Multichamber fluid formation of the ovary. If the disease is formed during pregnancy. Why does an ovarian cyst occur?

Multilocular ovarian cyst

Ovarian cysts are a fairly common occurrence in gynecological practice. The danger lies in the fact that in many cases this pathology is accompanied by general symptoms or is completely asymptomatic, which makes it impossible to make a diagnosis in the early stages.

A cyst is a cavitary formation resembling a bubble filled with liquid or mucous secretion. The main difference between a cyst and tumor formations is that its increase occurs due to stretching of the walls, and not cell proliferation. According to the mechanism of occurrence, true and functional cysts are distinguished.

The reasons

The causes of cysts are most often hormonal imbalances or inflammatory changes. There are also congenital disorders in the structure of ovarian tissue, which can also lead to the appearance of cystic formations (teratomas). Functional cysts originate from ovarian structures that perform their direct function - follicles and corpus luteum. They exist for a short time and are able to resolve on their own within a few months.

Depending on the mechanisms of occurrence and structure of the wall, several types of cysts of the corpus luteum are distinguished.

1. Endometrioid or chocolate cyst.

2. Luteal cyst.

3. With hydatidiform mole.

The structure of a multi-chamber cyst

Multi-chamber cysts differ from simple ones in the presence of dense connective tissue partitions in the capsule, dividing the cavity into several cells. Simple follicular cysts often occur with excessive growth and stretching of the walls of one of the follicles. Most often they are thin-walled, single-chamber and do not exceed 5-7 cm in diameter. Follicular multi-chamber cysts are larger in size and have partitions. Their inner surface is lined with one or more rows of granulosa cells. Their other name is simple serous cystomas. Their course is complicated by the fact that they do not resolve on their own and often recur. Another complication of multi-chamber cysts is their malignancy.


Symptoms of the cyst are nagging mild pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, metrorrhagia, and general weakness. With such a complication as torsion of the cyst leg, symptoms of inflammation join, the temperature rises, and intoxication increases. The rupture of the cyst is manifested by a severe general condition, the appearance of bloody discharge is possible, symptoms of peritoneal irritation become positive.


Diagnosis of ovarian neoplasms is based on history, vaginal examination and imaging techniques (ultrasound, CT, MRI). In order to exclude a malignant process, a blood test for the presence of specific tumor markers is mandatory.


Treatment of functional cysts is mostly conservative. Anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out according to indications in combination with hormonal drugs, most often these are oral contraceptives. In the absence of positive dynamics within 2-3 menstrual cycles or a complicated course, surgical intervention is indicated - wedge-shaped resection of the ovaries.

Gynecology: corpus luteum

The corpus luteum, or Graaffian vesicle, is an important hormonal component in the formation and development of a new life.

Physically, the corpus luteum is a dense formation and consists of two layers. The outer layer is a membrane epithelial cells, which include fatty inclusions and, most importantly, luteal pigment. From the inside, the corpus luteum consists of a stromal component, abundantly supplied with blood by the vascular bed.

Consequences of ovarian resection

Laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst

Over the past decades, the number of people with chronic diseases has increased, life expectancy and survival have changed with some almost fatal pathologies. It's nice to hear that medicine does not stand still. It is thanks to progress in diagnosis and treatment that today it is possible to expose and cure, or at least achieve deep remission of many diseases. But what about the already well-known problems in terms of diagnostics? Let's say an ovarian cyst was diagnosed perfectly by ultrasound. What advances in science have brought the treatment of this process to a new level? It's simple, but let's start in order.

Corpus luteum in right ovary

Rupture of a follicular cyst

To correctly understand what a follicular ovarian cyst is, and even more so its rupture, let's start from the very beginning. A cyst is a benign volumetric formation that includes a capsule and a cavity filled with liquid contents. In turn, the contents can be different, from serous fluid to blood and pus.

What does an ovarian cyst look like?

Cyst- This is a tumor-like formation with liquid contents, which stretches the walls of the cyst, thereby increasing the size of the ovary. A hallmark of a cyst is the absence of proliferation, that is, an increase in the number of cells. With true tumors, proliferation is observed.

During a gynecological examination, ultrasound and histological examination, laparoscopy, the formations differ from each other. The cyst may have different contents, structure, size and location.

Can you get pregnant with an ovarian cyst

You can become a mother.
Having decided to conceive a child, you need to remember how responsible this step will be. In order to protect themselves as much as possible and be sure of a favorable outcome, expectant mothers are simply obliged to undergo all the necessary examinations that will show how ready a potential mother is to conceive and bear her child painlessly.
Very often, as a result of the examination, a woman finds out that she has an ovarian cyst. Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth in this case?

Cystoma is a benign tumor of the ovaries, which can periodically form in any woman, even during pregnancy. The reasons for its appearance are varied and not always a cyst in the ovary is a pathological condition, so you should know in which cases it needs to be treated promptly, and when the cyst can resolve on its own.

What is a multilocular ovarian cyst

This type of cystic formation is an ovarian cavity with several partitions, while the contents of the cyst sections are different (mucus, fluid, blood, etc.). Tumors arise from different elements of the ovary - the stroma of the sex cord, epithelium and others. As a rule, multi-chamber neoplasms of the serous or pseudomucinous type are diagnosed. More rarely, cases of the formation of multicular cysts by the fusion of several luteal, endometrioid, follicular or serous formations are recorded.


A three- or two-chamber ovarian cyst can cause various symptoms, which depend on the histological structure of the neoplasm and associated complications. In addition, the hormonal activity of the tumor itself affects the signs of the disease. The key symptoms of the disease are:

  • pain in the lower abdomen (when a cyst ruptures, the pain syndrome can also be felt in the area of ​​the rectum and leg);
  • weakness;
  • violation of the monthly cycle, the appearance of strange vaginal discharge;
  • rise in body temperature.

As a rule, multi-chamber cystic formation has pronounced signs that indicate the presence of certain complications. Women should timely and regularly conduct diagnostics of the pelvic organs in order to prevent the development of severe pathological processes. Symptoms of the disease are divided into three groups:

  1. hormonal disorders;
  2. intoxication syndrome;
  3. pain syndrome.

Sometimes the development of a cyst does not come from the ovary, but from tissues localized nearby, such a formation is called paraovarian. In this case, the symptoms do not appear for a long time. Patients notice the first clinical signs only after the onset of complications (usually after the breakthrough of a cystic neoplasm). The doctor diagnoses the disease through an ultrasound examination.

What causes an ovarian cyst

There are different reasons for the formation of a cystic mass. The most common among them are:

  • disruptions at the hormonal level;
  • pregnancy (in this case, a functional ovarian cyst often occurs);
  • inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • violations of embryonic development;
  • transferring the operation (sometimes as a result of this, a retention formation develops).

These factors can cause the formation of a multi- or single-chamber cyst. Sometimes the cause is a certain mechanical aspect, otherwise it is hormonal stimulation of the ovaries. To prevent the formation from developing into a malignant one, it is important to identify the disease in a timely manner and begin treatment. Therapy will be most effective if it is determined what stimulated the development of a multi-chamber ovarian cyst.

What is the danger of multi-chamber ovarian cystosis

This type of formation is considered more dangerous than single-chamber cysts, since they suggest a high risk of the onset of a malignant process. However, not in all clinical cases, neoplasms are classified as unfavorable, so surgery may not be required. The doctor conducts a histological examination, which allows you to choose the best method of therapy. Serious complications of the disease include:

  • hemorrhage in the cystic cavity;
  • suppuration / rupture of the cyst;
  • tubo-ovarian type abscess (inflammation with accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube, epididymis and surrounding tissues).

How to Diagnose Multilocular Ovarian Cystic Change

A multi-chamber ovarian cyst is diagnosed by several methods. In some cases, the doctor performs computed tomography or magnetic nuclear resonance - these examinations help the specialist collect important data for differential diagnosis when ultrasound has not become informative. However, examination of a patient with suspected cystoma often includes the following routine procedures:

  • gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • blood test for hormones and tumor markers;
  • metrosalpingography.

Surgical treatment of a multilocular cyst

A multi-chamber ovarian cyst often needs surgical treatment, since conservative therapy is not an effective enough method. The volume of intervention will depend on the condition of the woman's genitals, her age. In addition, the size of the cystic formation for the operation is important. Young girls are trying to save a certain part of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, more mature women, as a rule, undergo a radical excision of the tumor.


You can get rid of formations that have more than two chambers with the help of surgical intervention. If the patient does not have a manifestation of concomitant complications, the operation is performed by laparoscopy. At the same time, 3-4 small holes are made in the wall of the peritoneum, through which an optical device and medical instruments are inserted inside. After the neoplasm is excised, and the appendage is restored. With a small cystoma, a puncture is performed and its contents are pulled out.

Abdominal surgery to remove a cyst with multiple chambers

This method of surgical intervention is prescribed if it is not possible to perform laparoscopy. Indications for abdominal surgery are:

  • the presence of an adhesive process;
  • violation of the topography of the genital organs;
  • obesity.

If a multi-chamber ovarian cyst is removed by abdominal surgery, the rehabilitation period lasts longer than after laparoscopy, while the woman may remain disabled for several months. Sometimes the removal of the cystoma is followed by postoperative castration (often in young girls), after which long-term replacement therapy is carried out and a diet is followed.


In some cases, due to the large size of the cystoma, complete atrophy of the ovary occurs. In this case, the doctor decides to perform an oophorectomy - to remove the tube along with the tumor and appendage. If there is a suspicion that the formation has begun to transform into a malignant one, an urgent cytodiagnosis is carried out. The confirmed presence of oncology requires an open median laparotomy with excision of the appendages, adjacent lymph nodes, and in some cases even the uterus.

After the operation, the woman undergoes physiotherapy and medication. To prevent infectious complications, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. In order to normalize the functions of the genital organs and balance the hormonal background, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes and carry out therapy with special agents based on hormones.


An operation to remove a cystic formation can be carried out free of charge: for this, you should contact the antenatal clinic at the place of residence. The gynecologist will write a referral for the necessary diagnostic procedures, including a blood test and ultrasound. After receiving the results, the doctor sends the woman to the hospital, where surgery will be performed. Free treatment is provided in such cases:

  • with a valid insurance policy;
  • after receiving the results of the examination and confirming the presence of a tumor;
  • if the doctor gave a direction for surgery.

The cost of removing endometrioid or giant cysts in private clinics is higher than the excision of conventional multi-chamber formations. Such operations can also be performed free of charge if the doctor of the antenatal clinic issues a quota for the woman. The price of treatment in private clinics varies greatly and depends on many factors, including regional location. So, in Moscow, the procedure will cost about 40-50 thousand rubles. The cost of the operation in other regional centers will be 25-30 thousand rubles. In small settlements, treatment is relatively inexpensive (up to 20,000 rubles).


A multi-chamber ovarian cyst is a non-malignant formation growing on the gonad, having an internal cavity divided by partitions into separate sections that are filled with liquid or viscous exudate. In 70%, a two-chamber ovarian cyst is formed, but when diagnosing, there are also three-chamber cavity structures.


  1. The structure of a multi-chamber cyst is characterized by the formation of dense partitions of connective tissue, which divide the capsule into several cells.
  2. Multi-chamber formations are larger than single-chamber ones.
  3. Often, chambers are formed when several formations of different types grow together, with fluid being determined in one or two sections, and blood clots in the other.
  4. A multilocular ovarian cyst is considered more dangerous. This is because the isolated accumulation of exudate in several chambers leads to rupture with a larger total volume of content.
  5. In practice, a two-chamber cyst of the right ovary is more often detected. Gynecologists explain the intensive growth of nodes on the right by active blood supply from a large artery. If a two-chamber cyst of the left ovary is diagnosed, then it increases more slowly due to reduced blood flow to the left gonad. A multi-chamber cyst of the left ovary is treated in the same way, the symptoms are no different.

Among the cystic nodes, formations are recorded that more often than others form a cavity with several chambers:

  1. . It is formed in utero during the development of the reproductive organs in the fetus, and is a bubble with liquid. Education begins to grow actively during the formation of the menstrual function, therefore, it is often found in girls 10-13 years old. Medicines and home remedies are not able to make the paraovarian cyst shrink, the formation requires only surgical removal.
  1. . It refers to functional formations, that is, it is not a pathology and develops as a result of a malfunction in the cyclic functioning of the ovary. Normally, in the middle of the female monthly cycle, the dominant (mature) follicle should burst and release a healthy egg into the fallopian tube. If the follicle does not rupture, but begins to grow, filling with fluid, a cystic nodule is formed. Several chambers in the cavity are rarely formed.
  1. Serous and mucinous. Serous and referred to as cavitary benign tumor-like formations, which are characterized by several chambers with liquid or thick exudate. Both are capable of malignant transformation. A serous cystoma without treatment can grow up to 20 - 30 cm. Papillary cystadenoma is considered a subspecies of serous cystadenoma. When growing, it is able to gain up to 10 kilograms and is a pathology bordering on a cancerous condition. Treatment involves only surgical removal.


Signs of the development of a cyst or cystadenoma do not depend on the number of chambers in the cavity. Until the node has grown to 5 - 6 centimeters, the pathological process does not give disturbing symptoms.

Basic features:

  • aching dull pains in the lower abdomen, which are reflected in the sacral, lumbar, inguinal region, or on the one hand, if the node has grown on one ovary;
  • distension in the abdominal cavity;
  • frequent urination, constipation associated with the fact that a large formation can compress the rectum, bladder;
  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen, if the tumor is large;
  • asymmetry and bulging of the peritoneal wall above the affected gonad;
  • failure of the period of menstruation, prolonged bleeding, spotting;
  • development of dropsy (ascites), if serous grows on the ovary.

Acute emergencies with a multi-chamber cyst, including rupture of the walls, hemorrhage into the peritoneum, twisting of the leg, suppuration, require emergency surgery, otherwise the patient may die quickly.

Similar life-threatening conditions are manifested:

  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • hardening of the muscles of the peritoneum on the side of the lesion;
  • rise in temperature, drop in blood pressure;
  • great fear, perspiration, copious sweat;
  • rapid pulse;
  • loss of consciousness, development of pain shock, coma.


Laboratory and instrumental studies:

  1. Examination by a gynecologist, who determines the size, location, structure, mobility of the cyst, possible inflammation in the appendages.
  2. Ultrasound diagnosis (on the 6th - 8th day after the end of menstruation) to clarify the type, size, number of chambers, exudate density.
  3. CT and MRI (tomography) for a deeper study of education and confirmation of its type.
  4. Sampling of venous blood for the quantitative level of tumor marker proteins (CA-125, 72-4) to exclude a tumor process, which is especially important in mucinous and papillary cystadenoma.


Treatment of a multi-chamber cyst depends on the type, size, characteristics of the formation, the age of the patient, suspicion of malignant transformation, and internal diseases.


  • with functional education, if its size is not more than 30 - 50 mm, the gynecologist adheres to the tactics of waiting and observing. The node usually does not give serious deviations, regresses and disappears in 2-4 months. Surgery is required in acute conditions if the cyst is pedunculated or bursts;
  • when confirming the diagnosis of a multi-chamber paraovarian, mucinous, serous cyst, you should know that they never resolve under the influence of medications. And they can break at any moment. Therefore, with such ovarian formations, only surgical treatment is provided. Since in 20% of patients the cells of mucinous and serous cystadenoma degenerate into cancer cells, it is extremely dangerous to postpone the operation and treat yourself;
  • surgical treatment is accompanied by the use of combined contraceptives, hormones to prevent relapse.

Revealed in our separate article.

Types of surgery

The method of surgical treatment is determined by the type, size of the cyst, the risk of cancer.

The surgical strategy is aimed at respecting the ovarian tissue and preserving its functions. Women who plan to have children do not lose the ability to conceive after surgery even after the removal of the ovary.

Operation types:

  1. Laparotomy. This is open, carried out with a transverse incision of 10 - 15 cm under the skin fold on the abdomen. Such a surgical intervention is prescribed if large growths are diagnosed or there is a suspicion of a cancerous process. In the hospital, if there are no complications, the patient stays up to 7-9 days.

Multichamber cyst and pregnancy

If the size of the formation is not more than 30 - 50 mm, doctors try to control its growth and not start treatment before childbirth.

If the formation begins to progress rapidly or a large cyst is immediately diagnosed that can break through at any time, surgical therapy is prescribed after 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, when the placenta is fully formed and fixed. If the operation is not done, then the growing cyst displaces the uterus, threatening to terminate the pregnancy, and the risk of rupture of the walls and torsion of the leg is very high.

Removal of education during childbearing is carried out by laparoscopy. With a timely and correct operation, the ability to maintain a pregnancy and bring the baby to a normal term is very high.

In gynecological practice, a disease such as a multi-chamber ovarian cyst is often found among women of reproductive age. Also, such a pathology is often diagnosed in the fairer sex at the age of fifty, when the menopause begins. A cyst is usually not classified as a tumor, but it is practically equated to it. The neoplasm consists of several chambers separated by partitions, inside of which there are cavities. They are usually large.

Characteristics and description of pathology

Multi-chamber ovarian cyst - a neoplasm of a benign nature, formed from epithelial cells, inside which there are many chambers, separated by partitions, with cavities inside.

First, a formation with a cavity appears in the ovary, which is formed from epithelial tissue. It may have a different size. The proliferation of ovarian tissue occurs as a result of the accumulation of intercellular fluid in the cavity of the epithelium. If the neoplasm is not removed in a timely manner, the fluid continues to accumulate.

The appearance of a cyst is due to the fact that in due time the follicle in which the egg matures does not burst, fluid accumulates in it, so it increases in size. As the cyst grows, the woman begins to feel pain. Education can appear both on the right and on the left ovary.

In medicine, such a neoplasm is called a mucinous cyst. It can grow to enormous size. Most often, the presence of pathology jeopardizes a woman's ability to become pregnant in the future. In a short period of time, a neoplasm can transform into a cancerous tumor, so it requires surgical intervention.

Why does pathology develop?

There are many reasons why a multi-chamber ovarian cyst is formed. These include:

  • Violation of the hormonal system.
  • During the menstrual cycle, there is a change in the concentration of hormones. A high level of progesterone provokes the development in the second phase of the cyst cycle.
  • Inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  • Congenital anomalies in the development of the genital organs.
  • Frequent abortions, early sexual intercourse.
  • Complications after surgical interventions.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Prolonged stress, malnutrition.
  • The use of anticancer drugs, hormonal contraceptives.
  • Advanced diseases of the genital organs.

All these factors influence the formation of a multi-chamber cyst of the left ovary or the right one. This can happen at any stage in a woman's life. But most often in reproductive and adulthood. If the disease is congenital, then the fetus was affected by some negative factors:

  • bad habits of a pregnant woman;
  • taking medication during childbearing;
  • maternal stress;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Varieties of pathology

In principle, any ovarian cyst can be multi-chambered. Septa sometimes form as the neoplasm grows. In gynecology, these types of cysts are distinguished:

  1. A follicular cyst forms at the site of a follicle that has not burst. With prolonged growth, the neoplasm becomes multi-chamber, has a large size.
  2. A corpus luteum cyst appears at the site of a follicle that has burst.
  3. A paraovarian neoplasm is located near the ovary, does not form from its tissue.
  4. An endometrial neoplasm appears in the region of the endometrium. As the cyst grows, many chambers with dark contents form in it.
  5. The dermoid cyst contains components such as nails, hair, adipose tissue, etc. in the chambers.
  6. Cystadenoma can transform into cancer.

A multi-chamber ovarian cyst of large size (more than five centimeters), it requires surgical intervention, since drug therapy is ineffective, a secret is constantly produced in its cavities. Often, cancer cells can be found inside the partitions. Often, a cyst provokes the development of serious complications.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Symptoms of pathology are often similar to signs of other diseases of the reproductive system. Usually, when a woman has a cyst, the following symptoms appear:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen, it can be both periodic and permanent, give to the lower back, left or right side.
  • Discomfort and pressure in the rectum, bladder.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • With a huge size of the neoplasm, shortness of breath appears, pressure on the abdominal cavity.
  • Enlargement of the abdomen.
  • Increased pain with physical activity.
  • Disorder of the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms that signal immediate hospitalization include:

  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Increased hair on the chin, nasolabial region.
  • Rapid weight loss.

If symptoms are ignored and no treatment is given for a multi-chamber ovarian cyst, dangerous complications may develop, and in some cases even death due to rupture of the cyst.

Complications and consequences

With power loads, sexual intercourse, fast driving or shaking, the cyst may burst. Its contents flow to the ovaries, can enter the abdominal cavity. In this case, a sharp severe pain will appear, which may indicate the development of internal bleeding. The woman loses consciousness, blood pressure drops. This condition is very dangerous and requires immediate hospitalization.

Rarely, but possible development of hemorrhagic shock. Also, with hypothermia of the body, a violation of the immune system, pus appears inside the cyst cavity, which can cause the development of a purulent infection and sepsis. Sometimes an ovarian abscess develops. Often a multi-chamber cyst degenerates into a cancerous tumor.

Also, as the cyst grows, it begins to compress nearby organs, vessels and nerves. This provokes stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities, varicose veins develop.

The larger the size of the neoplasm, the higher the risk of its rupture. Which will lead to a life-threatening condition.

Multilocular ovarian cyst in a pregnant woman

A cyst is formed in a pregnant woman for the same reasons as in all other representatives of the weaker sex. Usually, the pathology is a cyst of the corpus luteum, which usually disappears on its own before the twelfth week of pregnancy. But there may be another type of cyst. It is usually small and asymptomatic and is detected early on ultrasound.

But in this case, it is difficult to completely exclude the benign nature of the neoplasm, this is especially true when the cyst has not disappeared at the sixteenth week of pregnancy. As the uterus grows, it will begin to put pressure on the cyst, as a result of which the latter may burst. The higher the gestational age, the more difficult it will be to undergo therapy.

Diagnostic measures

The doctor studies the patient's complaints, conducts a gynecological examination, in which the approximate characteristics of the cyst are clarified. Then the specialist prescribes the following examination methods:

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs makes it possible to determine the structure of the cyst, the number of its chambers, growths on the partitions, the contents of the cavities and other points.
  2. Doppler to study blood flow near the neoplasm.
  3. A test for tumor markers to determine the nature of the neoplasm.
  4. MRI and CT to view the exact picture of the cyst.
  5. Puncture of the vaginal vault to determine the presence of bleeding.
  6. Laparoscopy.

Having studied the results of the diagnosis, the doctor makes the final diagnosis and prescribes therapy.

Treatment of a multilocular ovarian cyst

Treatment will depend on the results of tests, especially for tumor markers, the size of the cyst, and the presence of complications. If the patient's condition is more or less normal, conservative therapy is prescribed, the effectiveness of which should be visible for two months. In this case, a multi-chamber ovarian cyst is treated without surgery.

The doctor prescribes such medicines:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Antispasmodic drugs.
  • Enzymes.
  • Hormones.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes.

Cyst puncture

If therapy is ineffective, puncture treatment is performed. In this case, some substance is introduced into the cyst cavity, which provokes adhesion of its walls and the elimination of the neoplasm. If the cyst has many chambers and septa, this process will be difficult. The doctor should carefully consider the choice of this technique, since if there is inflammation in the cyst, it cannot be carried out.

Surgical intervention

Surgery for a multi-chamber ovarian cyst is prescribed in the following cases:

  • The ineffectiveness of drug therapy.
  • The presence of a cyst more than ten centimeters in diameter.
  • Acute emergency condition of the patient.
  • Presence of internal bleeding.
  • Torsion of the neoplasm.
  • Death of the ovary.

The method of operation is chosen by the surgeon in each case. Most often, an intervention using a laparoscope or an endoscope is used, since it does not leave visible scars, is slightly traumatic, and is characterized by little blood loss.

The operation is performed under anesthesia. In the lower abdomen, the surgeon makes several small incisions, inserts a laparoscope with a camera into them, and it broadcasts the image. The tissues are removed with an electrocoagulator, which also cauterizes the injured vessels. It is this operation that reduces the risk of bleeding to zero. The incisions are then carefully stitched together, the scars are almost invisible.

With a small cyst size, doctors preserve healthy ovarian tissue. In some cases, the cyst can affect the entire ovary, in which case doctors have to remove it completely. The removed organ is sent to determine the nature of the neoplasm.

Treatment during pregnancy

Up to sixteen weeks of pregnancy, the doctor monitors the patient, performs ultrasound, tests for tumor markers. If the cyst does not disappear after sixteen weeks, surgery is performed. The cyst can be removed up to twenty-two weeks of pregnancy, then removal is not possible.

If the cyst was found during pregnancy planning, then it is removed, and only then the woman is allowed to plan conception.

A multi-chamber ovarian cyst is a cavity containing several partitions inside. This formation with liquid contents is dangerous for women's health. The tumor appears as follows:

  • Regular or recurrent pain in the lower abdomen, which radiate to the rectum.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Infertility or problems conceiving.
  • Intrauterine bleeding that appears in the middle of the cycle.
  • The patient's abdomen increases in size.
  • High body temperature.
  • Feeling of weakness.
  • False urge to urinate.

The multichamber cyst of the left ovary has a pronounced symptomatology. Usually, by signs, a woman can determine the occurrence of complications in the body.

Important! Important! A multi-chamber formation is formed from the tissues of the ovary. But in some cases, this tumor does not arise from tissues, but from nearby organs.

Disease danger

Education is dangerous for the reason that it often becomes malignant. In this case, doctors insist on a histological examination, based on the results of which they decide to perform the operation. This procedure also allows you to determine the extent of surgery.

A three-chamber tumor may rupture. A woman can learn about a rupture by characteristic signs: general weakness of the body, stabbing pains in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the rectum, increased pulse rate, low blood pressure.

Sometimes pus appears inside the tumor. At this time, the patient feels unwell and weak. At the same time, the body temperature rises, a throbbing pain in the lower abdomen appears, and the level of leukocytes in the blood rises.

In addition, with this formation, a hemorrhage or a tubo-ovarian abscess often appears (an inflammatory process in the uterine tube, ovaries and nearby tissues).

The reasons

In order to prescribe an effective treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease. Most often, the diagnosis of a multi-chamber cyst is made in women of childbearing age. Sometimes education is formed in women of menopausal age. There are several reasons why women develop this disease:

  • Menstrual disorders.
  • Hormonal failure (with such a violation in patients in the second half of the cycle, an excessive release of progesterone occurs, as a result of which a corpus luteum cyst appears).
  • Inflammatory process that occurs in the appendages.
  • Abnormal development of the fetus during pregnancy, which leads to defects in the genital organs.
  • Early sexual life.
  • Termination of pregnancy through surgery.
  • Previous gynecological surgeries.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Carrying a child (against the background of pregnancy in women, a functional cyst often appears).
  • Advanced diseases of the genital organs.

The factors listed above directly or indirectly affect the occurrence of the disease in a woman. In order to determine the cause, the patient must undergo a complete gynecological examination. When the doctor manages to find out the cause, he will be able to prescribe an effective treatment.


The key to successful treatment is early detection of the tumor. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the stage of the disease. If a multi-chamber cyst arose as a result of a hormonal failure, the doctor prescribes a course of hormone therapy to the woman. To consolidate the result, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy.

Note: If the multi-chamber formation is small, doctors decide to adhere to expectant tactics. For several months, the cyst is closely monitored. At this time, the woman attends gynecological examinations, she undergoes an ultrasound examination. The gynecologist fixes the slightest changes in the state of education. If the tumor does not resolve on its own, the doctor prescribes surgical treatment for the patient.

To date, the operation is the most effective method by which you can get rid of a multi-chamber cyst. Depending on the degree of neglect of the disease, surgeons perform a sparing (laparoscopy) or cardinal (cavitary) operation.

Laparoscopy is performed without a scalpel. The patient is made several small incisions into which instruments and a television camera are inserted. With the help of a television camera, which broadcasts the image on a large screen, doctors control the process of the operation. Affected tissues are removed using an electrocoagulator. This device allows not only to eliminate diseased tissues, but also to cauterize blood vessels at the same time. Laparoscopy is a bloodless operation, since the risk of bleeding is zero. The incisions do not tend to rot, and they are tightened as soon as possible, so the woman does not leave a trace.

Treatment of a multichamber tumor in most cases is operative. The volume of surgical intervention is determined by the doctor depending on the size of the tumor, the age of the woman and the degree of neglect of the disease. If the formation is small, doctors try to preserve healthy ovarian tissue. Multi-chamber formations sometimes affect the ovary completely, so surgeons have to remove the damaged organ. In this case, the surgical intervention has a cavity character. Excised tissues are sent for a thorough histological analysis, during which they are examined under a microscope.

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