Contraceptives of a new generation. Contraceptives for women

One-time contraception is the so-called emergency contraception used by a woman after unprotected sex. Such drugs are quite effective if taken on time. However, their side effects are much stronger than conventional hormonal contraceptives. Therefore, it is better to think about contraception in advance.

After unprotected sex, there is only one way to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and abortion. These are emergency contraceptives (also called postcoital).

The pharmaceutical industry has created several brands of such drugs, which have different names. However, the active ingredient is almost always levonorgestrel or mifepristone. These are artificially developed hormonal substances that quickly affect the endocrine system of a woman.

Each tablet contains a very large dosage of hormonal substances. Its purpose is to prevent fertilization from occurring, and if this has already happened, to prevent the egg from taking root in the uterus. But the endocrine system, after taking it, reacts not only by preventing pregnancy. There are many side effects, the most common being menstrual irregularities.

The World Health Organization generally sees much more harm than good in disposable contraceptives. Even the manufacturer indicates that such contraceptives can be used no more than three times a year and once per cycle. However, some women find that it is okay to take these pills on an occasional basis. This is a big health risk - emergency type products should not replace condoms.


Levonorgestrel is an artificial progestogen hormone and is used in the following contraceptives:

  • Postinor;
  • Escapelle;
  • Eskinor F.

Its action is based on several complex effects:

  • Ovulation does not occur, the egg does not leave the ovary, remains unprepared for fertilization. This will ensure high efficiency if ovulation occurs just on the following days after unprotected sex;
  • The mucous membrane of the cervix thickens. This effect will only work if you take the first levonorgestrel tablet immediately after unprotected sex. It will be difficult for spermatozoa to continue their journey;
  • The peristalsis of the fallopian tubes is weakened. As a result of taking contraceptives, the egg after conception very slowly reaches the uterus. During this time, the last and most important mechanism of action of the tablets manages to earn;
  • The most important of the contraceptive effects of levonorgestrel is the thickening of the uterine tissues. This does not allow the fertilized reproductive cell of a woman to gain a foothold in the mother's body. As a result, the embryo dies from a lack of nutrients. However, if the egg has already managed to gain a foothold in the uterus after conception, there will be no effect. The tissues will become denser, but the pregnancy will continue.

The following agents are based on the laboratory antiprogestogen mifepristone:

  • Genale;
  • Mifegin;
  • Pencrofton;
  • Miropriston.

In general, the active substance of such tablets works similarly to levonorgestrel:

  • Ovulation is blocked;
  • The uterine tissue becomes denser.

However, these drugs have another powerful effect. In addition to the fact that the tissue is already too dense to fix the egg, the uterus begins to contract. As a result, the blastocyst leaves the uterine space faster, which reduces the chance of pregnancy.

Instructions for use

Contraceptives on levonorgestrel should be taken as follows:

  • The first dosage is taken as soon as possible after sex;
  • The second dosage - after 12 hours, in extreme cases after 15;
  • If, after taking a woman, she vomited, you need to wait a bit for the improvement in the condition and drink another pill. However, if 4 hours have already passed after taking it, you do not need to do this - the active substances have been absorbed.

How effective levonorgestrel birth control will be depends on when the first dose was taken:

  • Within 24 hours - almost 100%;
  • During the second day - about 80%;
  • On the third day after sex, the probability will be no more than half.

Contraceptive drugs on mifepristone are available in a single dosage. This tablet should be drunk, like drugs with levonorgestrel, during the first three days after unprotected contact. 120 minutes before and 120 - after the reception, you can not eat food - only pure water is allowed.

Yuzpe method

In addition to specialized emergency contraception, the Yuzpe method can be used for similar purposes. Here, large doses of combined oral contraceptives act as fast contraceptives. As with specific drugs of this kind, the sooner a woman starts taking birth control, the better. The ability to prevent unwanted pregnancy is also maintained for three days.

The number of tablets needed for one dose is determined by the brand of combined oral contraceptives. Many of these drugs contain levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol necessary for a quick effect.

The required dosage of ethinyl estradiol is 100 mg, and levonorgestrel is ½ mg. After twelve hours, you need to drink the same dosage of active drugs.

As an example, it can be mentioned that, using Microgynon or Regulon, it will be enough to drink 4 tablets at a time. And when using Novinet or Logest, the required dosage will be 5 tablets at a time.

It is undesirable to use levonorgestrel and mifepristone in the following situations:

  • Diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • In adolescence;
  • An existing pregnancy - there is a risk of damaging the embryo, but there is no possibility to interrupt it;
  • bowel disease;
  • Lactation and breastfeeding. Do not allow the baby to breastfeed for 48 hours after taking;
  • Irregular menstruation cycle;
  • Spotting for no apparent reason outside the cycle;
  • Benign and malignant gynecological neoplasms;
  • Ectopic development of the embryo in history;
  • risk of developing thrombosis.
  • Kidney failure and adrenal disease;
  • Concomitant use of other hormonal drugs.

Side effects

Any hormonal therapy is a complex effect on the body, affecting all its systems. This becomes especially noticeable if such large dosages of hormonal drugs are used at the same time.

Emergency contraceptives should only be used in exceptional cases. Of course, they are better than abortion - but they still have a negative impact. And both in the short term and in the long term.

The following adverse effects may result from this type of contraception:

  • Pregnancy outside the uterus. It occurs due to the fact that the egg is disturbed along the genital tract, and it takes root in the wrong area;
  • Strong bleeding. Blood can stand out for a long time, and it is not always possible to stop it on your own. In such cases, you need to call an ambulance;
  • The likelihood of infertility in the future increases. The risk of miscarriage in future pregnancies also increases;
  • The most dangerous side effect of any birth control pill is thrombosis. This is a disease that greatly impairs the quality of life. And in some cases, it threatens to be fatal;
  • The menstrual cycle is disturbed. In women who have taken emergency birth control pills, the cycle does not always have time to return to normal even within 12 months.

After drinking one-time contraceptives for the first time after the act, you should immediately think about how to protect yourself in the future. Remember that before you start drinking single-use contraceptives on a regular basis, you need to talk with your gynecologist. It is he who will be able to prescribe the appropriate drug for you, determining how many male and female hormones are in your body.

How to prevent unwanted pregnancy? This topical issue worries all women. Everyone is very well aware that termination of pregnancy through abortion brings irreparable harm to a woman's body to a woman's body. But, the situation that has developed causes great concern among gynecologists. Today, there are many new generation contraceptives, but despite this, many unplanned pregnancies end, the number of which increases every year.

Why do women refuse to use effective new-generation contraceptives, take risks, and then decide to have an abortion? Is it the financial side of this issue that forces them to do so? But this is not an objective reason, since the means and methods of contraception are very different, and if a woman has a desire, then no matter what income she has, she can freely choose the means of protection against unwanted pregnancy that suits her. In fact, most of the means and method of contraception do not bring much damage to the woman's budget. But an abortion will have much worse consequences, and will leave a trauma for a long time, both physical and moral. If it is not the financial side that is the reason for not contraception, then what is the real reason why this happens? Why do women risk their own health and ignore the contraceptive method?

According to the research of gynecologists, as well as according to the statistics of sociological issues, most often banal reasons for refusing to take contraceptives are:

  1. A woman does not know the principle of operation of methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
    Unfortunately, many women in their minds greatly exaggerate the harm of contraceptives. Women tell each other terrible details about the harm to the body caused by contraceptives. If a woman is very worried about her health, then she should seek advice from a gynecologist. He can help her choose the most appropriate and safe method of contraception.
  2. Usual laziness.
    Many women simply do not want to look for contraceptive methods that are right for them. They just hope that everything will work out and everything will be fine. But with such hopes, a woman sooner or later overtakes a moment when she has an unwanted pregnancy. If you do not want to choose methods of contraception for a long time, then a spiral is perfect for you. To use this method of contraception, you can not spend a lot of money and time, all you need is to visit a gynecologist and spend two hours in his chair while he installs the spiral. In this case, you can forget about methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy for at least two years. This method of contraception is best for those women who simply do not want to keep track of their menstrual cycle and taking pills.
  3. Hopes for a rhythmic method of contraception.
    Many women use the rhythmic method of contraception. But in this case, it is very important to consider that for the successful use of the calendar method of contraception, a woman must have a very stable menstrual cycle. This method is not a safe method of contraception.
  4. Many women are afraid to use contraceptive methods while breastfeeding.
    Mothers believe that this can bring great harm to the health of their child. But, this is not really the case. You can use it, it is completely safe and cannot harm the health of the baby in any way. If, nevertheless, a woman is very much afraid and worried, then she can choose a non-hormonal contraceptive for herself. Their varieties will be discussed a little later.

Quite a lot has been said about the dangers of abortions that women have to do because of such a neglectful attitude towards contraceptive methods. Therefore, this article will not focus on this issue. In it you can read about what modern methods of contraception are, about the classification of methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Natural methods of contraception

For many women, the physiological method of contraception is the favorite, although it is not perfect. Physiological methods of contraception are of two types:

  • calendar method of contraception;
  • Temperature methods of contraception.

The body of a woman is designed so that she can become pregnant strictly at a certain period, on specific days of her menstrual cycle. Pregnancy can only occur during ovulation. Ovulation is the process of release of a mature egg from the ovaries. All biological methods of contraception are based on this feature of the woman's body. For this reason, the biological method of contraception is only suitable for women who have a stable menstrual cycle.

With the help of a natural method of contraception, which is called a calendar, you can determine exactly when ovulation occurs. This can be done by scheduling and counting favorable days for conception. To do this, a woman needs to know some of the features that relate to the process of conception.

An egg can only be fertilized within a day of its release from the ovary. In a sperm cell, the ability to fertilize an egg remains for three days from the moment it entered the vagina. Natural methods of contraception are based on this feature.

The very first thing a woman should do is determine the length of her menstrual cycle. The first day of the onset of menstruation should be taken as the beginning of the cycle. From the duration that turned out, subtract eighteen days. Thus, you can get the first day, which is favorable for conception. Next, subtract eleven days from the first menstrual cycle, this will be the "dangerous day." It must be remembered that such a method is reliable only if a woman has a stable cycle for a year or two.

Temperature method of contraception. This contraceptive is more reliable. It is based on a constant measurement. The basal places where you can measure the temperature are the rectum, mouth, vagina.

Prepare a thermometer, a notebook and a pen in the evening. It is best to use a regular mercury thermometer, it will show reliable numbers. In the morning, immediately after waking up, do not get out of bed, measure the temperature in the rectum for ten minutes. Temperature should be measured at the same time. After the change in a notebook, write down the testimony; in this case, you do not need to rely on your memory.

You must measure the temperature for one month, but no less. After that, the woman should draw up a schedule, marking the calendar days vertically, and the basal temperature horizontally. The next step is to connect these points. As a result, you will have a schedule of your own menstrual cycle.

There is a sharp increase in basal temperature immediately after. The basal temperature in this case rises to 37.3 degrees Celsius. The most favorable for conception are such days: the time in the interval of four days before and after the increase in basal temperature.

  • Unlike pills, this method can be classified as a safe method of contraception.
  • There is no need to introduce any foreign substances into your body.
  • This method refers to non-hormonal methods of contraception.
  • Such methods are used by believing women. After all, this method is one of those allowed by the church to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

This method has only one drawback, although it is not very significant: these contraceptives are not very reliable, despite their safety.

Birth control pills

Nowadays, methods of contraception for women are very wide. Including contraceptives such as pills. Pills are quite reliable contraceptives that protect against pregnancy in 98 cases of one hundred.

Oral contraceptives inhibit the process of ovulation and change the structure of the uterine lining. This eliminates the possibility of implantation even in the case when fertilization did occur. That is, contraceptives in the form of tablets have a very high level of protection against unwanted pregnancy. For this reason, pills are the most reliable method of contraception.

Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant after taking contraceptives, especially hormonal drugs. Such fears are groundless, since all the changes that occur in a woman's body are completely reversible, and after the end of oral medications, they disappear. In addition, contraceptive methods such as pills have a very “positive” side effect - after taking them, basically all women notice an improvement in the condition of their nails, skin and hair.

Sometimes gynecologists may prescribe contraceptives to women for therapeutic purposes in order to correct hormonal imbalances. It must be remembered that choosing hormonal drugs on your own is very dangerous. Only a gynecologist can prescribe hormonal contraceptives to a woman. After all, choosing really effective methods of contraception, he takes into account all the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

There are some advantages of taking hormonal contraceptives:

  • The use of hormonal contraceptives can improve the condition of hair and skin, treat many different skin diseases that are associated with hormonal disorders.
  • This is a very good prevention in the future of such a serious complication as an ectopic pregnancy.
  • In those women who take hormonal contraceptives, the risk of developing osteoporosis is reduced, and this is very important. Approximately half of women are affected by this condition. It is also worth paying attention to this, in the choice of contraceptives after thirty-five years.
  • The risk of possible tumor diseases is greatly reduced. The therapeutic effect is also noted. For example, in women who used hormonal contraceptives for a disease such as fibroids, the condition improved significantly, and some women were completely cured.
  • Those women who use female hormonal methods of contraception are much less likely to suffer from possible diseases of the reproductive system of the inflammatory process.
  • The hormonal method of contraception almost completely eliminates premenstrual syndrome and painful physical sensations during menstruation in women.
  • Hormonal methods of contraception can protect a woman from a disease that is quite common - iron deficiency anemia.
  • In those women who had an irregular menstrual cycle, it stabilizes.

But, in addition to the advantages of this method of contraception, it must be said about the negative aspects that this method of contraception has:

  • In those women who suffer from urolithiasis, hormonal contraceptives can cause an attack of this disease.
  • When choosing the most effective contraceptive pills, you need to take into account the fact that their use can cause menstrual irregularities in the first months. Such disorders may have a manifestation in the form of spotting, sometimes menstrual bleeding may be completely absent. There is no need to be afraid of such a phenomenon, because it is temporary and disappears on its own after a while, or rather, three months after the start of the drug. If, nevertheless, this does not happen (and this happens very rarely), then the woman should seek the advice of a specialist. He will help you choose a different drug that will be the most optimal. After all, contraceptive methods are effective only in case of individual selection.
  • Women who prefer this method of contraception periodically have high blood pressure. But such a side effect occurs extremely rarely, it is noted mainly in those women who suffer from hypertension.
  • Many women who prefer non-hormonal methods of contraception claim that after taking hormonal drugs, excess body weight appears. But in modern contraceptives, the concentration of hormones is so low that it cannot affect body weight in any way. A woman gains weight due to insufficient physical activity, as well as due to an improper balanced diet.
  • Very often, in the first months of using hormonal contraceptives, women can notice a change in their sexual desire. In some women, it may increase, this is partly facilitated by the fact that a woman begins to not be afraid of an unwanted pregnancy. And there are women who complain that their sex drive is declining. But this phenomenon is also temporary, and a woman should not worry about this.
  • Some women experience emotional instability after taking the pills. But doctors categorically deny the connection between contraceptives and this fact.
  • Those women who use hormonal contraceptives at the age of forty and older often complain that they periodically have a feeling of nausea, which almost never turns into vomiting. Doctors say it's age related.
  • Sometimes a woman may experience a headache, which is paroxysmal in nature. It is considered normal if the headache occurs no more than twice a week. Otherwise, the woman needs to stop taking the drugs and seek help from a specialist.
  • Some of the drugs can cause very unpleasant sensations in the chest, which are reminiscent of the sensations during pregnancy, the breasts can fill up, as well as hurt a little. Basically, such sensations disappear after a few months from the moment you start taking the drug.
  • In some cases, after taking hormonal drugs, age spots may appear, especially on those areas of the skin that are exposed to direct sunlight. If such a complication occurs, then the woman should immediately notify her doctor about this. Most often, this problem disappears on its own after two to three months.

Barrier contraceptives

There are many new methods of contraception that give women a lot of choice. If for some reason a woman does not want to take birth control pills, then she can choose topical contraceptives. Vaginal pills operate on a fairly simple principle - they use chemicals that a woman injects into the vagina. These chemicals destroy sperm instantly after they enter. These substances are called spermicides. Also, spermicides create an invisible thin protective film on the vaginal mucosa, the cervical discharge thickens. Thus, an additional barrier appears for spermatozoa.

There are two chemicals that are part of contraceptives - nonoxynol and benzalkonium chloride. On their basis, the contraceptive "Pharmatex" was created, it is preferred by many women. This is a topical preparation. Such contraceptives are recommended for use by women who are breastfeeding, since active substances do not penetrate into mother's milk. Below is a description of the main types of the main types of contraceptives.

Contraceptin. It is able to disinfect, kills spermatozoa and has an antibacterial effect. Contraceptin belongs to the group of "chemical contraceptives". This contraceptive is most suitable for those women who have an irregular sex life. This tool does not require regular systematic use, it is enough to take it once immediately before sexual intercourse, vaginal suppositories are inserted into the vagina.

Continues the list of contraceptive drugs gramicidin paste. In this chemical contraceptive, the active ingredient is the antibiotic gramicidin. It is able to have a great contraceptive and bactericidal effect. Also, some women who have inflammatory diseases of the vagina or cervix, doctors recommend this drug.

Nonoxylol. This drug also belongs to the group of chemical means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. It has a pronounced spermicidal effect, and this contributes to dehydration of spermatozoa and their death. Also, this tool has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial action, thanks to this, this tool provides a very high level of protection against many diseases that are sexually transmitted. Patentex Oval has the same effect. These contraceptives come in the form of candles.

Among the chemical methods of contraception, there is such an effective remedy, which is called traceptin. This drug is very effective, has a contraceptive effect. It is available in the form of tablets, they must be inserted into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse. But in some cases, such a chemical method of contraception can cause a woman such a side effect as a burning sensation in the vagina. If such a problem arose, then you need to pay attention to other contraceptives.

The newest methods of contraception offer women an effective remedy Pharmatex. It reliably protects against the onset of unwanted pregnancy and is a contraceptive drug. Pharmatex in its effectiveness can be compared with such contraceptives as a spiral, pills, candles. Taking this drug, the risk of becoming pregnant is 1%. Also, this contraceptive has the ability to protect a woman from those diseases that can be sexually transmitted. It has a depressing effect on such pathogenic flora as chlamydia, candida, herpes, gonococci.

This remedy is very well suited for those women who are breastfeeding, as well as for women for whom intrauterine contraceptives are contraindicated (spiral). Pharmatex has no side effects and contraindications, it can be safely used by women as a contraceptive at the age of forty.

Pharmatex is produced in several forms:

  • In the form of a cream. The cream should be injected deep into the vagina just before intercourse.
  • vaginal balls. They must be inserted deep into the vagina three minutes before the planned sexual intercourse.
  • Tampons. They are driven into the vagina before intercourse. The protective effect of such tampons is twenty-four hours.

If you use contraceptive methods in the form of candles, then make sure that they are at hand at the right time so that at the most important moment you do not start frantically looking for them.

Some of the women prefer to use rather exotic contraceptives, for example, a band-aid. The patch must be glued to the skin of a woman for a while, during this time there is protection against the development of an unwanted pregnancy. How does a contraceptive like a patch work? It acts on the female body and changes the level of hormones, and this, in turn, has a contraceptive effect. You need to know that this method is quite new, so the effectiveness of this method of contraception is not yet reliably known. Among barrier contraceptives, attention should be paid to the ring. There is an opinion that the ring is a non-hormonal contraceptive, but, in fact, such an opinion is erroneous. This contraceptive - a ring, once placed in the vagina, you can forget about the issue of protection for three weeks.

Under the action of the hormone, the structure of the uterine mucosa changes, it thickens and loses the possibility of implantation of the fetal egg. This method of protection in 97% of cases protects against unwanted pregnancy, but you need to remember that it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for those women who have a permanent sexual partner.


Many women, when asked what contraceptive methods are best, hear the answer - the IUD. But few people understand what it is. IUD - intrauterine device. But or is this method of contraception really the most reliable? To understand this issue, you need to know what is the principle of the spiral, how it protects against unwanted pregnancy.

The intrauterine device is a special flexible device that is designed to be inserted into the uterine cavity for a long time, it provides reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy. There are such types of intrauterine devices:

  • Medical spiral. This form of the spiral contains substances such as gold, copper, silver, progesterone, as well as other drugs.
  • Non-drug coil.

The intrauterine device can also have a variety of shapes. It can be in the form of a spiral, in the form of a ring, in other modifications. Most often, plastic is used to make the intrauterine device. The IUD in itself combines all the advantages that hormonal and barrier methods of contraception have.

The spiral protects against pregnancy for the following reasons:

  1. There is a significant decrease in the speed of movement of the egg into the uterine cavity.
  2. The spiral thickens the mucus of the cervical canal of the uterus.
  3. There are changes in the structure of the uterine mucosa.
  4. The ability of spermatozoa to pass through the uterine cavity is reduced.

At the moment, the intrauterine device is one of the most effective methods of contraception. It protects against unwanted pregnancy in 99% of cases. The spiral is very well suited for lactating women. It is absolutely safe for the child. Even when using a medical spiral, not a single drop of the drug penetrates into breast milk.

A woman can install an intrauterine device at any time, which is more suitable for her. Time does not depend on the day of the menstrual cycle. If a woman chooses the optimal contraceptive after childbirth, then the spiral is the best option, because it can be administered immediately after childbirth, as well as after an abortion without complications.

The IUD is the best contraceptive of all for women who want effective and long-term protection against unwanted pregnancies. But when choosing contraceptives among girls, you need to know that the use of a spiral is not recommended for nulliparous women.

  • For lactating women, the intrauterine device is absolutely safe, since it does absolutely no harm to the baby.
  • This method of contraception, such as a spiral, can be used immediately after childbirth. It is necessary to take care of the acquisition of the spiral in advance, as well as inform the doctor about your wish.
  • Women who for some reason are contraindicated to use hormonal contraceptives after thirty-five years of age can pay attention to the spiral, while not fearing a deterioration in their health.
  • You need to understand the fact that the intrauterine device is not able to protect a woman from those diseases that are sexually transmitted. For this reason, the use of an intrauterine device is justified only if the woman has a permanent partner.

Contraceptives for men

Many women are interested in whether there are contraceptives for men, and what they are. Contraceptives for men still exist, although they are few in number. Below will be described all the currently existing contraceptives for men.

Among men, the most favorite method of contraception is coitus interruptus. The essence of this method is as follows - the man removes the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. But this method of male contraception is very unreliable.

In many men, at the beginning of sexual intercourse, spermatozoa are released in a small amount, which is quite enough to fertilize an egg. Statistics show that every fourth sexual intercourse using such a male contraceptive method as interruption of sexual intercourse ends in an unwanted pregnancy. If you constantly use coitus interruptus, male potency can significantly decrease.

Among male methods of contraception, condoms can be noted. A condom, as everyone knows, is a latex sheath that is put on the excited penis. Using a condom as a method of contraception, there are several advantages over other male methods.

The condom completely eliminates the risk of unwanted pregnancy, as it excludes the penetration of spermatozoa into the vagina. There is no direct contact of the penis with the vagina, this eliminates the risk of contracting diseases that are sexually transmitted. In addition, the condom is a one-time contraceptive, it is very well suited for those women and men who have an irregular sex life. Also, condoms can be used by those couples who are not suitable for any other methods of contraception after childbirth.

The use of condoms does not require large expenditures of money and has no contraindications. But there is also a downside to using condoms, they can break during intercourse. After that, the woman will be forced to turn to methods of emergency contraception.

There are other methods of contraception that are less common, such as hormonal drugs and sterilization. Contraceptive pills are still being tested at this stage, but what is sterilization we will tell you today.

Male sterilization is called a vasectomy. Its principle is that the vas deferens intersect. Such an operation lasts about ten minutes, it is performed under local anesthesia. About a month after such a procedure, a man completely loses the ability to have children. But if men want to have children, then this issue is reversible. Such a procedure has absolutely no effect on the health of a man. His normal hormonal background does not change, potency, and sexual desire does not decrease.

To date, this is the entire list of contraceptives for men.

Methods of emergency contraception

In the life of every woman there are unforeseen situations, unprotected sexual intercourse occurs. To prevent an unwanted pregnancy, there are methods of emergency contraception.

There are certain birth control pills after intercourse that can prevent an unwanted pregnancy even if unprotected intercourse has taken place. Contraceptives after intercourse are released in the form of tablets that contain a huge amount of hormones. Methods of contraception after intercourse according to the chemical composition and according to the principle of their action are divided into two types:

  1. Contraceptive methods after intercourse, which are non-hormonal drugs, act on the basis of a substance such as mifepristone. The most famous remedy after intercourse, which belongs to this group: Postinor. Such drugs can be used for teenagers.
  2. Contraceptives after sex, the active ingredient of which is levonorgestrel. The most famous drugs that belong to this group are Postinor and Escapel. These drugs are hormonal, they can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.

The principle of operation of the method of urgent contraception is that the process of ovulation is blocked, and this eliminates the risk of fertilization. If fertilization occurred before the woman took the drug, then the possibility of implantation of the fetal egg into the uterine cavity is excluded.

Such funds prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy, a woman should not forget that such contraceptives are disposable, they should not be abused. You need to know that this type of contraceptive is not able to protect against diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Teenage contraception

Older people resent the fact that modern society is morally licentious and obscene. They believe that teenagers behave unworthily. But despite this, teenage sex has existed and will continue to exist. And it is very unreasonable on the part of the elders to pretend that such a problem does not exist, it will not disappear anyway. It is best to help teenagers, to acquaint them with methods of contraception. With the help of such actions, you can avoid problems that are associated with unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Modern methods of contraception can allow you to choose the most optimal means that will not adversely affect the growing body. To choose the right contraceptive, you need to take into account the characteristic features of teenage sexual intercourse.

  • Most often, adolescents have irregular sexual contacts, for this reason it is absolutely inappropriate to use new planned methods of contraception.
  • Abortions that are made at a very early age can have very serious consequences, so for girls, contraceptive methods must be very reliable.
  • Unfortunately, teenagers very often have casual sex, and this greatly increases the possibility of developing diseases that are sexually transmitted. The purpose of contraceptives for teenagers is not only to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also to reduce the risk of sexual infections.

Considering all the features of teenage sexual life, we can conclude how to choose a contraceptive, as well as what you need to pay attention to if a teenager refuses to visit a doctor categorically:

  • Contraceptive methods for girls should not be harmful to their health.
  • Female contraceptives must be reliable to protect against the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Non-hormonal birth control pills or condoms are best for all requirements. But you need to understand that pills can only be used if the girl has a permanent sexual partner.

Folk contraceptives

You have received information about what contraceptives are available. But before summing up, let's mention folk remedies for contraception.

Unfortunately, many women, even in our time, hope that alternative methods of contraception will help them, while ignoring the fully effective modern contraceptives. There are different means of contraception at home:

  • The introduction into the vagina before the onset of sexual intercourse of a small piece of laundry soap.
  • Some women insert a slice of lemon into the vagina before intercourse.
  • Douching the vagina with water after intercourse. You must first add a small amount of citric acid to the water.
  • You can douche the vagina with a strong pressure of water after intercourse.

Those women who prefer alternative methods of contraception claim that if the alkaline balance in the vagina changes dramatically, then the spermatozoa die, and the possibility of pregnancy is excluded. But in reality, such folk remedies contribute to the occurrence of such a disease as cervical erosion. And it is impossible to protect yourself from pregnancy with the help of folk remedies.

This article describes in detail all the methods and methods of contraception. And any woman who responsibly approaches the issue of family planning can choose for herself the most effective contraceptive that is right for her. But before you finally make your choice, it is better to consult a gynecologist who knows all your diseases, as well as the individual characteristics of the body.

We sincerely wish you that you can become pregnant only after you yourself want it.


Vaginal birth control pills are one of the alternative methods of contraception that can easily compete with condoms, caps and other popular ways to avoid pregnancy.

Pros and cons

Not all women can decide to try vaginal contraceptives because of fear of harming themselves. Here are a number of reasons why vaginal tablets are safe and even beneficial for a girl's health and well-being:

  1. Spermicidal action (fight against spermatozoa).
  2. Destroy pathogenic microflora.
  3. Do not violate the hormonal background.
  4. Not absorbed into the bloodstream.
  5. Can be used during lactation.
  6. Additionally moisturize the walls of the vagina, imitating vaginal lubrication.
  7. Convenient to use.
  8. No bad smell.
  9. Released in a pharmacy without a prescription.

Substances in the composition of contraceptives destroy the membranes of spermatozoa that have entered the vagina. This reduces the risk of getting pregnant to almost zero.

Important! Rare cases when a woman becomes pregnant are not associated with the drug itself, but with its misuse.

During sexual intercourse, there are always risks of infection with gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes. The causative agents of these diseases do not survive under the action of the substances of the contraceptive drug, which prevents their reproduction and development in the vagina.

The main advantage of vaginal tablets is their non-hormonal action. They do not affect the ratio of hormones in the blood of a woman, and, accordingly, the menstrual cycle and secondary sexual characteristics.

Without being absorbed into the systemic circulation, the aggressive substances of vaginal tablets will not be able to harm the body. Therefore, you should not be afraid of such components in the composition as benzalkonium chloride or nonoxylol - they will not affect other organs in any way.

Any contraceptives, including vaginal tablets, have their drawbacks:

  1. Difficulties with hygiene after intercourse.
  2. Possibility of infrequent use.
  3. Not all sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, syphilis) are protected.
  4. Uncontrolled discharge of drug residue from the vagina.
  5. The need to use contraceptives beforehand.

The principle of action of contraceptive pills before sexual intercourse

Medicinal substances that are part of contraceptives, envelop the walls of the vagina and are activated. When spermatozoa enter the vaginal cavity, their membranes disintegrate as a result of a reaction with benzalkonium chloride or nonoxylol, the main spermicidal substances of contraceptives.

After the destruction of the membrane, the spermatozoa become inactive: their organelles are destroyed, the metabolism in the cell stops. In this state, fertilization is impossible.

Attention! Some spermatozoa can still avoid the action of reagents and reach the egg, but their number is not enough for fertilization.

Instructions for use

Birth control pills are administered intravaginally before sexual intercourse. Tablets must be moistened with water in advance so that the drug better breaks down into active substances and remains on the walls of the vagina.

Important! The most comfortable position for administering the drug is lying on your back with knees bent and legs apart.

In this position, it is easier to introduce contraceptives to a greater depth, which is necessary for an effective spermicidal action.

1 tablet - 1 sexual intercourse. A new dose must be used in 2 cases:

  1. If time expired.
  2. Before the next sex, even if the contraceptive has not yet expired.

Contraindications and side effects

Any drug has its contraindications. Spermicidal preparations have few of them:

  • do not use vaginal tablets during pregnancy;
  • you can not use them daily;
  • can not be used during menstruation, with wounds of the vaginal mucosa and the presence of pathologies.

During pregnancy, there is, although low, but the likelihood of harming the fetus due to the aggressive action of the chemical components of the contraceptive.

Also, the use of a contraceptive can adversely affect the normal microflora of the vagina, but this should be feared only if used too often.

Allergy in the form of reddening of the skin of the perineum or itching in the vagina is one of the few side effects of the drug.

Important! The manifestation of side effects even in one of the partners is a good reason for stopping the use of vaginal contraceptives.

Names of contraceptive pills before the act for women

The proposed contraceptives are officially registered in the CIS countries, meet the requirements of the pharmacopeia and are in an affordable price range.


Pharmatex is a French-made drug, available in several forms: vaginal tablets, cream, capsules, suppositories.

One vaginal tablet contains 20 mg of benzalkonium chloride, the main active ingredient in Pharmatex. The package contains 12 dosage forms.

Prices vary from 270 to 320 rubles. for one package. Stored at room temperature.

The activation of the contraceptive is fast - in just 10 minutes. The duration of action is limited to three hours, and one tablet is consumed per sexual intercourse, regardless of the elapsed time.


Gynecotex is a domestic drug that is produced only in the form of vaginal tablets. Benzalkonium chloride is the main active ingredient of the drug.

Gynecotex is administered intravaginally at least 5 minutes before sex, and its pharmacological action is active up to 4 hours. Stored at temperatures up to + 25 °C.

One vaginal tablet contains 20 mg of the main substance. In total, 3 packaging options are produced: 6, 10 and 12 tablets in one package. Now Gynecotex cannot be purchased at a pharmacy, but on the date of the last delivery of the drug, its cost was 110-130 rubles.


Kontratex is another analogue of contraceptives based on benzalkonium chloride. Manufactured in Russia, the form of the drug is vaginal suppositories. One suppository contains 18.9 mg of the active substance, there are 5 of them in one package. Stored at temperatures up to + 25 °C.

Now Contratex is not sold in pharmacies, the price of new batches is unknown.

Patentex oval

Patentexoval n is a contraceptive in the form of German-made vaginal suppositories. One dose contains 75 mg of the active substance nonoxylol-9 and a number of additional compounds.

In one pack there can be from 3 to 6 units of the drug. Suppositories are administered intravaginally at least 10 minutes before sex. The drug is stored at temperatures up to + 25 ° C. The price of Patentex starts from 400 rubles.


Traceptinum is a vaginal birth control pill available in Tbilisi, Georgia. The tablet contains 600 mg of potassium hydrogen tartrate, which has spermicidal properties.

One pack contains 50 tablets. Before the start of action of contraceptives, at least 10 minutes must pass. The vaginal preparation is stored at room temperature.

At the moment, Traceptin is not available for sale.


Ukrainian drug Erotex is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, which include benzalkonium chloride. One suppository contains 18.9 mg of the active substance. In total, there are 5 units of the drug in the package.

The suppository is administered intravaginally 5 minutes before sexual intercourse. Action time - 4 hours. Unlike other drugs, Erotex is stored at a temperature of + 2 ° C to + 15 ° C.

Erotex is available in a pharmacy in the price range of 112-300 rubles.


Benatex is a Russian drug in the form of vaginal tablets with the active ingredient benzalkonium chloride. One dosage form contains 20 mg of benzalkonium chloride.

Packing options from 5 to 12 tablets are available. Benatex must be used 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. Action time - 3 hours. Stored at room temperature. The tool can be bought for 300-400 rubles.

Comparative characteristics of vaginal tablets are presented in the table:

To obtain high efficiency when using vaginal tablets and suppositories, it is important to follow the rules:

  • do not try to inject the drug too deeply, otherwise the chemicals will get on the walls of the uterine cavity;
  • do not use vaginal preparations with other contraceptives (except for condoms);
  • make a thorough toilet of the genitals before using the tablet, but in no case do not wash yourself after sexual intercourse for at least 20-30 minutes. Soap and water will reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive.


Vaginal contraceptive pills are easy to use and effective only if the woman follows all the rules and requirements for use. But with all the shortcomings, such contraceptives are a good alternative to popular methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies.

If you have sex from time to time and pregnancy is not yet included in your plans, then you need to solve the issue of contraception. What contraceptives can be used in an irregular relationship and how convenient and effective are they? What do women themselves say about the reliability of this or that method? Let's discuss these questions.

Intimacy without consequences: what should be the contraceptive?

If a woman does not lead an active and regular sex life, then it makes no sense for her to burden her body with hormonal contraceptives. It is much wiser to choose a more gentle remedy that will protect against unwanted pregnancy and from "bad" diseases.

Single contraceptives must meet the following requirements:

  • high degree of reliability (protection against conception and STDs);
  • ease of use;
  • acceptable cost;
  • minimum side effects and contraindications.

What to choose to protect against pregnancy during "one-time" sex?

If you are trying to find the best contraceptive for yourself in an irregular relationship, then first decide which method of contraception will suit you the most. In such cases, the following methods of preventing pregnancy can be recommended

  • Barrier - a condom (male or female). Available, relatively inexpensive method. When used correctly, it provides protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Almost everyone can use it, the only contraindication is an allergy to latex. But the product can tear, come off, reduces the sharpness of intimate sensations.

The barrier methods also include the vaginal diaphragm (dome-shaped rubber hemisphere). It should be inserted deep into the vaginal canal before intercourse. For the same purposes, the cervical cap is also intended, which also covers the cervix. These are reusable products (serve up to a year). After use, they are removed and placed in a disinfectant solution.

It is forbidden to use such devices if there is inflammation, erosion and prolapse of the walls of the vagina. Side effects include irritation.

  • Chemical - vaginal tablets, suppositories, foams, balls, cream, jelly, tampons, films. Their principle of action is based on the introduction of spermicides into the vagina - substances that are harmful to spermatozoa. Most drugs of this spectrum are produced on the basis of nonoxynol or benzalkonium chloride.

In addition, vaginal tablets, dissolving in the vagina, make the cervical mucus very thick. Spermatozoa lose their mobility and do not reach the “destination”, that is, the egg. In parallel, these drugs create a film on the mucous membrane that protects it from infection.

The action of spermicides occurs only at the local level, so they can be used even during lactation. They compensate for the lack of natural lubrication. But their main disadvantages are low efficiency and the fact that they should be administered exactly 5-10 minutes before intercourse. They can cause a burning sensation, and with prolonged use, they disrupt the microflora of the vagina.

  • Hormone. These are postcoital pills (Postinor, Ginepristone, Escapel) that are taken within 12 hours after unprotected sex. They interfere with hormonal balance and are an emergency measure.

The most popular local remedies for conception: how do women rate them?

If for aesthetic or physiological reasons you are not satisfied with mechanical methods of contraception, then you can try to solve the problem of how to protect yourself from pregnancy using a chemical method. But keep in mind that any non-hormonal drugs that are used topically have a degree of protection from 75 to 80% (and manufacturers warn about this). But they almost do not give side effects.

There are two main types of non-hormonal contraception:

  • Vaginal.
  • Accepted .

Vaginal contraceptives belongs to the group of spermicides. Tablets are used immediately before sexual intercourse.

The active substance of the drug disrupts the vital activity of spermatozoa, thus making fertilization almost impossible.

Non-hormonal pills that are taken after intercourse, form church mucus, which prevents fertilization.

Many women are hesitant to take hormonal pills because of the fear of gaining excess weight, and also because of a number of serious side effects. In this case, non-hormonal drugs become an alternative option.

In our article, we will consider these contraceptives in more detail.

Vaginal non-hormonal contraceptives

Many women are interested in how effective is the use of non-hormonal contraceptive pills? To calculate the efficiency, it is customary to use the Pearl index. This method shows how many women out of 100 became pregnant after taking these contraceptives, the lower the number for this index, the less likely they are to become pregnant.

In this case, the Pearl index shows from 6 to 14. It can be concluded that this contraceptive is not effective enough.

Women who use non-hormonal pills should use additional means to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Consider the list of non-hormonal pills of the new generation:

Non-hormonal tablets based on benzalkonium chloride

Name of the drugCharacteristicHow much is validPrice
CountertexLocal contraceptive that has antifungal and antiprotozoal effects. Release form - vaginal suppositories. It is injected deep into the vagina 5 minutes before intercourse.within 4 hours130 rubles
ErotexContraceptive drug for local use. It has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Insert into the vagina at least 5 minutes before sexual intercourse.within 3 hours120 rubles
BenotexContraceptives for local contraception. It has antifungal, antiprotozoal and antiseptic effects. A vaginal suppository is inserted into the vagina 5 minutes before sexual intercourse.within 3 hours370 rubles
PharmatexLocal contraceptives are available in the form of suppositories and vaginal tablets. Suppositories must be administered 5 minutes before sexual intercourse, and tablets - 10 minutes before.within 4 hours400 rubles
GynecotexNon-hormonal contraceptive has antiviral, antibacterial and antiprotozoal action. Inject deep into the vagina 5 minutes before intercourse.within 4 hours170 rubles

Non-hormonal tablets based on nonoxenol

Non-hormonal tablets based on potassium hydrotartrate

The above contraceptives should be used after consultation with a gynecologist. Taking non-hormonal pills is relevant for the following factors:

  • Sexual intercourse is rare.
  • Myoma of the uterus.
  • Allergic reactions to other contraceptives.
  • Natural feeding of the child.
  • When menstruation becomes irregular (after age 35).
  • Diabetes mellitus or endocrine disorders.

Pros and cons of non-hormonal contraceptives

To conclude which contraceptives are better, hormonal or non-hormonal? It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of non-hormonal contraceptives:

  • The risk of developing female diseases is significantly reduced.
  • There are no serious side effects.
  • Non-hormonal tablets have no contraindications.
  • There are no contraindications for a certain age group.
  • The use of non-hormonal drugs brings an additional moisturizing effect (lubrication).
  • Convenient multiplicity of reception (used immediately before sexual intercourse).
  • In the event that a woman forgot to take an oral contraceptive or a condom broke during sex, non-hormonal birth control pills can be used after intercourse.
  • STD protection.
  • Not recommended for women who are actively sexually active.
  • Before starting sexual intercourse, you must wait a certain time.
  • An allergy to the active substance may occur.

It should be noted that non-hormonal drugs have no contraindications, with the exception of allergic reactions.

Use of non-hormonal contraceptives

With endometriosis, experts recommend giving preference to hormonal drugs. This is due to the fact that non-hormonal pills will not bring a medicinal effect, unlike hormonal ones.

For women who have given birth, with uterine fibroids, for adolescents, for young women who have not given birth, or when breastfeeding you can use any of the above drugs. Which is better to choose a woman can decide on her own.

Unfortunately, there are no non-hormonal drugs for men. For high efficiency from unwanted pregnancy, a woman uses a non-hormonal remedy, and a man, in turn, uses a condom.

Emergency non-hormonal contraception

Emergency non-hormonal birth control pills include drugs based on mifepristone. Thanks to the active substance, fertilization becomes impossible. Consider the most effective inexpensive drugs:

Name of the drugCharacteristicsHow long does it take to takePrice
GinepristonThe drug is intended for postcoital contraception. Take 1 tablet orally after unprotected intercourse. Approved for use in any phase of menstruation.within 72 hours380 rubles
JenaleAntigestagen drug for oral administration. Designed to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Consume 1 tablet during the indicated time. Preferably 2 hours in advance Contraceptivewithin 72 hours300 rubles
AgestaA contraceptive is used after unprotected intercourse 2 hours before a meal.within 72 hours280 rubles

These contraceptives are taken orally. (Many women don't know if oral medication is what it is? Oral medication means taking it by mouth.

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