Pickup courses - scam or real help? School of flirting or pickup with love Seduction courses for girls

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Every woman wants attention and compliments. Each dreams of men turning their necks, looking after her, and falling in piles at their feet. But for one, the art of "charming" is given from the cradle, while the other has to learn this all his life,. The “science” of seduction of the opposite sex that has appeared in our time - the pickup truck - was the prerogative of exclusively men. But this set of techniques and skills of seduction has become interesting for modern women. The only difference is that the task of a female pickup, as a rule, is not a one-time pleasure, but the search for true love and the desire to become attractive, self-confident and desirable. What are the basic rules of a women's pickup truck?

Why do girls do pickups? Goals

For men pickups, the goals are simple and clear - to please the girl and put her to bed as quickly as possible. Girls Goals more selective:

  • How to find it.
  • How to meet.
  • How to charm.
  • How to keep.

And preferably - all at once. But, of course, that doesn't happen. Only chance can send you a prince on a white horse who, seeing you, will tremble with anticipation and immediately offer his hand, heart and Swiss bank account. Therefore, first you need to understand how to get to know each other correctly and how to behave so that the gentleman does not run away from you five minutes after. This is what the female pickup truck teaches - how not to scare a man how to impress etc.

Female pickup - dating rules

Basic rules for a women's pickup truck

The task of the pickup provoking a man to action . The result depends on the desire - a short date, a close acquaintance in the horizontal plane, or a serious relationship and the creation of a family. The "science" of a pickup truck can be comprehended both independently and at special trainings. What are basic rules of a women's pickup truck?

  • Go out more often expand your circle of acquaintances.
  • Targeting a blue-eyed handsome athlete? Don't look for it in the library. For an oligarch? In the diner around the corner you will definitely not meet him.
  • Always be ready to meet your dream. Perfect appearance, excellent mood and a charming smile should be your constant companions.
  • Learn the basics of proper makeup, you should look stunning even when you run out to take out the trash - moderate but effective makeup, heels (stilettos), neckline, tight dress, well-groomed hands. Get used even at home (when no one sees you) to follow this rule. See.
  • Study male psychology. With this knowledge, it will be easier for you to predict the behavior of men and choose your own, the only one among them.
  • Be nice, friendly and independent. Be as calm and relaxed as possible. Leave embarrassment and excitement for other situations, here - only composure and self-confidence.
  • Your speech should be smooth and calm. No "nerve" in the voice.
  • Don't confuse words. Listen carefully, as if this story about fishing is the most amazing thing you have ever heard. Don't forget about subtle, "accidental" touches.
  • Don't talk about your problems(home-work-family) and their desires. A man should have a clear feeling that you are a successful, happy and completely satisfied person. And, of course, avoid asking questions about the number of your exes or marriages. It is unlikely that a man will be delighted to learn that you are just looking for a candidate for a fourth marriage.
  • Don't forget to praise the man. Men are like children, they need to feel needed, loved and extraordinary. Just do not overdo it - you should not praise the gentleman for a beautiful tie or clean shoes, you need to praise for actions.
  • Be humble. No need to put your feet on the table, sweep away dinner in a restaurant in a minute, put on a vulgar dress and demand a trip to the Seychelles. Modesty is always beautiful.
  • When communicating with a man, try as much as possible repeat his gestures, movements and manner of speech. This technique is one of the main ones in a pickup truck. Just do not get carried away - it should not be evident.
  • If you were invited to dance do not be too frank in movements- that is, hang yourself on a gentleman and cuddle with your whole body. Even if your head is already spinning from his strong hands and close breathing, keep yourself in control and wait until the “client is ripe”.
  • Manicure and makeup should be as natural as possible and minimal.. Eliminate red varnish immediately - it is unnerving. Too long nails are also not an option. The only thing that magically affects a man is shiny lips.
  • Expand your circle of hobbies and discover new talents in yourself. Learn to play billiards, shoot, change wheels, dance and cook.
  • Never be the first to admit your sympathies.
  • After meeting, do not be intrusive. It is he who should look for you, call and make appointments. And you - only condescendingly accept his courtship.
  • Do not hang a kilo of jewelry on yourself. One or two decorations are better, but spectacular and of high quality, than to look like a Christmas tree.
  • Do not go too far in facial expressions and "erotic" movements. It is enough to straighten your hair, lick your lips and throw your legs over your legs. Wagging your hips and swallowing bananas should not be.
  • Do not tell yourself and do not let a man tell dirty jokes.
  • Meeting the same man do not continue the "pick-up games". A man should love you, not your seduction technique. Keeping him with a pickup next to you for life will not work.

The ideal pick-up woman is the one who…

  • Loves and respects himself.
  • Not aggressive, but proactive. Independent.
  • Uninhibited and free in relationships.
  • He does not carry a suitcase of complexes with him.
  • Understands a man and accepts him for who he is.
  • Knows how to give pleasure.

Any woman is already a pick-up artist by nature. In fact, she does not need to learn the science of seduction at all, because nature has already given her all the tools for this. It remains only to use them competently and wisely. And most importantly - understand exactly what you are waiting for? Imagine that all men pay attention to you, salivate and dream of at least holding your hand. Are you sure you need it? Or do you still dream of meeting your future, the one and only man?
Turning to trainings and plunging into the science of seduction, be sure to be aware that the level of male attention to you will increase. And decide for yourself whether you want it or not.

Hello man, in this article I will tell you about what should include professional pickup courses and what it is and what it is eaten with. I will also help you make the right choice.

Let's start with a little lyrics, a pickup truck appeared in Russia about 14 years ago, and during this time a huge number of men and young guys were carried away by it. A lot appeared, among which there are about 4 main ones, including ours and a lot of some small ones. There are many books on this topic, a lot of information on YouTube and on the Internet.

What is important, I want to tell you - in spite of your delusions, only real men come to such trainings, who have found the strength to recognize the need for their own development. You want to be the best at everything (It's normal for a man), so why not be the best with the girls?

So, what do the average pickup rates for men consist of. Let's look at the example of both group and individual. Although, nevertheless, I will tell you more about individual training. First, how to choose correctly and not make a mistake. If I were you, I would be guided by such a criterion -

Before enrolling- ask as many questions as possible at the interview and see how they answer you, if they say - “You will learn this at the training”, then it is unlikely that you have come across a good teacher.

And the most important thing you should do is ask him to show you how he seduces himself. It so happened that most coaches are theorists who themselves do not know how to do anything in practice.

And what will you learn in theory - nothing! Learning to seduce is first of all practice and very competent feedback from the trainer.

So, you came to the training, choosing a hopefully good pickup coach. What should happen. First, they will tell you in general what is the mission of a man on earth and that before that you did not communicate correctly with women, it was not effective for yourself and it is effective only for women. You will be brainwashed in a good way. You will be simply shocked by what you heard, and you will understand that everything was actually quite obvious, only for some reason you did not know this.

Then they tell you the basics of dating and give you the most basic exercises that you go and do on your own under the supervision of a coach or supports. The training should consist of theory and practice, but practice should be at least 70 percent.

It all starts with the easiest exercises so that you gradually get used to the fact that being with girls next to you is not scary at all. Together with you we will kill your fear of approach and fear of rejection. After some short time, you will be able to approach yourself without our kicks. By the way, about how you can meet on the street, I have some great training videos on my YouTube channel, which you can watch right now by clicking over here. In these videos, I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like writing on the blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to speak on camera;). So, I'm better off not reading.

And here is the video

We continue to talk about pickup courses in Moscow, or in any other city. After you get used to the girls a little and this is no longer a “Cage with Tigers” for you, you are already purposefully taught to meet. What to say, how to speak, how to stand, how to look, how to shake hands. How to arouse interest in yourself during an acquaintance, how to interest and inspire confidence. How and when to take her phone, how to say goodbye.

The next step is to overcome fears., which interfere precisely with the acquaintance.
Then you do certain exercises on the topic of what to say to a girl. This is the most painful issue for most men. After the exercise "Throat", for example, you have races and this question will disappear forever. You will learn to get sincere pleasure from, while you will say whatever you want, even what you don’t like, and the most interesting thing is that she will be simply delighted!

After you get a lot of useful information and work it out in practice, they will tell you about calling out - how to call a girl out on a date. They tell you in detail how to invite a date, when to call, how many times to call, and so on.

Then comes the big topic of dating. In general, it consists of two main parts - dating and dating. You will learn how to conduct dates, how to choose the right place for a date, how it should be. How to put a girl next to you, how to change a place during a date, like. using two streams: speech and kinesthetics. How and when to touch her. A buildup of emotions, that is, a girl should not know what to expect from you next, you are either rude and impudent with her, then gentle and romantic, or cheerful and playful.

You will learn how to move to the place of sex so that she is guaranteed to go to your house. Checking women before sex, the last resistance and sex, what you need, how to do it, so that the girl wants only you. How to build relationships in which you are the boss, but at the same time everyone is happy. You will also learn how to make girls fall in love with you and a lot of other things.

Concerning prices for pickup courses for men, then it is different for all coaches. Of course, there are some average prices in Moscow, but, basically, who evaluates himself in what. Since there are many amateur trainers who have just been trained by someone and immediately decided that they can teach, you can stumble upon suspiciously cheap offers.

How much do you think your new life will cost? The prices for such training are not the cheapest, but it is worth it a thousand times, plus the training starts to pay off from the very first day. For example, guys even came to me, specially taking a loan for this business.

As for the cost of my trainings, and how you can get to them - you leave an application on the blog or website vsetvoi.ru or call us, my assistant contacts you and appoints you either a Skype interview or a personal one. Then you go through an interview, our psychologist offers you the best product for you and you get to the training.

In general, I believe that only one who himself had at least a hundred women, who understands psychology and constantly attends various trainings and seminars on related topics, who has read many developmental books and has a sincere desire to help people, can be called a trainer. A person must have experience.

You can watch the pickup video courses here in the "Video" section and see what you can easily learn by coming to the training on. We are waiting only for you!

Many modern men simply do not know how to get acquainted. This is not an unfounded statement, but a fact established on the basis of information from various sites, forums, social networks on the Internet. Young people, hiding under nicknames and avatars, openly write about it. Some of the guys who really care about this problem go into the pickup truck. What is this about? This can be found in this article.

How it all began

Uninitiated people may think that we are talking about such a little car with a small body. In our case, a pickup truck is a set of techniques and methods that allow you to effectively “shoot” girls.

The doctrine originated in the United States at the end of the last century, which is why it got its name. Around the same time, masters of seduction started giving pickup lessons to guys.

In Russia, one of the gurus is Philip Bogachev, who simply used the information of foreigners, slightly adapting it to our reality.

There are a lot of people who have written books on pickup trucks. There are foreign authors and domestic ones. Each of them has their own view on dating and seducing women. But there are also many similar thoughts.

Literature can be easily found on the Internet. It is possible to read online, buy and download a book. Different prices. It all depends on the online store and the specific book. You can get literature for free if you rummage through the search.

Let us formulate the basic principles on which the art of seduction is based.

pickup base

So, what is the basis of the doctrine:

  1. A man should think not only about how to seduce a girl, but first of all about himself, his condition. Success in business can only be achieved by a person who: looks good, is self-confident, calm, has a good job and interesting hobbies. Therefore, first, as many masters believe, you need to take care of yourself, “pump” your internal state. Women are looking for male men, not insecure losers.
  2. Much attention is paid to "openers" or "templates". This is a set of phrases with which a young man can start a dialogue with a girl, interest her and, perhaps, charm her. The use of your own blanks is welcome, and not those set out in pickup books. Some authors call for the use of "openers", which in their meaning represent an expression of great interest in the personality of the lady. Other gurus say that the "pattern" should be "neutral", the guy initially does not have the right to mention the high significance of the girl for him.
  3. Neuro-Linguistic Programming - NLP. Almost any pickup manual, one way or another, concerns psychological techniques. The authors of books on seduction do not shy away from techniques that can charm a girl by touching her subconscious. At first glance, the use of NLP may seem like quackery. However, it is not. If you delve deeper into the essence of the issue, you can understand that you can fall in love with someone with the help of cunning manipulations.
  4. Serious attention is paid to non-verbal things. For example, in pickup schools, they learn to recognize how a girl is disposed to communicate by her gestures, movements, and facial expressions. It is very important to learn to understand body language. After all, such signals appeal to the human subconscious. At pickup courses designed for men, they often emphasize that you can make a girl fall in love with you if you “adapt” to her: you need to repeat the poses of the interlocutor and, to some extent, copy her behavior. A lot of attention in training beginner pick-up artists is given to touch. A lady needs to be touched in order to take possession of her. At first - carefully, as if by chance. A little later - "intentionally." As a result, as the gurus promise, it will come to intimate caresses.

Of course, within the framework of a small article it is difficult to outline all the ways of dating and seduction. But the above is about extremely important points.

In general, a pickup truck, as a teaching, can be given such a characteristic - this is a kind of art of seduction, the essence of which is as follows:

  1. "Pumping" a man of himself. As a result of passing, for example, trainings, guys get rid of fears, gain confidence in communicating with girls, learn to make their life more interesting and richer.
  2. The study of the secrets of female, and sometimes universal, psychology. Firstly, in order to understand what girls want and what they are guided by when performing certain actions. Secondly, to predict the behavior of a lady in different situations. Thirdly, so that you can apply tricks related to weak points in the psyche. Example: "routines". These are a variety of funny stories that you can and should tell the girl you met. They are very convenient to fill in the gaps that arise. Moreover, the use of routines is such a psychological thing that allows you to interest a lady and develop love in her. The internet is full of good stories.
  3. Gaining an experience of easy and relaxed communication. Indeed, by practicing in a pickup truck, young people acquire the skill to talk to anyone on any topic without any problems.

For some free guys, it is valuable and useful. However, not all men approve of pickups. Often his opponents are also girls.

Why is a pickup bad?

There is actually only one male argument: a pickup truck is, first of all, a doctrine of seduction. The vast majority of those who have mastered this skill use different tricks and "chips" in order to drag the girl into bed after the third date at the most. It seems that the pick-up artist is a seducer who is only interested in sex. Some young people want a long-term serious relationship.

Girls have a little more complaints:

  1. Pikapers are only interested in sex.
  2. Often a dismissive attitude towards ladies is promoted.
  3. Psychological tricks are used, girls are being manipulated.

What can be said in response?

Firstly, a pickup truck provides tools not so much for dragging a woman into bed, but for a man to become a real alpha male: strong, interesting and successful. Every girl's dream. Naturally, with this you want intimacy.

But if the young man himself is looking for a companion for a long time, pickup skills can only help in this, but not interfere in any way. If it is only a tool, how it will be used depends on the individual.

As for the manipulation and disrespect for women, Gregory Madison wrote about this even at the birth and formation of the pickup truck. He gives an example from boxing in his book: if the opponent fights according to the rules, you need to give up punches in the eye and other dishonest tricks. When the opponent himself decided to use dirty moves, he thereby unties your hands too.

It should be noted that girls do not always act honestly. For example, they make scandals, refuse to get acquainted even when they themselves want it, etc. Naturally, men are looking for instructions that give them the opportunity to "bite" the lady.

The ladies themselves come up with difficulties for the men with whom they are trying to build relationships in order to make sure that the young man is worthy of getting a girl. Pick-up artists figured this out a long time ago and came up with their own ways of fighting.

Do not forget that only in pickup training courses now you can learn:

  • arrange romantic evenings;
  • give gifts to a girl;
  • defend against attempts to recapture the lady;
  • fall in love with her more and more each day.

That is, a pickup truck is not magic, where girls are bewitched with the help of conspiracies. This is an art in which, by improving the quality of communication, guys fall in love with girls. Pikapers are perhaps the most cheerful and romantic men. They take better care of others.

Pickup types

Of course, every practitioner of "Casanova" uses in his activities the most liked ways of dating and seducing one or more authors. Someone pays more attention to unusual "openers", looking for the most effective one. Someone is trying to achieve a high class in the field of NLP. But now let's talk about something else.

Pickup develops, taking into account the circumstances of life.

For example, in the 90s of the last century there were no social networks, Skype, YouTube and dating sites. Of course, Madison in his book could not address the issue of seduction on the Internet. Now a whole direction has been formed, connected with the virtual world.

Pickup on the net

There is an opinion that dating girls on the Internet is not worth it. Gurus advise beginners to go out into the streets more often and look for women there. Correspondence is supposedly a waste of time.

Although many choose to ignore such advice simply because there are a huge number of interesting girls on the network that you can meet.

  • come up with original first phrases;
  • develop tactics for obtaining phone numbers in order to make a call later;
  • think about how not to get ignored.

In a word, develop pickup methods on the network. It should be taken into account that all this cannot be limited only to virtual communication. You need to be able to take the conversation from the Internet into reality in a timely manner. In addition, on a date, you will also need to interest the lady.

The Internet pickup acts as an addition to the standard one. In general, it doesn't matter if you walk the streets with a partner, trying to arrange a meeting. Or sit on a dating site to dial phone numbers and call girls later.

female pickup

Ladies also learned to "hook" boys. There are many videos on the web on the topic. Of course, women's pickup is different from men's: girls, as a rule, are looking for a guy for a long-term relationship. Ladies don't disappear immediately after sex. This is the main distinguishing feature. But the list goes on:

  • girls are not recommended to take a partner “into the fields”;
  • lessons are learned mainly after reading books, since there are few trainings for ladies;
  • own description of methods.

There are not many female pickup followers because the ladies mostly prefer to sit and wait for the prince rather than be active.

Probably, with changes in society, the pickup, as a teaching, will have new methods and directions. But he himself will not disappear anywhere, because at all times people want to get to know each other and communicate.

Thus, a pickup truck is undoubtedly needed by not very self-confident people who want to find their soul mate or just a sex partner. The most important thing is practice. If you remain a theoretician in a pickup truck, you will, as before, live in a company with a bunch of complexes.

We hope that this article has generated interest in this teaching and will encourage you to become more familiar with the issue using books or attending special trainings.

Almost exactly what happened in October 1995, when the non-commercial computer network Fidonet (Fidonet) Sergey Ogurtsov opened the Ru forum. PickUp, which discussed the issues of "acquaintance with the opposite sex and the development of relationships." And although the participants of the conference were not world famous as the great Casanova, but the totality of their experience gave impetus to the development experiential approach to seduction.

That's how it came about pickup community, where each man's observations about how to succeed with women were discussed, systematized and entered into a knowledge base about specific qualities and behaviors that attract most women.

On this basis, formed pickup technology- a set of measures and actions designed to effectively attract an object of the opposite sex.

The term itself Pickup(English pick up - colloquially pick up) means acquaintance for the purpose of seduction. In such a narrow sense, it originated in the West, as a kind of gambling. However, over time, they started talking about a pickup truck as a scienceseduction and seduction, attracting attention, building strong relationships with the opposite sex.

Developing as a science, the pickup began to use the techniques of non-verbalism, neuro-linguistic programming, covert hypnosis and other manipulative techniques. A large number of seminars and trainings appeared, pick-up specialists began to publish manuals, blogs and forums. Pickup truck ideas have become popular among the youth.

Generally pickup training mainly give practical tips to the following questions:

How to find a girl ("pickup victim")? Experienced seducers offer the most suitable places for dating, days of the week and even times of the day when girls are most inclined to contact, evaluate the likelihood of a successful pickup in certain conditions, offer suitable options for pickup methods and techniques.

How to meet a girl? Pickup gurus tell what types of girls there are, how to find out as much as possible about the "pickup victim", how to hook her at first sight, from a half-word, or even by a smell or a familiar melody. In accordance with the situation, they will teach you how to choose words for dating.

How to attract her? Here opens a wide field of various ways to impress:

  • Creation of a unique personality mythology ("I am one in a million!" or "I am one of those very ones!");
  • The embodiment in the details of the image corresponding to the image of the desired man (prince, scoundrel, superman, psychic, etc.); from clothes to demeanor and speech - everything should harmoniously fit into the legend of a unique personality;
  • Creating an illusion in a girl that individuality is valued in her, emphasizing the merits of her mind and body;
  • etc.

What is the fastest way to get close to her and seduce her? In this matter, pick-up artists often use neuro-linguistic programming techniques, tuning techniques, and other manipulations. The aerobatics of pick-ups is considered to be the creation of conditions and relationships so comfortable for the girl that the "victim of the pick-up" herself goes to the stage of seduction.

The pickup also touches on such problems as jealousy, painless separation, maintaining long-term relationships, unplanned pregnancy, and so on.

Exists ideological division among pickup artists on those who have turned the seduction of women into a "sport" to train their communication skills and use psychotechnics, and those who, using pickup methods, establish and maintain a comfortable relationship with "the one".

Now the movements of pick-up artists have begun to change in the direction of developing themselves as individuals. The seducer is no longer trying to hide his real self from the girl and build an image of a tough guy in front of her. He is constantly improving to actually become such a tough guy and win the unshakable right to date "the girl of his dreams." This movement in the ranks of a pickup truck is called Natural Game.

Also included here are green pickup rules, here is some of them:

  • Parting should be the least painless, the best option is her decision to remain friends;
  • At any parting, the girl should have pleasant memories of the seducer;
  • If a pick-up artist is only interested in sex, he should be frank with her and set her up accordingly;
  • And so on

Thus, the once-valid criticism of the pickup truck as "pure seduction without love" is slowly fading away as the art of seduction has moved beyond sporting interest to deeper issues of personal development and interpersonal relationships.

Historically, everything that is connected with teaching dating in Russia is usually called a pickup truck.
Now we will not go into details why it happened, but we will answer the main question: how exactly do you fill your life with really beautiful girls.

Answer these questions first:

Do you want to learn how to "breed" girls?
Or do you still want your communication with women to become more
open, honest and enjoyable for both parties?

Do you want to learn how to squeeze girls?
Or do you still want to change in such a way as to become
objectively more attractive and desirable for girls, so that they
themselves wanted to have sex with you and they did not need to be persuaded to do so?

Do you want to learn how to "throw" girls correctly?
Or do you still want girls to have a good opinion of
you, respected and appreciated you?

"I've been through pickup training and I agree that many (perhaps most) of the pickup training exercises are idiotic. Their only purpose is to stupidly give courage to nerds, nerds and other notorious teenagers.

Examples of exercises (when I remember that I did them myself, it becomes disgusting):
to get to the bottom of the peasants (guards, sellers, etc.) - to wear them out with stupid claims a la “why don’t you work?”;
get to the bottom of the girls - why don't they carry condoms with them, etc.;
ask the girls to sing a song with you; get to the bottom so that she sends you or hits you;
ask a stranger for a gift, a glass of coffee, etc.;
somehow beg for a kiss on the cheek / neck / lips; well, and other insanity ...

I remember how disgusting it was, how uncomfortable. As a result, something changed inside and I became a slob. Now I'm not shy at all. But is it cool? I want to be a decent guy .. And the pickup coaches made asocial elements out of me and other participants. I would like to learn how to be an interesting conversationalist, to be able to give the necessary positive emotions, in general, to give joy to myself and girls from communication. A pickup truck is fake and rude in essence. Not for smart people."

Then maybe you need not a pickup, but something else?

You can attend pickup master classes for a very long time, take individual pickup lessons and wonder why the results do not please you.
You can find online pickup lessons and study them at home - even less sense.
You may be wondering how to become a pickup artist and even open your own pickup courses.
As my many years of experience show, this will not make you happier.
Using the pickup rules, you will learn how to “breed”, “squeeze” and “throw” girls, but we seem to have already decided that this is not what you need.
Which pickup courses are the most efficient? None. Which pickup coaching to go for? None. Pickup seduction lessons cannot be effective by definition.

My name is Thomas and I can cut your time down a lot. You don't have to learn inefficient and even destructive pickup courses. And we'll start right now!

To get started, read and feel these simple things:

The task of dating is not to "pick up the phone", as they say at pickup courses, but to impress the girl so that she wants to see you again, thinks about you and waits for your call.

The task of a date is not to "communicate without pauses", but to understand the essence of a girl and involve her in her world, showing her attractiveness.

The task of a relationship is not to have regular sex with a beautiful girl, but to make her happy every day and through this become happy yourself.

In 2007, I created the TLC project.

What is the difference between a TLC and a pickup truck?
The task of TLC is to make you such a man,
which you would wish for your daughter.

If you consider a girl a “victim”, “target”, “trophy”, and the process of communication itself is a “war” or “confrontation”, then this will never lead you to quality results with girls. It is necessary to get rid of these beliefs, and the pickup only perpetuates these ideas, offering a “new weapon” in order to win this “war” more often.

The basis of TLC is that there is no war.

We have retrained hundreds of pickup training graduates. Pickup coaches often come to us. They all have the same goal - how to get to know a girl beautifully, easily and naturally.

Below we have provided 4 reviews from the most popular pickup trainings and pickup coaching.

Review of TLC after RMES

“2 years ago I passed the basic RMS. It turned out a little and everything that “the coach said, came down to one thing - do more approaches. I "learned a bit about brute-force seduction, but I wanted to be "really efficient. On the recommendation, I got to TLC and “I am immensely glad that I took part in LifeStyle coaching.

The TLC approach is fundamentally different from RMS. If on RMS “the goal of the first date is for the girl to come on the second, and the goal of the second is to squeeze for sex so that on the third she comes ready for sex” (this is the basic model called the “three date”), then on TLC such a primitive no close. At TLC, I realized that you don’t have to wait for a second date to start positioning yourself as a lover, but you need to do this even during the acquaintance, and most importantly, “positioning yourself as a lover” is not “molesting” and “groping”, but this the correct internal states through which to arouse a girl is now much faster. At rmes, work is underway with the behavior “do the right actions and there will be a result”, at TLC, work is underway with internal states.

“The TLC coaches have exposed a lot of my shortcomings. For example, at RMES they said, “that the club needs to do a lot of small communications with girls and guys. While doing this, I felt like a molester and “wasted a lot of emotions. At TLC, they showed me how to hang out in a club "for fun, with a sense of self-respect and make fasts without much "emotional cost. The so-called "good fasts". At the same time, we were all taken to the “rmes” to the factories, and to the TLC to the empire. I also really “liked the fact that LifeStyle coaching included “individual sessions with a trainer.”

Feedback on TLC after Alex Leslie

“My acquaintance with the topic of seduction began with Leslie’s book, and to my happiness, “as I now understand, I didn’t get to some kind of pickup training, but LifeStyle coaching. But my friend got on Leslie.

As a result: I get acquainted with the girls calmly, we quickly establish mutual understanding, I immediately make a call from above and position myself as a lover. My friend: behaves like an inadequate (I'm ashamed to even go to the club with him now), behaves like a jester with girls.

He runs around the club from one to another, paws everyone at once, and then wonders why no one wants to meet him. He was told, as they say, that you need to touch the girl right away, he freezes everyone with this. I don't care about touch at all. During dating, I usually don’t touch girls at all, and then everything goes fine. Another interesting point, on TLC I received an unequivocal answer: “if you invite a girl, you pay in the process of spending time”, and on Leslie, my friend was driven into the head that in no case should you pay. As a result, he again freezes everyone with his “alpha male principles”, and in a week I am flying with a girl whom I met in a shopping center to Cyprus, and there was no question from her that I should pay. Although I paid on dates and, in theory, in Leslie Psychology, she was like a “dynamo” and should have taken me on a trip. In general, on TLC everything is somehow humane and this view of seduction seems to me much more correct.

Review of TLC after Ortega Project

“Before I got to LifeStyle, I went through the Ortega training “Project. What did I take out of there? I understood how to behave in clubs, “what to talk about and in what light to show. I learned to “PR and in principle it gave good results. But, very soon, it began to bother me that the girls were not sleeping with me, but with “the image that I create. After sex, of course, the screen “fell and nothing went on, the relationship did not start.

The moment of truth was the situation when I liked a very beautiful girl in a cafe. About 25 years old in appearance, aristocracy in gestures, a formal suit. What I've done? I approached her and, as always, began to unwind: to tell what an interesting guy I am, what countries I have been to, how my friends and I rode on a yacht. All this, of course, to please her. She listened to me for about two minutes and then looked into my eyes so carefully and said a phrase that I remembered for the rest of my life: “What are you pretending to be? Why are you telling me all this? I don't waste my time on soap bubbles." I saw the light at the moment. In fact, all this social frills, unwinding and pressure by status worked only on the average pretty provincial women, but this did not add happiness and I did not want to build relationships with any of them. So I decided to go study natural seduction.

I registered on the site, listened to the audio, watched the video and decided to come to live classes. In a nutshell, I became real! I became myself the way girls like me! Without "pe esok", "interests on the list" and the correct position of the fingers on the pockets (who was, he will understand). TLC made me 10 years older.”

Review of TLC after PICKUP RU

“Before I took LifeStyle coaching, I took a pickup.ru course. Now, I can already objectively say that the whole model of “seduction” was presented there, like a fight with a girl, like “chess, where in order to have sex with a girl, you need to” beat her. Real war! And in war, as you know, all methods are “good: manipulation, templates, and obvious deception. It didn’t “impress” me at all, although I saw guys who were very pinched “just from this.

In the speeches of the coaches, hatred towards girls was openly visible, and it seems that this was the main motivation for seducing them. To make it clear, I will give a typical dialogue from the training:
Student: Yesterday, after a date, we went to my place, for about two hours I squeezed it, and then we had sex. She refused to do blowjob, but I twisted her hands, climbed on her and finished on her face.
Coach: Yeee! Cool you dropped it!

Of course, this brought some result, I took phone numbers from girls, but it was not at all what I wanted and I went to TLC. After pickup.ru, TLC was just a balm for the wound. I saw an intelligent trainer who loves girls and builds the whole model of seduction on mutual pleasure. The term "lowered" was not in sight.
I clearly understood how to think and what to feel in the process of seduction, so that both the girl and I understand that we are in the same trench and that there is no war. I really liked this approach and all the tricks that I learned on TLC fit very well into the map. The number of girls has not increased, but the quality has increased very much

I understand that it may not be easy for you to realize all this. Especially if you have already read some pickup books or watched online pickup courses. Trust me, the sooner you start learning TLC's natural seduction, the better it will be for you. Don't open it for later, start by watching my TLC-Basic course, since you can do it absolutely free!

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