No period but not pregnancy. Weight problems. How to avoid disruptions in the menstrual cycle

Any woman knows her individual rate of delayed menstruation. The absence of delays in menstruation indicates a normal healthy state of the reproductive system. Women and girls of different ages may have their own allowable period for delaying menstrual flow.

According to doctors, a delay in bloody vaginal discharge can be considered normal for 1-7 days if, against this background, the female body does not experience “adverse symptoms”. If the representative of the weaker sex feels well, does not suffer from discomfort, then such delays are considered acceptable. But each age segment has its own limit of such expectation.

Note! In girls, menarche (the first regulation) is expected in the age category of 11-15 years. And during the first two years it will be difficult to expect the regularity of these allocations. At a young age, a 5-day delay in discharge should not cause concern.

If after two years the menstruation has not stabilized, then you should contact a gynecologist to determine the normal functioning of the uterus and ovaries. The "dry" period of a healthy woman and girl is 28-35 days. It is through this time that spotting appears monthly.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

In older women, the extinction of sexual function occurs, which is a natural and inevitable process. With each new month, there will be a delay in menstruation, which will gradually increase until it stops altogether.

The average indicator of the arrival of menopause in women is the age of 44-50 years. But there are exceptions of menopausal ovarian dysfunction in one direction or the other.

Reasons for delayed menstruation

Delayed menstruation (main causes, except for pregnancy, why there is a delay in menstruation):

  • Gynecological reasons;
  • Not gynecological reasons.

The reasons for the long wait for menstruation are gynecological (with the exception of pregnancy) and non-gynecological in nature.

Delayed periods can have gynecological and non-gynecological reasons

Gynecological reasons:

  1. puberty;
  2. diseases (polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst);
  3. menopause;
  4. long-term use of contraceptives;
  5. lactation.

Non-gynecological causes:

  1. stress;
  2. climate change;
  3. diet;
  4. anorexia;
  5. bad ecology;
  6. diseases (SARS, gastritis, thyroid and kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus);
  7. intoxication;
  8. excessive physical activity;
  9. excess weight.

Important to remember! Certain medications used to treat urinary tract infections, stomach ulcers, and depression can delay menstruation.

Leading an unhealthy lifestyle, the use of drugs, large doses of alcohol and smoking - all this can change the monthly regular arrival of menstruation.

There are times when a negative test result results in a significant cycle delay. Such a failure, lasting more than 7-15 days, may be the result of taking hormonal drugs.

A test error is also possible if the delay in menstruation and the test is negative.

The reasons why the delay in menstruation, and the test is negative

As soon as the regulation delay occurs, women use express tests to determine pregnancy. All tests work on the same principle - they determine the level of hCG in female urine. If this indicator is normal, the result does not exceed 5 Mme / ml. Starting from the 7th day of pregnancy, this figure increases by 5 times.

Errors during testing can be primarily from non-compliance with the instructions, and a poor-quality product. There are many tests that give errors in kidney disease and hormonal imbalance. Violation of the integrity of the package and the expired expiration date also do not promise a reliable test result.

A woman can get a false negative test result with a slight delay, when 3 days have not passed after a missed period. Another reason for false information may be late ovulation of the previous cycle. Insufficient concentration of the composition of urine gives an unreliable result.

Therefore, testing should be carried out at the first daily urination. Pregnancy with pathology (frozen or ectopic) will not indicate an increase in the level of hCG in the blood.

False positives are less common than false negatives. Such a result can be in the case of termination of pregnancy at a very early date, which showed the actual level of hCG at the time of pregnancy. Tumors formed against the background of hormonal failure contribute to the production of hCG, which can mislead a woman.

A positive test result may be in the case of a recent termination of pregnancy (miscarriage, abortion). The use of certain drugs in the treatment of infertility can also cause false results.

A pale and indistinct second test line gives rise to retesting after 3-5 days, and in the case of IVF, you will need to wait 10-15 days. The error of the test, no doubt, is possible, therefore, doctors recommend that you double-check the result two more times without fail.

How many days can a missed period last without pregnancy?

Not causing concern, the delay in regulation is 5-7 days in a woman of young and middle reproductive age. In the case of older women against the background of menopause, the maximum delay can be about six months. The acceptable period for delaying the arrival of menstruation after the first sexual intercourse is 2-4 days.

No menstruation: wait or act?

The absence of the onset of critical days within 1 week against the background of symptoms of their appearance can be considered the norm. If the allowable delay period has expired, action should be taken. Pregnancy testing should be the first plan.

If the pregnancy is not confirmed, and the normal waiting period has passed, without delay, you need to go to the antenatal clinic. At the appointment, you will need to talk about how you feel, the appearance of new symptoms, be examined and take tests.

Doctors are paying attention! A significant delay in regulation cannot be attributed to external factors and normal physiological processes. This signals the beginning of pathological processes, which should be intervened as soon as possible.

If the chest hurts, but there is no menstruation - what does this mean?

Before the onset of critical days, a significant number of women notice swelling, pain and sensitivity of the mammary glands. If the chest hurts, and menstruation has not come, then this can be a signal for the beginning of the birth of a new life.

This happens 70% of the time. If pregnancy has not occurred, and the mammary glands continue to bother, then in 20% of the problems are associated with mastopathy.

The remaining 10% are attributed to: the presence of infection in the mammary glands:

  • oncology of these organs;
  • the process of ovulation;
  • a consequence of active physical exercise (muscle strain);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • shingles.

Why does my stomach hurt but I don't get my period?

It can also disturb pain in the abdomen in the absence of menstruation. Some women experience pain during ovulation when the follicle ruptures. This is a normal process, which is attributed to the individual characteristics of the organism.

Gynecological problems can also be accompanied by pain. Women begin to pay attention to inflammatory processes after the onset of severe pain. If such inflammations are ignored and not treated, they can give rise to serious diseases in the future.

Fluid accumulated in the fallopian tubes can cause abdominal pain., which will prevent the appearance of menstruation.

Acyclic pain in most cases, they cause urolithiasis. Adhesions, cystitis, colitis can cause trouble. If, in addition to the abdomen, a woman is worried about a bursting sensation in the mammary glands, fibroids can be suspected. With pain in the abdomen and the absence of regulation, it is worth undergoing an examination to exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

How much can you not worry?

Important to remember! Every woman has a different menstrual cycle. Most often, a steady cycle (21-35 days) accompanies a woman throughout her reproductive age from 18 to 45 years.

The countdown begins on the first day of discharges and lasts until the arrival of the next.
A healthy woman has no reason to worry within 1-3 days with regular menstruation.

Delayed menstruation 1-4 days: causes

The most common reasons for a delay (1-4 days) are the following:

  1. a recent cold;
  2. excessive physical activity;
  3. climate change;
  4. a sharp change in nutrition;
  5. emotional, nervous breakdown.

If the delay of menstruation is 5 days (the test is negative): is there a problem or not?

With a 5-day wait for the arrival of menstruation, it is too early to talk about any pathology, because it is within the normal range. A woman has time before starting to take action.

The reason for the failure of the regularity of the cycle can be the consequences of workaholism, which lead to exhaustion of the body, lack of sleep and a decrease in vitality. In the absence of poor health and unpleasant symptoms, we can talk about the absence of a problem.

Delay of menstruation by 6-10 days. Reasons other than pregnancy

Physicians are paying attention! A delay in menstruation for 6-10 days is the first call for a woman. It can signal a borderline condition, pregnancy or illness.

With the exclusion of pregnancy, doctors called such a delay secondary amenorrhea. A very dangerous condition for a woman, which should be excluded first of all, is an ectopic pregnancy.

The symptoms of this pregnancy are:

  • pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of vaginal discharge brown, brown.

If these symptoms are detected, you should immediately visit a antenatal clinic. Ignoring an ectopic pregnancy causes heavy bleeding and infertility.

Delayed menstruation 10 days or more: start looking for the cause with your doctor!

The good health of a woman and the presence of a partner obliges testing. When the fact of pregnancy is not confirmed, it is necessary to consult a doctor to undergo an examination and identify the causes.

Based on the survey results, a gynecologist will be able to detect or exclude diseases:

  1. vaginitis;
  2. Polycystic;
  3. Candidiasis;
  4. Thrush;
  5. Adnexitis;
  6. Myoma, tumors.

If the doctor did not find gynecological problems, you should go to his colleagues. The delay can be caused by:

  1. pancreatitis;
  2. Duodenitis;
  3. Chronic gastritis;
  4. Diabetes;
  5. Pyelonephritis;
  6. Diseases of the adrenal glands;
  7. Anorexia.

Delay 2 weeks or more

Waiting for critical days for more than two weeks no longer leaves hope that everything is in order with the woman's body. Such a condition cannot be ignored, even if the woman is not worried about anything. A trip to the antenatal clinic should be organized as soon as possible.

What to do if there is no menstruation for 2 (two) months, but not pregnant

If the regulation did not come after 2 months, you need to be examined for ovarian dysfunction. This disease is not independent, as it is caused by such factors as a viral or infectious disease; diseases of the genital organs, kidneys, thyroid gland, stomach.

As soon as a woman finds vaginal discharge that does not resemble menstruation, she should go to the clinic. After refusing to take contraceptives, critical days should come in 2-3 months, if this did not happen, and there is discomfort below - the trip to the antenatal clinic is not postponed.

No period for 3 months but not pregnant

Waiting for the arrival of menstruation for 3-6 months has received a medical name - amenorrhea. Its cause is a serious disease of the gynecological sphere, which obliges to undergo an examination and examination by a specialist.

Why there is no period after an abortion

Important to remember! Each woman after an abortion, the menstrual cycle is restored in different ways.

In this situation, it is worth taking into account the term and method of the interrupted pregnancy, the physiological characteristics of the patient. Subject to a normal outcome of the operation, after 1 month. after the abortion, the rules should begin. The first day of the cycle should be considered the date of the operation.

Doctors are paying attention! If there is no period 31 days after the surgical termination of the pregnancy, it is recommended to visit a doctor to avoid health problems.

Delayed period while breastfeeding

The return of menstruation in recent women in labor will depend on the lactation process, in which there is a high level of the hormone prolactin in the blood, which is responsible for breast milk. If the natural process of lactation is not implemented (caesarean section, refusal to breastfeed, other reasons), then the cycle will be restored after 1 month.

In this case, the maximum period of delay after childbirth can last about 8 weeks. During lactation, the normalization of the menstrual cycle is a purely individual process. This may take 2-3 years.

Important to remember! To accurately predict the time of the beginning of the restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth, it is necessary to take into account:

  • feeding cycle;
  • type of feeding (mixed, on demand, regular).

If the mother feeds the child at the request of the child, then the monthly discharge will be restored one year after the birth. With a mixed type of feeding, you can expect the return of menstruation after 3-4 months. In 80% of women in childbirth, critical days come after weaning the baby.

Attention: Dangerous Delay Reasons

Dangerous reasons for delay:

  • Andexite;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • Endometriosis.

At risk are diseases of the gynecological and endocrine spheres. Diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands and thyroid gland can cause polycystic ovary syndrome and lead to infertility.

Adnexitis - an inflammatory process in the uterine appendages causes hormonal failure. Endometriosis or uterine fibroids is a benign tumor that can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

What threatens frequent delays in menstruation?

Ignoring periodic delays is not recommended. And in the event that they have become frequent, it is completely impossible to show a careless attitude towards a woman's health.

Gynecologists insist! Ignoring regular and frequent delays is fraught with the appearance of chronic diseases, infertility, oncology of the genital organs.

What to do if there is no menstruation?

The delay forces the woman to wait a week, and then go to a medical facility. Any deviation of the menstrual cycle from the norm is a reason for contacting the antenatal clinic.

Together with the gynecologist, the cause of the failure of the menstrual cycle will be clarified. To do this, you will need to take tests, be tested for pregnancy, be examined by an endocrinologist and an ultrasound specialist.

In the case of an unstable menstrual cycle in a girl (duration less than 2 years), the onset of menopause in an older woman and an acceptable weekly delay, you should not panic and try to induce menstruation.

It's important to know! In women who have not reached menopause and have passed the age of menerche, constant delays in critical days are abnormal. Therefore, having established the reasons for the delay, measures should be taken to restore the cyclicity of the regulation.

Is it possible to induce menstruation with a delay

It is possible to provoke monthly bleeding during a delay both under medical supervision and at home. Almost all medications that are used to restore the menstrual cycle are hormonal.

You can get the desired effect from taking them if a woman has problems with the hormonal background and a deficiency of a certain substance in the body.

How to induce menstruation with a delay at home

Having established the hormonal picture of the patient, the gynecologist prescribes the intake of special drugs according to the scheme. Often, women use herbal infusions that provoke the onset of menstruation. At home, you can induce menstruation with medications, decoctions of medicinal herbs, hot baths, a large dose of vitamin C and active physical exercises.

Herbal decoction:

  1. Elecampane;
  2. Oregano;
  3. nettles;
  4. Rosehip;
  5. yarrow;
  6. Knotweed.

Herbs taken in 2 tbsp. l., and filled with 1 liter. boiling water, consumed after 12 hours of exposure for one day. To call menstruation, they also drink a decoction of onion peel, ginger.

Preparations for hormonal failure (Dufaston and others with a delay in menstruation)

In the event that no serious health problems have been identified, doctors prescribe special drugs that stimulate the arrival of critical days.

These drugs include:

  • Duphaston;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • Postinor;
  • Mifegin.

Duphaston is prescribed 1 tablet twice a day for a course of 5 days. If serious health problems are detected, the endocrinologist may prescribe a different treatment regimen. Most often, the long-awaited discharge appears on the 2-3rd day of taking the drug.

The expected effect of Duphaston is provided by the concentration of progesterone. In case of pregnancy, this drug will not bring harm to the fetus, and it will not be able to terminate the pregnancy. Dufaston will give a result only if a hormonal failure is detected.

If the delay is due to stress, then Pulsatilla will help to speed up the onset of menstruation., 6 granules of which thins the blood. Postinor can urgently cause menstruation.

The problem of delayed menstruation should not provoke women to look for ways to speed them up without determining the cause of this condition.

Important to remember! Any delay in the menstrual cycle is a failure, the cause of which should be investigated.

It is imperative to consult a specialist with frequent delays in menstruation in order to exclude serious diseases, including malignant tumors, mental disorders, infertility and other gynecological diseases.

Video about the reasons for the delay in menstruation with a negative test

Delayed monthly test is negative. Why and what to do:

About the reasons for the delay in menstruation, if the test is negative in adolescents, in women:

At what time a pregnancy test will accurately show a 100% result:

Every lady should carefully monitor her menstrual cycle. After all, its changes may indicate problems in the body. This article will be useful to girls who say: "I have not had my period for 2 months, but I am not pregnant." Why is there a delay?

A few words about the cycle

First of all, I want to figure out what is how many days it lasts and when we can talk about deviations. So, the female (or menstrual) cycle is the periodic changes that occur in the body of the fair sex of reproductive age. Ideally, it is 28 days. However, a range is considered normal, the number of days in which will be from 21 to 45. It is also important to remember that teenage girls, as well as women who are on the verge of menopause, can have an irregular cycle. It is necessary to understand the same concept as "delay". So, if menstruation is late for a couple of days (or came a few days earlier), this is not scary and does not indicate a violation in the body. However, if spotting does not occur a week after the scheduled date, this is a reason to be a little alarmed and pay special attention to your women's health.

Main reasons

If a woman does not have a period at a certain time, the reasons for this may be as follows:

  1. Colds and infectious diseases. They weaken the body and can affect the menstrual cycle.
  2. Mental disorders. Amenorrhea is a frequent companion of ladies who have various mental disorders. Also, the cause of the delay can be stress, depression, nervous shocks, problems at home or at work.
  3. Diet. If a girl has not had a period for 2 months, but she is not pregnant, a new diet or a disease such as anorexia may be the reason for the delay. The thing is that the production of such a hormone as estrogen begins after the girl's body weight exceeds 45 kg. In addition, fat mass is involved in its production. If a girl abruptly loses about 15 kg of weight, her periods may stop for a while.
  4. Great physical activity. If a lady is heavily involved in sports or leads a very active lifestyle, menstruation may not come for several months.
  5. Hormonal disorders. If a woman does not have menstruation for 3 months or more, the cause of this development of events may be various that occur at the level of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Hormonal disruptions from the ovaries and thyroid gland are also possible.
  6. Functional disorders of the body. Menstruation does not come for a long time if the patient had an abortion, there were gynecological diseases, or the woman is breastfeeding the baby.
  7. Genetic abnormalities can also cause delayed and even complete

first sex

If a young girl does not have a period, the reasons for this may lie in the first intimate contact with a man. That is, a delay in spotting is possible for a certain time after a young lady loses her virginity. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Stress, intense anxiety. As you know, nervous shocks directly affect the menstrual cycle. Therefore, after the first intimate contacts with a man, a girl may have a delay even for several months.
  2. unsteady cycle. If the girl's first sex occurred shortly after the start of the first menstruation, the delay is possible due to the menstrual cycle not yet established.

Postpartum and breastfeeding

It is also worth mentioning that the menstrual cycle in women during pregnancy and in the postpartum period changes significantly. After the baby is born, the first 60 days will definitely not have characteristic spotting (the exception is lochia, which will leave the body for several weeks immediately after childbirth, these are the so-called postpartum periods). Further, if the mother exclusively breastfeeds the baby, the mother will also not have menstruation until about 6 months of age. This is completely normal and does not indicate any problems with the body. If the baby's mother does not breastfeed, she will have menstruation for about 3-4 months of the child's life.

Contraception and delay

If a woman has not had a period for 2 months (but is not pregnant), you need to ask her if she is taking oral contraceptives. The thing is that after the start of taking some OKs, there can be not only delays, but also a complete absence of menstruation (for example, after starting to take drugs such as Jess or Yarina). This can also be seen in women who are taking mini-pills or have just had a coil.

They can also cause similar phenomena. In the first months after their use, a woman's menstrual cycle may completely go astray, spotting may not occur for several months.


If a teenage girl does not have menstruation for 3 months, and the first menstruation has only recently begun, there is nothing wrong with that. Delays in this case may be due to a functional feature of an organism that has not yet fully matured. It is worth saying that in girls, on average, they appear at 12-13 years old. However, this can happen even earlier, at the age of 9, and later - for the first time, spotting can start at 15 years. Delays at this time can range from 3 to 7 months.

40-45 years old

If a woman is over 40 years old, she has not had her period for 2 months, but she is not pregnant, this may be due to age-related changes in the body. And if it is too early to talk about menopause, then the work of the ovaries at this age slows down significantly. And this, of course, affects the menstrual cycle. At this time, it is necessary to closely monitor the changes taking place with women's health. You also need to remember that you need to visit a gynecologist at least once a year (and be sure to tell him about your observations).

What to do?

If the girl does not have menstruation (delay), in this case it is best to seek the advice of a gynecologist. Self-medication is simply unacceptable, because you can do much harm to your body. What can be the treatment? Everything will depend on the reasons that caused the delay. Most often, the body returns to normal after a certain time and does not require intervention (for example, in case of stress or severe overwork). Sometimes you just need to change your lifestyle (for example, if the cause of the delay is anorexia), or medication can be prescribed if the cause is gynecological diseases or hormonal disruptions.

Additional Research

If the menstrual cycle is disturbed, the treatment will depend entirely on the reasons that caused such a phenomenon. What to do in case of delay?

In this case, nothing should be done. You just need to wait a few more days.

One to three weeks. If the pregnancy test is negative, you can donate blood for hCG. You also have to wait a little longer.

Delay 1-2 months. In this case, you also need to do a second pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG. At the same time, it is necessary to try to determine the causes of this phenomenon (and, of course, eliminate them).

Delay 3-6 months. This medical condition is called amenorrhea. The cause of its occurrence is most often hormonal disruptions or gynecological diseases. In this case, you need to seek medical help.

Folk methods

If a lady does not want to resort to the use of various pills and other pharmaceuticals, you can try to cope with the problem by using folk methods.

  1. Parsley is an excellent menstrual stimulant. In order for menstruation to start on time, you can either eat a lot of raw parsley a few days before the onset of spotting, or you can make and drink a decoction of this plant.
  2. An excellent tool in the fight against menstrual irregularities is burdock juice. It should be taken one tablespoon three times a day before the main meals. The duration of treatment with this medicine is two months. It is worth saying that this remedy normalizes the hormonal balance, and also helps to cope with a disease such as mastopathy.
  3. With disorders of the menstrual cycle, dandelion root is also excellent. From this ingredient you need to make a decoction. To do this, take 1 tsp. roots of this plant, pour them with a glass of boiling water and keep on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then the medicine is infused for two hours and taken twice a day for half a cup.

During menstruation, a woman feels unwell and feels a constant change of mood. She has a stomach ache, sometimes nausea, dizziness. These few days for many of the fairer sex are in torment. And, perhaps, every second woman dreams that she does not have a period at all. With only one condition: the absence of these days will not be associated with a deterioration in health. But is this possible? And yet, dear women, wait a minute to dream that there are no critical days. After all, it is they who say that changes occur in the female body, for example, associated with pregnancy. Remember what kind of panic seized you when nothing happened to your body at the appointed time. And it's not just that, perhaps, life was born inside you. Yes, the lack of menstruation can be associated with women's health. Let's discuss the reasons why menstruation may be absent. What is the reason for this, what to prepare for?

The first reason for the absence of menstruation

If you are more than 35 days late, then the first thing that comes to mind is pregnancy. If you have long wanted a baby to be born to you, then, of course, this news is joyful and significant. But it happens that pregnancy is unwanted. And then the woman quickly runs to the pharmacy, buys and tests. One or two stripes? The test showed a negative result. So, no menstruation, but not pregnant - this is already a reason for a woman to contact a gynecologist. And there are good reasons for this.

Delayed menstruation after an abortion or childbirth

If a woman has given birth to a child, then she does not need to wait for the onset of critical days in the coming months. Especially if she is breastfeeding the baby. First, the recovery of the body requires a certain period of time. Secondly, breastfeeding suppresses the production of a hormone that regulates menstruation. And even if a woman does not breastfeed, anyway, after childbirth, the first menstrual bleeding can be expected no earlier than one and a half to two months later. Such are the laws of nature! Also, the reasons for the absence of menstruation, except for pregnancy, may lie in the fact that the woman had an abortion. When fertilization occurs, the female body is immediately rebuilt. If abortion occurs artificially, then the hormonal system malfunctions. And the body needs time to recover.


If a woman is at the age of menopause, then she, of course, does not have periods, but she is not pregnant either. During this period, the level of hormones gradually fades away. The intensity of the ovaries decreases. That is why regular menstruation is not even worth talking about. Delays can be quite lengthy. A woman simply does not ovulate, there is no menstruation for this very reason.

Cause of illness

Something went wrong? The doctor will help find the cause. If a woman comes to the appointment with a complaint "no menstruation, but not pregnant", then the cause should be sought in the state of the body. It is possible that the patient has developed polycystic ovaries. With this disease, not only a violation occurs at the hormonal level, but ovulation is also suppressed. If you start the disease, then infertility cannot be avoided. Also, a delay can cause various gynecological diseases. These are inflammations, and cysts, and hyperplasia, and fibroids. In addition to gynecological problems, other diseases cannot be ruled out. For example, diabetes and thyroid disease also affect the cycle.

Other reasons

It is not always necessary to think about the bad if there is no menstruation. But not pregnant (especially if this is not in the plans)! Perhaps the cycle was affected by a change in climatic conditions, or the woman suffered stress. Even taking medication can cause a delay. It should also be noted that women who are constantly on strict diets also have menstrual irregularities.


As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the absence of menstruation. If pregnancy is ruled out, no surgery has been carried out and women's health is all right, the cause must be sought in everyday life, in habits. Diets, stress, trips to countries with an unusual climate - all this affects the female body, which normally works like clockwork.

Delayed menstruation is a situation where menstrual flow does not start at the expected time. As a rule, the main reason for the delay is the fact of pregnancy. However, the absence of menstruation may not always be due to this joyful event for many.

Features of the menstrual cycle

Nature predestined a woman to be a mother. At the beginning of the cycle, the woman's body prepares for motherhood, the pituitary gland begins to synthesize hormones that affect the maturation of the egg. The uterus is enriched with blood, nutrients, covered with mucus. After some time (usually on the 14th day of the cycle) ovulation begins: the mature cell moves to the uterus, where it will wait for fertilization during the day. If it does not occur, all processes are reversed: the activity of hormones decreases, mucus exfoliates. Menstruation is coming.

The cycle is regular. It is established during puberty and is repeated monthly during reproductive age (up to 45-50 years). For most women, the cycle is equal to the lunar month and lasts 28 days, but the allowable cycle boundaries are as follows - “21 - 35 days”. Average duration -3 -7 days. If menstruation comes in a timely manner, then this is evidence that everything is in order in the female body.

However, menstrual irregularities, especially repeated and long delays, may be warning signs and, if ignored, can lead to serious consequences.

Keep a menstrual calendar so you don't miss a missed period.

Natural causes of missed periods

During puberty, girls are adjusting the menstrual cycle and preparing for the reproductive function. Due to hormonal changes, the arrival of menstruation is not always regular and accurate, the cycle needs time to stabilize. But long delays in girls aged 17-18 years, when the reproductive system has already fully formed, should be the reason for the examination. There may be health problems caused by a slowdown in physical development, underdevelopment of the uterus and ovaries, and dysfunction of the pituitary gland.

Within the reproductive period, the natural cause of the delay is pregnancy.

After 40 years, the reproductive function begins to fade, and the woman gradually passes into the menopause phase. Menses become less abundant, irregular and gradually disappear.

If the delay is not caused by teenage hormonal changes, pregnancy, or approaching menopause, you need to visit a gynecologist.

When to go to the doctor

In some cases, a delay not exceeding 7 days, may be a reaction to some obvious factors that are temporary in nature. For example, a recent acute viral illness or a winter holiday in warm countries. In these cases, the woman usually does not experience physical discomfort.. Her cycle, having passed the adaptation period, returns to normal. However, if there is still no menstruation after a month, you need to visit a doctor. If, in the absence of menstruation, there are alarming symptoms such as pain in the chest and abdominal cavity, atypical discharge, when the lower abdomen is pulled, then after 5-7 days of delay, you should consult a gynecologist.

Systematic cycle failures, albeit short-term, also indicate the need for a medical examination, as they are signs of a pathological process occurring in the body.

Often a woman torments herself with the question of why there are no periods if she is not pregnant; what are the possible reasons. Knowing the factors that can provoke the onset of such a state will help to remain calm, navigate this alarming situation and determine a further plan of action.

If the delay in menstruation has exceeded 5 days and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor

Physiological causes of delayed menstruation

Organic and functional disorders

Examination for delayed menstruation

In case of violation of the menstrual cycle, excluding a probable pregnancy (pregnancy test is negative), a woman should carefully analyze her well-being and not delay the examination.

Perhaps the reason for the delay in menstruation is in the adaptation of the body after a recent illness or in its reaction to the change of seasons.

But you should not guess for a long time why monthly discharge does not go if there is no pregnancy. In the case when there is a 5-day delay in menstrual flow with severe concomitant symptoms or a delay of more than a month in the absence of other ailments, a visit to the gynecologist is necessary.

Reliably determine why there was a delay in menstruation, only a doctor is competent.

The doctor will conduct an examination, including a gynecological examination and an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, prescribe blood and urine tests. Since the body is a complex multifunctional system, it is not always possible to quickly determine the cause of such a failure.

In addition to the main examination, ovulation studies (control of basal body temperature in dynamics), tests for thyroid, ovarian, and pituitary hormones can be additionally prescribed. If necessary, observation by a nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist is possible.

Sometimes, to clarify the clinical picture and make an accurate diagnosis, it is advisable to use laparoscopy and MRI of the internal organs and the brain.


- violation of menstrual function, manifested by the absence of cyclic bleeding for more than 35 days. May be due to physiological causes (pregnancy, premenopause, etc.), as well as various organic or functional disorders. The delay in menstruation occurs at various periods of a woman's life: during the formation of menstrual function, in the reproductive period and in premenopause. A delay in menstruation for more than five days is a reason to see a doctor. Diagnosis of delayed menstruation is aimed at finding the main cause of this symptom, on which further treatment tactics depend.

Normally, menstruation comes and goes at regular intervals. In 60% of women, the cycle duration is 28 days, that is, 4 weeks, which corresponds to the lunar month. Approximately 30% of women have a cycle of 21 days, and about 10% of women have a menstrual cycle of 30-35 days. On average, menstrual bleeding lasts 3-7 days, and the allowable blood loss per menstruation is 50-150 ml. The complete cessation of menstruation occurs after 45-50 years and marks the onset of menopause.

Irregularity and fluctuations in the duration of the menstrual cycle, systematic delays in menstruation for more than 5-10 days, alternation of scanty and heavy menstrual bleeding, indicate serious deviations in a woman's health. In order to control the onset or delay of menstruation, every woman should keep a menstrual calendar, marking the day the next menstruation begins. In this case, the delay in menstruation will be immediately visible.

Delayed menstruation and pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most common cause of missed periods in women of childbearing age. The probable onset of pregnancy, in addition to the delay in menstruation, is evidenced by changes in taste and smell sensations, appetite, nausea and vomiting in the morning, drowsiness, and pain in the mammary glands. It is impossible to reject the possibility of pregnancy even in cases where there was interrupted intercourse, sexual contact during menstruation, on “safe” days or using a condom, in the presence of an intrauterine device, taking oral contraceptives, etc., since neither one method of contraception does not give a 100% contraceptive effect.

If there was a delay in menstruation, and in the previous month a woman had sexual intercourse, then it is possible to determine pregnancy using special tests. The principle of operation of all pregnancy tests (test strips, tablet or inkjet) is the same: they determine the presence of chorionic gonadotropic hormone (hCG or hCG) in the urine, the production of which begins in the body 7 days after fertilization of the egg. The concentration of hCG in the urine rises gradually, and modern, even the most sensitive tests, are able to determine it only after a delay in menstruation and not earlier than 12-14 days after the conception has occurred. It is necessary to “read” the test result in the first 5-10 minutes. The appearance during this period of time even a barely noticeable second strip indicates a positive result and the presence of pregnancy. If the second strip appeared later, then this result is not reliable. In case of a delay in menstruation, it is recommended to repeat the pregnancy test twice with an interval of 2-3 days to obtain a reliable result.

It should be remembered that while living a sexual life, a woman can always become pregnant, so you need to carefully monitor the menstrual cycle and pay attention to delays in menstruation. However, a delay in menstruation can be caused not only by pregnancy, but also by a number of very different, sometimes very serious and dangerous to health reasons.

Other reasons for missed periods

All the reasons that cause a delay in menstruation, gynecology conditionally divides into two large groups: physiological and pathological causes of delayed menstruation. In some cases, the delay in menstruation is caused by special transitional, adaptive conditions for the body, and usually does not exceed 5-7 days. However, some of these conditions are borderline, and when they worsen, organic disorders may occur, leading to a delay in menstruation as a manifestation of a particular pathology. Due to physiological reasons can be considered:

  • delay in menstruation caused by strong emotional or physical stress: stress, increased sports, educational loads or work loads;
  • delay in menstruation due to unusual changes in lifestyle: a change in the nature of work, a sharp change in climate;
  • delay in menstruation due to malnutrition and adherence to strict diets;
  • delay in menstruation during periods of hormonal changes: puberty or menopause;
  • delay in menstruation as a condition after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, caused by temporary hyperinhibition of the ovaries after prolonged use of hormones from the outside. If the delay in menstruation is observed for 2-3 cycles, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist.
  • delay in menstruation after using emergency contraceptives containing a high dose of hormones;
  • delay in menstruation in the postpartum period, associated with the production of the pituitary hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the secretion of milk and suppresses the cyclic function of the ovaries. If a woman is not breastfeeding, then menstruation should be restored approximately 2 months after childbirth. When breastfeeding, menstruation is restored after weaning the baby from the breast. However, if the delay in menstruation is more than a year after childbirth, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.
  • delay in menstruation caused by colds (ARVI, influenza), chronic diseases: gastritis, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, and more. etc., as well as taking certain medications.

In all cases (except for those when the delay in menstruation is caused by age-related hormonal changes or lactation), the delay should not exceed 5-7 days, otherwise it is necessary to visit a gynecologist to prevent the development of serious diseases.

The pathological causes of delayed menstruation include, first of all, diseases of the genital area. This group of reasons includes:

  • delay in menstruation caused by inflammatory (adnexitis, oophoritis) and tumor (uterine fibroids) diseases of the genital organs. Inflammatory processes in the genitals, in addition to delaying menstruation, can be manifested by pathological discharge and pain in the lower abdomen. These conditions require emergency treatment as they can lead to serious complications and infertility;
  • delayed menstruation due to polycystic ovaries and related hormonal disorders. Also, with polycystic ovaries, in addition to the delay in menstruation, there is an increase in body weight, the appearance
  • a delay in menstruation caused by critical weight gain or loss. For women suffering from anorexia, a delay in menstruation can result in their complete cessation.

Thus, regardless of the reasons, the delay in menstruation is the basis for an urgent visit to the gynecologist.

Examination for delayed menstruation

To establish the reasons for the delay in menstruation, examinations may be required to supplement the gynecological examination:

  • measurement and graphical display of changes in basal temperature, which allows you to verify the presence or absence of ovulation;
  • determination in the blood of the level of hCG, hormones of the ovaries, pituitary gland and other glands;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs to determine pregnancy (uterine, ectopic), tumor lesions of the uterus, ovaries and other causes that caused a delay in menstruation;
  • CT and MRI of the brain to exclude pituitary and ovarian tumors.

When diseases associated with a delay in menstruation are detected, consultations of other specialist doctors are prescribed: an endocrinologist, a nutritionist, a psychotherapist, etc.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that the delay in menstruation, no matter what circumstances it was caused, should not be left without the attention of a woman. A delay in menstruation can be caused by a banal change in the weather, or the joyful expectation of motherhood, or serious illnesses. If there is a delay in menstruation, a timely consultation with a doctor will free you from unnecessary worries and worries that can significantly aggravate this condition. In families where girls grow up, it is necessary to conduct their competent sexual education, explaining, among other things, that the delay in menstruation is a problem that must be solved together with the mother and the doctor.

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