HDL cholesterol is the norm in women after 50. How to lower high cholesterol, the norm in women and men. The difference between bad and good cholesterol

What is the importance of knowing the norm of cholesterol levels, especially at the age of 50? In fact, you can even prevent a stroke, just by making some adjustments to your eating habits.

The lipid that the human eye will never see, and which is found in every human membrane, is called cholesterol. What organ produces it? Liver.

How is there no such rule?

Yes, yes, that's exactly what it is. This indicator has its own norm for each person. But still there are some criteria for age and gender. For example, the norm of cholesterol in a 20-year-old girl differs from the norm in a 55-year-old woman.

How to find out your cholesterol level?

Go to the clinic and take a blood test. These measures will help you take action and, as a result, avoid serious health problems.

That is, treatment may not be required if you just know your blood cholesterol rate. By the way, if you have menopause and the level is too high, then you should not be afraid of this. The reason is precisely changes in the hormonal background.

Comparison of cholesterol norms by age

But still, this table is somewhat arbitrary, although it is widely used by physicians.

In other sources, there are slightly different numbers 4.2 - 7.2.

In third sources, the norm of cholesterol levels in women at this age is from 2.3 to 5.2.

Therefore, it is ideal if you ask your doctor about it.

The first thing a doctor should do if you have high cholesterol is to find out the cause of this increase.

This is usually directly related to diet and the presence of habits such as smoking and drinking.

What should be the diet for women after 50?

Nutrition is very important, especially for women over 50 who suffer from high cholesterol.

By the way, vegetarians of both sexes and any age do not suffer from atherosclerosis. This disease is associated precisely with an increase in “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

It is safe to say that any meat, especially fatty varieties, is contraindicated for those who have high cholesterol.

Other products that have a negative effect on the human body

  • Margarine, lard, coconut oil and butter
  • meat broth
  • Sausage, sausages, bacon
  • Pork meat, liver, kidneys, fatty lamb, brains
  • Semolina porridge, pasta
  • Butter food, cream (especially fatty), cheese
  • Caviar (red and black), squid,
  • Fast food, ice cream, all chocolate except black

What, besides nutrition, can be the causes of high cholesterol?

  • Heredity
  • No proper rest
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • May be the result of certain illnesses

If the cholesterol level is below normal, then starvation can be added to these reasons.

How to correct cholesterol?

  • Not only women, but also men, upon reaching the age of 50, should take care of proper nutrition. Even if they don't have high cholesterol. Also, every person after 50 should give up alcohol and other bad habits. They are especially detrimental to the health of the elderly.
  • Sports activities are also recommended. Or physical activity. For example, gardening. Yes, if you just play with your grandchildren, then the blood will begin to work actively, and various blockages of blood vessels and the formation of plaques are absolutely excluded.
  • Still need to make a diet. Food should be not only healthy, but also tasty and varied to the maximum.

Be sure to include nuts, seafood, grains in the diet. After 50, you need to give up fatty foods, sweets, fried foods, sausages, products with palm oil.

There should be cereals and legumes, seafood, excluding shrimp, fresh fruit, olive and corn a little.

Doctors call this table 10. And they prescribe it to every patient after 50 with high cholesterol. There are as many as 5 meals. But 3 hours before bedtime, eating is prohibited, because. the body needs to rest.

In the absence of any complications, the patient is recommended a normal diet.

The cholesterol rate changes with each advanced study.

Modern scientists call numbers from 4.2 to 4.6 mmol / l - this is the indicator found among most healthy people.

But each age group, as well as groups with different levels of vascular risk, have their own optimal indicators and normative tables.

The borderline cholesterol level directly depends on age and even gender.

Medical professionals say, among people under the age of 40, lipid levels are higher in males, and after this milestone - in females.

Associate this fact with hormonal changes!

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is an organic compound- natural alcohol, which is contained in the cells of living organisms. A person produces approximately 80% of lipids, the remaining 20% ​​comes from food.

The substance is necessary for:

  • the production of vitamin D;
  • the production of various hormones;
  • formation of cell membranes;
  • transportation of vitamins to tissues and organs;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • isolation of nerve cells.

Cholesterol enters the tissues in the form of chylomicron VLDL and LDL, and to the liver - HDL. These letters are indicated in the tests, their content in the blood determines the rate of lipids.

Good and bad cholesterol in women

Natural alcohol - cholesterol can be both good and bad. An excessive amount of LDL - "bad" lipoproteins leads to atherosclerotic disorders, including various cardiovascular diseases. This is due to the low solubility of the "bad guys" - they settle on the vessels as a precipitate, thereby clogging the vessels.

There are factors that cause an increase in "bad" cholesterol

These include:

  • insufficient physical activity;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • taking certain medications;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking, etc.;
  • a number of endocrine disorders;
  • obesity;
  • malnutrition, the use of foods with an extremely high content of carbohydrates and a low content of useful trace elements, vitamins.

"Good" HDL dissolve without sediment, protecting blood vessels. They perform only positive functions and are indispensable for the body. Their level is increased by regular physical activity, the absence of bad habits, a healthy diet, in which unsaturated animal fats, fiber, vitamins, and useful trace elements are supplied in sufficient quantities.

What does the norm of cholesterol by age mean?

Studies show, the presence of fatty acids in the blood changes with age and depends on the hormonal background of the woman.

Due to the fact that the value is relative, doctors look, first of all, at the patient's well-being.

Cholesterol levels need to be controlled, because thanks to this, you can find out about the presence of deviations in time, taking appropriate measures for treatment.

Older women should check the value of this compound at least several times a year. It is even better to have a special device at home - an express test that allows you to do an analysis (on an empty stomach) - on your own. The result appears almost immediately. The only negative of the test is that you yourself need to take blood from your finger.

The norm of cholesterol by age from 40 to 50 years

In women older than 40, reproductive functions are disturbed, the amount of estrogen produced by the body decreases. It is the hormone estrogen that prevents unexpected lipid jumps, so the fair sex has to regulate their rate on its own.

According to medical laboratories, in this age group, cholesterol in the range of 3.7 - 6.7 mmol / l is considered the norm.

For the age of 50 - 60 years

After the age of 50, women sometimes gain excess weight, which upsets the balance of cholesterol in the body. Doctors and nutritionists advise to reduce the consumption of fats, sugar and sugar-containing foods.

The analysis results are slightly different. For this age, normal indicators are lipids in an amount of 4.0 to 7.6 mmol/l.

Cholesterol standard after 60 - 65 years

In the female body after 60 years, changes continue to occur, characteristic of an increase in performance. Normal cholesterol is now 4.3 - 7.7 mmol / l.

Having crossed the line of the 60th anniversary, it is important to conduct tests every 3-6 months, depending on how you feel. The emphasis should be on a healthy diet, lack of stress, constant mental stress. Alcohol consumption should be kept to a minimum.

Fan table of cholesterol levels by age

(Table parameters may vary slightly).

"Deciphering" the result of a blood test for cholesterol

For a superficial examination of the level of cholesterol, a biochemical blood test is performed. Different laboratories measure substances differently, so results may vary slightly.

Lipid levels greater than 5.3 mmol/L. Even if the indicator is normal by age, it obliges to conduct a detailed analysis - a lipid profile.

Based on the results of this analysis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. In chronic or severe cases, the treatment is medication.

Elevated cholesterol can indicate the following deviations:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • cancer tumor;
  • diabetes;
  • congenital hyperlipidemia;
  • diseases of the hepatobiliary system.

This is not the whole list of possible diseases - only the attending physician can tell in more detail, focusing on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Reduced cholesterol levels are observed with cachexia, anemia, cirrhosis, anorexia, infections, pathologies of liver and lung cells, as well as other diseases.

Conclusions: about the norm of cholesterol for women

Cholesterol is an important substance necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.

Its norm is a very abstract concept, which often changes, and also depends on age, gender, predisposition to vascular diseases.

The relative norm is cholesterol 4.5 mmol/l. For women over the age of 39, the figure is getting higher every year. By the age of 60, the norm is 4.3 - 7.6 mmol / l.

Cholesterol, the norm in women after 50 years of age, should undoubtedly be controlled. If we consider an earlier female age, then this indicator differs from the male norm. After twenty years, cholesterol in the body of the fair sex decreases. This is due to the presence of estrogen. So cholesterol control after 50 is important for every woman.

The indicator of cholesterol, which is considered the norm for women

In women over 50, cholesterol levels are always higher than at a younger age. The norm is an increase of two units from the usual value, but you need to throw your strength into a decrease, otherwise, the concentration will only increase. Cholesterol above 5 mmol per liter indicates an unhealthy lifestyle, as well as hormonal disruptions. In this case, it will be enough to review some points from your life. Without cholesterol, the human body could not exist.

Thanks to him, many processes take place, including:

  • production of vitamin D;
  • secretion of bile acid;
  • the formation of immunity;
  • metabolic processes in cells.

The components of cholesterol are lipoproteins, which are divided into three types:

  • HDL;
  • LDL;
  • VLDL.

Experts have long established an acceptable cholesterol level for women aged 50 years (and older). On average, it is 7 mmol per liter. Bad cholesterol or LDL should not exceed 3.5 mmol per liter, and good should be more than 1.5 mmol per liter.

The difference between bad cholesterol and good cholesterol is that it clogs blood vessels, accumulating in the form of plaques. A good one, on the contrary, cleanses and removes such growths from the body.

Optimal cholesterol levels for women over 50

The norm of cholesterol in women after 50 years:

  • from 50 to 55 years - from 2.3 to 5.2 units;
  • from 55 to 60 years - from 2.3 to 5.4 units;
  • from 60 to 65 years old - from 2.6 to 5.8 units;
  • from 65 to 70 years old - from 2.9 to 5.7 units;
  • from 70 onwards - from 2.5 to 5.3 units.

The amount of good cholesterol should not decrease.

By age, the following optimal indicators can be deduced:

  • from 50 to 55 years - from 0.96 to 2.9 units;
  • from 55 to 60 years old - from 0.96 to 2.4 units;
  • from 60 to 65 years - from 0.98 to 2.3 units;
  • from 65 to 70 years old - from 0.91 to 2.5 units;
  • from 70 onwards - from 0.85 to 2.4 units.

Do not forget about triglycerides (an important source of energy for cells) in the elderly. In women over 50 years of age, they should be at least 0.6 and not more than 3 mmol per liter.

When HDL is reduced, then against this background there is a significant increase in triglycerides. If this process is not controlled, metabolic syndrome may occur.

Consequences of deviations of normal indicators

When tests show a decrease in cholesterol, then one can judge the presence of any pathology. These include cancer, angina, or acute respiratory infections. If the indicator does not normalize within a month, then an additional examination is prescribed. Elevated cholesterol is observed in the presence of excess weight, problems with the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, or is associated with certain drugs.

Actions not taken in time are fraught with irreversible consequences.

Atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack and a number of other diseases may occur. The blood gradually thickens, the capillaries cannot function normally, the work of the brain deteriorates.

Over time, immunity, the digestive tract are suppressed, and hormone surges also occur. All this can be avoided if you seek help in time.

Signs and Causes of Cholesterol Abnormalities Outcome

Decreased rates are much less common than elevated ones. As a rule, there are no visible symptoms, so people who neglect regular visits to the doctor will only be able to understand this when they feel problems with the heart or other organs.

Yellowish spots form on the palms and eyelids of the patient - this is the only sign that the patient himself can distinguish.

The reasons for the deviations are as follows:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • power failures;
  • lack of proper rest;

  • immobility;
  • age after 50 years;
  • seasons;
  • various diseases.

When the cholesterol value is below normal, then one of the reasons can be attributed to starvation.

Cholesterol Correction Methods

Not only women, but also men, after overcoming the milestone of 50 years, need to take care of proper nutrition. Also, giving up bad habits will be a great achievement for everyone, because alcoholism and smoking ruin health, especially for the elderly.

Playing sports will tone the body. You can do a certain kind. The blood begins to work actively, blockage is excluded, as well as the formation of plaques. All metabolic processes are rapidly normalizing.

It is necessary to make a diet that will be not only healthy, but also tasty, it all depends on preferences. The diet should include nuts, fish and other seafood, grains. After 50 years, it is worth giving up fried foods, sweets, fat, sausages and products that contain palm oil.

List of foods that should be included in the diet:

  • all seafood except shrimp;
  • walnuts and almonds;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • fresh fruits;
  • all vegetable crops with the exception of potatoes;
  • olive and corn oils.

Doctors prescribe a special table at number 10 for each patient after 50 years of age with high cholesterol. The main condition is a full meal.

Salt is included in minimal amounts or completely excluded, the same applies to products containing cholesterol. Just five meals. Before sleep, the body should rest for three hours. In the absence of any abnormalities, doctors recommend ordinary dietary nutrition in order to maintain the optimal rate.

The most important thing is control. You need to learn how to do it yourself, then health problems will arise much less.

Don't skip your preventive checkups. If there are no deviations, such examinations are carried out once a year. The noticed pathology at an early stage is treated much easier.

Recipes for the normalization of cholesterol

Some products are ready to help a person in the fight against high cholesterol. However, not all of them can be used by women over 50 years of age. The fact is that there are some contraindications, which are usually reported by the doctor himself.

Here are a few recipes that fight to normalize blood cholesterol:

  • Freshly squeezed orange juice. If you eat this product daily for six weeks, you can achieve lower cholesterol.
  • Tincture of 10% propolis. 20 drops should be drunk before meals.
  • Every day, add dill to food and eat apples between meals.
  • Beet kvass. Despite the complicated name, it is very easy to prepare. It will take half a kilo of beets, which are cut into large pieces and placed in a jar (3 liters). crumble brown bread and add 100 grams of sugar. The mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for three days. Strained kvass is consumed three times a day, 200 ml each. Caution should be taken by those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dandelion leaf salad. This product is only available in the spring when these leaves can be found everywhere. The assembled component is soaked in cold water for about two hours. The chopped leaves are then mixed with cucumbers and olive oil. Salad can be eaten up to three times a day.
  • A decoction of oats. It must be prepared every day in the evening. To do this, take 200 grams of oats and pour boiling water in a thermos. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning. For ten days of such treatment, high cholesterol returns to normal.
  • Garlic oil. It is necessary to chop 50 grams of garlic and pour oil (1 cup). Squeeze out the juice from the lemon. Leave the oil in the refrigerator for a week. Consume 1 teaspoon three times a day. The course of treatment is two months.
  • Boiled beans.
  • Oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Fish of the salmon family.
  • Salad of vegetables and fruits. You will need grapefruit, carrots, walnuts, honey, yogurt for dressing.
  • Cranberry juice.
  • Herbal decoction. You will need motherwort, St. John's wort, dill seeds, horsetail, coltsfoot, dried strawberries. All components are taken in equal proportions and poured with boiling water. After 20 minutes, the decoction is ready. Divide the glass into three parts and drink one before meals. The course of treatment is several months a year. After that, you need to take a break for 7-10 days, and continue treatment again for a month. Be sure to consult your doctor to adjust the components, as some are contraindicated in certain patients.

Throughout life, the level of cholesterol in the blood varies greatly. For example, the rate of cholesterol in the blood in women after 50 years is very different from that of young women. In the period that begins after the age of twenty, the female body is protected by sex hormones, in particular estrogen. Due to its influence, the amount of cholesterol decreases.

Before menopause, cholesterol levels are controlled by estrogens.

Fine-tuning of all systems in the body undergoes changes in different periods of life and under the influence of external factors. So, for example, during pregnancy, a girl may have a high cholesterol and lipoprotein level, which is the norm. But outside of gestation, the level of cholesterol in the blood should be within the normal range. Any stable increase in this indicator, detected repeatedly, may indicate the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

What causes an increase in cholesterol levels?

The reason for the increase in blood lipids may be lifestyle. In youth, our body has defense mechanisms that compensate for any violations of the regime. But with age, especially when forty or fifty years come, these mechanisms weaken. Perhaps everyone will remember how they spent nights on end for some kind of hobby or in a nightclub during their student days. But every year adds fatigue, and already at an older age, after a sleepless night, you need a couple of days of recovery. So it is with the composition of the blood. In youth, excess cholesterol is excreted more successfully. After the depletion of compensatory systems, it begins to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels as part of LDL.

Nutrition is an integral part of health and longevity. Its balance helps the body replenish energy, nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Obesity develops as a result of excessive consumption of fatty and carbohydrate foods. Eating foods high in saturated fat leads to high blood cholesterol, which is then reflected in the blood test.

Smoked meats and sausages contain a large amount of cholesterol

The reverse situation is also dangerous, when a woman seeks to limit herself in everything. With age, a woman is increasingly striving to take care of herself and look great. Additional self-limitation already at an older age is fraught with the opposite situation. The fact is that fats are involved in the synthesis of sex hormones. With their severe restriction in the diet, the reproductive system suffers, the normal menstrual cycle is disrupted, hair falls out and nails exfoliate. Mature people can choose a diet based on their own considerations, but in no case should you forget about balance. Also, no need to think that as soon as a woman turns 51, she should immediately give up her favorite foods. Everything should be in moderation. Therefore, when planning a diet, it is necessary to remember about its balance and usefulness. The main issue is quantity and quality.

Thoughtlessly limiting yourself to healthy fats and carbohydrates will lead to an undesirable result! Such a measure will not reduce cholesterol, but it can harm health.

Some studies show that people who follow a vegetarian diet do not suffer from atherosclerosis. It is understandable. Animal fats do not enter the body, which provoke the development of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. If you have any doubts or questions, please consult your doctor.

Normal cholesterol levels in women

About 80% of cholesterol is produced in the body, and only 20 comes from food. But in the body, this substance is synthesized partially from what came from outside. Cholesterol can not be considered harmful, it takes part in the vital processes that occur in the body. Without its presence, it is impossible to synthesize hormones and vitamin D. It is involved in the formation of the cell membrane, forming its basis. The nervous and immune systems need cholesterol to function properly.

It is necessary to monitor the level of cholesterol throughout life! This indicator reflects the condition of the vessels and the general condition of the body.

A blood test for cholesterol and its fractions is called a lipid profile.

In the blood, cholesterol is transported in the form of bound complexes with lipoproteins. They come in different densities, which is associated with their lipid content. The higher their number, the lower the density. Depending on this characteristic, lipoproteins have different properties.

So, HDL (high density lipoproteins) transport cholesterol molecules to the liver from the tissues. LDL, i.e. low density lipoproteins carry this substance from the liver to tissues, as do very low density lipoproteins. Below is a table with normal cholesterol levels for women over 50 years of age.

Blood test score/age 50-55 years old 56-60 years old 61 years and older
total cholesterol 4.15-7.40 4.40-7.7 4.40-7.60
HDL 0.95-2.35 0.95-2.40 0.97-2.50
LDL 2.25-5.2 2.30-5.40 2.33-5.80

Having studied the table, you can see that with age, the norm in women increases slightly. This is true for both women and men. And as a result, the norm of cholesterol in men after 30 years is significantly lower than the norm established in the blood in women over 50 years of age.

This is primarily due to the fact that there is a decrease in the protection provided by sex hormones. They have a protective effect on the body, protecting it from the development of cardiovascular diseases, myocardial and brain damage. Unfortunately, this ability is retained only throughout the reproductive age. Therefore, the norm of cholesterol in women after 50 years is a variable value that can change, as can be seen from the table.

Harm from high cholesterol

The increased content of cholesterol in the blood manifests itself in the form of atherosclerotic plaques. They are located on the wall of blood vessels, making it difficult for normal blood flow. Normally, blood flows through the vessels laminarly, i.e. straight, even flow, without obstacles. If a plaque appears in the lumen of the vessel, the blood flow becomes turbulent. The presence of obstacles leads to local eddies in the flow. In these places, blood clots can subsequently form.

atherosclerotic plaque

The composition of plaques is simple: fats, calcium and connective tissue. They are directly related to the amount of cholesterol in the blood. By themselves, plaques grow extremely slowly, but with an increase in its content in the blood, their growth accelerates. Therefore, with age, you should know how many triglycerides and lipoproteins are in the blood.

The direct growth of plaques can block the lumen of small vessels, which interferes with the normal blood supply. Also, small fragments can come off the plaque, which can clog smaller vessels. A small damage to the wall of a blood vessel, which first appears as a small fatty spot or streak, can lead to serious illness. As mentioned above, plaque contains calcium, which thickens it, makes it hard and additionally damages the wall of the blood vessel. As a result of damage, the vessel becomes rigid, losing elasticity and protective properties.

Women over 50 and men over 40-45 are at risk. It has already been said above that hormonal protection acts during the reproductive period, and after that it decreases. Therefore, women after 50 need to know how many triglycerides and lipoproteins are in their body:

  • The content of total cholesterol should be in the range from 3.50 to 6.70 mmol / l.
  • HDL from 0.79 to 1.80 mmol / l.
  • LDL from 1.90 to 4.60 mmol / l.

How to lower cholesterol?

Diet is necessary for the full correction of metabolic disorders, which led to an increase in sugar and cholesterol levels.

  • Reduce your intake of animal fats. Choose lean meats. Milk and dairy products of medium fat content.
  • Remove skin when cooking chicken. It contains a large amount of fat and cholesterol.
  • Any sausage products of industrial production are strictly prohibited. They contain a large amount of unsaturated and trans fats, which, as described above, have an extremely negative effect on health.
  • What is the best diet for lowering cholesterol? The Mediterranean diet is a recognized remedy for maintaining normal blood levels. It is dominated by seafood and fish, which are rich in saturated fats and fatty acids.
  • Fast food products should be banned. This category also includes chips, crackers and other snacks.
  • Replace protein in your diet with vegetable protein whenever possible. It is found in abundance in legumes.
  • When preparing salads and dishes, use healthy vegetable oils: linseed, olive, sesame, etc. Please note that not all oils can be used for frying. It is better to completely abandon this method of cooking.
  • Vegetables are extremely useful in the diet, saturating the body with minerals and vitamins. They also contain a lot of fiber, which helps to remove substances that are not absorbed during digestion. The most preferred cooking methods are stewing and boiling.

Boiled vegetables are well absorbed by the body

Relationship between diabetes and cholesterol

Doctors have noticed a direct relationship between the amount of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. The indicator of the latter rises along with the level of sugar in blood tests. This is a two-way relationship. Women over 50 years of age have an increased risk of developing diabetes, especially due to poor nutrition.

For example, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is lower the higher the HDL level, and vice versa. Therefore, the rate of sugar is also an important indicator that cannot be discounted. In addition, the correction of high sugar and cholesterol levels is carried out by the same methods at home.

Influencing one of these indicators, you can influence the other. If you use a diet that reduces sugar levels, then the cholesterol level in the blood will also drop.

In conclusion, it must be said that the correction of cholesterol levels is important not only in old age. The sooner you start to follow this, the longer you will not be bothered by various metabolic disorders.

Cholesterol is present in the body of both healthy and sick people. It is an integral part of biological fluids, cells and tissues.

Cholesterol performs many functions in the body, but it is necessary to keep the indicators within the normal range. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing complications and consequences that are dangerous for a person. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the norm of this substance in women differs from that of.

What values ​​of total cholesterol are considered normal for adult women, what to do with high cholesterol, what reasons lead to this, why high levels are dangerous, how to eat right and what kind of diet to follow - you will learn this and much more from this article.

What is cholesterol and its importance in the body

Cholesterol (lipoprotein) is a fat-like substance that does not dissolve in water. It can be produced both by the body itself and enter it from the external environment.

There are 2 main types of cholesterol:

  • high density lipoprotein(HDL), also called "good cholesterol". This substance is necessary to maintain the vital processes of the body. Its amount must be maintained in the norm;
  • low density lipoprotein(LDL), or "bad cholesterol". This type of fat-like substance must be removed from the body and prevent an increase in its values. With an increase in its quantity, the well-being of patients is disturbed.

In the body of a woman, cholesterol plays a huge role and performs a number of vital functions:

  • It affects the formation of gonadal hormones (progesterone, estrogen). Under the influence of lipoproteins, the adrenal glands synthesize the hormone cortisol. This substance is able to maintain hormonal balance, subject to its normal indicators;
  • Cholesterol is an important component of cell membranes (membranes). It is involved in the formation of red blood cells, brain structures (white and gray matter), and is also an integral part of the shell of the liver cell (hapetocyte);
  • HDL helps to form valuable vitamin D in the skin. A person does not get this vitamin from food, its main source is sunlight. When cholesterol levels change, the processes of producing vitamin D are disrupted, which leads to adverse consequences;
  • This substance contributes to the normalization of digestive processes. Under its influence, liver cells produce enzymes and juices that are involved in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients.

The norm in the blood in women

Cholesterol levels are quite variable and depend on several factors:

  • Age;
  • Hormonal background;
  • Season (in winter, the indicators increase slightly);
  • Physiological state.

To determine the level of cholesterol, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study - a biochemical blood test. It determines both the amount of total cholesterol and its individual fractions (HDL and LDL). In women after 40–50 years, LDL and HDL levels increase significantly.

In girls under the age of 5, total cholesterol values ​​are lower than in other female representatives. Values ​​should not exceed 5.2 mmol/l.

From 5 to 15 years, this figure changes somewhat, but slightly - from 2.5 to 5.3 mmol / l.

You will be interested in:

For girls older than 15, but younger than 20, the norm of total cholesterol will be the following values: from 3.07 to 5.2 mmol / l. Below in the table we will consider in more detail the norms of total cholesterol in a blood test in women after 20 years, depending on age.

The norm of cholesterol in the blood in women in 20 - 50 years and after:

It should be noted that in women during menstruation and during pregnancy, the level of cholesterol in the blood of the substance increases slightly, which is also the norm.

Causes of high cholesterol in women

All medications can be divided into several groups:

  • Statins. These drugs are prescribed most often. They contribute to a significant reduction in the production of cholesterol in the body, and are also able to destroy lipids. The drugs of this group can prolong the life of the patient, prevent the development of dangerous complications and damage to the vascular wall. They can not be used in the presence of liver pathology, as they will lead to its damage;
  • Fibrates. They can be prescribed simultaneously with statins. They reduce the amount of LDL and increase the content of HDL in the body;
  • Cholesterol absorption inhibitors in the intestine. They do not allow the absorption of this substance, removing it from the intestines. However, their effectiveness is low, because the bulk of cholesterol is produced by the human body;
  • Omega 3. This polyunsaturated fatty acid helps to reduce LDL levels, prevent the development of complications from the heart and blood vessels;
  • Bile acid sequesters. These drugs bind and utilize bile acids with a high content of bad cholesterol.


When high cholesterol is detected, regardless of the cause, a diet is indicated. It aims to improve the patient's condition and relieve symptoms.

From the menu it is necessary to exclude all foods rich in saturated fatty acids, fats and simple carbohydrates. You should eat foods that contain enough vitamins, fiber, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids.

Cooking Methods: Meals should be boiled, stewed or baked, and greasy, fried and smoked foods should be completely avoided.

You should learn to choose the right products, take into account their calorie content. The daily diet is compiled based on the number of calories calculated by the attending physician (or nutritionist). This amount depends on the age, metabolic characteristics and physical activity of the person.

Products that women should have on the menu with high cholesterol:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, dishes from them;
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Lean meats (veal, chicken, turkey). Moreover, several times a week (up to 3 times) it is necessary to change meat dishes for fish (from sea fish);
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Nuts;
  • Cereals.

Significantly reduce or completely eliminate:

  • Fatty meat;
  • Butter, cream;
  • Offal (liver, brains, kidneys);
  • confectionery;
  • Egg yolks.

In the blood of women under the age of 50 and after 50 years, it suggests a complete rejection of coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Physical exercises

In the presence of hypercholesterolemia, doctors recommend certain physical exercises.

Physical activity helps lower cholesterol levels.

It is worth noting that aerobic exercise is the most effective, they are also called cardio exercise.

There are both special loads, which include holding the breath, and general exercises. Specially designed exercises are carried out under the supervision of an instructor.

General aerobic exercises, which can be easily done at home without an instructor, are aimed at:

  • Training the heart muscle, which contributes to an increase in heart rate;
  • An increase in body temperature, in connection with which the production of a fat-like substance is disrupted;
  • Oxygen starvation of tissues develops and the level of this substance decreases intensively.

Physical exercises that can normalize cholesterol levels:

  • Walking. It can be both sports walking and long walks;
  • Running is the most common aerobic activity. You can work out on a treadmill in the gym, at home, or run outdoors, for example, in a park;
  • Riding a bicycle also helps well with an exercise bike;
  • jumping rope;
  • Climbing stairs. According to this principle, the stepper simulator works.

Before starting classes, you need to consult with a specialist. If there are no contraindications, then you can choose suitable exercises for yourself.


High cholesterol in women can be reduced with prescriptions. However, it is worth remembering that this type of therapy must be approved by the attending physician. In addition, it should be borne in mind that individual intolerance to certain components may occur.

In folk medicine, various teas, decoctions, infusions are used:

  • The easiest way to reduce cholesterol is to drink green tea. It is rich in substances that contribute to the destruction of lipoproteins;
  • Juice therapy. It is necessary to use freshly squeezed juice of celery, apple, cucumber and carrot. The same amount of each juice is mixed and drunk throughout the day. Daily dose - 1 cup. Duration of treatment - 1 week;
  • Garlic can be eaten unchanged, or you can prepare a tincture. To do this, take chopped garlic and alcohol. The mixture is infused in the refrigerator. Method of application: drops of tincture are added to milk (50 ml). First, the number of drops is 1, then increases to 15. After that, their number decreases again to 1;
  • Flaxseed can be added to various dishes (salads, desserts, yogurts, and so on);
  • Dandelion root removes cholesterol from the body. To do this, the root of the plant must be dried and crushed. This remedy is used before meals in the amount of 1 teaspoon. The powder can be washed down with water;
  • A dish of celery. Its stems are cut and boiled in boiling water for about 2 minutes. After that, the liquid is drained, and the crushed stems are seasoned with vegetable oil, sesame seeds and a small amount of sugar.

Consequences of high cholesterol

If the cholesterol level is higher than normal, then numerous complications can arise, the consequences of which are dangerous for human health and life. Many of the complications can cause sudden and early death of the patient.

Types of complications can be divided into 3 groups: atherosclerosis of blood vessels, thrombus formation and thromboembolism.

Atherosclerosis of blood vessels characterized by a loss of elasticity of the vascular wall and a decrease in the diameter of the vessels. This complication leads to various pathological conditions, which depend on the type of affected vessels:

  • Heart defects develop with damage to the aorta and coronary arteries;
  • Cardiac ischemia. If the lumen of the vessels is completely blocked, then myocardial infarction develops;
  • arrhythmias;
  • A decrease in intellectual abilities, and in severe cases, ischemic stroke occurs when cerebral vessels are involved in the pathological process;
  • Intestinal infarction occurs in the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the corresponding vessels;
  • Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities.

Thrombus formation, that is, blood clots, can occur in any organ and interfere with normal blood flow.

In case of thromboembolism the blood clot breaks away from its place and moves along the bloodstream. A blood clot completely blocks the lumen of the vessel and leads to such severe and dangerous complications as:

  • Pulmonary embolism;
  • kidney infarction;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • Acute cerebrovascular accident.

Prevention of hypercholesterolemia

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the development of pathology. Cardiologists and therapists have developed a plan for the prevention of hypercholesterolemia.

Prevention of high cholesterol consists of the following measures:

  • Proper nutrition, which consists in reducing fat intake and increasing the amount of healthy foods in the daily diet. Drinking regimen must also be carefully observed. Experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters of clean drinking water per day;
  • Adequate physical activity. Sports, especially aerobic exercise, will strengthen the body as a whole, help reduce cholesterol levels and body weight. Regular physical activity is necessary for any person;
  • In the presence of excess body weight, it is necessary to take measures to reduce it. But you need to lose weight correctly, abandoning strict diets and hunger strikes. In this case, sports and proper nutrition will help;
  • Psycho-emotional balance. Avoid stressful situations and learn to relax when one occurs;
  • Bad habits will have to be excluded (drinking alcohol and smoking);
  • Timely detect and treat the pathology of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • Fulfill all the appointments of doctors and undergo mandatory examinations when detecting high cholesterol in the blood.

High cholesterol during pregnancy

In healthy women, the level of this substance should not exceed 6.9 mmol / l. But in pregnant women, there is an increase in values ​​\u200b\u200balmost twice.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's cholesterol levels should not exceed 12 mmol / l.

The figures indicated in the attention block are not pathologies in the expectant mother and are due to the following factors:

  • Increased metabolic processes (lipid metabolism);
  • The redox process is accelerated;
  • Hormonal imbalance.

If a pregnant woman has cholesterol levels greater than 12.1 mmol / l, then an additional examination is necessary to determine the cause.

Pathologies that can cause hypercholesterolemia in a woman in position:

  • kidney disease;
  • Pathology of the organs of the endocrine system, which leads to hypo- or hyperfunction of the endocrine glands;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Pathological processes in the liver.

In a pregnant woman, with an increase in the level of a fat-like substance, blood thickens. This leads to increased stress on the heart muscle.

To avoid health problems and timely identify the pathology that has arisen, pregnant women need to control cholesterol levels and periodically undergo a biochemical blood test.

If deviations from the norm are detected, then treatment and enhanced monitoring of values ​​are carried out. If necessary, a woman is referred for a consultation with narrow specialists (endocrinologist, urologist, cardiologist).

As you have noticed, there are many reasons for the increase in blood cholesterol in women and there are several ways to reduce it, which are based on both medication and traditional medicine.

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