How to find out what zodiac Venus was in. Calculation of the position of Venus and Mars on the zodiac circle

Venus in the signs of the zodiac reflects such concepts as love, pleasure, passion, beauty. The planet governs a person's ability to express feelings, to enjoy beauty. Venus is able to endow a person with charm, attractiveness, inner beauty, emphasizes sex appeal.

Calculate the position of Venus in the sign of the zodiac in order to answer the following questions:

  • What kind of potential lovers does your essence attract?
  • Do you tend to flirt?
  • Are you able to find happiness in novels, or can they only disappoint you?
  • What kind of talents do you have, how are they expressed?

Venus in the sign of the zodiac has always patronized love, beauty, art, jewelry, cordiality, harmony, friendship, secular talents. She is able to manage sublime emotions, bestow happiness, which you can only dream of. Any astrologer will confirm that the planet is capable of making human life beautiful.

Venus in the signs of the zodiac

The influence of the planet of love on men

Venus in the horoscope of men displays the imminent appearance of his wife or lover. A strong planet is responsible for a strong marriage. Venus gives men the ability to appreciate external qualities, makes him an aesthete, so we recommend calculating the position of the planet at the time of birth.

Being a significator of poetry, music, painting, dance, art, it elevates you above the environment, endows you with nobility, sensitivity, refinement. Aesthetes in life, frequenters of the theater and opera - the owners of Venus in the horoscope.

On the lowest, outer level, the planet means life for the sake of seeking pleasure, striving for comfort, luxury, a beautiful, rich life.

Venus makes a man incredibly sexually attractive to the opposite sex, which is easy to determine by appearance. To enhance the influence of the planet on your life, men are encouraged to surround themselves with beautiful women who have the strongest influence on your peace of mind.

Venus in the houses of the horoscope

The influence of Venus on women

Venus in the horoscope of women is the prototype of a young beautiful girl with all the ensuing consequences. Girls born under this sign are attractive to the opposite sex, sweet, but prudent, it is not difficult to spot them in the crowd.

Everything they touch becomes beautiful, so even being at the “Venusian” at home, one feels the attractiveness of everything that this woman touches. She is a true queen.

Such women dress with taste, have a beautiful, sexy, appetizing figure.

Venus is able to endow her "daughters" not only with external beauty, but with many other qualities that can give happiness. Always successful, no matter what part of life they choose. If they prefer to devote time to the family, they will have an excellent result. In business and career, they are also incredibly lucky, and this is due both to their appearance and to their inner qualities, which they have more than enough.

Astrology of love and relationships. Date of birth will tell you how to meet your half and create a strong family Solyanik Katerina

Calculation of the position of Venus and Mars on the zodiac circle

The calculations are carried out in the same way for both Venus and Mars. And in essence, they are very similar to the simplest arithmetic school problem about a train that leaves point A, moves at a certain speed and arrives at point B. The difference in calculating the position of these two planets is only that you will take data for calculations from different tables. Tables with data on the movement of these planets in the zodiac circle from 1950 to 2030 are given in Appendix 1. These tables show the dates and times of the transition of each of the considered planets to the next sign of the zodiac. It also shows the dates and times of the special moments of the movement of these planets, visible to the inhabitant of the Earth. These special dates are marked with the Latin letters "R" and "D". What these labels mean and how to use them to identify very interesting points in the characteristics of people and time periods will be discussed in the following chapters of the book. For now, we won't stop there.

Rice. 2. Form for entering astrological and numerological analysis results

Calculate the position of the planet. To do this, you will have to do the following:

1. View the ephemeris (see appendix 1).

2. Find the interval in dates that includes your date of birth.

3. Write down the date and position of the planet at the beginning of the interval and at the end.

4. Calculate how many days it took the planet to cover the distance from the first position to the second. Record the number of days received.

5. Given that each zodiac sign has a duration of 30° (360/12), divide 30° by the number of days you get. Thus, you will get the daily speed of the planet Venus in the selected period of time.

Attention! There is nothing to worry about if it turns out that your date of birth falls within the date interval limited by the "R" and "D" marks. Just in this case, you will have to calculate not only the number of days between the boundaries of the interval, but also the number of degrees of the zodiac circle passed by the planet during these days. Subtract the smaller value from the larger value and put a "?" in front of the resulting value. You will get that in the considered time interval the speed of the planet had a negative value. This only means that for an observer from the Earth, the planet seemed to be moving in the opposite direction.

6. Calculate how many days have passed from the beginning of the considered date interval to your birthday, and multiply this value by the daily speed of the planet. This way you will get the number of degrees passed by the planet from the beginning of the tabular interval to the date of your birth.

7. By adding the result obtained (in degrees) to the table value of the position of the planet at the beginning of the interval, you will get the position of the planet in the zodiac sign on your birthday, i.e. in your own horoscope. Please note that if the obtained speed of the planet was negative, then the segment of the circle passed by the planet will also have a negative value. But in the end, the desired position of the planet in your horoscope will take some intermediate value between its position at the beginning of the interval (from the table) and its position at the end of the interval.

I will show you how to calculate with examples.

Example 1. A certain person was born on May 18, 1950. His date of birth falls between May 5, 1950 and June 1, 1950.

The interval between these dates is 27 days.

Divide 30° by 27 days and find out that during this time Venus had a speed? 1.11°/day.

Multiply 13 days? 1.11°/day = 14.44°

The beginning of the ephemeris interval is the transition of Venus to 0° Aries. Therefore, it turns out that on her birthday on May 18, 1950, she occupied the position of ? 14.44 ° of the sign Aries.

Example 2. Consider another date of birth. Imagine that you need to calculate the position of Venus for a person born on April 14, 1953. As can be seen from the presented ephemeris passage, his date of birth is between March 31, 1953 and May 4, 1953.

We calculate how many days the table interval includes. March 31 and May 4 are separated by more than a month - 35 days.

For the convenience of calculations, it is better to translate the position of the planet given in the ephemeris from degree fractions into a decimal fraction. To do this, you just need to divide the fractional part of the degree by 60, rounding the resulting value to the second decimal place, and add an integer number of degrees of the table value to the result:

14.58 Aries = 14 + 58/60? 14.97° Aries

Let's calculate the daily speed of Venus, having previously determined the number of degrees it has traveled during this time:

30.00 ? 14.58 Aries = 30.00° - 14.97° = 15.03°

This value is assigned the sign "?": Therefore, the segment of the zodiac traversed by Venus from March 31 to May 4, 1953, was? 15.03 °.

The daily velocity of Venus in the considered time interval is

– 15.03°/35 days? ?0.43°/day

From the beginning of the tabular interval to the birthday, 15 days have passed.

Thus, during these 15 days, Venus passed

15 days? ?0.43°/day? ?6.45°

Therefore, on her birthday, she occupied the position:

30.00° + (?6.45°) ? 23.55° Aries

Due to the fact that the date of birth fell within the interval limited by the marks in the ephemeris "R" and "D", then the resulting value, also marked with the "R" sign, should have been entered in the form.

Similarly, the position of Mars should be calculated using the ephemeris table corresponding to Mars from Appendix 1.

Enter the positions of Venus and Mars obtained during the calculations in the form of your horoscope in the appropriate column.

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3.3.4. THE EVOLUTION OF MAN AND MAMMALS IN THE FOURTH ROUND Let us consider how the Esoteric Doctrine explains its own statement that in the Fourth Round "mammals were brought out by evolution after man" (2, p. 228). As already noted, according to the Ancient Wisdom, evolution

The natal chart is a personal horoscope of a person's birth. It is built at the moment of birth of a person and place of birth. This horoscope characterizes the fate of a person: the possibilities, inclinations and circumstances of life inherent in him. With the help of a birth chart, the position of the planets in the signs of the zodiac relative to the Earth, as well as relative to each other, is determined. According to these data, a description of a person is compiled. We present you a service that allows you to perform online calculation of a natal chart by date of birth with decryption for free.

In order for the description to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to indicate the date of birth, the time of birth (preferably the exact time) and the place of birth. If your city is not in the list, choose the closest city, a difference of 50-100 km is acceptable, it is important that the city is in your time zone in this case. To determine the position of houses, the Placidus system is used.

Select date, time and place of birth:

Date/time of birth:
day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 month January February March April May June July August September October November December 2022 2022 2020 2018 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2010 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 2004 2004 2002 2002 2001 2000 1998 1998 1996 1995 1994 1994 1993 1991 1990 1989 1988 1985 1985 1984 1982 1981 1981 1979 1978 1977 1976 1974 1974 1972 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1964 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1955 1954 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1947 1947 1946 1944 1943 1942 1940 1939 1935 1935 1933 1931 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1927 1924 1924 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1914 1914 1913 1911 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 16 16 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 minutes 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Place of Birth:

Not selected - Russia Abkhazia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Anguilla Angola Andorra Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Afghanistan Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Bahrain Belarus Belize Belgium Benin Bermuda Bulgaria Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Burkina Faso Burundi Bhutan Vanuatu Vatican City United Kingdom Hungary Venezuela Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (US) East Timor Vietnam Gabon Haiti Guyana Gambia Ghana Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Germany Gibraltar Honduras Hong Kong Grenada Greenland Greece Georgia Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Egypt Zambia Zimbabwe Israel India Indonesia Jordan Iraq Iran Ireland Iceland Spain Italy Yemen Cape Verde Kazakhstan Cayman Islands Cambodia Cameroon Canada Qatar Kenya Cyprus Kyrgyzstan Kiribati China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Cuba Kuwait Laos Latvia Lesotho Liberia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Liechtenstein Luxembourg Mavri cii Madagascar Mayotte Macedonia Malawi Malaysia Mali Maldives Malta Mariana Islands Morocco Martinique Marshall Islands Mexico Mozambique Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Niger Nigeria Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Nicaragua Niue New Zealand New Caledonia Norway Norfolk Island UAE Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Peru Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Rwanda Romania El Salvador Samoa (Western) San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Swaziland Seychelles Senegal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Serbia Singapore Syria Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Suriname USA Sierra Leone Tajikistan Thailand Taiwan Tanzania Turks and Caicos Islands Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Tunisia Turkmenistan Turkey Uganda Uzbekistan Ukraine Wallis and Futuna Uruguay Faroe Islands Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Philippines Finland France French Polynesia Croatia Central African Republic Public Chad Montenegro Czech Republic Chile Switzerland Sweden Sri Lanka Ecuador Estonia Ethiopia South Africa South Georgia South Korea Jamaica Japan - not selected - Moscow St. Petersburg Vologda Oblast Voronezh Oblast Dagestan Jewish Autonomous Okrug Trans-Baikal Territory Ivanovo Oblast Ingushetia Irkutsk Oblast Kabardino-Balkaria Kaliningrad Oblast Kalmykia Kaluga Oblast Kamchatka Oblast Karachay-Cherkessia Karelia Kemerovo Oblast Kirov Oblast Komi Kostroma Oblast Krasnodar Territory Krasnoyarsk Territory Crimea Kurgan Oblast Kursk Oblast Leningrad Oblast Lipetsk Oblast Magadan Oblast Mari El Mordovia Moscow Region Murmansk Region Nenets Autonomous Okrug Nizhny Novgorod Region Novgorod Region Novosibirsk Region Omsk Region Orenburg Region Oryol Region Penza Region Perm Territory Primorsky Territory Pskov Region Rostov Region Ryazan Region Samara Region Saratov Region Sakhalin Region Sverdlovsk Region North Ossetia Smolensk Region Stavropol Territory Tambov Region Tatarstan Tver Region Tomsk Region Tula Region Tyva Tyumen Region Udmurtia Ulyanovsk Region Khabarovsk Territory Khakassia Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Chelyabinsk Region region Chechen Republic Chuvashia Chukotka Autonomous District Yakutia Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Yaroslavl Region


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Determine natal birth chart

♀ VENUS. A person perceives many things not as an abstract observer, but with the feeling of being included in the human race as a whole or in one or another of its narrower layers. This applies to aesthetics, which are much more socially conditioned than it seems at first glance, and especially the human perception of individuals, communities and social situations. Of course, he does not always realize this and fixes it, but his view of what is happening in such situations is always socially conditioned, maybe positively or negatively, but, in any case, his social egregore looks through a person at what is happening around him and in a certain way directs and narrows attention (and consciousness) and to a certain extent acts on the will. At the same time, Venus is a level 2 planet, and its influences should be considered as largely controlled by man, at least at the third or fourth level of its development.

So: Venus is active when a person perceives what is happening outside (inside) him, while feeling his involvement in society, subconsciously focusing on the social schemes intuitively felt by him. It should be emphasized here that "orienting" means "keeping in mind" rather than "obeying"; with the defeat of Venus, a person often perceives social moments exactly the opposite in relation to the views of his society, which, of course, also means being oriented to these views.

If the Moon controls the social programs of the smallest and largest social egregors associated with a person, i.e. family (or egoic) and ethnic, then Venus determines the influence of all intermediate social egregors - the social stratum, group, etc. The first strong inclusion of Venus occurs during the 14-year adolescent crisis (opposition of transiting Saturn to its radical position), when the child suddenly feels an urgent need to be like everyone else and, to the horror of parents, tries to speak and dress in the standard way accepted in his social group; i.e., speaking in the occult language, trying to connect to the group egregor. The inevitable banality of its manifestations will be a sign of inclusion in egregor, i.e. successful study of Venus (and does not at all mean a loss of individuality, as it seems to parents), and, by the way, will become the key to his further successful social, emotional and personal life, which are largely determined by the study of Venus.

Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, but as a planet she gives the socialized aspects of both; in particular, the biological aspects of love and divine love are not ruled by Venus, but by the Moon and Neptune, respectively.

Venus plays a very important role in preparing a person for true religiosity (ruled by Neptune), i.e. perception of higher egregors and vibrations. At a low level of development of the soul, a person practically does not feel them, and his faith, of course, can only be mental (“I believe because people I respect say that there is a God”). At the same time, the social egregor is much lower, its vibrations and energy are tangible for any person, and by strong aesthetic, love and collective experiences, a person can get the first approximate idea of ​​​​what true religiosity and inclusion in higher egregors. It is difficult to feel and love humanity as a whole (although it is easy to talk about it), but true Venusian inclusion, albeit in a small collective, gives a very significant progress along the path of developing religious feeling; it is not only necessary to set limits for oneself by fetishizing one's group or beloved, i.e. profaning the higher egregore by the lower.

In the aesthetic field, Venus again gives a socially oriented view, and individual aesthetic experiences that are completely unrelated to society, coming from the feeling of the higher “I” of a person of the subtle harmony of the Cosmos and evolution, are rather controlled by higher planets, especially Neptune. However, Venus symbolizes the internal principle of human socialization, i.e. his intimate inclusion in society, and, in particular, the impossibility of completely separating a person's personal aesthetics from the social one. Aesthetics gives a fine adjustment of behavior and attitude to the world; it speaks where ethics has long been silent, i.e. the criterion of "good-bad" is much rougher than "beautiful-ugly", and in particular "more harmoniously-less harmoniously". Therefore, developed Venus gives subtle socialization, the ability to listen to the social egregore not with a rough mind (Mercury), but with a subtle aesthetic feeling - a skill that is extremely necessary for diplomats and censors.

In love, Venus gives the first non-biological feeling of connection with another person: love is always love for God, but love according to the Moon is love for a person as a biological being, and love according to Venus is the perception of another person as a social being, which gives an incomparably wider channel to comprehension of true cosmic love. Vibrant flashes of romantic love in adolescence - whether for a partner of the opposite or same sex, a teacher or a movie star - are always socially Venusian in origin; after several successful sexual acts, and especially after the appearance of a family and children, Venus most often imperceptibly concedes its functions to the Moon. Love according to Venus differs from love according to the Moon in much the same way as champagne differs from bread kvass; the latter is also not bad, but does not cause much inspiration. Venusian love implies a certain work of a person in a social egregore, but with strong feelings it is difficult to stay there for a long time, because you really want to turn the space around yourself and not think about anyone else - and this is already a lunar state. Venusian love is characterized by high demands on the aesthetic design of relationships - beautiful gestures, flowers, gifts, poems, or, in extreme cases, rhythmic prose. All this, if it happens sincerely, turns biological feelings into social ones, which means, through a step, into divine ones. God is everywhere, and most importantly His manifestation is love, but you need to see it. And the easiest way to perceive Divine love is through social egregore, where two main feelings are provided for it: Venusian aesthetic experiences and love.

Although Venus implies passive perception, a strong magnetic field of attraction comes from a person who has it strongly turned on at the moment, and this is a very real force broadcast by his social egregor. Energy (especially sexual) is very well transmitted through this field, so getting into it can feel like a strong blow: you begin to be irresistibly drawn to this person, although he apparently does nothing for this and does not even try to do it.

At the first level of the study of Venus, aesthetic feelings, i.e. the ability to see God and cosmic harmony in the surrounding objects and phenomena is very poorly developed, a person is almost indifferent to the external design of his life, as long as it is rather artless. His social egregor means the simplest operational ethics, i.e. the principle that what is beautiful and good is what is useful and functional (more precisely, what is useless is bad, and the concept of “beautiful” is not included in the personal thesaurus at all).

At this level, social ethics is very primitive: a person does not at all feel such subtleties as the mood of the interlocutor or the spirit of the team, and reacts only to direct instructions, threats, or, best of all, physical methods of influence; the latter, however, perceives very well and remembers for a long time. Here the culture of feelings is very low, coarse emotions predominate: anger, hatred, lust, gloating, envy, jealousy, but all this is in completely rigid forms, unambiguously programmed by the social egregore, it is no coincidence that the manifestations of these feelings in different people are so similar.

At this level of study of Venus, love is felt, first of all, as a sexual attraction, due to agreement with the social erotic norm: the lines and proportions of the face and figure defined in a given society as a sexual ideal, gait, manners of behavior in society, etc. In case of disagreement with this norm, the partner is not considered at all as an object of love (although sexual relations with him are possible according to the lunar animal type, and they are even typical for the first level of Venus’s elaboration, since the social erotic ideal is very rare in life, and one can only rely on an unpretentious , at least in aesthetic terms, the Moon: "do not drink water from your face" - a typical lunar saying). And in general, all behavior in love at the first level of Venus’s development is, for the most part, a strict dictate of the partner’s behavior and, in many respects, the person himself: everything must happen according to clear social canons, as is customary in this circle - both in external manifestations and in spiritual life . All non-standard and unforeseen emotions are repressed, suppressed and ignored. Here the social stamps of perception are absolute.

At the second level of study of Venus, the aesthetic feeling still strictly complies with social norms, but begins to play a greater role in a person's life than at the previous level. A person begins to think in terms of "beautiful - ugly", and this becomes an essential circumstance for him, sometimes determining an important choice. Beautiful things, especially prestigious ones, can become the object of almost religious worship and adoration, and this is the maximum religiosity that a given person is capable of; however, with the harmonious aspects of Venus, it is possible to fall into a state of samadhi for a short time.

Here the social ethics is very rigid, but the details are already beginning to differ: the fork should be held in the left hand, and the bones should not be thrown under the table, but put on your plate; in general, rituals and forms acquire conscious significance, including everyday and religious ones, for example, a person can observe church rites with interest, remaining indifferent to religion; if he is a believer, then the beauty of the rite strongly supports his religious feelings.

The inner life already admits many, albeit standard, shades; the world of socially programmed positive feelings opens up; romantic love according to a book or movie stencil, kindness in a narrow sense and not to the detriment of oneself, a feeling of sincere gratitude, the concept and elements of selflessness, etc.; in parallel, a person learns to allow and see these feelings and states also in others.

At this level, a person already adapts relatively well in society, at least in his narrow stratum, and can, especially with a harmonious Venus, receive great satisfaction and joy from social contacts, feeling great unity with the egregor of his group or stratum; the rigidity of management does not bother him.

At the third level of the study of Venus, personal perception is separated from public clichés, some freedom appears in aesthetic and social perception: I can look at how it is accepted in my circle, or I can do it myself. However, this personal aesthetic and social and ethical view is still weak, a person is not sure of the correctness and generally legitimacy of such a way of perceiving and evaluating the surrounding and inner world that is not sanctioned by society. At this level, the aesthetic sense is developed incomparably more strongly and in more detail than at the previous one; a person begins to see details that are not noticed by the public aesthetic consciousness, and it seems to him that they, and even whole works of art, are, as it were, addressed to him personally, which creates a qualitatively different aesthetic sensation, which can already be called pleasure. With a strong inclusion in the aesthetic egregore, artistic or literary creativity becomes possible here. The ethics of social contacts becomes flexible, a person feels well not only the unwritten rules of behavior in his circle, but also the boundaries in which these rules can be violated by the originality of his charming personality. This person is pleasant, socially interesting (i.e. everyone willingly invites him to visit and semi-formal meetings, social events, etc.) and is perceived as beautiful; in any case, it looks nice and original. The inner emotional life begins to be evaluated from ethical and aesthetic positions; this person will consider some of his feelings and spiritual movements to be wrong, inappropriate or ugly and will try to get rid of them, at first by inept suppression. In addition, a person discovers that his emotional state greatly affects his environment and that by broadcasting soft Venusian radiation - for example, a soft smile and intonation, beautiful clothes, posture and movements - one can easily achieve many significant results that are difficult to achieve by others, for example, direct activity of Mars. In love, this person can rise to great heights of creative inspiration, to some annoyance of his beloved, who most likely counts on more earthly manifestations of his feelings than magnificent odes and even elegies. Only at this level can Venusian love become truly unselfish; and a person can perceive the object more or less as it is, at least with its individual characteristics that do not go through the censorship of social clichés.

At the fourth level of the study of Venus, the aesthetic principle begins to displace the ethical in its narrow social understanding. Now a person is less dependent on social aesthetic and ethical norms, although he is aware of them and constantly has in mind; however, social templates for him are often narrow and almost always insufficient, since his ethics and aesthetics must be much more precise, and they are determined directly by the egregore leading the person, often bypassing the social ones. At this level, a person must constantly live beautifully and accurately, and his requirements for himself are much higher than those established by society, but people usually do not notice this. It’s just that a person is strongly drawn to him, it’s very pleasant to look at him, no matter what he does or says, it seems that you can immediately shoot a feature film from him. At the same time, it is difficult to get close to him, you feel as if you are not clean enough. On the other hand, contact with such a person leads to inner purification and causes a strong desire to become better, more harmonious inside and more beautiful on the outside.

At the fourth level of the study of Venus, a person can work directly in the social egregore. On a material level, this means that its ethical and aesthetic influences are so strong that they become fashionable and change the perception of the world among large groups of people; these are major artists, publicists, public figures, rarely politicians. In the inner life, a person learns to distinguish between feelings and emotions induced by the public subconscious, and, so to speak, his personal ones, and not to depend on either one or the other, but to control them at will in order to achieve the most adequate behavior in the social environment. These are actors of a very high class, pursuing not egoistic, but evolutionary goals, in particular, practical spiritual teachers.

Venus symbolizes a beautiful or showy woman, emphatically not a motherly or non-sisterly figure. For men, this can be a lover, but socially emphasized as not a wife, for a woman - a love affair, where she will act in the social role of a lover (it doesn’t matter, with a man or a woman), or, with the defeat of Venus, a rival.

Venus rules Libra and Taurus. From Libra, Venus receives an intuitive sense of higher harmony, the ability to feel the proportionality of parts and the aesthetics of the development of complex processes, from Taurus - a wonderful earthly, tangible impact on the world around; her motto is "what is beautiful is real".

Venus culminates in Pisces. From Pisces, developed Venus receives squeamishness, the ability to adapt to any situation and find aesthetics and adequate, or at least acceptable, ethics when it seems impossible in principle.

The situation of Venus is in its purest form at a classical music concert and at a mathematical seminar on the theory of Galois or algebraic numbers; main features: exact harmony, proportionality and balance of parts, accentuation on the aesthetic moment; high appreciation in this social circle and inaccessibility to the rest of humanity.

Venus reigns at magnificent performances, balls and concerts, shines at ballet and opera, smiles at holidays and carnivals, triumphs in museums. She (sometimes along with Mars) leads in her lower octave scenes of jealousy, which are caused by the social subconscious to a much greater extent than one would like to think.

Venus rules at social gatherings, where one must say exactly what is required, in high society parlors and at diplomatic receptions, official banquets and the like. Venus shines on lovers at the first time of their feelings, and she, but with her other light, illuminates their break and parting. Unrequited and unrequited love also goes under Venus, in contrast to mutual, which quickly transforms into a lunar one. Venus is ruled by love for science, art, social activities, but not for the homeland and family (the Moon is the mistress here). Charity and mercy can be ruled by both Venus and the Moon, depending on the shades and methods of their design - it will be useful for the reader to think about this for himself and write down his thoughts in the textbook, on the following lines left free.

The man of Venus, in whose chart this planet is stronger than the others, will be very closely connected with the public consciousness and subconsciousness. The ethics and aesthetics prevailing in his social stratum will fascinate him; depending on the aspects of Venus, he will either completely obey them, or fight desperately with them, but it will be very difficult for him to treat them calmly and develop his personal aesthetic criteria and ethical rules, although the people around him are in great need of it.

Beauty and feelings, especially socially valued, will play a big role in his life. Most likely, he will not only love painting, poetry, music, but he will also draw and play several musical instruments, not to mention poetry. He will judge many, perhaps too many things from an aesthetic point of view: “I didn’t like this person, he has too crooked ears.” Perhaps behind these too crooked ears there is a flaw in the moral character? A person of Venus can receive information in this way, but he must learn to read his aesthetic signs, and this is not easy. Venusian laziness and exactingness to the environment must be turned into diligence and strictness towards oneself, for which one will have to delve into one’s inner world and understand that the beauty of the soul is expressed mainly in constant impartial attention and is embodied in precise actions performed at the right moments. time.

For a man of Venus, to live means to love, but lunar love is boring to him. In case of defeat, the career of Don Juan or Manon Lescaut is possible, but, of course, in the social environment where our hero rotates. In any case, there will be a lot of love in his life, he will be loved by women, men and entire teams, but not always those and in the way he would like; however, he himself will for a very long time experience from time to time the characteristic excitement of the heart. Venusian love comes, as a rule, suddenly, and always forever - at least, so the heart promises.

Weak Venus gives difficulties in social contacts; a person hardly perceives the unwritten laws of his stratum and the group in which he moves. He is not accepted “with a bang” in companies, but if he takes the trouble to smile more often and listen carefully to what they say to him, he can even get into quite elite layers if he wants. In general, the weakness of the planet means the non-violence of karma: a person must choose whether to develop the principle of this planet or not. But in principle, weak Venus is little interested in human contacts as such, and the thought of a new acquaintance or the prospect of going out into the world does not warm her in itself. This person does not emphasize the aesthetic aspects of life; he, most likely, will not pay attention to the beauty of an old mansion or the color of a sunset; he also does not understand how you can run after a woman just because she has beautiful legs. It is easier for him to think in rigid ethical terms than in vague and floating (for him) aesthetic criteria. The expression "beautiful gesture" in his mouth has a purely negative meaning, it is difficult for him to perceive beauty in life without attracting pragmatic considerations. He is aesthetically unpretentious and not inclined to adorn himself (appearance, speech, manners, etc.); at high levels of development of Venus, he, nevertheless, will do this, but with the aim of pleasing (and perhaps aesthetically developing) those around him.

Internally, he feels like an outsider in this world, especially during social contacts. Love with a social flavor, romantic, not meant to have offspring as soon as possible, will visit him rarely or never, and in any case will arouse weak feelings; but there will be no accompanying negative affects (jealousy, melancholy). For a developed personality, this is even good, because it does not divert attention from a more elevated love for one's people or all of humanity (Moon) or for God (Neptune). At a low level, however, Venus is replaced by the Moon, and a person can be very bored, just as he is bored with others and in general in social, but not exclusively biological situations.

Harmonious Venus enjoys constant social success; people generally love her. It is pleasant to talk to her, she knows how to listen, inserting short pertinent remarks from time to time: “Oh, how true”, “extraordinarily interesting”, “what a deep thought, I would never have thought”, or simply “Oh, learning!”. Trines to the Moon and the Ascendant often give external beauty, efficiency, or, in any case, the possibility of creating an appropriate external image. Love for art and its good perception, the ability not to see the ugliness of people and life. The propensity for romantic love, the ability to beautifully court and accept courtship, harmony and social alignment of the corresponding emotions. In general, family and group conformism, it is very difficult to decide to go against society, and even more difficult to go against it. Strong germination of social and group ethics into the personal subconscious, and it is very difficult for a person to figure out whether he really considers this and that to be right or wrong, acceptable or not, or is it the tips of a social egregore. In an undeveloped version, harmonious Venus gives laziness, identification with society, attitude to someone else's love as a given (position: “would he dare not love me!”), Social vampirism (position: “I make you all happy with my very presence, so please entertain me”) and, ultimately, the loss of social moral sense. Elaboration gives artistic and artistic talents, the gift of constructive communication with people, diplomatic abilities, the ability to gently manage the team and regulate its karma, shaping the ethics and aesthetics of the public subconscious. Around this person, roses always seem to bloom, with the additional quality of a deodorant.

Affected Venus gives a pronounced anti-social perception. The public consciousness and subconsciousness actively do not suit a person, but this can be expressed in different ways, depending on the card as a whole. A developed afflicted Venus gives a heightened social conscience and the ability to constructively deal with the most acute social problems and even fill in the most gaping gaps in the ethics of a social egregor. An undeveloped struck Venus can give social nihilism (active or passive), rebellion, attempts to defend one's undeveloped personality from the encroachments of a vile society with a thick wall of brick selfishness, etc., depending on the position of Venus in the sign, house and its aspects.

Relations with people are built with difficulty, although the beginning can be the most stormy and cloudless (squares at their first manifestation often look like trines - fate traps a person with a gingerbread, in the middle of which there is a steel hook). With poor elaboration - high demands on others, on their ethics, manners and appearance (sometimes this is forced out of consciousness, but aesthetic capriciousness will be necessary), if there are oppositions - mental projections of their aesthetic and ethical shortcomings on partners and society as a whole. When working through, on the contrary, the requirements for personal ethics and aesthetics increase, a person begins to look for guilt and the cause in himself in all disharmonious situations.

The aesthetics are either very original, unlike anything else, or with a clear anti-social orientation (hippies, etc.); when working out it is interesting, in its absence, most often, ugly. It is very difficult for an artist or writer with afflicted Venus to create, for him the torments of creativity are quite real torments; often there is no inspiration for a long time or it is such that it would be better if there was none at all. It is necessary to look, albeit with difficulty, for creative ways of cooperation with the social egregore, otherwise overloading the psyche can lead to a madhouse.

There will be a lot of love, or rather, the accompanying troubles and torments; in relations with people, a person has, as they say, a difficult character. However, he can become hardened and consciously exploit the love of others for selfish purposes - then (he hopes) they will work on his struck Venus. In reality, however, each person lives according to his own map, and the reluctance to voluntarily work through tense aspects narrows the already not very spacious walls of the labyrinth of karma.

♀ Venus in the houses of the horoscope ♀ Venus in the 1st house

Such a person has a cheerful character and a good disposition. He is happy, as he actively shows beauty, harmony, intuition and balance. Enjoys life, likes to dress beautifully, loves to be pampered by others. He strives for beauty in the surroundings and..

♀ Venus in 2nd house

Such a person knows how to earn money, likes to be pleased with himself and is able to succeed, so he can be safely considered as a person happy and satisfied with his life. Public position is of great importance to him, so he..

♀ Venus in 3rd house

The childhood of such a person is harmonious and bright. He treats relatives and neighbors well, easily reaches a compromise, is peaceful and sensitive in understanding the positions of other people. He has a refined intellect and is able to express himself well. Loves..

♀ Venus in 4th house

Such a person adores his parents, as a rule, they are wealthy people. A well-ordered family life is of great importance to him. He loves to please people and is highly sensitive to everything that happens in his life.

♀ Venus in 5th house

The love affairs of such a person are happy and successful. Children give him a lot of pleasure, and exchange transactions are most often completed successfully. He loves art and has many creative abilities. He is distinguished by natural talent as an actor.

♀ Venus in 6th house

Such a person develops excellent relationships with colleagues, as he is inclined to provide everyone with services and provide assistance. He wants others to respect his special habits. Often works in a women's team. Labor is associated with art, in..

A person's zodiac sign is the constellation in which the Sun was at the time of his birth. However, in the characterization of a person, not only the solar symbol plays a role, but also the position of other planets on the day a person is born. Each celestial body has its own “field of activity”. The sign of Venus determines the love feelings and experiences of the character, his ability to give and receive love.

Responsibility of Venus in the fate of man

In ancient mythology, Venus was attributed responsibility for two spheres. This is love and wisdom. Modern astrology agrees with the ancients. The position of this celestial body in the natal chart of a person accurately determines his sensuality, the nature of love experiences and sexuality.

Venus is the goddess of love, so the constellation in which this planet was on a person’s birthday will describe his temperament in love affairs. In addition, the responsibility of the symbol lies in the propensity for sensual pleasures, the love of fun and the manifestation of sympathy by a person.

But the position of Venus, like any other planet, in the sky is unstable. The trajectory of the star alternately affects all 12 signs of the zodiac series. By visiting each symbol, Venus endows those born during this period with a unique feeling of love. The planet trains its pets to listen to the voice of the heart and emotions. The sphere of activity of the heavenly "goddess of love" is spirituality and everything connected with it.

Venus in the signs of the zodiac

You also need to enter in the cell the exact time of birth. You will also need a location, that is, a city or the nearest large settlement.

Such detailed information is needed in order to determine in which constellation the planets were at the time of the birth of a person. In this case, the projection of the starry sky from different points of the Earth will have a different look, so information about the place of birth is also needed.

As a rule, the basic information about the date you are looking for is known to everyone. But often a person does not know at what hour he was born. In this case, it is advised to specify the time midnight. If you enter 00:00 in the field, the calculated zodiac sign will have an accuracy of 90%. You can also calculate the location of celestial bodies using special tables.

Hot Fire element

Entering various constellations, Venus endows people born at this time with unique features. So, each character changes this characteristic depending on its element.

Being in the constellations of Fire, Venus takes on an energetic and impulsive coloring. The owners of such a planet, as a rule, tend to idealize love and their feelings. These are leaders, because the fiery element endows them pronounced craving for dominance.

Light element Air

The formation of a person’s character is influenced not only by the sun sign, but also by the position of other celestial bodies. Militancy and rivalry depend on Mars. Emotionality is determined by the Moon. Depending on which sign (it is not difficult to calculate) the loving Venus will be in, a person’s ability to show his feelings to others will be determined.

The most controversial characteristic is the element of Air. Visiting the air constellations, Venus brings to the character of her pets not only lightness, but also windiness. Instability is the key word in the description of the owner air planet of love.

  • Twins. If a person managed to calculate Venus in the horoscope and get it in Gemini, an extraordinary adventure awaits him, whose name is love. The sign is characterized by friendliness and an extraordinary craving for communication. Therefore, in a relationship, he is primarily looking for a friend and ally. It is somewhat unstable, like any air sign, so changes in alliance with it cannot be avoided. The plans of the symbol are rapidly changing. Today he wants to start a family, and tomorrow he flies to the other hemisphere of the planet. Geminis are sociable and inquisitive. If Venus in Gemini fell to a woman, then the birth of twins is not excluded.
  • Scales. In this constellation, Venus finds peace. Pets of this combination are sociable and friendly. Delicate diplomats and competent debaters. The sign knows how to get around a sharp corner and avoid conflict. In a relationship, he is exemplarily devoted and selfless. The attention of the opposite sex does not prevent them from remaining faithful to their soul mate. For the sake of love, ready for anything. This is especially true of the habit of overspending, spending money on chic gestures and conquering the chosen one. They do not differ in decisiveness, therefore they often need a wise mentor.
  • Aquarius. A bright and eccentric sign gives all solar signs a heightened love of freedom. This is a nature that is afraid of affection, so she is skeptical about relationships. But without love experiences she cannot imagine life, which is why her connections are fleeting. Nevertheless, this person leaves a very positive impression. Sweeping through someone's life like a whirlwind, the extravagant Aquarius necessarily changes the worldview of his "victim". This is the wind of change and freedom, enclosed in the human form. He believes in a happy ending, so he does not get tired of looking for his karmic soul mate. Fortunately, sooner or later he succeeds.

Constellations of the elements of the Earth

Having learned where Venus was, in what sign, it is not difficult to calculate the characteristics of a person. If at the time of birth she was in the sign of the Earth, then the character will have an amazing life path. Earth signs are sedate and stable. They are alien to the vanity and excitement. That's how they become in love pets of earthly Venus.

Love water zodiac signs

Visiting the constellations of the Water element, Venus strengthens the craving of any person for emotional experiences. Elements are characterized by sensitivity in its strongest manifestation. Water signs are experiencing not only their own emotions, but also the feelings of others.

The ability to love and receive love depends on the position of Venus in the sign of the Zodiac. By date of birth, you can accurately determine what qualities a person possesses. Astrologers tend to predict the love relationships of the owners of Venus in various constellations.

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