Sagittarius life and fate. Sagittarius - a characteristic of the zodiac sign and its astrological forecast

ruling planet: Jupiter.
Lucky number: 3 (and all numbers divisible by 3) - 4, 9;
Symbol: centaur shooter, stars, wands, raised index finger;
Colors: blue, cyan, purple, crimson;
Stones: topaz, amethyst, chrysolite, turquoise, opal, carbuncle, sapphire, emerald, agate;
Flowers: carnation, daffodil, cornflower, palm;
Metal: zinc, tin;
Mascot: horseshoe, salamander;
Happy Days: Thursday;
Bad days: Wednesday;
Countries: Portugal, Hungary, Serbia, Spain, Latin American countries (except Mexico and Brazil) and Arab countries.

Aspects of the sign

Symbolic aspect. Greek myths associate the constellation Sagittarius with the centaur Chiron, whom Hercules killed in essence for nothing, having mistaken his intentions, he killed with a poisoned arrow. Zeus took Chiron to heaven and allowed him to aim his arrow at Scorpio. But Hercules himself did not escape the retribution for this evil, since it was the blood of Chiron shed by him that brought him death. The symbolic interpretation of this sign is a bow with an arrow, but if you look deeper, it is a symbol of the tragic mistake and recklessness that often accompanies people under the influence of this sign.

Astrological aspect. The sign of Sagittarius anatomically invades a person’s life through his liver and thighs, but as for the inner world of a person, the patronizing influence of Jupiter assists him in many of his plans and accomplishments, extinguishing the chain of accidents and predestinations, which in other cases could very negatively affect his future fate.

Kabbalistic aspect. Sagittarius is a symbol of the duality of nature. Sagittarians have a certain power over people. This sign gives organizational ability and the makings of a leader, but also wise humility in the face of inevitable circumstances. People born under this sign make decisions immediately, they build their own empire. They are beautiful, energetic, fast, capable, loyal, noble, generous and love freedom. Sagittarius have an explosive temperament and a benevolent character. Weak mystics and magicians come out of them, at best, popularizers of the occult.

intellectual aspect. In this regard, everything depends on the intellect of parents or educators, and if they send the Sagittarius child on the right path in time, then these children will become wonderful poets, dreamers, romantics, who, precisely with their impulsiveness and their organizational skills, will be able to rally a team of like-minded people around themselves, who lead them to success. But we should not forget that Sagittarians sometimes embrace feelings of hopelessness and despair as a result of overwork and an overly active role in managing events over which they essentially have no control.

General characteristics of the Sagittarius personality

Sagittarians are most often open, friendly, honest optimists, full of nobility and enthusiasm; their energy is overflowing. Sagittarius quite often turn out to be inclined towards philosophy, their mind and heart are always ready to accept a new idea. In communication, Sagittarians often show generosity, frankness, readiness to find compromises. At the same time, people born under this constellation are impulsive, unrestrained in their language, extremely careless. Sagittarians love sports, especially hunting. They can work for a long time, quickly moving towards the goal, but they absolutely do not know how to stop in time and take a break.

Sagittarius man

They tend to be extremely positive people. They have a bright perspective in life, initiative, full of vitality. They are very versatile and enterprising, striving to expand the range of their knowledge. They enjoy travel and exploration, and their minds are constantly on the lookout for new experiences. They are an ambitious, optimistic people, and nothing seems to be able to bring down their optimism. Sagittarians are idealists, and this seems to keep them afloat even in moments of bitter disappointment, when all their exalted ones are broken. They tend to lose their heads when they are carried away by an idea. They are supporters of a gambling struggle for what they believe in and at the same time remain loyal and independent, somehow managing to combine both of these traits. . They are teachers and philosophers by nature. Nothing suits Sagittarius more than explaining to others the high moral principles, laws and ideas that unite the Universe. Because of this, they quite often find themselves in the role of theologians or scientists.

Sir Winston Leonard CHURCHILL(November 30, 1874 -1965) - great English politician
Ludwig van Beethoven(December 16 or 17, 1770 -1827) - brilliant composer
Mark Twain(November 30, 1835-1910) - remarkable writer.
Frank SINATRA(Francis Albert) (December 12, 1915 - 1998) - American crooner
Jim Morrison(December 8, 1943 - 1971) - rock musician and leader of the Doors group.
Eugene IONESCO(Ionesco) (real name Ionescu, Jonescu) (November 26, 1912-1994) - French playwright, founder of avant-garde drama.
Michel NOSTRADAMUS(December 14, 1503-1563) French physician, astrologer, legendary prophet.
Tycho BRAGE(December 14, 1546-1601) Danish astrologer and astronomer in the service of King Frederick II refined many planetary calculations.
John MILTON(December 9, 1608-1674) - a great English poet.
William Blake(November 28, 1757-1827) English poet, painter, visionary.
Charles de Gaulle(November 22, 1890 - 1970) French general and president.
Walt Disney(December 5, 1901-1966) film director, animator, artist and producer.
Kirk DOUGLAS(December 9, 1916) American actor and film director.
Bruce Lee(November 27, 1940–1973) Chinese-born martial artist, actor, and writer.
Steven Spielberg(December 18, 1946) American film director.
Brad Pitt (Pitt)(December 18, 1963) American film actor.
Alexander Isaevich SOLZHENITSYN(b. December 11, 1918) is a Russian writer.

Sagittarius Woman

She is usually modest and often has a high spirituality built on an unbreakable value system. Sagittarians love all sorts of rites and rituals. They are energetic pupils and students, they love to introduce new projects, so there are often brave scientists and researchers among them. At the same time, the longevity of Sagittarius is noted. Because of their independent nature, it is often difficult to maintain a close personal relationship with them. They often have a very relaxed disposition, generous in nature, but very resourceful in caring for the family and economical spending of household resources. In sex, they are hot, but at the same time they are perfectly able to control themselves. They have common sense and a sense of humor.

Maria LOUISE(Marie Louise) (December 7, 1791 - 1847) - French Empress from 1810 to 1814, second wife of Napoleon I,
Mary Stuart(Mary Stuart, Stewart) (December 8, 1542 - 1587) - Queen of France and Scotland.
Jane Austen(December 16, 1775) is an English writer.
Jane FONDA(December 21, 1937) is an American actress and social activist.
Tina TURNER(b. November 26, 1938) is an American singer and actress.
Caroline KENNEDY(b. November 27, 1956) is a famous American writer, daughter of President John F. Kennedy.
Britney Spears(Britney Jean Spears) (b. December 2, 1981, Kentwood, Louisiana) is a famous American pop singer.
Edith Piaf(Piaf) (real name and surname Edith Giovanna Gassion, Gassion) (December 19, 1915-1963) - French singer (chansonnier).

Sagittarius personal life

Many love affairs distinguish the first half of the Sagittarius life. Since Sagittarius is a double sign, people of this sign are of two types: the devoted idealistic and romantic type, who rarely leaves the straight and narrow path of virtue, and the completely opposite type, who rushes from one lover to another in search of perfection, and on this path he forgets why he started his search and what he was looking for in the end. Married life. harmonious if the partner was born under the sign of Aries or Leo. However, it is difficult to expect family harmony if the partner is born under the sign of Pisces or Virgo.

The influence of the planet on man is fate:

Born in the years of the Moon (1929,1936,1943, 1950,1957,1964, 1971, 1978, 1985, 1992, 1999)

Lunar Sagittarius is a dreamy vagabond who writes poetry while wandering under the moon. Sometimes he strikes at mysticism, is inclined to exaggerate his own strengths and weaknesses, and is inclined to bring all his problems to people. The first love affair is often harmful and backfires (which Sagittarius, as the true heir of the centaurs, tends to exaggerate and over-exaggerate). True happiness in marriage is rare, because the first love tragedy will leave an indelible imprint on his attitude towards his spouse.

Born in the years of Mars (1925, 1932, 1939, 1946, 1953, 1960, 1967, 1974, 1981, 1988, 1995)

The Martian Sagittarius is a classic type of centaur who is "ready to hang himself for company." Restless youth leads in youth to misunderstandings in the family, as a result of which this Sagittarius often breaks with relatives and begins to search for a friend. He is devoted to his friends to self-forgetfulness, which often leads him to losses and disappointments, but his dreamy character will again carefully help him find another friend, with whom he will again be childishly in love.

Those born in the years of Mercury (1928, 1935, 1942, 1949, 1956, 1963, 1970, 1977, 1984, 1991, 1998)

The Martian Sagittarius always has the mood to try himself in some new and unusual business. Their enchanting nature tends to hot and extreme plans, which sometimes leads them to the camp of gamblers, cheaters, casino regulars and risky stock players. In their youth, they often knock together and quickly lose their fortunes. Happiness helps them to acquire an inheritance, to enter into a happy marriage. Benefits are possible only through friends and patrons. Subsequently, they will acquire a favorable financial position, but in adulthood there is a great danger of monetary losses, especially through speculation. Even lawsuits are possible.

Born in Jupiter Years (1924, 1931, 1938, 1945, 1952, 1959, 1966, 1973, 1980, 1987, 1994)

This Sagittarius is passionate about travel and adventure, even if they can only watch it on screen. He more than makes up for the lack of extreme situations in real life by creating them for himself and successfully living in the virtual world. Jupiter favors Sagittarius actors and directors, as well as adventurers, jockeys, climbers, missionaries, as well as everyone who embarks on a new, unexplored path, creates a business from scratch.

Born in the years of Venus (1927, 1934, 1941, 1948, 1955, 1962, 1969, 1976, 1983, 1990, 1997)

Depending on whether this person is born closer to Scorpio or to Capricorn, their natures are divided into two types. A passionate nature lives in the first type, but the excess of his sexual energy is directed to creative activity, and not to Don Juanism. The second type (both men and women) is a constant red tape who trembles with joy at a new sexual victory and mentally enters it into the catalog of his lovers.

Born in Saturn Years (1923, 1930, 1937, 1944, 1951, 1958, 1965, 1972, 1979, 1986, 1993)

This type of Sagittarius is prone to cynicism and melancholy, in no small part caused by disappointment in a loved one experienced at an early age. Nevertheless, cynicism becomes the second part of his secretive nature, and the first part is still romanticism and the desire to do good to people, to look for the best in them. In terms of health, he is threatened by diseases of the abdomen, hip and knee joints (arthritis r.) - especially it is necessary to take care of the arms and legs.

Born in the Years of the Sun (1926, 1933, 1940, 1947, 1954, 1961, 1968, 1975, 1982, 1989, 1996)

In the solar Sagittarius, all the obvious advantages and disadvantages inherent in this sign are especially clearly manifested - “love, love like that, shoot like shoot.” These Sagittarians' love of sports often leads them to illnesses after they leave the big sport. Many solar Sagittarians are prone to accidents due to their tendency to take too much risk. They are more inclined to suffer from rheumatism, in recent years they suffer from overexcitation of the nervous system.

Sagittarius life forecasts according to planetary years:

In the years of Venus (2011, 2018)

During these years, it is important for you not to miss the favorable time in March and April, as your efforts and efforts at work will bring the most tangible results. You will be able to realize the most cherished dreams and plans, colleagues at work and superiors will appreciate you and reward you. The second half of the year will be successful for creative endeavors, you will have a chance to bring your original ideas and ideas to life. A good period for learning and professional development.

During the Mercury Years (2012, 2019)

Sagittarians by nature are exceptionally honest and exorbitantly energetic people, they show a willingness to help anyone who needs advice or help. Under the influence of Mercury, Sagittarius men conduct successful negotiations, become enviable diplomats, and in Sagittarius women, charm reaches its peak, which makes the lack of diplomacy and intolerance characteristic of many women of this sign invisible.


Who is a Sagittarius? First of all, this is a minion of fate, a person who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Nature supplies him with an uninterrupted flow of energy, which is why Sagittarius is cheerful, full of enthusiasm, pleased with himself and the world as a whole. A lot of energy is vitality, the love of others, inner charm and external attractiveness. A lot of positive emotions - a lot of actions and a good mood.

The main and constant problem of Sagittarius is to understand their feelings, to clothe them in thought. He is constantly trying to put them in order. Phrases are perfect for Sagittarius: "Fall in love and lose your head", "Lose speechless" or "Feelings overwhelmed her." It is difficult for Sagittarius to express in words what is happening in his heart, it is easier to do something.

His second problem is the translation of his own ideas into deeds. Sagittarius lives with ideas, general reasoning and does not want to know the details. This may make it untenable in practical terms. In addition, Sagittarius, who is captivated by feelings and thoughts about them, may not reach the realization of his ideals in reality.

For Sagittarius, the shaping of emotions into a harmonious thought is the deed, the final stage of magical transformation, the meaning of life. Sagittarius treats his ideals sensibly, and thinks and acts under the influence of emotions, therefore, irrationally. Sagittarius grows wiser if he managed to bring his ideas to life, and gets tired, as if from hard work, comprehending his state of mind with his mind.

Above all, Sagittarius appreciates freedom - both physical and emotional freedom. This is his main ideal. The most important of all freedoms is his personal freedom. He needs it not as another selfish whim, but as oxygen, without which there is nothing to breathe.


Astrologers portray Sagittarius as a mythical centaur - a chimera, symbolizing the conflict of mind and body, romance and practicality, idealism and indulgence. Sagittarius itself is like an arrow sent to the target. He is independent and freedom-loving, like a wild horse, and changeable, like fortune. Recklessness pushes him to the barricades, and common sense helps to serve both ours and yours with equal pleasure. Idealism can lift him up to heaven, and from there fall for a long time.

Love and logic, as well as genius and villainy, are incompatible things, but Sagittarius combines both, or tries to do it. Having solved another conflict between emotions and reason and piled up a bunch of unfinished projects. Sagittarius rushes to new victories, defeats and conflicts. Feelings call him forward, thoughts advise him to stand still.

Sagittarius is lucky when he does not think about success, and unlucky when he decides to purposefully seek fame. If he is busy with only one thing, then he loses self-confidence and fails. If he rushes from side to side, grabs everything, then he is confident in his abilities, happy with life and achieves what he wants.

The success or failure of his life, his attitude towards himself and others, the manifestation of certain qualities of character that are attributed to him depend on how successfully Sagittarius solves his magical problems.

Extremes are appropriate for Sagittarius, because he sees the world in its unity, in all its diversity, interconnection, and, as it were, from the outside. He is ready to combine opposites and will always find the good in the bad and the bad in the good. This applies to his worldview, actions, views on things. Therefore, Sagittarius is a practicing romantic, an enthusiastic layman, a pragmatic idealist, a believing atheist, a sentimental cynic, a teacher who hates lessons, a loyal revolutionary, a cautious hero, a glutton monk and a fighter for sobriety who is not indifferent to drinking. A centaur remains a centaur.


Sagittarius is optional in relation to everyone individually, because he thinks about all of humanity, about the universe as a whole. He cares about world problems, for example, saving the planet's water resources, he will not pay attention to a faulty faucet, and it will drip for years.

Sagittarius is inattentive to details and does not notice nuances or does not want to know them. A phrase repeated in different ways may have the opposite meaning, but what can I say ... Sagittarius is often accurate in assessing others, but constantly makes mistakes about himself or underestimates others and overestimates himself. Therefore, he is a bad psychologist, but a good demagogue, comforter and inspirer to exploits.

Sagittarius also perfectly feels his own and other people's bodily needs. "Be simpler, and people will reach out to you", "No problem", "Closer to the body" - it's all about him. Sagittarius is a spontaneous optimist and believes that everything is changing for the better. Life is beautiful and amazing, so is it worth it to grieve over failures? He himself professes this principle - he does not grieve.

Sagittarius is a passionate person. Goes where everyone is. But if the friendly herd does not change course, Sagittarius sets off from the spirit of contradiction to look for a new path, a goal and the Blue Bird. Beaten paths and living according to a schedule are not for him. When the situation is unclear, Sagittarius is ready to take responsibility. As soon as the situation clears up, he leaves as if nothing had happened. Sagittarius understands that his role has been fulfilled, and Danko, with his flaming heart, is needed while it is dark and damp.

Sagittarius is often mistaken, but sincere in his delusions. This is understandable: how can one maintain objectivity when there is so much going on in the soul! His statements are fickle, his speeches are contradictory, his convictions are changeable. If Sagittarius had time to think before doing something, there would be no price for him! But, as you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Usually Sagittarius is overflowing with intentions of this type. He wants everyone to be well. The results are usually the opposite of his expectations.


A constant influx of energy gives Sagittarius a good mood and an eternal problem - where to put this energy? How to explain to Sagittarius that he got too much in life just like that, for beautiful eyes? And what gets in this way, a person does not appreciate, does not protect and does not know how to use. If something does not go well with Sagittarius in life, it is precisely for this reason.

Sagittarius feels happy living, from the point of view of others, unhappy. He may be an intelligent person leading an unintelligent life. It is with a smile on his lips that he does most of his stupid things. Sagittarius does not like routine, but gets bogged down in it to the very ears: everyone is in a hurry somewhere, busy with something. He is often helpless when it comes to practice, sacrificing personal freedom.

Usually, ignited by a general theoretical idea, he rushes forward. Well, if the case requires only courage, breadth of views and good luck. But if success is impossible without long and painstaking work, overcoming obstacles and fighting with oneself, our hero loses his fighting ardor, burns out, begins to turn his head in search of new activities or entertainment. Constant efforts are not for Sagittarius: "Boring and uninteresting" Groundless enthusiasm and restlessness, unwillingness to understand the essence of the matter and the desire to solve problems with a cavalry swoop prevent Sagittarius from turning his plans into reality.

Those people from whom he should learn, he despises or does not appreciate. He does not like when they tell him the truth, they teach him to live, they give advice. Self-discipline would turn Sagittarius into God on earth. But this category does not attract him, he does not learn from mistakes. Besides, it's nice to start all over again and see where the curve takes you!


Sagittarius loves a carefree, optional, fun life. With Sagittarius it is good to celebrate successes, including intermediate or future ones, to dream about how everything will be fine and great. He celebrates failed victories with more pleasure than real ones, and others - as his own.

Having dreamed his goal to the end, Sagittarius will enjoy it, but he will not realize his plan: he will get bored, forget, be distracted by something new. Fantasy and reality are two poles that require a lot of work and courage to connect. This best of all worlds is too different from the ideal ideas about it. Thus, Sagittarius is the living embodiment of missed opportunities.

Sagittarius is benevolent, fair, resourceful, charming, straightforward and disinterested. He has many friends, even more acquaintances. He will enter into a position, forgive, quickly change anger to mercy. It is not in his nature to be offended for a long time. Innate optimism and an inexhaustible sense of humor help him cope with problems and survive the vicissitudes of fate easier than others.

Sagittarians are lucky in a stupid way, but as everything comes, so it goes. Saving money daily. Sagittarius can lower the accumulated in one minute. He believes that good should triumph, he is ready to close his eyes to the little things and individual shortcomings - both his own and those of others.

It is difficult to accuse Sagittarius of tediousness, but it is easy to accuse opportunism and conformity. Its main slogan is:

"And so it will do" or "It will cost." If it is impossible to prove himself, Sagittarius becomes an inveterate cynic, a sybarite, he knows how, as they say, to get along in life, taking advantage of someone else's kindness. Sagittarius can wishful thinking, deceiving themselves and others. And then "The end justifies the means" and "The initiative is punishable."

Sagittarius makes an exemplary layman. He loves himself, indulgent to his weaknesses. Therefore, it is easy to wallow in routine and well-fed prosperity, losing the last glimpses of a critical attitude towards oneself. Sagittarius awakens when his tail is stepped on - then he is again ready to show his honor, pride, desire for ideals. But as soon as freedom is gained and Sagittarius is left alone, he again rests on his laurels. And he does this as long as housing conditions and financial situation allow.

Sagittarius avoids problems and negative emotions. Without doing something once, he will feel more than once that a strict teacher Life will not leave it just like that. But the stubborn Sagittarius will bring everything to the point of absurdity and ultimately harm himself. Too great in him is the desire to do everything the other way around.

Sagittarius needs to learn life, but he thinks that he is already too smart. Yes, he is smart, but he is too lazy to use his knowledge, he is active, but devoid of curiosity, he is always ready "forward under the banner and towards", but he has no interest in this. He would have to bring an ideological base for his actions in order to justify his carelessness. But instead of living by beliefs, Sagittarius corrects them for his life.


Sagittarius is unbalanced, quick to draw conclusions, ready to lash out, self-satisfied, conceited, does not like to finish things. Can be rude, tactless. It is easy to accuse him of frivolity, superficiality, inconstancy, irresponsibility, arrogance, adventurism and other sins. Sagittarius is critical and unprincipled, not averse

laugh at others and can hurt with their rude jokes. And at the same time self-confident, as if he knows the ultimate truth.

In an unfavorable situation, he pretends or resists, but rudely, aggressively, boorishly. His conscience does not torment him for a long time, because he is inclined to transfer the blame to others or blame it on circumstances. These circumstances are bad, but he is good!

Sagittarius can respect traditions and authorities if they are in line with his ideas. Depending on his mood, he is ready to fight for his views or pretend that he "endorses and supports." Ideals and beliefs are given to him from birth, so he is confident in himself and will not look back at others. Sagittarius does not care what they think of him, he is his own judge and the highest authority. He disregards the rules that guide the rest, and lives by his own unwritten laws.

Sagittarius has his own opinion on any account. He thinks broadly. Maybe, without understanding the subject, passionately insist on their beliefs. It does not matter that the next day he will change his point of view to the opposite. It is important that Sagittarius will defend her sincerely and fervently. Sagittarius enthusiastically speaks and believes what he said. And almost never what he hears.

Also, the mood. Sagittarius is either helpless or independent. He is Robin Hood, fighting for freedom and justice. And he is also an opportunist, greedy for pleasure and flattery, striving for posts, position, power. Love for risk, adventure, adventures is easily combined in him with a craving for a well-fed, optional life.


If you have agreed on something with Sagittarius, it is not at all necessary that you will meet with him at the agreed time, this week, this month, this year. Faced with Sagittarius, you see how glad he is of your meeting, how he directly expresses his sympathy.

But in a minute he will forget about you, because there are so many interesting things on his way!

For a mandatory, punctual person, communication with Sagittarius turns into torture. You can be offended by Sagittarius, but you don’t need to. He's made that way. A year will pass and you will see him again. How touched he will be!.. Sagittarius gave his word and forgot about it? But he has many meetings and words. Did he promise everyone something? Yes, he is friendly, sympathetic and wants the best for everyone. That is why he offends and harms the cause.


The main thing for Sagittarius is diversity in everything, and especially in personal life. The measured course of events gets on his nerves. Routine - even more so. Sagittarius, who lives in one place, communicates with the same people, goes to the same job for years, goes against his nature. He ceases to develop and is marking time both professionally, and materially, and personally, representing a miserable sight.

Sagittarius knows how to present himself, win attention, surprise, conquer. But fame is short-lived, it needs constant small victories. Therefore, he should choose an occupation where everything is done in one breath, in the blink of an eye, as a result of a spiritual impulse: a poem, a sketch, a photograph, an epigram, a short story, a humorous work, a musical impromptu, improvisation, caricature.

He is also useful in social activities, a military field and a sports career. Sagittarius is a successful leader: he has a goal to strive for, plenty of energy and optimism, enough courage. He can inspire the team to do anything. The main thing is not to do anything by hand.

Sagittarius loves to take risks, he is attracted by the unpredictable game of life. Travel and adventure give him the opportunity to develop and grow, to find his luck and happiness. The profession of a pirate is ideal for Sagittarius: new people, new places, new experiences...

Sagittarius loves country life, animals, especially dogs and horses. Therefore, professions related to the maintenance, training and treatment of our smaller brothers make him contented with life. If there is no dog in the house of Sagittarius, it means that she (the dog) was, is expected soon, or just went out to get some fresh air


The Sagittarius woman not only loves outfits and jewelry, but she does not lag behind life and finds herself in today's fashion. She has a fondness for T-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, tracksuits, tight pants, sweaters three sizes too big, and a reluctance to wear dresses. So unisex is the right style for her. The main requirements for clothing are the first - it should not hamper movement and require special care, the second - it should be comfortable, free, diverse, democratic.

She is not indifferent to a short haircut. She suits a sporty style and a straight silhouette. The times of hippies and yuppies are over, but she can easily put on a bandana or a sports cap, get a tattoo and piercing and will not refuse "baubles".

And here she is standing in the subway car, leaning against the glass with the inscription "Do not lean", in a "bike jacket", from under which five centimeters of a strange sweater sticks out, with a fashionable backpack in her hands, in army-style boots, like a deity, like an inspiration, like a genius of pure beauty.

However, you can’t spend high life in sneakers. For this occasion, she has something spectacular and stunning in store. Sagittarius wear clothes of bright colors with a predominance of red and blue shades. Cheerful colors are preferred by the irresistible Kim Basinger scarlet trouser suit, for example

Sagittarius lucky on Thursday, and they should use it.

All Zodiac Signs have special character traits that many people know about. Each of us has something that can amaze even ourselves. That is why it can be said about each Sign that it is unusual.

Does it make us all equal? To some extent this is true, but in matters of psychological analysis, trifles are important. WE have already analyzed the features and facts about such Signs as Virgo, Scorpio, Libra and many others. 10 unusual facts about Sagittarius will help you better understand the way these unusual people think, as well as their life priorities and even little secrets.

Sagittarius character

Let's say right away that these people annoy someone, and someone is forced to fall in love with them. The fact is that Sagittarius all life seems like a game. He is very dynamic and very smart, but not everyone can appreciate it. In principle, Sagittarius does not care about the opinions of others about his personality. They are concerned about much simpler things.

Representatives of this Zodiac Sign always have something to say, because they are well-read and very erudite. Their strength lies in the fact that they accept any outcome of their affairs as positive. They learn quickly and are very good at teaching others. The only thing that separates them from incredible success is multitasking. They often take on too much. This does not interfere with them and never unbalances them, but the efficiency of performing tasks suffers.

The fiery element makes these people real rebels. They are ready to go against any person in a dispute and fight for justice. Often these individuals also choose the dark side, trying to achieve their own. Yes, they are selfish, but which of us is not selfish, tell me? Sagittarians do not hide this, because they do everything on the forehead, and not on the sly.

10 facts about Sagittarius

Fact one: Sagittarians behave strangely in a state of love - two people are fighting in them. One says: "Yes, this is your happiness, dive headlong into love." The second one says, “Yeah, well. Again disappointment. Yes, look at you, you will have to part soon. Sagittarians very often think that relationships are destroyed even at the stage of the candy period. Because of this, many people get the impression that Sagittarians are frivolous and cold. They just want to seduce and run away. This is not true. Now you know it.

Fact two: Sagittarians are easy to move to action. It is only necessary to bring a share of competition in any business, then they will not be able to resist the temptation to be the first. Their favorite sin is vanity. If everyone will say that a person born under the Sign of Sagittarius has become the best in something, then this will give the latter an incredible charge of vivacity, self-confidence and a lot of strength. When you praise Sagittarius, you become his best friend, because he is greedy for flattery. It will be even better if these words are true.

Fact three: despite the dynamics of life and the fire in their eyes, Sagittarians are one of the most accurate drivers. If they know that they are stronger, faster or better than others in something, then they themselves will not shout about it. In general, they treat their things very carefully. They know how to maintain mood and energy at the same level even in extreme situations.

Fact four: for their relatives they are ready to do anything. This applies to all areas of life. They are willing to sacrifice love, money and time. If one of their close friends or relatives is in danger or needs help, then Sagittarius will help them, do not even hesitate.

Fifth fact: they are impossible to override. They will not beat their heads against the wall like Aries, but will bombard you with arguments. These people, in general, know how to speak and defend themselves verbally. They are incredibly successful lawyers. They are also good teachers. They will not nervously kick you in the face like Virgos - they will diplomatically and intelligibly tell the theory, back it up with practice and answer all questions. These are the best teachers.

Fact six: Sagittarians rarely change hobbies. They can add something to their list of favorite things to do, but never throw it away. Their passion does not go away. From school they can play volleyball, football, go in for running sports. At 40, they will still go to the stadium with friends and play their favorite game. They are true to themselves and try to achieve maximum results in sports.

Fact seven: representatives of this Sign are obsessed with success. If you play Tetris, then Sagittarius will come up to you and say that he somehow scored more points than you. This will most likely be true. If you want, he will provide you with evidence, but even in small things he will try to keep the lead.

Fact eight: Sagittarians more often than other people have a universal musical taste. They can listen to any music, from rap to classical.

Fact nine: Do you want to cheer yourself up? Contact Sagittarius. They always know. When and how to joke. Their phrases and facial expressions can be incredibly funny. They can also support you in difficult times with a speech full of understanding and sympathy. Do not think that their life is only in search of profit. They are deep, like an ocean, and full of love and positivity.

Fact ten: Sagittarians are great parents. Their upbringing methods can be very different from the standard and generally accepted ones, but children will always love them. These are the parents who are their children first of all best friends, and only then mentors in life.

Sagittarians need a lot of energy. They do not need affirmations for every daybecause they motivate themselves. They just need to be able to rest. If Sagittarius remembers more often that life is not only work, but also relaxation, then everything in his life will be fine. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

All of us in the course of life will learn that truth, for the knowledge of which Sagittarius is born: Goodness - and God - is in everything.

Sagittarius is a sign of inspiration, he always feels great. While another Fire sign, Leo, feels like a king, Sagittarius knows that he must complete the task given by the High King. He feels that there is someone great who is leading him to high goals. The source of this feeling is his Spirit, faith in himself and faith in life. He believes that only good things are ahead of him, and therefore he is ready to take risks where others retreat.

Some Sagittarians spend a lot of time in the church - they think that it is there that they will learn about their high mission. Others try to unite with God on their own - and thus express their reverence for the greatness of the Universe. Whatever path the Sagittarius chooses, it is important that he seeks unity with the Divine in everything he does. And then he will become a cheerful and interesting person, able to inspire other people, show them the way to the Light.

Sagittarius will inevitably go through periods of unbelief, when he will think that his existence does not make sense, when life will seem painfully boring to him. It is at these times that he must learn to see the Good - and God - in himself and in life. At such a time, Sagittarius is disappointed in everything, loses his life orientation - and yet everything he does, he wants to do for the sake of a great goal. Attacks of gloomy disbelief are rare, but this is the most terrible time for any Sagittarius. Having lost faith, not knowing what he lives for, Sagittarius begins to think that there is no point in his existence.

In fact, it is precisely in times of unbelief - when Sagittarius loses hope, meaning, the purpose of life - Fate gives him the opportunity to penetrate into the depths of his own soul in order to discover a new level of meaning in life. When the ideals of Sagittarius are destroyed, when he ceases to understand what is good and what is bad, ceases to understand what is happening, he is freed from the previous desires and dogmas that hindered his development. When Sagittarius loses understanding of the meaning of life, he becomes more open, and this helps him understand the real truths and see the main values. The Inner Spirit of a person always knows where the real truth is and who controls this world (as opposed to his mind and Ego) - and Sagittarius must understand this.

Feeling the meaninglessness of life can cause depression, but at the same time it can tell Sagittarius what the meaning of his life is. No need to try to quickly survive such periods. It is meaningless to live for a while - this has its own great meaning. During such periods, Sagittarius begins to appreciate simple pleasures, ordinary life - this is called enlightenment.

Fire makes Sagittarius very impatient. Not everything in life changes as quickly as he would like, and this makes him very upset. Sagittarius must understand that the waiting time is the time when the Spirit does its magical work. Having understood this, he will be able to live as the natural course of events requires.

One of the main karmic tasks of Sagittarius is to overcome their passion for pleasure. "Eat, drink, be merry" is a typical life motto for him. He believes that he deserves the best, and he seeks to multiply pleasure. Sagittarius knows how to receive - more than any other sign. Other people often feel that they are not worthy of money, love, joy, etc. Sagittarius does not suffer from such complexes, he simply accepts everything that life gives him - and expects a lot from her. This is not a materialistic approach, but simply the love of pleasure. Sagittarius often believes that his main task is to get all the pleasures from life, and he, striving for this, achieves the opposite - removal from solving his karmic tasks.

When the life of a Sagittarius begins to consist of pleasures alone, he forgets about the true values ​​​​and meaning of life. He begins to believe that he cannot deny himself anything, even if it is not possible to get everything he wants. Hence the Sagittarius propensity for extreme pleasures, even if he burns in them.

Sagittarius must be careful not to risk really important things - in the hope of their luck. Jupiter fills him with arrogance, and he begins to consider himself invincible. He begins to believe that luck will take him out in any business - even if he puts someone or something very important at stake. He just doesn't believe he can lose. There is great wisdom in always believing in success, but no less wisdom is in cultivating moderation in oneself, the ability to give up some desires.

Another mistake of Sagittarius: sometimes Sagittarius decides that he has the right to judge other people - this is a manifestation of the arrogance of the Crusader. He does not just condemn the other person to himself (as we all do from time to time), he expresses his opinion out loud - as if heaven is speaking through his mouth. Jupiter, after all, was the chief of the Roman gods. Sagittarius begins to judge what is good, what is bad, what is right, what is wrong, he stops listening to the voice of his wise heart. The crusader turns from a hero into a fanatic. He begins to impose his ideas on others - and spends all his strength on it. He considers himself a messenger of God whose calling is to save sinners. In order for Sagittarius to turn into a fair person again, he needs to stop taking himself too seriously. The best medicine and the best teacher is the ability to laugh at yourself. By laughing at oneself, one opens up to a broader understanding of life. Sagittarius must understand - the real truth does not need to be protected - it can protect itself.

The main thing is not the perfection of high ideals in itself, but the inspiration that they inspire a person, prompting him to improve.

Sagittarius must understand his destiny and learn to accept life as it is, see the Good in everything - and find a reason for joy in every minute of his existence. He must make the main discoveries in his soul.

The main fear of Sagittarius is the fear of any restrictions, everything that can deprive them of independence, autonomy or the ability to choose. He must know that he is free, that he can discover the world, so even the slightest hint of the impossibility of moving freely makes him feel trapped.

The best thing for Sagittarius is to create a life for themselves in which there will be enough freedom.

If Sagittarius does not have a sense of inner freedom, he will not be able to calmly survive those inevitable times in the life of any person when he cannot do what he wants, he begins to believe that he is being squeezed in a vise, that he is losing his true destiny. Sometimes this is true - sometimes you need to spit on the circumstances and continue to go towards your dream. But usually at the heart of such a feeling is a wrong perception of the world. Perhaps external freedom seems to him a necessary condition for internal freedom. Perhaps he simply forgot that freedom is, first of all, a state of mind.

It is at those times when Sagittarius feels unfree that he must free himself from the inside: connect with his inner breadth and freedom, choose a positive attitude towards life in the conditions of external lack of freedom. This experience will teach him to understand that true freedom is always within the person himself.

Very often on the path of life there are people whose life is "in full swing" and filled with optimism. It is possible that most of them belong to the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius; fate prepares them only joyful and positive surprises, gifts.

General description of the sign

If we discuss the topic: "Sagittarius and fate", the first thing to note is that representatives of this zodiac sign are born under a lucky star, and they know firsthand about such a concept as "luck". Luck is present in everyday life from early childhood, so the hallmarks of character are cheerfulness, optimism, independence and natural sociability.

They see the world in rich colors, rarely become discouraged, and certainly never despair. They go through life easily, and all sorrows and hardships are miraculously bypassed. Sagittarians can be safely called "minions of fate", and they themselves do not deny their colossal luck in all areas of life. They have an analytical mindset and a desire to expand their horizons, so in the company of Sagittarius it will never be boring, insipid. They know how to interest, keep listeners near their person, and once again become the so-called "highlight of the program".

Representatives of this sign are open to communication, appreciate new sources of knowledge and strive for excellence. At the same time, they never become arrogant and even with sufficient financial support, they strive to be closer "to the people." Sagittarians are great maximalists, and in nature there are two types of such people: sincere and open altruists; selfish and greedy despots. The second type is a rarity, but everything is found in nature and spoils the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200ball Sagittarius.

Representatives of this sign always have many friends and admirers, but he himself does not become attached to people, remaining a man - a holiday for everyone and for all time. As they grow older, Sagittarians strive for financial benefits, achieve professional heights and material independence already at a respectable age. All things are going well, but such people are also not immune from failures.

Sagittarius is confident in his impeccability, therefore, he generally ignores any criticism addressed to him. Such narcissism repels, and the desire for leadership positions only increases the number of competitors on the path of life.

Love and family life

The Sagittarius man is a born hunter who watches his “prey” for a long time, and then strikes a crushing blow. It is such a "victim" that the woman she likes becomes, who ignores the next contender for her hand and heart. He is used to achieving his goal, and very often sets himself high goals.

The Sagittarius woman is aggressive, ambitious and independent, so it is very difficult for her to find a worthy man in her life. She is sure that only an accomplished man who admires others and arouses the envy of rivals should be next to her. Only with such a gentleman will she feel weak and vulnerable home of the heart.

In romantic relationships, representatives of this zodiac sign do not tolerate the "golden mean", being born maximalists. That is why, despite their optimism and love of life, they remain alone for a long time, they cannot organize an idyll in the family. The second half will have to put up with such non-standard character traits for life, otherwise, family life in full is doomed to failure.

Despite the fact that Sagittarians are windy and fickle natures, they make excellent parents. They love and idolize their children, try to give them only the best, do not see children's and teenage shortcomings. Such fanaticism is not always welcome, but representatives of this zodiac sign are simply not capable of acting differently. Children are sometimes stressed by such overprotectiveness, but for the most part, as they grow older, they experience love and a feeling of deep gratitude for their parents.

The Sagittarius man is always the earner, and the representative of the same zodiac sign is a wonderful keeper of the hearth. As for the zodiac compatibility, in this matter it is difficult to find a worthy pair for yourself.

Sagittarius by zodiac sign at one time were or are such legendary figures as Yuri Nikulin and Nonna Mordyukova, Vyacheslav Nevinny and Gennady Khazanov, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, Hector Berlioz and Boris Grebenshchikov, Alisa Freindlich and Edith Piaf.

So it’s better not to deal with Sagittarius, because their desire to idealize themselves sometimes takes them out of balance, and their inner stubbornness knows no bounds at all. However, these are faithful comrades and loving parents for all time.

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