Watermelon unloading day. Watermelon unloading rules. Options for a fasting day on a watermelon


Diets and healthy eating 27.09.2014

Dear readers, I invite you to talk about a fasting day on a watermelon. Perhaps someone on vacation has been indulging in something too much and now wants to get in shape. For some, this problem is acute not only during the extra couple of kilograms gained, or even more. Therefore, I hasten to offer you a type of fasting day that will please you with taste and will be a symbolic farewell to the past summer. We are getting slimmer, getting younger, enjoying the taste with the help of a fasting day on a watermelon.

By the way, I will say that I am not a supporter of strict diets. Still, there are breakdowns on diets. But to find a middle ground, eat a little, often, fractionally and arrange for ourselves periodically fasting days - I think we can do it.

On the blog, we have already talked about, carried out, slimmed down with the help.

The hero of today's article is a handsome watermelon. More recently, we talked about its benefits. Everything is logical - after all, it was just the season for eating watermelons. But even today, despite the fact that it’s already “sunny” outside the window, watermelons are sold both in stores and in the markets.

So let's make the most of this opportunity. We talked about the benefits of watermelon for our body in the article. And today we will consider this miracle fruit from a dietary point of view.

Unloading day on a watermelon. Application advantages. Useful properties of watermelon for weight loss.

On the blog, we have repeatedly talked about fasting days, considering different options. But, probably, there has never been such a delicious unloading day. Hence the first plus of unloading on a watermelon is deliciousness. It will appeal to those with a sweet tooth, who find it most difficult to keep themselves within the framework of any product without sweets.

The second plus of watermelon is its low calorie content. Indeed, for a day of watermelon "abstinence" you will consume only 570 kcal.

And, finally, the beneficial properties of watermelon for our body is the third plus of such a fasting day.

  • The metabolic process is normalized
  • Increased intestinal peristalsis
  • The fiber contained in watermelon promotes the elimination of cholesterol and is beneficial to the intestinal microflora
  • Folic acid and vitamin C, which are part of the watermelon, have an anti-sclerotic effect.
  • The body is enriched with vitamins A, B, PP, iron, potassium, magnesium.

Diet or fasting day? How to lose weight with watermelon

I want to clarify right away that there is a fasting day on a watermelon, which lasts a day and the purpose of which is to give the body a rest, cleanse itself, and at the same time slightly adjust the weight. There is also a watermelon diet, which involves a longer period of use - 4-6 days. It can be tried only by those who, as they say, have “iron health”, because with such a long deprivation of the body of traditional nutrients for it, any problems can appear.

Often, a watermelon diet is used for about 3 days, after which they simply “come out” of it more smoothly, gradually adding other foods to the diet. This option is suitable for those who still set their sights on radical weight loss. For myself, I think that one day completely on a watermelon can be an excellent option to unload and just in one day. And there is a minimum of torment, and the health benefits are obvious.

Unloading day on a watermelon. Rules for holding

So, the rules by which "watermelon unloading" should be carried out.

First of all, let's go for the watermelon. It is better to do this the day before, so as not to bother yourself with running around on the appointed day, and in the morning start the prescribed diet. We need a watermelon 6-7 kg in weight. According to the rule of the watermelon diet, for every 10 kg of your weight, you need to eat 1 kg of watermelon. That is, if your average weight, after rounding, is 60 kg, then your goal is a six-kilogram green “handsome man”. Actually, everything.

Buying a watermelon and eating a watermelon is all your concern on this fasting day. And this, probably, is another plus of the watermelon menu - you don’t need to cook anything. Cut off and eat at your pleasure. By the way, about pleasure. For ardent adherents of diets who are used to keeping themselves in tight rein, most likely, a fasting day on a watermelon will seem like a fairy tale. Still, this is not fasting on water, cucumbers, or some other not very tasty mono-diet. After all, watermelon is a recognized delicacy, so eating it all day long is a real pleasure.

Watermelon unloading - easy and smart

But for those who have not particularly met with food restrictions before and turned to fasting days for the first time, perhaps such a prospect will seem too difficult. Then I hasten to reassure you.

Firstly, if during the watermelon day it will be completely unbearable, you can eat a little wholemeal bread, bran.

And secondly, it will be possible to carry out a smooth adaptation to watermelon unloading. To do this, try to eat everything that you usually eat during this period from morning to 12 noon for two or three days. But from 12 to the end of the day already eat one watermelon. If you feel that it is difficult, then we eat watermelon after 15 days, and until that time we eat normally, without frills and fanaticism, of course. Happened? Then we try only watermelon after 12. And so, if there is a desire and a need, we will get to a full unloading day on watermelon.

Unloading day on a watermelon. 3 options

Well, so that you have a chance to choose an option for yourself, I give you a few recipes. In each of them, the main character is a watermelon. In terms of complexity and, accordingly, efficiency, they are all different. So we choose for ourselves.

Option one: Unloading day on the watermelon "Smooth entry" . I have described it above. Adaptation can be done 3 or 4 days before you try to unload by eating one watermelon. So you can check yourself on the one hand, understand whether you need it - on the other, and, finally, smoothly prepare the body for a restriction in food, without exposing it to the stress of sudden deprivation. Perhaps such a diet option for a week will already allow you to achieve the desired result, and extra pounds will be “lost” by such an adaptation.

Option two: Unloading day on watermelon "Watermelon plus" . Assumes the use of watermelon in combination with a slice of bran bread, low-fat yogurt or melon. I emphasize that in the "partners" you need to choose any one product from those offered. That is, either bread or yogurt. If you love gourds, a melon would be a great option. It will brighten up the monotony of a watermelon, and will provide an opportunity to enjoy another delicious fruit, well, it won’t add a lot of calories. If we talk about quantity, then this is 100-150 g of wholemeal bread, 200 ml of low-fat yogurt or 0.5 kg of melon per day of watermelon unloading. Melon and watermelon can be alternated throughout the day. But to eat bread or yogurt in one go, it is better not to combine it with watermelon and it is better in the morning.

Option three: Unloading day on a watermelon "Watermelon and only watermelon" . The name speaks for itself. The rate indicated above is divided into 6 doses and consumed throughout the day. If you took a watermelon weighing 6-7 kg, then without taking into account the crusts, you will get 3-4 kg of pulp. We divide it into equal portions (it will come out somewhere around 350-400 g). It is usually recommended to eat watermelon every 1.5-2 hours. So that the body receives nutrients without a long break, and so that the liquid for cleaning the vessels also comes in regularly. You can drink mineral water without gas or unsweetened green tea. But, using so much watermelon, you most likely will not feel a special need for a drink. Unless you drink in those moments when you want something tasty. As one of my acquaintances, who always practices various kinds of diets, said: “Do you want to eat? Drink some water."

Unloading day on a watermelon. Reviews and results

One unloading day on a watermelon can "deprive" you of 1-1.5 kg. If you master the weekly diet, then 4-6 kg can “leave”. The main thing is not to overdo it. You can unload with a watermelon no more than once a week. And as an option to get out of the watermelon diet, you can apply the smooth introduction of products into your diet, leaving the watermelon in the daily menu after 15 days. So we will save the body from “food stresses” and ensure that the result in terms of weight loss is securely fixed.

Watermelon unloading day. Contraindications and warnings

But for a fasting day, as for any day of restrictions, there are warnings and even contraindications.

It is impossible to carry out unloading on a watermelon:

  1. After any recent illness, when the immune system has not yet had time to fully restore its protective functions and get stronger.
  2. During the period of mental and power loads.
  3. Those who are sick with diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis have severe kidney disease, especially during an exacerbation.

For a watermelon fasting day, it is better to choose a day off, plan everything in advance and not send it on trips, to important events, and so on. You need to spend it at home, controlling the whole process. Of course, you can go outside, even for a short walk on business. But a business trip to another city or a full-time working day in the office is not your option for such a fasting day.

For the soul, we will listen today Maksim Mrvica I introduced you to an amazing musician. Chopin and Bach, all the classics and such modern compositions are subject to him in the performance. We are filled with positive and amazing energy. Do not miss. Give yourself new emotions.

I wish you all health, harmony, joy of life. Don't forget wisdom. Spend fasting days. I hope that you will like the fasting day on the watermelon.

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According to nutritionists, a fasting day for the body should be arranged at least twice a month. The basis of such a one-day diet is the use of only one product. And today we will talk about how to properly practice a fasting day on a watermelon.

Basic Rules

Watermelon mono-diet can be called one of the most pleasant and delicious. Often it is chosen by those who cannot deny themselves sweets. This berry, huge in size, perfectly unloads our body and at the same time promotes weight loss.

Is it possible to do a fasting day on a watermelon? Of course you can! But not more than once a week and subject to certain rules. The fact is that some have an erroneous idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba watermelon day and believe that you can use the main product in unlimited quantities. But in fact, the amount of juicy pulp consumed per day should be calculated according to the following principle: for every 10 kg of body weight, 1 kg of sweet berries. At the same time, you should exclude alcohol and other products from your menu on this day.

If such a fasting day is unbearable for you, then there is a less rigid option when some additions may be present in the diet, but more on that below.

What will be the result?

For one unloading day on a watermelon, you can throw off from 1 to 1.5 kg of excess weight. If the mono-diet is extended, then, accordingly, more kilograms will go away - about 2 kg in 3 days. But here the main thing is not to overdo it and be careful, as there is a risk of harming your health.

At the same time, you should leave the one-day mono-diet gradually, smoothly introducing familiar foods into your daily menu. So you can not only protect the body from stress after a fasting watermelon day, but also help to consolidate the result.

Pros and cons

Watermelon days are good because:

  • help to quickly and easily get rid of excess weight;
  • cleanse the blood of cholesterol and improve its formula;
  • due to the large amount of fluid, toxins and toxins are removed from the body;
  • watermelon contains a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines;
  • this berry also contains vitamins A, B and C, as well as minerals and antioxidants - they saturate our body, provide it with protection and normal operation.

However, fasting days on a watermelon have not only advantages, but also some disadvantages. First of all, this concerns the cause of weight loss - kilograms do not go away due to getting rid of body fat, but solely due to fluid loss. In addition, not everyone is able to spend the whole day on watermelon alone, and the inclusion of other products in the menu reduces the effective indicator. Plus, this mono-diet has a number of contraindications, and therefore not always a fasting day on a watermelon will be beneficial, in the presence of certain diseases, harm is also possible. These include:

  • kidney problems that can go into an acute form;
  • cholelithiasis.

On a note! Even in the absence of these diseases, it is highly undesirable to practice a watermelon day during a period of strength and mental stress, as well as after illness, when the immune system is not yet strong enough!

The best time for such unloading is considered to be the end of summer or the beginning of autumn, when the watermelon ripening season comes. During this period, you have the opportunity to purchase a ripe product that will not be stuffed with harmful substances and, thus, protect your body from possible health problems.

How to spend a watermelon day?

First of all, you need to purchase the main product. It is advisable to do this in advance so that in the morning you can start a dietary diet. If your weight is about 60 kg, then in this case, a six-kilogram sweet berry is enough for you. This completes the preparations, since this product does not need any additional processing.

Only watermelon

Cut the watermelon into slices and enjoy its taste. Throughout the day, you can also drink unlimited amounts of gas-free mineral water, green tea and herbal infusions. At the same time, if you are used to hard diets for weight loss, then fasting days on a watermelon may seem too simple.

To make it more convenient, the watermelon should be immediately divided into equal portions. For example, in front of you is a berry weighing 6 kg. Without taking into account the crusts, the weight of the pulp will be about 400 g. It must be divided in such a way that you eat one serving every 1.5-2 hours.

On a note! During the fasting day, our body must regularly receive nutrients. This will give you the best results!

Variants of watermelon days

But for those who are not used to strict food restrictions, there are other options:

  • bran can be added to the menu (3 doses of 2 tablespoons);
  • per day you can eat 100-150 g of wholemeal bread;
  • combine the consumption of the above portion of watermelon with 500 g of melon.

At the same time, remember that there can be only one additional product. If you choose bran, then they are consumed in between watermelon servings. At one time, you eat 2 tablespoons of bran and drink it with a glass of clean water.

If you chose whole grain bread, then its allowable 150 g should also be divided into portions and consumed 30 minutes before or half an hour after taking a serving of watermelon.

But a fasting day on watermelon and melon will definitely appeal to all lovers of melons. The latter is able to somewhat dilute the monotony of the main product, provide an opportunity to enjoy its unique taste on a fasting day and at the same time do not add calories.

To make the unloading day easier ...

A smooth adaptation can help with this, which should be carried out three days before watermelon unloading. During the preparatory period from morning to afternoon, you can eat your usual foods. But from about one in the afternoon, only watermelon should be present in the diet. If in the afternoon you feel a strong attack of hunger, then the consumption of the main product of the mono-diet can be postponed until 15.00. And the next day we try to eat it from 12.00. Thus, you can spend a watermelon fasting day much easier.

In addition, it is desirable to schedule it for the weekend. Think over everything in advance and try to exclude the possibility of sudden exits, events, etc. Being at home, you can fully control the entire process without unnecessary discomfort, but being at work or walking, it will be quite difficult to do.

All materials on the website Priroda-Znaet.ru are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

A fasting day on a watermelon is a godsend for a sweet tooth. Among effective diets for weight loss, experts single out a mono-diet when the diet consists of one product. A juicy berry will help to throw off the hated kilograms and free the body from toxins, toxins, food debris.

Ripe watermelon is a source of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the human body:

  • vitamins (A, C, PP, B1, B2);
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • lycopene;
  • folic acid;
  • organic acids.

The watermelon diet is 90% water, it has a diuretic effect.

The removal of toxins with excess moisture relieves intoxication, the intestines are cleansed of the remnants of undigested food, metabolism is normalized, which contributes to weight loss. There is a cleansing of the liver and kidneys, the blood is renewed. In 100 gr. watermelon pulp contains 38 kcal, you can not bother with calculations and menu development, but simply enjoy the taste and proven benefits.

A fasting day will be harmful if the purchased product contains nitrates and carcinogens. They can lead to severe poisoning. During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach, urinary system, it is strictly forbidden to experiment with the diet. Lycopene, which is part of it, causes an allergic reaction, you need to make sure that there is no sensitivity to the microelement. Inconvenience may occur due to frequent visits to the toilet if unloading occurs during work.

Periodicity and rules for holding

A watermelon unloading day should be carried out during the harvest season of melons, which falls at the end of August - September. When buying, tap on the surface - a sonorous sound indicates ripeness, and a dull sound occurs if the watermelon is spoiled. The peel should be juicy green, without spots, dents. A yellow mark on the side indicates that the fruit is ready to eat. You should not cut a watermelon to check the inside - pathogenic bacteria may enter. At home, wash the berries thoroughly with running water, then wipe with a dry towel. The cut half should be covered with cling film, then put in the refrigerator.

Nutritionists advise to cleanse the body once a week to achieve effectiveness. Unloading within one day is allowed without prior preparation. The fruit is cut into 5-7 servings, they should be consumed every 2 hours. It is necessary to determine in advance the optimal amount of pulp consumed per day. The minimum amount is 2 kg, and the maximum is calculated depending on body weight: 10 kg of weight - 1 kg of pulp. Do not force yourself to eat portions, overeating will lead to heaviness in the stomach. Reduce volume and enjoy unloading.

Diet options for unloading

If you periodically repeat the fasting day, the result will be fixed, it will turn out to lose weight. Who finds it difficult to eat one product can be combined with other ingredients.


The first option is to use only watermelon pulp. Water is excluded, but those who cannot do without it are allowed to drink cool mineral water without gas. The fruit must be cut, peeled, measured in equal portions, consumed every two hours. The usefulness of the weight loss method lies in the targeted cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to an improvement in metabolism.

And kefir

A fasting day on kefir and watermelon combines the use of a healthy fermented milk product and saturation with microelements contained in a large berry. In the morning it is worth drinking a glass of kefir, only about 1 liter per day. Products cannot be combined. It is very effective to unload the body with a kefir diet, thanks to this, in just one day, it is possible to reduce the waist and hips.

And black bread

Fasting day is very useful on watermelon and black bread, and there will be no feeling of hunger. Take 150 gr. coarse black bread, divided into equal parts, consumed in the morning, alternating with sweet pulp. Bread acts as a natural sorbent that releases nutrients while absorbing toxins.

And cucumbers

A fasting day spent on watermelon and cucumbers has an enhanced diuretic effect. From carefully washed cucumbers, you should prepare a salad without salt, but with the addition of a few drops of olive oil. You should not eat the pulp of the berry and the cucumber together, it is better to alternate portions of the same size. The low-calorie cucumber salad contains many vitamins, which increases the effectiveness of a one-day deload.

The alternation of two gourds will allow you to diversify the menu during the mono-diet. It is not recommended to use together, so as not to increase gas formation. The melon is thoroughly washed, the portions that need to be eaten during the day are measured. Additionally, it is allowed to drink plain water to remove the sweetness in the mouth.

There are many options for a variety of diets, painted in stages. You should realistically assess the possibilities, be aware of the existing contraindications to cleansing the body.

Contraindications to unloading on watermelon

It is forbidden to carry out one-day cleaning during pregnancy due to a strong load on the urinary system. A pregnant woman should eat a varied and balanced diet to meet the nutritional needs of the baby.

The main contraindications include:

  • childhood;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • liver disease;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • high sensitivity to lycopene;
  • decreased immunity after past illnesses;
  • upcoming mental or physical stress.

Before cleaning, you should seek the advice of a specialist to make sure that there are no contraindications, otherwise the usual procedure can cause negative consequences.

The next day after cleansing, you should follow a few rules: drink more fluids and do not eat junk food in large quantities. According to women, one day went so easily that they extended the diet for several days to get the desired result.

It is useful to periodically carry out a comprehensive cleansing of the body, which can be easily arranged at home with the help of a tasty and vitamin berry. Subject to the rules, well-being improves, and the figure is brought to the desired state. When the body gets used to the diet, you can try new options for mono-diets.

The juicy pulp of this fruit is loved by both adults and children. It is sweet, quickly satiates, it can be enjoyed endlessly. What is not an ideal product for weight loss? Indeed: tasty, low-calorie, nutritious, healthy, allowing the body to thoroughly cleanse itself of toxins and excess fluid. So at the end of summer, it's time to arrange a fasting day on a watermelon. It will quench your thirst and allow you to get in the right shape on the eve of going to work from vacation. The main thing is to organize it correctly.

Action on the body

Why does a watermelon fasting day lead to good weight loss results? It's all about the processes that are triggered in the body under the influence of pulp, enriched with a mass of useful substances:

  • the diuretic effect allows you to get rid of several hundred grams of excess water;
  • given the low calorie content (only 27 kcal), energy consumption will exceed its income with food;
  • increases the feeling of satiety, which helps to curb appetite;
  • despite the high glycemic index, it does not affect blood sugar levels in any way, which means they do not provoke the accumulation of fats;
  • quenches thirst, replenishes lost electrolytes (for example, potassium), maintaining a stable level of hydration during training with profuse sweating;
  • increases the plasma concentration of arginine, which is used in bodybuilding and fitness to reduce muscle fatigue.

So after such a hunger strike, you can lose up to 2 kg of excess weight without any stress and harm to health. However, not everyone can get such a result. Typically, the loss is about 1 kg.

Did you know that... Watermelon is 92% water? This is the reason for its diuretic effect.

Pros and cons

No one doubts that watermelon is healthy. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids and other biologically active substances. But since it will have to be eaten in huge quantities during the fasting day, get ready for the fact that it can also be harmful if used improperly.


  • easily tolerated;
  • perfectly quenches thirst;
  • there is an opportunity to cook;
  • low cost;
  • elimination of edema;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • prevention of cancerous growths;
  • source of potassium, strengthens bones;
  • benefit for vision;
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • increased immunity;
  • muscle recovery after training, eliminates pain;
  • sleep improvement;
  • it is a natural energy source that will not allow a bad mood and a breakdown throughout the day.


  • possible side effects: diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, dizziness, flatulence, weakness, abdominal pain, in case of poisoning - vomiting and fever;
  • a fetus oversaturated with nitrates has a bad effect on blood viscosity and can provoke intoxication of the body and a decrease in hemoglobin by the end of the day;
  • powerful diuretic effect;
  • provokes the movement of stones along the ducts, if any;
  • there is an opinion that this product does not drown out, but rather increases appetite;
  • the availability of this method of losing weight is only 2 months a year;
  • the high glycemic index of fruits can worsen the condition in some diseases.

Weigh the pros and cons before organizing such a tasty hunger strike. Can you avoid the cons?

Curious fact. The red color of watermelon pulp is due to lycopene - this is a carotenoid pigment, and in such huge quantities it is no longer found in any product. It is a powerful natural antioxidant that prevents the development of cancer, helps with male infertility, and slows down the aging process.


Fasting days on watermelon are contraindicated for the following health problems:

  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • bad feeling;
  • fever;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • diabetes;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • last trimester of pregnancy;
  • allergy;
  • problems with the spleen;
  • obesity;

Ignore them - and complications will not be avoided.

Origin of name. The word "watermelon" goes back to the Turkic "χarbuz", which translates as "melon". The literal meaning is "a huge donkey-sized cucumber".


Ideally, nutritionists do not recommend pairing watermelons with other foods. There is even a rule: you can enjoy its juicy pulp only 1.5 hours after the main meal. And, accordingly, the same amount of time after that you can not eat. And yet, in order to somehow diversify the diet of this fasting day, you can eat a few other foods to drown out the feeling of hunger and help the body get rid of excess weight more intensively.

Compatible with:

  • fruits - sour and sweet;
  • fermented milk: cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream.

Completely incompatible with:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • peas, legumes;
  • starchy.

The reason is the different speed of digestion. Such a combination will eventually result in flatulence, fermentation and bloating. Consider these lists when compiling a menu and choosing a fasting day option. Below are the most effective ones.

  • Classic variant

Not only classic, but also the most ideal, when you can only eat watermelon during the day. The recommended daily allowance is 1 kg of juicy pulp per 10 kg of your weight. Calculate the required volume, distribute it in small portions and enjoy.

  • with apples

You can safely arrange a fasting day on watermelon and, as they go well together. They can even be mixed in the same shake and meal. There is a desire - share their use. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended daily allowance: 1 kg of both.

  • With kefir

Those in the know who are losing weight like to organize unloading on watermelon and, since not only the removal of excess fluid occurs, but also partial fat burning (though barely noticeable, but still). Products can be combined in cocktails or alternated: 300 grams of watermelon - an hour later a glass of fat-free kefir. Daily volume: 1 kg of pulp and 1 liter of kefir.

  • with melon

Very tasty, you can lose weight on watermelon and melon. They can be taken either in equal amounts, or in a ratio of 2 to 1. The only caveat is that they cannot be combined. So alternate them like this:

  • With black bread

You can arrange a fasting day on watermelon and black bread, the action of which is based on the swelling of fiber in the stomach. Thanks to this, you will not feel hunger pangs. In addition, bread is a clean and healthy source of carbohydrates. You will need to eat 300 grams of watermelon pulp 6 times a day and eat it with a small slice (50 grams) of rye bread.

  • with cucumbers

For those who are not afraid of the diuretic effect, you can try losing weight on watermelon and. Of course, a nuclear mixture is obtained, but effective. You will have to endure flatulence, bloating, and possible diarrhea. But in the end, the body will be 100% free of everything unnecessary. It is recommended to eat 500 grams of fresh cucumbers and at least 2 kg of watermelon per day. It is undesirable to combine them with each other.

Curious fact. The fruits may vary depending on the variety. For example, in shape: they are spherical, oval, cylindrical, flattened. By color: their peel can be white, yellow, dark green. According to the pattern: they are decorated with stripes, spots, mesh, have a uniform color without a pattern. The flesh can be red, pink, crimson, yellow or orange.

To achieve sustainable weight loss, you need to be able to do everything right. To do this, learn a few common truths.

  1. On the eve of a hunger strike (3-4 days in advance), exclude harmful foods from the diet and lean on fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. Buy watermelons in trusted outlets. If he is pumped up with nitrates or turns out to be immature, nothing but harm will come.
  3. Wash it under running water with soap and dry before use.
  4. Do not "gnaw out" the pulp right up to the peel - harmful substances are concentrated there.
  5. The recommended scheme is 1 time per week for 2 months.
  6. Nutritionists are allowed to arrange watermelon fasting days for 3 days in a row with perfectly healthy kidneys and overweight no more than 5 kg.
  7. A categorical ban - on smoked meats, alcohol, carbonated drinks and products containing fats, salt, sugar.
  8. Store the cut fruit in the refrigerator, previously covered with a film so that the beneficial properties are not lost.
  9. From drinks are allowed without sugar (you can with milk) and plain water (you need to drink at least 1.5 liters).
  10. To consolidate the achieved result, within 3 days after the hunger strike, replace dinner with watermelon. The recommended volume is 0.5 kg of pulp per 30 kg of your weight.

With the world - on a string. Not so long ago, Japanese breeders grew a completely black watermelon. Its price is about $250.

sample menu

In order not to break loose, make a schedule of meals and a diet in advance. To facilitate this task, a template of a sparing scheme for a watermelon fasting day will help, which you can use to create your own menu.

Watermelon is one of those few products on which it is very pleasant to arrange fasting days. Excellent taste, health benefits, the effectiveness of losing weight - everything speaks for using this technique in the fight against extra pounds.

Fasting days are a great option for those who lack the patience to stick to a strict diet. The essence of such a food system is the consumption of one type of product for one to two days. In addition, they are very useful for the body, as a result of which the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, toxins and toxins are removed.

At the end of summer, the watermelon unloading day becomes the most relevant. Such a berry easily replaces dessert and is not inferior in taste to high-calorie sweets. Thanks to watermelon, you will get rid of heaviness in the stomach, relieve headaches, flush the liver and kidneys. The correct fasting day differs from the usual diet with a low-calorie diet. There is no need to skip meals, as your digestive tract may not like it. During the fasting day, it is recommended to refuse to visit the gym and mental stress.

Watermelon fasting days: reviews

The benefits of watermelon fasting days

  • "hungry" days on watermelon are recommended for people who have undergone long-term drug treatment;
  • you can use such a berry in unlimited quantities;
  • there is a complete cleansing of the body;
  • the work of the urinary system, liver and kidneys is improving;
  • recommended for hypertensive patients and people suffering from obesity;
  • easily tolerated;
  • the body is saturated with carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins PP, C, B and A, magnesium, potassium, iron, fiber and pectins.

Disadvantages of the watermelon diet

  • not recommended for kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis and people who have recently had poisoning;
  • in the process of "unloading" it is forbidden to drink water;
  • is a strict diet;
  • you can not leave the house for a long time due to the increased diuretic effect.

Unloading day on a watermelon: basic rules

  • the daily ration is from 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp;
  • it is necessary to divide meals by 5-6 times;
  • with an increased feeling of hunger, it is allowed to eat 1-2 small pieces of wholemeal bread or 200 g of low-fat yogurt;
  • the duration of watermelon "unloading" should not be more than 3 days;
  • in the event that you prolong the "hungry" day, then green tea without sugar should be included in the diet;
  • you need to leave the diet carefully, eating light and protein foods during the day;
  • do not eat too sweet watermelons;
  • The last intake of the berry should be 5 hours before bedtime.

One-day fasting day on watermelon: menu

During the day, you should eat only watermelons in any quantity. The main thing is not to feel hungry. If the berry is tired, diversify the diet with fresh cucumbers.

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