Eye enlargement exercises before and after. Enlarge eyes in simple ways at home. Skin cosmetics

  • Makeup for visual enlargement of the eyes: tips
  • Arrows that visually enlarge the eyes
  • 3 eye enlargement products

The task of making eyes visually larger is one of the main reasons why girls turn to decorative cosmetics. And to solve it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to know the basic rules and some tricks. The first step is to follow our photo tutorial on how to create makeup that makes your eyes look bigger.

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Eye Makeup: Photo Tutorial

Start your eye makeup by applying a thin layer of eyeshadow base. Spread it with your fingertips over the entire moving eyelid, and then blend it to the eyebrows. If the base is too sticky, making it difficult to blend the shadows, go over the eyelids with a fluffy brush with translucent powder or nude shadows.

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Darken the outer corner of the eye. To do this, with a barrel-shaped brush, blend matte shadows of a dark shade in the corner of the eye and stretch a little to the orbital line, and also blend in the direction of the temple. Add this shade to the lower eyelid, filling it one third, starting from the outside.

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Having typed the shadows on the brush, do not rush to transfer them immediately to the eyelid. A large amount of pigment on the brush can create a spot in the shading that will be impossible to turn into a beautiful haze. Therefore, before shading the shadows, remove the excess by running the brush along the back of the hand.

Add shadows, gradually increasing the intensity of the color. So the makeup will look as neat and beautiful as possible.

With matte shadows of an “intermediate” shade (darker than the skin color, but lighter than the previous shade), blend the borders of the dark color on the mobile eyelid and emphasize the orbital line, then also blend to the temple. To make the shading as soft and smoky as possible, use a fluffy natural brush. Walk with these shadows and all over the lower eyelid.

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To achieve the effect of increasing the eyes, make the shading really wide - both towards the eyebrows and towards the temples.

On the moving eyelid, add shining shadows. This will not only give the look a healthy shine, but also help to make the mobile eyelid visually larger.

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Shadows with a shiny texture are best applied not with sliding movements of the brush, but with pressure, imprinting the pigment of the shadows into the skin of the eyelids. If the intensity of the application with a brush seems weak to you, add some shadows also with your fingertips.

To make the makeup look as voluminous as possible, you can use several colors of shining shadows in this step.

  • Apply lighter shadows to the inner corner of the eye.
  • Shadows a little darker, but with a strong shimmer, place in the center of the eyelid.
  • Even darker shadows, but also shining, blend closer to the outer corner of the eye.

This will help make the transition from light shimmery shadows to the darkest shade of matte shadows as smooth as possible.

A light pencil on the mucous membrane will help to significantly increase the size of the eyes. Paint over the entire lower mucosa with a pink or shade of eyeliner. Do not use a bright white pencil for these purposes, it will look unnatural and will not help to achieve the desired effect.

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Long lashes also help make your eyes look bigger, so paint them from the very roots, and add a few tufts of false eyelashes to the outer corner of the eyes if desired. If your lashes are naturally straight, be sure to use first.

Learn a few more tricks to make your eyes look bigger in this video tutorial by beauty blogger Olya Red Autumn.

Take care of the skin around the eyes

Swelling of the lower eyelids is the first thing that reduces the size of the eyes. Therefore, we advise you to start the morning with special patches for the area around the eyes. If these are not at hand, you can use ice cubes. They will help relieve swelling and moisturize the skin in this delicate area.

Use concealer

Another common problem is dark circles under the eyes, which certainly make the eyes look smaller. Illuminating concealer will help get rid of them. Choose a moisturizing concealer that is a shade lighter than your skin tone. The yellow pigment in the composition will perfectly hide and neutralize the "blue". For more effect, set the concealer with highlighting powder. Remember that the concealer must be applied in the shape of a "triangle". We wrote more about choosing and using a concealer in ours.

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Don't Forget Eyebrow Makeup

Eyebrow makeup is another important part of the daily beauty ritual. Someone needs to draw them completely, but for someone it’s enough to “comb” them with gel. The main thing is that the eyebrows look neat and well-groomed: beautifully shaped eyebrows will help the eyes to open up for real.

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Emphasize mucous

One of the main tips for enlarging the eyes is highlighting the water line. To do this, you will need a light-colored eyeliner (for example, NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Milk). Prefer light peach or beige shades, they will look the most natural. Summing up the eyes in this way, you neutralize the redness of the water line and visually increase them.

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Curl your eyelashes

In make-up that enlarges the eyes, you can not do without a curler. Be sure to curl your lashes to create a more "open" look, and then apply. Don't forget about the lower lashes, they can be lightly painted over. But choose waterproof formulas to avoid the panda effect.

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  • In evening make-up, do not be afraid to use false eyelashes (we wrote how to do it correctly). For a natural, but at the same time bright look, individual tufts are suitable, which you can glue on the center of the lower lashes. This way you will create the effect of large "doll eyes".

Add some sparkle to the corners of your eyes

Don't forget to add a sparkling accent to the corners of the eyes. To do this, you will need a shimmery shadow of a light shade. For the most intense effect, use a creamy highlighter (with a cool or warm undertone), apply it to the corner of the eye and set with a powdery texture, such as shimmery shadows.

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Draw neat arrows

If you like to use arrows in eye makeup, draw an arrow as close to the eyelashes as possible to visually enlarge them. Refuse thick and massive arrows that make your eyes look heavier. In more detail about what types of arrows will help to enlarge the eyes, we will describe below.

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Draw the crease of the eyelid

An obligatory step in eye makeup is the study of the crease of the eyelid. This way you will add an artificial shadow, deepening the eyes and visually increasing them. Choose a matte eyeshadow a few shades darker than your natural skin tone.

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Choose shades of blue

A blue liner or a thin arrow drawn with azure shadows will play in contrast and visually “whiten” the white of the eye, which will immediately add brightness to your look.

Any girl dreams of big, beautiful eyes, but unfortunately not every one of them is so lucky. Therefore, almost everyone uses cosmetic tricks to enlarge the eyes. But there are alternative ways that do not require a lot of cosmetics. So let's talk now and talk about how to make eyes bigger without the use of makeup and other artificial products that spoil the skin.

Several ways to enlarge the eyes

While the most common way to make your eyes look bigger is with makeup, there are plenty of other ways to make your eyes look bigger without makeup. One such option is surgery. This is an effective solution to the problem, but not every girl decides to take such a step.

The next, less radical method is the use of lenses. If you select deeper, richer tones, then the eyes will visually appear larger. A novelty in this industry are special lenses that enlarge the eyes. It depends on the diameter of the lens itself - the larger it is, the stronger the magnification effect.

But how this method affects vision has not yet been proven.

But there are also such methods that are quite accessible to everyone, and you can apply them at home.

Firstly, it is the health of the eyes and skin of the face.

Secondly- a set of daily exercises specifically for eye enlargement. We will talk about these methods further.

Eye health is the key to success

Most girls put on makeup to make their eyes pop and that helps a lot. But, unfortunately, cosmetics negatively affects the skin of the face and eye health. As a result, it is necessary to resort to surgery to restore vision. And healthy eyes look bigger and more beautiful. So what do you need for eye health?

Just follow a few simple rules every day:

  1. Stop using any cosmetics - tonal foundations, shadows, mascara and other decorative tricks of our time for the face and eyes.
  2. Take care of the skin around the eyes more - moisturize it, make nourishing compresses and masks.
  3. Massage the skin around the eyes. You can see more details in the video at the end of the article.
  4. Wear sunglasses in bright sunshine.
  5. Get more rest. Bruises and bags under the eyes appear due to fatigue and lack of sleep. Because of this, the eyes appear smaller.
  6. A healthy diet will help you enrich your body with the necessary vitamins that will make your skin smooth and toned. And your eyes will expand accordingly.
  7. Drink less fluids before bed as this can lead to swelling. Puffy eyes look smaller.
  8. Get the right shape for your eyebrows to suit your face shape.
  9. You can curl your eyelashes with special tweezers, which also significantly increases the size of the eyes.
  10. Be sure to do exercises to increase and health of the eyes.

Eye enlargement exercises

Such exercises are effective, but the result will not come soon. You just need to be patient and do a set of exercises every day.

So, let's begin.

Exercise #1

Place your index and middle fingers at the corners of your eyes (as shown in the photo), press them lightly and try to close the lower eyelid by squinting it. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat this action 10 to 20 times.

Exercise #2

Keep your fingers in the same position as in the first exercise, but now try to close your eyes completely. Hold them like this for 20 seconds, then immediately relax. Repeat the action several times.

It was gymnastics for the eyelids. The following set of exercises is aimed at increasing blood circulation in the eye area and reducing tension.

It is good to do with tired eyes at the end of the day:

  • move the pupils to the left and right;
  • make several circular rotations of the pupils, first to the right, then to the left;
  • look at a nearby object, then look at a distant object;
  • close your eyes for a few seconds, then relax them.

So, let's sum up. To enlarge your eyes, you need to monitor the health of the skin around them and try to put less strain on your eyes. You need to relieve fatigue and increase blood circulation with the help of certain gymnastics and facial massage.

All this will not give you a quick effect, and you will not get a cardinal increase in the shape of the eyes either. But this is the best way to make your eyes look bigger at home without resorting to makeup, surgery and other radical methods.

Video on how to make eyes bigger without makeup

Special make-up secrets, false eyelashes, lenses with the effect of "expressive look" - what methods do girls not use in order to visually enlarge their eyes. Today we will share with you another trick that will help you open your eyes and lift your eyelids absolutely free.

The orbicularis oculi muscle helps make the eyes look bigger.

Even if you have not yet experienced age-related problems in the area around the eyes (crow's feet, drooping eyelids) that make the look less expressive, you may simply be unhappy with the shape of the eyes or their size. Fortunately, this problem can be solved. And special exercises for the eyes will help in this.

“The fact is that around the eyes we have a circular muscle, which, like all facial muscles, is attached to the skin at one end,” explains Anastasia Burdyug, author of the SUPER Face facial gymnastics course. “This means that by training this muscle, we can also tighten the skin around the eyes.”

How does the process of "opening" the eyes

When you regularly work with the muscles of the arms, your biceps and triceps gradually begin to emerge and your shoulders take on a beautiful relief shape. The same thing happens with the muscles of the face when we do special exercises for them.

Normally, we use the muscles around our eyes only to blink or squint. With these movements, the lower eyelid is almost not involved, as well as the area under the eyebrows. It is these microzones that the eye exercises from the Anastasia Burdyug complex are aimed at.

On this topic:

Eye opening exercise

In order to perform an exercise aimed at opening the eyes, connect the index fingers of the hands with the nails to each other and place them on the bridge of the nose. At the same time, place the nails of your thumbs on the corners of the lower eyelids close to the eyelashes. Try not to put pressure on your eyes, just lightly touch the skin. Your palms should form something that looks like glasses or a mask.

Close your eyes tightly, and with your fingers pull the skin in opposite directions: with your index fingers up, and with your thumbs diagonally to the sides. Try not to put pressure on your face, namely to provide light resistance.

Hold this position for 30 counts. Relax your eyes, lower your arms.

Repeat the exercise at least once a day, and the result will appear in a couple of weeks.

This is just one exercise for the eye area from Anastasia Burdyug. Even more exercises for all areas of the face with a detailed video analysis are waiting for you in .

What else will the eye opening exercise give you?

This simple exercise will help you not only open your eyes. Including muscles in the work, you activate the blood flow in the tissues in this area, which means that you nourish the delicate skin around the eyes well from the inside. It helps to counter the formation of wrinkles and dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. “Just do the exercise once a day and you yourself will see how the swelling will decrease and then disappear,” says Anastasia Burdyug. “And the eyelids will gradually begin to rise.” In addition, the activation of blood flow in the eye area helps to relieve tension and even improve vision, which is important for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.

As you can see, facial gymnastics is not only an excellent method of rejuvenation without surgical intervention, it is also an effective way to improve and make natural beauty more expressive. Try it!

Photo: bigstock.com, archive of Anastasia Burdyug

Doctors recommended gymnastics for the eyes in order to develop facial muscles and visually enlarge the organs of vision. Regular training allows you to make the look more expressive and prevent age-related changes. Classes are also effective for the prevention of ophthalmic diseases. Before starting gymnastics, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist in order to select the optimal intensity and duration of sessions based on individual indicators.

Can you enlarge your eyes with exercise?

An alternative technique for enlarging the visual organs is plastic surgery and applying the right makeup. However, the advantage of gymnastics is the absence of the risk of developing ophthalmic pathologies and allergic reactions of the skin of the eyelids.

Eye exercises to reshape should focus on training the orbicularis muscle. During treatment sessions, the lower eyelids and areas near the superciliary arches, which are rarely set in motion during daily activities, should also be involved. The alternating tension and relaxation of the eye muscles helps to maintain their tone and gives a visible visual effect. As well as regular workouts for 10-20 minutes. every day they improve blood and lymph microcirculation, normalize metabolic processes, which increases visual acuity and gives a healthy shine to the look. Maintaining the tone of the skin under the lower eyelids leads to the disappearance of black bags, which helps to visually enlarge the eyes.

A set of exercises

Basic Rules

The desired effect is possible with the systematic implementation of the entire complex of exercises.

Workouts can be done at home or at work. It is recommended to repeat the ophthalmic complex if you feel overwork and dryness in the visual organs. To change the shape of the eyes and improve the condition of the organs of vision, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The intensity and duration of classes increases gradually.
  • Exercise should not cause pain or discomfort.
  • With the development of inflammatory or purulent processes, training is recommended to be postponed.
  • You need to do at least 1-2 months to get a positive effect.

Basic course

In order to strengthen the eye muscles, increase the elasticity of the skin and slow down the processes of age-related changes, the following manipulations are recommended:

It is important to avoid feelings of pain and discomfort during charging.
  • Muscle stretching.
    • The connected index fingers are fixed on the bridge of the nose. Large - in the corners of the lower eyelid. Strong pressure is contraindicated.
    • The eyes are closed to the maximum.
    • The skin is stretched up and to the side. There should be a slight resistance.
    • 30 sec hold shown.
    • The number of repetitions is 10-12.
  • Volume increase.
    • Close your eyelids for 10 seconds as much as possible.
    • Fully open your eyes.
    • The optimal number of repetitions is 5-7 times.
  • Circular muscle training.
    • The gaze moves clockwise without moving the neck with the eyes open.
    • Circular motion in the other direction.
    • Similar exercises, but with open eyelids.
    • The optimal duration of training is 3-4 minutes.
  • Restoration of blood flow.
    • The fastest blinking for 1-2 minutes.
    • Relaxation with closed eyelids.
    • Another course of blinking.

A set of exercises developed by California cosmetologist Carol Maggio not only smoothes age-related wrinkles and folds, but also helps to change the shape of the face, the shape of the nose, cheeks, improve skin condition and complexion ...

Practicing daily, performing these exercises, you will be persistent, you will soon find that your face has acquired liveliness and expressiveness, and after several months of training you will look five to ten years younger.

For six to eight weeks, mastering the exercises, do them twice a day: the first time - immediately after waking up, the second - in the evening. You won’t need much time: if you do each one once (and you don’t need more yet), then the whole gymnastics will take about eleven minutes. Well, if you are very busy, you can choose a lightweight version of the exercises, designed specifically for those who are always in a hurry. By the way, they can be performed on the way to work, and in the office, and in the store.

    1. It is very important to perform gymnastics for the face, taking the correct starting position. Pull in the stomach, as if trying to press the navel to the spine, tighten the buttocks and the muscles of the front of the thighs. Stay in this position until the end of the exercise - it will enhance the effect. In addition, many women claim that the tension of these muscles helps to reduce the volume of the hips.
    2. If you feel a slight burning sensation in the muscles of your face - do not be afraid. This is a good sign: it means that the muscle is working correctly, with maximum efficiency.
    3. Imagination plays a huge role in the exercise. Performing the complex, imagine the flow of energy directed to the trained muscles. Imagine how, under the influence of this flow, the muscles become stronger, become more prominent, changing the expression of your face. My concept of energy flow comes from traditional Chinese medicine, according to which energy permeates the entire body, passing through certain points and meridians. Try to always focus on the muscle group being trained.
    4. If you feel strong tension or pain in the muscles being trained, relax them. To achieve complete relaxation, close your lips tightly and blow air through them. The lips should vibrate. If you do everything right, there will be a sound similar to gurgling. You need to “blow out” the tension after each exercise.

Eye enlargement exercise.

With age, the muscles of the upper eyelid lose their tone and hang over the eyes, visually reducing them. Exercise trains the annular muscle of the eye, improves blood circulation in this area, strengthens the upper and lower eyelids, and reduces swelling under the eyes. As a result, the eyes appear clearly defined and wide open, and the look becomes lively.

  • Technique:
  • This exercise can be done lying down or sitting. Put the middle fingers to the forehead between the eyebrows (above the bridge of the nose) and lightly press the skin with the pads of your fingers. In this place mimic wrinkles usually form (especially in those who often frown). Hold your index fingers at the outer corners of the eyes (where crow's feet form) and lightly press the pads on the skin. Look up, then squint strongly, lifting only the lower eyelid. You should feel the contraction of the muscles in the outer corners of the eyes, like a beating. Alternate squinting and relaxing 10 times in a row, each time fixing the "beat" of the muscles.
  • The position of the fingers is the same. Squint your eyelids, then squeeze them tightly. Strongly tighten the buttocks and the muscles of the front of the thighs. Count to forty. All this time, the eyes should be tightly closed / and the buttocks and thighs tense.

Exercise to strengthen the lower eyelids.

This exercise, like the previous one, strengthens the annular eye muscle and lower eyelids, and also reduces bags under the eyes.


  • This exercise can be done sitting or lying down. Attach your index fingers to the outer corners of the eyes, and the middle fingers to the inner ones. Apply light pressure to the skin with the pads. Look up. Squint strongly, pulling the lower eyelids up to the upper ones, which should remain motionless. Now relax. Alternately squint and relax ten times. When performed correctly, the up-b tightly squeeze the eyelids. Count to forty. Relax;
  • continue to tighten your lower eyelids strongly, looking up as if you are thinking about something. Keep your buttocks and thighs tight. Count to forty, focusing on the "beating" of the muscles of the inner and outer sides of the eye. Then relax;

It is recommended to change the starting position (for example, do the exercise while sitting in the morning and lying down in the evening) - this trains the muscles better. To prevent wrinkles, do not forget to lightly press your fingers on the outer and inner corners of the eyes.

Forehead exercise.

When performing this exercise, many muscles of the face work, so it not only prevents the formation of mimic wrinkles (they occur when the forehead is furrowed), but also smoothes the existing ones. Exercise reduces the drooping of the upper eyelid that occurs with age or lack of muscle tone. In addition, it improves blood circulation in the forehead: doing it, you will feel how thoughts are clearing up, it will be easier for you to concentrate.


  • you can perform the exercise sitting or lying down (lying down is preferable). Place the index fingers of both hands in the middle of the forehead so that they follow the lines of the eyebrows. Pull your fingers down towards your eyebrows and hold them there. Look up. Now, pressing your fingers on your forehead, sharply, with a push, raise your eyebrows up. Then relax your muscles. Alternately raise your eyebrows and relax them ten times;
  • the position of the fingers is the same. Raise your eyebrows, press on the skin next to them with your fingers. Raise your eyebrows up in a pulsating motion until you feel tension or burning. Keep your eyebrows raised and use your fingers to press down on them. Count to thirty, then relax and massage the center of your brows in circular motions. The muscles will rest, and the effect of the exercise will increase.

To get rid of deep wrinkles, people who are used to frowning should do this exercise not two, but three times a day. If you find it difficult to keep your fingers in the right place, if they slip off, place a cotton swab under your index finger.

An exercise that corrects the shape of the cheeks.

The elastic muscles of the cheeks give the face a pleasant roundness. By training them, you can lift and expand your cheeks, and at the same time get rid of sunken eyes. In addition, the annular muscle of the mouth is involved in this exercise.


  • You can perform the exercise both sitting and lying down, and even in motion (preferably sitting). Mentally mark one point in the middle of the upper lip, the other in the middle of the lower one (the points are located strictly one above the other). Opening the mouth, pull both points in opposite directions, stretching the mouth: it will take the form of an oval. In this case, the upper lip should be pressed to the teeth. Place your index fingers along the upper border of each cheek, but do not press on the skin. Hold this position for a count of thirty;
  • the fingers are the same. Smile with the corners of your mouth, then release them. When you smile, imagine that you are pushing energy under the muscles of your cheeks. Quickly repeat this movement thirty-five times. Performing the exercise, you should feel how your cheeks move. Each time you smile, tighten your buttocks and thighs, and as you lower the corners of your mouth, relax the muscles of your buttocks and thighs;

If you feel pain in the jaw area, it means that you are doing the exercise incorrectly: only the upper lip pressed against the teeth, and not the jaw, should work. To relieve pain, blow through tightly pursed lips.

Charging the face with energy.

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but there is a significant difference. When it is performed, the square muscle of the upper lip works and imagination is used. If you do the exercise correctly, you can quickly get rid of the tense, preoccupied look that a person acquires during the working day. In addition, the exercise increases blood circulation, which helps to improve complexion.

  • The exercise can be performed sitting or lying down (preferably lying down). Mentally mark One point in the middle of the upper lip, the other in the middle of the lower. Open your mouth, giving it the shape of an oval. Place your index fingers along the upper border of the cheeks, without pressing on the skin. Smile with the corners of your mouth, then lower them. You should feel your cheeks move under your fingers. Each time you smile, imagine that you are pushing a muscle up under your cheek. Repeat the movement ten times. During the last, tenth smile, pull the upper lip as far as possible from the lower one. Imagine that the cheeks themselves move up towards the ceiling, and then fly away like two balloons.
  • Shape your mouth into an oval. Take your index fingers a short distance from your face, and then, without changing their position, lift them up to your forehead, then even higher. You must mentally imagine that the cheeks are also moving towards the top of their head. Hold this position for a count of thirty. Look up all the time.
  • Raise your arms above your head and tilt your body back a little. Stretch your neck, raise your head up, look at the ceiling. Tighten your buttocks and thighs. Imagine that your cheeks go up to the top of your head. Stay in this position for a count of thirty.

If a persistent expression of fatigue or tension appears on your face, do the exercise not twice, but more often. After doing it, you may feel pain in the jaw area. To get rid of pain, blow through closed lips.

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