Increased body temperature in a dog. What is the normal body temperature for a dog What is the normal temperature for small dogs

In order to detect health problems in your pet in time, you need to know what temperature in a dog is considered normal, since its indicator is considered the key to proper development and physical activity. It is worth noting that there is no universal value for all four-legged friends, as in humans (36.6 ° C).

What temperature should a healthy dog ​​have?

Studies have found that body temperature in animals depends on breed, size, age, physical activity and other nuances. For example, if you take measurements in the morning and evening, the thermometer readings may differ. It doesn’t build attention to small deviations, but if the dog’s body temperature has risen or dropped by a couple of degrees, then this may already indicate health problems. It is important to pay attention to the appearance of other symptoms.

For those who are interested in what temperature is considered normal in a dog, it is worth specifying the following range: 37.5-39.3 ° C. If a person sweats for thermoregulation, then the animal is deprived of such an opportunity, so he often has to breathe with his mouth open. The normal temperature can rise even due to the stress experienced by the pet or other vivid emotions. All this is important to consider so as not to panic in vain.

Normal temperature in small breed dogs

If we compare representatives of large and small breeds, then there are some differences in the work of their body. To a greater extent, this applies to metabolic processes, which in the latter proceed at a high speed. This directly affects the temperature indicators. This pattern also applies to puppies when compared with adult animals. As for the temperature in dogs of small breeds, the value of 38.5-39 ° C is considered normal (for puppies 38.6-39.3 ° C).

Normal temperature in medium breed dogs

With an increase in body weight, temperature indicators will also slightly decrease. Another important nuance that four-legged owners should be aware of is that even within the same age and breed, slight variations in average parameters may appear, which is associated with the individual characteristics of a particular animal. For those who are interested in what body temperature is considered normal in a medium breed dog, the following indicators should be taken into account: 37.5-39 ° C (for puppies 38.3-39.1 ° C).

Normal temperature in large breed dogs

The most cold-blooded animals of all sizes are representatives of large breeds, which do not have such an active metabolism and, in comparison with babies, do not have such a frequent heartbeat. The temperature of a healthy dog ​​is considered normal, which is 37.4-38.3 ° C (for puppies 38.2-39 ° C). All the nuances regarding possible changes in the indicators indicated earlier are also relevant for large breeds.

What is the temperature of a pregnant dog?

When an animal is in position, various changes occur in its body, for example, this concerns the hormonal background. The new state of the pet is also reflected in the temperature. In most cases, the indicators either remain unchanged or fall, but not more than a degree. Given this, it is important to know what the normal body temperature of dogs is, which is why veterinarians recommend that all pet owners make changes from time to time in order to know the values ​​\u200b\u200bof a healthy pet.

What is the dog's temperature before giving birth?

One of the harbingers that puppies will be born in the near future is considered to be a decrease in temperature by about 1 ° C, but in some cases a drop of 1.5 ° C is possible. It is worth noting that experts have recorded cases when such changes are observed two days before the birth of babies. The temperature of the dog before childbirth should be measured twice: in the morning and in the evening, in order to be able to control the situation.

A situation is considered dangerous when, instead of a decrease, an increase in indicators even by 0.5-1 ° C is observed. This may indicate problems with the fetus or inflammation, so it's best to contact your veterinarian right away. Finding out what temperature in a dog is considered normal, it is worth noting that during the birth itself, the temperature rises to a normal value. This happens during the departure of amniotic fluid.

Temperature in a dog after childbirth

After the puppies are born, there should be no prolonged bleeding, and discharge, according to the norm, without an unpleasant odor. It is important to know what body temperature dogs have at this time, as the value rises and is approximately 39.5 ° C. Make sure that the indicators do not rise to 40 ° C and above. If fever is still observed, consult a doctor immediately, as this can be life-threatening for a new mother.

Low temperature in a dog

Hypothermia can be a problem for the health of the animal, in which the value on the thermometer will be below 37.5 ° C. A low temperature in a dog is due to banal hypothermia, as a result of an operation, after prolonged anesthesia, due to thyroid diseases, heart problems, and so on. There are three forms of hypothermia:

  1. Light– up to 32°C. Symptoms include drowsiness, trembling, and weakness. You need to warm the animal using a blanket and a heating pad, and give warm water. It is recommended to control the temperature every 15 minutes.
  2. Moderate– up to 28°C. There is a decrease in heart rate, weakness in the muscles and arterial hypotension. The body should be warmed up using heating pads or a heater.
  3. deep– below 28°С. The work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is disrupted. The dog may go into a coma.

Fever in a dog

There are a number of reasons that can cause a fever in an animal:

  1. If the pet has experienced severe stress, then for a short period of time his temperature may rise, for example, after moving. Knowing what temperature in dogs is considered normal, the indicators in such a situation will differ by no more than 2 ° C.
  2. When an infection settles in the body, the body begins to fight it, which leads to the appearance of fever.
  3. In hot weather, the cause of malaise often lies in overheating of the body. In this case, it is useful to know what to do if the dog has a fever, as the condition can be critical. It is necessary to shift the pet to a cool place, be sure to provide it with water and gradually cool the body.
  4. Various inflammations, tumors, and even external injuries can cause fever, so it is important for the diagnosis to pay attention to other symptoms and see a doctor for an examination.

What to give a dog for fever?

If there is no opportunity to take the animal to the clinic or invite the veterinarian home, then you need to help the pet on your own. There are a number of recommendations on how to bring down the temperature of the dog at home.

  1. Take ice cubes, wrap them in a cloth and place them on your neck and inner thighs. You can take a wet towel and cover the animal with it. It is not recommended to deliberately wet the coat, as this will impair thermoregulation. It is important to consider that at high temperatures, the pet needs to drink, otherwise dehydration may occur.
  2. It is recommended to ventilate the room where the sick dog is located. In summer you can use the air conditioner for cooling.
  3. If you know what temperature the dog is considered normal, and the value on the thermometer is much higher, then you can give the animal an antipyretic. The allowed dose is no more than 0.2 tablets, otherwise you can harm your pet. You can use analgin, nurofen or paracetamol. Puppies should be given baby products. Please note that the tablet only reduces the temperature, and you can cope with the cause of the ailment. Turning to the vet.

How to take a dog's temperature?

For measurements, it is necessary to use a medical thermometer: mercury or electronic. The second option is considered safer, more convenient and it will take no more than a minute to wait for measurements. It is better to find out from an early age what temperature in dogs is considered the norm, and the pet itself should be accustomed to the procedure in order to avoid aggressive behavior in the future. For the animal, it is necessary to allocate a separate thermometer. There is an instruction, at home:

  1. Take a clean thermometer and disinfect it. Lubricate the tip with baby cream or petroleum jelly. If the dog is obedient, then it can stand, and if not, then lay it on its side. It is important that she be calm, otherwise nothing will work.
  2. Raise the tail and with rotational movements insert the thermometer into the anus by about 1.5-2 cm, no deeper is needed. If the measurement is taken in a standing position, then so that she does not sit down, hold her firmly by the root of the tail.
  3. During the procedure, praise and talk to your pet to calm him down. After the beep, it is recommended to wait another half a minute, and then, you can already remove the thermometer. Don't forget to praise and give treats.

How to take a dog's temperature without a thermometer?

There are several ways to tell if an animal has a fever, but it is important to note that they are not reliable and only provide a basis for further diagnosis.

  1. There is an increased outflow of blood on the paws and ears, therefore, when the temperature rises, these parts of the body become hot to the touch. You need to touch them either with the back of your hand or with your cheek.
  2. When figuring out how to determine the temperature in a dog, it is worth remembering another way - feeling the groin area and armpits. Here are the lymph nodes that increase in size if there is an infection or disease in the body. Temperatures are also rising in these areas.
  3. Many even children know that the condition of an animal can be determined by its nose, if it has become hot, then there are problems.
  4. Experts recommend looking into the pet's mouth and assessing the condition of the gums. If everything is normal, then they will be pink and wet. Any changes can be considered a signal of problems.

Body temperature in a dog is an issue that worries many four-legged owners. After all, there can be many reasons for both its growth and its fall. However, knowing about the temperature norm that a pet should have, it is much easier to detect a problem and proceed with the required treatment. Correctly measuring the temperature in an adult dog or puppy is not difficult, but there are some subtleties here.

First you need to understand exactly what is considered a temperature norm. In a puppy of any breed, before the onset of six months of age, an elevated temperature indicator can most often be measured. It keeps within 39 degrees. If we do not talk about the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, then there may be several reasons for its jumps in healthy babies:

  • due to the growth and development of systems, internal organs;
  • reaction to the environment, external stimuli;
  • insufficiently established mechanism of thermoregulation (for example, in the absence of a mother, the body cools down, and in the summer, in the heat, the puppy will have to measure the temperature more often, as it will rise);
  • teething.

The temperature in dogs of such a young age is not a static indicator, and in order to know what is the norm for a puppy, you should measure it at least once a week. A wet and cold nose is not a completely reliable criterion for the health of an animal, which is mistakenly trusted by supporters of folk methods.

Features of the body temperature of adult pets

An adult dog has already conditional body temperature values, which vary from 37.5 to 39 degrees, depending on a number of factors. For example, the degree of wooliness does not play a role and is not the determining moment of what the temperature norm for an animal should be. But pets of dwarf breeds, if you measure their temperature and compare with those of larger dogs, have always been distinguished by greater heat dissipation. Short-haired friends of a person give in to overheating and hypothermia much faster than their counterparts with a thick woolen coat.

In addition, the body temperature of a dog, however, like that of a person, is the main indicator of the presence of an infection in the body or the course of an inflammatory pathological process. Of course, if the increase is not due to weather conditions: it is quite possible that in the heat the body temperature will be above normal. However, additional symptoms are a clear signal that it is time to sound the alarm. For objective information about the condition of the pet, it is advisable to measure its temperature several times during the day. If during the week an increased or decreased temperature (by 1-1.5 degrees) was regularly noticed, the body is probably affected by some kind of disease.

Causes of Changes in Dog Body Temperature

Most often, the high temperature of dogs, which had to be measured every day, testified to:

  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • internal bleeding;
  • body intoxication.

Whatever the temperature of the dogs, do not panic at once. In addition to pathologies, other circumstances can also affect the animal's body:

  • after sleep or by the end of the day, some animals may experience a slight increase of no more than 0.5 degrees. Meanwhile, during sleep, the normal body temperature in dogs can drop.
  • stress or excessive exercise can cause an increase in body temperature;
  • in the case of a long stay outside, where it is cold or very hot.

At the slightest doubt, you should immediately measure the temperature of the dog. It's great if, worrying about the pet, the owner has to go with him to the veterinarian, who will say that everything is fine with the dog. This visit will be carried out with a preventive purpose. If during the examination one of the above diseases is detected, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible.

In order to measure the temperature of a furry pet, the dog is usually laid on its side or put on its paws. The main thing is that the animal remains calm. Do not force your pet to lie down. Having placed yourself, you need to start the procedure. Starting to measure the temperature of the dog, you should constantly talk to it, stroke it, act gently and naturally. In order for the thermometer to enter the anus without pain, its tip must be lubricated with a lubricant (Vaseline is perfect for this purpose). Diving by 1 cm is enough if the pet’s weight does not exceed 20 kg, but if a dog of large breeds has to measure the temperature, then it can be advanced by another 1 cm. In the absence of an electronic device, it remains to use a mercury one, although the advantage in convenience and safety is given to the first.

The main recommendation, before measuring the temperature of dogs, is the following: you should not start the procedure if there is no certainty that you will be able to keep the four-legged and, perhaps at such a moment, even an aggressive dog on your own. It is better to find an assistant in advance. The point here is not only in danger for the owner, which is threatened by an angry pet. If you measure the temperature incorrectly, you can break the integrity of the intestine or injure the anus, which will require additional treatment.

First aid for high and low temperatures

No matter what the thermometer shows, no matter what the temperature of the dog is, the norm can only be achieved by contacting a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to arbitrarily prescribe treatment to an animal, and even drugs intended for people. Not all components suitable for balancing human body temperature can benefit dogs. But this does not mean at all that you need to sit back and do nothing.

With elevated temperatures, the best first aid measures include the following actions:

  1. Let the animal drink cold water in small portions.
  2. Cover the back and sides with towels soaked in cold water.
  3. Apply ice wrapped in cloth between the ears and to the paws.

At low temperatures, the only purpose of the owner will be to warm the tailed pet. The actions are almost the same as those that must be performed at elevated temperatures. But there is one difference: instead of ice - warm heating pads, instead of cold water - warm.

As soon as possible, the dog must be shown to a specialist. You should not risk the health of your faithful and devoted friend.

As with humans, body temperature is a very important indicator of a pet's health. If any signs of illness appear - fatigue or refusal to eat, the first thing to do is to determine if your dog's temperature is normal. In this article, we will tell you what exactly is considered the norm in small and large breeds, as well as before childbirth and during pet illness.

dog body temperature

If a temperature of 36.6 ° C is considered the norm for a person, then for a dog this figure is slightly higher. Normal body temperature in dogs is between 37.5°C and 38.5°C. In small puppies up to a year old, this temperature is half a degree higher and can reach about 39 ° C.

But in the case of dogs, you always need to take into account the individual characteristics of the animal's body and know what indicator is normal for your pet. To avoid confusion, you can measure it several times with your pet, and do this when he is absolutely healthy, and then remember or write down the indicators.

Age, body weight, the period (for example, before childbirth or after childbirth) in which the measurement took place - also affect the numbers on the thermometer. So, the normal temperature in dogs of small breeds (Toy Terrier, Shih Tzu, Pekingese) is usually slightly higher than in large ones (Labrador, Rottweiler, Mastiff). It can be overestimated even in a situation if the pet is under stress, has recently played actively or has been in the sun in the heat of summer.

The temperature in puppies may rise due to the fact that they are teething. This usually occurs between the ages of 3-9 months.

Changes in indicators can be harbingers of the approaching birth of a dog. As a rule, before giving birth in all breeds, it decreases by 1 ° C, and sometimes even by 1.5 ° C, and then returns to normal. Usually it begins to fall a day, and sometimes even two days before the birth of the animal.

If a pet had contraindications to pregnancy, then such a process of the birth of puppies is called pathological childbirth. With the pathology of childbirth, the body temperature of dogs increases by 0.5-1 ° C.

In any case, it is worth clarifying that the animal's body temperature of 39 ° C is not an indicator of danger and it is not worth making hasty conclusions about the disease. But if the measurement result is very high, 40 ° C or more, and also with various accompanying symptoms: lethargy, apathy or loss of appetite, the dog must be shown to the doctor.

Ways to measure temperature in a dog

Measurement in dogs of all breeds and sizes at home, as well as at the veterinarian, takes place using a conventional thermometer. The procedure is carried out rectally, so it is better to take an electronic thermometer, which measures the indicators in half a minute. Mercury may not be suitable, in a row the dog will be able to stand even for five minutes calmly with a foreign body in the anus. The thermometer for the dog must be individual!

Usually, pets of any breed tolerate the procedure easily, after a while the animal even stops noticing it, it is absolutely not painful and does not bring much inconvenience, so it is very easy to learn how to take measurements yourself at home.

How to measure a dog's temperature:

  1. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly, baby cream or Levomekol gel. After that, you need to reset the indicator on a mercury thermometer or reset the electronic one.
  2. You can insert a thermometer as a dog lying on its side, and one that just stands on its paws. The tail should be lifted up and gently insert the device to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, leaning against one of the walls of the rectum.
  3. To measure the temperature, the animal must lie or stand still, the first time the pet may be frightened, so it is better to talk to him affectionately, reassuringly. A pet can be taught a command, such as "Treat", so that she knows what procedure she will be doing.
    4. Next, the thermometer is pulled out, the indicators are noted, the device is washed after use with soap and wiped with alcohol.

There are also infrared thermometers that measure data through the ears of an animal, but their price is much higher than that of electronic or mercury ones.

Before childbirth, as well as after the birth of large and small breeds, thermometer readings can be taken every hour, and then recorded in order to know how the process is going.

What to do if the temperature is high or low

Changes in indicators, a decrease or increase in the dog's temperature, should alert the owner. If there are concomitant symptoms: the animal refuses to eat and treats, he has diarrhea or vomiting, general weakness, then this may be a sign of illness. The pet needs to be taken to the doctor, consulted, tested and started to carry out the prescribed treatment.

You can call the veterinarian at home or take your pet yourself.

Here's what to consider if you're taking a sick animal to the vet:

  1. If the pet's temperature is high: 40°C or higher, you need to apply a bottle or ice pack to his body, especially in hot weather;
  2. If the indicators are below 36.5 ° C, then a heating pad is placed next to the animal to avoid hypothermia, you can turn on the heating in your car or open the windows in the heat.

As for how to bring down the temperature in a dog or raise it, it is worth noting. You should not give any medications on your own before taking it, especially if you are expecting a pet to give birth. Only a specialist, a veterinarian, can make a correct diagnosis after examination. He will give him treatment, and any drugs taken before taking it will distort the results of the tests.

A high temperature, over 40 ° C, or its fall in an animal of any breed can be caused by such diseases as: plague, piroplasmosis, infection with worms, endothermitis, allergies. Any injury can lift it: extensive cuts, sore bites from other dogs, abscesses. Some increase can be observed after vaccinations.

Video "How to measure the temperature of a four-legged friend"

This video clearly shows how the procedure for measuring indicators of a pet takes place (video author: me and my tail).

An important indicator of health is the dog's body temperature. If the owner has doubts that the pet is healthy, the temperature should be taken, regardless of whether it is a puppy or an adult animal. Normal temperature is indicative of the full development and activity of a pet.

Its indicators indicate how the dog is feeling and whether there are any deviations. There are no constant indicators of normal body temperature in a dog, since it can change under the influence of a number of factors and depend on the breed of the pet as a whole, it is individual.

If the human body regulates temperature With the help of sweating, the dog, due to the physiological characteristics of the body, cannot sweat. It can cool the body with rapid breathing and protruding tongue.

This figure may change during the day. This becomes noticeable with the age of the animal. But these changes are insignificant and do not significantly affect the state of the animal.

A significant deviation from the accepted temperature in dogs indicates a pet disease.

What should be the temperature in dogs

Normal body temperature for a dog above than in humans. It is considered normal for a dog to have a temperature of 37.5⁰ - 38.5⁰ C. This figure may be slightly higher in a healthy puppy. However, we must not forget about the individual characteristics of the pet: its age, breed, size, conditions of detention. In this regard, the indicators may differ from the standard.

It should also be remembered that these indicators in animals of small breeds will be higher than in a representative of a large breed.

Up on short timing can be affected by exercise, estrus, or hot weather. The heat is especially difficult for large pets.

The change in body temperature in dogs can also be influenced by its psychological state. In a state of stress, increased aggression or nervous overexcitation, it can rise.

If the increase is associated with the manifestation of clinical signs of any disease, you should immediately contact a specialist. This is due to the fact that exchange processes in the body of a small dog or puppy, they proceed somewhat faster. Puppies have a higher heart rate than large breed adults. If normally in an adult animal it is up to 38.5 ° C, then in a puppy this figure is 39 degrees.

When should you take your dog's temperature?

An attentive owner must constantly monitor the health of his pet in order to contact a veterinarian for help with the slightest deviation. Only timely identified deviations in the health of the pet will help to quickly cure even a serious illness. But this does not mean that manipulations with the thermometer should be turned into a daily procedure.

Measurement held:

  • before and after vaccination;
  • when an animal is pregnant, when a decrease is an indicator of the imminent onset of labor;
  • after childbirth;
  • breeding puppies, taking into account the individual schedule from the moment of birth.

Of particular concern to the owner should be food refusal, weakness, pallor of the mucous surfaces of the tongue and gums, dry nose, vomiting, diarrhea. In this case, it is worth systematically measuring this indicator. Since these can be symptoms of some dangerous diseases.

If the animal is sick, a card should be kept in which all indicators during the period of illness.

How to measure a dog's body temperature

To do this, you need a conventional thermometer: mercury or electronic.

For a pet, it is better to have a separate device. If there are several four-legged pets in the family, then everyone should have their own thermometer.

How to measure dog temperature

This is a fairly simple procedure, but it requires a calm environment and attentive attitude to the pet, since manipulations are unpleasant for the animal and cause him increased anxiety. To do this correctly, you must follow simple rules:

If used electronic instrument, the temperature measurement will take no more than one minute.

It is important to ensure that the dog does not injure itself. During the procedure, you can talk to her, praise her or treat her with a treat.

At the end of the procedure, wash the thermometer with warm water and treat with a disinfectant solution.

If body temperature is raised or lowered

It should be understood what is the normal temperature of the dog, and what indicators are considered a deviation from the norm. What temperature should a dog have?

Short the indicator for a dog is 37 degrees and below, elevated - for an adult dog, which speaks of a disease of 40 degrees and above, an increase without jumps is dangerous.

Such a condition may indicate a disease of dog distemper, piroplasmosis, endometritis, or an ongoing heat stroke. Reduced rates can be observed with parvovirus enteritis or helminthic invasion.

The owner of the dog must understand that the deviation from the normal indicators in the direction of increase or decrease is the result of the body's struggle with the disease, and not the disease itself. You should not take measures and try to "bring down" the temperature before consulting with a veterinarian. Changes in indicators can distort the clinical picture, as a result of which the diagnosis can be made incorrectly.

If the animal has a fever, do not disturb him. It is recommended to put cold on the body. On the contrary, with a reduced animal needs in warmth. To do this, you can use a heating pad so that hypothermia does not occur.

Sudden decrease in body temperature in a dog

To alleviate the condition of the animal before the start of treatment and avoid dehydration, a number of simple steps should be performed. action:

  • provide access to fresh air in the room where the animal is located;
  • try to lower the air temperature in the room by 1-2 degrees;
  • protect the animal from direct sunlight;
  • soak a towel in cold water and apply to the dog's stomach;
  • provide access to drinking water.

Medical funds it is allowed to use when the indicators rise above 40 degrees. An intramuscular injection of analgin, no-shpy, and diphenhydramine is effective. You can also use one fifth of a tablet of paracetamol, dimedrol, analgin.

For puppies, children's antipyretic drugs are used.

In dogs, body temperature is one of the main criteria by which the general condition of the body is assessed. Its normal indicators in different breeds, due to physiological characteristics and temperament, differ significantly. For puppies, this is a special conversation. Therefore, you should remember the norm and understand what to do when a dog has a fever raised or lowered.

What to do when your dog has an abnormal temperature

Increased rates are always alarming, while thoughts about infectious pathology immediately arise. You should not immediately worry, because when affected by bacteria or viruses, the temperature is also accompanied by:

  • diarrhea
  • vomiting;
  • change in the color of the mucous membranes;
  • poor appetite or complete refusal to eat.

But owners do not always pay attention to a reduced temperature, combined with drowsiness, a decrease in the activity of a pet. Although this alarming symptom may indicate:

  • serious violations of cardiovascular activity;
  • various traumatic injuries;
  • kidney failure and other conditions that are most dangerous for a dog.

All the nuances of this problem will be considered in detail in our article and we will tell, what to do, if dog has a fever different from the norm.

What is the normal temperature for dogs

If the animal is healthy, the temperature can fluctuate from 37.5 to 39. These numbers are individual., they depend on age, breed, weight, temperament, as well as on environmental conditions (heat, cold). Temperature indicators are directly dependent on metabolism - in puppies and small dogs, metabolic processes are always accelerated, therefore the temperature is higher:

  • Small breeds: puppy - 38.6-39.3; adult dog - 38.5-39 degrees.
  • Medium breeds: puppy - 38.3-39.1; adults - 37.5-39 degrees.
  • Large breeds: puppy - 38.2-39; adult dogs - 37.4-38.3 degrees.

The age/weight of the animal are the main determinants of temperature.

The following points are also important:

  • Weather - in hot weather, the dog lives in a room without air conditioning, the temperature can be 1.5 degrees higher, the pet will look for a cold corner, its activity will be reduced.
  • In females, shortly before whelping, the temperature may drop by 1-1.5 degrees.
  • Measuring it helps the breeder determine when this important moment begins.
  • Stressful situations - it all depends on the temperament of the dog.

When a dog has a temperature, only an experienced doctor can tell what to do after examining and studying the data of the necessary tests - there can be many reasons for the increase and decrease.

How to take your dog's temperature correctly

For these purposes, they use the most common human thermometers from a pharmacy - mercury, electronic. Mercury is cheaper, but temperature measurement takes about three to five minutes, which not every animal will allow.

For the procedure the best option would be an electronic thermometer– and it is easier for you, and the dog is more comfortable. It shows the exact result in 20-30 seconds. If you are a breeder, it is recommended to have a separate device for each individual.

The process is not difficult, but if the dog is not accustomed, certain problems may arise. The first few times the procedure should be carried out with extreme caution.

You can measure the temperature without discomfort and get accurate readings like this:

  • Pre-lubricate with vaseline / baby cream, and preferably with levomekol gel, the tip of the thermometer.
  • Knock down the thermometer.
  • Lay the dog down, carefully lifting the tail, insert the thermometer 1.5-2 cm into the anus. Ideally, if possible, lean the thermometer against the walls of the rectum.
  • If a mercury thermometer is used, the procedure will take about 5 minutes, if an electronic one - no more than 50-60 seconds.
  • After measurement, the thermometer is thoroughly washed, disinfected with alcohol.

Temperature can be measured in other ways:

  • The thermometer is placed in the animal's mouth - this method can be used for calm, absolutely obedient pets who will not gnaw on the thermometer.
  • In dogs with a thin or bare belly, temperature can be measured in the groin by wrapping the thermometer in a fold of skin and holding it there until the end of the procedure.

The environment must be calm, otherwise the dog may be very worried and break the thermometer, which is very dangerous when using mercury devices. To calm the animal, talk to him, feed him with all sorts of treats. If the thermometer indicates increased / decreased indicators without precisely defined reasons, only an experienced specialist can tell what to do at such a temperature in dogs.

Fever: benefits and harms

The temperature rises when:

  1. Heat transfer is physically impossible or violated due to various reasons;
  2. Special mechanisms for heat retention are included.

For the first case, a perfect example would be a dog locked up in a car with no air conditioning in hot weather. The animal overheats, gets heatstroke very quickly - at the same time, too much heat is generated in its body, which cannot be removed properly.

The second option is heat is lingered specifically to fight viruses, bacteria, various pathological substances. In this case, fever is caused by the presence of pyrogens (any substance that causes fever) in the body. Pyrogens can be:

  • remnants of the vital activity of viruses / bacteria;
  • destroyed tissues formed during traumatic injuries or during the decay of neoplasms;
  • various substances that cause allergic manifestations.

Thus, in infectious pathologies, injuries and the presence of neoplasms, elevated temperature acts as a protective reaction. It enhances metabolic processes, as a result of which the production of interferon and antibodies is accelerated, which means that the body becomes more resistant to various pathological factors. Many pathogens lose their ability to reproduce.

There are also serious negative effects on the body of the animal:

  • The brain does not receive enough nutrition - the dog is depressed, inhibited, sometimes it can lose consciousness (in severe cases).
  • The gastrointestinal tract functions abnormally - the secretion of saliva / pancreatic juice decreases, less gastric juice is secreted, less bile, intestinal motility decreases.
  • In the body of a dog, water-salt metabolism is disturbed, urination increases, fluid is lost due to rapid breathing. As a result - rapid dehydration, which entails a change in the composition of the blood - and, therefore, the nutrition of the brain and heart will worsen.

What to do if the dog high temperature

So, based on the foregoing, we can distinguish the following main factors that cause an increase in temperature:

  • Infectious pathologies;
  • Neoplasms of various origins;
  • inflammation;
  • Penetration of various allergens;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • Negative effect of heat.

The following symptoms indicate an increase in temperature:

  • rapid breathing;
  • violation of heart rhythms;
  • general weakness;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • trembling, tremor of the limbs.

With such clinical manifestations, you should immediately measure the temperature and show the animal to the veterinarian immediately (it is better to call him home). An increase in temperature pathologically affects most of the pet's organs / systems, therefore, before the arrival of a specialist, first aid measures must be taken. Especially if the indicators are more than 41 degrees:

  • Should take the dog to a room where the air temperature is not higher than 18-20 degrees, while the dog should not be laid on the cold floor, drafts are also unacceptable.
  • You can't force your pet to move.
  • To avoid dehydration, provide free access to clean water. If the animal does not drink on its own, force water - it is more convenient to do this using a 20 cc syringe.
  • Categorically force-feeding is prohibited animal.
  • Do not use "human" NSAIDs(aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.), lowering the temperature - only an experienced specialist can calculate the correct dosage. With a mistake, the development of serious complications that threaten the health and life of the dog is possible.

When a dog has a fever, what to do, only a specialist can say for sure, based on the clinical picture and the results of the tests. The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosis.

Falling temperature is a reason to sound the alarm

Decrease in temperature (the condition is also called hypothermia) - the temperature drops below 37.5 degrees. It is observed when the process of heat transfer prevails over the process of heat production.

Causes of hypothermia can be:

  • hypothermia;
  • loss of strength due to unbalanced or insufficient nutrition;
  • poisoning with various toxins, poisons, drugs;
  • dehydration;
  • intense blood loss due to injuries or prolonged surgical interventions;
  • intoxication;
  • endocrine pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • severe heart disease.

In puppies, hypothermia happens quite often, it may not be associated with the progression of any diseases, but develop as a result of imperfection in the mechanisms of thermoregulation in a young body.

An incredibly dangerous condition for a puppy is drop in temperature with viral enteritis. This happens due to intoxication of the baby with decay products, as well as due to dehydration. Without urgent help from a doctor, the dog dies in 2-3 days.

Symptoms of a drop in temperature are as follows:

  • The animal wants to lie down in a warm place, curling up.
  • The wool is ruffled, thus forming an additional protection to keep warm.
  • Muscle tremors are observed as a protective reaction to hypothermia, contributing to the formation of additional heat.
  • The mucous membranes turn pale, become cold, the limbs are cold to the touch - all this speaks of a violation of the heart.

When a dog has a low temperature, only a specialist can determine what to do. The animal should be delivered very quickly to the veterinarian, it is better to call the doctor at home. Before the arrival of a specialist, the owner must:

  • Put the dog in a warm room, covering it with a blanket, overlaying heating pads with warm water.
  • Drink warm meat broth, warm milk.

Critical is the state of hypothermia with indicators below 36- this indicates that the protective forces of the animal have been exhausted. There is a loss of consciousness, a weak pulse, respiratory failure (rare superficial), a decrease in heart rate - the pulse and heart rhythms are difficult to hear. You should urgently call an ambulance veterinary help - only intensive resuscitation will help save your pet.

You don't need to take your temperature every day. This should be done only when the animal is not the same as usual, and there is a characteristic clinical picture for a particular pathology. If you suspect something is wrong, do not hesitate to visit the clinic, because many diseases are successfully treated only in the initial stages. Attentive care will help maintain the health and life of the pet for many years.

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