When do dogs get vaccinated after a year. Vaccinations for puppies - what and when to put. Do puppies need to be vaccinated?

In all civilized countries, vaccination of dogs is a necessary condition for their maintenance. Without vaccination you will not take a dog on the road, it will not be allowed to participate in competitions and exhibitions. Each pet must have a passport with all the necessary data, including vaccinations. And the owners of a four-legged friend should take care of this.

According to veterinarians, the main function of vaccinations is to prevent the development of serious infectious diseases in a pet. , parvovirus and caronavirus, etc. - all these diseases threaten serious health problems, even death. Veterinarians often have to, although if vaccinations were available, such measures would not have to be resorted to. Hence the conclusion - vaccination is vital for the pet.

To carry it out, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • Only healthy animals are vaccinated. For this, the dog is examined before the procedure.
  • For vaccination, an individual vaccination schedule for dogs should be drawn up, based on the type and manufacturer of the drug. Only a professional doctor can do this.
  • Vaccinations are given to dogs, regardless of their habitat. Both street guards and domestic companions are at risk in the same percentage.
  • Before the procedure, the dog undergoes special preparation, which necessarily includes taking anthelmintic drugs and external treatment for ticks. During this period, it is also necessary to limit the contact of the pet with strangers, both people and animals, as much as possible. All this should be done two weeks before vaccination.
  • If it is in the plans, then you need to vaccinate the animal 2-3 months before it. If this is not done, then the risk of getting unhealthy offspring increases significantly.

All the rules are simple, and following them will help to carry out the procedure without any side effects.

Dog vaccination schedule

Based on the scheme, the first vaccination falls on the age of the puppy from 8 to 9 weeks. Re-vaccination is assigned to the pet after three weeks. Earlier vaccination by veterinarians is not recommended, as the baby's immune system, nourished by the mother's antibodies through breast colostrum, does not develop on its own yet.

She is also vaccinated after all the puppy's teeth have changed, that is, by five to six months. As soon as all vaccines are affixed, the puppy leaves the quarantine state, he is allowed to communicate with other animals. With age, the number of protective antibodies in a dog decreases, and by 1.5-3 months they become more vulnerable to infectious diseases.

Modern preparations for vaccinations contain less aggressive microorganisms than their natural forms, so the reaction of protective mechanisms to their administration can be formed only at the age of 2-3 months.

Stable immunity to infection is formed only two weeks after vaccination. It should be borne in mind that at this time the baby's body is in a weakened state and has a high susceptibility to infection with natural pathogens.

Some vaccines will require repeated administration of the drug, after the first vaccination, immunity will take place 2 weeks after revaccination. Then, for regular support of the immune system, vaccinations are given once a year.

Rabies vaccination, if the puppy lives at home and regularly walks in public areas, is given once from three to four months, and then repeated once a year. Dogs kept in enclosures without access to other relatives are advised to administer this vaccine no earlier than nine months of age.

For the information of dog owners, puppies have a period in life characterized by an immune gap, during which time the immunity obtained from the mother's colostrum does not protect against external threats, and the vaccination has not yet formed. The puppy must be protected from sources of infection. It is necessary to exclude stressful situations, contacts with other animals, and also make sure that the baby does not overwork and does not overcool. You can’t take him outside, as well as bathe him.

The pet, more than ever, at this time needs a balanced diet, enriched. After vaccination for a week and a half, it is worth saving the puppy from long physical exertion and tiring trips.

Vaccination is not an easy process, and it is important to keep a close eye on the dog for the first 48 hours after vaccination. In case of possible complications, it is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic.

Dog vaccination price

The cost of vaccination is made up of several factors:

  • vaccination is done in a veterinary clinic or at the patient's home;
  • domestic or imported drug manufacturer;
  • what category the veterinarian vaccinates;
  • level of veterinary clinic.

The average cost of vaccination is as follows:

  • Use of a polyvalent Russian vaccine (Multakan, Biovac) for dogs at home - 1100 rubles;
  • The use of a polyvalent vaccine of foreign production (Nobivak, Eurikan, Vanguard) at home - 1400 rubles.

Registration of a passport with veterinary marks on average will cost 150-200 rubles.

Vaccination of pets in the clinic will cost 500-600 rubles cheaper.

From one month to six months, vaccines against microsporia and trichophytosis are affixed.

Varieties of vaccines

Based on the basis of drugs, vaccines are divided into five types:

  • live attenuated (attenuated) - these vaccines contain viable strains of pathogenic pathogens with a reduced ability to affect the body (Bivirovax, Multican, etc.);
  • killed (inactivated) - preparations are made from microorganisms that died due to chemical or physical effects (Vakderm, Trivirokan);
  • chemical - obtained by purifying the antigens of pathogens from negative components using chemical and physical methods;
  • toxoids (toxoids) - vaccines that are made from previously neutralized toxic substances of pathogens (vaccinations against tetanus, botulism, etc.);

In addition to the already available vaccines, the development of more advanced (promising) means - genetically engineered, subunit, etc.

The composition and properties of vaccines are based on the following classification:

  • complex (they are also associated, polyvaccines, etc.) - consist of several components, each of which forms immunity against one of the infections - Vanguard, Multikan, etc.);
  • divaccines (double) - form an immune defense against two infectious agents at once (Bivirovax, Multican-2);
  • homologous - produced from material obtained from the same species of animal for which the vaccine is intended, have an advantage over other drugs, since they do not contain foreign proteins;
  • monovaccines - contain the antigen of the causative agent of only one infectious disease (Vakchum, etc.)
  • polyvalent, or in other words - polystrain - are produced from several types of the causative agent of one infectious disease (Leptodog, etc.)

Vaccines are also divided into types, depending on the method of application:

  • aerosols (inhalation) - administered through the respiratory tract of the dog;
  • intravenous - placed directly into a vein;
  • intramuscular - the drug is injected into the muscle tissue;
  • subcutaneous - the introduction of the vaccine occurs in the skin layers;
  • intranasal - irrigate the mucous membranes of the nose;
  • conjunctival - the vaccine is injected into the conjunctival sac;
  • dermal - applied to the skin with subsequent scarification;
  • oral - the vaccine enters the body through the mucous membrane of the digestive system.

When vaccinating small breeds of dogs, preparations for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration are more often used. Intravenous vaccinations are given much less frequently due to fear of development, including complications in the form of anaphylactic shock.

In any case, taking care of the pet, you should choose the most effective vaccine that reliably protects the baby from diseases.


Protecting your pet from contagious infections must be taken seriously. After all, there are such diseases that are dangerous not only for dogs, but also for humans. In this regard, it is necessary to vaccinate dogs according to a ready-made scheme. This procedure is very important and responsible. And it doesn't matter if your pet has a pedigree or is it an ordinary yard dog. There is a concept that yard dogs tolerate various diseases much more easily than thoroughbreds. But this does not mean that they do not need to be vaccinated. To avoid terrible and irreversible consequences, a good and loving owner should vaccinate his pet in the first place. It is better to clearly follow all the rules and recommendations of the veterinarian on the issue of vaccination once than to regret it all your life later.

In a puppy, like in many other animals, there are two immunities - innate and acquired. Innate immunity is the one that a puppy receives from its mother at birth and with mother's milk. This immunity is enough for the baby for only a couple of weeks at the beginning of life. Already at the age of two months, the puppy needs vaccination against various diseases, which helps to strengthen its innate immunity.

A four-legged friend up to a year must be vaccinated three times - at 2-4 months of age, at 6-8 months and a year. After that, vaccination is prescribed for life every year so that the acquired immunity is much stronger. Veterinary medicine has developed a number of vaccines. All of them are divided into monovalent and polyvalent, domestic and foreign.

The most dangerous diseases of dogs are rabies, distemper, viral hepatitis, leptospirosis, adenovirus and enteritis. Rabies and leptospirosis are transmitted from animals to humans and are fatal diseases. Vaccines have been invented to fight these terrible diseases. Some of them help develop immunity against one disease, while others help to overcome several viruses at once. The veterinarian will help you choose the necessary vaccination scheme that will help overcome the most relevant dog diseases in the area.

There are some rules when vaccinating dogs that must be followed. Most importantly, in no case should you vaccinate a sick dog. If the animal is sick at the time of vaccination, then it is strictly forbidden for him to be vaccinated. By doing this, you additionally introduce a new type of infection, which in most cases will lead to death. In such a situation, you need to cure the animal and vaccinate it after 14 days.


Useful advice

Before vaccination, it is forbidden to walk a small puppy on the street and let it communicate with other dogs.

Vaccination of dogs is a must. It is she who allows you to properly protect the dog from various diseases that can even be fraught with death. So you shouldn't forget about it in any case.


It is recommended to vaccinate only in a veterinary clinic. The necessary sanitary regime is observed there, which allows preventing infection with any infection. The clinics employ professional veterinarians who will properly examine your pet, and also make sure that there are no contraindications.

Before vaccination, the dog must go through the preparatory stage. To prepare for

A puppy in the house is always a joy and a lot of positive emotions. In order for this cute creature to grow up and turn into a healthy, beautiful dog, the owner needs to make sure that the puppy is vaccinated against all kinds of infectious diseases.

At what age do the first vaccinations for puppies, how to prepare a dog for vaccination and what vaccination rules must be followed, you will learn from this article.

What is vaccination

The vaccine is administered to the dog in order to prevent a particular infectious disease. The vaccine itself is not a drug. The components of vaccines are weakened or killed pathogens of various infections that cause a certain reaction of the immune system in the dog's body. During this reaction, antibodies to infectious agents are formed.

These infections can lie in wait for your dog anywhere - on a walk and even at home. You can bring the causative agent of the disease into the house from the street on your own soles, since some viruses have a fairly high resistance to the influence of the external environment. Some infections, such as rabies, can be very dangerous to humans.

What vaccinations do puppies up to a year

Puppies are usually vaccinated at eight to nine weeks of age. It does not make sense to do this before - the puppy receives the necessary immunity from the mother along with colostrum, and the vaccine antigens will simply be blocked by antibodies obtained from mother's milk.

If earlier protection against diseases is needed (in case of early sale, relocation of puppies, or an extremely unfavorable situation with a viral infection), vaccination can be carried out from a month (4 weeks) of age.

If you adopted an adult dog that has not been vaccinated before, then the dog will receive a complex vaccine. It is given once every year, and such a vaccine is usually well tolerated by animals.

According to the standard scheme, puppies are vaccinated against canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, rabies, adenovirus. When the vaccination period is missed, or there is no data on whether the animal has been vaccinated, the doctor will offer an individual vaccination schedule.

Attention! Do not try to vaccinate a pet yourself at home. This can only be done by a veterinarian in the clinic, taking into account the condition, physiological characteristics and age of the animal.

Vaccination schedule for dogs with clinic preparations

Puppies are vaccinated at four to eight weeks of age, depending on lifestyle and the purpose of the vaccine. After three to four weeks, the developed immunity is fixed - a second vaccination is given. Immunity lasts twelve months, then weakens, and then it is necessary to revaccinate the dog. Further, it is produced annually from the last date of vaccination. This is exactly what distinguishes vaccination from revaccination. Revaccination is done throughout the life of the animal.

The doctor can postpone the vaccination period if there are contraindications to vaccination (suspicion of a disease as a result of anamnesis, or if the animal is weakened due to injury, surgery, childbirth, and so on).

Our clinic recommends only proven high-quality imported vaccines, the manufacturer of which guarantees quality control of the drug. In our practice, we do not use a number of vaccines, the effectiveness of which has been little proven. As well as a number of those that have a high likelihood of side effects. Below are the schedules of vaccination with clinic preparations.

Nobivak vaccination scheme (Netherlands):

The composition of the drug:

  • D - plague of carnivores.
  • H - hepatitis.
  • P - parvovirus enteritis.
  • Pi is parainfluenza.
  • Lepto - leptospirosis.
  • R - rabies.

4-6 weeks- Nobivak Puppy DP, KC (canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, bordetellosis). This vaccine is not used often, mainly by breeders, so it can be purchased on order. Most often, the drug is used before selling, transporting a puppy, in cases of illness of other pets from the owner, as well as when buying a puppy younger than 8 weeks.

8 -9 weeks- Nobivak DHP, DHPPi + Lepto (R) (canine distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, rabies).

12 weeks- Nobivak DHP, DHPPi + Lepto (R) (strengthening immunity).


First and second year- Nobivak DHP, DHPPi + Lepto.

Third year- Nobivak DHP, DHPPi + Lepto (R).

Eurican vaccination scheme (France):

8-9 weeks- Eurikan DHPPi2 + Lepto(distemper of carnivores, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis (adenovirus) type 2, parainfluenza type 2 (bordetellosis / kennel cough), leptospirosis).

12 weeks- Eurikan DHPPi2 + Lepto (R).


12 months- Eurikan DHPPi2 + Lepto (R).

After each vaccination, your pet must undergo a two-week quarantine. The fact is that a strong immunity is formed in a dog during this time, and the vaccine will not yet be able to protect its body from infection. During this period, it is not recommended to walk the dog, bathe, supercool and load it with physical activity. If there are other animals in the house that go outside, it is best to keep the dog out of contact with them.

Side effects. Bump after dog vaccination

Usually, the injection is made into the scapular region subcutaneously, or into the thigh region intramuscularly. A so-called diffuse swelling or nodular formation sometimes appears at the injection site. These formations usually disappear within four days, less often after fourteen days, and do not need special treatment.

If the vaccine is administered intranasally (Nobivak KS), very young puppies may have a slight discharge from the nasal cavity and eyes.

Documentation of vaccination

If your pet will participate in exhibitions, or you will simply take it abroad, you will need an international veterinary dog ​​passport. It lists all of your dog's vaccinations. Also, when traveling abroad, you will need to issue a certificate (form No. 1) with a seal and signature of a clinic doctor. In the EU countries, the dog, among other things, will need an implanted electronic chip, that is, the dog will need to be microchipped.

Our clinic is certified according to international standards and provides, among others,. This simple procedure is painless for the animal and harmless. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice and is implanted under the skin at the withers. It allows you to read information about your pet and the owner. Information is read after entering a unique code (15 characters) into the database.

Cost of vaccinations for puppies

In our clinic, you will be able to vaccinate your pet with high-quality vaccines against the most common infections for relatively little. The clinic guarantees compliance with the rules for the storage and transportation of vaccines. Caring for the health of a pet from puppyhood is the key to an energetic and high-quality life of a dog in the future.

Health to you and your pets!

Timely vaccinations can protect the owner and the dog from many diseases. Most of the diseases that vaccines protect against are fatal to the animal and dangerous to the health of its owner. A newborn puppy already has antibodies in its blood to diseases from its mother's milk, which lasts up to 6 weeks. Then the defense begins to gradually weaken. It is necessary to vaccinate the animal against diseases as early as possible, however, it is impossible to vaccinate from the first days, since immunity may not form during this time.

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    Most common infectious diseasesdogs that can be vaccinated against:

    • rabies;
    • plague of carnivores (distemper);
    • parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis;
    • viral hepatitis;
    • parainfluenza;
    • leptospirosis.

    To build immunity against viruses in your pet, you need to regularly vaccinate.

    Vaccines and sera

    After vaccination, a small amount of a virus enters the animal's body, to combat which the body begins to produce antibodies. Memory cells are created and immunity is formed. It protects the dog when the virus enters its body. This process is called immunization. A stable protective mechanism is formed approximately 2 weeks after vaccination.

    There are 2 types of vaccines:

    • Monovalent. Antigens of one disease.
    • Polyvalent. Helps build immunity against several diseases. They are used for adult dogs. They are more difficult to carry than monovalent ones.

    Most veterinarians prefer foreign vaccines, time-tested. Among them are drugs with the names Multican, Nobivak and Eurican. Against the plague, you need to use a domestic vaccine, since there are known cases of the disease after the use of imported drugs. From rabies, an adult animal is vaccinated strictly in accordance with a specific schedule.

    Serums are also used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in veterinary medicine. They differ from vaccines in that they give passive immunity for a short time. This is due to the presence of ready-made antibodies in the sera.

    Before vaccination, it is necessary to observe the condition of the dog. Preparation before vaccination includes several stages:

    The interval between vaccinations should be at least 3 weeks. The ideal option is to call a trusted veterinarian at home. Subsequently, the doctor can take the dog's veterinary passport with him to the clinic and put the necessary seal in it. After vaccination, the animal should not be washed, tired. It is necessary to give him more sleep, limit contact with other pets and people. Walking on the street within 14 days after vaccination is impossible.

    Mandatory vaccinations

    There is a list of mandatory vaccinations for dogs, which are done in accordance with a special vaccination schedule.

    Repeated immunization is carried out to the animal at 6 months. At this age, the growth of permanent teeth ends. At 8 months they are vaccinated against rabies. Re-vaccination against diseases is carried out once a year.

    Schedule of mandatory plannedvaccinations are shown in the table:

    Age Procedure Breed
    1 monthVaccination with PUPPY vaccine, which is given in case of urgent needGerman shepherd, yorkie
    8–10 weeksPrimary vaccination against hepatitis, plague, parainfluenza, enteritis, leptospirosis
    11–13 weeksRevaccination against the same diseases. Primary vaccination against rabies. Third vaccination against hepatitis, plague, parainfluenza, enteritis, leptospirosisHusky, terrier
    6 monthsSecond rabies vaccination
    12 monthsFourth vaccination against hepatitis, plague, parainfluenza, enteritis, leptospirosisAll

    As soon as a dog appears in the house, its owner needs to decide on a clinic where the animal will be vaccinated. The best option is to find a good veterinarian and have all vaccinations done by him.


    When conducting immunization, the following rules must be observed:

    • Vaccinations should only be given to completely healthy animals. Therefore, before vaccination, a thorough examination of the dog by a veterinarian is performed.
    • Deworming and flea treatment should be performed 14 days prior to the procedure.

    If a the dog had a negative reaction to the vaccination or is allergic, before immunization it needs to be injected with Suprastin or Tavegil . After the introduction of the drug, animals can get anaphylactic shock, in which case the help of a veterinarian will be needed. Therefore, within 30 minutes after the procedure, you need to stay near the veterinary clinic.

    All vaccination marks are placed in the veterinary passport. This is a very important document that you will need when traveling abroad, traveling around the country. If a dog is picked up on the street, it is worth testing for the presence of antibodies before vaccination, as it may already be vaccinated.

    Of great importance are the first vaccinations of a puppy, which are given up to 12 months. Ideally, they should start at 2 months. The first vaccine is considered the most difficult. After it, the dog must be placed in quarantine to avoid infection.

    To strengthen immunity after 14 days, another vaccination with the same vaccine is done. Revaccination is easier to tolerate, after it it will be possible to walk with a dog after 3 days.

    Adult animals are vaccinated once a year. An annual rabies vaccination is required. By law, the owner has no right to refuse it. Other types of vaccinations are done every 3 years, provided that the animal is healthy. If the dog has chronic diseases, then you need to refuse vaccination, which can aggravate the condition of the pet.


    Vaccination of dogs is carried out according to the vaccination schedule. There are a number of situations in which vaccination should not be carried out.:

    • If the puppies are under 2 months old. The level of maternal antibodies available from birth may decrease, and the acquired immunity will not have time to develop.
    • If the animal is unwell.
    • If mating is planned. The vaccine must be given 90 days before it.

    Vaccination of puppies is not carried out during the period of changing teeth. This is due to the fact that some vaccines lead to a darkening of the tooth enamel. Sometimes the vaccination schedule may change. Several factors can influence this:

    • epidemiological situation in the region.
    • Forced early move. The vaccination should be given no earlier than one month of age and no later than 10 days before the trip.

    Particular attention should be paid to puppies that are raised without a mother. An important factor is the age at which the first vaccination was given. It is necessary to increase immunity, but at the same time, vaccination should be carried out in the most gentle mode. If absolutely necessary, vaccinations can be started at least at the age of 6 weeks, and the result can be fixed at 9 or 12 weeks.

    Possible Complications

    After the use of drugs, complications for the health of the pet are possible. The complex vaccine that is administered to dogs is considered to be of high quality, side effects after it are rare, but their occurrence cannot be ruled out. If the pet is lethargic after vaccination, refuses to eat, his body temperature rises, this is a normal reaction of the body. On the second day he should feel better.

    If your dog has any of the following symptoms, you should immediately visit a veterinarian:

    • increased body temperature;
    • vomit;
    • diarrhea;
    • convulsions.

When taking a dog into the house, it is important for the owner to know what vaccinations are given to animals and at what age. After all, the health and longevity of the dog directly depends on the owner. It is not worth neglecting vaccination - it is easier to vaccinate your beloved pet once a year than to treat it from all kinds of infections later.

What is vaccination and why is it done

A vaccine is not a medicine, it contains weakened or killed pathogens of various infectious diseases. Once in the dog's body, they provoke a special immune reaction, during which antibodies are produced to infectious agents.

Dogs get sick no less than people, and some diseases are not only fatal for a pet, but can be very dangerous for humans, for example, rabies. Vaccination against it in our country is a prerequisite for keeping a pet. Infections can lie in wait for a dog anywhere:

  • during a walk;
  • in contact with other animals;
  • when interacting with pets.

Even the owner himself can bring the pathogen from the street on his own shoes, since many viruses are highly resistant to the effects of the external environment. Some owners think that the vaccine can make the dog sick. This is fundamentally wrong. The vaccine itself will not cause the disease, it can be caused by an incorrect and out of time vaccination. Therefore, what vaccinations should be done and when, the veterinarian will always tell you.

It is not necessary to vaccinate the animal on your own, outside the clinic - the doctor, prescribing the vaccine, takes into account the condition of the dog, its age and physiology.

This is also important because if a pet is planned to participate in competitions, or simply be taken out of the country, then an international standard veterinary dog ​​passport will be needed. It exhibits all delivered vaccinations with the date, as well as with the seal and signature of the veterinary clinic doctor.

From what diseases and what vaccines are vaccinated

When bringing a dog for vaccination, the owner, first of all, will be interested to know what vaccinations they are given and whether they have any side effects. Most veterinarians prefer proven vaccine series from abroad:

They are highly effective and have a minimal risk of side effects. The vaccine is usually administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly at the withers or thigh. At the injection site, a swelling or induration can sometimes form, which disappears after a couple of days, without requiring special treatment. Vaccines are polyvalent (from several diseases) and monovalent (from one disease) and are indicated by different Latin letters. Puppy vaccines are labeled Puppy.

Dogs are vaccinated against the following infections:

  • hepatitis (H);
  • plague of carnivores (D);
  • parvovirus enteritis (P);
  • leptospirosis ((Lepto);
  • parainfluenza (Pi);

Some clinics use Russian-made polyvalent vaccines - Biovac; Multikan; Dipentovac; Polivak TM. As well as complex foreign preparations - Hexadog (USA-France); Duramun (USA); Vanguard (Belgium); Primodog (France).

When to vaccinate

What vaccinations a dog should be given depends on its age. Puppies are usually vaccinated at 8-9 weeks of age. It does not make sense to do this before - the baby receives the necessary immunity at first along with maternal colostrum. The antigens of the vaccine in this case will simply be blocked by antibodies obtained from the mother dog. In some situations, exceptions are made:

  • in the case of selling a puppy before two months of age;
  • moving;
  • in an extremely unfavorable situation for a viral infection.

Then babies are vaccinated at the age of 4 weeks. What vaccine to vaccinate, and what vaccinations to give the dog in these cases - the veterinarian decides. Sometimes four-week-old puppies are vaccinated if there is no record of whether the puppy's mother was vaccinated. The vaccination schedule for dogs according to the standard scheme is shown in the table below:

Dog age Vaccination appointment Most commonly used vaccines
4 weeks Against the plague; hepatitis A.
  • Nobivak Puppy DH
8-9 weeks From parvovirus enteritis; plagues of carnivores; parainfluenza; leptospirosis; hepatitis A.
  • Eurican DHPPi + L
  • Nobivak DHPPi + L
  • Duramun Max 5/4 L
12 - strengthening immunity All the same + rabies vaccine.
  • Eurikan DHPPi + L (R)
  • Nobivak DHPPi + L (R)
  • Duramun Max 5/4 L
1 year - revaccination Vaccinate against the listed diseases with a complex vaccine.
  • Eurican DHPPi + L
  • Nobivak DHPPi+
  • Duramun Max 5/4 L

Further revaccination is carried out in a year, based on the date of the last vaccination. Adult dogs that have not been previously vaccinated are immediately given a complex vaccine, which they usually tolerate well. Dogs of dwarf breeds are recommended to be vaccinated against rabies separately from the complex vaccine with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

How often to vaccinate a dog is also a question of interest to the owner. The effect of the vaccine lasts 12 months, then the immunity begins to weaken. Therefore, the dog must be revaccinated annually throughout its life.

Conditions for preparation for vaccination

Before a dog is vaccinated, it must be prepared for it. The main condition for successful vaccination is the absolute health of the pet. Therefore, a medical examination is required before vaccination. If the animal is unhealthy, or weakened due to childbirth, surgery, injury, then the timing of vaccinations is postponed. It is equally important to observe the following points before vaccination:

Pregnant females are vaccinated with caution, as there is an opinion that live strains of viruses can cross the placenta and adversely affect the fetus. But vaccines with killed pathogens have been tested and can be used if there is an emergency. Estrus is not a contraindication to vaccination, as it is a physiological process.

After vaccination

As well as how to vaccinate a dog, observing the necessary preparation, post-vaccination control is important. The fact is that a strong immunity in a dog will not develop immediately, but after 2 weeks, so during this period it will not be protected yet. A two-week quarantine is maintained, during which it is impossible:

  • bathe the dog
  • allow contact with other pets that go outside.

The first week you can measure the dog's temperature. If it rises by 0.5 degrees from the usual norm, it is necessary to inform the veterinarian about this. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better not to walk the dog during quarantine, or take it out for a short period without letting go of the leash. Separately, about drops Ciprovet for dogs.

Today, many clinics provide services at home, so it is not necessary to take the dog to the veterinary clinic - the doctor will examine the pet and make the necessary vaccinations. The only thing to follow in this case is the documentation of vaccination.

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