Why does a dog breathe very fast. The dog after childbirth breathes often with an open mouth

Undoubtedly, you want to see your four-legged friend cheerful and healthy. But what if the dog is breathing heavily? This symptom is often worrisome. Let's discuss what can cause heavy breathing in dogs and what to do in such cases.

The first important question - is it worth sounding the alarm at all? Here you need to know a couple of simple secrets.

If you put your hand on the chest of a dog, you can calculate the frequency of his breathing.

For adults, the norm is 10-30 breaths per minute, for puppies - 15-35, and aged dogs breathe 10-16 times per minute. It should also be taken into account that in adult bitches, in comparison with males, breathing is quickened.

And one more thing: pregnant and lactating bitches, as well as dogs of small breeds, breathe more often.

In a healthy dog, breathing changes throughout the day.

It is possible that in a dream the animal sighs heavily and wheezes in some strange way - most likely, he is just dreaming of something. There is no serious cause for concern here.

× But if your four-legged friend suddenly began to breathe heavily or rapidly, and he did not have physical exertion and stress, you should not hesitate or try to diagnose the dog yourself. This may be a signal of the presence of a disease, and a consultation with a specialist veterinarian is needed.

Why is the dog breathing heavily?

We tend to pay attention to the symptoms, while the most important thing is to eliminate the causes. It is at the causes that a competent veterinarian looks. Here is a list of the most common ones:

  • The dog has overheated or suffered from heat stroke.

  • Nervous excitement arose as a result of being in an unfamiliar place (for example, I got into a crowded place for the first time or rode in one of the modes of transport).

  • A heart attack is planned (especially often this happens in old animals).

  • Childbirth has begun, or lactation has begun, when the puppies strongly suck milk from their mother.

  • Difficult birth plus a large number of puppies.

  • Problems with the respiratory tract (obstruction occurred at the level of the main bronchi or higher).

  • Expansion and volvulus of the stomach

  • The dog was injured or injured in the chest due to a fight, a fall, or a collision with a car.

  • A foreign body has entered the trachea.

What should I do if my dog ​​is breathing heavily?

The owner rarely can cure the dog himself - unless he is a veterinarian. At the same time, there are several points that he can take into account while waiting for the doctor or on the way to the clinic.

  • If, in addition to heavy breathing, you observe other alarming symptoms - lethargy, anxiety, whining from pain - urgently call the veterinarian at home or very carefully take the dog to the clinic. Ideally, it should be around the clock - then there will be no risk of meeting a closed door.

  • At the beginning of labor in a dog, heavy breathing is the norm, but after them, especially if miscarriages were born, this may mean that not all puppies were born. She needs urgent surgery to rid her body of intoxication and prevent collapse. A sudden drop in blood pressure can lead to death.

  • During lactation, heavy breathing, combined with convulsions and clumsiness of movements, is very dangerous. These may be signs of eclampsia (a strong decrease in the level of calcium and glucose in the blood). If you do not urgently seek help, this can also lead to collapse and death.

  • With overheating and heatstroke - in addition to your dog breathing heavily - he may seek a cool place, drink a lot and refuse food. There may also be signs of disorientation. If this is the case, wipe the animal with cold water, give it a drink, and place a wet towel over its head.

  • Blue tongue and fainting may be the main symptoms of heart problems. In case of a heart attack, do not take the dog to the clinic, but call the doctor at home. While waiting for the doctor, place heating pads or bottles of warm water on your dog's paws and cover him. Every 4-6 hours, give an intramuscular injection of cordiamine, and in the case of an old animal, add more cocarboxylase.

  • If the dog is breathing heavily, but there are no other symptoms, a cardiac examination should be performed (ECG for large dog breeds, ECHO for small ones). So you can exclude or identify problems with the heart

  • Gastric dilatation and torsion (torsion) is most common in large breed dogs and is accompanied by rapid (within a few hours) abdominal enlargement. The dog experiences pain in the abdominal cavity and begins to behave uneasily, groans. The result is heavy breathing, sometimes accompanied by salivation, as well as unsuccessful attempts to vomit. The dog needs emergency surgery (within 4-6 hours), otherwise it will die.

  • In case of a chest injury, the animal must be carefully transported to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home.

  • To exclude or identify metastases, respiratory problems and heart disease, it is advisable to take an x-ray in frontal and lateral projection.

Remember that heavy breathing can be a symptom of dangerous diseases. Here you should not rely on your understanding of the situation, and you should not delay contacting a specialist. Your efficiency will help your beloved pet to be healthy, and probably even save his life.

The dog after childbirth breathes often with an open mouth

If you and your beloved pet are expecting offspring, then you, as the owner, should learn as much as possible about pregnancy and childbirth, as well as possible complications after childbirth. It's great if everything goes smoothly for the dog. However, it is better to be prepared, albeit theoretically, for any sudden situation.

One of the signs that can alert the owner is the rapid breathing of the dog after childbirth (especially if several days have passed). It is important to know why this pathology can develop and how to help your beloved four-legged family member.

Why does a dog breathe often after giving birth

How to understand that the frequency of respiratory movements in a dog is increased? Everything is extremely simple. First, you need to know the norm: on average, it is 10-30 times per minute (look at the “movement” of the ribs, you can put your palm on them). But remember that the smaller the dog, the faster it breathes (and the faster the heart beats).

Secondly, rapid breathing is always superficial (not full chest). The pet can open its mouth, stick out its tongue and breathe noisily. Again, such a symptom is hard not to notice, but why can this happen to an animal after childbirth?

You should know that sometimes rapid breathing after childbirth is the norm. This is due to the fact that there is a contraction of the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus) in order to give birth to the placenta ("children's places") and the formation of milk. Usually this state does not last long: about 15 minutes after the birth of the last puppy.

In other cases, rapid breathing may be associated with pathological processes occurring in the dog’s body weakened by childbirth. And it is extremely important for the owner to recognize as soon as possible that something is wrong with their beloved pet. This will allow you to seek qualified veterinary help in time and save the life of a four-legged family member.

  • The most common reasons why a dog breathes noisily after childbirth, often with an open mouth, is fear, stress, or elevated body temperature (after all, dogs do not have sweat glands, and the animal “cools down” with the help of the tongue and frequent breathing). However, it should be understood that these are not all reasons. Still quite often there is frequent breathing due to problems with the respiratory system: pulmonary edema, tracheitis or bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy).
  • There is another pathology that is already registered in lactating bitches - eclampsia. With it, the dog's concentration of glucose and calcium in the blood drops sharply, which can lead to the so-called milk fever. Convulsions begin, the pet trembles, and then the paws stretch out and become like wood. If the animal is not urgently provided with veterinary care, the pet may die due to asphyxia (suffocation).
  • Sometimes rapid breathing may be due to the fact that not all puppies were born. This is especially dangerous if the babies were born dead. If you carefully feel the stomach, you can find out if there are still puppies left inside or if all have already been born.

Be sure to check if there are any other symptoms. It will be a bad sign if a day after childbirth the body temperature rises to 40 degrees, blood discharge, vomiting, weakness, anemia appear, or, conversely, anemia of the skin and visible mucous membranes, and so on. If the dog, in addition to frequent breathing, has any other clinical signs, it is necessary to sound the alarm and urgently call the veterinarian at home or take the animal to the nearest veterinary clinic on your own.

What to do with a dog that breathes fast

If your beloved pet began to breathe often and noisily after childbirth, then you should not self-medicate. Yes, in some cases this condition is normal, the animal is just very tired, or the process of milk formation is taking place, as well as uterine contraction. However, sometimes rapid breathing is a serious symptom. And delaying the provision of veterinary care can be extremely dangerous for the life of a newly-made mom.

  1. In one case, infusion therapy using saline (glucose) and calcium will help. You can put droppers or inject subcutaneously or intramuscularly, provided that the calcium-containing preparation allows this method of administration. For example, calcium chloride is intended exclusively for intravenous administration, otherwise it causes necrosis (death) of tissues. But calcium borogluconate can be administered intramuscularly and subcutaneously.
  2. In another case, the use of antihistamines, antibiotics (if inflammation has begun) can help. If the animal is overheated (which often happens in summer or in a very stuffy room), then you can slightly open the window, ventilating the room. Just make sure that there is no draft, otherwise the newly-made mommy, along with the kids, can catch a cold.
  3. But remember that any treatment should be prescribed only by a veterinarian after an internal examination of the dog and confirmation of the diagnosis! Sometimes additional examinations are required: donate blood (best for biochemical analysis) and animal urine, ultrasound, ECG, X-ray examination. The more accurately you describe the symptoms (when and how it all started), the easier it will be for the veterinarian to diagnose and prescribe a quick and effective treatment that will save your pet's life.

By breathing a dog, you can determine its condition and suspect a particular disease. Find out why your dog is panting and what you can do to help your four-legged friend.

A dog's breathing can change throughout the day. So, a calm and healthy dog ​​breathes through the nose. The dog after running and in the heat breathes through the mouth and throws out the tongue, which allows it to increase the body's heat transfer. In a dream, one can observe such a situation that the dog is hoarse and sighs heavily. You should not run to the doctor, as in this case the animal is just dreaming of something.

But it is necessary to suspect something was wrong if the dog’s heavy breathing appeared suddenly or is already frequent, but noticeable only after physical exertion. It does not hurt to follow the dog's breathing rate. The respiratory rate for puppies is on average 15-35 breaths per minute, for adult dogs - 10-30 breaths per minute, for older dogs - 14-16 breaths per minute. The number of breaths that a dog takes directly depends not only on its condition, but also on its size. Large dog breeds take fewer breaths than small ones.

Heavy breathing in a dog can occur for a variety of reasons:

  • She could overheat and even get heatstroke.
  • The dog may be in nervous excitement, for example, in an unfamiliar place, in transport, at a veterinary clinic.
  • Mechanical damage is also possible: trauma or bruising of the chest in an accident, fall or as a result of a fight.
  • With overheating or in an old animal, panting may be associated with an incipient heart attack.
  • A pregnant bitch may begin to breathe heavily and frequently before the onset of labor. This can also happen during lactation, when the mother suckles heavily from the puppies.
  • Heavy breathing can also be associated with such critical situations:
    • airway obstruction and pulmonary edema;
    • gastric expansion and torsion;
    • difficult birth in a dog with a large number of puppies.

Pregnant bitches breathe heavily if the onset of labor is close. The health of the dog at the moment is not in danger, as heavy breathing is the norm. Heavy breathing after childbirth, especially if the puppies were stillborn, may indicate that there are still puppies left in the dog's womb. Take your dog to the vet immediately as the animal needs surgery.

Heavy breathing in a dog during lactation, which is accompanied by convulsions and clumsiness of movements, speaks of eclampsia. With eclampsia, the level of calcium and glucose in the blood is greatly reduced, and if the animal is not treated urgently, a collapse can occur that will lead to the death of your pet. Regardless of the time of day, when you notice changes in your dog's behavior, take him to the veterinary clinic immediately.

In the summer, dogs are often exposed to heatstroke, which causes heavy breathing. If the dog is overheated in the sun, then she is looking for a cool place, drinks a lot and refuses to eat. In the case of heat stroke, the animal is disoriented. To save the dog, it is necessary to wipe it with cold water and put a cold towel on its head. Give your dog water and then go to the vet.

Heavy breathing that is accompanied by shortness of breath, a dry and wheezing cough, and normal body temperature suggests that your dog has asthma. This disease is seasonal and may appear as a reaction to the flowering of certain plants. Only a doctor can treat asthma in dogs.

In cases where heavy breathing is accompanied by an increase in body temperature (the norm is up to 38.5 ° C), we can talk about respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy.

Heart failure and heart attack is another cause of heavy breathing in a dog. In addition, the main sign of heart problems in a dog is a blue tongue and fainting. If the dog has a seizure, do not take it to the clinic, but call the doctor at home. Until the doctor arrives, put heating pads or bottles of warm water on the dog's paws and cover the animal. In addition, it is necessary to give the dog an intramuscular injection of cordiamine every 4-6 hours, and an additional cocarboxylase for the old animal.

Pain in the abdominal region causes the dog to start breathing heavily. And the cause is torsion and expansion of the stomach. Another characteristic symptom of torsion and dilatation of the stomach is abdominal pain.

Tumors and polyps in the nasopharynx also lead to heavy breathing in the dog. Usually the disease develops gradually, and from time to time you can notice that the dog "grunts", snores in his sleep, and then his breathing becomes more and more difficult.

  • If the dog had a difficult birth, and even more so, dead puppies were born, the reason for the deterioration of her condition may be that she did not give birth to all the puppies. An urgent operation is needed to rid the bitch of intoxication of the body. In many cases, delay can cause a collapse that will lead to the death of the dog.
  • If there are no other symptoms, but the dog is breathing heavily in situations that are unnatural for her, a cardio examination should be performed (ECG for a large breed and ECHO of the heart for a small one). This will help rule out or identify heart problems that could be causing shortness of breath.
  • It is also desirable to make an x-ray in frontal and lateral projection in order to exclude or identify problems of metastasis, respiratory nature and, additionally, the heart.
  • Answers:


    Dogs do not have sweat glands; they cool themselves by breathing. The higher the temperature, the more intensively their air conditioner works. Look for a cooler place. The nose is usually warm and dry when sleeping.


    so breathing from the heat, try slightly dampening the wool. and vaccinations should have already been done without them it is dangerous to take them out into the street

    No data

    well, as far as I understand, his heartbeat is several times higher than yours, and his lung capacity is much smaller, of course, I’m not a zaologist, but it’s namal ... and his nose is warm because he sleeps))) - they all have it ...)))


    squeak in a personal! I'll help the vet!

    people, help! My puppy, when he sleeps heavily and breathes often, is this normal? Or what is it? (Labrador


    Marina Kutsenko

    Dogs in a dream also jerk their paws, as if they are rude. They also chew and smack funny. They see dreams. And if it really worries you, then go to the veterinarian. They will answer you there. (Veterinarians are often much more attentive than human doctors). Good luck in the difficult, but amazing and rewarding business - raising a dog!

    crazy angel

    If your house is hot, or warm enough, then this is normal ... Maybe he's dreaming about something. If something bothered him, he would let you know...

    Irina Irochka

    Dreaming of something....


    First measure the temperature, it is also possible that he is hot (unless, of course, he has lost his appetite and activity). If there are still other problems - the heart may be ...

    Mikhail Strakhov

    sleeps and even more so breathes, it will stop well, it will be bad


    he must be hot

    Sonya Nazarova

    probably the baby was scared of something .... usually it happens .... maybe something unusual happened in his life and he sees it in a dream

    Why does a dog breathe often in a dream and shudder all the time?! .. sometimes with sound accompaniment.



    dreams - he runs after a cat or from a pack of dogs)))


    sees dreams


    I once had a dog, a boxer. But what bothered me was not that she shuddered in her sleep and often breathed, but that the dog farted quite loudly and smelly. For this, I beat him with a slipper, but he still farted, scoffed, brute!

    little fox

    she is dreaming

    Ours also does)
    sometimes even in a dream, it’s like running somewhere) probably for cats))

    Went to a monastery :3

    Because she dreams. For example, delicious food Chappi - dog food hearty meat lunch (meat abundance)

    Anton Kalashnikov

    Dreaming of something terrible.

    Irina Merezhko

    Dreaming of something.

    Mademoiselle Danielle

    Yes, she is dreaming. Either he is running somewhere, then he sees something from what he has experienced recently.

    Alexandra Tyulikhova

    of course I’m dreaming) there’s mine how it growls in a dream, then whines))) all dogs have this way))) all the same, they’re alive))))


    She must be dreaming about something. mine does the same thing in my sleep

    So why

    this is a friend of his ask what worries.

    [email protected]

    She's dreaming.)

    We took a kitten today, active, playing, etc. But in a dream he often breathes, goes limp and his eyes roll back. Wake up - normal.



    "But in a dream he often breathes, goes limp and his eyes roll back."
    Why are you disturbing your kitten's sleep? during REM sleep, you behave the same way. .
    and cats move their eyes in their sleep - and when they are woken up, they really don’t like it.

    in a person:
    REM sleep phases make up 20-25% of a night's sleep, about 90-120 minutes, one phase lasts 10-20 minutes and alternates with a slow-wave sleep phase. During REM sleep, larger muscle groups are relaxed and brain activity is activated. In this phase, an intense, with increasing amplitude, movement of the eyeballs is observed.

    Dmitry Shekhovtsov

    Do not worry. You sleep, about the same, he also has dreams.

    Olechka Dunaeva

    Maybe dreaming of something. Animals in a dream are very restless. In my dream, my dog ​​sometimes moves its paws at a frantic speed, as if it is catching up with someone, shudders, whines and barks!)

    Count de Wall

    Look at yourself while you sleep!
    Stop terrorizing the kitten.

    Smith JJ

    Maybe it's just hot. the main thing is that after sleep he runs and frolic!

    "darth SION"



    cats sleep like that. even fun to watch :)

    Peter Vodkin

    Just a little more. And then do not forget that they also have different dreams.

    alexey basalaev

    Seeing mother in a dream

    Alexey Korenkov

    Everything is fine. . I have a cat since childhood and still sleeps like this. . Sometimes you pick it up and it feels like there are no bones. . And everything will turn out fine. . Even funny. .))

    natalia yabloshevskaya

    Probably just a tiny one! Tired!

    @_Looking [email protected]

    He's so crazy about it.

    Elizabeth Parshina

    call the vet clinic and ask
    they'll tell you for sure)

    Anka Denisova

    since the kitten is still small, it means that he draws new information most of the day and learns a lot of new things. And that means his dreams will be rich!
    When you had a busy, impressionable day - you also sleep restlessly)

    Why do dogs breathe quickly?



    Why do dogs breathe quickly? When people are hot, millions of tiny sweat glands deep in their skin produce sweat that evaporates into the air and thus cools the skin. However, dogs have very few sweat glands. Therefore, in order to cool themselves, they breathe very quickly - this produces a similar effect. Rapid breathing creates a strong current of air, which removes moisture from the lungs and the dog's mouth. Evaporating moisture carries away some of the dog's body heat. Like a sweaty human, a fast-breathing dog usually needs to drink water to maintain adequate fluid levels and keep the body cool in hot weather.


    Olga Zayarnova

    hot, stress, pain

    crazy angel

    Because they are hot...


    their heart beats twice as fast


    They breathe often when they are hot. They do not have sweat glands. Cooled through the tongue.


    hot, stress, fear


    They generally have a very high respiration rate. And the heartbeat is higher .. and the temperature .. and it's hot in their homes

    Sometimes the dog can notice rapid breathing. Perhaps this is just overheating in the hot summer period, which is considered the norm. Or maybe a more serious problem that can affect the life of the animal. Dyspnea - shortness of breath, this is a violation of the frequency and depth of breathing and is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air. In dogs, the syndrome manifests itself quite often. This is a serious problem, because it leads to disruptions in the supply of oxygen to the entire body. Shortness of breath occurs due to fluid filling the lungs or chest cavity.

    At rest, dogs take 10 to 30 breaths per minute. Of course, this depends on the size, sex and age of the dog. Changes in respiratory rate occur after physical exertion, or active movement, as well as in the summer, when the temperature rises significantly and breathing can increase up to 160 breaths. An indicator of rapid breathing can also be overexcitation or instability of the nervous system.

    Rapid breathing is considered normal and is not a deviation in the health of the pet:

    • in a state of fear, rage, joy;
    • while visiting unfamiliar places, travel in transport;
    • at the appointment of a veterinarian, after vaccination or taking a drug, in the postoperative period;
    • during sexual hunting, pregnancy and childbirth;
    • during the period of active actions, physical activity, walking;
    • after taking a large amount of food;
    • during sun exposure.

    What you need to know! Hormones have an effect on a dog's breathing rate. So, for example, during stress there is a surge of adrenaline into the blood (fear), hydrocortisone (feeling of anxiety), norepinephrine (feeling of anger). Therefore, during such a hormonal release, the dog's body requires active oxygen saturation, and it begins to breathe frequently.

    Breathing is restored quickly as soon as the cause of the increased oxygen consumption is eliminated.

    Indicators of the norm of respiratory rate, pulse and body temperature in dogs

    When can increased breathing be considered a deviation?

    If the dog began to breathe more often, while she was in minimal activity or in a completely calm state, perhaps this behavior may be a clear symptom of some kind of pathology. If the animal does not show interest in your actions, is in a state of apathy and at the same time breathes frequently, making noises when breathing, then the dog should be taken to the veterinarian and a diagnostic examination should be carried out. Only some breeds of dogs have anatomical features, for example, pugs have a special structure of the muzzle, so their sniffling and snoring is considered normal and should not disturb the owner. The sudden appearance of rapid breathing may be a violation of the respiratory system, or other very serious pathologies.

    Causes of rapid breathing

    There are many causes of pathological dyspnea:

    • problems with the cardiovascular system (large breeds of dogs, such as the Doberman Pinscher, Great Dane, are predisposed to cardiomyopathy - primary myocardial damage);
    • deviations in the pulse rate;
    • lung diseases;
    • tumors in the respiratory system (for example, often located in boxer dog lung cancer);
    • with an infectious lesion of the body, developing pneumonia;
    • airway obstruction (small breeds - for example, Yorkshire terrier, Spitz, Chihuahua - suffer from tracheal collapse);
    • damage to the chest, in which bleeding fills the entire pleural cavity (hemothorax) or the lungs fill with fluid (hydrothorax);
    • deviations in the work of the central nervous system, with neoplasms of the brain or head injuries;
    • postoperative period with complications;
    • brachycephalic breeds, breeding dogs in the course of targeted selection with the fixation of a certain trait - a specific head shape with a short muzzle (dogs of the Pekingese, pug, bulldog breeds). Dogs have congenital pathologies of dyspnea - narrowing of the nostrils, elongation of the soft palate, or are predisposed to a variety of diseases of the upper respiratory system.

    Rapid breathing is not always a sign of a serious illness, sometimes it may indicate that a foreign body is stuck in the respiratory system. Anemia can also be the cause of rapid breathing, because the body does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and tissues and organs are not enriched. During a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, the dog can breathe much more often than usual.

    What you need to know! In some situations, the appearance of rapid breathing provokes pulmonary edema, which was caused by weakness of the heart muscle, which in this case is a vicious circle.


    By the behavior of the dog, you can always understand whether dyspnea will be a normal manifestation or a deviation in the state of health. If you notice:

    • restlessness, the animal trembles;
    • inhalation and exhalation is given to the dog with difficulty;
    • breathing occurs with an open mouth;
    • cough, wheezing during breathing, rapid breathing;
    • gums, lips and tongue have acquired a bluish tint;
    • lack of appetite and weight loss;
    • vomiting, loose stools;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • disorientation in space;
    • the animal behaves apathetically;
    • an unnatural posture is taken - an elongated neck, legs apart, the animal is not able to take a lying position.

    If at least some of the above symptoms are observed in a dog, then you should immediately visit a veterinary clinic.

    Features of treatment

    In a veterinary clinic, a complete diagnostic examination will be performed to determine the cause of dyspnea. The focus of the examination is primarily on the heart and lungs. Thoracic X-ray, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram are mandatory. Blood pressure is measured, and blood is collected for a detailed biochemical analysis, the level of hormones in the blood.

    The veterinarian, having familiarized himself with all the results of the study, will make a diagnosis and only after that will prescribe treatment.

    With respiratory dyspnea, the dog's body is supplied with oxygen, further treatment is carried out according to the type of disease.

    With rapid breathing, which is caused by disorders of the central nervous system, the diagnosis is carried out similar to a cardiogenic type examination, but it is better to undergo magnetic resonance imaging. If during the postpartum period the dyspnea of ​​the animal does not go away within a day, contact your veterinarian immediately, otherwise the dog may die.

    What you need to know! You need to act very quickly when rapid breathing is a manifestation of pneumonia or asthma, because acute shortness of breath proceeds rapidly. Excess fluid accumulation is treated with antihistamines or, in rare cases, steroids.

    Anemia is eliminated by regulating the dog's diet and adding a vitamin complex to the diet to increase hemoglobin in the blood.


    Depending on the diagnosis, the following remedies are used for shortness of breath:

    • heart preparations, glycosides (Digoxin - 0.003-0.011 mg / kg every 12 hours, Strofantin-K - intravenously with a solution of 5-10% glucose 0.00005-0.0005 g, Korglikon - 0.1-1.0 ml depending on weight);

    • drugs that regulate the respiratory system (Gentamicin - 0.6 ml / 10 kg 2 times a day, Ceftriaxone - administered 20-40 mg / kg 1 r. per day);

    • vasodilators (enalapril - 0.5 mg / kg 1 time per day, Benazepril 0.25-0.5 mg / kg 1 time per day);

    • painkillers (Ketonal - 1 mg / kg per day; Kaprofen - 0.2-0.4 mg / kg per day);

    • detoxifiers (Detox - intravenously or subcutaneously at a dose of 1 ml / 10 kg 1 time per day);
    • antipyretics (Previcox - 5 mg / kg 1 time per day), anti-shock drugs (Prednisolone - 1 mg / kg 2 times a day; Dexamethasone - 1-1.5 ml / kg intravenously 1 time per day);

    • blood substitutes and iron-containing solutions (Ferran - 0.2 ml / kg intramuscularly);
    • diuretics (Furosemide - 4-8 mg intravenously or intramuscularly every 1-2 hours, Torasemide - 0.2 mg / kg 2 times a day).

    What you need to know! A state of shock is a condition that rapidly lowers blood pressure and is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of shock types - rapid breathing. By eliminating the state of shock, you can improve the functioning of the respiratory system. For this, adrenaline therapy, infusion therapy, diuretics, corticosteroids, analgesics are used. A dog with tachypnea (shallow breathing) should be monitored because breathing may not return to normal without medical attention.

    First aid for shortness of breath

    There are situations when it is not possible to immediately deliver a pet to a veterinarian. The unsatisfactory condition of the dog pushes the owner to provide first aid, without which the animal may die. If the dog's breathing has increased due to stress, then the first action that will benefit is to establish complete rest. The dog should be placed in a well-ventilated room to allow fresh air to flow, but not drafty. Next, be sure to call the veterinarian and do not try to give the pet medication on your own, as this can only complicate the situation and further treatment.

    What you need to know! Do not try to forcefully lay, water and feed your pet when he has experienced deep stress. Cool water can develop inflammation, swelling, or air in the lungs because the temperature of the fluid and the temperature of the internal organs are different.

    If the condition of the dog allows you to independently transport it to the veterinary clinic, then immediately you need to show it to a specialist. The advantage will be that the clinic will immediately diagnose and precious time will not be lost. The specialist will examine the animal and offer to use an oxygen mask to enrich the dog's body with oxygen. If this method of approach proves to be ineffective, then surgical intervention may be performed.

    Experienced owners always have a first aid kit, it should appear even when purchasing a puppy. So, in case of problems with the respiratory system, the pet is given emergency aid.

    The sequence of actions with rapid breathing:

    Therapy at home

    When the dog's life is not in danger, you can do without hospitalization and treat it at home. In order for the treatment to be effective, and the pet is on the mend, you must strictly follow the instructions of the veterinarian:

    • the dog must have free access to water so that there is no dehydration of the body, it must drink water;
    • strictly follow the treatment regimen that was prescribed by the veterinarian;
    • regularly bring the pet to the appointment with a specialist;
    • do not use drugs that you yourself found in the treatment regimen, this can kill the animal;
    • If your pet is breathing rapidly after spaying or other surgery, call your veterinarian. It is better to clarify and obtain information, the consequences, what nature this condition is - the restoration of the body, or signs of complications.


    The appearance of any disease can be prevented, while you just need to follow the rules and regulations for keeping your pet.

    You need to know! Diseases of the pulmonary system mainly appear against the background of an infectious infection, while it does not matter at all - the real development of the disease or the exacerbation of another disease. Therefore, the prevention of respiratory diseases will be to protect the dog from the presence of an infectious environment.

    In the spring, dogs may experience an exacerbation of allergic reactions when plants and trees bloom. If during this period the dog felt worse, you should strive to find the cause of the disease and try to eliminate it. Remember, there are no serious pathologies that lead to rapid breathing that can be cured at home without visiting a veterinarian.

    Video - About rapid breathing in dogs

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