What does the name Alina mean? The meaning of the name Alina in childhood and her upbringing. Great and talented women named Alina

Very often, everyone thinks about the meaning of their names, which were given to them by their parents at birth. For example, today there are many who want to know what the name Alina means.


The name Alina has synonyms. This is Alina, Alina. There is a short form, and a diminutive, and affectionate. For example, Alinka, Alli, Ali, Alya, Adya, Line, Lin. This name also applies to various nationalities: Russian, German. And the question arises: "What does the name Alina mean?" Translated from Latin, the name Alina means "alien", "other". But in the Scandinavian countries, Adeline is "nobility", "generosity", "greatness". This name comes from France and Germany, so Alina also has related roots - Aline, Adele, Adelaide.

And what does the name Alina mean in Slavic culture?

Of course, first of all "scarlet". This is both "Scarlet Sails" and "Scarlet Flower" - the personification of happiness and hope. When baptized in a Christian church, most often Alina is called Angelina, rarely Alla. They also call Elena.

What does the name Alina mean in Latin interpretation?

This form of translation means "light, white, fair-haired." In Scotland, the name Alina is interpreted as "honest", and Alistair is given to this name.

Stubborn and determined

What else does the name Alina mean? Its meaning in Greece is interpreted as "sunbeam". However, the affectionate name Lina is an independent name. The sound of the name Alina should not deceive you with its tenderness. By themselves, these women are stubborn, determined, capricious. They don't take much notice. Alina is very difficult to converge with people. In childhood, this is the most capricious and impatient creature, but over the years, wisdom takes over, and the character softens: they can control themselves when they see their own benefit. The desire of girls with this name to command everyone and everything, the inability to listen to the interlocutor give them out as not a very good friend. They are cunning and devoid of flexibility, blurting out everything that they think about a person in the face. However, they also have merits. These are creative individuals who have a good memory and can draw. They have the ability to direct their stubborn nature in a calm direction. They are very suitable professions that require perseverance. A doctor, an engineer, a musician, an athlete, a journalist, an actress - these are the best professions for Alina, for her nature and self-expression. Very often she expects a late marriage. As they age, they become more and more intolerant of intrusion into their personal lives, no matter who tries to do it. However, men are led by the ability of such girls to present themselves in the best light, to look like a superwoman. Alina can maintain this impression for a very long time, as long as she herself wants. Until she gets tired of it. Then she will show all that she is capable of. She always follows fashion and tries to keep up with it, she is always up to date with the latest developments and can create a dress from a scarf, a hat from a handkerchief and a scandal out of nothing. He also has culinary skills.

Let's summarize

This is almost everything that the name Alina means in the aggregate. Alina celebrates her birthday starting from March 23 with a break of 23 days (that is, April 26, May 29, and so on, until September 29). There are a lot of famous women bearing this name. They are all well known and heard daily. This is Alina Kabaeva - Olympic champion. The wife of the famous French artist Alina Sharigo, Alina Moradei is an Italian actress. Alina Vitukhnovskaya is a poetess from Russia, Alina Grosu is a Ukrainian pop singer who has been singing on stage since she was 4 years old. Famous judo athlete from Romania Alina Alexandra Dumitru. Cuban leader Fidel Castro has a daughter, Alina Fernandez. Violinist from Germany of Russian origin - Alina Pogostkina. These names can be listed endlessly.

Short form of the name Alina. Alinka, Lina, Alya, Ala, Adya, Lin, Line, Alli, Ali.
Synonyms for the name Alina. Alina, Alina.
Origin of the name Alina The name Alina is Russian, German, Catholic.

The name Alina, translated from Latin, means "other", "alien". This name is also common in Scandinavia, where it is considered a form of the name Adeline, meaning "noble", "generous", "majestic". The name Adeline has French and German roots, therefore the names Aline are related to the name Alina, Adele, Adelaide.

In Slavic countries, the name is associated with the word "scarlet" and the artistic images of the Scarlet Sails and the Scarlet Flower, that is, with the expectation of happiness and hope. In Christian baptism, Alina is given the name Angelina, less often - Alla. Also assigned the name Elena.

There are other versions of the interpretation of the name Alina. There is a possibility that Alina is a form of the Latin name Albina, and in translation (from the Latin "albus") means "white, fair, fair-haired." In Scotland, the name Alina is interpreted as “honest” and used as a pair name for the name Alistair, and in Greece - “sunbeam” (as one of the affectionate appeals to Elena). The diminutive address Lina is also an independent name.

The name Alina sounds very soft and tempting, but do not be deceived. Alina is very irritable, capricious, stubborn and impudent. They do not tolerate any comments, and everything should be just the way they want. Alina is conflicted and it is very difficult for them to find contact with others. In childhood, her negative traits are especially noticeable, but with age they soften, Alina can find the strength to control herself, but only if this is her interest.

Alina is proud and seeks to command. Stubbornness, intolerance, the ability to go from one extreme to another make her not a very pleasant companion and a very unreliable friend. Many find her cunning and devoid of flexibility, everything that she thinks, she will definitely express.

But Alina also has virtues. She has a good memory, she grasps everything on the fly. She is creative and loves to draw. Alina is so capable and can sometimes direct her stubbornness in a peaceful direction. She is suitable for such professions that require perseverance in achieving the goal, hard work. Engineers, musicians, athletes, doctors, journalists, actresses. Alina works in different areas, but the above are the most advantageous for such a complex and very difficult nature of this woman.

Alina is getting married late. The older they get, the more intolerant they are of interference in their personal lives - and it does not matter who intervenes, the mother-in-law or their own mother. But men in Alina are still attracted by her ability to present herself to a man as a superwoman. But he will remain under this impression for as long as Alina wants, until she shows herself in all her glory. Alina always tries to look attractive, she has a taste, she is always up to date with the latest fashion trends. She can create a unique outfit from almost nothing and will not forget to draw everyone's attention to herself. He also likes to brag about his culinary achievements.

sound. Alina is a short name in which all consonants are voiced. Beauty is its most noticeable characteristic. Almost always, tenderness (87%), mystery (83%) and strength (78%) of the sound of the name are also noted. Sometimes a certain femininity is also distinguished in it (84%). The most similar names in terms of phonosemantic profile are Snezhana, Ksenia and Ulyana.

Alina's name day

Alina celebrates name day on March 23, April 26, May 29, June 14, June 16, July 2, August 4, September 29.

Famous people named Alina

  • Alina Kabaeva (Russian rhythmic gymnast)
  • Alina Charigot (wife of the French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir)
  • Alina Moradei ((born 1928) Italian film actress)
  • Alina Vitukhnovskaya (Russian poetess)
  • Alina Grosu (Ukrainian pop singer; the only Ukrainian singer who has been working on the professional stage since the age of 4)
  • Alina Alexandra Dumitru (Romanian judoka)
  • Alina Fernandez (daughter of Fidel Castro)
  • Alina Pogostkina (Russian-born German violinist)
  • Alina Yanovskaya (Polish actress, participant in the Warsaw Uprising)
  • Alina (character of the novel by J.-S. Bouffle "Alina, Queen of Golconda", which served as the basis for the libretto of the opera of the same name by G. Donizetti)
  • Alina Duval ((1824 - 1903) French theater actress)
  • Andrea Alina Vergara (Argentine ice hockey player)
  • Alina Gut (Polish politician)
  • Alina Dunaevskaya (famous singer, as well as the author of her songs, dancer, actress and model. Actively participates in joint projects with other artists. In 2010 and 2011 she undertook a European tour together with singer Tarja Turunen.)

The name Alina is of Franco-German origin and means "noble". Translated from Latin, Alina means “alien”, “other”. And translated from Greek - "sunny".

    Alina's name day is celebrated: in March - 23; in April - 29; in May - 29; in June - 14; in July - 2; in August - 4; in September - 29.

    Element: air.

    Planet: Jupiter.

    Charm stone: sapphire.


The secret of the name Alina suggests that at an early age she gives a lot of trouble to her parents. Her character is stubborn and daring. She reacts critically to comments and does not listen to anyone. Usually Alina will inherit the features of appearance and character from her father. This is a rather conflicted and proud child who strives for leadership in all companies. Very often she is raised by one mother.

The meaning of the name Alina is expressed in the fact that with age, the character becomes more balanced and complaisant. However, stubbornness and intolerance still remain. In life, Alina tries to make a good impression, which causes a feeling of deliberate intrigue and cunning in others.

What does the name Alina mean in relation to the stronger sex? Alina constantly tries to take care of her appearance and attractiveness. She skillfully models outfits, hairstyles and knows how to draw attention to her person. However, it lacks due flexibility and restraint. Very often she says things that should just remain silent. As a rule, Alina gets married late and prefers to live separately not only from her mother-in-law, but also from her parents.

Parents should pay more attention to the formation of a sense of restraint and a sensitive attitude towards others in little Alina. The secret of the name of Alina is poor health at an early age, which requires due attention to physical development and hardening. Due to her unbalanced nature, Alina may have nervous breakdowns, so you need to seek help from a pediatric neurologist or psychiatrist.

Education, career, hobbies

Thanks to her natural abilities, Alina is a good student at school. She grasps information on the fly and remembers it quickly. However, due to her bad temper, Alina is constantly in conflict. She has a strained relationship not only with peers, but also with teachers. Alina enjoys drawing and reading historical novels. And she prefers the company of boys to friendship with girls.

What does the name Alina mean for a career? Representatives of this name can realize themselves in a variety of professions. Many of them become artists, salesmen, journalists, engineers, doctors, musicians and architects. But it is not recommended to engage in pedagogical and educational activities, according to the meaning of the name Alina. First of all, this is due to excessive natural restraint.

Alina is proud, cunning, resourceful and touchy. She constantly seeks to command those around her. Decisiveness goes hand in hand with inconsistency. She fails to devote herself entirely to her work. Therefore, great success in a career, as a rule, is not expected. She often jumps to conclusions and makes wrong decisions.


Alina at an early age is very painful due to a weak immune system. Most often they suffer from bronchitis. And at a more mature age, one should pay more attention to the condition of the stomach.


Alina Pokrovskaya - actress, people's artist; Alina Dunaevskaya - composer, singer, actress and model; Alina Orlova - singer; Alina Artz - singer, actress and TV presenter; Alina Znamenskaya is a writer.

Alina is a beautiful name, the origin of which is still not exactly established. Some historians believe that it has Latin roots and in translation means “alien”, “other”, “other”. It is also associated with the Latin name Albina (Latin albus), which translates as “white”, “light”, “fair-haired”.

A number of sources believe that the name Alina has French roots and is derived from Aline (Aline), and some researchers believe that this is a form of the Scandinavian name Adeline, the meaning of which is interpreted as “generous”, “noble”, “majestic”. And, finally, the secret of the name lies in its ancient Germanic origin with the interpretation of "noble."

The name is widespread in Russia, the peak of its popularity among newborns was in 1998.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Ruler Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: beryl, sapphire, tin
  • Color: blue, raspberry
  • Tree: eucalyptus
  • plant: mint, lavender, violet, jasmine
  • Animal: elephant, ram, deer, dolphin, swallow
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

From childhood, Alina grows up as a sickly, stubborn and rather impudent girl who does not tolerate even constructive comments in her address, having inherited both her character and appearance from her father. She is simply overly proud, manages to spoil relationships and scandal with everyone around, preferring, in the end, to communicate exclusively with men. True, in these respects she lacks purely feminine flexibility, although everyone, without exception, considers her very cunning and prudent.

Excellent memory allows Alina to easily grasp any information, so the girl studies more than well. In addition, she knows how to "keep a face" and look perfect in different situations. She has excellent taste and follows fashion, managing to become a trendsetter in her mother's old dress, turned into a spectacular outfit.

The characterization of the name Alina gives her many negative features: she loves to show off, is straightforward to the extreme and is very conflicted. Strives for leadership at any cost, is sure that her every opinion is the truth and gives advice to the right and left.

The owner of the name Alina, born in the summer, is an extremely businesslike, ambitious and prudent person. Winter, on the contrary, is impulsive and scattered, tends to lead a hectic lifestyle.

Interests and hobbies

Alina is an artistic, truly creative person, fond of drawing and reading chivalric novels. She likes music and various types of creativity, so she often turns her hobby into a profession.

Profession and business

Alina is a capable, quick-witted individual who is capable of working in a wide variety of fields. She can find herself in the field of an engineer, medical researcher, artist, talented journalist and musician. But professions that require constant communication with people (teacher, medical practitioner, seller) are simply contraindicated for the young lady, since the girl’s unrestrained character will become a source and provocateur of conflict situations, which will cost the employer dearly.


Alina's health is not so hot: she often suffers from respiratory diseases, and her weak points are the kidneys, lungs and bronchi, and heart. Prone to chronic depression. It is extremely important that she be in a normal emotional and mental state. To improve her health, she is shown long walks, breathing exercises, yoga, anaerobic exercises, ballroom dancing.

Sex and love

Alina radiates 9-point waves of sexuality that attract men like a magnet, but her libido is not developed to such an extent. She knows about her attractiveness, and the undisguised desire of the representatives of the stronger sex amuses the ego and pride of a woman. But this young lady, rather, has fun with men than has a real intention to get close to someone intimately.

Despite the detachment and coldness, the bearer of the name Alina loves sex, easily reaches orgasm, but close relationships never capture her to the very bottom. She is an egoist with very big claims, rather constrained and clamped, never thinking about a man. Often, sex serves as a tool for her, which the girl deftly uses for her own purposes.

Family and marriage

Alina marries late, sorting through the options and, as a rule, gives birth to girls, to whom she conveys her difficult temper and charm. She is a hospitable hostess, but her character does not allow her to coexist normally with her mother-in-law. In relation to children, she is very kind, fills the marriage with a spiritual beginning, although she does not like to deal with household chores and the family budget.

In the family, he can be outright despotism, demanding maximum spirituality from his spouse and children and preferring to speak rather than act. The combination of these two qualities - the desire for spirituality and fear of everyday problems leads to the fact that, having divorced her first husband, Alina remains herself. Loneliness becomes an impetus for excessive religiosity. Therefore, she can enroll in an organization associated with communication on spiritual topics.

The beautiful and tender name Alina cannot but be liked, because the very sound of this name caresses the ear. It is surprising that this name is found not only in our country, but also among many other peoples.

Many are convinced that this is a primordially Muslim name, Tatar, someone believes that it is Russian, but the real origin of the name Alina, its correct interpretation and translation is far from known to many. Initially, the name is not Tatar or Muslim, although its forms are found among these peoples. It comes from the Latin language and is translated as "other", "other".

There are versions that the name is Scandinavian, French, Tatar, Old German, so the history of the name is very confusing. But the generally accepted meaning of the name Alina is still “other”. There is an interpretation of the name as “generous”, “kind”, and the Slavic translation of this name is “scarlet”, “beautiful”.

The name Alina is female, full, but at baptism the church name Angelina, Elena or Alla is more often assigned. The name of girls of a different nationality and other peoples may sound like Elin, Adelaide, Alin, Adeline, Adele, Aline. Abbreviated and affectionate - Alinka, Alya, Elya, Alisha, Lee, Lina, Lin, Linusya.

Girl character

Little Alina is like a fairy tale angel - just as gentle, bright and pure, she illuminates everyone around her with her kindness and joy. But in fact, the character of this girl bears little resemblance to the character of an angel, and she only seems so soft and defenseless.

Alina can stand up for herself, she is often naughty, but most importantly, she doesn’t like it very much when she is controlled and forced to do something by force. She believes that she has every right to do her own thing and is not afraid of mistakes. Such is the general, cursory characteristic of the name Alina, and stubbornness, perhaps, is her main feature.

All this does not mean that Alina is a difficult child and it is impossible to get along with her. No, this is a kind and very smart girl, she just never allows anyone to control her and loves to make all decisions on her own. She accepts and respects the authority of her parents, mom and dad are very important for the girl and loved by her, but she is in conflict when she is treated too strictly or rudely.

But in a good way it is easy to get along with her, to agree, the main thing is to keep her word and fulfill promises, because otherwise Alina will be very upset. She is very sensitive to broken promises and lies; for this girl, honesty is of great importance in life and communication.

What the name Alina means is really confirmed: this girl is different from the rest and grows apart, always standing out from the crowd. As she grows older, the girl becomes even more independent, but her character takes shape, becomes smoother, Alina knows how to manage her emotions and knows how to behave in a given situation in order to achieve what she wants.

The girl, whose name is Alina, easily achieves her goals and always knows exactly what she wants, so her fate is successful in all areas. She has a strong character, she is assertive, stubborn and fearless, but she knows how to remain silent, if necessary, and bend where necessary.

In addition, Alina has a unique intuition and feels other people very well, literally reading their thoughts. For many people around, a real mystery is how this young lady intuitively makes the right decisions, how she knows the answers in all difficult situations and sometimes, taking terrible risks, gets everything she wants. But this is her talent, and she makes excellent use of it.

business area

The meaning of the name Alina implies that this girl is always different from the rest, and she likes it. In her work, she always makes original decisions, which sometimes shock and outrage her colleagues, but are liked by her superiors, so Alina is always a winner, and it is useless to compete with her in work.

A good, prestigious job, a high income and some measure of fame - that's what matters to her, that's what Alina is looking for in her profession. She wants to be seen, loves to be looked at with envy and admiration, and would rather die of hunger than do gray and stupid office work.

Alina is convinced from early youth that she has every right to manage her life herself, and she chooses her profession herself, without listening to the advice of her relatives and the persuasion of her loved ones. Whatever activity this stubborn young lady engages in, she will succeed everywhere and break into a cake, but she will be the best in her field.

Alina is talented and beautiful;

By the way, the girl has acting data from birth, she can play a kind angel or an angry tigress in life, if the situation requires it. So Alina's fate will lead her to the fact that she will become a successful young woman and will always be "with money", and at the age of 30 she will certainly achieve at least a managerial position and will choose a brand new foreign car.

Sphere of relations

The fate of a girl named Alina schematically fits into the following description: in her youth she is surrounded by admirers, she does not get married too early, and she is very happy in her family. Indeed, in her youth, this strong and independent girl attracts the opposite sex like a magnet, differing from her peers in her strong character, looseness and courage. She loves to be in sight, knows how to successfully present herself and always bathes in the attention of guys.

However, the girl is extremely demanding of her partner. Loyalty, honesty, courage - this is of great importance to her, and in her youth Alina will not meet with someone, just not to be alone. A guy for her should be a real hero, not be afraid of anything, set great goals for himself and achieve them. Alina is looking for a man who would be stronger than herself, and it is not easy to find such a person, even among men!

But one day even the obstinate girl Alina comprehends what the secret of great love is, and falls in love completely and unconditionally. Love transforms her, makes her a real woman, ready to follow her beloved to the ends of the world.

Surprisingly, Alina is ready to obey her beloved person, she does not argue with him and obeys him, becoming soft, wise and complaisant. Alina can only be conflicted if her chosen one tries to put pressure on her, starts to deceive or not say something, play up. And Alina, as you know, does not tolerate this.

She is a wonderful mother and wife who manages everything, who has complete order everywhere. In the family, the girl is waiting for a very happy fate and a new life, in which Alina is realized as a true woman. Let her marry later than her girlfriends, but once, and her family will never fall apart, and everyone around will envy happiness.

About Compatibility

With what names of men does the name Alina have the greatest compatibility, what chances do Sergey, Alexander or, say, Ivan have? Name compatibility analysis will reveal all the secrets.

1. Excellent name compatibility and a happy fate as a couple: Alexey, Boris, Oleg, Ruslan, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Vladimir.

2. Average compatibility, there are chances: Maxim, Yuri, Peter, Yakov, Viktor, Stanislav, Ilya, Denis, Dmitry.

3. Low compatibility, complex relationships: Nikolai, Anatoly, Vyacheslav, Nikita, Albert, Semyon, Vladislav, George, Eldar, Zakhar, Fedor.

But the main thing is not how the young man was called at baptism. Whether he is Alexander or Sergey, Ivan or Peter, the main thing is not compatibility, but feeling. If it is sincere, then no compatibility matters, because if you wish, you can build any, even the most complex relationship, and it happens that completely different and dissimilar people converge and live happily, despite formal compatibility. This is worth remembering!

Alina celebrates her birthday more than once a year, but almost every month. These are the following dates:

  • March 23.
  • 26 April.
  • May 29.
  • 14 and 16 June.
  • July 2nd
  • August 4th.
  • September 29th.
  • The 20th of October.

Many parents think for a long time about how to name their beloved daughter at birth and baptism, what qualities the name will bestow on the child, what fate it will give. Alina is a wonderful name that will reward the girl with a difficult character, but with a strong will, great achievements and a happy fate!

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