Why high sweating. Causes of excessive sweating in men and women. Increased sweat production in women

Excessive sweating can create many problems for a person. Therefore, in such a situation, the inevitable question becomes: where did it come from and what to do now.

Excessive sweating is not only a medical problem, but also a social one. And it can affect anyone. According to statistics, about 2-3% of people in one way or another suffer from this disease. But some cases are of particular concern.

What is excessive sweating?

sweating is a normal and healthy process necessary for the functioning of the body. A person sweats all the time, even in the absence of any physical and emotional stress or in sleep. So the body maintains a normal water-salt balance.

Under some normal physiological conditions, sweating can increase dramatically. These include:

  1. Heat.
  2. Physical exercise.
  3. Stress.
  4. Eating, especially hot and spicy food.
  5. Alcohol intake.
  6. Increased body temperature.

But sometimes heavy sweating also appears in normal situations when it should not be. It is in this case that it can be considered a sign of trouble.

In some cases, sweating may increase

Disease or symptom?

Many people believe that excessive sweating is a disease that needs to be treated. But in fact, two forms of it can be distinguished:

  1. Primary. This is the so-called idiopathic hyperhidrosis - independent increased sweating. Doctors cannot yet say for what reason this problem appears. One of the possible reasons is heredity, since most often one of the parents also has hyperhidrosis.
  2. Secondary. In most cases, excessive sweating is just a manifestation of some other disease. In this case, it is necessary to look for the root cause and eliminate it.

Thus, increased sweating can be both an independent disease and a manifestation of some other. And depending on the cause, the features of hyperhidrosis also appear.

Types of excessive sweating

To determine the features of hyperhidrosis, doctors distinguish a number of characteristics:

  1. Intensity. Sweating can be mild, moderate or severe depending on how severe it is.
  2. Localization. Allocate generalized increased sweating and local. In the first case, the sweat glands of the whole body secrete significantly more fluid. In the second, only certain areas are affected: the face, armpits, palms, soles, large folds, groin, and so on. Most often, several localizations are combined, for example, palms and armpits.
  3. Periodicity. Increased sweating can be permanent, intermittent, or seasonal, associated with certain seasons.

The combination of these characteristics is influenced by many factors, but in the first place - the cause of the disease.

Causes of increased sweating can be established with a doctor

Causes of increased sweating

As mentioned above, there can be many reasons for excessive sweating. Below we will try to compile a list of the most likely:

  1. Diseases associated with fever. In this case, increased sweating helps to lower the overall body temperature and protect it from overheating. In this case, the reason for the increase in temperature is not even important, the reaction of the body will be standard.
  2. Poisoning. Increased sweating in this situation is one of the body's many reactions to intoxication.
  3. Infectious diseases. Many acute infections cause hyperhidrosis as one of the symptoms.
  4. Climax. One of the most unpleasant manifestations of the female menopause is the "hot flashes" associated with attacks of increased separation.
  5. Psychological problems. Panic attacks, phobias, obsessive fears can cause an attack of sweating.
  6. Endocrine diseases. Hormonal imbalance has many forms and manifestations, one of which is increased sweating.
  7. Diabetes. Hyperhidrosis is typical for diabetes of any type and form.
  8. Neoplasms. Some tumors, both benign and malignant, formed in the brain can cause this manifestation.
  9. Hyperthyroidism. Increased production of thyroid hormones often leads to localized or generalized hyperhidrosis.
  10. withdrawal syndrome. Withdrawal, caused by a sharp rejection of drugs or alcohol after prolonged use, is manifested by a number of characteristic symptoms, including increased sweating.
  11. Reflux disease. Another potential explanation for sweating attacks is gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  12. Stroke. Excessive sweating is not necessarily a symptom of a stroke, but it can accompany it.
  13. Some cardiac diseases. Angina pectoris, arrhythmia, hypertensive crisis may be accompanied by increased sweating.

In addition, excessive sweating is part of many syndromes - a set of typical signs of diseases. Therefore, without special diagnostics, it can be difficult to find out what exactly led to the appearance of increased sweating.

Diagnosis of excessive sweating

It is necessary to carry out certain procedures to diagnose the causes of hyperhidrosis

In most cases, some general methods are used to specify the location and intensity of increased sweating:

  1. gravimetric method. With its help determine the intensity of sweating. A sheet of hygroscopic paper is applied to the dried surface of the skin, which is preliminarily weighed on an accurate balance. After a minute, the sheet is removed and weighed again to determine the amount of sweat released.
  2. Minor test. Using this method, the area of ​​hyperhidrosis is determined. To do this, it is dried, treated with a solution of iodine and covered with starch. As a result, areas of active sweating acquire an intense black-blue color.
  3. Bacteriological seeding, chromatography and other methods for studying the composition of sweat.

With these methods, doctors can more accurately determine the type and extent of hyperhidrosis.

To whom to go?

Often people find it difficult to answer which doctor should be contacted with such a problem. The first-line doctor can become a therapist, as a specialist of the broadest profile. He will be able to conduct a primary diagnosis and determine which specialist should deal with the treatment of this particular case.

Another approach is to contact a dermatologist, since he is the one who diagnoses and treats diseases of the skin and its appendages, which include the sweat glands.

But at the same time, additional diagnostics may be required from narrower, specialized specialists. It may include a cardiogram, blood test, general and biochemical, ultrasound of internal organs, determination of the hormonal profile, and so on. After that, it will be possible to choose the appropriate treatment. And first of all, it should be aimed at eliminating the primary disease.

Lifestyle with increased sweating

Treatment of excessive sweating is a rather complex and complex process, despite the fact that the problem at first glance does not seem to be something serious and deserving of special attention. As a rule, first of all, a number of general measures that normalize lifestyle are recommended:

  1. Change your diet. It is worth excluding fried and fatty, as well as abundantly peppered, spicy and spicy dishes, black tea, coffee, carbonated drinks from it.
  2. If there is excess weight, you should get rid of it, since it is he who often provokes increased sweating.
  3. Hygiene must be carefully monitored. The fact is that sweat is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that live in large numbers on the skin. As a result, additional dermatological diseases can be added to increased sweating.
  4. It is recommended to take a shower at least once a day, and in the hot season - more often.
  5. All clothing must be made from natural fabrics, synthetic items are not allowed. Clothing should be sufficiently loose, well breathable and absorbent. Cotton, viscose are well suited.
  6. Some attention should be paid to cosmetics. In particular, it is necessary to discuss the type of antiperspirant with your doctor.

With excessive sweating, you have to reconsider your lifestyle

But all this gives only partial relief, without affecting the root cause of the disease and its manifestations.

Methods for treating excessive sweating

Over the years of dealing with this problem, doctors have accumulated extensive experience and many different techniques. Some of them are rather radical surgical, some are less traumatic physiotherapy. It is with them that they recommend starting treatment. Among the most effective are the following:

  1. Medical treatment. In most cases, taking medications has a rather weak effect, but nevertheless, as part of complex therapy, it is sometimes recommended to take sedatives, as well as some other drugs.
  2. Electrophoresis. A course of electrophoresis has a certain effect in reducing excessive sweating. The electrodes are applied directly to areas with increased sweating, after which a weak electric current is applied to them. As a rule, a course of up to 10 procedures is recommended. Of the side effects, tangible pain, irritation, dermatoses, allergic reactions, and a rash are noted. Therefore, despite the fact that this method has been used for about half a century, today it is resorted to less and less.
  3. Botox injections. A good and lasting effect in reducing sweating is provided by injections of microdoses of botulinum toxin A, similar in composition to the agent used for Botox. Within a few days, due to the difficulty in the passage of nerve impulses to the sweat glands, as a result of which sweating stops. This method is effective in local forms of hyperhidrosis and helps to get rid of it for several years, after which the procedure will have to be repeated. Botulinum toxin A injections have been used in the treatment of this disease for about 5 years, and this method is now considered the most effective and safe.
  4. laser therapy. Long-term and long-lasting effect gives laser therapy. A light guide is inserted through a small incision under the skin, with the help of which the sweat glands are thermally destroyed and the nerve fibers are dissected. Thanks to this, the intensity of perspiration can be reduced by 90-95%, and unpleasant odors are significantly reduced. The effect of laser destruction persists for a long time. A side effect of this procedure is a weakening of skin sensitivity.
  5. Psychotherapy and hypnosis. It is sometimes recommended to treat hyperhidrosis with similar methods, but they can only be effective in cases where it is psychogenic in nature.

Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating. In medical practice, this term is understood as profuse sweating, which is not associated with increased physical activity, overheating, high ambient temperature and other physical factors.

ICD-10 R61
ICD-9 780.8
OMIM 144110
DiseasesDB 6239
Medline Plus 007259
MeSH D006945

General information

Sweating is a natural, vital physiological process that allows the body to protect itself from overheating. This main method of thermoregulation in humans and some animals is carried out by the sweat glands. In humans, the sweat glands are divided into:

  • Eccrine. In humans, they are located over the entire surface of the body (their number depends on the size of the person and ranges from 2 to 4 million). These glands consist of an excretory duct and a secretory part, open on the skin with pores. The largest number of glands of this type (up to 600 per 1 sq. cm) is concentrated on the face, palms, feet and in the armpits. The secretion of eccrine glands is not accompanied by cell damage.
  • Apocrine. In humans, glands of this type are localized in the axillary and anogenital region, near the ear canal and areola. In these zones, apocrine glands account for 10 to 40%. Apocrine glands are much larger in size than eccrine glands, and when a secret is formed, the top of the secretory cell is rejected. The secret contains not only parts of the cells, but also fat and cholesterol, so it can have a pungent odor. These glands are not involved in thermoregulation (presumably in ancient times they played a role in human sexual behavior), but they begin to function during puberty, determining the individual body odor.

Apocrine glands are characterized by sympathetic adrenergic innervation, while eccrine glands are characterized by sympathetic cholinergic innervation.

Sweating affects the water-salt metabolism, since salts and water are excreted from the body along with sweat.

Sweating can be caused by direct irritation of the sweat glands (thermal exposure, subcutaneous injection of physostigmine, acetylcholine, etc.), but normally it is reflex in nature.

Severe sweating normally occurs when the skin's thermoreceptors are exposed to high air temperature. Irritation of thermoreceptors also occurs during physical exertion, which causes increased heat production, with emotional experiences, feverish conditions, with the use of hot liquids or spicy foods.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis most often appear in people 15-30 years old. Increased sweating does not pose a danger to life, but it significantly impairs the quality of life due to social aspects - out of 100% of respondents, social adaptation is impaired in 12% of patients, 26% experience regular inconvenience due to pathology, 54% suffer from discomfort from time to time .

And only in 8% of cases, excessive sweating does not cause any obvious problems for people with this disorder.


Depending on the area of ​​the body that suffers from excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis is divided into:

  • Local, in which increased sweating is observed only in some parts of the body. It is observed in approximately 1% of the population in all countries of the world.
  • Generalized, in which the whole body is then covered.

Local hyperhidrosis, in turn, is divided into:

  • Craniofacial. The face and sometimes the whole head suffer from excessive sweating with this type of disorder. In some cases, the neck may also sweat. Hyperhidrosis can affect certain parts of the face - the nose, forehead, cheeks, or upper lip (while perspiration appears only on these parts of the face).
  • Axillary (axillary). Since apocrine glands are concentrated in the armpits, and bacteria and fungi actively multiply in the constantly wet cavities, there is often a strong smell of sweat with this type of increased sweating.
  • Plantar, affecting the soles. With constantly sweating feet, pathology is often accompanied by skin diseases.
  • Palmar (palmar), in which profuse sweating is observed on the skin of the palms.
  • Inguinal-perineal, in which increased sweat formation is observed in the perineum or inguinal folds.
  • Distal hyperhidrosis, in which there is sweating of the palms and feet at the same time.

Generalized hyperhidrosis can be:

  • separate disease;
  • manifestation (symptom) of the underlying disease.

Focusing on the cause that causes sweating, hyperhidrosis is divided into:

  • Primary (essential), which is not caused by other diseases. Most often it is local. It is assumed that this type of excessive sweating is associated with hereditary factors, since in half of these patients sweating was observed in one of the parents. This is the most common form of hyperhidrosis.
  • Secondary. This form is a consequence of any disease (damage to the central nervous system, endocrine disorders, etc.) or taking certain medications. It is usually generalized.

Depending on the course of the pathological process, increased sweating is distinguished:

  • seasonal, which is present only at certain times of the year;
  • constant, which is observed at any time of the year in any weather;
  • intermittent, which is paroxysmal in nature.

According to the severity of hyperhidrosis, there are:

  • a mild form of pathology that does not create social problems for the patient and is not perceived by the patient as a violation;
  • the average form of pathology, in which sweating creates a certain discomfort;
  • a severe form, in which, as a result of almost constant increased sweating, the patient has pronounced social problems.

Domestic reasons

Excessive sweating can occur:

  • under the influence of household factors;
  • as a result of health problems.

Excessive sweating can be caused by factors such as:

  • Incorrectly selected clothing (out of season, tight-fitting or made of synthetic, poorly breathable materials).
  • Irrational nutrition, in which the diet includes a large amount of spicy, spicy or fatty foods, sweets (especially chocolate), coffee and highly carbonated drinks. Alcohol also induces sweating.
  • Excess weight. Sweating with a well-developed body fat increases, since the heat generated in the body in overweight people accumulates in large quantities, and sweating is the only natural method of cooling.
  • Poor hygiene, which is often associated with improper use of hygiene products (deodorants and antiperspirants are applied either to damp skin after a shower, or to an already sweaty body just before leaving the house). In such cases, hygiene products are simply washed off from wet skin, staining clothes. Blocking the vital activity of bacteria, deodorants eliminate the smell of sweat for a while, but they are not able to affect perspiration. Antiperspirants that block sweat glands are only effective when applied to clean, dry skin in the evening when sweat gland activity is at a minimum.
  • Stress. With a highly excitable nervous system, strong emotions (fear, excitement, etc.) cause excitation of the sympathetic nervous system, as a result of which the activity of the sweat glands is activated.

Medical reasons

According to scientists, the development of primary hyperhidrosis is influenced by a hereditary factor. At the same time, excessive sweating usually manifests itself with stress and nervous strain (emotional hyperhidrosis). Exposure to high temperatures and physical exercise also provoke excessive sweating in such patients, with the right side of the body more affected. This type of hyperhidrosis is more common in women than in men.

Generalized increased sweating can be affected by a large number of infectious and hereditary diseases, as well as minor, non-life-threatening disorders. The secondary form of hyperhidrosis can be observed with:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • acromegaly, which is caused by increased production of growth hormone (observed with a pituitary tumor or damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary system);
  • hormone-active, usually benign tumor of the adrenal cortex (pheochromocytoma);
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis);
  • carcinoid syndrome - a condition that occurs under the influence of hormones that secrete hormonally active tumors.

Heavy sweating can also occur with:

  • severe common infectious diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, malaria, brucellosis);
  • malignant tumors of lymphoid tissue (lymphogranulomatosis, lymphomas);
  • mental disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, depression, withdrawal syndrome);
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • neurological disorders (Parkinson's disease, neurosyphilis, stroke);
  • poisoning with chemicals and organic poisons (mushrooms, etc.).

Cause increased sweating and some medications (sweating is a side effect). Long-term use of anticancer drugs, antibiotics, antidepressants and some other medicines leads to increased sweating. In women, night sweats can be caused by taking oral contraceptives (sometimes increased sweating at night can be observed when these drugs are discontinued).

Increased sweating when eating in the face can be affected by:

  • Lucy Frey's auriculotemporal syndrome (this syndrome is also called gustatory sweating). The name of the syndrome largely speaks for itself - increased sweating occurs when eating hot food. In addition, an attack can provoke overheating, emotional stress and physical exertion. Sweating is accompanied by reddening of the skin and paroxysmal pain, which can be felt in the ear, in the temple and lower jaw. This condition is pathological, as it develops as a complication of mumps or a surgical operation affecting the parotid gland. Also, gustatory sweating can be the result of facial trauma and damage to the ear-temporal nerve.
  • Tympanic string syndrome that develops after a surgical injury. Excessive sweating in this case occurs with taste irritation in the chin area.

Excessive sweating of the palms, feet and armpits can occur when:

  • Blue spongy nevus - a type of hemangioma, which in most cases is located on the arms and on the trunk.
  • Erythromelalgia. This paroxysmal dilation of the small arteries of the legs, arms, and sometimes the face can be observed on its own (the reasons for this phenomenon are still unknown) and as a symptom of frostbite, myxedema, hypertension, and other diseases. Vasodilation is accompanied by swelling and pain in the hands and feet, redness, increased skin temperature and increased sweating.
  • Acroasphyxia Cassirer is a paroxysmal cardiovascular disorder of unknown origin.
  • Polyneuropathy, in which the nervous regulation of the activity of the sweat glands is disturbed as a result of changes in the nerve fibers.

Severe sweating is often associated with hereditary diseases. With increased sweating of the palms and feet, which is accompanied by other disorders, the cause may be a hereditary disease:

  • Brunauer's syndrome, in which the skin on the palms and feet thickens and the palate is very high (Gothic).
  • Buck's syndrome, in which small molars are absent from birth, the skin of the limbs thickens, and early gray hair appears.
  • Gamstorp-Wohlfarth syndrome, which is characterized by constant muscle twitching and constant tension, a decrease in muscle volume and the transformation of muscle tissue.
  • Dyskeratosis congenita, in which the skin has a gray-brown tint with small pale areas and excessive stratum corneum. There is also atrophy of the nails, impaired hair growth and damage to the mucous membranes.
  • Jadasson-Lewandowski syndrome, in which thickened nails and skin on the palms are accompanied by rashes in the femoral region and on the buttocks, as well as lesions of the oral mucosa.

General sweating of a family nature occurs with Riley-Day syndrome (familial dysautonomia). This syndrome is characterized by a variety of symptoms that are caused by damage to the peripheral nervous system. Severe excessive sweating may be accompanied by reduced or no tear production, emotional imbalance, low pain threshold, etc.

The cause of increased sweating in women and men can be menopausal syndrome. Sweating during menopause is associated with a change in the balance of sex hormones and a decrease in their production (estrogen and progesterone in women and testosterone in men). Since sex hormones affect the work of the hypothalamus, in which the temperature center is located, the body reacts to a low level of hormones with an increase in temperature. At this time, a person feels hot (“hot flashes”), after which profuse sweating begins.

In women, the decrease in hormone production is more dramatic than in men, so heavy sweating (more often night sweats) very often accompanies the onset of menopause. In men, in most cases, hormonal changes occur gradually, so pathological phenomena in the form of "tides" are not observed. However, in the presence of a hormonal imbalance, a man develops day and night sweats, which is no different from such manifestations in women.

Night sweats in women can also occur during PMS (premenstrual syndrome), during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Hyperhidrosis in young children, in the absence of diseases associated with excessive sweating, may be due to:

  • immaturity of the sweat glands (up to 5-6 years, an inadequate response to temperature changes is possible);
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • lymphatic diathesis.


Generalized hyperhidrosis, which in most cases is a symptom of another disease, is manifested by increased sweating throughout the body. At the same time, in places where a large number of sweat glands are concentrated (armpits, inguinal folds), sweat is released more intensively.

Night sweats, in which profuse sweating occurs mainly during sleep, is characteristic of hormonal disorders and lung infections.

Sweating at night can also be a consequence of cancer.

In infectious diseases, sweating is usually accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes and catarrhal symptoms.

Localized hyperhidrosis is characterized by constantly cold and wet extremities.

A sign of local hyperhidrosis is also perspiration protruding on the face or constantly moist axillary area.

Depending on the degree of hyperhidrosis, increased sweating can manifest itself:

  • Light perspiration with a mild form of pathology. In this situation, most patients consider this the norm.
  • Formed drops of sweat in moderate and severe forms of pathology. Such sweating creates serious problems for the patient, since wet spots remain on things, small objects often slip out of the hands due to the moisture of the palms, and physical contact with other people becomes impossible (handshake, etc.).

Severe sweating can provoke the development of fungal skin lesions and erythrasma (versus versicolor).


The primary examination of patients suffering from excessive sweating is carried out by a therapist, and based on the results of the examination, he refers to a consultation with narrow specialists.

The therapist clarifies with the patient the nature of the complaints, the time of their occurrence, the presence of concomitant diseases.

A person suffering from excessive sweating needs to take a blood test (for sugar and general), a urinalysis, a venous blood test for syphilis, an analysis for thyroid hormones and fluorography.

If the doctor is not satisfied with the results of these tests, they additionally perform a glucose test, do a sputum test (in order to exclude tuberculosis) and collect daily urine, CT of the head and X-ray of the skull.

In addition, it is possible to:

  • tevametry or evapometry, which determines the rate of evaporation of sweat from the skin;
  • gravimetry, with which you can determine the amount of sweat formed over a certain time.

Depending on the test results, the therapist refers to a neurologist, cardiologist, oncologist, or somnologist.


Treatment for excessive sweating often involves addressing the underlying cause of excessive sweating. Effective treatment of the underlying disease, correction of hormonal disorders, etc. in such cases leads to the disappearance of pathology.

To reduce sweating, adults are advised to use antiperspirants containing up to 20% aluminum chloride during treatment. Pregnant women are advised to use organic deodorants.

Quite effective remedies for sweating feet are Teymurov's paste, Benzoyl peroxide lotion and deodorizing creams (Lavilin, SyNeo, etc.).

Severe sweating of the legs and other parts of the body is effectively eliminated with the help of talcum powder. Powders and powders containing talc absorb moisture well, eliminate the smell of sweat and do not disturb the acid-base balance of the skin.

Since severe hereditary hyperhidrosis is quite common, treatment in such cases is aimed at eliminating the symptoms, not the cause.

Symptomatic treatment for sweating includes:

  • The use of iontophoresis (used for local type of hyperhidrosis). During this painless procedure, the patient dips his limbs into the water and for 20 minutes a weak electric current is passed through this water, blocking the sweat glands. Iontophoresis has a temporary effect, so after a few weeks the procedure should be repeated.
  • Botox injections in the problem area. Botox, when injected under the skin, blocks the nerve endings of the sweat glands, so for six months or more the glands are not able to function.

Help eliminate sweating and physiotherapy methods:

  • hydrotherapy that strengthens the nervous system, which includes the use of a contrast shower and pine-salt baths;
  • electrosleep, which improves the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and enhances inhibition processes due to the use of low-frequency pulsed current;
  • medicinal electrophoresis, which, due to the resulting dehydration of the problematic area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, reduces sweating (the effect lasts up to 20 days).

If primary hyperhidrosis is diagnosed, treatment also includes:

  • psychotherapy, which helps to increase stress resistance and eliminate sudden emotional surges that provoke sweating;
  • drug therapy, which involves the use of sedative (soothing) drugs and drugs containing atropine (Belladonna preparations and other drugs containing atropine suppress the secretion of sweat).

Since these methods are not able to permanently eliminate hyperhidrosis, treatment for a severe form of pathology includes low-traumatic surgical methods:

  • Liposuction of the axillary zone, which is carried out in the presence of excess weight. During the operation, excess fat is removed and the nerve endings leading to the sweat glands are destroyed.
  • Closed curettage, which is performed with axillary hyperhidrosis. During the operation, not only the nerve endings are destroyed, but also the sweat glands in the problem area are removed.
  • Excision of the skin, which gives a good effect, but is rarely performed, as it causes some stiffness of movements after the operation.

The same low-traumatic (performed by the endoscopic method), but subsequently causing dry skin operation is sympathectomy. The operation performed under general anesthesia is aimed at the complete or partial destruction of the work of the sympathetic trunk (it is not performed if there is a threat of developing compensatory hyperhidrosis).

If the patient has been diagnosed with hyperhidrosis, surgical treatment is carried out only if conservative therapy is ineffective and only if the pathology is severe.

Which doctors to contact with excessive sweating

Many patients suspecting hyperhidrosis do not know which doctor to contact.

To find out the cause of hyperhidrosis and choose the appropriate treatment method for a particular situation, the patient is advised to contact:

  • a therapist who will rule out infectious diseases;
  • narrow specialists (, and a neurologist) who will identify or exclude pathology in their field;
  • , beautician or plastic surgeon who will help to cope with the problem in the absence of an obvious cause of increased sweating.

Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating. Severe sweating can affect the whole body or some areas and cause acute discomfort. This delicate problem is often sought to hide and embarrassed to go to the doctor. Meanwhile, excessive sweating of the body can be a sign of a number of serious diseases.

Men, women, children

Human skin contains millions of sweat glands. And this is a necessary condition for normal life. With sweat, harmful substances and toxins are removed, with the help of sweat, the body cools and heals. Heavy sweating in men, women and children can have various causes.

Increased sweating in men

In part, this is a genetically determined condition. Men are more physically active, more likely to overheat and need more cooling. In addition, differences in body weight matter. Larger, heavier men sweat more.

Excessive sweating in women

On average, women sweat 2 times less than men. However, hyperhidrosis occurs in them with the same frequency as in men. Excessive sweating in both sexes can be caused by the same reasons. Treatment approaches for this condition are also similar.

The only distinct cause of female hyperhidrosis lies in changes in the levels of female hormones. You can talk about hormone-dependent sweating in the following cases:

  1. If severe sweating occurs in short periods during each month, then we can safely talk about the hormonal cause of hyperhidrosis.
  2. If severe sweating occurs during pregnancy and lactation, then this is also the result of fluctuations in the level of female sex hormones.
  3. If excessive sweating occurs during menopause.

What to do in such cases? Consult a gynecologist. After determining the level of hormones, the doctor may decide on the appointment of hormone replacement therapy.

What to do if excessive sweating worries the child

If excessive sweating is diagnosed in children older than 6 years, then this condition can be caused by the same reasons as in an adult.

Newborn babies do not sweat at all, but starting from the age of two months, children can sweat a lot in the following cases:

  • when feeding, especially if the mother is breastfeeding the baby;
  • if the child is too warmly dressed;
  • if he screamed and cried for a long time.

Children under 3 often sweat a lot while sleeping. Many pediatricians consider it completely natural. Do not try to get rid of this condition. Most likely, over time, the child will “outgrow” such sweating.

Many mistakenly associate heavy sweating with rickets - do not jump to conclusions! Moreover, rickets has many other, more obvious manifestations.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis

Severe sweating of the whole body is a symptom of a number of diseases. You can get rid of the disease by accurately establishing the cause of hyperhidrosis. However, in some cases, a perfectly healthy person cannot get rid of excessive sweating. Then they talk about the idiopathic form of hyperhidrosis.

What can cause excessive sweating? Neurosis, allergies and increased reaction to external stimuli.

nervous sweating

Irritable, quick-tempered people suffering from frequent depression often suffer from hyperhidrosis. In this case, the work of the sweat glands is affected by an increased level of adrenaline.

What to do if you suspect that you have just such a form of the disease? Contacting a neurologist is the only sure way to solve the problem. Since nervous sweat makes itself felt mainly during outbreaks of aggression, the cure for neurosis will relieve unpleasant symptoms.

food allergy

Some people sweat when they eat. This causes psychological discomfort not only in a sweating person, but also in others. The reason for this hyperhidrosis is an individual reaction to a certain type of food. What to do to get rid of such hyperhidrosis? Just do not consume foods that cause such a reaction in public places.

External environmental factors

Sports, uncomfortable synthetic clothing and shoes, heat and cold - a number of reasons can cause heavy sweating. But if a person sweats so much that they have to carry a change of clothes with them and dab their palms before greeting, then this becomes a problem that requires treatment. What to do? Contact a therapist.

The reasons for such severe sweating are in the individual reaction of the sympathetic nervous system to external stimuli. Unfortunately, we cannot control this process, just as we cannot speed up our pulse or slow down our heartbeat.

Hyperhidrosis is a symptom of body dysfunction

What health problems can be accompanied by excessive sweating? Consider the most common causes of hyperhidrosis.


Common cause of profuse perspiration. Any SARS accompanied by a high temperature can cause profuse sweating. This is a normal reaction of the body to overheating. Usually, if the patient sweats at a fever, this is a good sign that the fever is subsiding.

Disorders in the work of the endocrine system

The endocrine system controls the entire body. Including responsible for thermoregulation. Accordingly, many diseases of the endocrine organs can be accompanied by severe sweating.

  1. Thyroid dysfunction. Violates normal heat transfer in tissues. The result is increased sweating.
  2. Diabetes mellitus causes metabolic disorders. A decrease in blood sugar levels is often accompanied by increased sweating.

Changes in hormone levels

Characteristic for the beautiful half of humanity. The formation of menstrual function, the birth and feeding of children, menopause - all these processes affect the level of sweating.


Increased weight is a burden for the whole body. An obese person spends more energy for life and therefore sweats more.

Diseases of the central nervous system

Mental disorders are common causes of hyperhidrosis. Common to the neurological origins of hyperhidrosis is uneven sweating. So, only one armpit or palm can sweat.

Genetic diseases

Excessive sweating is one of the symptoms of a rare genetic disease, Riley-Day syndrome. Hyperhidrosis in this disease is most pronounced in stressful situations, when the patient has an increased level of adrenaline.

Drug addiction and alcoholism

Drug and alcohol addiction is a complex disease that disrupts the biochemical processes of all systems. Against the background of drug withdrawal, in addition to other withdrawal symptoms, a state of hyperhidrosis occurs.


General malaise, weakness, weight loss, fluctuations in body temperature in tuberculosis can complement night sweats with a characteristic odor.


Tumors of the lymphoid tissue cause profuse night sweats. Neoplasms of the adrenal glands and intestines are possible causes of hyperhidrosis.

Heart disease

The pre-infarction state of the patient is often accompanied by profuse cold sweat. Along with pain in the heart, pallor and shortness of breath, such sweating is an important symptom of the onset of myocardial infarction.

The smell of sweat as a diagnostic tool

Excessive sweating of the whole body can be a sign of many diseases. For a qualitative diagnosis of the causes, the therapist may advise you to take tests (KLA, OAM, biochemistry, a blood test for sugar and hormone levels). In addition, it would be useful to visit narrow specialists, namely:

  • cardiologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist.

Getting rid of the disease is possible only after a thorough history taking!

Smell of sweat

Initially, sweat is a sterile liquid. It is colorless and odorless. Sweat acquires a specific aroma when interacting with the microorganisms of our skin. However, in some cases, sweat has a pungent, unnatural odor. Often this is a key moment in finding out the causes of hyperhidrosis. What disease can a strong smell of sweat indicate?

What can be done at home

Even a small increase in sweating brings significant discomfort and a desire to get rid of this condition. What can be done at home?

  1. Maximum attention should be paid to hygiene procedures. Daily showers, wet rubdowns, and frequent changes of underwear can alleviate the problem.
  2. Dietary nutrition is the second step that must be taken by those who want to get rid of the disease. Salty, sour, fried, exotic dishes should be excluded from the diet.
  3. Wear only natural fabrics! Synthetic linen and bedding should be replaced with linen and cotton.

There are so many causes of hyperhidrosis that even experts sometimes have doubts. However, high-quality diagnostics is the only chance to get rid of this unpleasant condition. Only a doctor can prescribe the right treatment. Surgical or medical intervention can greatly alleviate the patient's condition and help him live a full life without complexes.

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is an unpleasant situation that everyone has encountered at least once in their life. Why this happens and what to do you will learn from this article. And, if this difficulty is not associated with any disease, then traditional medicine methods and special exercises will help to cope with it.

In order to quickly and permanently get rid of profuse sweating in men and women, it is necessary to find out the causes of the appearance.

Sweat is the main and indispensable functioning of our body, since, first of all, due to it, the optimal working body temperature is maintained. It is also important that all accumulated harmful substances, salts, toxins and slags come out with sweat.

Causes of hyperhidrosis and remedies for its treatment

As a rule, natural sweat is odorless. But with various adverse effects on a person, the smell of sweat appears from the dirt leaving the body with it, as well as microbes and bacteria that multiply on the surface of the skin.

There are many reasons for the appearance of profuse sweating: stress, excitement, heat, physical activity, eating spicy and hot food, being overweight, from various diseases, etc.

Sweat can appear both all over the body at once, and in its individual parts (head, armpits, palms, feet, etc.). Most people try to get rid of the smell, forgetting that the main problem is sweating itself.

Ways to get rid of excessive sweating

  1. The first remedy for excessive sweating is to wash more often and without fail to shave off all the “unwanted” hairs on the body, a lot of bacteria accumulate on them. It is also necessary to visit a cool or contrast shower at least twice a day, so that places exposed to profuse sweating do not receive complications such as diaper rash, pustular or fungal diseases.
  2. Also a very effective remedy, baths with extracts of various herbs. Here the first place is occupied by coniferous baths. For this purpose, salts and extracts freely sold in cosmetic departments are well suited. If possible, you can collect fresh needles. Its preparation is quite simple, it will be enough to fill it with boiling water and insist for 15 minutes, then just strain it into the bath. Living needles will not only help to cope with sweat, but also pacify the nervous system, relieve stress, heal the lungs and joints. Baths with infusions of chamomile, string and St. John's wort are also very effective. The use of aromatic oils based on these herbs is acceptable. Approximately 8 drops of oil should be dropped into one tablespoon of salt or for the best dilution, add a little milk
  3. Of all the usual cosmetics, to combat the annoying situation, preference should be given to deodorants that do not contain aluminum. They perfectly protect the skin from bacteria, and pleasant perfume additives protect against unpleasant odors. It is best to refuse the use of antiperspirants, they will bring much more harm than a positive effect. The fact is that they greatly clog the pores of the skin, thus sweat and all the accompanying dirt from the body does not have access to the exit. As a result, self-poisoning occurs, and in worse outcomes, against the background of stagnation of sweat, inflammation of the glands occurs, which gives rise to the development of oncology.
  4. It must be remembered that severe sweating is the first sign of beginning and developing ailments such as pituitary adenoma, diabetes mellitus, pre-infarction, etc. In this regard, with any, even minor, deviations in the state of health, an urgent examination and consultation with specialists is needed.
  5. In order to save from profuse sweating, it is required to remove all spicy foods and alcohol from the diet, this also gives the sweat a stench. Instead, live, non-thermally processed foods should be consumed. There are a lot of video lectures on healthy eating on the Internet, but the most effective ones are professors V. Zhdanov or professors Neumyvakin.

Traditional medicine

Even in ancient times in Russia, our previous generation preferred sage. And the thing is that it has no contraindications and side effects, but has rich beneficial properties and helps against such ailments as bronchitis, gout, sore joints. Also, without harm, it shrinks pores, reducing sweating.

The method of preparation and use is very simple: in a thermos, pour 1 tablespoon of grass with one glass of boiling water and let it brew for 40 minutes. Take the drug three times a day, 70 milliliters.

It is very good to take this infusion for women during menopause, it reliably relieves excessive sweating and hot flashes. When hyper sweating manifests itself in extreme situations or stressful situations, then you need to mix sage 4: 1 with valerian root, pour boiling water and insist, take half a glass twice a day.

Apple cider vinegar can help with sweaty palms. Dilute one and a half tablespoons in a liter of water, keep the pens in this solution for about five minutes. It is always necessary to keep wet antibacterial wipes on hand and, if necessary, treat problem areas on the body with them.

Solving the problem of sweaty feet

Profuse sweating of the feet in men and women causes many unpleasant situations. This problem leads a person to complexes, since in public it is inconvenient for him to even change his shoes. But this predicament also has a solution:

  1. Decoction of oak bark. One of the most popular methods. In a saucepan per liter of water, pour 100 grams of oak bark purchased at a pharmacy and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Soak the feet in the cooled drug for 10-15 minutes, then wipe them dry. In turn, it is enough to grind the bark into powder and fall asleep in socks before dressing. Any of these methods should be done daily until you completely get rid of sweating.
  2. An old and effective technique that helps in about two weeks is to lightly sprinkle the feet and interdigital spaces with boric acid powder every morning, and wash it off in the evening under running hot water.
  3. Reduce the smell of feet and reduce their sweating evening baths with a weak solution of manganese.
  4. With hyper sweating of the legs, cool rubdowns with salt water or warm ones with soda will help to cope. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of the powder in a glass of water. Traditional healers with the help of this method guarantee a quick disposal of the smell.
  5. It is very effective, during the week, at night, to braid the toes with dry stalks of wheatgrass and put on socks. It is also acceptable to use straw from wheat, barley or oats.
  6. In late spring and summer, it is very effective to cover the toes and feet with fresh birch leaves, they should be changed as they dry.

To get rid of excessive sweating of the legs, daily ten-minute workouts with simple exercises are very effective. In the process of training, blood circulation in women and men is normalized, which further eliminates excessive sweating, as well as flat feet.

All of the above methods have proven themselves over the years. There is not a single universal remedy, everyone selects it for their structure and problem. The most effective method will be the one that an experienced doctor will prescribe after a thorough examination of the cause of profuse sweating.

Sweating is a reflex reaction of the human body's thermoregulation system. The body reacts most often to high temperatures. Simply put, a person sweats in order to protect himself from overheating, as well as to regulate the temperature.

But increased sweating is observed not only with an increase in temperature, but also during intense physical exertion on the body. By the way, excess weight is also recognized by our body as a load, and with weighting, which is why overweight people sweat more than thin people.

In other cases, the causes of excessive sweating should be sought in unhealthy thermoregulation and some deviations from the norm in the body. Consider first the causes of excessive sweating, which in medicine is called hyperhidrosis.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

The sweat secreted by the sweat glands contains urea, salts, various toxic substances and ammonia. All this “set” subsequently makes the body odor extremely unpleasant, and also provides the bacteria with an ideal environment for reproduction. So, excessive sweating causes:

  • Disorders of the hormonal system during age-related changes (for example, puberty or menopause), as well as diseases that are associated with the endocrine system: diabetes, hyperthyroidism, obesity, and so on.
  • Disorders of a nervous and psychosomatic nature.
  • Diseases of the nerves or peripheral vessels.
  • Infectious diseases that are accompanied by temperature fluctuations.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, including heart failure, arrhythmia, and so on. May also affect perspiration and lung disease.
  • Certain types of cancer. This is especially true in brain tumors.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Poisoning (alcohol, drugs, chemicals, food, and so on).
  • Hereditary anomalies of the secretion system.
  • Often, excessive sweating accompanies a preliminary release of adrenaline into the body, that is, a natural reaction to stress.

The causes of such sweating can be different, that is, in each case this symptom can be caused by different factors. To find out what provokes the appearance of hyperhidrosis, consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. If diseases are not found, then you can contact a dermatovenereologist, who can prescribe effective medications, or you can resort to traditional medicine.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis

Many note that excessive sweating, the causes of which were listed earlier, is quite common in certain areas of the body. Some people sweat a lot on their feet, while others sweat on their face. There are frequent cases of widespread sweating.

Symptoms of increased sweating appear quickly and are not difficult to identify:

The skin in places where hyperhidrosis is manifested, when palpated, seems not only cool, but also moist.

Feet, hands may have a bluish tint, as evidence of circulatory disorders in the limbs.

Increased sweating can also be accompanied by bacterial, fungal diseases. It is bacteria and fungi that feed on the body's waste products on the skin and create the smell.

Sometimes sweat has a special smell due to toxic substances that are released by the glands. Thus, the body tries to quickly remove the poison from the body.

In some cases, sweat may have a color, but this is observed only in cases where a person works in chemical industries.

Profuse sweating of armpits

For some people, this phenomenon has actually become a big problem. But what are the causes of excessive armpit sweating? In the summer season, this can be easily explained by abnormally high temperatures. Physical activity, stress, which are accompanied by the intake of liquid or food - all this causes sweating.

Quite often, to reduce sweating, it is enough to review your diet, diet and physical activity. A lack of vitamin D also affects the secretion of the body.

It is very important to pay attention to the smell of perspiration in time. Even foods such as onions, garlic, spicy dishes can cause abnormal work of the sweat glands. You should also exclude alcohol and too salty foods. If this helped you, then it was your lifestyle that affected the increased sweating of the armpits.

Obesity quite often causes profuse sweating in the groin, armpits, collar and face. This is explained by the desire of the body to cool the location of vital organs under load in the form of excess weight. Therefore, in this case, excessive sweating of the armpits is treated with physical activity and a diet for weight loss. If obesity is caused by a hormonal imbalance, you need to undergo treatment for the source of the symptoms - that is, diseases of the endocrine system.

Hyperhidrosis of the legs

This problem occurs quite often, but it is quite solvable by pedantic observance of the rules of personal hygiene. But there are times when the problem becomes extremely noticeable to others and greatly affects a person’s life, work, family, friends. An unpleasant smell quickly becomes a "calling card", spoiling life and health.

Considering that increased sweating of the legs is often accompanied by bacterial and fungal diseases, the risk of infection from such a person increases if the problem is not solved.

The reasons for sweating are the huge number of sweat glands on the feet, which begin to work when “bad times” come. Factors that provoke profuse sweating of the legs:

  • Long walk.
  • Narrow, uncomfortable shoes.
  • Too warm socks.

The reasons are actually huge. But the result is the same - blood circulation in the lower extremities is disturbed and the body simply tries to give up more moisture in order to reduce swelling, give the feet more free space and reduce the load.

In some cases, due to increased sweating, an altered condition of the skin between the fingers can be observed. This is expressed in the appearance of corns, cracks, wounds, blisters, foci of inflammation. This is fraught with consequences - infectious diseases can develop. A dermatologist in this case will help you solve the problems that have arisen.

Excessive sweating of the whole body

Whole body hyperhidrosis is observed in a number of cases that are not related to temperature or physical activity. Causes of excessive sweating of the body and diseases that cause this symptom:

Endocrine diseases.

Cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases.

Infections accompanied by high fever.

Mental, nervous diseases.

hereditary factor.

The latter, by the way, can be defined simply - it is a feature of the body as a whole and its secretory system, in particular, which is inherited and is innate. A similar factor can be observed within the framework of one particular family, and among several of its representatives. Sometimes such sweating can manifest itself variably, for example, only at night.

Sweating in the head area

This type of sweating is most often noted by outsiders. Most often, sweating of the head accompanies nervous overstrain - experiences, excitement. That is, it is a natural reaction to irritation of the nervous system.

Discharge in the frontal region is most often a sign of an unstable emotional state of a person. This is the easiest way to calculate fear, tension, shame, and so on.

If a person is absolutely calm, but at the same time sweating of the head continues to be observed, then one should be examined for metabolic disorders.

Also, this symptom is accompanied by craniocerebral trauma. As we mentioned earlier, the face, armpits, collar area, and groin area can be sweaty in overweight people.

night sweats

If excessive sweating is observed at night or when a person is sleeping, but it cannot be explained by heredity, then the roots should be looked for deeper. In this case, you need to do everything necessary to find out the root cause of the symptom.

Just night sweats, when a person does not sleep, is usually caused by quite serious pathologies:



Dysfunctions in the thyroid gland.

Obesity or diabetes.

In a female audience, such sweating may occur during childbearing or breastfeeding. This phenomenon is quite common and will pass with time, when the hormonal background “calms down”.

In a dream, they sweat due to hormonal problems, metabolic disorders, during stressful situations accompanied by nightmares or poor sleep, mental imbalance. It can also occur due to too high outside temperatures, the proximity of heating devices or excessively warm bedding. If you “throw into a sweat” due to the content of dreams, then you need to drink a course of sedatives.

Treatment for excessive sweating

Treatment with medicines should be under the supervision of a doctor, especially if the cause is a serious illness. If hyperhidrosis is observed in cases where a person experiences nervous tension and cannot cope with it on his own, then it is quite possible to drink a course of sedatives. Natural dietary supplements such as tablets or tinctures of motherwort, valerian or hawthorn are especially popular. These tinctures can be made independently.

If sweating is caused by excess weight, then the only option here is to go in for sports and limit the consumption of spicy, spicy, fatty, salty and unhealthy foods.

If sweating is associated with hormonal changes in the body or the cause is not clear, the easiest way to deal with such a symptom is with a contrast shower. It will also make your immunity strong, harden your body.

A lack of a number of vitamins can also provoke excessive sweating. It is better to exclude "harmful" foods or minimize them, and bring the useful ones to the maximum. Also try to limit your intake of alcohol, caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, chocolate, coca-cola, and so on).

You can make coniferous baths or use oak bark. Any of these remedies will also help to cope with hyperhidrosis, or at least reduce its manifestation. Do not forget about personal hygiene.

Also, as a symptomatic treatment, hormone replacement therapy, endoscopic sympathectomy, botox, iontophoresis, ultrasonic curettage, aspiration, laser and liposuction method are used. But these are often cardinal steps, which not everyone decides to take.

Can solve the problem or reduce its impact on human and traditional medicine. Making lotions, pastes, tinctures, decoctions and much more will not be difficult, will not harm your health and your wallet. Not the last role is played by modern cosmetics, including antiperspirants. Before starting self-treatment, consult a doctor and undergo the most complete examination for a number of possible diseases.

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