The order of the voucher for sanatorium treatment. Informing about the preferential queue for obtaining a ticket to the sanatorium

Social measures aimed at supporting various categories of citizens include health improvement measures. As part of the implementation of social policy, beneficiaries are given vouchers for sanatorium treatment. This measure is necessary for additional medical and social rehabilitation of certain categories of citizens.

Legislative principles

The main normative acts regulating the allocation of funds for the restoration of health are:

  1. Law No. 178-FZ, which came into force on July 17, 1999.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 dated December 29, 2004, containing the procedure for allocating preferential directions for rehabilitation.

The above normative act contains important (for the population) principles for the implementation of social measures to organize health improvement. They are as follows:

  • referral to a sanatorium is allocated at the initiative of the applicant;
  • in the form of a standard document;
  • The applicant must meet two criteria:
    • have medical indications for referral for treatment (prevention);
    • belong to one of the privileged categories.
Attention: you should apply for a ticket to a medical institution on your own initiative.

Let's consider the criteria in more detail. Many people think that the preferential form is a way to relax in the resort area for free. This is only partly true. In fact, it is necessary to have a disease that is treated in a sanatorium. There are many diagnoses for social recovery. Namely, the treatment:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • gastrointestinal tract and more.

Important: the doctor issues a referral for preference only to patients:

  • dealing with relevant complaints;
  • having a definite diagnosis;
  • regularly undergoing treatment for one reason or another.
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Rules for allocating health subsidies

The allocation of directions occurs strictly according to the rules established by law. Briefly, this means the following:

  1. Wellness activities, as well as stay in a medical institution, are financed from the federal budget.
  2. It follows that each subsidy must be substantiated by documentary evidence of:
    • preferential category;
    • the need for a healing effect (doctor's certificate).
  3. A report on the use of funds for the intended purpose (tear-off coupon) is also required.
Important: the recipient of the privilege is obliged to provide a document proving his stay in a medical institution.

Categories of beneficiaries

The federal social program covers a fairly wide range of people. Therapeutic and recreational activities are provided for the following categories of citizens:

  1. WWII participants:
    • soldiers and officers;
    • that period;
    • former blockade survivors with award signs;
  2. (from 1 to 3 and disabled since childhood);
  3. war veterans in hot spots;
  4. family members;
  5. :
    • military;
    • equated;
    • reserve officers;
    • labor veterans;
  6. Heroes of Russia and the USSR.

Hint: in addition to the voucher, beneficiaries receive compensation for travel to the place of recovery:

  • ground transport;
  • and where this is not possible, by airlines.
Important! In 2018, the expenditure indicators per 1 recipient of social assistance were as follows:
  • sanatorium treatment - 127.9 rubles;
  • travel by intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 18.2 rubles;
  • travel by railway transport of suburban traffic - 101.1 rubles.
Attention: not all beneficiaries are entitled to free or social vouchers to the sanatorium. Some categories are provided with discounted directions.

Which resorts can you visit?

State bodies involved in the allocation of preferences conclude contracts with institutions providing health services. You can get a ticket only to the rest house:

  1. an agreement with which has been reached by the body to which the applicant applied;
  2. operating in the Russian legal field, located anywhere in the Russian Federation;
  3. if necessary, specialists will try to find an institution in the region of residence (if it is difficult to move);
  4. military pensioners and equated are sent only to departmental health institutions.
Hint: “departmental” means that their activities are funded from the budget of the Ministry of Defense (another ministry).

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Who distributes tickets in 2019

In general, the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) is responsible for distributing the budget for treatment. This organization works with citizens through social security agencies. But there are exceptions. Thus, the Ministry of Defense independently supports pensioners. To receive a health benefit, you need to address an application to the relevant Department of the Ministry of Defense.

Thus, you should contact:

  • to the department of social protection on a territorial basis;
  • to the Department of Defense, dealing with the distribution of departmental subsidies.

The algorithm for obtaining a subsidy for sanatorium treatment is as follows:

  1. Visit the attending physician and declare the desire to go to the sanatorium. The doctor will send you for an examination. Based on its results, a special document is issued - form No. 070 / y-04.
  2. With a certificate and a passport, you should go to the social security or military commissariat at the place of residence to write an application.
  3. Wait for a response about queuing.
  4. As soon as all those who previously claimed the privilege are satisfied, receive a document and go for treatment.
Hint: Form No. 070/y-04 expires after six months. If during this period the queue has not yet come up, you will have to update the certificate.

What documents to prepare

To receive a subsidy for sanatorium and resort recovery, a minimum package of papers is required. These are the confirmations:

  1. identity - a passport;
  2. the fact of medical insurance -;
  3. preferential category:
    • corresponding certificate to almost everyone:
      • WWII participants of different groups;
      • Chernobyl victims;
      • pensioners;
      • retired officers;
    • disabled persons provide a certificate of medical and social expertise;
    • Heroes are required to provide award documents;
    • labor veterans - an appropriate book;
  4. the need for recreational activities - form No. 070 / y-04
Important: before the trip, you should issue a health resort card. Without it, a health-improving institution will not accept a client.

What is a ticket

After consideration of the application, the applicant receives a document in his hands. It confirms the right to receive services at the expense of the state budget:

  1. A specific institution (name and address are indicated in the ticket).
  2. At certain times (the start and end dates of the course are also entered in the form).

Besides, the ticket is a personal document. It cannot be transferred to another person. It is also forbidden to divide the period of therapeutic measures between persons (this was done before to go to a family holiday home). The form states:

  • name of the recipient;
  • diagnosis;
  • course duration from 18 to 42 days.

Hint: along with some beneficiaries, accompanying persons can go to the sanatorium:

  • with minors with disabilities;
  • with disabled people of the 1st group.

Accompanying persons are given preference on different conditions. They depend on the category of beneficiary. The ticket can be free or with a discount of 25-50%. So, military pensioners can take their spouse with them. Her recovery will cost 50% of the total cost.

Important: the voucher is required once a year (there are exceptions).

Prerogatives of certain groups of citizens

Reserve officers are entitled to preferences for treatment if their term of service is more than twenty years. Military pensioners receive a subsidy once a year. At the same time, they can take their spouse with them to the departmental dispensary (for 50% of the cost).

The same rule applies to retirees with sufficient length of service. The rest of the preferences are not given. Military pensioners include law enforcement officers who have left the service, and some other categories of civil servants.

Important: if there are several reasons, a social direction (free of charge) is allocated only once a year for any one at the beneficiary's choice.

Is there a subsidy for pensioners?

According to the norms of the current legislation, through the department of the FSS, referrals can be received by:

  1. labor veterans;
  2. Retirees, including those who work.

The conversion algorithm is described above. Only documents should be carried to the FSS. The basis for the appeal is:

  • pensioner's certificate;
  • certificate No. 070/u-04.
Hint: after the reunification of Russia and Crimea, beneficiaries increasingly receive referrals to Crimean holiday homes. It is better to come here in the summer, when there is an opportunity to swim in the sea. Although many Crimean sanatoriums are year-round.

additional information

The above general rules for allocating health subsidies are sometimes violated. So, for medical reasons, a beneficiary can be given a referral to a sanatorium at the expense of the state budget twice a year:

  • the decision is made by the doctor;
  • he issues a certificate with a special mark.

Sometimes you have to wait in line for quite a long time. This is due to the small number of institutions providing rare treatment. It is advisable to apply ahead of time, immediately after receiving the certificate. This increases the chance of a quick satisfaction.

Attention: specialists are obliged to notify the applicant about the availability of a free voucher two weeks in advance. True, sometimes they have to look for a client for a "burning" tour, when a person suddenly refuses to travel.

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Last changes

In the middle of 2018, the previously abolished right to free travel to the place of treatment in a departmental sanatorium was returned to military pensioners. Now retirees and reserve officers of the Armed Forces and the Navy, including midshipmen and warrant officers with over 20 years of service, as well as their families, can count on free travel to the place of treatment once a year. For vouchers, you must contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of military registration. This applies to any type of public vehicle. The exact category of travel comfort (class of a compartment, cabin, cabin, etc.) depends on the military rank.

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November 7, 2017, 10:28 Mar 3, 2019 13:42

Support for citizens who have reached retirement age, on behalf of the state, involves not only financial support, but also the provision of in-kind types of assistance, including vouchers to sanatoriums and resorts. The queue for social vouchers to a sanatorium for pensioners in Moscow is formed taking into account the applications submitted by applicants and is subsequently subject to close monitoring on their part.

According to the law, such vouchers can be provided to citizens who have already taken a well-deserved rest and have applied to the responsible authority. Let us consider in more detail who can get such a ticket in the metropolitan area, how the order of receiving a referral is determined and what an electronic queue is.

An important point is to obtain information regarding the progress of the queue for a ticket. You can check the queue in several ways:

  1. The most understandable option is to visit the Department of Social Protection in Moscow and obtain the necessary information from a specialist, but this method requires some time and a mandatory visit to the authorized department.
  2. To eliminate unnecessary waste of time and get the desired information, just go to official website of the Department of Social Protection of Moscow and use a special form to submit a request.

The electronic document contains:

  • Full name of the pensioner;
  • date of birth of the applicant;
  • SNILS.

A few seconds after sending the application, it will be possible to obtain complete information about the position of the applicant in the general register of applicants for a ticket.

The information on the electronic resource is updated with regular constancy, and any citizen can receive the necessary information in the shortest period of time.

Who is eligible to apply for a ticket?

The list of benefits for pensioners is determined by FZ-178. This document indicates who can count on assistance on behalf of the state and to what extent. According to the specified legislative act, representatives of the following groups of beneficiaries can apply for referral to a sanatorium in Moscow and the Moscow Region:

  1. Vouchers are allocated for the disabled.
  2. The direction is entitled to issue participants and invalids of the hostilities of 1941-45.
  3. Employees of the penitentiary system, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other law enforcement agencies who took part in military battles can also issue a ticket.
  4. Soldiers of battalions and motor troops in Afghanistan 1979-89.
  5. This right is reserved for the families of deceased disabled people or participants in hostilities.
  6. Blockade of Leningrad.
It should be noted that the right to apply for a referral to a sanatorium is granted only to pensioners who are not in an employment relationship.

What documents are required and where to apply for a ticket?

Elderly people are concerned about the question of where to apply for registration of such a referral and what documents are needed for this. Special powers in this matter are vested in the bodies of social protection of the population. The pensioner should contact the branch of the institution at their place of residence and submit a standard set of documentation.

The list of required documents includes:

  • standard application for granting a voucher on a preferential basis;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • applicant's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • papers confirming the existence of grounds for granting benefits;
  • medical certificate in the form 070 / y-04, which is preliminarily issued by the attending physician or district physician.

Additional requirements are set for the disabled. In this case, it is necessary to submit the conclusion of the ITU, which indicates the disability group of the applicant, and there is also a recommendation from the commission body on the need to undergo sanatorium treatment.

In some regions, they require a certificate of the amount of pension benefits, but in Moscow such a document is not needed. In the capital region, it is allowed to replace a ticket with a cash payment. This right is made in the declarative order.

How to get a free ticket

The algorithm for issuing a referral is quite simple and understandable, however, it is best for applicants to initially consult with a social security specialist. The procedure for obtaining a ticket includes several important steps:

  1. The applicant goes to the local doctor and takes a referral for a physical examination.
  2. After passing a medical examination and receiving tests, the doctor writes out a special conclusion on the need for sanatorium treatment.
  3. Having prepared a package of documents, a citizen goes to social security or a military commissariat (if the applicant is a military man or an employee of law enforcement agencies).
  4. In the case of a positive decision, the applicant for benefits is included in the queue for the allocation of a referral to a sanatorium.

The decision on the application is made within 20 days, and the ticket is provided as the vacation progresses.


Moscow pensioners have the right to issue vouchers to state-type sanatoriums if they have medical indications for this. The procedure for obtaining a referral involves the submission of an application and the allocation of vouchers in the order of the standard queue.

You can get the necessary information about the progress of the queue not only by visiting the social security authority in person, but also by sending an official request on the department’s electronic resource.

Every year, more than 15,000 beneficiaries receive free vouchers to sanatoriums and free travel to and from the place of treatment in the Okrug. The geography of recreation is wide - the Moscow region, the regions of Central Russia, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. And the average waiting time for their turn is a year or a little more.

“So, an elderly person does not have to urgently master the Internet in order to leave an application for sanatorium treatment there,” says Yulia Kirikova, chief specialist of the USZN department of the North-East Administrative Okrug, to the correspondent of the Zvyozdny Bulvar newspaper. - In order to register for a permit, he will still have to personally apply to the USZN of his district. Another thing is that now everyone can at any time see how his turn is moving.

Dszn queue for tickets

Every year, more than 1.5 thousand beneficiaries are provided with free vouchers to sanatoriums in the Moscow region, the regions of the Central Strip and the South of Russia, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the North Caucasus, as well as free travel to the place of treatment and back. The average waiting time for a ticket is a year or a little more. By the way, as a matter of priority, vouchers are provided to disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War.

In order to ensure the availability of information on the movement of the queue for sanatorium treatment for citizens of privileged categories, an "Electronic Queue" is being introduced, allowing citizens to monitor the progress of their queue on the official website of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow.

You can follow the queue for a free ticket to the sanatorium on the Internet

Please explain the movement of the queue in the direction of increasing. If you registered was 689, then the one who received and then refused the ticket standing in line before you, let's say was 600 should reduce, and then again restore in the same order the queue 689 (689-1 + 1) An increase is possible only if someone is put in line ahead of you. In addition, the legislation does not provide for the refusal of the waiting list from the allocated voucher. Judging by the numbers 689 and 709, the refusal is massive. In order to avoid further complaints, please write clarifications on this issue.

Chaos and bullying. in February, the queue number was 434, in March 562, and in April 721. HOW can this be. the girl on the hotline mutters something about the fact that people bring documents and the queue is only moving in the direction of increasing! she couldn’t say anything more intelligible and rudely hung up the phone, saying that two years without receiving a ticket is NOT A TIME! how is this so? how many years does a disabled person have to wait for a ticket? (and will you wait?) what are these numbers for then? where to get an intelligible answer, and not boorish excuses?

The queue for social vouchers in a sanatorium for pensioners in Moscow

Additional requirements are set for the disabled. In this case, it is necessary to submit the conclusion of the ITU, which indicates the disability group of the applicant, and there is also a recommendation from the commission body on the need to undergo sanatorium treatment.

  • standard application for granting a voucher on a preferential basis;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • applicant's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • papers confirming the existence of grounds for granting benefits;
  • medical certificate in the form 070 / y-04, which is preliminarily issued by the attending physician or district physician.

Who and how can get a free voucher for treatment in a sanatorium

Providing sanatorium-and-spa treatment for preferential categories of citizens in Moscow is carried out by the bodies of social protection of the population. The decision to issue vouchers is made by commissions established under the departments (departments) of social protection of the population with the participation of representatives of public organizations of veterans and disabled people. They take into account medical indications (season, place, profile of treatment) according to the conclusion of the medical institution and the date of registration for receiving spa treatment.

Vouchers are provided by the district departments of social protection of the population at the place of residence, subject to the preservation of the right to receive a free sanatorium-resort voucher and in accordance with the recommended profile, season and place of treatment, as well as taking into account the date of registration for providing a voucher.

Why people with disabilities are not given vouchers to sanatoriums

Recall that sanatorium and resort vouchers are provided to certain categories of the population, among which the majority are disabled, if there are medical indications and only if the federal beneficiary has not refused a set of social services (social package).

Funds for them are allocated from the federal budget in the form of transfers. In this case, the amount is calculated from among those beneficiaries who have not refused the social package. Unfortunately, in the regions every year there are more and more of those who refuse the social package in favor of "live" money - its value. Accordingly, the number of funds for sanatorium-and-spa treatment also decreases.

The Russians, who are in a preferential queue for getting vouchers to a sanatorium, are interested in how information about the status of the queue is going on. Our experts explain all the nuances of this procedure in this article.

General information for privileged categories of citizens applying for a ticket to a sanatorium

As every Russian knows, our country has a law on state aid for certain categories of citizens. This assistance from the state also includes the receipt of preferential vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums. They are not just provided. This requires good reasons, namely medical certificates confirming the presence of any disease in the beneficiary. In addition, the queue for obtaining such vouchers is formed in the order of paperwork, that is, it is “live”.

To whom can such preferential vouchers for treatment in a sanatorium be provided? As already mentioned, these are citizens of our state falling into one of the preferential categories:

  • people with disabilities (including children with disabilities);
  • participants in the Second World War;
  • veterans who participated in the battles;
  • liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, including affected citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad.

We should not forget about the category of those Russians who continue to treat their disease, but after the main course of treatment. As for pensioners, they can claim such a privilege only if they are not working in retirement. Otherwise, they will not be provided with a preferential ticket to the sanatorium.

This benefit for obtaining a ticket to a sanatorium for recovery is regulated at the legislative level by local regional authorities.

The preferential terms of such a voucher for sanatorium treatment are as follows (depending on regional conditions):

  • repayment of expenses for the cost of travel to the sanatorium (in both directions);
  • partial repayment of the cost of expenses;
  • the value of the discount for such repayment is from 25 to 50% of the initial cost of the preferential voucher.

How to apply for a discounted ticket to a sanatorium

To receive preferential treatment in a sanatorium, it is not enough to fall into a certain category of beneficiaries. According to Russian laws, it is also necessary to prepare a package of official papers that will serve as the basis for obtaining the necessary travel document:

  • your personal documents: passport, pensioner's certificate, SNILS;
  • medical certificate of the disease;
  • application in writing.

Having prepared all the papers, you should contact your local doctor at the local clinic, who, after the examination, will issue a referral for spa treatment. This referral must include:

  1. Recommended health facility.
  2. Health resort profile.
  3. Visiting time that corresponds to the season (for example, spring-summer period).

Having received the appropriate referral from the attending physician, then you should contact the local branch of the Social Insurance Fund, where the final registration of such a benefit takes place.

How beneficiaries are informed about receiving a preferential voucher to a sanatorium

The departments of labor and social protection are engaged in informing Russians falling into the preferential category about obtaining an appropriate voucher for sanatorium treatment. So, for residents of the city of Moscow, the site works. It is here that you can get information online about the status of the priority for preferential treatment in a sanatorium. To do this, you need to enter your personal data:

  • date of birth (format DD.MM.YYYY, that is, 07/12/1975);
  • SNILS (format 000-000-00000).

Vouchers to sanatoriums for pensioners are given free of charge by the state as an aid to some Russians.

If they wish, they can receive financial compensation instead, but the amount will be small: about 500 rubles every month.

Who can get

Pensioners can make a trip to a dispensary, rest home or boarding house at public expense. The right to go is given only to categories:

  1. Veterans of the Second World War;
  2. Leningrad "blockade";
  3. Military pensioners who participated in hostilities, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their families;
  4. Disabled persons of all ages;
  5. Citizens affected by radiation.

It's important to know: labor veterans are not included in these categories.

All of the above persons are eligible to apply for one free spa or spa treatment every 2 years, or they can choose to receive a 50% discount, but for each year. Travel is also paid in both directions by air or rail.

Disabled children and people in need of medical treatment can travel every year.
Also, babies and disabled people of the first group are provided with full payment for an extra bed to the accompanying person.

For military retirees, the requirements for receiving benefits are somewhat different:

  1. They receive a 75% discount on one trip per year;
  2. Their wives and minor sons and daughters receive a 50% discount;
  3. Heroes of the USSR and Russia, Socialist Labor and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory and Labor Glory can count on a completely free ticket. Their widows will have to pay 25%.

Some of the major tour operators also offer assistance in buying cheap destinations for retirees. However, most often we are talking about not the most popular destinations and inexpensive hotels, which can be purchased at a significant discount.

Terms of receipt

It is not enough for a pensioner to be included in the above groups - there are two more necessary conditions for obtaining.

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