How to lose weight in calves? Complete practical guide. How to make calves thinner

If you have large, thick or disproportionately large calves, know that the situation can be corrected. It is almost impossible to reduce a separate part of the body, but you can make the calves thinner if you lose weight. Exercise will strengthen the muscles in your calves. If you have a lot of fat, losing weight can help, but if your calves are made of muscle, it will be difficult to achieve graceful calves. Proper nutrition will help you become leaner, which can affect the appearance of your calves. In addition, your calves may become large due to certain habits. To fix the situation, you need to understand what you are doing wrong.


Choice of exercises

Types of cardio exercises
Prolonged walking on level ground. Walking is the least effective type of cardio exercise, but walking is suitable for beginners, overweight people, and those recovering from injuries. This is a low-intensity form of cardio.
Fast run. Running burns more calories, but it has a greater effect on the joints and bones.
Swimming. Swimming is a great high-intensity exercise with minimal risk of injury.
A ride on the bicycle. This is a high-intensity exercise, but it does not seriously affect the bones and joints. The bike is suitable for people of almost any level of training.
Classes on the ellipsoid. An elliptical is an alternative to running because the machine mimics the movement of running but puts less stress on your joints.

To make your calves thinner, do strength exercises. If your calves are lacking in definition, strength training will help you lose weight overall. Muscle needs more calories than fat.

Strength training with light weights

They will help you build muscle mass and lose weight without increasing in volume. If you already have bulging calves, these exercises will not help solve the problem.

Squat. Use your own weight in the exercises.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your belt, bend your knees.

This exercise will help you strengthen your calf and thigh muscles. To make the exercise harder, try putting your weight on your toes instead of your heels. This way you will burn more calories and load your calves less. Hold the position at the bottom for 2-3 seconds and straighten up. Do 10-15 reps in one set.

  • If you squat with weight in your hands, your calves can grow in size.
  • To help balance, extend your arms out in front of you, palms down, parallel to the floor.
  • Combined with other exercises, squats will help you burn more calories and fat and build muscle.
  • Rise up on your toes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, grab a chair or table with your hand. Rise up on your toes, lift your heels off the ground. Hold for a second and return to the starting position. You will feel tension in your calves. Do 20 reps in one set.

    Kick an imaginary ball with your feet. Stand in front of a ball-high step, place your hands on your waist and kick one leg forward so that your toes touch the step (or imaginary ball). The second leg should stand behind at the distance of the foot. Then switch legs. Repeat the movements quickly and without stopping. You will feel a burning sensation in your calf muscles.

    Avoid exercises that put a lot of stress on your calves. If you have muscular calves,

    loading them can make them even more massive.

    Avoid exercises that cause burning in the calf muscles, as this indicates a large load. Avoid the following exercises:

    Calf-heavy exercises
    Climbing uphill by running or walking. While walking and running puts a strain on your calves, it's not a good idea to skip these exercises completely, but try not to walk or run uphill.
    Climbing stairs or climbing. Do not get carried away with the step machine, climbing stairs and rock climbing.
    Rope jumping. Finger jumping is a great cardio exercise, but it can make your calves grow.
    Rise on socks. This exercise will increase the size of your calves if you already have muscular ones.
    Sprint. Sprinters run on their toes, which puts a lot of strain on their calves.

    Proper nutrition

    1. Count calories. It is impossible to lose weight pointwise, but you can lose weight in general, which will also reduce the coverage of the legs. To lose weight, you should

      spend more calories than you consume

      To do this, you need to understand how many calories you burn and how much you exercise.

      • You can use fitness apps (MyFitnessPal, MyPlate Tracker (in English)).
      • Daily calorie intake depends on gender, age, level of physical activity and other factors. Talk to a dietitian and ask them to put together a meal plan for you.
      • Eat at least 1200 calories per day.

    2. Eat foods low in fat. If you have extra fat in your calves and need to lose weight, you won't be able to eat to lose calves in the first place, but you can eat less fat to lose weight overall. Choose

      healthy fats: avocados, nuts, olive oil.

    3. Eat more fruits and vegetables. A diet rich in fruit will ensure that your body gets all the vitamins, minerals, and fiber it needs. All fruits and vegetables will do, but the most useful will be:

    4. Replace processed cereals with whole grains. Whole grains are a great source of fiber, which helps you feel full faster. As a result, you will eat less frequently. Processed grains cause blood sugar fluctuations, making you often feel hungry and tired.

      • Whole grain cereals are wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain pasta, and barley.
      • Processed grains include white bread, white rice, regular pasta, and most crackers and baked goods.
    5. Choose lean protein sources. Protein plays an important role in any diet. It fills you up faster and gives you energy. This allows

      eat less and spend more calories.

      Choose lean protein sources over fatty ones (avoid pork ribs and fatty steaks). Eat more:

      • lean meat (chicken, turkey, lean beef);
      • legumes (peas, beans, lentils);
      • low-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt).

    Lifestyle changes

    1. Try to keep your weight on the whole foot at all times. You may be putting a lot of stress on your calves while walking. For example, you put your weight on your toes instead of your heel. and fingers.

      • You may not even notice how you walk. Ask a friend to observe your walk and give an honest opinion.
      • Try curling your fingers a little while exercising. For example, if you're doing squats, lift your toes off the ground and put your weight on your heels.

    2. Tilts to toes. Sit with your legs together and gently lean forward, trying to reach your toes with your hands. Bend over until you feel discomfort and burning in your calves. Hold for 15 seconds.
      Stretching with a wide setting of the legs. Place one foot in front of you, the other behind at a comfortable distance. Bend your front leg and keep your back leg off the ground. Look ahead as you stretch the back of your calf. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.
      Stretching with a step. Place one foot on the floor, and stretch the other forward so that half of the foot is on the step. Lean forward, feel the stretch in the leg that is on the step. Hold for 15-20 seconds and repeat with the other leg.
      Head down dog pose. Lie on your stomach, put your hands shoulder-width apart, straighten your legs. Stand on your palms, push the body up, transfer the weight to the heels. The body should form an inverted "V". Hold for 25-30 seconds.
      • Remember that genetics play an important role in how your calves look. If you have a predisposition for large calves, it will be very difficult for you to reduce them.
      • Walk on the treadmill.
      • Ask a therapist or exercise therapist to analyze how you walk. You may be putting too much pressure on your calves while walking, causing them to grow in size. By strengthening the muscles of the legs, you can make the sparks more slender.


      • Talk to your doctor before starting a new workout or diet plan. This is especially important if you have serious health problems (such as diabetes).
  • (2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

    When losing weight, extra pounds go unevenly. Fat deposits are the last to leave problem areas: the abdomen, sides, hips. The calf area is also one of the most difficult.

    Many women are faced with the problem of voluminous legs and do not know how to lose weight in calves. You can throw off excess weight from the tops. For a successful result, it is recommended to exercise and adjust the diet.

    Why fat is deposited on the calves

    In ideal proportions of the body, the calves of the legs coincide in girth with the biceps. But some have much more, even surpassing male calves in volume. Female representatives are complex about this, they are embarrassed to wear short skirts or shorts, they are looking for ways to do so in order to lose weight in their calves.

    There are the following reasons that affect the volume of the legs:

    • Genetic predisposition - if female relatives had massive calves, then this feature can be passed on to another girl from their family.
    • Hormonal failure in the body - an increased level of estrogen and a low testosterone level leads to an uneven distribution of body fat. Excess weight accumulates in the lower part of the body - on the hips and calves.
    • Sports activities - this is due to the fact that some sports (ballroom dancing, football, athletics) involve a serious load on the front arch of the foot. Regular training pumps and increases the muscles of the lower leg.
    • Excessive excess weight - fat is deposited even in muscle tissues, with a high percentage of deposits accumulates in the thighs and calves.
    • Love for stilettos and heels - wearing such shoes involves a load on the Achilles muscle, which becomes short. Other muscles in the legs grow and increase in size, which leads to the massiveness of the shins.

    Swelling of the legs also affects the size of the calves, this is facilitated by malnutrition, regular alcohol consumption, and insufficient clean water.

    Rules for weight loss in calves

    1. Follow the principles of smart eating. Eliminate snacks, with a strong feeling of hunger, drink a glass of kefir with a low percentage of fat content. Do not have dinner at a late time (optimally - 4 hours before bedtime).
    2. Drink clean water: 1.5 - 2 liters per day will speed up the metabolism. But avoid carbonated or sugary liquids.
    3. You should not pump calves in the gym. Additional load will lead to the fact that the shins will only increase in volume. For help, contact a trainer, he will help you choose exercises to lose weight in a problem area.
    4. Don't forget to stretch before starting your workout. Girls are encouraged to do special exercises to lose weight on their calves. The complex is developed taking into account problem areas.
    5. To lose calves, you can not go on a strict diet and starve yourself. Fat will not leave the problem area without exercise. It is better to stick to a balanced diet.
    6. Before losing weight, find out the cause of voluminous calves. After its resolution, you can begin to get rid of excess weight and create an ideal figure.

    Following these requirements will not bring results in a short period of time, but in a couple of months you will be pleased with the positive changes.

    What does dietitian say

    Many women wonder if healthy foods or diet can solve the problem of large calves. Nutrition plays an important role, an integrated approach will help in the fight against massive tops. But with weight loss, not only the calves will decrease, but also the rest of the body.

    To achieve the result, take note of the following rules:

    • a complete rejection of junk food - appetizing, but useless foods have become one of the main problems of the time. Simple carbohydrates do not bring any useful substances to the body; they are deposited with excess fat on the waist, sides, shoulders, and legs. Give up sugar and products containing this component. You should not eat semi-finished products, fast food, purchased sauces (mayonnaise, etc.), soft wheat products. Smoked meats, marinades and other pickles retain excess water in the body;
    • enter healthy foods into your diet - focus on protein foods. These include eggs, meat, fish. But choose low-fat varieties. Favorably affect the body fermented milk products of low fat content, fruits, herbs, vegetables, nuts. Also, do not forget about unsaturated fats, without which normal functioning is impossible. These substances are found in vegetable oils (sunflower, olive,). Slow carbohydrates give particular strength - (only brown varieties), buckwheat, durum wheat pasta;
    • keep the drinking regime - drinking plenty of water speeds up the metabolism. Water should be clean, without gas, sugar and other additives. 1.5 - 2 liters per day will relieve puffiness and remove unnecessary toxins, toxins;

    Do not forget about the principles of proper nutrition. Reduce portion sizes by increasing the number of meals. It is optimal if you eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

    What exercises to do

    To reduce the volume in the area of ​​the tops, it is necessary to apply exercises to reduce the calves. You can perform exercises at home, it is not necessary to attend fitness or Pilates courses. But you should do it every day or every other day.

    1. Take a step with your left foot, rising to the platform (note that the center of gravity falls on the left foot), put your right foot on it. Lower your left foot to the floor, then step your right foot forward. Repeat alternately, ten times on each leg. Do the exercise at a fast pace.
    2. Step your right foot forward wide. Slowly bend your leg at the knee until you feel pain. The center of gravity should be on the left leg (it is the supporting one). Both feet should be level, do not rise on toes or heels. Sitting down, linger for 8 - 10 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat ten times for each leg. After the exercise, you will begin to stretch the muscles on the legs and the inner side of the thigh. The lesson will help you lose weight in your calves without pumping them up.
    3. Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Alternately pull up the toes of the right and left feet, but the heels should remain on the floor. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
    4. Stand facing the wall and rest against it with both hands. Bend the left leg at the knee, place the right leg on the shin of the left leg. In this position, stand on tiptoe 10 times, then change your leg and repeat the exercise.

    This complex will help stretch the muscles of the calves of the legs, gradually the problem area will decrease in volume. Skipping rope, swimming and light jogging help in the fight against bulky calves.

    Gym exercises

    The advantage of the gym is that during classes you can use sports equipment. For weight loss of calves, an empty bar is useful. Basic exercises help to lose weight in the legs and strengthen the buttocks.

    1. Take the bar from the bar without weights and put it on your shoulders. Squat slowly, without jerking. While squatting, gently move your buttocks back and keep your back straight. Press your feet flat on the floor, knees apart. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
    2. In the fight against full calves, exercises on will help. Place your right foot on the step, lift the other and bend at the knee. Try to touch your chest. Get on the floor and repeat with your left leg. Do the exercise in a quick rhythm, 10 sets for each leg.
    3. Stand on the platform with both feet. Lower your left foot down in front of you, then return to the step. Repeat 10-15 times for each leg. This exercise promotes weight loss in the calf muscles.
    4. At the end of the complex, take the rope and jump 30-50 times. This activity improves the condition of the legs, thighs, buttocks.

    In the gym, you can ask for help from qualified trainers, they will assess the general condition of the figure and help tighten (pump or dry) the problem area.

    Massage to help

    Regular massage of the leg muscles is an additional procedure that stimulates the process of losing weight on the hips, shins and ankles. Massage is best done in the evening. Intensive stroking of the calves and rubbing will relieve puffiness and help remove excess salt.

    Take any oil you like (peach, rose, almond). Apply to skin and make circular motions. Move from top to bottom. Before starting the procedure, lift your legs up and shake them a little. The procedure is done independently or resort to the help of a professional massage therapist.

    Continuing the series of articles on body shaping, I will tell you how to quickly reduce the calves on the legs for girls at home. Consider effective exercises, techniques and tips from trainers.

    Girls are very worried about how their legs look. Sometimes the calves are extremely massive, due to excessive physical training or swelling. Even if a girl has lost weight, often the calves remain large. As a result, the appearance becomes rough and unfeminine.

    The problem needs to be solved, inaction leads to an increase in calves, then you will have to forget about your favorite jeans and a short skirt. The material is devoted to exercises and preventive measures. It is recommended to exercise regularly, review habits and make a number of dietary changes to balance the proportions of the legs.

    To take control of calf enlargement and ensure optimal conditions for volume reduction, follow a few general guidelines.

    • First of all, give up uncomfortable shoes, including platform shoes or high heels. Do not wear high lace-up shoes, as they lead to swelling and interfere with blood circulation. Choose fashionable shoes that are soft to the feet, not constricting.
    • Review nutrition. Eat sweet, fatty, salty, or spiced foods in moderation. For a while, exclude smoked meats and spicy dishes from the diet, and do not drink water a few hours before bedtime.
    • If you sit on a sofa or in an armchair with your legs bent, forget about this habit. This position promotes swelling of the legs and badly affects blood circulation. The result is big calves and disproportionate legs.
    • To achieve the goal, give up cycling, because such a sport develops the calf muscles. Give up this hobby for a few months until the results appear. If you can't do without a bike, spend less time on the saddle.
    • In hiking, find the golden mean. You should not completely refuse, otherwise the calves will “sag”, and the legs will lose their elasticity and shape. At the same time, walking is extremely useful and helps to increase the tone of the body. Walk 30 minutes a day.
    • Pay attention to aerobics and jump rope workouts.
    • If you're trying to lose weight and your weight loss isn't accompanied by a decrease in calf size, slightly reduce your weight loss intensity. Otherwise, charging will be ineffective, and after the weight that has gone, large caviar will remain.
    • If you are serious about fighting voluminous calves and go to the gym, temporarily forget about the simulators that help to swing your legs. Otherwise, the calf muscles will continue to develop.

    Moving towards the goal, observe the measure and remember common sense. Do not forget that beautiful female legs are a combination of graceful lines with a slight increase in volume in the hips, and not even sticks.

    When doing exercises and performing a set of exercises, which we will consider below, try to stop in time. This is the only way to make the legs natural, harmonious and feminine.

    How to reduce calves with exercises

    If a girl has wide hips, getting rid of excess fat will help reduce them. When it comes to voluminous calves, difficult questions arise. Before you reduce the calves with exercises, be sure to identify the root cause of the problem. In most cases, it is caused by excess weight, but often contributes to improper weight loss, supplemented by improper exercises.

    If the calves have grown as a result of constant training, reduce the amount of strength training to a minimum and switch to exercises focused on stretching the muscles. I advise you to use the services of a yoga instructor.

    In the case of bulky calves caused by excess fat, I recommend starting the process with a diet. Eliminate fatty, sugary and protein foods from the diet, reduce weight. As a result, the load on the calves will decrease, which contributes to their increase.

    In addition to proper nutrition, do exercises focused on increasing the harmony of the calves. The complex that I will share consists of an exercise for training and stretching.

    6 effective exercises

    1. Stand up straight, spread your legs hip-width apart, inhale. As you exhale, rise up on your toes. At first, twenty repetitions are enough. Over time, increase the number of repetitions to thirty.
    2. Having taken a similar position, spread the feet slightly to the sides. Transfer body weight to one leg, and bend the other at the knee. After inhaling, rise to the toe of the supporting limb. For each leg, 15 reps. Later, increase the number of repetitions to 20.
    3. Using the starting position from the first exercise, point your socks inward, inhale, and as you exhale, rise to your toes. The number of repetitions is 20, then 30.
    4. Get on your knees, straighten your back and freely place your hands in front of you. Sit on the floor in turn in different directions, trying to press your hips more tightly to the floor. Minimum - 20 repetitions.
    5. For the next exercise, you will need a hill. Stand on it so that the heels are in a hanging position and do not touch the floor covering. Rise on your toes and lower yourself, keeping your back upright. Repeat 20 times. Exercise is used by athletes who train muscles.
    6. Put one leg forward, and rest your palms on your buttocks. Bend the protruding limb at the knee, pushing it forward as much as possible. During the subsequent squat, the calf muscle will be stretched.

    I shared the algorithm for reducing calves with exercises. By doing the complex and following the diet, reach the goal for the quarter. Don't trust people who promise to fix a problem in a few weeks.

    Videos exercises

    After achieving the result, continue to perform the exercises. I recommend including them in the morning exercises carried out daily. This will fix and improve the result.

    Other Ways to Reduce Calves

    Relaxing the calf muscles with massage. It is not necessary to contact a massage therapist. Rub, wrinkle and iron the problem point on your own. To prevent skin damage during the procedure, use oil. After a hard day at work or an intense workout, shaking your legs will help relieve tension in the calves.

    Access to the swimming pool and exercise equipment. An elliptical trainer or treadmill will help you achieve your goal. After completing a physical or water procedure, do not eat immediately.

    Elliptical Trainer. Sports equipment improves the aerobic capacity of the body. Exercise on the machine is safe for the joints and stretches the calf muscles, which reduces the volume.

    Videos workout

    If you dream of slender legs and neat calves, make friends with aerobics, swimming, an elliptical trainer and a set of exercises. I advise you to pamper your feet with cream, relaxing baths and massage.

    Do not forget that full shins are a temporary phenomenon with due attention. Be patient, follow the advice, and the legs will become ideal in proportion and volume. Good luck!

    The process of losing weight in different people proceeds differently: some have problems with a decrease in the volume of the hips, others can not get rid of the stomach. There is a problem area, which for everyone, without exception, is one of the most difficult to lose weight - these are the calves of the legs. Some are lucky - their calves are moderately thin and pumped up. These lucky ones can easily put on a short skirt, exposing the lower part of their legs. Women with thin calves will easily pick up boots with high tops.

    But what about the owners of thick shins? All tips for reducing the volume of the calves are given below.

    How to lose weight in the calves with exercise?

    To begin with, it should be said that conventional exercises are ineffective for reducing calves, on the contrary, because of them, the shins can become even more voluminous. With squats, running, power loads on the legs, the calf muscles will begin to develop intensively.

    The basic formula for reducing calf size is aerobics combined with clear, fast step-like exercises and leg stretching exercises:

    1. Rest your palms on your buttocks, put your right leg forward and begin to slowly bend it at the knee. Pay attention to the other leg - her foot should rest completely on the floor, thereby stretching the calf muscle of the left leg. Repeat the same with the right leg. One set of this exercise should last 30 seconds.

    2. A simple but very effective exercise: lie on your back and bend your knees, then pull the toes of both legs towards you alternately.

    3. Rest your palms against the wall, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Put your left shin on your right foot, and then slowly begin to rise on your right toe. Do this exercise 10 times on each leg.

    If you are concerned about the presence of fat accumulations above the patella (this is often the case with athletes, as well as just overweight women), read the article on how to remove fat from the knees. It outlines a detailed methodology for dealing with such deposits.

    Diet for weight loss in the calves of the legs

    Losing weight through exercise is effective, but long. For many women, dieting is more habitual. For the calves of the legs, this is only relevant if their volume is not caused by enlarged muscles, but by adipose tissue.

    There are no special diets to reduce shins, lose weight according to the system that you like best. Exclude only mono-diet and a diet with a minimum amount of calories.

    One of the causes of enlarged calves is swelling. To get rid of excess fluid, do not add salt to food, eat less canned foods.

    Pay attention to the distribution of subcutaneous fat on your body, if it is uneven (wide hips, thick shins - narrow waist), this is a sign of increased estrogen hormone. But do not rush to take hormonal drugs to reduce the volume of your body, just eat more lean protein foods and reduce your intake of sweets.

    Do you follow the diet, and the calves are still big? Do not despair! The process of losing weight can be delayed, because it is difficult to get rid of fat deposits in the lower leg area.

    A little about massage, swimming, fitness equipment for calf weight loss

    There are other methods that will help you lose weight in your calves. Relax your calves with a massage. It is not necessary to visit a specialist for this, you can do the massage yourself - rub, wrinkle, stroke the problem area. In order not to damage the skin, use a special oil during self-massage. Don't forget to release tension in your calves after a hard day or after a grueling workout - just lift your legs and shake them harder.

    Go to the pool, exercise on simulators (treadmill, stepper, elliptical trainer for home), but only for your own pleasure. After water and physical procedures, it is advisable not to eat for some time.

    For weight loss in the calf area, classes on an elliptical trainer are the best fit, which improves the aerobic capacity of the body. Training on this simulator does not cause any harm to the joints - you can move the pedals on it without any effort on your knees and shins. The calf muscles do not develop, but stretch when exercising on this simulator, that is, they gradually decrease in volume.

    Sometimes you need to lose weight not only in the calves, but also in other places of the legs. Another article on our website will tell you how to remove fat from the frogs and make legs fit and slender.

    Slender legs, thin calves are the dream of any woman, and in order for it to come true, you need to love aerobics, stretching exercises, elliptical trainers, and swimming. Try to limit yourself in sweets, eat less salty and fatty foods. Pamper your legs: buy an expensive cream, do a calf massage, relaxing baths.

    Full shins are not forever. Be patient and follow the recommendations described in this article. And soon the calves will decrease in volume, and you will feel like a queen!

    Full round calves are not in trend now, so girls strive for graceful toned ankles. If bulky calves have become a real problem, don't wait for a complex to grow out of it, look for options to reduce them. First you need to objectively look at the condition of your ankles and understand the reasons for their volume.

    How to reduce calves: why full calves?

    The cause of voluminous calves may be a genetic predisposition, a hypersthenic physique, while the figure is dense, stocky. If so, it will take more time and perseverance to lose calves. Enlargement of the calf muscles may be due to leg swelling caused by fluid retention or varicose veins. In this case, the legs get tired, in the evening they feel heaviness and burning. The muscle mass of the legs in such cases is loose and not pronounced. Excessively thick calves are the result of excess weight and uneven weight loss. The body both loses weight and recovers disproportionately. When losing weight, volumes first of all go from the neck, arms and chest. And problem areas keep roundness, contrary to diets. Prolonged, persistent strength training can also make calves voluminous and sculpted.

    How to reduce calf volume

    If the fullness of the calves is associated with fluid retention, it is necessary to limit the intake of salt, pickled and smoked foods. All this can lead to swelling of the legs and provoke vascular disease. You can get rid of excess weight and full legs by reviewing your diet. It is best to turn to a balanced diet, so you can achieve excellent results and maintain health. To do this, the diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products. Do not worry that the weight will go away slowly, the main thing is that it does not return quickly. At the same time, it is necessary to adjust the drinking regime and move more.

    To reduce the calves on the legs after losing weight, it is recommended to perform special sets of exercises. At the same time, it is good to do several exercises to stretch the muscles, then they will become elastic and toned. Calves are very strong and enduring muscles, they help us move around all day without getting tired. That is why they are difficult to correct. To change their form of training should be systematic, 2-3 times a week. The calf muscles, which have become voluminous as a result of exercises, can be tightened by regular stretching of this zone.

    Stretching exercises to reduce calves

    1. Sit on the floor. Lean forward, touching the tips of your toes with your fingers. Pull your heels away from you, and your toes towards you. At first it will seem difficult, but the flexibility will gradually increase, and you will easily perform the exercise. Stretching is carried out at a smooth pace. In the pose of maximum tension, linger for a few seconds. Repeat stretch 3 times. This exercise must be performed for each leg separately. The starting position is the same, legs apart.
    2. Standing straight, take a big lunge with your left foot forward. Bend her at the knee. The foot of the right leg is firmly pressed to the floor, stretching occurs due to its muscles. Fix the position for a few seconds. Using the same technique, perform the exercise with a lunge of the right leg. Repeat 3-5 times with each leg.
    3. Stand facing the wall at arm's length. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, do not lift your heels. Tilt your torso towards the wall, leaning on it first with your palms, then with your forearms, at the end with your shoulders. Feel the stretch in the muscles above the heel. Run 3-5 times.
    4. Basic yoga pose "Downward facing dog". Starting position: get on all fours. Slowly straighten your knees, lifting your torso. Leave your legs slightly bent at the knees, feet resting on your toes, face towards the floor. Do not lift your heels high off the floor, this is when the calf muscles are stretched. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.
    5. There are other exercises in the yoga system for stretching the calf muscles, so include them in your morning exercises and make your legs graceful. If you inherited full caviar, you can deal with this by doing yoga. It is better to master yoga techniques from a professional instructor, if this is not possible, use video lessons.
    6. Stretch your muscles and lose weight at the same time by doing Pilates. This is a muscle stretching technique based on static exercises.

    Exercises to reduce fat calves

    If you are concerned about the problem: how to reduce fat calves, do squats, this is a very simple and effective remedy. Squats performed systematically will significantly reduce calves if performed correctly:

    • do not use additional weight, this can lead to an increase in the calf muscles;
    • perform one half of the squats while standing on the entire foot, and the second - on the toes;
    • don't do very deep squats, a half squat is enough.
    1. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders. Perform 30-40 squats at a slow pace, fixing the position for a few seconds in a squat.
    2. The next variant of squats: feet shoulder-width apart, socks looking inward. Perform shallow squats 20-30 times.
    3. You can reduce calves by walking on tiptoe. Try to walk more on your toes at home, at the same time you can improve your posture and feel like a princess.
    4. Rise on tiptoes. Put a chair with a back in front of you, put your hands on the back. Rise on tiptoe slowly, in the extreme upper position, linger for 2-3 seconds. Gradually lower your whole foot. Run 30-40 times.
    5. Climbing stairs will help burn fat deposits in the calf area by activating metabolic processes in this area. To do this, walk up the stairs daily for 10-15 minutes.
    6. Jumping rope will help make your legs slim. This is a great activity for both the legs and the cardiovascular system. Intensive jump rope exercises for 10 minutes will correct your silhouette and reduce the volume of the calf muscles. Starting this simple exercise, do not overdo it. Start with a few minutes, this will help to avoid pain. Then you can increase the training time. In subsequent workouts, add jumps on each leg in turn.

    How to quickly reduce calves

    If you urgently need to reduce the calves, you can resort to the help of clothes and shoes. Some rules should be followed so that the caviar visually does not seem so voluminous:

    1. You can not wear short trousers and breeches. When choosing trousers, give preference to models with a flare from the knee.
    2. Black and brown rough boots, sandals with ankle straps visually make the leg heavier. A high heel of medium thickness will suit you.
    3. Focus on the waist. Choose fitted shirts, jackets and blouses. Wear trousers and skirts with a belt or belt.
    4. Choose elegant eye-catching items and accessories: scarves, hats, jewelry. All this will create your originality and make a small, only known to you flaw, invisible.

    How to reduce calves at home

    Massage for the calf muscles

    Foot massage will help get rid of congestion in the ankles, which will visually reduce the calves. It is not the only salvation from the fullness of the legs, it is better to use it in combination with stretching and exercise. To achieve a quick reduction in calves, you need to contact a massage specialist, after 6-10 sessions you are guaranteed to feel the ease of walking. But even at home, you can independently perform a light lymphatic drainage massage. This will require 2 chairs, you need to sit on one, and put your foot on the second. The direction of the massage is from the feet to the knee, the movements should be slow and smooth. Before the procedure, apply massage oil to the skin.

    1. Massage begins with stroking the calf muscles for 2-3 minutes in the direction from the foot to the knee.
    2. Then go to kneading the muscles, grab them with your hands one by one, stretching and relieving tension.
    3. Perform a drainage movement, to do this, grab the leg with both hands by the ankle and hold it with tension towards the knee. Do this movement 3-4 times.
    4. Finish the massage with stroking for 2-3 minutes.

    Wraps for slimming calves

    Wraps are used to reduce the calves of the legs. These procedures are best done in the evening, before going to bed, in order to calmly relax and lie down. Before this, it is recommended to take a shower or bath to cleanse and warm the skin. Then apply the prepared composition on the calves of the legs, wrap the problem areas with cling film, trying to do this as carefully as possible. The procedure time is 40-60 minutes. After washing off the composition with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

    Wraps improve metabolic processes in muscles and skin, increase blood circulation, accelerating the burning of fat reserves.

    1. Mustard honey wrap. 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. warm water, stir. Add 3 tbsp. l. honey. If you are afraid of severe burning, soften the effect by adding 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The duration of the composition is 30-40 minutes, then remove the mixture with warm water.
    2. Honey and sea salt wrap. Heat in a water bath 3 tbsp. l. honey, add 1 tbsp. l. finely ground sea salt. Sea salt can be replaced with regular table salt. This composition perfectly draws out toxins and excess moisture, significantly reducing the calf muscles in volume. It is recommended to use no more than 1 time per week.
    3. Honey oil wrap. To 3 tbsp. l. honey add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, stir. Then everything is done in the usual way. Such wraps perfectly tighten the skin, make it well-groomed and smooth.

    The most cardinal way to reduce full calves is liposuction. Here, only the woman herself can decide how much she needs the intervention of a surgeon. If your legs do not lose weight after all the measures taken, turn your energy in a different direction. Emphasize the dignity of your figure, you probably have a breathtaking waist or luxurious chest. So make it your own!

    Exercises for weight loss of the calf muscles. Video

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