How to lead the right way of life. Rules for a healthy lifestyle. How to start a healthy lifestyle

Today we will talk about a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Every person in his life heard the words about a healthy lifestyle, that it helps to live up to 100 years and look young and well-groomed. But why then do we neglect this and do not try to fulfill the basic elements of a healthy lifestyle? Maybe because we don't know what it is. But if you look into this issue, then there is nothing impossible for a person.

What is a healthy lifestyle and its components.

Healthy lifestyle is a way of life that is aimed at preventing diseases and strengthening the human body with the help of simple components - proper nutrition, playing sports, giving up bad habits and calm, not causing nervous shocks

Changes in the environment, work that causes stress, news that constantly broadcasts about a bad political situation and military operations in different countries makes a person think about a healthy lifestyle. All this worsens the state of health. But all this can be solved if we remember such points as:

  1. it is necessary to cultivate the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle from early childhood;
  2. be aware that the environment does not always benefit the human body;
  3. remember that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs cause irreparable damage to human health;
  4. proper nutrition improves health, reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and also contributes to better digestion;
  5. playing sports makes it possible to feel cheerful throughout life;
  6. emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being.

We will look at how each element of a healthy lifestyle affects a person and what needs to be done for this.

To better understand why to lead a healthy lifestyle, it is worth understanding what a person who does not do this looks like.

Human life without a healthy lifestyle

A person who leads a healthy lifestyle stands out in the crowd. But why can't everyone constantly improve their well-being? Everything is connected with the people who surround the person. For example, if the family does not like to play sports, then the child will refuse to run or exercise in the morning. If the whole nation loves to eat at the fast food cafes that are located on every corner, then one person will not resist this. This situation is developing in America, when people living in the country began to be called the "fast food nation". What happens if pregnant women stop taking care of their health? This situation can lead to the birth of a whole generation of unhealthy babies. In addition, it is worth remembering about genetic inheritance. Scientists at Maastricht University have proven that bad habits are passed down from the paternal side not only to children, but also to grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This means that a generation of people with bad habits and poor health will grow up in the family.

To all this, work in the office is added, which is sedentary, and by a certain age makes itself felt in the form of obesity, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and other diseases. The stress that accompanies the working day leads to disruption of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

A person can fight these factors on his own if he finds a place in his life to lead a healthy lifestyle. But there are moments that a person cannot influence, and they have a negative impact on the human body. Such moments include the ecological state of the environment. Polluted water bodies, exhaust gases, increased background radiation and much more reduce a person's life for decades. Every year the number of people who get cancer increases. Frequent headaches that appear in people living in a metropolis associated with high noise levels. And how many people, and young ones, suffer from changes in weather conditions? How many young people are dying from diseases that used to affect only the elderly? It can be said that there are many...

Only a person is able to change this or at least reduce the impact of negative environmental factors on his body. To do this, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Sports and healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle is an active movement. Many people are driven to exercise by a sedentary lifestyle. If shortness of breath begins to appear while climbing the stairs, then it's time to go in for sports.

Sport allows you to improve the condition of the body, both inside and out. An active lifestyle improves blood circulation, strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, allows you to lose extra pounds and much more.

Playing sports is very easy. Firstly, you can contact fitness centers, sign up for gymnastics or dancing classes. All this will strengthen the body and exercise under the supervision of trainers who know what loads to give to a particular person. Of course, this option may not be suitable for everyone, because it requires certain material costs. The second option is suitable for people who are limited financially. Today there are many sports grounds that allow you to play sports, it is enough to decide on its type.

Run is the most popular sport. It is best to use warm-up or jogging. This type allows you to strengthen the body, especially the games of the legs and buttocks, relieve tension after a hard day, make breathing even and improve blood circulation. For one hour of classes, you can spend 800-1000 calories.

A ride on the bicycle a great opportunity to improve your well-being. Helps improve blood circulation and metabolism, strengthen leg muscles. For one hour of classes allows you to spend 300-600 calories.

Every family has a simple sports equipment - a jump rope. Jumping rope can replace jogging, especially if it's raining outside. To strengthen your body, it is enough to devote 5 minutes of your time every day to jumping rope.

In snowy winter skiing improves blood circulation and makes all muscles elastic. In summer, skiing is replaced by swimming, which has the same effect on the body.

Do not forget about sports such as volleyball, basketball, tennis, football. In this case, the whole family or friends can be involved in active sports. In this case, it will be not only useful, but also fun.

Proper nutrition

Healthy lifestyle - This is proper nutrition, which is combined with sports. Many people think that healthy and healthy food is not tasty. But today the food industry allows you to make any dish delicious. Therefore, if you want to live long and look young, start eating right.

To create a healthy diet, you must first of all forget about food with flavor enhancers, flavorings and preservatives, and most importantly, forget the way to a fast food cafe. They turn food into poison for the human body. They do not provide the body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and other substances that help all organs work as one well-coordinated mechanism.

Many people think that a healthy diet is eating only fruits and vegetables. But that's not the case at all. Vegetables and fruits can also harm the body. Now, during the cultivation of vegetables and fruits, chemicals are used, which then enter the human body, poisoning it. In order not to poison and harm yourself, you should remember one rule - eat fruits and vegetables according to the season. If tomatoes and cucumbers for our country ripen in June-August, that is, we need them during this period, and not in winter.

Don't forget the meat. With proper nutrition, many cross it out of the diet. But it must be present in the human diet, because it saturates the body with the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The main thing here is not to overdo it. You can eat 200 grams of boiled meat per day, such as beef.

Dairy products are necessary for the body to saturate it with calcium. If you drink a glass of milk in the morning or eat 200 grams of cottage cheese, then this will only benefit.

Work and healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle- It's quiet and peaceful work. But, unfortunately, no one has such a job. Every working day is stressful and nervous. Add to this a sedentary lifestyle and a computer in front of your eyes. Usually, after an unbalanced conversation, a person begins to drink coffee, smoke, or consume large quantities of chocolate, alcohol, and drugs. But you lead a healthy lifestyle, so instead of coffee - green tea, and instead of chocolate - fruits, especially bright colors, such as an orange or a banana.

Be sure to get up from the table once an hour. You can go out for a walk around the office or do exercises for the eyes so that they rest from the computer.

Lunch break is best spent outdoors. It is good if there is a park near the office where you can take a walk.

Don't rush home after work. Walking on a warm day is the best way to calm down after a day's work and come home in a good mood.

Bad habits

A healthy lifestyle is “stop bad habits”. You can not lead a healthy lifestyle and at the same time smoke, drink alcohol or drugs. All this negates the efforts to make the body strong and prolong the years of life.

Smoking is one of the most common bad habits. There are big anti-tobacco campaigns in every country, but none of them has reduced the number of smokers. Cigarettes allow you to relieve stress, calm down and relax. They are used by people after stressful situations. But no one thinks that, along with the relaxing properties of a cigarette, it causes irreparable harm to the body. During smoking, nicotine, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, carbon monoxide, tar and radioactive substances enter the body, which lead to strokes, heart attacks and the development of cancer. In addition, it is worth remembering that it is not the smoker who suffers more from smoking, but the people who surround him. The above substances also enter a healthy family member and cause headaches, dizziness, decreased performance and more serious illness.

Alcohol is no less harmful than cigarettes. But the worst thing is that its excessive use leads a person to degradation. Alcohol does a lot of harm to the heart. The muscles of the heart become flabby, and contractions become sluggish. When alcohol is consumed, metabolism worsens, the walls of blood vessels become thin, blood clotting increases, as a result, a heart attack occurs and atherosclerosis develops. Alcohol disrupts the digestive system, resulting in gastritis, ulcers, malignant tumors and cirrhosis of the liver. The respiratory system and kidneys suffer. The body does not resist viral infections.

Only drugs can be worse than alcohol and cigarettes. All people on the planet say that drugs are dangerous for the human body. Many people use them to relax. In small doses, they bring euphoria and good mood. Increasing the dose makes people more dependent on them and quickly destroys the body from the inside. People who use drugs look 10-20 years older than their peers, and their lives turn into survival just for the sake of getting another dose of a drug.

A healthy lifestyle and bad habits are antonyms in a person's life. They cannot coexist and intersect in human life. A person will have to choose between a long and good life or death at the age of 40.

How to train yourself to lead a healthy lifestyle

For those who have chosen a healthy lifestyle, the continuation of the article, which will allow you to take the first steps towards a better life.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is not difficult, the main thing is to take the first steps. The first step is desire. The second step is to start doing it from tomorrow. The third step is to make a list of bad habits and get rid of one of them every day. The fourth step is to perceive all the troubles with a smile on your face, and not pour alcohol in a bar or a cigarette in a smoking room. The fifth step is to choose your favorite sport and practice it at least twice a week. Taking each subsequent step, it is worth remembering that today it is not shoes or clothes from famous brands that are in fashion, but a face and body that shines with health.

How to teach a child to a healthy lifestyle

It is easiest to start a healthy lifestyle from childhood. The habits that parents instilled remain with us for life, including sports, proper nutrition and much more.

In the world of modern technology, it is difficult to tear a child away from the computer and force them to go out, and in schools and with friends they prefer chips and Coca-Cola. To wean a child from all this and instill proper nutrition and exercise, you need to start with yourself and do everything with him.

First, draw up a daily routine that will allow you to properly distribute the load on the body, time for rest and exercise.

Secondly, proper nutrition depends only on parents. If the parents eat healthy food, then the child will begin to do the same. Remove sweets, soda, hamburgers, etc. from the diet. Replace them with fruits, nuts, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc. It is very important not to overfeed the baby.

Thirdly, to play sports with the whole family. This will allow the child to instill a love for running, swimming, skiing or other sports. Spend a fun evening or a whole day with your family. It is best to enroll the child in some section and walk with him.

Fourth, indicate a clear time spent on a computer or TV. At the same time, control this time.

Fifth, in adolescence, make it clear to the child that health is more important than fashion or cosmetics.

The most important - Parents should be an example for the child in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Whatever year is outside the window, a healthy lifestyle will always be in fashion. It doesn’t matter what brand of jacket you are wearing or what company you wear shoes, a healthy face and well-groomed body will speak about you and what is fashionable today. For your child, the foundation you lay now in leading a healthy lifestyle will allow you to achieve a lot in adulthood.

Good day, dear readers! Today I want to tell you about a healthy lifestyle, where to start and what exactly you need to do so as not to harm yourself and so that it becomes not a week-long attempt, but really a lifestyle. The title of the article indicates the age of 30 years, and for good reason, because it is during this period that people begin to understand the value of good health, youth and the absence of disease. Time goes by and you need to do something to keep your energy longer.

A little information

What do you think a healthy lifestyle is? Lack of bad habits, exercises in the morning and sometimes a diet aimed at cleansing toxins? But no, at least not only that. Because in fact it is our thinking, the choice to live consciously, that is, to understand not only what and why we do, but also eat and drink. It is about understanding the consequences of your actions on the body.

In order to really lead it, a person must have the motivation to do it. So that there are no excuses that conditions or finances do not allow you to play sports. That there is no time to cook healthy food, because it is much faster to eat a hamburger on the way to work. That there are so many holidays ahead, and how not to drink alcohol during them, that I will start living differently from Monday and so on.

Motivation just consists in realizing the value of health and the desire to maintain it, first of all, and only then losing weight, the desire to pump up volume in muscles, and so on. And it doesn’t matter at what age you decided to take care of yourself, at 30 or 60, the main thing is to start moving in small steps. After all, for a certain number of years your everyday life was devoted to completely different goals, and if now you abruptly begin to act, starting to intensely limit yourself in something, demanding more activity and the like, you will organize tremendous stress for the body and psyche.

Top 10 rules


So, you should start, as I said, with your thinking. How many times have you caught yourself peering thoughtfully at the contents of the refrigerator? How many times have you eaten something without feeling the need for it at all, that is, without being hungry anymore? The formation of the habit, to bring only benefit to yourself, begins with the inclusion of the mind and the ability to set goals. Learn to comprehend each of your actions, at first you will have to make a lot of efforts, but then this process will occur unconsciously. For motivation, if it is not enough yet, you can come up with punishments. For example, I ate too much - plus 30 minutes for a run or swim, or some kind of maximum number of push-ups for you.

2. Willpower

It also needs to be developed. That is, do not feel sorry for yourself when you are tired, it is not tasty, or you cannot complete the exercise. Make it a rule: "When you decide - you do it, and no concessions."

Self-control, the ability to take responsibility for one's actions and life are the skills of a mature adult

And I'm not talking about age, but about the formation, development of a person who is able to achieve success and live a full, rich and happy life, satisfying his needs and receiving recognition and respect from others. Yes, and there are no problems with self-esteem in a person who develops his willpower. He is self-sufficient, confident and knows not only his advantages, but also the limitations that he is trying to gradually overcome.

3. Fighting addictions

Unfortunately, in our society there is still propaganda of alcohol and cigarettes. Big boards, advertising on TV, on the Internet and magazines show us the image of a successful person, for some reason with a glass of wine and smoking a cigar. And then it seems that this is normal, this is a calling card indicating the level of achievement, and that beer is not alcohol, but the choice of strong men.

And awareness, not always, true, but comes when there are problems with the lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs affected by addiction. When it becomes painful and there are restrictions in food, movements, and the worst thing - in life. Therefore, if you have any addiction that negatively affects your health, start a ruthless struggle. This is the only area where you need to act sharply and without excuses. You can see the article .

4. Food intake

Review your diet, the number of meals, the presence of vitamins and other nutrients. It is important not to eat a few hours before bedtime, otherwise you will give an increased work to the stomach, which will not have a very good effect on the state of the body. It is also necessary to eat small portions five times a day. In order not to forget about this, there is a little trick, get 5 magnets that you will move after each meal.

Refuse to use semi-finished products and products with an “eternal expiration date”. It is better to be hungry than to receive an additional portion of toxins and harmful substances. The only thing to not be particularly sad is that you can not “put an end to” your favorite food, but simply indulge yourself from time to time as an encouragement. Otherwise, you will not have any satisfaction and joy from such a way of life, and then there will be a threat of its termination.

In general, a nutritionist will tell you how to eat right, it is he who will draw up a menu and a list of products that are necessary for you personally based on the results obtained about your health.


Well, what can be a healthy lifestyle without sports? Even if you don’t have enough money to pay for going to the gym and the like, there are plenty of ways to do it for free, starting with banal exercises and jogging. The main thing here is not to let yourself relax, the habit is formed in 21 days. You can read about it. Then you yourself will feel the need to run or swim, stretch your muscles and stretch.

If you use public transport, try getting up a little earlier and walk at least half the way to work. Get out into nature more often and give yourself a load at every opportunity. Physical culture is not just a set of exercises, it is a human activity aimed at strengthening and maintaining health. Therefore, training once a week is just a tick for your own peace of mind.

6. Meditation

Do not forget about the benefits of meditation, because with its help you will heal not only the body, but also the soul. By the way, it helps to develop the will and the ability to concentrate, which increases cognitive abilities, for example, memory. The basics of meditation are described in detail, so even a beginner can handle it at home.

7. Sleep

I have repeatedly spoken about the benefits of sleep, if the regime is violated, the body does not have time to recover, and the biological rhythms of a person go astray. This leads to depression, various diseases, chronic fatigue and many other terrible consequences. So remember: you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and go to bed no later than 12 at night, otherwise there will be no sense in resting. The basic rules for healthy sleep, you will learn in. Do not forget to subscribe to updates to receive important information about health and self-development in your mail. I promise that there will be no spam, because I also receive a million incomprehensible messages a day in the mail.

8. Arrange fasting days or one-day fasts

This will enable the body to remove some of the toxins, gain strength and rest. It is not for nothing that posts have been invented in religion. Moreover, not only in Christianity and Islam, many religions emphasize the need to cleanse the body and thoughts, limiting oneself in food and doing good deeds. Fasting strengthens the spirit, and, by the way, willpower. Make it a rule to eat only vegetables or just drink water at least once a week.

9. Drink purified water

And as often as possible, because the ability to restore and control your water balance is the prevention of obesity and other terrible, unpleasant diseases. After all, we are 80% water, and we drink soda, teas and coffee, which does not help the body to recover at all. Yes, the feeling of thirst stops, but for our cells, juice and tea are not moisture. Look here for more

10. Stress

Whatever your everyday life, there is no escape from stress and negative experiences, such is the reality. But often people try to keep them in themselves, either by getting used to controlling emotions, or because there is a ban on their manifestation. For example, it is difficult to express one's anger to a directive boss; this can end the work in his organization. Or “eats” envy of a beautiful girlfriend, or every day an insult to her husband accumulates. It doesn’t matter what emotions, the most important thing is to express them, get rid of them, then space appears inside for something bright and joyful. Therefore, draw, learn to box, run, hit a pillow, but release all the negativity, only in safe conditions. We have talked about all this in previous articles.


And remember, who cares - he finds time, and in other cases he looks for excuses and excuses. So listen to the slogan: "Keep a healthy lifestyle", it will be useful not only for you. You will set an example for close people, especially children, because they study with us, and if we make them eat cereal in the morning, while we ourselves prefer a cup of coffee for breakfast and fast food, this is not fair to them. After all, the sooner we start taking care of our health, the stronger it is and the less effort we have to put in to restore it. And that’s all for today, dear readers, take care of yourself and your family!

Why is it necessary - a healthy lifestyle? Why exhaust yourself with training and limit your favorite food? Isn't it better to enjoy life and choose what is tasty and pleasant?

However, a healthy lifestyle is the best gift a person can give himself. The body will respond to a careful attitude with energy, the ability to reach new and new heights. Its resources are not unlimited, but they can be strengthened and multiplied in the following ways:

  • proper nutrition;
  • good habits;
  • balance of work and leisure;
  • calmness and optimism.

The human body, like any delicate and precise device, needs to be treated with care. And for competent care, he will respond with uninterrupted work. So, what should be the lifestyle that will ensure excellent health and the ability to achieve your goals?

When deciding to start a healthy lifestyle, people often make two mistakes: they start with too low aspiration ... or with too high aspiration. Some are going to start “on Monday” every time and find more and more reasons to postpone until the next time. Others vigorously get down to business, radically change their lifestyle ... but after a week they return to chips and lying on the couch.

Why is this happening and how to enter into a healthy lifestyle?

The body does not always welcome change. It is more convenient for him to live a well-established, proven life, without stress. A change in diet, a sudden change in routine, unusual physical activity - all this needs to get used to.

So how do you make health care a habit?

Start small. It will be much easier to rebuild if the changes are not radical, but gradual. If it is difficult to give up your favorite, but unhealthy food, do not limit yourself completely, but reduce your usual portions. If you want to start getting up early, set your alarm not three hours earlier than usual, but five minutes earlier. The next day, five more. Within two weeks, you will be getting up an hour earlier - and, moreover, without stress for the body.

It takes 21 days for a new habit to form. Spend three weeks in the specified mode, fix it for another week, and then it will be easier - the body itself will want to stick to this new routine.

Support the new habit with something enjoyable. Do exercises - choose your favorite music for her. Switch to a healthy diet - put fruit or aromatic spices in oatmeal. Get up early - praise yourself: if the morning begins with pleasant words for a small but important achievement, then the day should turn out in the best way.

Consolidate habits: tie them to those daily activities that you can't do without. And get away from what forces you to bad habits. Turn circumstances so that they work for you, not against you.

Some bad habits are formed not because they are very pleasant, but simply because a person takes the path of least resistance. He smokes not because he likes it, but just for the company, going out with colleagues to rest. He surfs the Internet not because it is interesting, but to relax after a difficult task. Consider your usual routine and think: at what points can you replace the unhealthy with the healthy?

If you set a goal to walk every day, you can simply forget about it. But if you attach a new habit to an already established schedule, it will be easier. Returning from your lunch break, make a circle around the nearest park. On your way home from work, get off one stop early and walk part of the way. Instead of drastic changes, make changes that will permeate your life gently and painlessly.

A healthy lifestyle is not a sprint, but a marathon. It is designed to last a very long time. Therefore, it is important to feel comfortable in this lifestyle. Stock up on patience. Important changes happen slowly, but are fixed for a long time.

Healthy Lifestyle Tips: Proper Nutrition

When people talk about maintaining health, they mean mainly proper nutrition. “We are what we eat,” says the ancient truth, and rightly so. Healthy food provides energy, good mood, and good health.

However, one of the main reasons why people do not welcome a healthy lifestyle is that it seems incompatible with delicious food. Young children make a clear distinction: there is tasty food, and there is healthy food. And many grow up not knowing that what is healthy can also be tasty.

If we talk about healthy eating, it is worth remembering another ancient truth: "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a beggar." This does not mean moodiness in the morning and promiscuity before bed, but providing your body with useful fuel at the right moments.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it gives you energy for the whole day. He must be nutritious. Everything eaten during breakfast is processed into useful energy. Therefore, this is the best reason for the sweet tooth to please yourself with a piece of chocolate. And for workaholics - how to prepare for the upcoming day.

Lunch should also be hearty and complete. And dinner is light, and no later than three hours before bedtime. The digestive system needs rest as much as the rest of the body, and it would be very good not to load it with night work.

In addition, it is advisable to have snacks during the day: fruits, vegetables, nuts, any other healthy food. Thanks to this, you do not have to eat before bed.

Try to eat at the same time. And, of course, choose products that will benefit, not harm.

What exactly? What benefits health are vegetables and fruits, cereals and whole grain breads, dairy products, protein - eggs, meat, fish. When it comes to cooking, you should avoid foods cooked with a lot of fat, choosing boiled, baked or steamed.

Everyone knows about the dangers of chips, mayonnaise, lemonade and other overly “chemical” products. Those products that are prepared with a large number of flavor enhancers, dyes and similar additives have no place in a healthy diet. If you can’t do without them, learn how to cook home-made analogues - this way you will know and regulate exactly what goes on your plate.

Also, do not choose fast carbohydrates - this includes rolls, cookies and similar flour products, as well as sweets. They are chosen as a snack because they give a quick feeling of satiety - but this feeling passes just as quickly. To recharge your batteries for a long time and at the same time do not harm health, but benefit, choose slow carbohydrates - cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruits.

And whatever the food, don't overeat. Get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger - the brain does not immediately recognize that the stomach is sufficiently full, and if it seems that there is already enough food, it means that in fact it is even too much.

Holidays are often seen as an excuse to eat hearty, but there are many ways to make your holiday memorable and without stomach heaviness. Control what you eat, choose what will allow the body to serve longer and better.

Healthy lifestyle and sport

Health is hard to imagine without physical activity. If the body is not in good shape, the person becomes lethargic and irritable. But a little warm-up - and it becomes easier to work, cope with problems and enjoy life.

How can you help your body stay energized through exercise?

It is important to remember that with the wrong approach, training can do harm. But their absence is also not an option. Physical inactivity is a dangerous phenomenon: lack of movement leads not only to extra pounds, but also to problems with the cardiovascular system, and with the musculoskeletal system, and with nerves.

  • morning work-out;
  • Hiking for 2 km is about half an hour at a free pace;
  • replacement of the elevator with steps;
  • small workouts at home.

Better yet, set aside at least a couple of hours a week for intense workouts. Even if they are short (20-30 minutes), be regular. For positive progress, two workouts a week are enough, although when the body gets used to the loads, you yourself will want to increase them.

First, choose something that you enjoy doing. Since health should become a way of life, it is important to make sports a part of it. So choose what you like and suits your character. Whether you like team sports or prefer to run alone, like to swim or dance - all means are good.

If you work with a trainer, choose him wisely. A good coach, before assigning a program, will definitely ask if you have any health problems, and if there are, he will schedule the classes accordingly. He will show you how to perform the exercise correctly, and will be able to explain which muscle groups work in it and why it is important to perform it this way and not otherwise. A good coach will follow your progress, because they are his success too.

Try not to take long breaks. If for any reason you miss a class, practice at home. After a long absence, the muscles lose their tone, the acquired skills are lost, and the lost ones have to be restored again.

Be sure to do a workout. This will help avoid injury. Your body will gladly respond to the opportunity to show its strength, but it needs to be prepared - to stretch and warm up the joints.

After a hard workout, give yourself a day or two to recover.

Do not be afraid of krepatura. This is the reaction of the body to unusual efforts when lactic acid is formed in the body. Accumulating in the muscles, it causes krepatura - pain in those parts of the body that have experienced stress. But it is not dangerous and is usually treated with a light workout of the “affected” muscles and a warm shower or bath. Do not be afraid of this - with regular training, it quickly stops appearing, and then it is replaced by a sense of satisfaction for its purposefulness.

Pay attention to stretching - whether it's special stretching sessions or a small set of exercises at the end of a workout. This will strengthen the joints and help to avoid problems with them with age.

How do you force yourself to exercise? For many, this is a problem.

If you are one of them, try to go the other way - do not force. You don't force yourself to do what feels good, like listening to music or watching a movie. Start with a small warm-up exercise to a peppy song, allocating only five to ten minutes for this. Set yourself up positively: you will not exhaust yourself, but simply move for your own pleasure. Finish this warm-up with a feeling of cheerfulness - let the body remember how pleased it was.

Get used to treating sports as an invigorating, fun activity. Gradually, the body itself will begin to ask for an increase in the load.

There are special programs designed for a month of continuous classes. You perform a simple exercise, each day increasing the number of repetitions by 10-20 - depending on the program. It all starts with very minor loads, but after a month it comes to impressive results. Such programs strengthen both the muscles and the psychological state, add self-confidence.

Good health and work schedule: how to combine?

Work is as much an integral part of life as health. However, these parts can contradict each other: rush jobs, lack of sleep, snacks on the run ... How to build your lifestyle so that work does not undermine health?

Those who work at jobs they love have already done their health a huge favor. Favorite business is a contribution to a strong psyche. Doing what you like and do well, find a solution to a difficult issue, see the result of your work - all this brings joy and satisfaction, which is only good for health.

Those who have got an unloved job may feel that it draws strength. In this case, it makes sense to either change the way you work or find something positive in your work. Focus on the opportunities it gives you. Find in it advantages that will outweigh the disadvantages.

Develop more in your profession and in related areas. This is important for those who like their work, and even more so for those who seek to change it. Constant development makes the brain work and stay energetic, and in addition, it adds self-confidence.

The work does not have to satisfy in every detail - someone was lucky with the team, but got boring classes, and someone feels irreplaceable, but is forced to work in difficult conditions. Do what you can to fix deficiencies, but don't focus on them if they are outside your area of ​​responsibility.

But even the most beloved, pleasant and interesting work can undermine your health if you do not follow some simple rules.

Take breaks. Set aside a couple of minutes every hour to walk if it's an office job, or sit down if you're on your feet. Small breaks must be prescribed in the labor protection instructions - otherwise, at some point, productivity begins to fall. If you got carried away and went headlong into a big task - do not grab the next one immediately after it, let the body recover.

Don't delay until the last moment. Deadlines spur and motivate someone, but even in such cases, after chasing elusive deadlines, it is necessary to recover. And if the deadline becomes a way of life, then a person works hard. Therefore, set reasonable deadlines, add ten percent to them for unforeseen cases, and follow the plan.

Don't take work home. Of course, this may not apply to those who work in the steel mill, but many do not distinguish between home and office. Even if you cannot do without it, allocate yourself a workplace and working hours and do not take work beyond them.

Don't work for food. And don't eat at work. In many places this is simply not possible due to the nature of the job, but even if you can, don't do it. And not only because the crumbs clog into the keyboard, but also because doing two such different tasks at the same time is an extra stress for the body. He cannot concentrate on work or on the digestive process.

Follow workplace safety rules. Even if it's just gymnastics for the eyes of office workers. Work is necessary in order to develop and have resources for the joys of life - do not let it ruin your health.

Healthy lifestyle and recreation

How do those who care about their health relax? They say that the best rest is a change of activity. Also, new experiences. So, here are a few options for how this can be achieved.

Choose an active holiday. Someone prefers ski resorts, someone - sailing - in any case, this will bring more health benefits than passive lying on the beach. And if you are too tired at work, choose tours for beginners - they will let you relax and learn new things.

Go to another country to unusual places. For example, Turkey and Bulgaria are not only the sea, but also mountains, and a different culture, and beautiful cities. Such a vacation will give the effect of "breaking the pattern" - an expanded picture of the world and unforgettable impressions. Travel more, explore the world - it energizes for a long time.

Go hiking. Travel agencies offer routes that do not let you run out of steam, and offer to give the body an intense load. And also - beautiful views, interesting acquaintances, fresh air and a topic for many stories to friends.

Get to know your country better, go to cities where you have not been. Being constantly open to something new is part of being healthy. Plan a tour of several neighboring cities or spend a few days getting to know one place - in any case, you will feel how household chores recede and discover yourself from a new side.

Make repairs or rearrangements at home. Maybe not the most tempting option, but the result is worth it. A change of scenery refreshes the mind and makes the brain work in new ways.

Take a ticket to the sanatorium. This type of vacation combines pleasant impressions with recovery, and is especially good if you choose places that you have long wanted to visit. Mountains, forest or sea - all this refreshes an overloaded psyche and fills it with health.

Activities and procedures for health benefits

The lifestyle of a healthy person includes not only proper nutrition and training, but also a lot of different activities. To maintain and improve your health, find time for such procedures.

Massage. Useful for those who get a lot of physical activity, and office workers - it relieves muscle clamps, strengthens the back, helps to avoid many problems with the spine. Many do not even know all the possibilities of massage - it is useful not only for the back, it can be used to eliminate problems with the digestive, cardiovascular or nervous system. And also - just relax and recharge with a good mood.

Bath or sauna. An ancient remedy for health promotion, known to many peoples. There may be individual contraindications, which you need to consult with your doctor. But the benefits of the steam room are enormous - this way of healing helps to remove toxins, protect yourself from problems with the kidneys and joints, cure respiratory diseases and just cheer you up.

A contrast shower is a lightweight version of the steam room, but it is no less useful than this. The temperature difference invigorates and refreshes, allows you to forget about colds and bad mood.

hardening. By increasing the body's resistance to temperature changes, you will make him a huge gift. Start small - air baths, rubbing with a damp towel, gradually reducing the temperature of the shower - and over time you will notice how immunity and stamina have strengthened.

First aid course. The Red Cross organization runs these weekend courses - they take very little time, but provide knowledge that can be invaluable. And even if they never come in handy, it never hurts to have them. In addition, such a course will give an idea of ​​how the body works.

Medical examinations. This, too, must not be forgotten if you want to be confident in your health. Once a year, set aside time to make sure that all the efforts are for the benefit of the body, and health does not require serious interventions.

And besides, remember about such simple daily activities as a walk in the fresh air, airing the room - both at home and in the office - and light cleaning. Personal hygiene is also part of a healthy lifestyle and a means of preventing disease.

Bad habits: what has no place in a healthy life

To maintain health, it is necessary to avoid bad habits. And this includes not only smoking and alcohol abuse - everyone knows about their dangers - but also some habits that are also characteristic of those people who care about health. What harms good health?

Long and useless sitting on the Internet. “Five minutes” stretches out to two hours, during which you can do a lot of useful things. This leaves a feeling of dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with oneself, which, of course, does not benefit health at all.

Complaints and dissatisfaction. This destroys both your health and those who are forced to listen to the flow of negativity. It makes sense to express dissatisfaction only where it is constructive - if you need to discuss a controversial situation, pay attention to something that needs to be resolved.

Trying to please everyone. In the long run, infringing on one's interests for the sake of others is not beneficial.

Trying to control everything. Take on as much as you can carry without harm to your well-being and mood.

Disorder. This includes the lack of a regime, and the rubbish accumulated in the house, and the lack of life goals. When a person knows for sure what his day will be like, where his things are and what he wants from life, this improves health on a physical level as well - he feels more toned and collected.

Long sleep on the weekend. The desire to sleep off for the entire working week is understandable, but this will not have to be done if you go to bed on time during the week. Holidays, holidays, vacations - all this leads to long idleness, which does not bring any benefit. After it, it is more difficult to return to the working rhythm.

And the other side of the problem is workaholism. The desire to work without sparing yourself, at night, on weekends, when the body has long been asking for mercy. From time to time it is important to just take a walk, watch a movie with family or friends, go to the pool or get a massage.

How to maintain and strengthen psycho-emotional health

Health is not only a good physical shape, but also emotional stability and a strong psyche. Unpleasant thoughts and feelings not only spoil the mood and deprive of vigor, but can also affect physical health, resulting in psychosomatic problems. How to strengthen and maintain psycho-emotional health?

Learn to deal with emotions. Suppressed discontent does not go away without a trace. Therefore, learn to pronounce what worries you, to voice your feelings. This will help you not to accumulate negative experiences.

Collect positive impressions. Trips, new acquaintances, meetings with old friends, hobbies - all this will help maintain a good mood and provide joyful memories. A positive outlook is one of the main components of health.

Set goals and achieve them. This will give self-confidence, energize and optimism.

Do not allow negative thoughts, learn to see the positive aspects and rejoice in what you have.

Train your memory, solve puzzles for the mind, solve crossword puzzles or play mind games. Attend trainings and master classes, get new knowledge. The brain needs training no less than the body - they help it to maintain efficiency, clarity of thought.

Be open and kind. Maintain tolerance for those who are different from you. Explore the world in all its diversity.

Keep calm. Develop stress tolerance. Some people spend too much energy fighting something that is not critical either for themselves or for anyone else.

And at the same time, for a healthy lifestyle, it is important to have an active life position. Some problems we cannot solve, but what we can do is worth doing. Be interested in what is happening in your city, in your environment. Don't be afraid to take on extra tasks at work or in your passion.

The following logically follows from this point - keep your personal boundaries. Don't take on other people's tasks and don't be afraid to ask for help if you can't handle it.

Health is the key to success in life

Taking care of your health can seem like a very boring set of activities. Especially considering that such a lifestyle cannot last a couple of weeks - for good health and good health, it must become constant for many years. Some may feel that rules and restrictions in their own lives limit freedom. But the fact is that in the long run, everything happens the other way around - a healthy body and mind empowers. A healthy person achieves more, and his energy is enough for many things.

Therefore, be friends with your body. Know how to hear his wishes - he will be pleased to be cheerful, eat well and sleep well. You will feel how grateful he will be.

Do you want to change your habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle? Learn how to get on the right track and make your life healthier and happier!

The New Year is approaching and for many of us, this is a great time to start changing something in our lives. Of course, changes can begin at any time, but it is under the chiming clock that we mentally take a look at the entire past year and give ourselves the most daring promises for the coming year. Someone plans to give up bad habits, start eating right, go in for sports, lose weight or spend more time with loved ones, while someone just wants to enjoy life more and avoid stress.

Overwhelmed with enthusiasm, we rush headlong into the pool and begin to make drastic changes in life. But after some time, the fuse passes, and we gradually return to the old way of life, from which we wanted to leave until recently. Why is this happening and how can we make change a part of our lives?

From extreme to extreme

For our body, accustomed to a daily lifestyle, cardinal changes are always painful, which is why they often end in complete failure. Try to make changes to your normal lifestyle gradually, in small portions, so that your body has time to adapt to them.

Those who have tried at least once in their lives to go on a diet know that a drastic change in diet requires superhuman effort. First, to change something in your eating habits, set yourself the minimum goal of eating regularly. The optimal diet is considered to be 5-6 times a day with a mandatory breakfast, lunch, late dinner and small snacks after breakfast and lunch.

Then switch to a healthy diet, and it will be easier for you if this process takes place gradually. For example, first avoid fried foods and limit the amount of fatty foods, then reduce the portion size, then add more fruits to your diet, and so on. This scheme will help you more easily adapt to a healthy diet, and the diet will not be a shock to the body. The process of switching to a healthy diet can take more than one month, but after going through this path, you will probably not return to your old habits.

The same goes for physical exercise. If you haven’t done physical education before and decided to devote an hour a day to training to get in shape, then you will most likely be waiting for a loss of motivation. Wanting to get everything at once, we set ourselves an impossible task. Start with two light workouts per week and gradually, once every few months, increase the duration and difficulty of the sessions. This way you will be more likely to achieve good physical shape and make real lifestyle changes.

Making yourself run every morning is no easy task, but a 30-minute jog on Saturdays looks more achievable.

Another important point about small incremental changes. Taking small steps, we see the result and feel the movement forward. This allows you to stay motivated and stay on track.

By the way, the Japanese have a whole philosophy dedicated to small changes, it is called kaizen. Thanks to this philosophy, not only individuals, but also entire corporations, such as Toyota, have achieved success.

Change all aspects of life

Another common mistake on the path to change is changing only one part of our lives. A healthy lifestyle is not limited to proper nutrition and exercise, it includes many aspects. Judge for yourself, if we stick to proper nutrition, but at the same time continue to experience constant stress at work or at home, can we call our lifestyle healthy? Probably not.

A healthy lifestyle depends on many factors, such as physical activity, emotional stability, proper rest, stress resistance, avoiding bad habits, and so on. If we do not take into account all these factors, we will create an imbalance in life. Only a comprehensive approach to health, both physical and emotional, will help us get rid of problems and improve our condition.

Follow the course

To be successful, you must remain positive and realistic about your capabilities. Do not despair at the slightest failure, if something does not work out the first time - this is quite normal. Do not blame yourself for this, it is not always easy to follow the chosen path through life. You always have the option to take a step back and try again. Be persistent in achieving your goals and remember that a healthy lifestyle is your conscious choice.

Change should become part of your life, become a habit. Think of them not as one-time measures, but as a new way to live. With each new day you will feel healthier, happier and more energetic.

Where to start change

So, we have learned that change should be gradual and complex, affecting many aspects of life. Now is the time to decide on concrete steps that will consistently lead us to a healthy and happy life. This is where Brett Blumenthal's book, A Year Well Lived: 52 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle, can help. In this book, Brett invites us to complete a program of 52 small breaks, one change per week for an entire year. This program is pretty easy to follow. At the beginning of each week, you should choose one change and focus your efforts on it. The following are examples of such changes.

1. Start with an extra glass of water

A healthy diet requires adequate intake of clean water. Although water is not the main source of vitamins and minerals, it is an important part of our diet and its replenishment is vital. Water is involved in almost all processes occurring in the body. It flushes out toxins from the body, transports nutrients to cells, and is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system. At the same time, as scientists note, people who drink enough water are less likely to feel hungry and, accordingly, less likely to overeat.

During the day, watch your thirst and drink a glass of water as soon as it comes. To do this, it is convenient to keep a bottle of clean water next to you. Sometimes pure water can be replaced with mineral water or herbal tea, but not with carbonated drinks or juice, as they contain a lot of sugar.

This simple and effective step is a great start to change your eating habits.

2. Stretch

Many underestimate the role of stretching in our lives. A good stretch can protect muscles and ligaments from injury, maintain joint mobility, relieve stress, improve blood circulation, improve well-being, maintain flexibility and posture.

Stretching does not require additional equipment or a lot of time. You can do it anywhere and anytime, but it will be most useful after waking up or after sitting in one place for a long time. Get in the habit of stretching for 20 minutes three times a week to help keep you flexible and youthful.

3. Add vegetables

Vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and a host of other nutrients called phytonutrients. Vegetables are the basis of a healthy diet, no other food group contains so many useful nutrients, even fruits cannot boast such a rich arsenal of vitamins and minerals.

Fibrous vegetables (peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, etc.) will be especially useful for those who want to lose weight, as they contain a minimum amount of calories, cause a feeling of satiety and help reduce body weight. Among other things, they are rich in fiber, which improves digestion and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Throughout the week, keep track of how many vegetables you eat. Try to include them in every meal. The easiest way to include vegetables in your diet is to start every meal with a bowl of salad. In addition, you can use them as a side dish, cook a vegetable stew or casserole, make a sandwich with vegetables, or just cut them up and eat them raw. The list of dishes is unlimited, and on the Internet you will find many recipes for healthy vegetable dishes.

4. Look for a reason to be active

Our body is designed in such a way that it needs constant movement, but modern technologies carefully protect us from any physical activity. As a result, we experience a wide variety of health problems and begin to age earlier. Studies have shown that physical activity can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It also strengthens bones and muscles, improves emotional state and increases life expectancy.

You don't have to start going to the gym five times a week to increase your level of physical activity. Instead, look for opportunities to move more - it's a lot easier than it sounds. Always find a reason to walk. Make it a rule to walk to the supermarket, so when you return home with bags, you will give your body a very good workout. If you use public transport, then get off a couple of stops before your destination, walk the rest of the way. Don't use the elevator if you only need to go up a few floors, use the stairs instead. Gradually, you can increase the number of floors for both ascent and descent. Try taking walks after dinner - they are especially useful as they will unload your stomach before bed.

Remember that even moderate physical activity in everyday life will benefit you.

5. More optimism

It would seem that we are talking about a healthy lifestyle, so what does optimism have to do with it. However, as scientists have found, people who perceive the glass as half full are more likely to stay healthy and live longer. The reason for this is simple: optimists cope better with stress and, therefore, are less susceptible to their negative impact on health. A positive attitude towards life is a great way to avoid depression and reduce anxiety and irritability.

Being optimistic will help you cope better with stress and get sick less.

How can you develop an optimistic attitude? To do this, carefully monitor your internal dialogue for a week and, as soon as you notice negative thinking, redirect it in a positive direction. For example, “I can’t do this” can be replaced with “I will learn this”; "this won't work" to "we'll find a way to make it work"; "all is lost" to "all is not lost yet"; "I can't do it" to "I have to try" and so on. This simple technique will help you avoid unnecessary self-criticism and develop a positive attitude towards yourself and others.

6. Take vitamins

Of course, ideally, we should get everything we need from food. But, even if you watch your diet and include fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products in your diet, it can be difficult to get 100% of the recommended amount. This does not mean that you should start taking all known supplements, vitamins should be insurance in case your body does not get everything it needs from food.

Making this change is much easier than others. Just buy a pack of quality multivitamins and take them as directed.

7. Filter products

When buying products, carefully read the labels and labels and learn from them to determine how useful or harmful the purchased products are. The composition and nutritional value of a product can open your eyes to its quality and nutritional value.

Here are a few rules to follow when choosing products:

  • Pay attention to calories. A product containing less than 100 kcal per serving is considered low-calorie; more than 350 kcal - a high-calorie product, it is better to postpone it.
  • Large amounts of fat or carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main cause of excess weight, and fats (not all) are the cause of many cardiovascular diseases. Make sure that their content in products is not too high.
  • Ingredients with an unpronounceable name. If you cannot read what is written on the label, this product is unlikely to be natural and healthy.
  • Products with artificial colors and flavors. It's simple, if the product is processed so much that it has to be painted, this product does not belong in your refrigerator.
  • Avoid foods with aspartame, monosodium glutamate, and others.

Read the labels of all the products you buy carefully and make an informed buying decision.


As you can see, the path to change is not an easy one. You will have to take many steps towards a healthy lifestyle, spend a lot of time on it and change ingrained habits. But the main thing is to clearly see the goal in front of you and move in the right direction, it's worth it!

I think that every person strives to form a healthy lifestyle, but not everyone achieves this goal. The whole point, most likely, is that people simply don’t know where to start maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or they just can’t force themselves to change something in their lives. Today we will tell you the main rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as well as the reasons why you should change your lifestyle for the better.

The word healthy lifestyle is most often understood as leading a full and healthy life, both physical and psychological, good mood, a feeling of joy and pleasure from every moment of life, as well as proper nutrition, exercise, and giving up bad habits. It can also be imagined as leading a natural way of life for a person, which is laid down by nature.

Before moving on to the main rules of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, let's list the reasons why you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Top reasons to lead a healthy lifestyle.

1. Strengthen your health and boost your immunity.

2. Get rid of stress and depression.

3. Live to a ripe old age with physical and psychological health.

5. Set the right example for children and those around them.

6. Proper development and health of your children.

7. Wake up every morning full of strength and energy.

8. Enjoy every new day, and always be in a good mood.

Remember that the most important thing in your body is your immunity. In order for your immune system to function well, it is imperative to lead a healthy lifestyle. Immunity protects you from all bacteria and viruses, and also supports the proper functioning of all body cells, which ultimately is an indicator of overall health, both physical and mental.

Now let's move on to the healthy lifestyle rules that must be followed.

The main rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The human body is so arranged that it simply cannot always be in one place and in one position. For example, sitting in front of a computer all day at work is actually putting your body under a lot of stress.

Be sure to exercise for at least 30 minutes every morning! In addition to the general warm-up, the exercises should include several physical exercises, such as push-ups from the floor, squats, exercises for the development of the press (twisting while lying down or lifting legs while hanging on the horizontal bar). It is advisable to visit the gym, which will allow you to fully and competently work out each muscle group.

Charging should be done every day, and go to the gym at least 2 times a week.

Alcohol and tobacco destroy our body, it's like a time bomb. The body cannot get used to these substances, as many often say. It's like fire and water - the opposite. Even in small doses, these substances have a detrimental effect on the body, which will manifest itself, if not now, then in the next generations, gradually destroying human DNA (DNA is like a plan for building your body, the schemes by which the proteins and cells of the body are built), which ultimately leads to mutations (destruction of internal organs and the principles of synthesis of protein structures).

3. Eat right.

Your food is the building blocks of your body. Imagine you are building a brick house. There are two types of bricks - those that are cracked, and besides, they are still crooked. And good, high quality and smooth. What kind of bricks would you build a house with? I think the answer of each person is obvious. It's the same with your body. Why buy food that is harmful to the body?

There are likely two answers:

First, sometimes you really want to eat something tasty, and tasty things that people buy most often (chocolates and various sweets, buns and pastries, pizza, chips, crackers, etc.) are most often not healthy ... However, here there are wonderful ones for you that you can make at home from natural products. By the way, protein is protein, what your body is made of. The proportions of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in recipes are optimal for a healthy diet.

Second, people simply do not want to spend time preparing healthy food, and they buy ready-made or frozen fast food products that include harmful additives so that the food lasts longer, has a pleasant smell, or simply to reduce the cost of production. That is, the problem in the second case is just laziness to cook something.

To succeed, you must overcome these two points - do not be lazy to cook healthy and wholesome food, as well as refrain from sweets and other harmful high-calorie foods that are sold in the store. You can make excellent ones at home, but here again you need not be lazy. As you can see, you need to follow both points for a healthy diet.

Now let's move on to the main points of nutrition:

The proportions of BJU in the diet should be as follows: proteins 20-30%, fats 10-20%, carbohydrates 50-60%.

Try to eat as often as possible and in small portions, for example, split breakfast, lunch and dinner into 2 meals, as a result, you will have 6 meals per day. This speeds up the metabolism, improves bowel function and contributes to the complete absorption of products.

Eat enough fruits and vegetables to make sure your body gets enough vitamins.

The main source of carbohydrates for you should be various cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, oatmeal, etc.

Try to diversify the menu with different products.

Limit the consumption of salt, sugar, as well as other harmful ancillary products - ketchup, mayonnaise, various sauces, because. most often they contain harmful additives.

Drink plenty of water, at least 2.5 liters per day is recommended.

In a dream, the body renews the supply of strength and energy, and also renews and restores the cells of the body more intensively. Sound and healthy sleep strengthens the immune system and promotes longevity. Sleep at least 8 hours. If possible, add 40-50 minutes of daytime sleep or just lie down for 20 minutes, this restores the nervous system very well.

Stress puts a heavy strain on your nervous system, with which the brain controls almost all processes in the body. An exhausted central nervous system leads to a weakening of the immune system and the body's defenses. Therefore, always stay positive and smile more often!

Hardening helps the body to better cope with colds, because. trains the body's defenses. Hardening does not mean immersion in an ice hole.)) You can harden yourself simply by wiping yourself with a slightly damp towel after a shower. Start at a temperature that is comfortable for your body. You don't have to take a cold shower, just cold water is enough.

I think everyone has been taught this since childhood. Maintaining personal hygiene will protect you from various bacteria and germs that accumulate on the skin, hands, hair, under the nails and in the mouth.

At least once every couple of months go to the sauna or bath. It has been proven that this strengthens the immune system and helps to eliminate various toxins and toxins from the body.

Lead a healthy lifestyle. Good luck to you and good luck!

Sincerely, Vlad Fomenko and Dima Marchenko

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