What signs indicate the presence of pathology of the ovary. The main signs that a man will leave you soon

Society typology
1. Factory production is developed in country H. What other signs indicate that it is developing as an industrial-type society?
1. Democratization of political life takes place, political freedoms are proclaimed
2. Religion has a significant impact on the development of society
3. A class of industrial workers is formed
4. There is a division of labor
5. There is a mechanization of production
6. Agriculture is developing
2. In country H, the proportion of the urban population is constantly growing. What other signs indicate that country H is developing as an industrial society?
1. Entrepreneurship, diligence, education are recognized as the most important social values

4. Labor mobility of the population is high, the possibilities of social movements are practically unlimited

6. Citizens achieved voting rights and political freedoms
3. Agriculture is developed in country H. What are the signs that country H is developing as a traditional society?
1. Nuclear families predominate
2. There is a formation of a class-based social structure
3. The Church plays a significant role in public life
4. Low level of social mobility, opportunities for social movement are limited
5. There is mechanization and automation of production
6. Production becomes intensive
4. The economy of country H is based on subsistence farming and handicrafts. What other signs indicate that country H is developing as a society of a traditional type?
1. Public consciousness is based on religious values
2. The leading sector of the economy is industry
3. Extensive technologies prevail
4. The communal form of ownership dominates
5. A market economy is emerging
6. There is mechanization and automation of production
5. Find signs in the list that indicate that country H is developing as a post-industrial society:
1. In country H, the production of manufactured goods is mechanized.
2. Science-intensive industries and means of communication are developing in country H
3. Country H has the necessary conditions for continuing education
4. A virtual culture is actively developing in country H
5. Country H is dominated by extensive technologies
6. Access to information is one of the conditions for competitive success
6. Japanese society is distinguished by its adherence to history and tradition. The Japanese themselves claim that they represent a post-industrial traditional society and new technologies, modern technology does not interfere with tradition. Select statements from the list that allow you to assert that elements of traditional society are preserved in modern Japan:
1. The Japanese approve and honor the emperor, symbolizing the unity of the nation
2. Many residents of Japan are adherents of the ancient religion of Shinto, dating back to pagan cults, the deification of nature
3. The Japanese build artificial islands out of garbage and build earthquake-resistant skyscrapers on them.
4. The Japanese remain committed to family customs, celebrate family holidays and rituals
5. Residents of Japan travel on hovercraft and on multi-tiered highways
7. Country H is in the Northern Hemisphere. It is multinational, the majority of the population lives in urban agglomerations. The basis of its economy is a large-scale factory industry. What signs characterize the type of society to which country H belongs?
1. Widespread networked electronic communications
2. Dominance in the regulation of economic processes of the economic experience of ancestors
3. Introduction of mass standardized production of economic goods
4. Approval of compulsory secondary education, expansion of the role and importance of science and education
5. Adoption of democratic traditions, multi-party system and parliamentarism
6. The division of society into estates, closed groups of people with inherited rights and obligations
8. Read the text below, each position of which is a letter.
A) the majority of able-bodied people are employed in agriculture and crafts
B) network technologies are widely used in the management of society
C) society is divided according to class
D) collectivist values ​​prevail in the mentality of people
E) the service sector and the high technology sector have the highest development dynamics
E) there is a process of urbanization, growth and development of cities
Society types:
1. Traditional 2. Industrial 3. Post-industrial
9. In country H, the urban population is growing faster than the rural population. What other signs indicate that country H is developing as an industrial society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. The state guaranteed the personal freedom of citizens and creates conditions for the self-realization of the individual
2. There is a formation of a class social structure
3. Religious organizations play a key role in public life
4. Natural exchange prevails (barter)
5. There was a mechanization of production
6. Production is concentrated in large enterprises, in industrial areas
10. Choose the correct judgments about an industrial-type society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. An industrial type society characterizes a high level of social mobility
2. An industrial type society characterizes the predominance of state ownership
3. An industrial type society characterizes the dominance of collectivist forms of consciousness
4. An industrial type society characterizes the value of a free individual and his rights
5. An industrial type society characterizes the adaptive nature of people's activities
11. In country D, there is an increase in the role of education, which is becoming a defining characteristic of social status and creative potential. What other signs indicate that this country is developing as an information society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. Statement of faith in science
2. A sharp increase in creativity in labor
3. Turning services into the main product of production
4. Global, uncontrolled human impact on nature
5. The transformation of capital into the main factor of production
6. The introduction of computer technology in various areas of life
12. In country K, 75% of the population is employed in agriculture. What other signs indicate that this country is an example of a traditional society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1. Withdrawal into the inner spiritual life
2. The priority of the economy in solving social problems
3. Contemplative attitude towards nature
4. Accelerated pace of life
5. Severity of behavioral regulators
6. Variety and quick change of art styles
13. Country H is dominated by the desire to harmonize the relationship between society and nature. In the economy, the service sector comes to the fore, there is an individualization of production and consumption. What type of society is developing in country H? Name any three features corresponding to this type of society that are not indicated in the condition of the problem.

1. 135
2. 1456
3. 234
4. 1456
5. 2346
6. 124
7. 345
8. 131132
9. 156
10. 14
11. 236
12. 135
13. Information society.
Information is the leading factor of production
Science-intensive production and means of communication are developing
Growing proportion of the middle class
Necessary conditions for continuous education have been created

Remember that everything is secret, someday it becomes clear! We mean that people who like to drink often hide their addiction to alcohol from the surrounding eyes, doing it alone and each time in an unfamiliar place so that they don’t recognize him - they don’t consider themselves alcoholics at all, and even more so, they deny that such a problem and dependence exists in general.

But there are 8 signs by which you can easily recognize even the most secretive alcoholic.

It is customary to say that hidden alcoholism is a phenomenon in which a person prone to alcoholism hides his addiction to alcohol from others. In narcology, the concept of “hidden alcoholism” does not exist, although psychologists sometimes use this term. However, this problem, in which a person actively tries to hide their own illness or tendency to it, is serious and requires treatment.

So, here are the signs that your loved one has a drinking problem.

1. They don't think they have a problem.
As a rule, no alcoholic recognizes. That he is an alcoholic. And these in particular. They can be successful in life, succeed at work and have a normal family. “What if I have a beer after work,” they say. But the truth is that hidden alcoholism is still alcoholism.

2. They may not drink all the time, but when they take a drink, they lose control.
They don't drink every day, no. But such people can get up, take their children to school, go to work, come in, cook dinner, uncork a bottle of wine and ... drink everything to the last drop. When they drink, they lose control of this process.

3. They have memory problems
This is a common feature that unites both hidden and real alcoholics. Sometimes after even a small amount of alcohol for some moments their memory is turned off.

4. They become irritable without alcohol.
A clear sign of alcoholism - a person sits down on a "fire potion" and over time, this addiction becomes only stronger. When they go without drinking anything for too long, they become irritable and sometimes even aggressive. Sometimes it can even manifest itself physically: they begin to sweat a lot, their heartbeat quickens.

5. They will give up food in favor of a drink.
Closet alcoholics may only use food as an excuse to have a drink. At the same time, food may not be touched at all, preferring to drink calories.

6. They lie to cover up their addiction.
To make others and, first of all, the family less suspicious, they can compose a completely reliable fiction for themselves that they are stuck in a traffic jam, while in reality they went into a bar.

7. They shut themselves off from the world.
They will also find an excuse not to go to a family dinner or a party that is not very important. Why? They want to drink to their heart's content so that no one can judge them.

8. They always have an excuse.
Closet alcoholics always have an excuse: they "drink a little," they "had a hard day," they "met a friend they haven't seen in a hundred years." And this is related to the first point - they do not recognize their problem.

Now, knowing about these 8 signs of hidden alcoholism, take a close look at your family and friends, perhaps some of them need your help and support for a long time, and you, due to your busyness and inattention, did not notice this before.

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Here are collected signs that may indicate that a man is a drug addict, an alcoholic (even a former one), that he may have mental disorders, that he is prone to dominance, violence and cruelty.

Any of these signs is a danger signal.

If you're only dating a man, I advise you not to rely on the fact that it only seems to you and that later, when he truly loves you (or when you show how much you love him), he will change.

If a man showed any of these symptoms, it was only because he did not keep track of himself and could not veil what he would like to hide from you ahead of time.

If you find one of these signs when you have already arrived on a fiancee visa, I urge you to carefully talk about returning. It turns out that the man successfully hid his essence, which means that he is very cunning and therefore doubly dangerous. I don't scare, I just warn.

Read real stories. These women also believed and hoped that everything would be different.

Signs indicating that:
- the man is socially disadvantaged,
He is likely to have a mental disorder
He is prone to dominance, cruelty and violence.

  • He is very casually dressed (clothes may be too minty, dirty, smelly).
  • He doesn't know how to eat well.
  • Takes some medication.
  • He says that he took drugs, smoked weed, was an alcoholic, but was cured of this.

Be aware that former drug addicts and alcoholics may have mental health issues. In addition, any situation that changes an established life is enough for a relapse. Marriage, especially to a foreigner with emerging problems, is very stressful for such people. Narcologists say that even falling in love is contraindicated for them, since strong emotions can cause a breakdown and a new round of the disease.

  • He is overly constrained: he does not know where to put his arms, legs and even his head.
  • He has the walk of an insecure person.
  • He proudly repeats endlessly that he feels like a child, and you notice that he behaves this way, especially in difficult situations.
  • He likes to speculate about injustice about ordinary life situations.
  • He puts himself in the center of attention, as if you do not exist.
  • He does not try to please you (I do not mean expensive gifts and gifts in general).
  • Expects from you service, obedience, sitting locked up at home.
  • He speaks first of all about himself and his desires.
  • Or he is silent about himself, and he asks you for the smallest details, especially about your former men and intimate relationships with them.
  • He does not trust you, he constantly suspects something.
  • Asks if you were beaten as a child, raped by men or brothers.
  • You are constantly being wrong, and he is not to blame for anything.
  • He has too frequent mood swings, outbursts of aggressiveness, jealousy.
  • He has sudden mood swings: he was just sweet and affectionate
  • and suddenly fell into a rage; and vice versa.
  • He is easily offended, says that you don't like/respect/don't want to understand him, etc., when in fact he's just not in a good mood.
  • Almost always it turns out that you are to blame for everything (fault, wrong).
  • If something unpleasant happens, he always says that it is because of someone, that it was someone who did it wrong, but like that.
  • He constantly reproaches you for something or tries to convict you of something.
  • It turns out that everyone else is to blame for the fact that he is in a bad mood or that he is annoyed.

Pay attention to how he builds phrases, talking about his mood. The would-be tyrant says "You make me angry" instead of the usual "I am angry". Or: "You hurt me by not doing what I ask you" (You "re hurting me by not doing what I tell you).

  • At the slightest misunderstanding and misunderstanding, he throws a tantrum, or a scandal, or begins to sort things out.
  • During a quarrel, he kicks you out.
  • If you are in a quarrel, it can interfere with sleep, wakes you up with ferocious curses.
  • After a quarrel (after calming down or the next day) he can ask for forgiveness (sometimes even cry at the same time!), Or he can explain the outburst of anger by the fact that, supposedly, he thought that you thought this way and not that way. In general, it bears obvious nonsense.
  • He talks about a very difficult childhood, that his parents did not love him, etc.
  • She cries when she talks about her life.
  • Aggression is constantly felt in his words: he criticizes you and everyone around, says frankly cruel things.
  • He calls names, humiliates you or other people. Or accompanies stories from his life with offensive characteristics of different people (wife, parents, children, subordinates, colleagues, bosses, neighbors, etc.)
  • During intimacy, as if jokingly, he uses force. He likes to throw you, hurt you, for example, tightly clench your hands or forcibly hold you in some position that is uncomfortable for you.
  • He talks with pleasure about rape (rape), you feel that this idea is attractive to him.
  • When he doesn’t like something, he swings at you, barely restraining himself so as not to hit. Or he can even hit, and after that he says that you yourself made him do it (you made me do it), because you don’t understand otherwise.
  • He says that he beat (hitting, hit, beat, beating) his wife or ex-girlfriend, explaining that she made him do it (She "made" me do it).
  • Threats often sound in his words, like "I'll kill you" (I "ll kill you), I'll break your neck" (I "ll break your neck). Then he says that this is just a joke, or that "Everyone says so "(Everybody talks that way) or "I didn't mean it" (I didn't really mean it).
  • He explains his rude behavior towards you by being nervous (due to problems at work, due to divorce, etc., etc.).
  • You do not like much in his behavior, but he says that later, when you become his wife, everything will be completely different.
  • Apologizing after a scandal or outburst of anger, he assures you that when you become his wife, you will never see him angry and gray-haired.

If you notice any oddities in your chosen one, do not persuade yourself, do not close your eyes to it. Better start again- Save time and nerves.

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Ovarian cyst- the most common gynecological pathology, the neoplasm can have a different character, so the symptoms of cysts are different. Let's talk about what signs indicate the presence of a pathology of one type or another.

Cystic formations on the ovarian cavity or inside appear quite often. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different, hence the different nature of the tumor compaction. Cysts mostly occur without signs, therefore, it is possible to determine their presence in the body only during a gynecological examination and ultrasound.Symptoms are absent not only when an ovarian cyst is formed: it is also impossible to fix how it resolves. That is why many women do not even know about the pathological changes in the body and are surprised at the diagnosis.

Cyst of the right and left ovary: symptoms

Cystic formations can appear on the left or right ovary, or on both sides at once. Most often, a cyst of the right ovary is formed, depending on the type of pathology, the symptoms may be absent or manifest indistinctly. The main symptom of the disease are failures in the cycle. If the menses are irregular, take on an uncharacteristic appearance, pain in the lower abdomen appears in the pre-ovulatory period, then you need to be examined for the presence of cystic tumors.

If at the stage of formation of an ovarian cyst there are practically no symptoms, then with any complications of the neoplasm (inflammation, rupture, torsion of the cyst leg), the clinical picture changes dramatically. There is severe pain, nausea, fever.


The cyst of the left ovary, according to statistics, occurs less frequently than the right, the symptoms during its formation are also practically absent. Pathology is indicated by pulling pains on the left during menstruation, patients experience bloating. Symptoms become pronounced with the growth of the cyst or complications: there is severe pain, bleeding, vomiting, high fever. You can observe other signs: it all depends on the type of cyst.

Functional ovarian cyst: symptoms

The safest tumor-like formation is considered to be a functional ovarian cyst, it can be of two types (follicular and luteal), on which the symptoms of the pathology depend. If the follicular ovarian cyst is small, that is, does not exceed six centimeters, then the symptoms of the presence of pathology are not recorded. Sometimes, due to a cystic cavity on the ovaries, the level of estrogen rises, which leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle, pathological bleeding appears between periods.


The ovarian corpus luteum cyst, like the follicular one, almost always has no symptoms. Some patients complain of a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, discomfort. Menstruation may be slightly delayed. Before menstruation and during regular bleeding, there is a slight soreness on the side of the formation.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst: symptoms

A neoplasm of the endometrioid type can lead to serious complications, so it is important to identify such a pathology in time. The endometrioid ovarian cyst has pronounced symptoms, focusing on which you can determine the disease. The symptoms of pathology include:

  • aching pains in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back;
  • algemonorrhea;
  • violation of urination and defecation;
  • bleeding from the vagina after menstruation;
  • regularly observed slight increase in temperature.

Among the main signs of endometriosis are unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. If conception does not occur for a long time, while there are no diseases, then it is necessary to check for the presence of a cystic formation of this type. With complications of the endometrioid cyst, the condition rapidly worsens, the pain becomes sharp, vomiting appears, and the skin turns pale.

Dermoid ovarian cyst: symptoms

A dermoid cyst also belongs to benign ovarian tumors, which often occur in the female body, with such a pathology, the symptoms are slightly expressed, they appear with the growth of the formation and complications. Usually, the presence of a dermoid is indicated by regular pulling pains and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. If the tumor becomes large, then the abdomen may increase asymmetrically. Large cysts put pressure on the intestines, which causes diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.

With inflammation of the dermoid, the temperature rises sharply, the pain syndrome intensifies, and the general condition worsens. When the pedicle connecting the pathological cavity with the ovary is twisted, an “acute abdomen” is observed, a sharp weakness to the point of fainting. The presence of at least one symptom indicating a gynecological pathology is a reason for going to the doctor. If the signs of a cyst are ignored, then unpleasant consequences can occur.

Latent depression is often difficult to diagnose, since the patient does not have suicidal thoughts and from the outside it seems that a person lives a full life, but even suspiciousness, a feeling of " coma in the throat» or persistent headaches are a reason to seek help from a qualified specialist.

Editorial Clutch will tell you What are the signs of latent depression?, because now, with the onset of cold weather, this topic is especially relevant.

In a person who has a hidden depression, the Great Philosopher wakes up. Moreover, he often thinks very vaguely, as a rule, he begins to talk about why he attaches so much importance to what he does, whether he should continue to do his former business at all, he begins to think how he will spend his old age, and whether he will spend it at all? Abstract formulations and conversations about the great, in which subtle matters are touched upon, at least slightly alleviate the condition of the patient, at least it seems so to him. In fact, the more specific thoughts and words a person uses, the more likely it is that he will enjoy everything he does.

Reproductive memory impairment

There is a deterioration in reproductive memory and brain activity slows down, a person notices that it is really difficult for him to concentrate on an important matter for him. At the moment when you need to clearly and quickly give an answer to a question or tell information, a person, knowing it, cannot “collect thoughts together”. He needs time for everything to “settle down” in his head, and only then can he remember the information he has known for a long time.

Signs of hidden depression

Decreased motivation

Here happens professional burnout, and a creative crisis, and a decrease in activity, and a loss of interest in life in general. It is not so important for a person what happens in the family, what the weather is outside the window,. And the point is not that he does not have time to “digest” such information, but that there is no interest ... Complete depression, eating sweets in a bad mood and alcohol abuse are also signs of hidden depression.

There are sexual disorders

If a man who suffers from latent depression decreases, then a woman’s menstrual cycle is disturbed, and PMS makes itself felt more clearly.

Hypochondria and hypochondria

A person is concerned about his well-being even when he is not sick and his health is not in danger. A certain hypochondriac wakes up in him - he is absolutely healthy, but he is really afraid, suffers that something terrible can happen to him (be it an accident or an incurable disease). On this basis of obsessive fears, his sleep is disturbed, frequent unreasonable anxieties occur, weight decreases, biliary dyskinesias, chest pains, sensations of a lump in the throat, somatic diseases are observed, constipation or irritable bowel syndrome are often tormented.

On examination, the doctor usually does not confirm the presence of pathologies in the "exciting" organs, and persistent, untreated pains themselves disappear imperceptibly when a person undergoes an examination and finds out that he has no reason to worry about that, but this is not the end of the torment hypochondriac. Why? The answer is simple: he “diagnoses” another new somatic disease in himself.

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