How long does estrus last in medium breed dogs. The occurrence and process of estrus in dogs. Characteristic signs of estrus

The period of puberty occurs in dogs earlier than the formation of a full-fledged organism is completed. This is necessary for the reproduction of healthy offspring. Bitches usually reach this period at the age of 6-8 months. At this time, pets experience a natural desire for mating, are predisposed to masturbation. For animals, mainly a bitch during estrus, be sure to carefully monitor and prevent premature copulation. Despite the fact that estrus in dogs occurs early, females do not reach the full internal development of the body until the age of 18-24 months.

For breeding dogs of any breed, you can take females at the age of 18 months (starting from the third estrus) to 8-9 years.

Process description

During the year, the female experiences two sexual cycles lasting 6 months. Both cycles end in estrus, scientifically estrus.(this process can be compared with menstruation in women).Dog breeders use the term "empty".

Signs that help identify estrus:

  • external genitalia are enlarged and edematous;
  • at first, discharge from the genital slit is bloody;
  • on the eighth - tenth day, the mucus acquires the color of blood;
  • after that, lighter mucus appears again.

The owner should not worry about the dog bleeding. These secretions are a necessary element of communication between individuals of different sexes. They signal that the female is ready for copulation with the male. The smell of estrus spreads far around and attracts dogs for mating.

What do the genitals of a Yorkshire Terrier look like during estrus?

The further course of estrus does not depend in any way on whether the bitch was bred or not. There is little mucus, the external genitalia return to normal sizes and shapes, become dry.

During estrus, a dog's mammary glands may temporarily increase in size. Sometimes milk comes out of the nipples.

Outwardly, estrus is manifested by the fact that the female turns from inert to active and mobile. The bitch attracts the attention of dogs of the opposite sex, it becomes difficult to keep her on a leash. For safety reasons, walk the dog carefully, leading it on a short leash. This will prevent premature mating.

Features of estrus in different breeds

Estrus in dogs of different sizes - large, medium and small - does not vary too much. The period of sexual involvement of the female and the order of the stages of the cycle, as well as the readiness to conceive offspring, remain the same in all breeds.

However, based on the observations of experienced dog breeders, we can conclude that pets of small breeds (Chihuahua, Yorkie, Toy Terrier) show fewer signs of estrus. Blood and mucus are almost not excreted, the external genitalia increase quite a bit. In this case, the surest sign of the onset of estrus will be the reaction of the dog to the bitch. Watching the dog, you can understand whether it is ready for mating. If the male becomes restless when approaching the bitch, this is a sure sign of an empty dog.

Huskies, living in the harsh conditions of the North, flow only once a year, in the spring. The ancestors of these dogs had the same cycle. But even Huskies, with proper care, will leak twice a year.

In large dogs - shepherds, labradors, etc. - estrus is stable. No additional features in the behavior of the animal are observed.


The duration of estrus does not depend on the breed - this indicator is universal for everyone:

  1. 1. The first period, the duration of which is 7-9 days, is characterized by the excitation of the dog. Blood flow begins. At this stage, the female is not yet fully ready for copulation, she furiously and viciously does not allow males to approach her.
  2. 2. The next stage is from the 9th to the 14th day. It is characterized by the complete readiness of the female body for conception. The mucus released from the vagina becomes transparent.
  3. 3. The final period of estrus is characterized by a weakening interest in males and the normalization of the size of her genitals. However, it is important to keep the bitch in isolation for another 10-15 days and not let her off the leash while walking. This way you can avoid accidental mating.
  4. 4. The dangerous days of estrus are over when the dog is completely calm.

Thus, the emptying lasts 20-25 days. During estrus, the dog needs special care and close supervision.


Periods of the estrous cycle:

  1. 1. Forerunner(proestrus). At this time, the level of estrogen in the dog's blood is the highest. The ovarian follicles mature and the vaginal walls produce a viscous discharge.
  2. 2. Estrus (estrus)- the period of estrus and the end of proestrus intersect with an increase in the activity of sexual behavior. This period directly coincides with the time of ovulation in the female body.
  3. 3. Post-oestrus (metaestrus)- at this time, the activity of mucus secretion and the entire inner lining of the vagina are sharply reduced.
  4. 4. Inter-estrus(diestrus)- resting stage. It is due to a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the dog's blood. This period takes about half of the entire cycle.

Bitches become sexually mature most often at the age of 6-8 months. At this time, for the first time, estrus occurs. But this does not mean that the female is completely ready to bear offspring. It often happens that weak puppies are born in young bitches. Early pregnancy leads to stunting of the female herself.

The frequency of leaks is once every 6 months. The second and subsequent emptyings, until the dog reaches the age of 1 year 8 months, must be skipped.

The beginning of estrus is considered to be the day when spotting was noticed for the first time. Using the information about the periods, you can calculate and find out the best time for mating. This is usually the third empty period. On the 11th - 13th days, the highest probability of successful mating falls. However, after this, the dog must be carefully monitored for at least another week.

The emptying following after childbirth must be skipped. Dogs are multiparous animals, that is, several puppies can develop simultaneously in the uterus. The female does not have time to recover quickly after whelping, so she needs rest.


The main danger during estrus is an unwanted pregnancy. If a bitch walks unattended during heat, the likelihood of accidental mating increases dramatically. You can prevent this by watching your dog. If the loop of the bitch is swollen, it means that a dangerous period has begun. The dog must be isolated and not let off the leash during walks, otherwise it may become pregnant.

It must be understood that a dog can ruin furniture during estrus. To save the house, she needs to be walked more often and make sure that she does not enter the living rooms until the emptying has stopped.

You can buy special panties for estrus in a specialized store. In them, the dog will not be able to stain the furniture and floors.

Every experienced dog breeder knows that a bitch in heat is a real headache for the owner. In particular, you are unlikely to be able to walk normally with an animal, since you will be surrounded by at least a dozen males, which can be very aggressive. Therefore, you need to be able to understand when the dog is in heat. In addition, this skill is even more important for professional breeders.

Knowledge about the features of the reproductive cycle is always important. The fact is that the normal duration of the sexual cycle in different animals can vary greatly under the influence of environmental factors. In some cases, veterinary intervention may be required. Under normal conditions estrus is divided into four clearly distinguishable phases, each of which has its own characteristics.

Knowing this, it's pretty easy to find out when your pet stopped having it. Problems begin if the dog has some kind of pathology: they can lead to a prolongation of the sexual cycle and blurring of the boundaries. In infertile pets, estrus may not be observed at all, but sometimes it proceeds in a “hidden” mode, when the animal invariably attracts males from all around, but does not respond to their “courtship”.

However, we are more interested only in the second and last stage of the cycle, which is logical: it is difficult to understand whether the heat is over, if you do not even know about its beginning. But why don't we pay any attention to the first phase? It's simple - it is called "anestrus", it lasts from a month to six months, and at this time the bitch is of no interest to males. Simply put, this stage is a preparatory stage, during which the dog's body is engaged in the reproduction of hormones, the preparation of the epithelial layer of the genital organs and other equally useful things. In this way, the first stage is the normal state of the body of a sexually mature female.

The main stages of estrus

The beginning of estrus is “proestrus”, or “forerunner”. At this time, the dog is still immune to male courtship and not ready to mate, but it becomes more playful, looking for affection more often. The external genitalia swell slightly and acquire a richer pinkish hue.

If at this time a cytological examination of scrapings from the walls of the genital organs is carried out, cytology will show a progressive change from small parabasal cells to keratinized epithelial cells. These metamorphoses indirectly indicate the volume of progesterone circulating in the blood of the animal. The lower its concentration, the sooner the animal will be ready to mate and conceive cubs.

animal behavior

The behavior of the dog during this period is directly dependent on changes in the production of two types of hormones: the synthesis of estrogens decreases, while progesterone increases.

  • Over time, the swelling of the vulva increases, the animal more and more willingly accepts the courtship of males.
  • The dog has a craving for vagrancy. If you don't want your pet to put together a dog wedding, make sure she doesn't run away.
  • It is very desirable to limit walks, and at this time you need to walk the animal only on a leash.
  • At the very peak of estrus, the dog arches, if it is stroked, it becomes nervous or, conversely, very calm and affectionate. This period lasts (on average) about three days, after which the behavior of the pet gradually normalizes.

In some animals, estrus can stretch for three weeks at once. which is fraught with numerous problems. With such a long estrus, we recommend taking the pet to the veterinarian, since under normal conditions estrus does not last that long. It is possible that the dog has some kind of ovarian pathology.

Completion of estrus: what you need to pay attention to

The last stage is called diestrus. At this time, the dog becomes more calm, in response to the harassment of males, it snaps, showing its teeth. However, some playfulness still remains. The external genitalia gradually acquire a normal color, their swelling subsides. When the estrus finally ends, the dog no longer allows males to approach him, and they no longer have much interest in her. In addition, if during estrus, transparent and viscous mucus is sometimes released from the external genital organs, then at the final stage of diestrus it is no longer there.

But in doubtful cases, when you need to find out exactly whether the dog has finished estrus, it is more expedient to conduct a complete biochemical analysis of her blood. It is believed that at the peak of estrus, the content of progesterones varies from 15-80 ng / ml, but subsequently their concentration begins to fall rapidly.

In addition, you can pay attention to the content and amount of prolactin in the blood serum: if the indicators increase, then the bitch is almost certainly in heat and, in addition, the animal is pregnant. Please note that the total duration of diestrus (annual), in the absence of pregnancy, can stretch up to two or even three months. Note that for German Shepherds (this is their distinctive feature), the “dry season” can stretch up to four months and even six months at once. Because of this, by the way, these dogs often have problems with reproduction.

False heat

Already at the very beginning of the article, we noted that due to pathologies, it is not easy to determine the beginning and end of estrus (why sometimes there is a need for blood tests). In particular, in dogs at the age of two or three years, cases of false estrus are possible, which further confuse both veterinarians and pet owners.

The exact cause of this anomaly is unknown. Most likely, the reason lies in problems with the ovaries and delayed corpus luteum. In such cases, the female also swells the external genitalia, she can show her disposition to the males, sometimes mating occurs. However, more often the dog treats males aggressively and does not allow them to approach him, despite external readiness for mating. However, often after a false one, a true estrus begins, which is important not to miss.

Ovulation does not always occur after a false estrus. So even after successful mating, the female may well be barren.

So it's time to take stock. The main signs of the end of estrus are as follows:

  • The dog no longer "flirts" with males, and when "courting" males, it begins to snarl.
  • The genitals return to normal, the swelling completely disappears, there are no outflows.
  • The bitch calms down, the “attacks” of obsessive playfulness pass, the animal is no longer cuddling with the owner.
  • But the most important thing is that after a complete stop of estrus, males stop responding to the dog, starting to perceive it as a regular partner for games and walks.

If there was mating during estrus, then about two weeks after it ends, you can understand if your pet is pregnant. In the case when mating ended with the conception of puppies, in many animals the mammary glands noticeably swell, and the dog's behavior changes - it becomes more secretive and prefers to spend more time just relaxing.

Each dog breeder in one way or another encountered estrus (pustovka). The owners of bitches are directly connected, and the owners of males are connected indirectly, through their pets. Therefore, owners of animals of both sexes need clear ideas about the ongoing process. Knowledge of changes in physiology and behavior will help to mat the bitch at the right time or, if pregnancy is not desired, to avoid unpleasant situations.

The first estrus in miniature dogs can happen at 6-8 months, in the largest - at 12-16. It does not last long and the amount of discharge is minimal. Subsequent ones occur at intervals of once every six months or a year. The frequency depends on the size of the animal.

The first emptying means that the bitch has reached puberty, but for bearing a healthy litter and successful birth, not only puberty, but also physiological maturity is required. Therefore, mating an animal in the first estrus is unacceptable.

Process steps

Consider all successive stages.

  1. Proestrus.
    This is the first stage of the emptying, it is also called the forerunner. The approximate duration is from a week to ten days. At this time, the maturation of the eggs occurs. Due to the high level of estrogen, blood flow in the uterus and vulva increases. The uterine capillaries burst due to increased blood flow, mucus and clots are brought out.
    The discharge at this stage is bloody, and brightens towards the end of proestrus. The vulva (loop) swells, but remains rigid. The dog has frequent urination. In the urine and on the bedding, bloody drops or smears are noticeable.
    The animal becomes excitable, can mark territory and show aggression towards other bitches. With the course of proestrus, she begins to flirt with males, but does not allow cage. The end of the forerunner approximately coincides with the moment of ovulation.
  2. Estrus.
    The second stage lasts about a week. During estrus, the eggs are fully prepared for fertilization. The discharge becomes pink-yellow and transparent. The loop swells as much as possible, becomes soft.
    The behavior of the bitch clearly signals readiness for mating.
    When meeting with a male, she falls on her front paws with her tail laid to the side, tightens the noose and assumes a characteristic pose, encouraging mounting. The second to fifth day of estrus is most suitable for mating.
  3. Metestrus.
    The beginning of the third phase is usually counted from the moment when the bitch stops letting the males. Metestrus lasts from a week to 20 days. At this time, estrogen levels return to normal, and progesterone levels rise.
    As a result, there may be. The physiology of the pet gradually returns to normal, the swelling of the loop and the discharge come to naught. Metestrus smoothly turns into anestrus - the time of sexual dormancy, which will last until the next emptying. With age, the period of anestrus becomes longer.

It should be emphasized that these data are averaged. A dog is a living organism, and the physiological processes described above cannot be repeated with automatic precision. Deviations of 2-4 days in any direction are considered the norm.

The exact periods of emptying and ovulation can only be determined in the process of laboratory research.

How long a dog's estrus lasts is affected by the animal's general health, age, and individual characteristics. As a rule, this period does not exceed 14 days.

In cases where estrus is significantly delayed or does not stop for more than a month, if purulent discharge occurs, the bitch does not get out of the state of false pregnancy on her own, an examination by a veterinarian is necessary. If obtaining offspring is not included in the plans of the owners, castration is indicated after complete recovery.

Host behavior

The fact that the process has begun, the owners can find out by the behavior of all the males on the paddock. From now on, owners must comply with a number of measures that will save them from unnecessary consequences.

  1. You will have to walk the animal only on a leash, and in case of signs of aggression - and in a muzzle. Even if there is no one around, you can’t let the girl off the leash. A bitch in heat stops responding to commands and can simply run away. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly control the leash and literally not let her out of sight.
  2. You can also move the walks to a time when there are fewer tribesmen on the site and reduce the walking time.
  3. during estrus, it is better not to walk at all, but to use a cat tray or a diaper.
  4. Carpets can be rolled up during heat. Even if the dog takes good care of itself and does not stain the bedding, the unpleasant smell eats into soft surfaces for a long time. You can wear special pants on the dog, they come in any size.

It is also easier for the owner of the dog to take him on a leash in time than to catch up with him later and drag him away.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that the signs of estrus in bitches are easily identified, and the actions of the owners do not imply anything other than special attention and control.

Knowing and following these simple rules will keep animals healthy and save their owners not only nerves, but also money.

An inexperienced owner of a girl dog can face a lot of problems during her growing up. He should find out in advance how long estrus lasts in dogs, when it occurs for the first time, how it manifests itself and what to do about it. Useful knowledge will relieve anxiety for any reason and will allow you to regulate the sexual behavior of the tailed ward.

This Latin term in zooengineering determines the readiness for mating of female mammals. In the language of practitioners, this state is called "estrus" or "hunt stage".

When a female awakens sexual desire (libido sexualis), she changes before our eyes. During estrus, the behavior of the dog is marked by noticeable anxiety. Its main task is to become sexually attractive to surrounding males.

Expression of sexual activity

In all representatives of the canine family, the signs of the first estrus are manifested by similar behavioral reactions:

  • specific vocalization: being isolated from fellow tribesmen, the dog whines or yelps plaintively;
  • increased interest in individuals of the opposite sex, the desire to make contact with them;
  • frequent urination: the bitch pees under each bush, licks the perineum and genitals;
  • demonstrating the flirting posture when meeting a dog - falling on the front paws, yapping, lowering the head, moving the tail to the side;
  • temperature shortness of breath in the room;
  • decreased appetite or complete refusal to eat;
  • on the eve of sexual hunting.

This behavior is consistent with the etymology of the word "estrus". In ancient Greek, it meant "tormenting passion."

In addition to behavioral features, the owner of a girl dog will certainly notice morphological changes in her during estrus:

  • loop swelling;
  • mucosal discharge from the vulva.

All this speaks of a radical internal restructuring of the body. However, the estrus that arose for the first time in a dog does not yet indicate its physical and psychological readiness for procreation. It is recommended to arrange "dog weddings" after the second episode of estrus.

Often the first estrus is poorly expressed: the discharge is insignificant, and the knot does not cause much excitement in males. But the owner, who is preparing the pet for mating, should not relax his vigilance. In order to tie it in time in the third cycle, you need to fix the periods of the previous two.

When to expect the first heat

The age of sexual maturity in dogs is determined by the breed. In large bitches it comes later, in miniature bitches it comes earlier. Usually the test of "painful passion" will be a change of teeth. In representatives of decorative and medium breeds, the time of puberty falls on 0.5-1 year, in females of large breeds it is delayed up to 1.5-2 years.

Many owners of breeding females reasonably wonder: until what age do dogs go into heat? The answer to it depends on many factors: the characteristics of the animal's body, heredity, general health, conditions of detention.

According to average data, since the appearance of the first estrus, small dogs go through about 10 reproductive cycles with a frequency of 1 time per year. In medium and large females, there may be about 20 periods of sexual activity in a lifetime and are observed more often - 1 time in 6 months.

If the libidinal state of the bitch occurs more than 2 times a year, this may indicate hormonal disruptions.

timing of the estrous cycle

The duration of estrus in small and medium dogs is 10-14 days. However, the range of their sexual attractiveness can be extended up to 3 weeks. In large ones, the reproductive cycle in the first 2 years is limited to 20-26 days, and from 5 years it increases to 22-28 days.

In the special literature, you can find information about how many days the first estrus lasts in dogs of the most “running” breeds:

  • Yorkie, Chihuahua - 14-21 days;
  • German shepherds - 18-20;
  • Labradors - 20-22;
  • taxes - 20-23.

The reason for contacting the veterinary clinic should be discharge that has dragged on for up to 30 days. It is worth consulting with a veterinarian if the dog has blood with greenish or yellowish patches, fever, lack of appetite, and diarrhea.

Stages of sexual activity

  1. Forerunner (7-10 days): the genital slit swells, blood discharges flow from there, excitability increases, flirting with males on walks with simultaneous growling when trying to cage, marks of the territory with urine are characteristic.
  2. Heat (5-7 days): this is the time of coital receptivity, when the discharge turns pink, the vulva becomes very swollen, the bitch lets the male approach her, takes her tail to the side, raises her pelvis and freezes.
  3. Metaestrus (7-10 days): cessation of secretions, reduction of the loop, demonstration of inaccessibility to males while maintaining sexual attractiveness for them; manifestations of false pregnancy are possible, for example, due to the high concentration of progesterone (“pregnancy hormone”) in the blood of a non-pregnant female, the mammary glands may swell.
  4. Sexual rest (about six months): the hormonal background is balanced again, the pet becomes calm and docile.

If you have not kept track of the beginning of the estrous cycle, do not worry. Laboratory tests will help determine the reproductive status of the pet:

  • examination of a smear from the vulva by the method of vaginal cytology;
  • detection of progesterone concentration in the blood.

Estrus, also known as estrus, is the reproductive stage through which unsterilized females go. At this stage, their eggs mature, making them fertile and able to give birth to puppies. During this period, the dog may experience various behavioral and physical changes due to hormonal changes in the body. These changes will allow you to figure out if the dog is in heat or not.


The concept of estrus in dogs

    Understanding the basics of your dog's reproductive cycle. When you are wondering if your bitch is in heat, the first thing to understand is her normal hormonal cycle. When a bitch reaches maturity and is physically ready to breed, her estrogen levels increase and her ovaries begin to release eggs. If mating occurs during this period, eggs can be fertilized and embryos can be conceived.

    • Bitches, or females, typically enter estrus at puberty, around the age of 6 to 24 months, depending on the breed. Small breeds usually go into heat earlier than large breeds.
  1. You need to know when to check for signs of heat. Depending on the breed, a female estrus occurs twice a year with an average interval of six months between each.

    • This will help you determine if there is a chance that she is in heat. For example, if she had a heat a month ago, then it is unlikely that this will happen again so soon and something may be wrong.
    • Although most dogs go into heat twice a year, that is, every six months, as with all hormonal events, some dogs have it more regularly than others. Some of them go into heat regularly, like clockwork every six hours, while others are extremely variable. An interval of 4 to 8 months is considered normal.
    • Heat usually lasts three to four weeks.
  2. Understand the signs of a leak. The heat itself goes according to the scheme, with swelling of the vulva and spotting during the first week. However, nature can be deceiving, because around 7-14 days, the discharge may stop or become weaker. This can mislead the careless owner into thinking that the period is over and the bitch is no longer at risk of getting pregnant. However, nothing could be that far from the truth. This average week is actually the period when ovulation occurs and the peak of the risk of getting pregnant.

    • Also, this is the week when she is most interested in finding a friend, and you should not let your guard down, and if you do not want her to have puppies, then you should tighten your security measures.
    • Approximately for 14 - 21 days of estrus, spotting returns, but gradually weakens and completely disappears. However, for a couple of weeks the vulva often remains larger than usual (although now she cannot conceive, estrus is over).

Note the physical and behavioral changes in your dog during estrus.

  1. Note the swelling of the vulva. The dog's vulva is located directly below the anus. Before a bitch goes into heat, her vulva will begin to swell a little. At the height of estrus, the vulva will increase to three times its normal size and take on a reddish hue.

    Pay attention to vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding is a sign that your dog is about to go into heat. When a dog is in heat, the amount of discharge will decrease slightly and the blood will take on a brownish tint.

    • If the bitch thoroughly cleans and licks the discharge, it will be difficult to understand if there is a discharge. A helpful tip is to cover her bed with a white sheet or pillowcase. This way you will see bloodstains on the white while she sleeps.
    • If you are planning to breed puppies, write down the day the bleeding started. Mating will occur most successfully on the 10th or 11th day from the onset of bleeding and on each of the three days following it.
  2. Pay attention if your dog constantly licks itself. Another sign that a dog is going into heat soon, or has just started, is if she constantly licks her vagina. While some bitches don't do this, most dogs will exhibit this behavior right at the start of estrus.

    Pay attention if the dog begins to behave strangely. Bitches that are in early heat usually don't perform as usual. In particular, bitches who are about to go into heat are nervous, restless and easily irritated.

    • Some bitches bark a lot and become more aggressive towards people and dogs around.
  3. Pay attention to the aggravation of marital behavior. If your dog starts jumping on males or other bitches, then it is more likely that he is in heat. Jumping on dogs is a common sign that a bitch is in heat. She can even jump on your feet.

    • However, dogs may jump on their feet or on each other for other behavioral reasons, such as masturbation, dominance, or, oddly enough, submissive behavior, so this does not necessarily mean that the bitch is in heat.
  4. Watch for changes in the position of the dog's tail. When a dog enters estrus, she twists her tail to the side to facilitate mating. This action is called "flagging" and is very common with bitches in heat.

    • You can induce this behavior by vigorously scratching her soft spot. If her hind legs are stiff and her tail leans to one side, she is flagging.
    • Never insert anything into a dog's vulva or vagina to see if it's ready. You can inadvertently hurt the tender, inflamed tissues and put your dog under a lot of stress.

Note the behavior of the males

  1. Be aware that some bitches are "silent hunters", that is, they do not show any visible signs of estrus. They secrete reproductive hormones but do not show the usual outward signs, such as vulvar swelling.

    • The only way to determine if these dogs are in heat is to observe the interaction between the males and the bitch in question. Males will even detect a low level of female sex hormones, which will cause their increased interest and attention.
    • Keep in mind that some bitches "skip" heat. If they are not feeling well or in poor health, have lost weight lately, the body can conserve energy and heat will not start at the expected time. This is a natural way to let the body know that it needs all its reserves for the most important thing, and is not in a state of full bloom of strength, when it could take care of the offspring.
  2. Pay attention to the level of aggressiveness in males. If you have a pair of males and also a bitch who you think might be in heat, notice how aggressive the males are towards each other. When there is more than one male next to the bitch, they begin to behave aggressively towards each other, trying to prove which of them dominates and should mate with the bitch.

  3. Note increased vocal communication and restlessness. If you have one male and a bitch in heat, notice how the male reacts to his separation from the female. If he seems more restless than usual and whines frequently, then it is most likely that he is expressing his displeasure at not being allowed near the bitch. This is a sure sign that the bitch is in heat.

    • Although this is not guaranteed, and you need to interpret this in the context of the physical changes in the bitch and the normal behavior of the male isolated from his mate. Some dogs experience anxiety when they are isolated from close friends and it can be difficult to distinguish this from sexual dissatisfaction.
  4. Watch the interaction between male and female. If you allow your dogs to run freely together all the time, then watch what happens when the male approaches the bitch. If the bitch allows him to lick and sniff her vagina for a long time, then it is most likely that she is in heat. In particular, if she lets herself jump, this is a sign that she is in heat.

    • However, if she lets another dog mount her, that can also be a sign of submissive behavior, so again, you need to interpret the big picture and ask yourself if it's time for estrus, for example, and how she usually behaves around dogs. . Don't forget, butt sniffing is something dogs love to do often, at best just to figure out who is who!
    • If your dog and bitch don't normally communicate, keep your dog on a leash when you bring him close to the bitch. One or both dogs may become aggressive if they are not familiar with each other.

Checking the estrus at the veterinarian

  1. To determine if your dog is in heat, your veterinarian will do a blood test. An analysis is used that determines the level of progesterone in the blood, which rises during estrus. This is done simply by taking a blood sample from the bitch and sending it to the laboratory. A low level indicates that there is no period, an average level indicates that the dog is in heat, and a high level indicates pregnancy.

    • An alternative is analysis used in research institutions. It measures the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the blood, which rises before ovulation. However, such a test is not available for commercial use.
  2. Have your veterinarian do a vaginal cytology test. It's fast and easy. The veterinarian runs a clean cotton swab over the moist mucosa of the vulva and then over the microscope slide. Once the smear is dry, it is stained and examined under a microscope.

    • A typical picture in a bitch in heat will be large cells plus red blood cells, which is characteristic of the period of heat. This, along with the physical signs, is enough to determine if a bitch is in heat.
  3. Ask yourself if the visible symptoms are signs of heat or if they suggest a health problem. This means it's important to use common sense when asking about a bitch's heat. If in doubt, take her to the vet for a checkup.

    • Is it time for the bitch to go into heat? If yes, then heat is more likely than a health problem.
    • Was there a heat recently? If yes, then it is less likely that it has come again, and there may be health problems.
    • Is she in a good mood, eating and drinking normally, and is she generally active? If yes, heat is more likely.
    • Does she feel unwell, has a reduced appetite, is she more thirsty than usual, or does she feel sick? If so, there is probably a health problem and urgent veterinary attention is required.
  4. If there should not be heat, but similar symptoms are present, have the veterinarian examine the dog. There is a disease, pyometra, which affects older bitches, the symptoms of which, to the untrained eye, may coincide with those of estrus. Common symptoms include a swollen vulva, with or without vaginal discharge. Pyometra refers to a uterine infection. In severe cases, the uterus fills with pus and the toxins released by the bacteria are absorbed into the blood and poison the dog.

    • If a bitch who has been in heat (4 to 8 weeks ago) has discharge, seek veterinary attention as this is the peak period of risk for developing pyometra.
    • In the early stages, the dog may experience more thirst and lack of appetite. As the disease progresses, the toxins cause damage to the kidneys and, if left untreated, can be fatal.
    • Each time in heat slightly weakens the lining of the uterus and makes it more vulnerable to the appearance of pyometra. This condition is more likely to affect older bitches (the more heats she has, the more likely it is to happen), and no breed is at risk.
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