A wound and a severe bruise than to treat. Contraindications for bruises. If your finger is pinched or hurt

A hematoma is a formation that forms during trauma and damage to soft tissues and is characterized by the accumulation of blood in a limited space. It can form under the skin, in muscle tissues, under the periosteum, in the mucous membrane. Immediately after the rupture of blood vessels, the blood remains liquid, but after a while it coagulates, which provokes the progression of the inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues.

As a rule, a hematoma occurs at the site of a bruise - this is external mechanical damage. Accompanied by severe pain, swelling and early or late formation of a bruise (hematoma).

Read in this article

What is a bruise

A bruise is a hemorrhage into the superficial layers of the skin. Appears due to rupture of blood vessels upon impact. Usually the cause is a fall, domestic injury. In people with blood diseases (low platelets or clotting factors), bruises with fragile blood vessels occur with slight skin pressure or even spontaneously (for example, after sleep).

How long does a bruise last

A small bruise goes away in 10-12 days. Large and deep lesions can resolve at least 2-3 weeks. If there are complications - suppuration, the formation of an abscess or phlegmon (extensive inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue), then this condition will not disappear on its own. Surgical treatment will be required. You should also consult a doctor if there is pain, swelling and restriction of movement for a long time.

Degrees of hematomas

Most often, hematomas are treated at home, but this is not always unjustified. It all depends on what degree the bruise occurred, how much blood “spilled” in the soft tissues.

Light degree

Their formation ends a day after the injury. Characteristic for hematomas of mild severity will be mild pain at the site of injury and minor bruising.

The treatment of such bruises proceeds at home. They either pass on their own, or under the influence of the simplest external medicines.

Moderate severity

It is formed within a maximum of 5 hours, is characterized by severe bruising and mild pain. If the bruise fell on a limb, then it will most often be limited in movement.

It is best to treat such hematomas under the supervision of doctors, but it is quite acceptable in an independent mode.

But even if the pain does not bother, the hematoma is not extensive, but there is immobility of the limb, then a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided.

Severe hematomas

A bruise appears after 40-90 minutes, there is severe pain and complete immobility of the limb (if the injury occurred in this particular part of the body).

Such damage involves seeking qualified medical help with a full examination, the appointment of a full therapeutic course, and in some cases, surgical intervention helps to cope with the problem and restore the functionality of the damaged organ.

Effective remedies from the pharmacy for bruises and bruises

Before proceeding with the treatment of bruises and bruises, the victim is given first aid:

  • You need to make sure that there is no damage to the musculoskeletal system. To do this is simple: just move your fingers, joints, bend down / unbend. If you experience severe pain or inability to move, you should immediately contact a medical facility.
  • It is advisable to apply cold to the site of injury - ice, meat from the freezer, a cold compress. This will help reduce the intensity of pain and prevent the formation of a hematoma (at least it will be less pronounced). You need to take into account one nuance: cold is applied to the injury site for a maximum of 15 minutes, then you need to remove it for 20 minutes and repeat the procedure again.
  • On the second day after the bruise, an iodine mesh is “imposed” on the site of hematoma formation. If the movements of the bruised place are not limited, and there is no pain, then you can do a massage.

From pharmacy products, the following will help to speed up recovery after a bruise and the formation of a hematoma:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen and Paracetamol in the form of tablets. They are taken from the first minutes of injury, 1 to 2 tablets every 4 hours. These drugs have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects at the same time.
  • Means from a number of enzymatic agents - Wobenzym or Phlogenzym. They are intended for oral administration, help to quickly restore joint mobility, relieve swelling, and reduce the severity of hematoma.
  • Preparations Viprosal or Apizartron with bee or snake venom in the composition. They perfectly warm up the deep layers of soft tissues, promote the resorption of blood accumulations.
  • Kapsikam - ointment with a vasodilating effect. Its use causes minimal bruising and reduces pain.

The most effective remedies for the treatment of bruises and bruises are those applied topically.

Ointments for bruises

You can find a lot of topical products in pharmacies, but some of them are the most popular:

The components of this gel are dimexide, heparin, panthenol. They penetrate deep into the skin and have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • absorbable,
  • painkiller,
  • decongestant,
  • recovering from injury
  • improve blood circulation.

After application, the gel immediately relieves soreness, cools. For the treatment of superficial bruises, 2-3 days are enough, extensive lesions usually disappear in 1.5-2 weeks. It is advisable to use Dolobene for deep hematomas. It is applied to the skin that does not have a wound surface, three times a day. The price for 50 g is 380 rubles, 125 hryvnias.

Traumeel S

This is a homeopathic remedy. Accelerates wound healing, resolves hematomas, relieves pain and inflammation, and normalizes skin functions. It is recommended to apply on the first day after the injury 5-6 times a day, as the condition improves, they switch to 2-3 single use. The advantage of this drug is a minimum of side effects. The price for 50 g is 516 rubles, 220 hryvnias.

Patch for bruises and bruises

The use of a patch for bruises and bruises (Nanoplast Forte) helps in a short time:

  • relieve pain and muscle spasm;
  • reduce the inflammatory response of tissues;
  • get rid of bruising;
  • eliminate puffiness.

The effect on the skin is exerted by magnetic and thermal radiation from the applied powder of the rare earth element. The patch is glued to the hematoma area for 12 hours. In mild cases, 3 days is enough, with deep lesions - at least six. For a package with 3 patches, you need to pay 170 rubles.

Compress and lotion from bruises and bruises

To get rid of bruises and bruises, compresses, lotions with such solutions are used:

  • strong tea brew;
  • alcohol diluted by half with water, or vodka;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons in a glass of warm water.

Any of these liquids should be moistened with a bandage of 8 layers of gauze or other cotton fabric, squeezed out, applied to the injury site. Either compress paper (baking parchment) or thick cellophane is placed on top of the compress. For fixation, an elastic bandage is used, but in an emergency, nylon tights can be used for this. All these methods will help out if there are no medicines at hand.

Banana for bruises is used as a temporary measure to help relieve swelling. A peel is applied to the area of ​​injury. Its inner part has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

To enhance the effect, immediately after the impact, it is applied chilled (just hold it for 15 minutes in the freezer), from the second day you can use the usual one. In place of a bruise, a bruise, it is fixed with cling film or an elastic bandage for 30 minutes. These dressings should be repeated 3-4 times a day.

Preparations for bruises and hematomas

To get rid of bruises and bruises, if they are extensive, multiple, accompanied by swelling and pain, the traumatologist may recommend drugs: absorbable injections (L-lysine aescinate and Traumeel) and tablets (Aescusan, Detralex, Troxevasin, Phlebodia and others). For topical application, iodine is sometimes indicated.

Absorbable injections

Severe edema and pain syndrome are removed with a drug for resorption in injections - L-lysine aescinate. It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, reduces capillary permeability, and quickly reduces tissue swelling. One of the advantages of this tool is the stimulation of the immune system, it helps to restore damage, prevent suppuration. Contraindicated in bleeding and severe kidney and liver diseases.

The second remedy is used only in complex treatment. Injections of the Traumeel solution help relieve pain, improve the outflow of blood and interstitial fluid, and accelerate the resorption of hematomas. Not recommended for individual intolerance, diseases of the blood and the immune system, viral infections.


For oral administration, tablets that act on blood vessels (venotonics) are used. They reduce swelling, strengthen capillaries, relieve soreness and local inflammatory reaction. They are also taken as preventive courses with frequent bruising due to the fragility of the vascular wall. The most effective include:

  • Aescusan,
  • Detralex,
  • Troxevasin,
  • Phlebodia,
  • Cyclo-3-fort.

Although most of their components are herbal extracts, any drug is prescribed only after examination.

Vitamins Askorutin are also shown to strengthen blood vessels. They are recommended for preventive purposes to drink a tablet 2 times a day for a month.

Does iodine help?

Iodine helps with bruising due to local irritation of skin receptors. It causes:

  • expansion of capillaries;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • elimination of edema and stagnant processes in tissues;
  • resorption of seals.

A mesh of iodine is applied to the affected part of the skin, it is best to do this procedure at night. Repeat lubrication no more than 1 time per day. It is recommended to use on the body and limbs, avoiding application on the elbows and knees, face, as there is a risk of burns.

How to anoint a bruise to a child

To relieve pain and swelling of the skin, speed up resorption, you can anoint the bruise to the child with ointments with medicinal herbs:

  • with arnica (gel, balm), calendula;
  • Boro plus;
  • Rescuer;
  • Traumeel S.

At night, on the bruise area from 1 year old, it is allowed to draw an iodine mesh. It must be remembered that the skin of a child is more sensitive, and its absorption capacity is much higher than that of adults. Therefore, ointments and gels should be applied in a very thin layer and no more than 2 times a day.

Children's ointment for bruises and bruises

The safety and effectiveness of children's ointment for bruises and bruises - Bepanten has been proven. It contains dexpanthenol. This substance has vitamin activity, as well as wound healing, anti-inflammatory action. The drug is especially effective for small abrasions. Assigned from birth. At the risk of infection, Bepanthen plus is used.

In the home medicine cabinet, parents should also have such a remedy as calendula ointment. It helps with cuts, falls, hematomas in children. Ointments are applied from 1 to 4-5 times a day, depending on the degree of injury.

What will help with subcutaneous bruising

From subcutaneous bruising will help: cold in the first hours after injury, compresses, ointments, iodine. Depending on the location of the hematoma (nose, lips, eyelid above and below the eye, limbs, body), there are features of the use of drugs and procedures.

How to get rid of a hematoma on the leg, back, neck

To get rid of a hematoma on the arm, leg, neck or back, you need:

  • After the injury, immediately apply cold (hold for about 20-30 minutes with breaks), repeat periodically in the first 6-12 hours.
  • Apply a tight bandage to the limb (no more than 3 hours, there should be no pain and discoloration of the surrounding skin).
  • Apply a compress of vodka, calendula tincture or salt half-diluted with water (10 g per 100 ml of water).
  • Lubricate with Heparin, Troxevasin ointment or Dolobene at least 5-6 times in the first 2 days, and then 2-3 times a day until completely absorbed.
  • At night, apply a net of iodine or undiluted tincture of arnica, calendula.

In the first two days, it is recommended to limit physical activity, especially if there is severe pain and swelling. At the same time, it is important that when resting, the affected part is, if possible, in an elevated position (for example, a pillow or a roller from a blanket is placed under the leg). It is also important to exclude during the first day any exposure to heat - a hot shower, alcoholic beverages, warming up.

From the third day, there must be movements in the affected area, as this will accelerate the resorption of the bruise. Warming up also helps. At home, this can be a canvas bag of salt, heated in the oven to a pleasant warmth (not hot), a heating pad.

Watch the video on how to remove a bruise at home:

How to remove a bruise under the eye from a blow

To remove a bruise under the eye from a blow will help:

  • Ice, tablespoons chilled in the freezer, frozen water in half with vodka in the first 6 hours, rubbing should be done as often as possible throughout the day.
  • A compress of strong tea leaves, frozen sleeping bags or a cut aloe leaf.
  • Application of ointments (not earlier than 6 hours from injury) - Bruise Off, Heparin, Rescuer, Boro plus.
  • A mask of grated cabbage leaf and finely chopped parsley, they are mixed with cold sour cream to a state of gruel, you need to keep it for 20 minutes.
  • Warming up from the third day. For this, a bag of heated salt or a boiled egg is suitable (there should be a feeling of pleasant warmth, hot compresses can increase swelling).

The pillow for sleep must be high to ensure the outflow of blood from the face.

How to remove a bruise over the eye

You can remove a bruise above the eye with the help of:

  • Cold in the first hours after injury - any ice or even food from the freezer, wrapped in a cotton towel, napkin.
  • A compress from a cabbage leaf smeared with tincture of calendula or arnica, semi-alcoholic or vodka.
  • Gel lubrication - Heparin, Lyoton, Troxevasin, Dolobene.
  • Applying a banana peel (inner side) or finely grated raw potatoes for 20 minutes.

To mask bruises on the face, products with a tinting effect (Express Bruise, Bruise Off), concealers with a dense texture are suitable.

How to remove bruises from injections

In order to remove bruises from injections, an iodine mesh is used. It is recommended to do it at night. During the day, the skin is additionally lubricated with preparations - Indovazin, Rescuer, Dolobene, Venitan Forte. Compresses from tincture of arnica or comfrey, Vishnevsky ointment will also help.

How to treat a bruise on the eyelid, lips, remove from the nose

In order to remove a bruise from the nose, lips, quickly cure a hematoma on the eyelid, you must:

  • Use ice in the first hours.
  • Apply a compress: a gauze napkin is soaked with aloe or Kalanchoe juice, cabbage, potatoes.
  • Make a mask of cold cottage cheese, pounded with salt (50 g need a quarter of a teaspoon).
  • Apply ointment - Trombless plus, Heparin, Zinc.

What to do if the bruise under the eye does not go away

If the bruise under the eye does not go away for a long time, you need to use:

method or remedy

What to do

Absorbable products

Rub Rescuer, Hepatrombin C, Lyoton gel.

Facial massage

It must first be lubricated with a preparation for bruises or a balm with arnica, comfrey.

Gel with bodyaga

Rub, but only carefully so that it does not get into the eye.

Contrasting compresses

Moisten a washcloth in hot water and apply to the entire face, then in ice water, alternate several times. You can use tablespoons (heated and cooled) for this purpose and massage the infraorbital region with them.


Electrophoresis, phonophoresis, magnetotherapy, darsonvalization.

Prolonged resorption of bruises is a sign of venous and lymphatic stagnation. To find out its cause, you need to contact a traumatologist, and in the presence of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (headaches, difficulty in moving the neck) - to a neuropathologist.

Why did a seal form at the site of the bruise

The seal at the site of the bruise is formed due to the accumulation of blood under the skin. If it is small and there is no infection, it usually resolves with proper treatment (cold, ointments, then warming up, iodine mesh). With increased swelling, redness, severe pain, increased local temperature or fever, an immediate appeal to a traumatologist, surgeon is required, since these signs occur with suppuration.

Folk remedies to quickly treat a bruise, remove a hematoma, bruise

If there are no serious consequences of a bruise, and the hematoma is not widespread, then you can use folk remedies:

  • Mix equal amounts of red dry wine and vinegar, add salt (maximum 1 teaspoon). In the resulting product, a gauze or textile rag is moistened and applied to the injured area. The compress should be kept until it dries, then the procedure is repeated. If in this way a bruise and a bruise are treated during the first day after injury, then the restoration of health will go quickly.
  • 2 hours after the bruise and the formation of a hematoma, the injured area should be wiped with camphor alcohol and a pressure bandage applied. This method of treatment is appropriate only in the case of a slight bruise and the absence of severe pain.

Applying a pressure bandage
  • Mix brewer's yeast with water in such an amount that a mushy mass is obtained. It is laid out on a gauze napkin and applied to the bruised area for a couple of hours. Such procedures should be done at least 2 per day - and on the third day the discomfort will disappear, and the bruise will become less pronounced.
  • White cabbage leaves and grated raw potatoes are applied to the site of injury - the skin temperature drops, the bruise and swelling become smaller. Apply these vegetables for 20 - 40 minutes.

Bruises with hematomas are not always a banal injury that is either treated at home or goes away on its own. Before proceeding with treatment, you need to find out the extent of damage. If medical assistance is not required, then it is enough to carry out a couple of procedures with folk remedies - and health will be restored. With the appearance of acute pain, any activities in an independent mode are contraindicated.

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  • What to do with bruises? This is information that each of us should know and which is useful not only to study, but also to learn at the level of habitual actions. Bruises accompany us almost daily - there are small, inconspicuous, there are also those that require elementary, but urgent help. It should not be considered a bruise as something insignificant, not worthy of attention. The fact is that any damage to soft tissues, and this is a bruise, is an injury to the body. When bruised, the integrity of the subcutaneous tissue is violated, capillaries and blood vessels, sometimes nerve endings and even nearby organs are damaged. In addition, bruises can vary in severity and location. Agree, an elbow bruise is an unpleasant and painful injury, but a head bruise is more than a serious injury, sometimes requiring medical attention.

    Before deciding what to do with bruises, it is necessary to clarify what happens with an injury to the skin, deeper layers of the epidermis, and the circulatory system.

    A bruise, regardless of whether it was the result of an independent fall or external impact with a heavy object, first damages the outer skin. If the skin is not damaged, there are no abrasions, scratches or wounds on it, this does not mean that everything is in order under it. Usually the impact is taken by the more vulnerable subcutaneous fat. The top layer of the skin is really stronger, more homogeneous, it is considered horny, as its cells are constantly updated, replacing the old ones (this process takes from ten days to a month). Under the outer layer is a heterogeneous dermis containing glands that secrete fats and sweat. The dermis also contains collagen and elastin. Even lower under the dermis is a layer that retains heat and absorbs shock - this is the hypodermis, which is also called subcutaneous tissue. It is this layer that takes on bruises and saves internal organs from them. All skin layers are permeated with small vessels - blood and lymph, intertwined with nerve fibers and muscles.

    A bruise injures not so much the upper layer of the skin as fatty tissue, small capillaries and blood vessels, and nerve endings. Blood breaks out of damaged vessels into nearby tissues, where it can accumulate or spill, spread further along the layer, up to the joint cavity. The blood, thanks to the platelets in the composition, stops after ten to fifteen minutes, but if a larger vessel is damaged, bleeding can last up to a day. Under the skin, spilled blood forms bruises, hematomas. Subcutaneous tissue has a specific porous structure, due to its friability, lymph accumulates in it, as a result of which swelling quickly forms at the site of the bruise. If the injury is severe, the bruise destroys the nerve endings and the epithelial membrane of the internal organs, or the periosteum.

    What to do with bruises, how to distinguish a slight bruise from a serious hidden injury?

    The first thing that indicates a serious injury, a possible dislocation or fracture, is a gradually or instantly increasing swelling, increasing pain. Bruises are also characterized by swelling and pain, but they pass quickly enough. Puffiness, as a rule, disappears on the second or third day, pain - during the day. If these periods are exceeded, you should consult a doctor, independent actions may not help, and even more so, harm. You should also watch for hematomas, bruises. The period of resorption of bruises lasts from a week to two, the hematoma also resolves within these time limits. The usual hematoma has vague contours, since the subcutaneous, porous tissues are saturated with blood unevenly, this process is called imbibition. If the contours of the hematoma are clear, even, and resorption does not occur, then accumulation of exudate and the formation of subcutaneous cysts are possible, up to necrotic changes in the tissues. Such hematomas are removed by puncture.

    What to do with bruises and how to treat them?

    Basic Rules:

    • The first day is calm and cold. Cold means compresses, applying ice, cold objects. Cold lotions are changed, changing them periodically as they warm up. Cold helps relieve pain, and also slows down the spread of outflowing blood into the subcutaneous layers, stops bruising and swelling. If there are scratches or abrasions, they should be treated with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide).

    Be sure to apply a moderately tight, compressive bandage. Constriction should be monitored so as not to harm blood circulation. It is advisable to use elastic material (bandages). Cold is applied over the bandage.

    • The second day - peace and warmth. Thermal compresses should be gentle, not warming, but warming. A warm bath, a dry compress, warming with special lamps (UHF) help absorb the accumulated lymph, activate blood flow at the site of injury.

    Starting from the second day, it is recommended to apply local external agents to neutralize possible inflammation. This is acceptable for whole, unbroken skin, if there are abrasions, scratches or open wounds, anti-inflammatory ointments, gels cannot be applied. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include ointments containing diclofenac, ibuprofen. Ointments containing absorbable components are also good - heparin, horse chestnut extract.

    • The third and fourth days, if there are no visible lesions on the skin, are suitable for applying warming ointments containing essential oils, bee or snake venom.

    If a bruise disturbs with pain, provokes immobility, unusual sensory reactions - blurred vision, hearing loss, vegetative symptoms - nausea, dizziness, you should not hesitate and try to solve these problems on your own. There is no need to waste precious time, you need to find a doctor, a medical institution as soon as possible and seek qualified help.

    What to do with knee bruises?

    Knee, elbow, or ankle bruises at first glance seem like minor injuries. However, in order to exclude cracks, fractures or ruptures of the meniscus, you should still visit a traumatologist or at least take an x-ray. First aid is to immobilize the joint (bandaging or splint), cold compress. For severe pain, you can take an analgesic.

    What to do with bruises of the sternum?

    Bruising of the sternum is also dangerous, especially if, in addition to pain and swelling, sounds are heard that resemble crunching when changing positions, turning over. This may be a sign of a fracture or crack in the costal arch, damage to the lung. Difficulties in inhaling or exhaling, pallor and sweating, decreased pressure are formidable symptoms that dictate the need for urgent medical attention. First aid consists in immobilization, but not lying down, but in a half-sitting position, with a roller or pillow under the shoulder blades. Fresh air should be provided in the room and breathing should be as free as possible - unfasten clothes, belt, and so on.

    What to do with epigastric bruises?

    A bruise in the epigastric region - the abdomen, is fraught with damage to internal organs, up to bleeding into the peritoneal cavity. Signs that threaten health are severe pain in the abdomen that does not stop within an hour, tension in the abdominal muscles, plaque on the tongue, dry mouth, decreased pressure and slowing of the pulse. Before the victim is taken to the hospital, the following can be done at home: give a horizontal position, do not give water or food, as well as any medicines, including painkillers. With pallor of the skin, loss of consciousness, you can bring a swab or cotton wool moistened with ammonia to the nose. All other actions will be performed by professionals, traumatologists.

    What to do with head injuries?

    A bruise to the head is perhaps the most dangerous of all bruises, since it is fraught not only with a concussion, but also with more serious threats, such as a fracture of the base of the skull. The following symptoms should be alert: symmetrical bruises, swelling on the face, on the sides of the nose, or “glasses syndrome” around the eyes. Nausea, gag reflex, imbalance, dizziness, blurred vision - all these are threatening symptoms that require immediate, urgent hospitalization. First aid is to protect the victim from noise, light. Next, you should apply cold to the forehead and back of the head and call an ambulance. You can not give water, food, medicines. You can bring ammonia to your nose.

    What to do with neck bruises?

    A contusion of the cervical vertebrae occurs quite often in people involved in acrobatics and active sports. First aid for a bruise is to immobilize the neck as a whole in order to limit its mobility. Any fixing material will do, but the neck should not be pulled tight, so as not to disturb breathing and blood flow. If after a day there is pain when turning the head, tilting, you should contact a traumatologist and take an x-ray. If a neck bruise is accompanied by signs similar to a concussion - nausea, dizziness, vomiting, you should consult a doctor immediately, without waiting for the expiration of the day.

    The main rule for differentiating a bruise and more severe injuries is a decrease in symptoms on the first day. If this does not happen, medical attention is needed.

    What is the first thing to do with bruises?

    Rest, cold, immobilization, fixing bandage. Here is the first thing to remember, besides, no matter how trite this phrase sounds, you just need to be more attentive and careful in places and situations where there is a risk of injury. As you know, any disease, as well as a bruise, is easier to prevent than to subsequently treat.

    This is the most common type of household or work injury. A bruise is characterized by damage to muscle and connective tissues and blood vessels without violating the integrity of the skin. The bones are also not affected. A bruise can be obtained by unsuccessfully falling or hitting hard, bruises are received in fights and in accidents. Different parts of the body, head, face can suffer. Injuries come in varying degrees of severity, but even the mildest ones require first aid to relieve pain, swelling, and prevent hematoma formation.

    Very handy in this case will be a compress. This is a piece of cloth or gauze that is wetted in water or a therapeutic agent, and applied to a sore spot in order to relieve pain, reduce swelling and speed up the healing of an injury. Also, the compress may consist of any improvised components that are wrapped in cloth or special paper and also applied to the bruise.

    Note! The compress differs from lotion in a wider variety of means used (not necessarily liquid formulations), and the duration of use. if lotions are applied for 10-15 minutes, then the compress can be left for several hours and even all night.

    So, what compresses can be done to relieve pain, swelling and prevent the formation of a terrifying purple-blue hematoma?

    First aid for a bruise: cold compress

    The simplest and most effective compress for the first few hours after an injury is ice or cold water. If it is winter outside, then you can apply snow to the affected area. Other cold compress options:

    By the way, there is an opinion that if you apply a piece of raw frozen meat or fat to a bruise, healing will be faster. But this method of treatment has not yet received official confirmation. If the bruise is on the forehead or on the nose, then it is very convenient to apply a spoon chilled in the freezer to it.

    The best recipes for compresses for bruises

    Note! Be careful, if the tissues become inflamed, then warming them is contraindicated - such a “treatment” contributes to the spread of infection throughout the body. It is best to use special ointments and gels for bruises - there are a lot of them in the pharmacy now, you can choose an inexpensive and effective remedy. If pharmacy products are not available, then proven folk recipes will help out:

    Previously, bruises and bruises were treated with lead water, it was even sold in a pharmacy. Today, such a drug cannot be found, although lead is in the composition of many pharmaceutical anticonvulsants and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Vegetable compress

    There are folk recipes that even doctors approve. Cooking will take some time, but the ingredients are very simple, they are sure to be found in everyone in the house, and the effect is worth all the effort. The following tool has earned the greatest recognition:

    • peel one medium raw potato and one onion;
    • chop vegetables on a grater or in a blender;
    • add to the mass the same amount of chopped fresh white cabbage;
    • mix everything and add a few tablespoons of kefir, or better home-made yogurt - you should get a thick slurry;
    • this composition is thickly lubricated with the affected area, covered with oilcloth, bandaged and left for at least two hours.

    The remnants of the compress are washed off with warm water, after which the bruise must be wrapped warmly again. If you do this procedure several times a day, in two or three days there will be no trace of a bruise.

    Compresses for swelling and hematomas

    What else do folk healers advise for severe, painful bruises, accompanied by swelling and bruising? Apple cider vinegar will help. It must be heated, then add the same amount of warm water. Add a teaspoon of table salt and baking soda to the solution, stir until the powders are completely dissolved. In the resulting liquid, gauze is impregnated and applied to the bruised area. After 30 minutes, the pain will pass and the bruise will resolve much faster.

    And you can also brew herbs: sweet clover, arnica, fragrant rue, wormwood. In the decoction, moisten a napkin and apply it to the bruised area every hour until the pain and swelling go away.

    A more exotic way to deal with hematomas is fresh banana peel.. It is applied to a bruise for half an hour, then changed.

    Even the most banal at first glance bruise deserves attention and medical supervision. Complications and consequences may not appear immediately, months or even years later. Often a person gets a serious pathology - for example, cocarthrosis or bursitis - which significantly worsens the quality of life, partially deprives one of working capacity and can even lead to disability. And all because at one time the most common bruise was ignored. Therefore, with such injuries, do not be too lazy to go to the doctor and take an x-ray, this will not be superfluous at all. Well, how to treat a bruise - with pharmaceutical preparations or folk remedies - everyone decides for himself.

    A leg injury is a common closed injury in which soft tissue damage is noted, but their structure does not change. When bruising the toes, feet, knee, it is recommended to contact a traumatologist. Otherwise, due to insufficient treatment, the function of these joints may be impaired or chronic pain may occur.


    A leg injury often occurs when falling (on the street or at home), as a result of a blow with a blunt object, with industrial or sports, road injuries. It occurs more often in children and people performing heavy physical work.

    Main reasons:

    • contusion of the foot and ankle joint occurs as a result of the fall of a heavy object;
    • shin injury occurs after a direct blow;
    • hip injury occurs with a direct hit by a heavy object, a fall during sports, an accident;
    • - as a result of a fall, a blow to the knee (as a result of an injury: sports or domestic);
    • a contusion of the hip joint occurs after a direct blow or as a result of a fall on its side.

    Characteristic symptoms

    Severe leg injury is accompanied by:

    • intense pain at the site of injury, sharply limiting any movement;
    • swelling at the site of injury (which tends to increase);
    • hemorrhage (associated with damage to blood vessels);
    • hemarthrosis (when the knee is bruised, blood accumulates inside the joint);
    • limitation of joint function as a result of injury;
    • difficulty of movement;
    • in severe cases - pain in the periosteum, sometimes its exfoliation, damage to the bones.

    The severity of manifestations may differ depending on the severity of the injury, the characteristics of the organism of each person.

    Providing the victim first aid, rest should be provided to the injured leg, cold should be applied to the damaged area (ice, cold water compress) for 20 minutes with a break of 5 minutes.

    It is recommended to put a roller under the injured leg (so that it is in an elevated position) for a better outflow of blood. Damage to the skin (abrasions, scratches) must be treated with a disinfectant.

    • analgesics (for severe pain, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Analgin are prescribed);
    • cold during the first day (to reduce pain and hemorrhage);
    • on the second day after the injury - the use of warming compresses with drugs (to reduce swelling: Heparin, Romazulan, Dimexide, Menovazin);
    • gels and ointments (to relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and pain: Lyoton, Voltaren, Dolobene, Troxevasin);
    • physiotherapy (help reduce swelling, accelerate the resorption of hematomas: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF)

    Surgical treatment is required:

    • in case of suppuration of the bruise;
    • with damage to nerve endings;
    • after intra-articular hemorrhage;
    • when stretched with separation from the place of attachment or ligament rupture.

    How to treat folk remedies?

    A bruised leg causes pain, reliable methods of traditional medicine help to get rid of it and prevent possible complications. When treating at home, it is recommended to use only cold compresses on the first day, and warm compresses on the subsequent days (to eliminate swelling and better resorption of bruises).

    Name Dosage Mode of application
    Vinegar 9%
    Vegetable oilWater
    1 st. l. A piece of cloth is moistened in the prepared mixture, applied to the site of injury. Cover with a film on top and wrap warmly.
    rock salt
    5 pieces.
    1 st. l.
    Rock salt is added to the chopped onion, the mixture is wrapped in a cloth, and applied to the site of injury. Change 3 times during the day. Course 5 days.
    fresh wormwood leaves Rub until a slurry is formed, apply to the site of injury.
    apple cider vinegar
    ½ l
    2 tsp
    4 drops
    Heated apple cider vinegar in a water bath, add salt and iodine to it. A piece of cloth is moistened in the solution, applied to the site of injury.
    5 pieces.
    1 PC.
    Boil vegetables, knead well, apply to the site of injury for 30 minutes. several times during the day.
    Iodine An iodine mesh is applied to the damaged area. Do not apply iodine to the entire surface to avoid burns.
    Fresh yarrow and plantain leaves 50 g each Thoroughly crushed leaves are applied to the affected area.

    It is not recommended to get up immediately after a fall:
    condition needs to be assessed.

    Not possible on the first day warm up a bruise, use medication or folk remedies. Cold compresses are allowed. All other procedures - only starting from the second day.

    You can not treat a leg injury on your own, if the pain is intense, does not go away for a long time(2-3 days), it becomes difficult to walk. Perhaps these are manifestations of a dislocation or fracture, for the treatment of which qualified medical care is needed.

    It is forbidden to forcefully rub any medicines into the injury site: this can cause vascular thrombosis and serious consequences. It is impossible to give a load to the affected limb (bed rest is recommended for 7 days).

    Only a doctor can determine the severity of the injury (whether the integrity of the ligaments and joints is broken).

    Prevention measures

    It is impossible to protect against accidental injuries, but it is possible to prevent complications. Recommended:

    • exercise regularly (to strengthen muscles and protect against damage when falling, hitting);
    • include calcium-rich foods in the diet (with its deficiency, serious bruises often occur);
    • follow the rules of the road when cycling, roller skating, wear shields to protect the joints from falling;
    • wear comfortable shoes;
    • walk slowly, looking under your feet;
    • observe safety precautions when handling tools that can cause injury.

    With timely first aid and proper treatment at home, recovery occurs in 1 to 2 weeks. Every day the pain should decrease. In more complex cases, you should contact a traumatologist.

    Any person can receive. Doctors say that this is a fairly common injury faced by the population. And the reasons are often hidden in the banal inattention or improper handling of certain items. Treatment of a leg bruise at home is usually based on the use of drugs. In pharmacies, you can pick up a wide variety of drugs. As a result, folk methods began to be forgotten.

    However, today, when medicines are not affordable for everyone or often turn out to be ineffective, people have become intensely interested in how to treat a bruised leg at home using old recipes.

    Definition of injury

    Most people take this kind of injury very lightly. It's a pity. After all, ignoring such a state can sometimes lead to serious consequences.

    In some cases, a bruise is accompanied by a dislocation, a bone fracture or a crack. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to ignore the injury, regardless of its complexity. Be sure to contact a traumatologist. Only he is able to confirm that the injury is exclusively Treatment at home should not be started without an accurate diagnosis.

    You can suspect a bruise by the following signs:

    1. Acute pain syndrome immediately after the injury. After a while, the severity decreases, but the pain does not disappear.
    2. The damaged area is swollen. Such symptoms are observed already 15 minutes after the injury.
    3. A bruise appears through the integument of the skin. Its shade can vary from light blue to deep black.

    In such situations, it is very important to start treatment of a leg injury at home in a timely manner.

    First aid

    Faced with an injury that resembles a bruise, one should not be inactive. It is very important to know the simple rules of how to behave in such a situation.

    So, in order to alleviate the suffering of a person, until the time you deliver the patient to traumatology, you should do the following:

    1. Be sure to provide complete rest to the injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leg. To do this, sit or lay the patient comfortably.
    2. Any treatment for a bruised leg at home begins with the application of ice. You can use whatever is at hand. This is cold water, a bottle of lemonade, a pack of ice cream. Cold is applied for 20 minutes with breaks of 5 minutes.
    3. It is recommended to place the injured leg on a small hill. This will ensure a better outflow of blood.

    And remember: it is from your actions, from understanding that your legs are at home, that the entire further process of recovery depends.


    As soon as the diagnosis is confirmed, the actual question arises: how to treat a bruised leg at home? Of course, the doctor will give appropriate recommendations.

    Typically, therapy is based on the use of:

    1. Painkillers. If the patient experiences severe discomfort, then the medicines "Analgin", "Nurofen", "Ibuprofen" will be prescribed.
    2. Ice compresses. In the first days after injury, it is recommended to apply cold. This helps reduce bleeding and eliminate pain.
    3. Compresses with medicines. They help eliminate puffiness. However, they can only be used on the second day after the injury. For lotions use drugs "Dimexide", "Romazulan", "Heparin", "Traumel".
    4. Ointments, gels. They act locally on the site of injury. Such drugs reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, and relieve pain. Most often, drugs are recommended: Dolobene, Levomekol, Lyoton, Indovazin.

    However, we should not forget about folk remedies. Consider what healers recommend to people who have received a bruised leg. Be sure to discuss home treatment with folk remedies with your doctor.

    Use of iodine

    This tool can be found in every first aid kit. At the same time, few people think that it can speed up the treatment of a leg injury at home. The use of iodine not only disinfects the skin (especially if the bruise is accompanied by a wound), but also helps to restore tissues.

    Molecules penetrate deep into the skin, stimulating blood flow to the site of injury. Thus, iodine significantly speeds up the recovery process. Hemorrhage resolves faster.

    1. The simplest procedure, which is recommended for injuries, is the application of an iodine mesh to the surface of the damaged area. Do not smear the entire surface. After all, you risk getting a skin burn. And remember that you can apply the mesh only on the second day.
    2. There is another fairly effective way to eliminate a bruise. Pour apple cider vinegar (0.5 l) into the pan and add salt (1 tablespoon with a slide). Put the mixture in a water bath and warm it up a little. Then add 5 drops of iodine to the composition. In the resulting liquid, moisten gauze or a napkin and apply to the site of the bruise. You can wrap it with polyethylene on top. The compress is placed daily for 20 minutes.

    The use of badyagi

    Such an herb is a fairly effective remedy that can alleviate the symptoms of bruises. Badyaga is distinguished by anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory action, reduces redness of tissues. In addition, it accelerates the resorption of the hematoma.

    To make a medicine, you need to combine (2 tbsp.) with water (1 tbsp.). Mix the ingredients, trying to get a homogeneous gruel. It is this composition that should be applied to the bruised area. Secure with a bandage on top. The therapeutic effect will begin to appear at the moment when the moisture has completely evaporated.

    Potato use

    It is rather unpleasant if the finger is damaged. And sometimes the injury extends to the nail. Very often, such a finger begins to fester. If the nail plate is damaged, be sure to treat the bruised area with hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

    The treatment of a bruised toe at home with the help of potatoes is considered quite effective. Take a raw tuber. Grind it on a grater. Apply the resulting slurry to the site of injury. This compress should be kept on the painful area for several hours. Change the bandage 1-2 times a day.

    If, after a bruise, the nail plate has come off the finger, treat the wound with iodine daily. This will protect against infection in the body.

    cabbage compress

    This is a fairly simple tool. It does not require prior preparation. At the same time, the cabbage leaf is considered a fairly effective method of treating a bruise. Another plus of this therapy is the invisibility of the compress under clothing.

    So, you need to attach a clean cabbage leaf to the site of the bruise. Fix such a compress with a bandage. It is recommended to change the sheet 1-2 times a day.

    Treatment with onions

    This product is sure to be found in any home. And few people know that onions can help with bruises.

    You will need 5-6 bulbs. They must be crushed to a state of gruel. To this component, add rock salt - 1 tbsp. l.

    Wrap this mixture in a cloth or gauze and apply to the site of the bruise. Change the compress several times a day. Such treatment of a leg bruise at home lasts about 5 days.

    Aloe Uses

    A well-known home flower can help with a bruise. It effectively stimulates the resorption of bruises.

    You can apply a leaf of aloe, previously cut, to the damaged area. Some healers recommend grinding it into gruel. And make a compress wrapped in gauze.

    Regardless of which method you choose, remember that aloe can only deal with fresh bleeding.

    On the first day after the injury, only cold compresses are applied to the damaged area! In no case should you warm up your leg at this time, use folk remedies or medications. All warming procedures are allowed to be used only from the second day.

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