Why does a kitten shit on the bed. What to do if the cat started to shit on the bed, possible causes The cat pissed on the bed what to do

The kitten shits on the bed - what could be the reasons for this behavior? It is generally accepted that a pet that has arrived at a new place of residence necessarily marks the territory. And although the bed is a rather non-standard place, he can also mark it.

The main causes of marks on the bed

The reasons why a kitten shits on the bed can be different. It is worth noting that already grown kids are doing this.

And the protest becomes the most widespread. In this way, the pet shows its displeasure. The second option: to protest against something by shitting in the shoes of the owner. For example, the cat was not allowed to use the wall of the sofa as a scratching post, and thus she "revenged" the person.

A kitten can shit in the owner's bed when under stress. And any unusual situation for him can become such. A pet that has been living in the family for quite a long time may perceive the appearance of a second animal, for example, a puppy or another cat, as a competitor that takes away some of its owner's love from it. This behavior - after the animal gets used to the new friend and does not perceive it as a competitor - will pass. This will take some time, but it is possible that the kitten will continue to shit out of habit.

Another reason why a kitten shits on a person’s bed is that he has a disease. In most situations, these are pathologies of the urinary system, accompanied by painful sensations when the bladder is empty. Then the animal stops going to the tray, and crap in soft places. At the same time, he spoils not out of harm and a desire to take revenge, but because of his illness.

The third reason why the kitten began to shit on the bed lies in its age. Very often people take small Murziks to sleep with them.

And waking up at night, he does not immediately understand where the tray is. And he shits in the nearest place - directly on the bed. But he moves away from where he sleeps. This can also happen if the Murzilka played and forgot. The pet also “walks” on the bed because it is afraid to jump from a height.

How to wean a kitten to write on the master's bed

How to wean a kitten to shit on the bed? What can be done in such a situation? First of all, it is necessary to establish the true reason for such behavior. Beating and throwing an animal into the street is not an option.

It is advisable to show the pet to a qualified specialist who will prescribe him an examination and be able to make a diagnosis. And if the problem of using the master's bed as a toilet is purely medical in nature, then it can resolve itself after the treatment.

Do not put off a visit to the veterinarian until a later date in the hope that the baby will start using the tray. The disease can progress, and the condition - and with it the behavior of the cat - only worsen. That is why a visit to the veterinarian is the first thing recommended to do in this case.

The second way is to arrange several trays in different rooms at once in different places. For backfilling, it is desirable to use different fillers. It is possible that the cat does not like the smell or he prefers to walk just on the net. If this method does not solve the problem, then it is necessary to exclude the stress factor.

The kitten begins to shit on the things of the owners, being stressed. The reason may be the appearance of a second pet in the house.

In such a situation, you need to wait until they get used to each other and then, which is very likely, the fluffy will begin to relieve himself in the tray.

If stress is the cause, the kitten may be prescribed mild sedatives. But the veterinarian should select drugs that will help in calming the nervous system of the cat, and only after examining the pet.

Small pets bring a lot of joy, but sometimes troubles can happen. Especially a lot of trouble appears when the baby turns the master's bed into a toilet. In this case, how to wean a kitten to write on the bed becomes a very relevant issue.

The reasons

The most common reasons why a cat starts to write not in the tray, but in the owner's bed:

  • Dirty tray. If the cat began to write on the bed, then this may be due to insufficient cleanliness of the tray. The animal instinctively spoils in a certain place, so as not to spread odors and not pollute the home. An unclean litter box forces the cat to misbehave in places that are most convenient for this from her point of view.
  • Cleaning the tray at least once every 7 days will help prevent problems. Do not wash the cat litter with odorous products, as this may lead to the rejection of the tray.
  • Physiology of the animal. The cause of puddles and heaps in the most unexpected places can be diseases of the animal. Look at the color of your urine and how often you urinate. If necessary, you will need to take tests and do an ultrasound. A correct diagnosis will allow you to save your pet from the disease and at the same time wean it from a bad habit.
  • Age. A small kitten gets used to his toilet only at the age of one and a half months. An adult pet begins to do its business where it is more convenient for it in most cases due to the inconvenience of the tray, for example, if it has too high sides. Replacing the cat litter with a more convenient option will correct the current situation.
  • Change of residence. Moving for a cat is stressful, everything new causes fear, and the owner's bed is familiar and comfortable. Patiently showing the tray to the pet will help solve the problem.
  • Moreover, for the cat litter, you need to choose the most comfortable place from the point of view of the animal. The tray should be located away from drafts and places where people constantly walk. The pet should also like the filler, because if the blanket on the bed suits the cat much more, then she will start to shit on him.
  • Discord with other pets living in the house. Several animals living in the same territory invariably begin to find out who is in charge in the house. The cat begins to pee in the owner's bed, showing leadership, seeking protection or complaining of oppression. If a dog lives in the house, then the cat may begin to move away from communicating with her to the owner's bed.
  • Attachment of a cat to one of the people. This is rare, but when the owner leaves, the animal begins to get bored and the owner's bed becomes his favorite place. As a result, the cat shits on her, thus feeling closeness with a person - this calms her down.
  • Sometimes a pet in a similar way demonstrates how much she misses. Punishment in this case is meaningless, isolation of the animal from the owner's bed will help.
  • Cat place. If an animal has chosen, for example, a sofa as its place, and the owners are constantly driven out of there, then, not finding another place, the owner’s bed becomes the most suitable option for the cat.
  • The cat marks the territory. The struggle for territory is inherent in nature; in this case, only sterilization or castration can wean off writing on the bed. Thanks to this procedure, the behavior of the animal changes dramatically.
  • Character. The reason that the pet begins to write or shit in the master's bed can be jealousy. For example, if a lonely person has a soul mate, this can be understood by the animal as a betrayal. Sometimes, if there are other pets, the cat will pee, just to replace their scent with her own.

How to wean

There are several more ways to wean a cat to shit or pee in the master's bed.:

  • cats do not like the aroma of citrus fruits, if the linen smells like lemon, orange or grapefruit, the animal does not climb into bed;
  • fix foil on the bed (cats like to do their business in silence) or plastic bags that rustle a lot, the cat will pee, but after that she is unlikely to like walking with wet paws and she will stop mischief;
  • some pets do not want to shit and pee in one tray, so you should equip another cat litter box.

Today I will talk about a rather piquant problem - why the cat shits on the bed, and not in the tray, as expected. I will consider the causes of bad behavior, and ways to deal with it until bad behavior has become normal for the animal.

Cats are very clean animals, for which it is important to maintain cleanliness and order in their habitat, according to their feline standards. Therefore, they are easily accustomed to the tray with filler.

In their natural habitat, cats carefully bury feces.

This is necessary so that a large predator does not find them and does not frighten off the intended prey in its territory.

This explains the high requirements for the cleanliness of the tray in the conditions of apartment keeping of domestic cats.


Cats are gentle and vulnerable creatures, any stress causes them to change their behavior, regardless of what the stress was caused by. If a cat shits in the wrong place, it is quite possible that she is stressed.

During stress, the pet commits indecencies with the master's bed, thereby showing his displeasure.

Stress can cause a change of residence, the appearance of a child in the family, another pet, punishment from the owner. She can write in the wrong place. It is especially true if the animal has been the objects of adoration of the owners since childhood.

Tray changes

Dirty litter box, new, new litter, in a different place - all this can move a pet to defecate not where it's supposed to be, but where you shouldn't defecate.

And the owner's bed becomes the object.

Diseases of the excretory system

Inflammatory processes in the intestines, bladder and kidneys make cats lethargic, lethargic. They lie on the bed a lot, well-fed in peace and quiet, abstracting from the outside world. At the same time, painful sensations in the abdomen drown out the urge to go to the toilet and, having forgotten, reads to piss in the place of his rookery.


Valid for females.

During estrus, cats become more impulsive, more excited.

Some females pee in the wrong places during the hunt in order to call potential suitors to them.

little kittens

Toddlers from a young age are taught to go to the diaper to piss, for big and small and small needs, as this makes it easier for owners to clean up after kittens.

If the cat is not taught to go to the toilet in time, defecation on soft surfaces becomes a habit, from which it is very difficult to wean the animal later.

Old age

Unfortunately, with age, cats undergo changes both in the body and in psychology.

Forgetting, an elderly pet can shit on a person’s bed.

Expert advice on how to wean a cat to shit on the bed

It is not difficult to wean from the habit of pissing on the bed at the initial stages, when such behavior has not yet been fixed in understanding the norm for a pet.

Expert advice - first of all, you need to understand what caused the change in behavior:

  • In the case of the tray, more time should be devoted to its hygiene. Return the old type of filler, the old toilet, if the pet refuses to innovate. Return the tray to its original location. If it is not possible to frequently change the filler, you can put a second one nearby so that the pet has somewhere to go to pee.
  • If the animal is stressed, then the owner should spend more time with her. It is important for her to feel the love and affection of her master. Over time, she will realize that she was wrong and will again begin to visit the tray, as before.
  • During estrus, there are two options: mating with a cat or spaying.
  • If you suspect a pathology of the internal organs, show the veterinarian for the recovery of the animal.
  • Help old animals: periodically take them to the tray if the pet, for health reasons, cannot reach it on its own or simply forgets, or put it closer to its bed.
  • Small kittens start before two months of age.

It is necessary to re-educate when the changes have just begun, until this has become the norm of her behavior.

What to do if no methods help

In the case when no methods help to correct the behavior of the cat, it means that the occasions to go to the toilet on the bed are on the list of what is permitted, and she simply does not understand what exactly they want from her.

  1. Limit the pet's stay on the bed - scare it away from the bed, and before leaving for work, cover the bed with polyethylene.
  2. Consult with experienced philologists and zoopsychologists to identify the exact cause of the addiction to piss outside the tray and jointly take measures to eliminate it.
  3. To re-accustom to going to the tray, like a little kitten - to punish and scold, but without fanaticism. Some time after such treatment of the cat, she will realize that she was wrong. It is also necessary to praise her when she relieved herself in the right place.

The correct approach to eliminating bad behavior in a cat speeds up the resolution of the problem.

But at the same time, it is important not to injure the animal with a rude appeal to it - after all, they are very gentle creatures.

The appearance of a new family member in the house is always a very important decision and a responsible step. It would seem that you have gathered your strength, are ready to take care of your pet and give him your love. However, new owners often face problems that can become insurmountable. If a cat or cat pees on the bed, sooner or later this may lead to the fact that the owner will be forced to get rid of the animal. And you can understand him in this - who likes to change bed linen and dry the mattress every time? In addition, cat urine has a very persistent smell that is difficult to get rid of. But everything can be corrected and the habit can be completely eradicated if you know the reason for this behavior of the animal. In this article, we’ll talk about why a cat pees in the owner’s bed and how to deal with it once and for all.

Why does a cat pee on the bed?

To cope with the problem, you need to clearly know the cause of its occurrence, otherwise you will not be able to completely eradicate the habit. So, here are the main physiological factors that provoke a cat to such behavior.

  1. "Marks" the territory. This is one of the biggest reasons why a cat may pee on the bed. In this case, it is more difficult with cats that mark their territory constantly, throughout their lives. A cat can only pee on the bed during estrus to call the male with her scent. Pay attention to whether the animal only poops in bed or it happens throughout the house. As a rule, marks are placed in many corners, and the bed is just another marked place. To cope with such a problem is possible only radically - castration or sterilization. Especially in the case of cats, because it is very difficult to constantly fight with natural instincts. For cats, you can find a temporary solution - give her special hormonal pills. They suppress the desire to breed and protect the owner from all sorts of consequences - marks and anxiety of the animal. Remember that it is much better to spay or castrate a pet before the start of estrus in females and before the first estrus in males. Remember that after castration, a cat may mark its territory for several more weeks until its hormonal levels calm down. Sometimes the cause of urinary incontinence in a cat can be an incorrectly performed sterilization procedure, but then the cat will write everywhere, not only on the bed. If this condition does not go away within a few days after surgery, you should definitely see the doctor who performed the procedure.
  2. Cystitis. This is another common reason that the cat began to write in the owner's bed. Especially if this happened not with a kitten, but with a completely adult female, who had not allowed herself this before. With cystitis, urination becomes painful, so the cat, fearing these painful sensations, is looking for a more comfortable place to relieve itself. In this case, a soft host bed becomes the best option. It is not difficult to check the pet's health - take the animal to the veterinary clinic, where they will take a urine test and do an ultrasound of the bladder. If the bladder is inflamed, this will be quickly identified. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostic methods. By the way, the reason may be not only in cystitis, but also in urolithiasis. It is your duty to take care of a cat during an illness, you should not give up a pet during this difficult period for him.
  3. Tray problems. A cat is a very clean animal and will not go to a dirty and smelly toilet. It often happens that a cat pees in bed just because you haven't changed its tray for a long time. The filler should be changed daily, even if you think it is clean. If this is not possible, it is necessary to teach the cat to go to the toilet or to special trays with a net. Sometimes the filler does not become contaminated, but becomes compacted due to long storage. In this case, you need to loosen the toilet. A cat or cat may refuse to go to the litter box if you have bought a new litter with an unfamiliar smell, texture or shape. If you are only removing "dried" lumps of litter, then do not forget to completely clean the litter box once a week, wash it and fill it with a fresh portion of cat litter. This will help you avoid unpleasant surprises in your own bed.

These are the main physiological reasons why a cat is simply forced to go to the wrong place, but to shit in bed. But what if all possible physiological causes are ruled out?

Why does a cat pee on the bed - behavioral features

A cat or a cat is a wayward creature, this animal does not like it when something is done against its will. Here are a few reasons that can provoke a pet to such behavior.

  1. Boredom. Very often, a cat pees on the bed, just because he misses his owner. As a rule, in this way she shows her good attitude, as if “mixing” her smell with the smell of the owner. As a rule, this happens when a person is absent for a long time. Some experts believe that in this way the cat tries to "lure" the person home.
  2. Jealousy. Cats are able to acutely feel jealousy, especially if a new person appears in the most intimate place - in the owner's bed. The appearance of the second half in the house is often regarded as a betrayal - the animal is trying to protect its territory. That is why cats and cats mark the bed, exactly from the side where the uninvited guest sleeps.
  3. Competition. Often, incidents happen in a house where several cats live, and it’s not at all a shortage of trays and clean litter. Quarrels constantly arise between several pets, which reveal the strongest and most important. Sometimes for a cat, pissing in bed is an indicator that she has chosen the highest located “toilet”. After all, the bed is very comfortable for cats - it absorbs well, is soft, you can “bury” the remains of life in it, etc. Often, strangled cats, who are simply afraid of being attacked in the tray, relieve themselves on the bed. On the bed, the cat can relax, the "approaches of enemies" are clearly visible from above, etc.
  4. Textile. Sometimes a cat is attracted to a certain blanket or sheet, especially if the material is not only light, but also does not catch the cat's sharp claws. As a rule, this indicates any inconvenience in the tray. In this case, it is worth getting rid of this textile, at least for a while.
  5. Stress. If you move or change the litter box, an adult cat may not get used to the new thing right away. And he can go to the owner's bed - because he smells like a loved one. To avoid this, try not to throw away old trays, even if they look unsightly. You need to change the tray competently and gradually.

It is important to understand that a puddle in a bed is not always an intentional dirty trick that a cat does out of spite. In most cases, this is a consequence of certain reasons that you should be aware of.

First of all, you need to analyze all the events that have occurred in the house recently. If the incident is not repeated for the first time, and there are no obvious reasons for such behavior, you should think about castration or sterilization of the animal. Such an operation solves many problems that may arise in the future. If the animal is neutered, be sure to take the cat to the veterinarian in order to check her health. With diseases of the urinary system, she becomes lethargic, restless, may refuse to eat. With cystitis, a cat meows plaintively during urination, as the process causes her pain. If you notice blood in your urine, this means that you need to see a doctor immediately. As a rule, the owner sees a change in the behavior of the animal during the illness and can associate a wet bed with a diagnosis.

If the cat remains cheerful and cheerful, most likely, the matter is in the condition of the tray. Remember that the tray should be convenient and comfortable for the animal. First of all, it must be large, at least as large as the size of the cat's body, so that the pet can easily dig there and bury the remains of its life. The tray should be in a secluded and quiet place, the cat will not relieve himself in front of everyone. Do not place the tray in a drafty or noisy environment. Some cats are so shy that they will like a covered litter box with walls and a roof. You can not wash the tray with disinfectants with a strong smell - sometimes this is the reason that the cat refuses to defecate in the usual place. It is enough to rinse the tray with water and wipe with dry cloths. If there is more than one cat in the house, there should be at least 2 or even 3 trays. This will save the animals from obvious competition.

As soon as you notice that the cat has shit on the bed, you should carefully wash all soiled textiles. Sheets, blankets and pillows should be washed, the mattress should be dry-cleaned if possible. After thoroughly getting rid of stains, it is necessary to treat the “marked” area with special products that can be bought at a pharmacy. They scare away the cat, she will not shit in places treated with similar compounds. Citrus fruits can be a home analogue of such remedies. Leave a dried piece of orange peel on the bed, the cat will bypass the bed and no longer shit there. Be sure to change the bedding and bedspread - do not just wash it, but use other blankets with a different fabric texture. If there was a silk bed, replace it with a cotton one; instead of a terry blanket, you can use satin bedspreads.

How to wean a cat to shit in bed?

When you see an unpleasant surprise in bed, try to contain your anger and do not hit the animal - this will only increase the cat's possible stress, this will exacerbate the problem. Animals perfectly understand the intonation of aggression and anger. Scold your pet and show with your attitude that you are not happy with him - the cat understands everything perfectly. If the animal has experienced stress associated with the appearance of a child in the house, a new person or a move, you need to give the pet sedative herbal preparations. The animal will come to its senses a little and the behavior will improve. If you brought a wife or husband into the house, invite the new family member to make friends with the cat - play with it and feed the pet. Over time, relations will improve, the animal will understand that there is no threat, and jealousy will gradually pass.

Make sure that the door to the litter box is always open so that the cat has access to its litter box. Take your cat to bed with you more often when playing and petting. This clean animal will quickly realize that this is a place to sleep and spend time together, you can’t shit in bed. In especially difficult cases, when you cannot control the animal throughout the day, you can cover the bed with a film. You will not only protect the bed from defecation, but also make such a “toilet” uncomfortable for the cat. Rustling and lack of absorption will cause the cat to give up its intentions. The most difficult thing is for owners who are away from home for a long time, being on business trips and departures. Indeed, in this case, the cat shits in bed simply because it misses the person. To solve the problem, you need to give the animal in good hands for the time of departure or get a second pet, with whom it will not be so dull.

If a kitten shits in bed, this is only because you have not yet accustomed the baby to the rules of behavior in a new house. If an adult cat is shitting, there is a serious reason behind this that needs to be identified, sometimes with the help of a veterinarian and an experienced breeder. Remember that aggression will not bring a solution to the problem, and patience, care, attention and observation will help you restore peace and cleanliness in the house.

Video: why does a cat pee on the bed of one of the family members?

Often, in addition to pleasant communication with your favorite fluffy creature, the owner may encounter inappropriate pet behavior in the form of piles and puddles on the bed. Such an unpleasant phenomenon usually causes a negative reaction in households. There are several reasons why a cat shits on the bed. In order to wean the animal from such a bad habit and prevent such surprises in the future, it is necessary to carefully understand what prompted the animal to such actions.

Read in this article

Main reasons

There are quite objective reasons that the animal suddenly changed the place of the toilet, which have nothing to do with the concepts of revenge or resentment. It is a big mistake to believe that a pet takes revenge on the household for something or does it out of spite.

No matter how wayward the cat is, the explanation for bad behavior is usually psycho-emotional in nature or related to the health of the animal. The reasons why cats shit on the owner's bed, veterinarians and experienced breeders consider the following:

  • Unsanitary cat litter box. Fluffy beauties are very sensitive to the cleanliness of their toilet. It is important for the animal that there is no smell of its excrement. This is due to genetically determined behavioral factors. To prevent a predator from finding a cat, or a potential victim not to find an animal in advance, members of the feline family carefully bury their feces and urine.

Therefore, the first thing, having found a puddle or a pile on his bed, the owner needs to inspect the tray for its cleanliness.

  • Replacement of the type of filler or its absence. Often, animals, having found a completely different filler in their tray, do not want to relieve themselves in an unfamiliar composition. By choosing to litter-less litter-training for their pet, the owner may also witness their bed being used as a litter box. Thus, the animal is trying to draw attention to the fact that not everything is in order with its tray.
  • Stress. Often the cause of inappropriate behavior of a cat is psycho-emotional stress associated, for example, with the appearance in the house of a small child, a new family member, or another pet. Stress arises when moving to a new home, with rough handling of a cat. In animals that have not seen children, a psycho-emotional failure is possible due to close attention to it.
  • The reason why the cat began to shit on the bed is often health problems.. So, puddles in the master's bed may appear as a result. Soreness during urination leads to the fact that the cat avoids its usual place of the toilet, associating pain with it, and begins to spoil, including on the bed of its beloved owner. In the event that the pet suffers from chronic intestinal diseases, the owner may find an unpleasant surprise in his bed in the form of cat feces.
  • During mating periods, a hormonal surge in the body pushes pets to inappropriate actions from the point of view of household members. The reason that during this period a cat or a cat can shit in bed is the desire of the animal to mark the territory with its smell.
  • The reason why a cat shits on a person’s bed can be old age. This situation is exacerbated by multiple chronic diseases in old age. Aging animals may lose previously acquired skills, including often forgetting their litter box and beginning to defecate on blankets and pillows.

The mating season and a dirty tray can cause inappropriate pet behavior

The reason for toilet dirty tricks is often the elementary forgetfulness of the household, who closed the animal's access to the tray. Being conservative, cats can shit in the wrong place even due to changing the old tray to a new one, moving it a couple of centimeters. In this regard, the owner must carefully analyze all changes in the life of the pet and identify the cause of incorrect behavior.

For information on what causes the cat to shit on the bed, see this video:

The group of animals that mischief most often

Although the reasons for unauthorized use of the owner's bed are general, owners should be aware of which animals are potentially susceptible to behavioral disturbances:

Especially often such slips occur in kittens, which were lined with diapers and other fabric materials in their nest. And until the animal gets used to the hard surface of the tray, the kitten can look for a place for their business on a more comfortable and soft surface, including in the master's bed.

  • Unsterilized animals (cats and cats) most often subjected to a change in behavioral response associated with the influence of sex hormones and the desire to attract an individual of the opposite sex by all means and means. Sterilized pets do not suffer from such failures, and they have less chance of inappropriate behavior.
  • elderly animals due to changes in physiological functions (incontinence), they often shit on the master's bed.

Knowing these features in the behavior of domestic cats, the owner should not punish the guilty pet, but understand the reasons and treat the requirements and objective factors of bad behavior with understanding.

Methods of influence on the cat

Of course, when a “misfire” is found, and more than one, you have to look for options on what to do if the cat shits on the bed. First of all, you should calm down and not take out your anger on your pet. Aggression against a delinquent animal will only aggravate its stressful state and will not lead to the desired result.

Whatever feelings of hostility and annoyance overwhelmed the owner, who saw a "surprise" in his bed, it is strictly forbidden to beat and punish the animal. The maximum that experienced breeders allow in this situation is to let the cat know in a strict voice that they are unhappy with her act.

Soiled bedding should be immediately replaced with fresh ones. Dry soiled linen thoroughly. Wash the mattress, blanket, dry-clean if possible. The unpleasant smell of cat feces should be repelled not only for sanitary and hygienic purposes, but also to prevent new attempts by the pet to spoil, focusing on its own smell.

For processing the master's bed, both improvised means in the form of vinegar, lemon, and ready-made sprays such as Antigadin are suitable. Not bad repels, and at the same time scares away the cat, the smell of citrus. For these purposes, you can use a deodorant with the smell of orange, lemon or lavender.

After washing and disinfecting bedding, the tray should be inspected. And even if, at first glance, the owner, it is not very dirty, it should be thoroughly washed, disinfected and dried. In the event that the day before there were some innovations in the form of a new tray, a change in the brand and type of filler, or it was not filled up enough, everything should be immediately returned as it was.

In the event that a new animal appeared in the house, a child was born or a new family member began to live, the animal may experience a lack of attention and feel a loss of interest in itself, stress from new experiences.

To reduce the emotional shock of the old-timer, the cat should be petted, picked up more often, played, treated to delicious treats and other signs of attention should be shown. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, you can give your pet sedative herbal preparations for some time.

In the question of how to wean a cat to shit on the bed, the important point is to find the cause of such bad behavior. If the owner does not find any external factors that prompted the pet to use the master's bed as a toilet, the animal should be shown to the veterinarian. Clinical examination, analysis of urine and blood will reveal, for example, urolithiasis. In this case, the animal will be prescribed conservative treatment or surgical intervention is recommended.

In the event that a baby is naughty in the house, the owner should more closely monitor the behavior of the pet. After each visit to the tray, the kitten needs to be petted, treated with a treat. Patience and perseverance will help develop the correct hygiene habits in a young animal.

Prevention of bad behavior

Here are some tips to help you prevent behavior problems in your pet:

  • The door to the room where the tray is located must always be open.
  • It is necessary to regularly monitor the hygienic condition of the tray, wash it thoroughly, and disinfect it.
  • Do not drastically change the brand and type of cat litter. This should be done gradually, gradually adding a new composition to the familiar for the animal.
  • When replacing an old tray with a new one, it is advisable to purchase exactly the same in size and color.
  • In the case of a stressful reason for a change in hygiene habits, the animal should be given sedatives after consultation with a veterinarian, give the pet more time and affection.
  • Regular use of rapid tests for urolithiasis, a scheduled visit to a veterinarian will help to detect the disease at an early stage and start therapy in a timely manner.
  • An attentive, patient attitude towards a mischievous pet will bring more benefits than violent actions. Even an experienced owner, seeing how a cat shits on a bed, will not immediately understand what to do. Observation, a thorough study of the causes of the failure, care and affection towards the delinquent pet will help correct negative behavior.

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