St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum). St. John's Wort Application of St. John's Wort Herb

Myths, legends, beliefs

In French, St. John's wort sounds like "millepertuis", which means "a thousand passes." Since ancient times, St. John's wort has been known as a magical plant.

In southern Germany and Bohemia, sashes are woven from St. John's wort, which are then burned in a fire lit in honor of St. John the Baptist.

In the Norman forests, St.

St. John's wort is often called the "grass of St. John", and the Germans call it "the blood of St. John." The plant is recommended to have with you on the night of St. John, as it is believed that St. John's wort drives away any witchcraft. One of the authors of the Middle Ages wrote about St. John's wort: "The devils have such an aversion to this grass that they immediately run away from the place where they burn it." This was explained by the fact that St. John's wort, being a solar flower, drives away the dark forces of the night.

Practical use

St. John's wort has long been known as a reliable and effective means of protection against negative energies and negative vibrations. Its magical properties are so strong that St. John's wort was revered as one of the most powerful amulets. So, for example, in Germany, this plant is considered hostile to sorcerers and witches, but only on condition that it is collected on the night of Ivan Kupala.

But the tradition in the morning from St. John's wort you need to weave a wreath, put it on your head and not take it off while dancing around the fire, and then take care of it as a talisman against damage. In this way, they protected themselves from evil spirits for a whole year.

For personal protection from the machinations of ill-wishers and evil spirits, the stalk of St. John's wort should be put in shoes, either worn around the neck or attached to a hat.

With the help of St. John's wort, they also protected the house from negative energies and attacks by evil people. For this, a branch of St. John's wort was hung in the doorway or hidden under the threshold. It was believed that this would not allow a sorcerer or witch to enter the house.

In order to cleanse the house of unwanted vibrations, ancient priests and sorcerers recommended fumigating rooms with St. John's wort.

St. John's wort, used as an incense, cleanses the space not only from harmful vibrations and layers of negative energies, but also from the presence of evil spirits.

Also, to protect the house from thieves and robbers, St. John's wort stems are cross-attached to the windows.

Ancient magicians also used St. John's wort as a reliable amulet of gardens and fields. St. John's wort scattered across the field during sowing protects it from damage and the evil eye, and also, according to some beliefs, from hail.

St. John's wort is also very popular as a healing plant, in particular, as a remedy for healing wounds. In this regard, in English, St. John's wort is usually called "Balm-of-Warrior", which means "balm of warriors" and, since its power is really great, it is also sometimes called "grace-of-god", which means "the grace of God", and some English healers called this plant "Touch-and-Heal" - "touch and heal."

St. John's wort was often used to treat impotence. To do this, several sprigs of St. John's wort had to be put under the mattress at night.

There were more extravagant ways to cure such ailments. For example, one of the ancient witchcraft treatises suggested, in order to get rid of impotence, to tie three branches of St. John's wort with red threads to the male genital organ, which should be worn for three days, changing the branches every six hours. It was believed that St. John's wort would take over the disease, and in return would give, as the sorcerers said, "an unbending woman."

In Russia, an infusion of St. John's wort was drunk with bruises. And, I must say, this practice was very popular.

St. John's wort also has the ability to positively influence the health of the general tone of a person, helping to maintain vigor and health for a long time. For this reason, it was often recommended for use by those who got tired very quickly or were engaged in exhausting work.

For the same purpose, St. John's wort was also used by soldiers, especially those who had to make long walks. The magical properties of St. John's wort helped the soldiers, even with a multi-day forced march, maintain vigor and the ability to instantly respond to extreme situations.

Magicians strongly recommend collecting St. John's wort on the eve of Ivan Kupala, since it is during this period that St. John's wort is most active, and, therefore, endowed with the greatest magical power. But if the day of Ivan Kupala falls on the new moon, then it is recommended to collect St. John's wort on June 25th.

John's wort is used for:

  • wound healing;
  • protection from evil spirits;
  • protection of the house from thieves and robbers;
  • protection from the machinations of ill-wishers;
  • protection from sorcerers and witches;
  • protection from evil spirits;
  • expulsion from the premises of evil spirits;
  • healing from impotence;
  • healing for bruises;
  • protection of the house from sorcerers and witches;
  • purification of space from harmful vibrations;
  • protection of crops from hail;
  • protection of crops from spoilage and evil eye;
  • maintaining health, vitality and tone.

St. John's wort has always been considered a magical plant. Many signs and beliefs are associated with it; it has long been used in rituals and ceremonies. How to use its magical properties in our time?

John's wort is considered a protective herb. It was used as a talisman against evil and evil spirits. A bouquet of St. John's wort is able to cleanse the energy of the house and establish harmony in space. If the room is fumigated with this herb, then its aroma will completely kill all the negative vibrations of the house and renew the energy.

St. John's wort was also carried with them in pouches. as a talisman against damage and the evil eye. It is believed that this grass, like wormwood, is not tolerated by black sorcerers and those who have dark thoughts and an unkind eye.

St. John's wort is considered the most powerful anti-demonic herb. central Russia. It absorbs sunlight, affects the entire human body, cleansing it and filling it with strength and health.

It is believed that the branch of St. John's wort, laid under the threshold or hung over the front door, does not allow a person with evil thoughts to enter the house.

If you put a St. John's wort flower in your shoes then the day will go well.

St. John's wort is one of the best medicinal plants. It is not for nothing that the people often call him "pain". Teas, decoctions and infusions with this herb can boost the immune system, get rid of colds, stomach diseases, relieve inflammation and cleanse the body.

This plant becomes especially popular in July, on the day of Ivan Kupala. Wreaths woven from St. John's wort could predict the future of a young girl. If you let such a wreath into the pond, you can find out whether the girl will marry in the near future or not. The wreath will sink - it will not come out, it will float further - there will be a wedding.

We often forget about the valuable gifts of nature, and in vain. No energy drink can be compared with a decoction of healing St. John's wort. There is still a whole summer ahead, which means that there is an opportunity to stock up on this magical herb. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.06.2015 09:06

Many people think that making amulets at home is a long and difficult task. But on...

In our culture, there are still many holidays that have come to us from ancient times. ...

St. John's wort is a widespread perennial plant. The homeland of St. John's wort is considered to be the temperate zone of the Mediterranean. The appearance of St. John's wort depends on the geographical location of its growth: in a subtropical climate, it is a shrub that grows up to one meter in length. In the temperate zone, it is a branched herbaceous plant.

St. John's wort has other names: Kvoroby, Healthy Grass, Bloodstone, Red Grass, Youth Blood, etc.

The plant has a tetrahedral stem, with entire leaves. Flowers are solitary, but numerous inflorescences of a golden or yellow hue. The fruit is a leathery fleshy box with seeds.

St. John's wort reproduces only by seeds. Seeds are planted directly in open ground. The plant lives for about seven years, but only the first five years have healing properties.

St. John's wort blooms in June - August. During this period, before the fruits ripen, St. John's wort is mowed and prepared for drying. The plant is thoroughly rinsed from dust, dirt. And hung with flower stalks down. St. John's wort is dried in the open air, but in the shade. Dried St. John's wort can be used for three years. It has regenerative properties - after cutting, the plant gives new shoots within one month.

The plant is planted before winter, that is, in late autumn. The distance between plants should not exceed more than 40 cm. Otherwise, St. John's wort will grow small - it needs space. St. John's wort begins to germinate at a temperature of +5°C.

The magical properties of St. John's wort

There is a legend that St. John's wort came from the blood of a heavenly bird that was wounded by a mythical creature. This plant has the property of scaring away evil spirits. St. John's wort protects against sorcerers, witches, ghouls.

St. John's wort is able to heal, return the meaning of life. He grants lovers a long happy life, and reconciles those who are at war. If you pour dry St. John's wort powder into shoes, then a person will never get lost, no one will stop him on the way, and obstacles will bypass him.

St. John's wort has healing properties. It is believed that this plant copes with 99 diseases. Among the healing properties, we can distinguish:

. wound healing;
. antispasmodic;
. antiseptic;
. anti-inflammatory;
. painkiller;
. diuretic;
. choleretic;
. improving appetite.

St. John's wort is most often used in the treatment of cystitis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, in the treatment of ulcers, headaches and toothaches, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, and liver cancer. St. John's wort calms the central nervous system. Many pediatricians advise hyperactive children to use St. John's wort teas before bed, as well as St. John's wort baths.

St. John's wort extract is used in the preparation of many types of antidepressants. Therefore, it can be used to cheer up, with a breakdown and depression.

You should know that, like any other remedy, St. John's wort has contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use it for people suffering from asthma, migraines, allergic reactions.

Despite the fact that St. John's wort has a slightly astringent bitter taste, it is widely used in cooking. Most often it is used in dry form (powder). St. John's wort goes well with fish dishes - fish soup, jelly, baked fish, boiled fish. St. John's wort leaves and flowers are also used, adding them to vegetable salads, meat dishes - shish kebab, chops, kebab, minced meat, etc.

St. John's wort is used to prepare bitter tinctures. Its taste goes well with alcohol. St. John's wort is added to tea. It can also be used separately as loose leaf tea, along with rose hips, raspberry, blackberry, and currant leaves.

You should know that you need to store dried St. John's wort in transparent glass containers, in a cool and dark place.

St. John's wort with the astrological signs of the zodiac

St. John's wort is one of the few herbs that suits absolutely any sign of the zodiac. This plant will give each representative of the signs of the zodiac circle what a person needs: success, love, health, luck, prosperity, harmony.

St. John's wort is one of those used in Slavic divination. Northern herbs: St. John's wort, wormwood, nettle - primarily used to expel evil. Yes, each herb has its own special properties. We are talking here about what kind of magical plant St. John's wort is, and how its small yellow flowers are used in magic.

This is what small flowers of St. John's wort look like

The use of St. John's wort in Slavic magic

There are many uses for the St. John's wort plant. Here we will briefly talk about them, but we will describe one northern rite in more detail:

1. Bags of St. John's wort are worn as a talisman against magical attacks and temptations.

2. Bags with St. John's wort were hung over the entrance to the hut or hidden under the threshold to scare away evil spirits, preventing the undead from entering the house.

3. The smell of St. John's wort promotes divination.

4. St. John's wort hidden in shoes keeps from devils and sorcerers.

5. St. John's wort in the hand or on the belt - relieves fatigue when walking.

6. St. John's wort, scattered over the field during sowing, protects the field from hail.

7. In the form of a decoction, St. John's wort heals coughs, helps heal wounds.

8. In the form of incense or a candle, it gives happiness, love, protection.

9. A belt woven from St. John's wort is worn and it will take evil upon itself, and if you throw the belt into the fire on November 1, all the evil accumulated on the belt will return to the one who sent it. 10. Taken into battle, bestows courage and determination.

11. Protects from "lessons, ghosts and nightly commotions", i.e. from all types of damage.

12. A magical remedy for infertility, in the form of fumigation with smoke.

13. Protects babies from evil, placed at the head.

14. Fumigating the house with dry St. John's wort helps from all evil.

15. Helps with depression and fatigue.

16. If you carry St. John's wort with you, then your will will be strengthened.

We know such a northern conspiracy with the plant St. John's wort. To stop yearning for the dead, you need to weave a wreath of St. John's wort on the night of Ivan Kupala, throw it into the water, saying:

"Mother-fast river, sandy banks, take St. John's wort from me, and calm my longing-sadness."
We, following the traditions of northern magic, use it in rituals for the development of magical abilities and spirituality, for health, freedom from addictions, for cleaning people and houses, protecting people and houses from misfortunes. St. John's wort will give strength and protection during the ceremonies, help to obtain bodily and spiritual strength, frighten and drive away any evil.

In St. John's wort you can buy in these types:

And also read:

St. John's wort - herb from 99 diseases. In addition, with its properties, St. John's wort protects from negativity, fills the body with energy and "solar heat".

Similar . It also protects from all kinds of evil spirits. Bunches of St. John's wort are hung over the threshold or over the windows so that evil forces do not enter the house. St. John's wort was carried with them, thereby protecting themselves from damage and the evil eye, and also in order to strengthen their will.

St. John's wort was filled with strong magical properties on the great feast of Ivan Kupala. On this day, young men and women used this miracle plant for divination. For example, unmarried girls wove wreaths from St. John's wort, decorated their hair with them and danced around the fire. And when the fire died down, each girl threw a wreath on the roof of her house. If the wreath remained there, it meant that marriage was not expected this year. And, if the wreath fell from the roof, then you could start preparing for the festivities.

St. John's wort is also known outside our country. In the old days, the Germans believed that it was St. John's wort that was able to save the house from fire and. And in the Czech Republic, dried St. John's wort was placed in the lining of a baby's cradle so that the smell of the plant would protect the child from fear in a dream. Girls, asking the question "loves, does not love" twisted the stems of St. John's wort. If the juice stood out colorless or green, it meant "no", if red - "yes".

St. John's wort, like fern, was used to search for treasure. To do this, it was necessary to find it blooming on Midsummer Day.

In addition to magical properties, St. John's wort has unique healing properties, which Avicenna himself spoke about, advising to drink a decoction of St. John's wort to get rid of the inflammatory process in the sciatic nerve.

An infusion (on water) of St. John's wort even today helps with stomach pains. St. John's wort, infused with vodka, relieves joint pain and "softens" pain from bruises. Hot drink from St. John's wort helps with chronic, chronic cough. In addition, this herb is the best helper in the fight against depression, fatigue, with the first cold symptoms. St. John's wort "opens" the heart and "connects" it with the soul and mind.

The plant retains powerful magical and healing properties if harvested in mid-July before sunrise. However, this must be done carefully, without harming the plant. In Russia, at one time, tea replaced a decoction of St. John's wort. Our ancestors knew perfectly well what kind of energy they receive at the same time.

In the bustle of the city, we often forget about the valuable gifts of nature, because it is much easier to run into a supermarket for expensive and “good” tea than to go far out of town in search of magical herbs. But in vain. After all, no energy drink in its qualities can be compared with a decoction of St. John's wort. You still have time to stock up on this powerful herb.

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