Treatment of optic nerve atrophy. Causes, symptoms and treatment of optic nerve atrophy Complete optic nerve atrophy treatment

A rapid decrease in vision may indicate various eye diseases. But rarely does anyone think that it can be caused by such a dangerous disease as optic nerve atrophy. The optic nerve is an important component in the perception of light information. Therefore, it is worth considering this disease in more detail so that it is possible to determine the symptoms in the early stages.

What it is?

The optic nerve is a nerve fiber responsible for processing and transmitting light information. The main function of the optic nerve is the delivery of nerve impulses to the region of the brain.

The optic nerve is attached to the ganglionic neurocytes of the retina, which make up the optic nerve head. Light rays, converted into a nerve impulse, are transmitted along the optic nerve from retinal cells to the chiasm (the segment where the optic nerves of both eyes intersect).

Where is the optic nerve

Its integrity provides high. However, even the smallest injury to the optic nerve can lead to serious consequences. The most common disease of the optic nerve is its atrophy.

Optic nerve atrophy is an eye disease in which degradation of the optic nerve occurs, followed by a decrease in vision. With this disease, the optic nerve fibers completely or partially die off and are replaced by connective tissue. As a result, the light rays falling on the retina of the eye are converted into an electrical signal with distortions, which narrows the field of view and reduces its quality.

Depending on the degree of damage, atrophy of the optic nerve is partial or complete. Partial atrophy of the optic nerve differs from complete atrophy by a less pronounced manifestation of the disease and the preservation of vision at a certain level.

Vision correction by traditional methods (, contact lenses) for this disease is absolutely ineffective, since they are aimed at correcting the refraction of the eye and have nothing to do with the optic nerve.

The reasons

Optic nerve atrophy is not an independent disease, but is a consequence of any pathological process in the patient's body.

optic nerve atrophy

The main causes of the disease include:

  • Eye diseases (diseases of the retina, eyeball, eye structures).
  • Pathologies of the central nervous system (brain damage due to syphilis, brain abscess, skull trauma, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, meningitis, arachnoiditis).
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, arterial hypertension, vasospasm).
  • Long-term toxic effects of alcohol, nicotine and drugs. Alcohol poisoning with methyl alcohol.
  • hereditary factor.

Optic nerve atrophy can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital atrophy of the optic nerve occurs as a result of genetic diseases (in most cases, Leber's disease). In this case, the patient has a poor quality of vision from birth.

Acquired atrophy of the optic nerve appears due to certain diseases at an older age.


The main symptoms of partial atrophy of vision can be:

  • Deterioration of the quality of vision and the inability to correct it with traditional methods of correction.
  • Pain on moving the eyeballs.
  • Changing the perception of colors.
  • Narrowing of the visual fields (up to the manifestation of a tunnel syndrome, in which the ability to peripheral vision is completely lost).
  • The appearance of blind areas in the field of view (scotomas).

Laser vision correction methods can be seen in.

Stages of optic nerve atrophy


Usually, the diagnosis of this disease does not cause much difficulty. As a rule, the patient notices a significant decrease in vision and turns to an ophthalmologist who establishes the correct diagnosis. Of great importance is the identification of the cause of the disease.

To detect atrophy of the optic nerve in a patient, a complex of diagnostic methods is performed:

  • (study of visual acuity).
  • Spheroperimetry (determination of visual fields).
  • Ophthalmoscopy (detection of blanching of the optic disc and narrowing of the vessels of the fundus).
  • Tonometry (measurement of intraocular pressure).
  • Video ophthalmography (examination of the relief of the optic nerve).
  • (examination of areas of the affected nerve).
  • Computed tomography and magnetic nuclear resonance (a study of the brain to identify possible causes that caused atrophy of the optic nerve).

Read what computer perimetry in ophthalmology determines.

In addition to an ophthalmological examination, the patient may be prescribed an examination by a neuropathologist or neurosurgeon. This is necessary for the reason that the symptoms of optic nerve atrophy may be symptoms of an incipient intracranial pathological process.


Treatment of optic nerve atrophy is quite complicated. Destroyed nerve fibers cannot be restored, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to stop the process of changes in the tissues of the optic nerve. Since the nervous tissue of the optic nerve cannot be restored, visual acuity cannot be raised to its previous level. However, the disease must be treated to avoid its progression and the occurrence of blindness. The prognosis of the disease depends on the start of treatment, so it is advisable to immediately contact an ophthalmologist when the first symptoms of the disease are detected.

The difference between partial atrophy of the optic nerve and complete atrophy is that this form of the disease is treatable and it is still possible to restore vision. The main goal in the treatment of partial optic nerve atrophy is to stop the destruction of the tissues of the optic nerve.

The main efforts should be aimed at eliminating. Treatment of the underlying disease will stop the destruction of the tissues of the optic nerve and restore visual function.

Against the background of treatment of the underlying disease that caused atrophy of the optic nerve, complex therapy is carried out. Additionally, in the treatment, drugs can be used to improve blood supply and nutrition of the optic nerve, improve metabolism, eliminate swelling and inflammation. It will not be superfluous to use multivitamins and biostimulants.

As the main drugs use:

  • Vasodilator drugs. These drugs improve blood circulation and trophism in the tissues of the optic nerve. Complamin, papaverine, dibazol, no-shpu, halidor, eufillin, trental, sermion can be distinguished among the drugs of this group.
  • Drugs that stimulate the restoration of altered tissues of the optic nerve and improve metabolic processes in it. These include biogenic stimulants (peat, aloe extract), amino acids (glutamic acid), vitamins and immunostimulants (eleuthorococcus, ginseng).
  • Drugs that resolve pathological processes and metabolism stimulants (phosphaden, pyrogenal, preductal).

It must be understood that drug therapy does not cure optic nerve atrophy, but only improves the condition of the nerve fibers. To cure optic nerve atrophy, it is necessary to first cure the underlying disease.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also important, which are used in combination with other methods of treatment. Also, methods of magnetic, laser and electrical stimulation of the optic nerve are effective. They help to improve the functional state of the optic nerve and visual functions.

As an additional treatment, the following procedures are used:

  • Magnetostimulation. In this procedure, the optic nerve is affected by a special device that creates an alternating magnetic field. Magnetostimulation helps to improve blood supply, saturate the tissues of the optic nerve with oxygen, and activate metabolic processes.
  • Electrical stimulation. This procedure is carried out using a special electrode, which is inserted behind the eyeball to the optic nerve and electrical impulses are applied to it.
  • Laser stimulation. The essence of this method is non-invasive stimulation of the optic nerve through the cornea or pupil using a special emitter.
  • ultrasound therapy. This method effectively stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes in the tissues of the optic nerve, improves the permeability of the hematoophthalmic barrier and the sorption properties of eye tissues. If the cause of optic nerve atrophy is encephalitis or tuberculous meningitis, then the disease will be quite difficult to treat with ultrasound.
  • Electrophoresis. This procedure is characterized by the effect on the tissues of the eye of a direct current of low power and medicines. Electrophoresis promotes the expansion of blood vessels, improves cell metabolism and normalizes metabolism.
  • Oxygen therapy. This method consists in saturating the tissues of the optic nerve with oxygen, which helps to improve their metabolic processes.

During the treatment of optic nerve atrophy, it is imperative to observe the full quality of nutrition, saturated with various vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to use fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat, dairy products more often.

What products improve eyesight, see.

It is not recommended to treat the disease with folk remedies, since in this case they are ineffective. If you rely only on folk remedies, you can lose precious time, when you could still save the quality of vision.


It must be remembered that optic nerve atrophy is a serious disease and should not be treated on its own. Improper self-treatment can lead to sad consequences - complications of the disease.

The most serious complication can be complete loss of vision. Ignoring treatment leads to further development of the disease and a steady decrease in visual acuity, as a result of which the patient will no longer be able to lead a former lifestyle. Very often, with atrophy of the optic nerve, the patient receives a disability.

Also read about heterochromia.


To avoid the occurrence of optic nerve atrophy, it is necessary to treat diseases in a timely manner, contact an ophthalmologist in time with a decrease in visual acuity, and not expose the body to alcohol and drug intoxication. Only if you treat your health with due attention can you reduce the risk of disease.


Atrophy of the optic nerve is usually called the process of partial (PAN), and in some cases - complete destruction of the fibers included in the optic nerve with their replacement by connective tissue.


According to experts, partial atrophy of the optic nerve is very often caused by: heredity and congenital pathologies, some diseases of the organ of vision, pathologies in the optic nerve itself or in (including inflammation, trauma, swelling, congestion, toxic damage, dystrophy, circulatory disorders and compression of the optic nerve), diseases of the nervous system, general diseases.

Lesions of the central nervous system are considered to be the main "culprits" of the development of atrophy, these include: tumors, syphilitic lesions, meningitis, brain abscesses, encephalitis, skull injuries, disseminated. In addition, the causes of the development of such an anomaly can be atherosclerosis, hypertension, quinine poisoning, profuse bleeding, beriberi.

Starvation of the tissues of the internal structures of the eye due to obstruction of the central or peripheral artery can also cause nerve atrophy. In addition, such atrophy is considered the main symptom.

Manifestations of the disease

In ophthalmology, it is customary to divide optic nerve atrophy into primary and secondary, partial and complete, complete and progressive, as well as unilateral and bilateral.

A characteristic symptom of this pathology is considered to be an intractable decrease in vision. Such a symptom can manifest itself in various ways, depending on the type of atrophy. The progress of the disease leads to a non-stop decrease in vision due to the death of the optic nerve, which ultimately leads to complete blindness. This process proceeds, as a rule, either rapidly - in a few days, or gradually - over the course of months.

Partial atrophy of the optic nerve in its course always has a stop in the process of visual impairment at some stage, after which vision stabilizes. This makes it possible to isolate progressive and complete atrophy.

Visual disturbances during the course of the disease are of the most diverse nature, including changes in visual fields (as a rule, narrowing with loss of "side vision"), up to "tunnel vision", when a person sees as if through a tube, i.e. only those objects that are directly in front of it. Such a condition is associated with the appearance of - dark spots in any part of the field of view, any disorder of color perception.

With PAIS, the change in visual fields is not only "tunnel", which is due to the localization of the pathological process. Thus, development in front of the eyes of cattle may indicate a change in the nerve fibers of the central section of the retina or the zone directly close to it. When the nerve fibers of the periphery are affected, a narrowing of the visual fields develops, and when the lesions are deep enough, the disappearance of half of the visual field is observed. These changes may develop in either one or both eyes.


It is unacceptable to engage in self-diagnosis, and even more so self-treatment with optic nerve atrophy, since similar symptoms are also observed in peripheral, in which, at first, lateral vision undergoes a change, with the involvement of the central departments at later stages. It must be remembered that optic nerve atrophy is not always an independent disease. Often, this is a manifestation of a serious disease of the nervous system. Therefore, the establishment of its causes at an early stage is especially important.

The symptoms described above are the reason for the immediate appeal to specialists (including an ophthalmologist and a neurologist).

Diagnosis of optic nerve atrophy is usually not difficult. To identify it, an examination is prescribed, including: determination of visual acuity, its fields, as well as tests for color perception. At the same time, they must be carried out, which can reveal the characteristic pallor of the optic nerve head and some narrowing of the bottom. Measure intraocular pressure.

Often, to clarify the diagnosis, an X-ray examination is prescribed (craniography with a picture of the Turkish saddle), magnetic resonance or computed tomography of the brain, fluorescein angiographic or electrophysiological research methods, using contrast, when the patency of the retinal vessels is inspected.

Laboratory tests are also needed - a complete blood count, its biochemistry, a test for borreliosis, as well as syphilis.

Video about the latest developments in the treatment of PONS

Atrophy of the optic nerve, including partial, is almost impossible to cure, because the affected nerve fibers cannot be restored. There is little hope that there will be an effect from the therapy of those fibers that are not yet completely destroyed and partially retain their vital activity. True, if this moment has already been missed, vision is irrevocably lost.

It is worth remembering that often partial atrophy of the optic nerve is not a separate disease, but develops due to certain pathological processes that develop in the sections of the visual pathway. Therefore, its treatment, as a rule, begins with the elimination of the causes of the pathology. If, by this time, atrophy has not yet developed sufficiently, then within some time (sometimes up to two months) the picture will most likely normalize, with the restoration of visual functions.

Drug treatment for this disease is aimed at the timely elimination of edema and inflammation, improving the trophism of the optic nerve and its blood circulation, and restoring the conductivity of nerve fibers.

It should be noted that this process is lengthy, with a weakly pronounced effect, which is completely absent in advanced cases. Therefore, the success of treatment, of course, depends on how quickly the atrophy is diagnosed.

  1. As noted above, the main thing is the treatment of the disease that caused the atrophy, therefore complex therapy is prescribed with various forms of drugs: eye drops, injections (general and local), tablets, physiotherapy. This treatment aims to:
  2. Improving blood circulation, feeding the nerve vessels. For this, vasodilators are used (complamin, no-shpu, nicotinic acid, papaverine, dibazol, halidor, eufillin, sermion, trental), as well as anticoagulants (heparin or tiklid);
  3. Improving the processes of tissue metabolism and activating the regeneration of affected tissues. For this, biogenic stimulants (aloe extract, peat, etc.), tamines (B1, B2, B6, ascorutin), enzymatic agents (fibrinolysin, lidase), essential amino acids (glutamic acid), as well as immunostimulants (ginseng, eleutorococcus);
  4. Relief of inflammatory processes through hormonal drugs (dexamethasone,);
  5. Improving the functions of the central nervous system (cerebrolysin, nootropil, phezam, emoxipin, cavinton).

Any drugs must be taken strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the attending physician, after the diagnosis is established. Since, only a specialist is able to choose the optimal treatment, taking into account concomitant diseases.

At the same time, physiotherapeutic procedures and acupuncture can be prescribed; sessions of laser, magnetic, as well as electrical stimulation of the tissues of the optic nerve.

Such treatment must be repeated courses several times a year.

With an obvious drop in vision, a disability group can be assigned.

Blind due to illness and visually impaired, rehabilitation courses are prescribed, which aim to eliminate or compensate for the limitations of life that have arisen due to loss of vision.

Remember that this disease cannot be treated with folk remedies, do not waste precious time on it, when there is still a chance to cure atrophy and preserve vision.

Where to treat?

The choice of a medical institution for the treatment of optic nerve atrophy is a very responsible issue, since the result of treatment, including the prognosis for recovery, depends entirely on the thoroughness of the examination and the professionalism of the doctor. Be sure to pay attention to the degree of equipment of the clinic, as well as the qualifications of its specialists, because only the attention and experience of the medical staff can achieve the best effect in the treatment of eye diseases.

Optic nerve atrophy is a disease in which there is a decrease in vision, sometimes to its complete loss. This happens when the nerve fibers that carry information about what a person sees from the retina of the eye to the visual part of the brain die partially or completely. Such a pathology can occur due to many reasons, because a person can encounter it at any age.

Important! Timely detection and treatment of the disease, if the death of the nerve is partial, helps to stop the loss of visual function and restore it. If the nerve has atrophied completely, then vision will not be restored.

The optic nerve is an afferent nerve fiber that runs from the retina to the occipital visual region of the brain. Thanks to this nerve, information about the picture seen by a person is read from the retina, and transmitted to the visual department, and in it it is already being transformed into a familiar image. When atrophy occurs, nerve fibers begin to die off and are replaced by connective tissue that looks like scar tissue. In this condition, the functioning of the capillaries that feed the nerve stops.

How is the disease classified?

According to the time of occurrence, there is congenital and acquired atrophy of the optic nerve. By localization, the pathology can be:

  1. ascending - the layer of nerve fibers located on the retina of the eye is affected, and the lesion itself is sent to the brain;
  2. descending - the visual part of the brain is affected, and the lesion is directed to the disk on the retina.

Depending on the degree of the lesion, atrophy can be:

  • initial - only some fibers are affected;
  • partial - the diameter of the nerve is affected;
  • incomplete - the lesion is common, but vision is not completely lost;
  • complete - the optic nerve dies, leading to a complete loss of visual function.

With a unilateral disease, one nerve is damaged, as a result of which it begins to see poorly in one eye. When the nerves of the two eyes are affected, they speak of bilateral atrophy. According to the stability of the visual function, the pathology can be stationary, in which visual acuity falls and then stays at the same level, and progressive, when vision becomes worse.

Why can the optic nerve atrophy

The causes of optic nerve atrophy are varied. The congenital form of the disease in children occurs due to genetic pathologies such as Leber's disease. In this case, partial atrophy of the optic nerve most often occurs. The acquired form of pathology occurs due to various diseases of a systemic and ophthalmic nature. Nerve death can occur due to:

  • compression of the vessels feeding the nerve or the nerve itself by a neoplasm in the skull;
  • myopia;
  • atherosclerosis leading to plaques in the vessels;
  • thrombosis of nerve vessels; v
  • inflammation of the vascular walls during syphilis or vasculitis;
  • violations of the structure of blood vessels due to diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure;
  • eye injury;
  • intoxication of the body during respiratory viral infections, with the use of large doses of alcohol, drugs or due to excessive smoking.

The ascending form of the disease occurs with eye diseases such as glaucoma and myopia. Causes of descending optic nerve atrophy:

  1. retrobulbar neuritis;
  2. traumatic damage to the place where the optic nerves cross;
  3. neoplasm in the pituitary gland of the brain.

Unilateral disease occurs due to diseases of the eyes or orbits, as well as from the initial stage of cranial diseases. Both eyes can immediately suffer from atrophy due to:

  • intoxications;
  • syphilis;
  • neoplasms in the skull;
  • poor blood circulation in the vessels of the nerve during atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension.

What is the clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms of optic nerve atrophy depend on the form of the disease. When this disease occurs, vision cannot be corrected with glasses. The most common symptom is decreased visual acuity. The second symptom is a change in the fields of visual function. On this basis, the doctor can understand how deeply the lesion has arisen.

The patient develops "tunnel vision", that is, a person sees as he would see if he put a tube to his eye. Peripheral (lateral) vision is lost and the patient sees only those objects that are directly in front of him. In most cases, such vision is accompanied by scotomas - dark spots in any part of the visual field. Later, a disorder of color perception begins, the patient first ceases to distinguish between green, then red.

With damage to nerve fibers that are concentrated as close as possible to the retina or directly in it, dark spots appear in the center of the visible image. With a deeper lesion, half of the image from the side of the nose or temple may disappear, depending on which side the lesion occurred. With secondary atrophy that has arisen due to any ophthalmic disease, the following symptoms occur:

  • the veins of the eyes dilate;
  • the vessels constrict;
  • the boundaries of the optic nerve area become smoothed;
  • retinal disc becomes pale.

Important! If even a slight clouding appears in the eye (or both eyes), it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Only by detecting the disease in time, it is possible to stop it at the stage of partial atrophy and restore vision, preventing complete atrophy.

What are the features of pathology in children

With a congenital form of the disease, it can be determined that the baby's pupils react poorly to light. When a child grows up, parents may notice that he does not react to an object brought to him from a certain side.

Important! A child under two or three years of age may not report that he or she has poor vision, and older children who have a congenital problem may not be aware that they can see differently. That is why it is necessary that the child be examined by an ophthalmologist annually, even if there are no symptoms visible to the parent.

Parents should take the child to the doctor if he rubs his eyes or unconsciously tilts his head to one side, trying to see something. The forced tilt of the head to some extent compensates for the function of the affected nerve and slightly sharpens vision. The main clinical picture of optic nerve atrophy in a child is the same as in an adult.

If diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, provided that the disease is not genetic, during which the nerve fibers are completely replaced by fibrous tissue even during fetal development, then the prognosis for the restoration of the optic nerve in children is more favorable than in adult patients.

How the disease is diagnosed

Diagnosis of atrophy of the optic nerve is carried out by an ophthalmologist, and primarily includes an examination of the fundus and the determination of visual fields using computer peripetry. It also determines which colors the patient can distinguish. Instrumental methods of diagnosis include:

  • x-ray of the cranium;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • angiography of the vessels of the eye;
  • video ophthalmological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the head.

Thanks to these studies, it is possible not only to identify the death of the optic nerve, but also to understand why it happened. It may also be necessary to consult related specialists.

How is optic nerve atrophy treated?

How to treat atrophy of the optic nerve should be decided by the doctor based on the studies. It should be noted right away that the treatment of this disease is very difficult, because nerve tissues regenerate very poorly. It is necessary to carry out complex systematic therapy, which should take into account the cause of the pathology, its prescription, the age of the patient, and his general condition. If some process inside the skull led to the death of the nerve (for example, a tumor or inflammation), then the treatment should be started by a neurosurgeon and a neuropathologist.

Medication treatment

With the help of drugs, you can increase blood circulation and nerve trophism, as well as stimulate the vital activity of healthy nerve fibers. Medical treatment includes taking:

  • vasodilators - No-Shpy and Dibazol;
  • vitamin B;
  • biogenic stimulants, for example, aloe extract;
  • drugs that improve microcirculation, such as Eufillin and Trental;
  • steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Hydrocortisone and Dexamethasone;
  • antibacterial drugs, if atrophy has an infectious-bacterial pathogenesis.

In addition, physical therapy procedures to stimulate the optic nerve, such as laser stimulation, magnetic therapy, or electrophoresis, may be required.

Microsurgical treatment is aimed at eliminating the compression of the nerve, as well as at increasing the diameter of the vessels that feed it. Conditions can also be created in which new vessels can grow. Surgery can only help with partial atrophy, if the nerves die off completely, then even through surgery it is impossible to restore visual function.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of optic nerve atrophy with folk remedies is permissible only at the initial stage of the disease, but it is not aimed at improving vision, but at eliminating the root cause of the disease.

Important! Self-medication without prior medical consultation can only aggravate the situation and lead to irreversible consequences.

If the disease is caused by high blood pressure, then plants with antihypertensive properties are used in therapy:

  • astragalus woolly-flowered;
  • small periwinkle;
  • hawthorn (flowers and fruits);
  • chokeberry;
  • Baikal skullcap (root);
  • Dahurian black cohosh;
  • large-flowered magnolia (leaves);
  • drier dryer.

Blueberries are useful for vision, they contain many vitamins, as well as anthocyanosides, which have a positive effect on the visual apparatus. For treatment, you need to mix one kilogram of fresh berries with one and a half kilograms of sugar and refrigerate. This mixture is taken in half a glass for a month. The course must be repeated twice a year, which will benefit even with good vision.

If dystrophic processes occur in the retina of the eye, especially those occurring against the background of low blood pressure, then tinctures will be useful, for the preparation of which are used:

  1. leaves of Chinese magnolia vine;
  2. lure roots;
  3. leuzea;
  4. ginseng;
  5. eleutherococcus;
  6. sea ​​buckthorn (fruits and pollen).

If incomplete necrosis of the nerves occurs or senile degenerative changes occur in the eyes, then anti-sclerotic plants should be taken:

  1. orange;
  2. cherry;
  3. hawthorn;
  4. cabbage;
  5. corn;
  6. seaweed;
  7. dandelion;
  8. chokeberry;
  9. garlic and onion.

Useful properties have carrots (contains a lot of carotene) and beets (rich in zinc)

What is the prognosis for optic nerve atrophy and its prevention

When diagnosing and starting therapy at an early stage of development, it is possible to maintain and even slightly increase visual acuity, as well as expand its fields. No treatment can fully restore visual function. If the disease progresses and there is no treatment, then this leads to disability due to complete blindness.

In order to prevent the necrosis of nerve fibers, it is necessary to undergo timely treatment of ophthalmic diseases, as well as diseases of the endocrine, neurological, infectious and rheumatological nature. Very important in prevention is the prevention of intoxication damage to the body.

Optic nerve atrophy is a pathological process in which nerve fibers are partially or completely destroyed, replaced by connective tissue. As a result, there is a violation of the functions of the nervous tissue. Most often, atrophy is a complication of some other eye disease.

With the progression of the process, there is a gradual death of neurons, as a result of which the information coming from the retina of the eye enters the brain in a distorted form. With the development of the disease, more and more cells die, eventually the entire nerve trunk is affected.

In this case, it becomes almost impossible to restore visual function. Therefore, treatment should be started at a very early stage, when the first signs of the disease appear.

How is optic nerve atrophy treated, what are the symptoms of this eye disease? We will talk about all this today on this page "Popular about health" with you. But let's start our conversation with the characteristic signs of this pathology:

Symptoms of atrophy of the nerve of the eye

It all starts with a decrease in vision. This process can occur gradually or rapidly, suddenly. It all depends on the location of the nerve lesion, on which segment of the trunk it develops. Depending on the severity of the pathological process, visual impairment is divided into degrees:

Uniform decline. It is characterized by a uniform deterioration in the ability to see objects, to distinguish colors.

Loss of side margins. A person distinguishes well between objects in front of him, but he sees poorly, or does not see at all what is on the side.

Loss of spots. Normal vision is hindered by a spot in front of the eye, which can have different sizes. Within its limits, a person does not see anything, outside of it, vision is normal.

In severe cases of complete atrophy, the ability to see is completely lost.

Treatment of optic nerve atrophy

As we already know, this pathological process is often a complication of another eye disease. Therefore, after the cause is discovered, a complex treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed and measures are taken to prevent further development of optic nerve atrophy.

In the event that the pathological process has just begun and has not yet had time to develop, it is usually possible to cure the nerve and visual functions are restored within a period of two weeks to several months.

If, by the time the treatment begins, atrophy has developed sufficiently, it is completely impossible to cure the optic nerve, since the destroyed nerve fibers cannot be restored in our time. If the damage is partial, rehabilitation is still possible to improve vision. But, with a severe stage of complete damage, it is still impossible to cure atrophy and restore visual functions.

Treatment of eye atrophy consists in the use of drugs, drops, injections (general and local), the action of which is aimed at improving blood circulation in the optic nerve, reducing inflammation, as well as restoring those nerve fibers that have not yet been completely destroyed. Additionally, physiotherapy methods are used.

Drugs used in the treatment:

To improve the blood circulation of the optic nerve, vasodilators are used: Nicotinic acid, No-shpu, Papaverine and Dibazol. Also, patients are prescribed Complamin, Eufillin, Trental. And also Galidor and Sermion. For the same purpose, anticoagulant preparations are used: Ticlid and Heparin.

In order to restore metabolic and regenerative processes in the tissues of the affected nerve, patients are prescribed biogenic stimulants, in particular Vitreous, Peat and aloe preparations. Vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and immunostimulants are also prescribed.

To stop, reduce the inflammatory process, hormone therapy is often used with the help of Prednisolone and Dexamethasone.
In addition, complex treatment includes drugs aimed at normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system: Cerebrolysin, Phezam, as well as Emoxipin, Nootropil and Cavinton.

The doctor prescribes all the above and other medicines individually, after finding out the cause of the pathological process and diagnosing the underlying disease. This takes into account the degree of damage to the optic nerve, the age of the patient, his general condition and the presence of concomitant diseases.

In addition to drugs, physiotherapeutic methods and acupuncture are actively used. Apply methods of magnetic, laser and electrical stimulation of the optic nerve trunk. According to the indications, the patient may be recommended surgical treatment.

Complex therapy is prescribed in courses that are repeated every few months.

In conclusion of our conversation, it should be noted that optic nerve atrophy cannot be cured by non-traditional means. You will only lose time. The pathological process will progress, increasingly reducing the chances of successful treatment and restoration of vision.

Therefore, if you have the symptoms described above, or other symptoms indicating the development of pathology, do not waste precious time and make an appointment with an experienced ophthalmologist. With timely treatment, the chances of restoring vision are significantly increased. Be healthy!

Optic disc atrophy (another name is optic neuropathy) is a pathology of a destructive nature that affects the nerve fibers that transmit visual impulses to the human brain. In the course of the disease, nerve fibers are replaced by connective tissue, which is physiologically incapable of performing visual functions. The consequences of atrophy can be moderate or severe (complete blindness).

Atrophy of the nervous tissue of the eye can be expressed in two forms: acquired and hereditary (congenital). Congenital is formed in a child as a result of diseases of genetic etiology. A disease acquired in the course of life (ascending or descending atrophy) can be triggered by glaucoma, inflammation, myopia, profuse bleeding, hypertension, or the presence of a brain tumor.

The main symptoms of damage to the nerve of the eyeballs are reduced to a decrease in visual acuity, which cannot be corrected independently with the help of flexible lenses or glasses. If the atrophy is progressive in nature, then vision can drop significantly over a period of several days to 2-3 months. Sometimes the disease ends in complete blindness. In the case of the development of incomplete (partial) atrophy of the optic nerve, vision drops to a certain level, and the process stops.

Visual dysfunction can manifest itself in the form of a narrowing of the visual fields, when the lateral visibility of objects is completely absent. Later, tunnel vision develops. If you do not resort to treatment in time, then small dark spots (scotomas) will begin to appear in areas of the patient's field of view. The disease is also accompanied by a color perception disorder.

All of the above signs will be revealed at the next appointment. at the ophthalmologist.


An analysis of the state of the visual apparatus should begin with a visit to an ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist). Ophthalmoscopy involves the study of blood vessels and the fundus of the patient, instrumental examination of the optic nerve head. After these manipulations, the doctor will announce the need for a deep examination.

For an accurate diagnosis of optic nerve dystrophy, the following studies are needed:

  • Angiography of the fluorescent type. Using the above method, even the smallest vessels of the visual organs can be examined. The procedure of highly sensitive photography occurs after the introduction of a special coloring substance into them. Thus, areas with impaired blood supply are detected;
  • General and biochemical analysis of blood. Conducting a patient's blood test is necessary to identify possible infections and inflammatory processes that affect the functioning of the eyes;
  • Magnetic resonance and computed tomography. The study helps to get a detailed, three-dimensional picture of the state of the optic nerve and eye socket on the screen of the tomograph. The complete image is formed from many slices, which are layer-by-layer superimposed on each other. The methods are highly informative, non-contact, and make it possible to study the fundus of the eye and the fibers of the human optic nerve;
  • X-ray examination of the skull or craniography. A snapshot of the patient's skull is necessary to exclude or determine compression of the optic nerve by the bones of the skull;
  • With glaucoma and concomitant nerve atrophy, tonometry, the measurement of intraocular pressure, can provide important information.

In some cases, the ophthalmologist refers the patient to a consultation with other narrow specialists: a neurosurgeon, a neurologist, a rheumatologist, and a vascular surgeon. Later, all data will be compared to make a final diagnosis.


As medical practice shows, it is not possible to carry out a complete restoration of the optic nerve in glaucoma, since the destroyed nerve fibers will never return to their previous state.

In order to at least partially cure optic nerve atrophy, therapeutic measures should be started as early as possible. It is necessary to know that this dystrophy can be an independent disease, and can only be a consequence of other specific pathological processes. In the case of the latter option, treatment will be aimed at identifying and stopping these pathologies. Complex therapy includes a whole course of drugs in the form of tablets, injections, eye drops.

Therapeutic restoration of the optic nerve consists of the following steps:

  1. Taking drugs to improve the flow and circulation of blood to the vessels. The so-called vasodilator drugs include No-shpu, Eufillin, Papaverine, Sermion, tablets based on nicotinic acid. An excellent result was shown by anticoagulants (Heparin, Ticlid).
  2. The use of agents that stimulate the regeneration of atrophied tissues and metabolic processes in them. This type of drugs includes biostimulants (aloe extract, peat, vitreous body), vitamin complexes (Ascorutin, group B1, B2, B6), specific enzymes (Lidaza), immunostimulating agents (ginseng, tincture of Eleutherococcus), amino acids in the form of glutamic acid.
  3. Atrophy of the optic nerve may be preceded by some inflammatory process. You can stop it with the help of hormonal type drugs (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone).
  4. An obligatory stage of treatment is to improve the functioning of the patient's central nervous system. This can be achieved with the following drugs: Cerebrolysin, Phezam, Nootropil. These medications should never be prescribed independently. Get expert advice.
  5. Physiotherapy procedures. Patients with partial or complete atrophy are shown to stimulate the optic nerve using a magnetic or laser device. Assistance in the treatment will provide electrophoresis, ultrasonic exposure.

Statistics show that treatment with folk remedies is ineffective and can cause irreparable harm, as a person misses time, and the disease gradually progresses.

In especially severe and advanced cases, the patient will be prescribed surgical treatment. It consists in the elimination of neoplasms that compress parts of the optic nerve. Perhaps the introduction of biomaterials that will stimulate the flow of blood to the atrophied nerve.

The above treatment in the complex gives a positive result, but it must be repeated after a certain period of time.

If even after therapy, vision still continues to decline, then a person is assigned a disability of the corresponding group.

Prognosis for partial atrophy of the optic nerve

Partial atrophy, or the diagnosis of PAIS, is a condition in which a certain percentage of residual vision is preserved, but color perception is impaired, and the visual fields are narrowed. This phenomenon cannot be corrected, but it does not progress either.

Various infectious diseases, severe intoxications, hereditary factors, injuries, eye ailments such as glaucoma, inflammation, and damage to retinal tissues can provoke a destructive process, as with complete dystrophy. If a person has lost peripheral vision in one eye, then you should immediately contact your local optometrist.

PAID in both eyes is a disease whose symptoms are severe or moderate. Characterized by a gradual deterioration of vision and its acuity, pain during the movement of the eyeballs. Some patients develop tunnel vision, in which the entire visual field of vision is limited to objects that are only directly in front of the eyes. The final symptom is the appearance of cattle or blind spots.

The peculiarity of partial atrophy of the optic nerve is that correct and timely treatment gives a favorable prognosis. Of course, doctors will not succeed in restoring the initial visual acuity. The main goal of therapy is to maintain vision at a constant level. Specialists prescribe vasodilators, drugs that improve metabolism and blood flow in the body.

All patients should additionally take multivitamins, immunostimulants.


Measures to prevent partial loss of vision or complete blindness are the timely appeal to the ophthalmologist, the correct treatment of diseases that cause atrophy processes. It is extremely important to try to avoid all kinds of injuries and damage associated with the visual organs or the cranial bone.

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