What is a history teacher. The noble profession of a teacher


Surely, each person keeps in mind the image of the first teacher, remembers his first lesson. And this has its own explanation, since the teacher is engaged not only in training, but also in education. It is known that pedagogy in Greek means "driving with children". Even in ancient times, people with some kind of craft were elected to teach the younger generation. Today, the essence of selecting specialists for training has remained the same. The main value remains the professional level and knowledge of the teacher.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession teachers are in high demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified teachers.

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Description of activity

The teacher in his professional activities must be guided by the laws on education, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In order to perform their work qualitatively, a specialist in the field of education uses the knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and physiology. Here it is important to study the interests and needs of students and find an approach to everyone, to realize their creative potential. The ability to organize one's teaching activities, to create a work methodology that will produce fruitful results are the main criteria for a good specialist.


average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

Pretty common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession teachers can not be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, the labor market has seen a demand for representatives of the profession teachers despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

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What kind of education is needed

Higher professional education

The survey data show that for work in the profession teachers you must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work teacher(adjacent or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become teacher.

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Job responsibilities

The teacher conducts lessons where he provides new information within his subject. Carries out repetition and consolidation of the passed material. Controls the educational activities of students through grading. To organize independent work of students, he gives homework. Engaged in checking the work of students, prepares control and verification work for them. Conducts extracurricular activities with students lagging behind in the program. Takes part in the meeting of the Board of Directors.

Type of labor

Exceptional mental work

Profession teachers refers to professions of exclusively mental (creative or intellectual labor). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and the emotional sphere is important. teachers distinguished by erudition, curiosity, rationality, analytical mindset.

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Features of career growth

The career growth of a teacher is a kind of ladder of professional growth. It is manifested by participation in competitions, olympiads, an excellent indicator of student achievement. The teacher may in the future apply for the position of head teacher or director of the school.

Career Opportunities

Opportunities Enough

The vast majority of the profession teachers believe that they have enough opportunities to move up the career ladder. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite realistic for him to take a leadership position in this area.

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Teaching is an ambiguous profession. For some, a career as a teacher is a dream, while others consider this work difficult and thankless. reveals the pros and cons of being a teacher so you can decide if it's right for you.

For the first time, Confucius mentioned the role of a teacher in his writings. The ancient thinker believed that the main task of the mentor is to reveal new knowledge to the student.

What is a teacher?

Our society is based on this profession. Teachers pass on knowledge to new generations, educate their students and instill in them useful qualities. It is in the power of this specialist to discover abilities in a person and direct him to the path of improvement.

The welfare of the nation depends on teachers. Countries with a high level of education are the best in all areas of life. In the world ranking of the level of education of the United Nations (Education Index), Belarus ranks 20th. Australia leads the way

Professional quality

The job of a teacher is a constant interaction with people. His activity is associated with nervous tension, so you need to be extremely stress-resistant and patient. Attentiveness, kindness, tact, justice, humanism are the characteristics of an ideal teacher. It is wonderful for a teacher to have an excellent memory and the ability to self-learn.

If you are interested in this profession, try yourself in it already from school. In Belarus, pedagogical classes have recently appeared, the graduates of which are provided upon admission to a university

Professional skills

The teacher is highly versed in the area of ​​knowledge that he teaches. He also knows how to present information to students in an accessible and interesting way. The teacher also has organizational skills, since his work is largely related to the preparation of plans, holding events. All this is taught in universities in pedagogical specialties.

Pros and cons

This profession will be in demand always and everywhere. However, it is considered quite complex and is not suitable for everyone. You can often hear the opinion that it is rather. Sometimes it's hard to know if you'll be a good teacher until you try your hand at it. Like any other specialist, the teacher is faced with the negative: documentation routine, negligent students, low salary. But in the everyday life of a teacher there is a place for bright and inspiring moments that compensate for troubles. Communication with different people, the opportunity to share knowledge and experience, scope for creativity and development of abilities - all this allows the teacher to enjoy the work.

Where to study

Flagship Pedagogical University -. Also, many Belarusian universities have suitable specialties:,. See the entire list at. Some train teachers of physical education, elementary classes, art and music.

By the way, holders of gold and silver medals for secondary school and diplomas of secondary specialized education with honors can enter pedagogical specialties without exams. Their list is updated by the Ministry of Education every year.

Where to work

A talented and enterprising teacher has ample opportunities to find a job. Of course, it can be a school, gymnasium or lyceum. Qualified specialists are needed in educational centers and various institutes (for example, RIKZ), where curricula are developed. If you wish, you can graduate and become. They often work as methodologists and textbook writers. Tutoring is also an option. Often ambitious teachers combine their teaching experience with current areas of expertise (such as marketing, etc.) and find themselves teaching adults.

If you understand that the profession of a teacher is for you, then go ahead. You have every chance to become an excellent specialist.

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A teacher is one of the most complex, interesting and ancient professions, so we didn’t fit into 10 facts, but we chose the most interesting ones.

A teacher in Russia is more than just a teacher. This is an experienced mentor, support, senior friend and a person who has a huge responsibility. The realities of the modern world are rapidly changing, but the inner content of the concept of "Teacher" never changes. 25 facts: statistics, culture and history, everything to think about what kind of heroes they are - real teachers.

5 facts. The importance of the profession

  1. World polls show that teachers are second only to the military and doctors in the ranking of professions on which the well-being of society depends. We would raise this point even higher, because the present and future of each child depends on teachers.
  2. In 2013 rating of the teaching profession in terms of trust was 3.72 points out of five possible (only scientists have a higher figure - 3.86 points).
  3. The researchers note that the teacher just as hard a job as an air traffic controller , pilot or fireman. Their stress levels are about the same.
  4. According to teachers, modern children come to them every year with big problems. That is why the range of "interests" of teachers is steadily expanding towards psychology.
  5. According to the results of an all-Russian survey, more than 92% believe the teaching profession is a creative and very challenging . Dear teachers, please remain creative, patient professionals.

10 facts. culture

  1. Teaching is indeed one of the oldest professions. The first schools appeared in the countries of the East - in Assyria, Babylon and China in the IV millennium BC. e. The profession came to Russia after the adoption of Christianity, when Prince Vladimir issued a decree to give literacy education - “book education” for children of “the best people”. Later, Yaroslav the Wise created a school in Novgorod for the children of clerics and elders. Education was conducted in Russian, and the subjects were reading, writing, counting and the basics of the Christian faith.
  2. The very word "school" first appeared in ancient Greece. But its meaning was different from the modern understanding, meant "rest" or even "leisure" . However, leisure was not idle, but meant conversations on topics of philosophy and faith. Over time, philosophers began to have students, and the term “school” began to mean precisely the educational process. When the need arose to create premises for mass education, the name "school" was left.
  3. Corporal punishment in schools is still allowed in some countries. It’s not for you to write “fool” with a pen on your forehead, because even in America - a stronghold of democracy - not all states have abolished corporal punishment. In Russia, this practice came to naught after the 1917 revolution. So you can celebrate a century without peas and rods.
  4. We are also indebted to Russian teachers from the past for the appearance of the expression "to freeze stupidity." In pre-revolutionary gymnasiums, Greek was studied, and in translation into it, “stupidity” is “drizzle”. So the teachers scolded their negligent students in this way.
  5. There are a lot of educators among politicians and scientists. For example, before Lyndon Johnson became President of the United States, he was a teacher. At the age of 20, he was already teaching at three different schools. Moreover, sources report that his teaching style and competencies received many positive reviews.
  6. Studying in the USA is very individual, and teachers observe the “secrecy of grades”. In an American school, the teacher simply silently calls to him and shows the mark to the student, and only once every six months the report card comes to the parents.
  7. The most popular film about teaching in Russia is... no, not We'll Live Until Monday, but "French lessons" . The Soviet film classic of 1978 tells a simple but complex story about how a teacher decides to support a student deprived of family warmth.
  8. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky - one of the most famous psychologists and teachers, the creator of cultural-historical theory, received ... a legal education. But later he chose not the profession of a psychologist or psychotherapist, but a teacher. He taught at many schools and technical schools and taught courses.
  9. A subject teacher is the most common form of employment for Russian teachers. But, for example, in the Czech Republic there are no "mathematicians", "physicists" and "athletes", there The teacher is required to teach several subjects at once.
  10. Such a movie masterpiece "Let's Live Until Monday" , should still be in our selection. The fact is that for many girls from the USSR, Ilya Melnikov - the hero of the incomparable Tikhonov - became a model of a real man, in fact, an ideal. According to many, they went to work as teachers in a school precisely because they met their ideal.

10 facts. Statistics

  1. 33% of teachers leave within the first three years of employment, 46% within the first five years. And this number, unfortunately, is increasing.
  2. A teacher's salary does not include time spent on class planning. But it can take up to three hours to prepare one lesson! According to the National Education Association, teachers spend an average of 53 hours per week performing tasks related to learning . It's all about planning lessons, writing reports, extracurriculars, and checking homework. While the usual norm for office workers is 40 hours a week.
  3. The most common reason a person leaves teaching is low pay. Such a reason as retirement is only 14% of the total.
  4. 99% of teachers surveyed say that "love for your work" - an absolute requirement, and professionalism is necessary for the full provision of student achievement.
  5. 94% of the teachers surveyed are not at all against the annual "assessments" of their work, that is, attestations. Organized inspections, in their opinion, should be carried out regularly, but only a quarter work in schools where this occurs.
  6. Unfortunately, over the past 10 years the number of teachers in Russia has decreased by at least 25%. Young specialists are not in a hurry to become teachers, even if they graduate from universities in this profile.
  7. A school teacher, if we turn to statistics, is a female profession , 86% of the professional community are women. Moreover, the proportion of men in primary school is zero. For comparison: in France in high school 57% of women, in the UK and Hong Kong - 53%, in Germany - 46%, in Japan - 32%.
  8. 39% of teachers in Russia are residents of villages and villages, about 30% more work in million-plus cities, the rest - in urban-type settlements and small towns.
  9. As of the end of 2016 - beginning of 2017, the level of teachers' income fluctuates between 18-30 thousand rubles, according to official data.
  10. According to an international study in which Russia took part, the average age of a teacher is 52 years.

ped. profession and position in the system of general and prof.-tech. education. The teaching profession owes its origin to the isolation of education into a special social function, when a specific was formed in the structure of societies, the division of labor. type of activity, the purpose of which is to prepare the younger generations for life on the basis of familiarizing them with the values ​​of human culture.

Many theoreticians-teachers noted the great morals. the impact, mighty and wise power of the teaching profession. Plato wrote that if the shoemaker is a bad master, the citizens will only be somewhat worse shod, but if the educator of children does not perform his duties well, whole generations of ignorant and bad people will appear in the country. U., stressed Ya. A. Komensky, an excellent position was handed over, nothing higher under the sun could be. He drew a number of brilliant analogies between U. and a gardener, U. and an enterprising architect, likened U. to a diligent sculptor who painted and polished the minds and souls of people. K. D. Ushinsky considered U. as a warrior of truth and goodness, as a living link between the past and the future, a mediator between what was created by past generations and new generations. His case, modest in appearance, is one of the greatest cases in history. If U., believed L. N. Tolstoy, has only love for work, he will be a good U. If U. has only love for students, like a father, mother, he will be better than U., who read all the books, but has no love either for the work or for the students. If U. combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect U. As A. S. Makarenko correctly pointed out, students will forgive their U. both dryness and even captiousness, but they will not forgive poor knowledge of the matter. Above all, they value skill, deep knowledge of the subject, and clear thought in a teacher. Not a single U., considered V. A. Sukhomlinsky, can be universal (and therefore abstract). the embodiment of all virtues. Something prevails in everyone, everyone has a unique vitality, is able to reveal more clearly, more fully than others, to reveal themselves in some area of ​​spiritual life. This area is precisely the personal contribution that brings the teacher's individuality into the complex process of influencing students.

Only at first glance, the teaching profession may seem like a relay of knowledge. In fact, this is a high mission, the purpose of which is the creation and self-determination of personality in culture, the affirmation of man in man.

With all the variety of reforms and modernizations in the education system, all of them are ultimately limited to U. There are no miraculous peds. systems. There is U., formed as a creative, socially active person, able to freely navigate in changing socio-cultural circumstances, act responsibly and professionally in education. processes.

With the obvious mass nature of the ped, the profession, in order to master it, it turns out that a fairly rigid structure of abilities and qualities, a certain socio-psychol, is necessary. personality predisposition. The requirements for the personality of U. reflect the content and structure of his prof. activities, to-rye, of course, are given by society.

One of the leading, core formations of U.'s personality, which determine its integrity and readiness for activity, is professional value orientations. They can be characterized as selective relations of U. to ped. profession, to the personality of the pupil, to himself, as being formed on the basis of a wide range of spiritual relations of the individual, in all types of activities that are professionally significant for her. Meaningful self-determination of U. is due to its orientation to the values ​​of precisely ped. activities, on a wide range of humanistic. social prof. attitudes: to the chosen profession as a way of life and a way of its full and creative living; on a person as an end, not a means; on the development of reflection, empathy and social abilities that ensure the productivity of communication and the success of interaction with people, especially with children.

The composition of the professionally conditioned properties and characteristics of U. includes the general orientation of his personality (social maturity and civic responsibility, professional ideals, humanism, highly developed, primarily cognitive, interests, selfless attitude to the chosen profession); some specific. qualities - organizational (organization, efficiency, initiative, exactingness, self-criticism), communicative (fairness, attentiveness, friendliness, openness, goodwill, modesty, sensitivity, tact), perceptual-gnostic (observation, creativity, intellectual activity, research style, flexibility, originality and critical thinking, the ability to make non-standard decisions, a sense of the new, intuition, objectivity and impartiality, careful and attentive attitude to the experience of senior colleagues, the need for constant updating and enrichment of knowledge), expressive (high emotional and volitional tone, optimism, emotional susceptibility and responsiveness, self-control, tolerance, endurance, sense of humor); prof. performance; physical and psychic. health.

A peculiar "core" of U.'s personality is prof. self-consciousness, which ensures the interconnection and consistency of its leading motives, meanings, attitudes, values, beliefs, ideals. For a high level of development, prof. self-consciousness is characteristic: the predominance of the hierarchical. the structure of characteristics U. values ​​of personal growth in the profession; representation in the mind of the image of the student as the subject of his life and the desire to be himself reflected as a significant subject; the dominance of the attitude towards personality-oriented interaction with pupils (sympathy, support, trust); the positivity of U.'s self-attitude, which is based on his assessment of himself as capable of making a real contribution to the development of personally significant spheres of the student's life. In other words, prof. U.'s self-consciousness is the process of realizing and experiencing the subjective significance of the development and personal growth of the student as a decisive condition for his own self-realization in the ped. professions.

Inherent modern. civilization dynamism means. least changes socially-ped. functions U., to-ry from the traditional "subject teacher" is increasingly turning into an organizer of the processes that form the personality of the student. The school now acts as a sphere of spiritual production and cultural creation, the result of which is not just the appropriation of new knowledge, new goals, new values ​​and personal meanings, but the disclosure of the essential forces and active abilities of a growing person. Traditional teaching is being replaced by ped. a system capable of modeling and reproducing in the field of education is valid. wealth of life connections and personality relationships.

In everyday consciousness there is an idea of ​​ped. labor as an uncreative, mechanical, exhausting occupation. It is wrong to demand that every step is ped. activity was creative, unique, always new. But just as it is impossible to enter the same river twice, so in the work of U. it is impossible to repeat the success that once came. There is nothing more alive, infinitely changing, mobile than the work of a teacher, objectively requiring from him prof. mobility and dynamism. Only a thought freed from the template dictates W. creative solutions. Each U. has the right to individuality, to initiative, to his own ped. handwriting and this becomes possible if U. is ready for the transformation of prof. activities. Such readiness can be achieved if the self-determination of U. regarding the content and structure of ped is ensured. activities and presentation of its results in the form of personal knowledge; freedom of choice in the definition and ways of substantiating the ideas of transforming ped. activities with mandatory assessment of their effectiveness in practice; U.'s acquisition of experience in joint activities in solving ped. tasks (problems). and mastering the technique of interactive communication (see also Pedagogical Experience); development of a reflective position and systemic vision of ped. process (as opposed to its fragmentary perception, in a static projection, outside the analysis of the connections and relations of its elements); see also Methodical work.

The flow of information about facts, discoveries, concepts is growing rapidly in all branches of knowledge, and in order to fulfill their prof. function, U. must constantly be enriched with the new that modernity gives, live an intense spiritual life, become a creator-creator. U. to an increasing extent becomes a researcher, combining an experimental teacher, theorist and practitioner, a subtle psychologist and educator. Such a specialist is able not only to serve the existing pedagogical technologies, but also to carry out innovative processes, creative processes in the broadest sense.

Turning to the solution of a set of not only typical, but also original ped. tasks, U., as well as the researcher, builds his activity in accordance with the general rules of heuristic. search (see also Research in Pedagogy). Ability to think independently, make informed decisions in complex dynamic situations. situations - a characteristic feature of prof. appearance of modern U. Constant focus on thinking, processes for solving problematic problems, updating knowledge complexes, strategy and tactics prof. W.'s behavior and activities give his thinking a unique character that is not specific to other professions.

The main thing in the dynamics of U.'s activity is the identification and use of his personal potential as a system-forming factor in the author's ped. systems, ascent from otd. ped. functions (actions, situations). to their system, from typical ped. techniques for personality-oriented technologies. U.'s activity is a kind of synthesis of objective knowledge and subjective creativity, algorithmization and improvisation.

W. justifies social expectations only if his personality, general and prof. culture is developing at a faster pace than the culture of the bulk of the population. However, the dialectic of modern societies, development gives rise to a contradictory situation, in which far from all teachers turn out to be appropriate for their status. This is partly to blame for the widespread and outdated idea of ​​U. as an ordinary employee, functionary, executor of directives. The drama of this situation is exacerbated by the fact that under modern psychological level. load on U. is alienating him from culture, from the school, from the pupil.

Sphere prof. W.'s labor is an arena for overcoming many. contradictions. These are the contradictions between the dynamics of prof. tasks and internal U.'s readiness for their implementation; between the dynamics of education. politics and W.'s desire to occupy a clear and consistent. position; between U.'s personal need for creative self-realization and the possibility of satisfying it; between the growing volume of relevant information and routine methods of its processing, storage and transmission; between society's need for education. services and a reduction in the reserves of U.'s working time, as well as a decrease in their number and the low material level of the teaching staff; between the increase in the amount of free time in the vast majority of social and prof. groups and the opposite trend of changing the time budget among representatives of ped. professions, etc. This objective social situation is reflected in the contradictions of W.'s subjective attitude to his work. So, the majority of W. highly appreciates their prof. level. And at the same time it means part U. is not satisfied with his work at school. With the phenomena of disorder in the sphere of teaching work is directly related to the persisting in many ways. countries turnover ped. frames.

The effectiveness of ped. process is determined by the activity of a personally stable, internally integral and professionally realized U., who is aware of himself as its full-fledged subject. The formation of such teaching is the task of pedagogical education. Many problems of teachers are caused by the conservative systems of prof. training, replicating rooted in schools. practice instrumental-normative prescription and stereotypes that deprive U. of spiritual and morality. grounds.

Instead of technocratic approach today approved humanistic. ped paradigm. education and prof. improvement, the implementation of which puts forward a number of interrelated tasks. The first task is to offer the future U. systemic knowledge about the regular relationships of nature, culture, society, state, about the processes of personality formation, about the values ​​​​developing in the world. Educated. space ped. uch. institution orients the student to prof. activity, the subject of which is a person. Therefore, secondly, the foundation of prof. U.'s preparation is a complex of knowledge about a person that forms the personality of biol.-psychol. and sociocultural processes. The third task is to ensure the formation of personal and prof. culture of the teacher as a "tool" for the realization of individual creative forces in prof. activities. The fourth task is to give the future U. a system of funds. knowledge in the chosen subject area. According to its content, U.'s training becomes a continuous education, in the center of which is a complex human knowledge, which finds practical. application.

With the mass nature of the teaching profession, the state and society are objectively interested in creating the proper conditions for the preparation of U., for his full-fledged prof. implementation. From the success of ped. U. activity depends on the future of each nation and, ultimately, the fate of world civilization. The prestige of U., as a rule, is high in societies, consciousness. But according to various, ch. arr. socio-economic, reasons for this high society, recognition often does not find expression in the real social status of the teacher. Caring for U. - one of the most important areas of social policy of each state-va, capable of initiating and corresponding. counter societies, initiatives. Based on the funds. the right of the individual to education and the role of U. in the implementation of the ideals enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the UN Charter, and other international. normative acts, adopted by UNESCO (1966). Recommendation on the position of teachers (published in Russia in the early 1990s). The recommendation covers a wide range of issues related to the goals and policies in the field of education, the training and improvement of teachers, working conditions and career advancement, the rights and obligations of U.

Lit .: Gonobolin F.N., Book about the teacher, M, 1965; Kuzmina H V., Essays on the psychology of the teacher's work, L., 1967; Slastenin V.A., Formation of the personality of the teacher of owls. schools in the process of his prof. preparation, M., 1977; Formation of prof. teacher's culture, M., 1993; Recommendations on the position of teachers, in the book: Intern. normative acts of UNESCO, M., 1993, sec. 1. Education; Slastenin V.A., Shute and co. A.I., Prof. self-awareness of the teacher, "Master", 1995, No. 3. V. A. Slastenin.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Teaching is one of the most sought after professions. It is necessary regardless of geographical location, type of political system, fashion trends. Once upon a time, when labor was not divided into certain professions, only the most senior and experienced members of the tribes became teachers. With the development of society, representatives of this profession began to practice special skills. Thus, the work of a teacher has become a craft.

The relevance of the teacher's work

The concept of who a teacher is appeared in Europe at the end of the 18th century. In the modern world, this profession is becoming increasingly important due to scientific and technological progress. Teachers accompany each child almost from infancy. And the rhythm of life of a modern person is so high and intense that one has to study throughout life - not excluding the retirement age.

How did the profession originate?

About who such a teacher has been known since the time of Confucius. The philosopher in his writings wrote that teachers should pass on knowledge from generation to generation. A significant breakthrough in the development of this profession was made in the days of ancient Greece. For the first time, the first educational institutions appeared here. These were boarding houses, schools, lyceums. Often the ancient Greek philosophers themselves acted as teachers in their own schools. Since the Middle Ages, education has become mandatory for every clergyman and ruler. Then education gradually began to acquire a mass character. Almost all representatives of the upper strata of the population began to study. Education has also become available to women. Special closed institutions were created for them.


The most precise definition of this profession was given in Ozhegov's dictionary: "A teacher is a person who teaches something." Dictionary D. N. Ushakov defines the representatives of this craft as those who are "engaged in teaching a subject in a lower or secondary school." According to the small academic dictionary of the Russian language, a teacher is one who teaches a subject within the walls of a school, or one who instructs and instructs others.

What should a teacher be like?

Anyone who thought about who a teacher is could discover in practice one important pattern: in addition to a thorough knowledge of the subject being taught, a successful and effective representative of this profession must have excellent communication skills. If he does not know how to communicate with his audience - whether they are first-graders or students preparing to enter graduate school - the value of his knowledge will tend to zero. After all, he will not be able to convey them - which means that students will not be able to assimilate and apply them in practice.

In addition, a good teacher must have great patience, the ability to respect the personality of the student. Who is a teacher, if not the one who managed to find an individual approach to the student, allowing him to most effectively learn the necessary amount of knowledge? Therefore, a good teacher is not only the author of scientific works, who has all the necessary diplomas. This is also a subtle psychologist who knows how to convey knowledge to a particular student.

There are different definitions of what a teacher means. However, we can say for sure - this profession is creative, and it has both positive and negative sides. In addition to the creative element, the work of a teacher is not without routine. After all, it is he who has to constantly draw up curricula, check homework. To be a successful representative of his profession, he needs to carefully perform all this routine work. The teacher, in addition to the main element of his work - teaching - has many other responsibilities.

Who does the teacher work with?

A professional teacher must also be a strong-willed, restrained person. After all, he has to work with one of the most difficult age groups - teenagers. With regard to students in this category, not only attention is needed, but also the ability to maintain discipline. The educational process should not be disturbed due to the distraction of students to gadgets, communication, games. As for working with older students, as a rule, there are much fewer problems with them, because they are past puberty, and professional self-determination comes to the fore. However, in working with young men, the teacher must also show attentiveness, perseverance, and the ability to qualitatively organize the educational process.

Who is a teacher: description

What other things does a teacher do besides teaching? His responsibilities usually include the following:

  • Drawing up a training plan.
  • Preparation for lessons, preparation of lesson plans.
  • Selection of the most effective teaching methods.
  • Work on the preparation of various official documents: letters of recommendation, descriptions, characteristics, etc.
  • Controlling student behavior.
  • Self-education. Every member of this profession must learn throughout his life.

Requirements for teachers

The first thing every good teacher should have is excellent knowledge of their subject area. The teacher must be able to know a lot, and at the same time constantly develop. He must also be flexible and able to make quick decisions under stressful conditions. The teacher must also love children, find a common language not only with students, but also with their parents. The essential qualities of a good teacher are a good memory, intelligence, and attention to detail.

Profession "teacher": all the pros and cons

The benefits of this job typically include:

  • Flexible work schedule. Usually, the teacher's working day ends by three o'clock in the afternoon, while office workers are forced to endure the onset of the cherished 18:00.
  • Long holidays, holidays. The teacher, as a rule, goes on vacation with his students.
  • An interesting job that involves various types of activity: today the teacher is preparing a seminar, tomorrow he is holding competitions among students, the day after tomorrow - a holiday. Many of the teachers say that the work of a vocation is the only thing that keeps them in the profession despite all the difficulties.
  • Respect in society, the importance of the profession. Despite the fact that all professions are important for society, it is still customary to show special respect for teachers.
  • Opportunity to work with tutoring.

But despite the numerous advantages of the teaching profession, it also has disadvantages:

  • The need to constantly comply with educational standards and norms, to master new programs.
  • Additional load in the form of work at home - checking homework, preparing for lessons.
  • As a rule, work in a women's team.
  • Lack of career growth prospects.
  • Low salary.
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