a day, observing the interval between applications of about four hours. After reducing the amount of herpetic rash, the frequency of application can be reduced. Duration of reception is about six to seven days.


    The drug is an analogue of acyclovir, but has a great effect. Produced in the form of tablets. Doctors advise taking it to get rid of the symptoms of herpes in intimate places.

    Dosage: It is recommended to drink five hundred milligrams a day for three to five days. Taking the medicine within a couple of hours of the onset of symptoms can prevent further infection and speed up the healing process.

    Important! All dosages are approximate. Before using any remedy, a specialist consultation is necessary. We recommend reading the main article about Valaciclovir on our portal.

    Thus, antibiotics are practically not used in the treatment of herpes, and if the doctor prescribes them, then only in combination with other drugs and only tetracycline.

    Herpes after taking antibiotics

    As for acyclovir and Virtex, I don't mind. But they neutralize viruses during the period of active replication and are effective at the slightest suspicion and in the first few days (if I'm not mistaken). Ointment requires special. storage conditions. I read the results of clinical studies, I will say that the results are not amazing, the healing period is a few days shorter, if taken prophylactically, it will not occur. How often to take acyclovir, for years? There is no question of the cost of treatment.

    It is provoked by something that is difficult to avoid: infectious diseases, colds, stress, taking immunosuppressive drugs, the contact route, skin damage, provocative procedures - hair removal (waxing, electrolysis, bikini zones in particular). Everything is closed on the immune system on the traumatization of nerve endings, the skin and the activity of the immune system.

    What will help improve the quality of life by reducing the frequency of exacerbations, suggests itself. Who cares, I'll tell you.

    About acidobacteria - that's another topic. I will only say that I was at the symposium on probiotics "Man and Medicine", 2007, I met in the literature, as soon as I find it in my manuscripts, I will make a link.

    And my friend's tooth powder (paste) helped better than any acyclovir. True, I have not seen any other cases.

    Antibiotics for herpes can be indispensable for any patient. The drugs prevent the development of encephalitis, meningitis, hepatitis, improve the condition of an HIV-infected patient with an exacerbation of the pathological process and the appearance of necrotic ulcers on the skin.

    Concomitant manifests itself in a very severe form in young children who may die due to the development of pneumonia, intravascular coagulation (DIC), sepsis. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for intramuscular injection if the patient has dangerous complications:

    • dermatitis;
    • aphthous stomatitis;
    • staphylococcal pyoderma;
    • furunculosis.

    Cephalosporins provide reliable treatment

    For the treatment of herpetic eruptions on the body, modern antibacterial drugs are used. They selectively block inflammation, are administered intravenously or directly into the muscle. Herpetic skin infections are very difficult. Rashes contribute to the appearance of purulent vesicles on the body. In this case, cephalosporin antibiotics are prescribed for treatment:

    • Aszef;
    • Suprax;
    • Cefatoxime;
    • Cefazolin;
    • Cefodox.

    The drugs are very well tolerated, do not cause a large number of side effects.

    Suprax (Cefixime) is a safe and effective drug. Its use allows you to eliminate the symptoms of type 1 herpes, cure stomatitis and inflammation of the skin. Simultaneously with the antibiotic, antiviral drugs are taken:

    • Acyclovir;
    • Vectavir;
    • Virolex.

    With herpes zoster caused by the herpes virus type 3, multiple rashes appear on the body. The patient's general condition worsens, the temperature rises. Antibiotics for herpes reduce intoxication, prevent the reproduction of staphylococci and streptococci.

    It should be remembered that herpes infection is a severe viral disease, and cephalosporins do not provide a cure for it.

    Macrolides help to cope with the disease

    Antibacterial drugs used in the treatment of infection caused by virus 6 or have a large number of medicinal properties. Most often, the doctor prescribes Azithromycin or Erythromycin. The daily dose of the drug depends on the patient's body weight, age, concomitant diseases.

    The systemic antibiotic Kitasamycin is used in case of infection of the blood with pathogenic microorganisms from the focus of purulent inflammation. The drug is produced in the form of tablets or syrup. Side effects from the drug are rare. The antibiotic is not prescribed to patients suffering from allergies.

    Midecamycin has been successfully used to treat skin and soft tissue infections resulting from secondary immune deficiency. Numerous ulcers on the body, mucous membranes of the genital organs, dermatitis and vasculitis, papular rashes are treated with a systemic antibiotic.

    The drug is produced in the form of a suspension. Do not use it for therapy in patients suffering from liver or kidney disease. The antibiotic is most effective in the case of the development of a generalized process in HIV-infected patients and a bacterial infection in children.

    Treatment with ointments

    In a weakened person, herpetic eruptions occur on the body after prolonged exposure to negative factors: hypothermia, overheating, stress. In addition to special antiviral drugs, the patient uses drugs containing a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

    The doctor prescribes the following for external use:

    • Levomekol;
    • Levosin;
    • Fastin.

    Their use is not allowed if the patient has symptoms of an allergic reaction:

    • swelling of the upper or lower lip;
    • skin rash;

    An effective remedy is Gentamicin ointment 0.1%. The drug has a vasoconstrictive effect, low toxicity, is used to treat complications in children. The ointment is applied to the affected areas several times a day for a week.

    Paying great attention to the treatment of herpes with antibiotics, it is necessary to understand that they have only an antibacterial effect and are useful in the event of a secondary bacterial infection. Such remedies do not treat the herpes virus itself.

    Semi-synthetic drugs for complication of the disease

    Treatment of the skin and mucous membranes is carried out with the help of antibiotics with a narrow spectrum of bacteriostatic action. Lincomycin is used if the patient has developed a septic process.

    With genital inflammation, the drug Clindamycin is prescribed. It is not recommended to take it to patients with pathology of the digestive system.

    The duration of therapy depends on the dynamics of regression of the acute inflammatory process. If an allergic reaction develops, the antibiotic is replaced. The drug is stopped if the patient has the following symptoms:

    • fever;
    • nausea;
    • abdominal pain;
    • diarrhea.

    Treatment is carried out under control. Certain rules should be observed during therapy with lincosamides. Do not use Clindamycin in conjunction with drugs that relax skeletal muscles.

    Antibacterial sprays and gels

    To cure herpetic eruptions on the body, it is necessary not to disregard the appearance of even a slight bubble, to disinfect and treat wounds and scratches in a timely manner. If a bacterial infection has joined, doctors recommend using the following drugs for treatment:

    • Hexiderm spray;
    • Hyoxysone ointment 10 mg;
    • Baymicin aerosol;
    • Dalacin gel 1%;
    • streptocide soluble liniment 5%.

    Baymicin aerosol is a modern topical preparation. The active substance is 3.6% oxytetracycline hydrochloride. It is a low-toxic substance, gently cleanses the skin, heals abrasions and scratches that have appeared in a patient with herpes zoster. Treatment of the wound surface is carried out according to the doctor's recommendation.

    Dalacin gel helps with skin rashes for several weeks. Only in its composition, the active substance clindamycin phosphate completely eliminates the inflammatory process, which is especially important in the treatment of herpes zoster.

    The use of antibiotics for herpes on the body allows you to quickly eliminate purulent inflammation.

    The use of drugs in children

    Herpes belongs to the diseases that destroy the health of the child, reduce immunity, increase mortality from complications. Children born to HIV-infected mothers are especially affected. The use of antibiotics is justified in the case when a purulent infection is accompanied by pain, ulcers appear on the skin, and the composition of the blood changes. The following ointments are indispensable for treatment:

    • Tebrofenovaya 5%;
    • 0,5%;
    • Methyluracil 10%;
    • Levosin.

    When a child has type 6 herpes, a rash appears on the body and the temperature rises. In this case, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics:

    • Sumamed;
    • Wilprafen.

    In the case of the development of HIV infection and herpes, it is necessary to include 4th generation cephalosporins in the list of drugs for therapy to prevent complications:

    • encephalitis;
    • meningitis;
    • Kaposi's sarcoma.

    Antibiotic treatment for pregnant women

    Herpes in a future mother is very dangerous. Round bubbles form on the body, which merge with each other, itch and hurt. With weak immunity, open wounds do not heal, they are affected by bacteria or fungi.

    For the treatment of a blistering rash in open areas of the body, specific chemotherapy drugs and local therapy with antibacterial ointments are used. The tactics of treatment depends on the severity of the infection, the presence of concomitant diseases, the duration of pregnancy.

    Some women develop small sores on the lips and at the corners of the mouth. Antibacterial ointment is used for therapy.

    The antibiotic Vilprafen does not have a harmful effect on the body of a woman and an unborn child. The drug is used for herpes at a dose recommended by a doctor for 10-15 days. It does not cause dysbacteriosis.

    The main task in the treatment of herpes is to reduce the activity of the pathogen with the help of drugs, and in the event of a purulent-septic complication, start antibiotic therapy in a timely manner.

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