The dog flinches. Muscle cramps in dogs of small and large breeds: causes and treatment. How to help a pet

Dog trembling is a fairly common occurrence in dogs. It often causes concern for their owners, but in fact, you should not worry in advance. Of course, there are times when trembling is indicative of illness, but as a rule, it is caused by natural causes. What is the most common cause of shivering in dogs?

The reasons

There are several causes of trembling in dogs.

If the pet is trembling, the owner must take the necessary measures in order to monitor the health of his dog.

  1. If the trembling is caused by an overreaction to the environment, it is necessary to work on the dog's adaptation to the irritating factors. You can contact a dog handler who would help solve this problem. Some owners use sedative drops for dogs.
  2. Make sure that the pet does not get cold and does not catch a cold. To keep your pet from getting sick, keep him warm with warm blankets, dry him after bathing, and heat the room.
  3. If the pet is prone to overexcitation due to hormonal changes, this problem can be solved with the help of castration.
  4. Watch your pet's behavior. If the pet has been injured or bitten by another dog, provide him with the necessary assistance.
  5. If you suspect an allergy, you need to find out what causes your pet's allergic reactions. You may need to change your dog's diet.
  6. If you suspect a disease in your pet, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

If the owner notices the dog's trembling in time and takes the necessary measures, he will be able to save the pet's health!

Trembling in dogs is not uncommon. There can be several reasons - both physiological and pathological conditions. Before proceeding with treatment, you need to figure out why the dog is trembling.

Trembling is a rapid contraction of the muscles of the trunk, limbs or tail. Tremor occurs involuntarily, that is, it is not regulated by consciousness. The mechanism of occurrence of fine shivering is associated with a change in electrolyte metabolism, hormonal disorders, or damage to the nervous system. Under the influence of hormones, electrolytes or other substances, the muscles contract.

Video "Heat Stroke in a Dog"

In this video, you will learn how to recognize heat stroke in a dog and how to help your pet.

Natural causes of the phenomenon

The dog may tremble for natural reasons. Often this occurs when environmental conditions change or stress is applied. In this case, the dog can often breathe, but the general condition is not disturbed.

cold or fear

The pet may be shaking due to the cold. At low ambient temperatures, muscle contraction contributes to warming.

Another reason why a dog shakes with small tremors is fear. When scared, adrenaline and cortisol are released into the blood. Hormones contribute to the mobilization of the body's defenses. This is manifested by rapid heartbeat, dilated pupils, and muscle tremors. That is why if the dog is scared, then it shakes.

sexual interest

Sexual desire also causes tremors. This occurs due to an increase in the level of sex hormones in the blood. Before mating, the pet trembles, has increased activity. A hormonal surge is not dangerous and does not require medical intervention.

Strong excitement and excitement

Strong emotions are also manifested by trembling. For example, if a pet is begging for a treat or waiting for praise. In this case, trembling is not accompanied by other pathological signs. The dog often breathes, but behaves actively, excitedly.

Pathological causes

Trembling is not always a harmless condition. Sometimes this indicates a pathology. If other symptoms are observed in addition to tremor, then most likely the trembling is pathological. It is important to monitor the mind of the pet and its general condition.


In case of poisoning, trembling occurs as a response to intoxication. Other symptoms are also present:

  • vomit:
  • diarrhea;
  • chills;
  • sometimes an increase in body temperature.

The cause of poisoning can be food, medicines, household products, as well as toxic substances.

Electrolyte imbalances

Potassium and magnesium levels affect muscle contractions. Therefore, a change in the electrolyte balance may be accompanied by tremor. Electrolyte disturbances often occur after childbirth. At the same time, the dog draws up its hind legs, lies and whines.


Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones. The disease is manifested by a number of symptoms, one of which is tremor. In addition, the dog is lethargic and tired, it tends to sleep all the time. The body temperature in hypothyroidism is reduced, the skin is dry, the dog lies or hides most of the time.


Decreased blood glucose levels can also be manifested by muscle tremors. Hypoglycemia occurs in several conditions:

  • when the dog was given too much insulin;
  • in the presence of insulinoma - a benign tumor that produces insulin;
  • with insufficient intake of carbohydrates or excessive physical activity.

At the same time, the dog trembles and breathes heavily, as if very frightened. In addition, the heart rate increases, and the skin feels moist to the touch.


If your pet is shaking after being in the sun for a long time, then he may have heatstroke. Small breeds and puppies are especially susceptible to heat transfer disorders. With heat or sunstroke, the dog is lethargic, panting, and the skin is hot to the touch.

First aid

First aid can be given to your dog at home. If you notice that trembling is accompanied by other pathological symptoms, you need to act immediately.

If the dog is overheated, then it must be moved to a cool room. In other cases, it is enough to put the dog on its side and try to calm it down.

First aid for poisoning is to wash the stomach and take enterosorbents. With hypoglycemia, you need to drink sweet water or a glucose solution. However, this is only effective if the wearer knows the cause of the trembling.

Diagnosis and further treatment

The first thing to do in such a situation is to determine the cause. To do this, contact your veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal and prescribe the necessary tests:

  • complete blood count - to detect signs of inflammation;
  • glucose level - to exclude hypoglycemia;
  • biochemical blood test - determination of the level of electrolytes;
  • determination of the level of hormones - with hypothyroidism, the level of T3 and T4 decreases.

After examination and diagnosis, treatment can begin. The choice of treatment tactics depends on the cause of trembling:

  1. With hypothyroidism, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed - "Levothyroxine". During treatment, the level of thyroid hormones is examined and, depending on this, the dose of the drug is selected.
  2. With insulinoma, surgical intervention is indicated - removal of the tumor. If hypoglycemia occurs during the treatment of diabetes mellitus, then it is necessary to carefully adjust the dose of insulin.
  3. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to give sorbents, such as Enterosgel or activated charcoal. Sometimes administration of antidotes is justified.

If shivering is the body's natural response to cold, stress, or a hormonal surge, no treatment is needed. Enough to calm the pet and warm.

A loving attentive owner notices the slightest changes in the behavior and well-being of the dog. He knows exactly what to do if the pet cuts its paw or catches a cold. But there are symptoms that are not so easy to classify. Take, for example, trembling. On the one hand, such muscle contraction is quite natural and inherent not only in animals, but also in humans. On the other hand, trembling can often indicate serious and not always pleasant changes in the body. Let's see - why can a dog tremble?

Causes of shivering

  • Cold. According to veterinarians, one of the most physiological and safe causes of shivering. Due to muscle contraction, blood flow through the vessels accelerates, and body temperature rises. Especially often shivering from cold occurs in (whose body weight is up to 3 kg). This is due to problems with heat transfer in animals with a small body weight. In order to calm the trembling, you can take a small dog in your arms, and bring a larger pet into a warm room.
  • Stress. Fear, fright or anxiety can also cause trembling in our pets. The palm for stress trembling belongs, again, to small dogs. Trembling may occur when walking in unfamiliar territory or in the event of a loud shout or sharp sound. It is not uncommon for puppies to tremble when meeting an older member of the canine tribe. In this case, with a shudder, they show humility and a subordinate position. The best way to calm the nervous trembling is to try to calm the pet. Some are helped by even strokes or the gentle voice of the owner. If the dog is excitable and reacts violently to what is happening around, it can be helped with medication - by drinking a course of homeopathic remedies that calm the nervous system.
  • Excitement. However, pleasant prerequisites can also lead to trembling. Many dogs, for example, tremble with excitement or anticipation of something pleasant - a walk with the owner or receiving a treat. Often the dog even dances with pleasure. You don't have to deal with this kind of trembling. The only thing that such a reaction says is that your dog is overly excitable and prone to violent manifestations of feelings.
  • natural features. Sometimes shivering is due to genetic causes. For example, for trembling - a breed sign. Breeders say that this is how these dogs perceive the world - not only with the nose or ears, but with the entire surface of the skin.
  • Low sugar (hypoglycemia). Most often, this pathology is inherent in small breeds of dogs or age animals. If the blood glucose level has reached a critically low level, the body of the animal is shaking, the dog becomes lethargic and weak. It occurs most often from malnutrition or the inability to absorb glucose due to autoimmune pathologies. The quickest way to deal with an attack is to inject a glucose solution or give your dog water to drink with a little sugar or honey added. If you do not provide assistance in time, the dog may begin to have convulsions or even paralysis.
  • Hormonal causes. Very often, tremors penetrate animals of both sexes during. A male or female in the hunt, having met with an animal of the opposite sex, begins to tremble. As a rule, such a “sensual shaking” disappears in a bitch after estrus, and in a male a few minutes after parting with a bitch in heat. However, if your pet is too loving and reacts so violently to any person of the opposite sex, you can simply castrate it. Another common cause of shivering caused by hormonal imbalances is postpartum eclampsia in bitches. This disease is caused by a banal lack of calcium and, as a rule, disappears without a trace after the first injection of this vitamin preparation.
  • Allergic reaction. If you observe trembling in a dog after switching to a new brand of food or while taking any medications, most likely it is. First of all, you should completely exclude the contact of the animal with the allergen - return to the old diet or interrupt the course of treatment and observe the dog. If trembling is accompanied by cramps or swelling, give your pet an antihistamine immediately and take it to the doctor immediately.
  • Pain syndrome. The painful sensations experienced by the pet may be accompanied by trembling. First of all, make sure that there are no wounds or marks on the body of the animal (for example, by bees). Trembling can also be caused by rheumatism or by pains in the abdomen. In the latter case, a light analgesic and abdominal massage will help the pet.
  • Poisoning. Large shivering and pallor of the mucous membranes are the first signs in dogs. In addition to these symptoms, intoxication is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and a lack of interest in life. First aid in this situation is gastric lavage and an attempt to induce vomiting in the pet. All other manipulations are preferably carried out in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Trembling of the dog can be a symptom of the pathology of the internal organs, for example, or pneumonia. In this case, ultrasound and laboratory diagnostic methods will help to make a diagnosis. The main thing in this case is not to waste time and consult a doctor as early as possible - so the disease can be recognized at an early stage and cured with less effort.
  • Vaccination, postoperative period. Trembling can be a side effect of a vaccine or the body's reaction to. If the symptoms in this case are limited to trembling, do not worry. In both cases, this is a completely normal reaction of the body to stress.

What to do if the dog is trembling

The first thing the owner needs to remember is no panic. As you can see, the dog can tremble for a completely innocent reason, so you should not immediately fall into despair.

If the trembling appeared suddenly, carefully examine the dog and measure the body temperature - this way you can exclude or confirm the external signs of most diseases.

Do not forget to carefully observe the pet - have there been any other changes in behavior other than trembling? Is it obvious that something is bothering him? If there are changes in the dog's behavior, carefully record or remember them - this will later help the veterinarian to make the correct diagnosis.

Try to calm your pet - stroke his coat, do a light body massage. If the trembling is neurological in nature, this will help the animal to relax.

Be attentive to your dog. Trembling, as we now know, can also be a symptom of very serious, life-threatening pathologies. In some cases, the account can go to hours or even minutes. Be prepared to quickly and objectively assess the symptoms and, if necessary, take the pet to the clinic immediately.

Do not forget about regular preventive examinations of the animal. It is especially important to conduct them for. So you can diagnose most diseases at an early stage and trembling, and any other symptoms of ill health, will not take you by surprise.

Read more about the breed that you keep, be interested in general information about the habits of dogs. This will help you distinguish between a symptom of a disease and a behavioral trait or personality trait.

And the most important and effective advice is love and. By tuning in with your pet on the same wavelength, you can intuitively know when he is really ill. And, if your dog gets sick - be sure to come to his aid, because the owner is the one who will never leave a friend in trouble.

You may have a question: Why is the dog shaking, reasons, what to do?

Seizures in dogs are an unexpected and frightening manifestation of a variety of pet health problems.

The reasons can be a variety of ailments, therefore, after the first such case, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian to find out the factors that could provoke convulsions.

In this article, we will explain why a dog has seizures, what they are, what causes them, and How can you help your pet.

First, we will distinguish between different types of muscle contraction, since the specific behavior of the animal can suggest possible causes of a seizure. So, the types of seizures:

  1. Convulsions- the muscle contracts sharply, abruptly, arrhythmically, not for a long time.
  2. tonic- long and not sharp convulsions, can be repeated continuously for a long time.
  3. clonic- the muscles quickly contract, then relax, but not as sharply as with convulsions.
  4. Seizures are epileptic- accompanied by loss of consciousness, the appearance of white foam from the mouth, salivation.

Usually epileptic seizures are most easily identified, because they are accompanied not only by loss of consciousness, the release of foam from the dog's mouth and convulsions, but also by peculiarities in the behavior of the animal. But more on that later.

Seizures in a dog: causes and treatment

The most common cause of involuntary muscle contractions is epilepsy. Epilepsy is of two types: primary and secondary.

Primary caused by genetic disorders in the brain and nervous system. It can manifest itself in dogs, whose age is from six months to 5 years.

Secondary arises on the basis of various unforeseen situations, among which are the following:

Important! These disorders in the animal's body provoke not only the development of epilepsy and, as a result, epileptic seizures, but also the appearance of other types of convulsions: convulsions, clonic and tonic convulsions in a dog.

So, how to understand that this is an epileptic seizure? First of all, remember the behavior of the pet before the seizure.

At the first stage the desire of the pet to hide from strangers is manifested, it shakes and whines, arrives in an alarming state.

Then the second stage- at a certain moment the dog loses consciousness, falls, she has convulsions throughout her body, she breathes heavily and shakes, all this is accompanied by the release of foam from the mouth.

After that comes the third stage.- the postictal stage, when the animal begins to slowly recover, it is not oriented in space and is somewhat alarmed. The seizure usually lasts a very short time, about 5 minutes.

But sometimes it can be very long - about half an hour. This usually happens when the body is running.

What to do when your pet has a seizure? It is best to immediately contact a veterinary clinic or call a veterinarian at home. While the seizure lasts, you need to isolate the animal from sharp corners, hard objects, so that it does not get injured.

Never try to put anything in your mouth, this can end badly for both the pet and you, because it is very difficult to unclench the jaw cramped. Transportation to the hospital is best done in a soft blanket. Your main task is to make sure that the pet does not harm itself. Be sure to take care of the muzzle and.

Important! There is a popular opinion among veterinarians that any touching of an animal during a seizure can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is better to rid the pet of any external stimuli: loud sounds, bright flashes, sharp touches.

The reasons for the appearance of uncontrolled muscle contractions in different breeds may be different. For example, seizures in small breed dogs are often caused by hypoglycemia- Decreased amount of glucose in the blood. In large breeds, the most common cause is epilepsy.

Why is the dog's head shaking?

It happens that in a dog, convulsions occur only in a specific part of the body (most often the head and lower jaw are shaking, and spasms of the hind legs also occur), then the option with epilepsy is definitely not suitable. Most often, such local muscle contractions are caused by:

  • malfunctions of the nervous system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • nervous tension;
  • strong negative emotions.

At the first appearance of such "shaking" you should contact your veterinarian immediately, then there is a chance to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Spasms in sleep

Most often, puppies and easily excitable dogs twitch in a dream. They seem to have “bad” dreams, but in reality they are worried and afraid. If you see that your pet is shaking in a dream, then gently, gently touch it and stroke it, cover it with a warm blanket.

This is enough to make the pet calm down and sleep soundly. If convulsions occur not only during sleep, they are not easy to calm down, then you need to be sure to conduct a full examination in the clinic to find out the reasons.

Important! Animals also have "nervous breakdowns", they can be accompanied by convulsions. To make the animal feel better, you just need to spend more time with him and isolate him from any unpleasant environmental influences.


So, what cramps should the owner pay attention to? For any! However, you do not need to run to the veterinarian every time the dog twitches. If these are convulsions in a dream or with any nervous tension, then you need to pet your dog more to make him feel more relaxed and safe.

But when the dog shakes regularly or even falls into seizures, then need to go to the vet immediately. clinic to find out the reasons, because convulsions are symptoms of serious diseases that cannot be started. Be attentive to your beloved pet, then he will please you and your family for a long time.

Useful video

A video about what convulsions dogs have, their types, causes, treatment:

Many diseases are accompanied by chills, which are a symptom, but not an independent disease.

Chills in dogs cause spasm of blood vessels, in which there is muscle trembling. There are a lot of reasons for its appearance and the symptom should not be left unattended.

Causes of Chills in Dogs

Perhaps the least dangerous reason is intentional trembling in order to attract the attention of the owner. Some cunning pets may tremble on purpose, if earlier such behavior attracted the attention of the owner and provoked him to take care, treat him with treats. A dog remembers such a positive experience and uses it in the future, for example, a pet that does not want to walk in unpleasant weather for him can pretend to be cold.

A common cause of chills in dogs is hypothermia (hypothermia), when body temperature drops below normal due to exposure to cold. Most often, hypothermia occurs in puppies, small breeds, especially chihuahuas, which are cold even indoors.

The next most common cause is hypoglycemia - low blood sugar, as well as a lack of calcium.

With hyperthermia, when the body temperature is above normal, there is also a chill. The causes of hyperthermia can be sunstroke, an infectious disease, such as plague, respiratory diseases.

In case of poisoning with drugs, chemicals, food, the animal may shiver. A pet can also get poisoned with flea remedies, often poisoning occurs from wearing anti-flea collars. In some cases, when poisoned, chills in dogs can be confused with convulsions, which is much more serious.

Chills in a dog are also observed after suffering stress, in a state of fear or anxiety, strong excitement, hunger. The animal may be frightened by thunderstorms, other loud sounds, large animals, or being in a crowded place.

The animal cannot tell about painful sensations, and sometimes many owners do not even notice that the pet is suffering from pain. Therefore, it should be remembered that a symptom may appear if the pet is in pain, for example, with bloating, after sterilization.

It can also be shivering with an allergic reaction, for example, after vaccination, eating allergenic foods.

After a severe injury, there may be neurological abnormalities, shock accompanied by chills. Usually, symptoms of shock include rapid breathing, cold extremities, and pale gums.

How to help a dog if she has a chill

The nature of the action depends on the cause of the chills, which must be eliminated. But the difficulty lies in the difficulty of self-determining the cause. First you need to assess the general condition of the pet, analyze the last days and possible changes in his life, which may include loss of appetite, digestive problems, the presence of stressful situations, and poor health.

Next, you need to measure the dog's body temperature rectally. If the value is higher than normal, then the presence of infectious diseases or diseases of internal organs is possible, by the way, some diseases are manifested by attacks during which the dog is shivering, but with the cessation of the attacks, the chills pass, and the animal feels normal again. Such situations cannot be ignored. We need to try to bring down the temperature.

After examining the animal for wounds, and carefully probing the body of the dog, you need to try to identify more compacted, painful and sensitive areas. If such areas are found, it can be assumed that the dog is shivering due to painful sensations, which should serve as a reason for contacting a veterinarian to clarify the diagnosis.

If you suspect a cold, hypothermia, treatment measures should be taken. First you need to warm the animal with a blanket and a heating pad, measure the body temperature. However, in the absence of other symptoms other than chills, it is not worth rushing with drug treatment.

Hypoglycemia can be identified by pale gums. The first aid is to raise the level of glucose in the blood. To do this, the animal should be given up to 1 tablespoon of honey (provided that there is no allergy) under the tongue or rubbed into the gums. Honey should be given every 6 hours until the trembling has passed.

In case of poisoning, first aid is to wash the intestines. If it is difficult to carry out such a procedure on your own, then you should contact your veterinarian. Allergic reactions are treated with antihistamines. A frightened dog will calm down if it is provided with familiar conditions, if sources of stress and anxiety are eliminated.

If there are no serious reasons, and there is confidence in the cunning behavior of the dog, then such behavior should be ignored, but attention should be paid, treats should be given when the animal is not trembling.

If it is not possible to independently determine the cause of the chills in the dog, then without delay, you should contact your veterinarian.

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